American English

By moc.nsm@panam_cam

Published on Aug 8, 2009


Hello, hello.

So... again, I'm incredibly sorry for the long delay in getting this chapter posted. Since I got home from university all I have done is work. I have less than a month until I go back and I haven't really done anything exciting at all. So there hasn't been a lot of time to get stuff done, including writing.

This chapter is going to be the first of a new style in the story. Before, the chapters have generally been around ten pages long on Word. However, I have decided to reduce the length of each chapter as to make it less demanding to write and also, hopefully, ensure that I can post the segments more frequently.

This chapter is also...well... It's not like the other ones I have written. I'm not so sure about how it's gone. We'll soon see with any feedback I may receive.

Anyway... Enjoy the read. And I'll keep those of you who ask informed of how the story is going.

Take care. -H. Mac

This story is entirely fictional. Well probably not- it's likely I plagiarised some parts of it inadvertently, but that's just the way life goes sometimes. If this bothers you- give a fuck? There's plenty of stuff to read out there so bugger off and find something else!

If it is illegal for you to read this in your community, then I advise you to leave. Although, to be honest I really don't give a rat's arse about it. If you wanna do something do it. Don't let the man get you down! Unless you like that kinda thing... lol.

In the meantime...



Chapter Ten. Texas Heat.

I couldn't believe what had just happened. Clay led me all the way to his car, opened the door and gestured for me to get in. His face was... I don't know the right words to describe it. It didn't read as angry. Neither shock nor worry. But chilled, delighted or enthused it sure wasn't either. He jumped into the driver's seat, turned the key and drove off of the school's grounds. I could see some kids standing by the school gates watching, no doubt in disbelief on what they had just seen.

I didn't know how if I should have asked where we were going or what he was thinking. I just sat there. Speechless. Clay had just kissed me in front of God knows how many people in the courtyard. And in case that wasn't clear, he proceeded to inform everyone that we were together. Boyfriends.

You know, had I been asked a year ago- hell, even a few months ago- if I'd even considered the thought of having a boyfriend, I would have either laughed in your face or tried to work out if it was a serious question. I'd never thought of a guy as anything other than just a mate. The idea of gay sex, of being that intimate with a guy, well it hadn't exactly ever done anything for me. The idea had genuinely never really crossed my mind. Yet, here I was...sitting beside this stud. My stud. My boyfriend. Someone who turned me on like no one ever had. A guy who made me feel things I couldn't have even dreamt up.

Did this make me bisexual? I'd often pondered that over the last month or so. Did I need a label? Why do we insist on categorising people? Can I not just be with someone who I'm completely into, who I cannot stop thinking about, who just happens to be of the male gender without it leading to a tag to define my whole being?

Clay pulled the car into an empty car park. The engine died into silence and there we sat, the events from the last few hours rolling around our heads. Glancing at Clay now and then didn't cause him to make eye contact with me. His stare was fixed straight ahead, into the car park...into nothing.

Looking around, I didn't recognise the lot we were in, but it seemed strange that there would be literally no cars at this time in the afternoon. The only evidence of there being life around us was the distant sound of traffic from a main road.

Unbuckling his seat belt, Clay stepped out of the car and began to pace around the vehicle, one way and then the other. Eventually he stopped on my side, leaning against the car, until finally:

"So..." He quietened up.

"`So...' what?" I questioned him.

"Did that actually happen? Like... Everything?"


"'s out there?"

"Err...Yeah. I guess it is." I followed Clay's realisation in my head; that was it. We were out.

"They all know? The school, I mean. It's...all over?" He asked. I was beginning to wonder about his state of mind.

" now? The gossiping would have taken over. So, definitely. Yes. They all know."

Clay looked down at me, the first time he had looked me in the eye since he kissed me on the school grounds around twenty minutes earlier. Surprisingly, his face burst into a smile. He leapt from his stance against the car and began whooping, punching the air and gesticulating wildly.

"So I'm guessing you're pretty happy about this then?" I asked him somewhat sarcastically.

"Happy about it? Baby..." He ran over to my door, pulled it open and hoisted me out of my seat. Luckily I had already unstrapped my belt or the result would have probably involved some pain. Face-to-face, he smiled even brighter than before, outshining even the sun, I thought. "Jay, we're free! Man! We're good! It's so good! We can be together for real now and not worry about anyone else. It's over."

He leaned in for a kiss, but I pushed him back a little. He remained smiling. "Don't worry, baby, we're all clear here anyway. No one around." He leaned in once more, but was met by my hands forcing him back, breaking his hold of me. I stepped back and walked around the car to put some distance between us.

"We need to talk, Clay."

His smile faded almost instantaneously, lost somewhere in the darkness. "I don't like the sound of this. Are you annoyed because I told everyone? It just happened, Jake. I probably should have talked it over with you first, but-"

"You didn't out us, Clay. LeAnn did. Can't say I'm all that surprised to be honest. I always thought she would let something slip. But I don't care about that. It doesn't bother me that everyone knows. Not right now."

"Well...then what?"

"You. Clay, what the hell was that today? As soon as we got to school, you started acting like you didn't even know me. I felt like we had gone back a couple of months. And then the whole thing with Chrissie? Kissing her right in front of me? And you did nothing!"

He tried walking towards me but I made sure the car was always in between us. I'd like to think it was more for his own protection; I wanted to kick the crap out of him. Not that I could take him in a fight. I hadn't the last couple of times.

"I didn't know she was going to kiss me. I was in shock. I just froze up. I'm sorry, Jay."

"Sorry? You didn't even check to see if I was okay. You just left me there with your fucking crutches while you went and hung out with that slut!"

He didn't say anything, but just stood there by the boot of the car. He turned to lean against the back, his head down.

"I fucked up," he said, loud enough for me to hear. "I know I did. I didn't know what to do, I promise you that Jacob. I just... I froze. Y'know? This isn't as easy as I thought it was gonna be. I wanted to come and sit with you but...I just didn't want the hassle of people asking and commenting about it. I guess it's easier to say one thing and do another."

Clay turned around to face me once more. "I'm sorry, Jay. Truly." He began advancing towards me slowly. I didn't move away.

"What you did, Clay... You hurt me."

"I know. I'm so sorry. Believe me when I say that I don't ever want to hurt you." He was only a couple of feet away from me now. "You mean so much to me, Jay." He reached his hands out and took mine in them. "Let me make it up to you."

He looked into my eyes, and I felt the hairs tingle on the back of my neck in the warm desert heat of Texas. He moved in closer, reaching one hand to my face. I could see his eyes were holding back tears. He stroked his thumb over my cheek. "I love you, Jacob."

"Huh?" I said, barely louder than a whisper.

"I'm in love with you, Jake. I love you."

Not once did his eyes move from mine. So soft, innocent, kind. I felt my knees shaking, desperate to buckle. I couldn't control myself. I smiled long before I realised my face had moved. And before I even thought of the words, they drifted out of me.

"I love you too, Clay."

He smiled back before moving in to kiss me. The sweetest, warmest, most passionate kiss you could imagine. It lasted for days, weeks... It was incredible. I could have sworn I could hear music playing in my ears. The world got brighter and I felt lighter than...well it doesn't matter. Swept off my feet had never rung more true to me before.

Clay pulled me closer to his body as I brought him in tighter. I pushed him back against the bonnet of the car so I was leaning on top of him. I felt his hands roam down my sweating back under the hot sun. His strong hands rested on my backside. He grabbed my cheeks, rubbing them while pulling me deeper into his body. Our dicks grew hard as they rubbed against each other through the fabric of our clothes.

Clay suddenly broke the kiss, a serious look in his eyes.

"Let's get out of here... My parents aren't home. My house is empty."

I gulped. I knew what he was thinking. It's strange that we had never talked about it before. Neither of us pushed the other into doing more whenever we made out. I didn't know what to say. Was I ready? Before I could decide, I hoisted myself off of Clay, standing over him. Without saying a word I reached out my hand for him to take hold of.

The drive back to Clay's house was quiet; our hands remained joined for most of the journey. Clay led me into the house, a gentle smile on his face. Nothing was said as the large door behind us snapped shut, nor as he led me on the long journey to his room, still our hands remaining unbroken. When we reached his door, Clay stopped and turned to face me. He still had the warm smile on his face; sincere and loving.

"Are you sure... Sure you wanna do this?" He asked me.

I pondered the question. I looked into Clay's eyes and his face. My hand reached for the door handle and I walked inside the room. Stopping by his bed, I turned back to face him. I sat. I smiled. He followed.

As soon as the door was closed Clay was on top of me as we began kissing frantically. He held my face tightly in his hands while mine groped and rubbed his back. The afternoon sun streamed in through the window, a light, warm breeze bringing in the humid air. It was incredibly hot in Clay's room. Sweat began to stream down my face and Clay's back. My thoughts were on the guy in my hands who had begun to kiss my neck gently. Uncontrolled moans, soft, rushed from my mouth without any warning.

Clay sat up on top of me, removed his shirt and tugged mine off. We looked to one another as I stroked his sweaty, chiselled body; his hard abs and perfect chest.

"You know, that tickles," he smiled.

"You shouldn't have told me that. I could use that to my advantage." He just laughed as he took hold of my roaming hand and began to play with it.

"I love you, Jay." He continued as I grinned broadly. "Man, I never get tired of saying that."

"Good. Because I like to hear you say it," I pulled him back to me with the hand he was clasping. Our kissing resumed as we began to explore more of each other. My hands groped and pulled at Clay's arse while his hand moved to the fastenings on my jeans.

"Last...chance to...pull out...of this," he said while still kissing me. The hands groping his backside responded by pushing under his clothing. My palms and fingers grasped the soft skin of Clay's arse cheek for the first time... and man did it feel good.

Before I knew it, Clay was pulling off my jeans, leaving me in my tightening boxers. He crawled to the end of the bed to help release my legs from the material. As soon as I was free I moved my feet so that they were rubbing against Clay's groin. He was a rock, a metal pipe.

"You like that?" He asked me. I just laughed at him.

"Man, you're so corny! And yes... Take them off."

I watched as he slowly began unbuttoning his trousers, all the time watching me. Pushing down his trousers, I saw that his boxers were trailing with them too. He stood up straight as he kicked them off, displaying himself to me completely.

Never has there been someone sexier than this guy. His short dark hair and big brown eyes, his modestly charming smile complete with dimples. The broad shoulders stretched wide with his kissable, perfect pecs. His subtle, but well-defined abs cut into that amazing `V' shape, pointing like an arrow down to his manhood, complete with a lightly applied treasure-trail.

He continued to stare at me as his hand massaged down his glistening body, stroking along his engorged penis and cupping his hanging ball sack. Fortunately Clay wasn't porn star-big. I liked that he wasn't, although he could definitely carry his own. I hadn't exactly had a lot of experience with dicks, but his was... a turn on, to say the least. It protruded from his groin, straight and hard. He saw me staring and began to flex the member.

I began laughing. "Impressive."

"Yeah... I know. I'm pretty amazing." He grabbed his shaft and began to slowly play with himself. "So... Your turn?"

I gulped. I was about to reveal myself for the first time. I sat up and pulled at the elastic around my underwear. "No going back now," I whispered and I slowly forced the fabric down. I couldn't take my eyes off of Clay as I removed the last piece of clothing from my body. I loved the look on his face...the look of shock, pleasure, and a small smile all rolled into one.

"Wow..." He said. If I wasn't so flustered already my face would have glowed red. "You're... You're perfect, Jay."

"Yeah...I know. I'm pretty amazing," I chuckled. He laughed back at me as he began to crawl up the bed.

"I'll say." He was finally level with me, looking straight into my eyes. We groaned simultaneously as our hard dicks touched for the first time. "I love you," he told me as he brushed my hair out of my face. We kissed again, more passionately, Clay grinding gently against me.

Slowly, so slowly, Clay began to kiss my neck, making me moan with every touch. I felt as he slid down my body, kissing my chest and licking my nipples. The sensation threw me. I wasn't sure if I liked it or not, but it made me quiver as he continued to venture south. His tongue danced over my stomach and dug into my belly button... I could feel Clay's chin rub against the lower shaft of my stiff penis.

His hand grasped my pole and he looked up at me once more before his tongue reached out to lick my head.

An explosion erupted as I received my first blow job. I felt like I could have climaxed there and then. I had never felt such pleasure. That was until I felt his mouth engulf most of my length.

"" I breathed heavily. My heart raced as the excitement caused the sweat to run down my heated body. Instinctively my hand reached for the back of his head, pulling back on to my dick. I didn't want this to end.

Clay kept releasing me from his mouth so he could lick around the shaft, and then down to my balls which he kissed gently. His teasing sent goose bumps all over my body. "Clay..." I kept moaning aloud.

After what seemed to be an age, Clay crept back up to me where I could taste myself in his mouth as his tongue reached out to meet mine. "That was incredible baby..." I smiled as I looked at him. I pulled him back in for a kiss and then forced him over on to his back. "I wanna do the same for you."

I followed Clay's initial path, kissing down his neck and playing with his nipples and stomach with my tongue. It wasn't long before I was eye-to-eye with his rock-hard dick. Nervousness swept over me as I took it in my hand and began to stroke. It felt so much like my own, yet so different. I suddenly felt very sexy, very horny knowing I was controlling Clay's pleasure. I continued to gently play with his dick as my tongue reached out to tickle his balls. Luckily there wasn't a lot of hair to fight through. Like me, Clay kept himself neatly trimmed in his pubic area. The skin was soft as it rolled over my tongue. I felt Clay's thighs tighten and contract as my tongue became more playful. He gasped when I took his first testicle into my mouth. Again when I began to suck on the second.

His groaning increased as I began to lick along the thick shaft, all the way up to the end of his cut penis. I circled the head gently before I leaned down and began to suck on his dick.

The taste was... peculiar. It didn't really taste like anything. Almost like sucking on a finger, only bigger. However, it was the way which he reacted which spurred me on. I loved knowing that his moaning and uncontrollable tensing was caused by how I was making him feel.

Clay then did something I hadn't expected.

I acquired a decent rhythm to sucking him off when his legs began to raise up off the bed. His dick was pulled from my mouth and I looked up to see that he was holding his thighs against his chest. He looked at me, seriously and lovingly, and then spoke.

"Jacob... I want to feel you inside of me... I want you inside me, baby. I want you to make love to me... Please."

I swear, I could have blown there and then.

"You want me fuck you?"

"Yes... Please..."

Wow, I thought. Here we were, I had just had Clay's dick in my mouth and mine in his, yet I hadn't even considered what would happen next. I never expected Clay to be the one to want to get fucked first, to be the bottom. This hot, studly jock... It was a serious turn on, though still surprising.

"Surprised?" He chuckled lightly. "I can tell from the look on your face; you weren't expecting me to say that were you?" He lowered his legs slightly so they were resting on me.

"Yeah... A little, actually."

"Well, if you want to know. I've thought about this many times and... Every time I've always wanted to feel you inside me. It surprised me too. I've never done anything with a girl, and anytime I thought of that...well, I only had the one option of being the top. But now I'm here with you and all I want is to feel you so deep inside me... It's so sexy to think about that. Really gets me going... Baby, I want you inside me." And with that, he reached his hands forward and grabbed a hold of my neck to pull me down to meet his waiting lips.

"Make love to me, Jacob," he whispered so seductively before he kissed me again.

Using lube Clay kept for his `private time', as he called it, I readied myself to enter Clay. My heart raced as I lined myself up to Clay's arsehole. He looked at me longingly, indicating that he was ready for me.

I pushed.

I don't think I have ever felt something so tight. I wasn't even sure if I was getting anywhere until I looked down to see that my head had disappeared inside of Clay. I looked back up to see him, wondering if I was hurting him, but nothing like that at all read on Clay's face. His eyes were closed, but concentrated. Determined, even. I slowed down some more, and eventually stopped, only to be met with his demands.

"No. Don't stop..." He took in a deep breath. I can handle it, Jay. It feels good, baby. Please... don't stop."

I was nearly all the way in when he let out a long moan. Again, I was worried I was hurting him, until he let out some more. "Mmm... Feels so good inside me, baby. Please don't stop. Keep going." The more he spoke like that the closer I got, and I very nearly released my load deep inside of him.

Clay opened his eyes as the last inch passed the entrance to his hole. My stomach massaged against his balls and I felt Clay's hands stretch down my back and grab at my arse. He pulled me in deeper. I thought he was trying to push my nuts in there as well.

"Fuck... Jake... This feels so good. Stay there a bit before you pull out." He continued to moan. "I love that you're inside me right now, Jay."

I leaned down to kiss him. The heat radiated from his face as I got close. His breath was short and shallow. He was so sexy. And I loved him. Everything about him. Nothing in my life had felt as good as that moment. Knowing that we were now one, physically and emotionally connected... I know it's corny but I can't help it.

"I love you, so much, Clay," I said, breaking the kiss for a moment. I then began to pull out of him, slowly, but it wasn't long before he was pulling me back in.

We continued like that for a while... I slowly pulled out of him as he forced me back in, all the while kissing. I had never felt or known such passion. I felt his hard body against mine... his chiselled pecs and abs as I grinded his arse slowly.

I picked up the pace a little, reaching around to take hold of his arse-clenching hands. Holding them in mine, I moved them up the bed, pinning him beneath me with my own hands and my hard dick. His legs wrapped around my back, as he broke the kiss slightly, smiling, and said softly: "Fuck me harder."

And so I did. I raised myself up a little, still holding his hands in mine, and I began to rock back and forth, in and out of his tight hole faster and harder. With every thrust Clay moaned and the harder I pushed the louder he got.

Nothing was as sexy as hearing him say, in his deep, Texan accent, "Mmm...yeah, baby. That's it, Jay... Fuck me harder baby! Please fuck me harder!"

Soon enough the sweat was dripping off of me like a leaking tap as I power-fucked him as hard and as fast as I could. I was now holding on to Clay and the bed for support as I railed the bed against the wall with every push inside of the jock below me. Clay's hands roamed everywhere as his moans grew louder and louder... He played with my chest and nipples, grabbed at my arse to fuck him harder, and played with his steel-pipe of a dick.

"Right there! Right there! Don't stop fucking me!! Oh my god! Oh my GOD!!" He turned me on more and more with every word. "Fuck me! Fuck me, Jake!! I wanna feel your load inside me! Please..."

I could feel the finish approaching... the last stretch, when suddenly I felt his arse tighten hard as he clenched down with his orgasm. His shouting filled the room as his load erupted from the end of his solid dick.

"Fuck me!!"

"Oh my god, Clay... Clay... I'm gonna... I'm gonna..." I didn't get a chance to complete my sentence before I felt myself explode deep inside of him.

Everything seemed to go white, and quiet. I blacked out a little I think. I just remember lying there, still with my dick inside Clay, my head resting on his chest, his arms around my back, neither of us saying a word.

He kissed my head and said, for the hundredth time that afternoon, "I love you, Jacob."

I looked up at him and expressed the same feelings to him. Finally, I pulled my softened dick out of him, rolled over onto my back, and felt him snuggle up against me. Exhausted and sweaty, we drifted off, Clay resting against me while I nestled my head in his hair.

A perfect moment, with a perfect guy... My perfect guy.

Life, it seemed, was perfect.

So... Sex scenes aren't really my forte. I haven't exactly had... a lot of experience... at all. So writing something you emotionally and physically have no connection to... Not that simple. Apologies for that.

Anyway, hope to have the next chapter out soon. All the best in the mean time.

While chapter ten takes it's time creating itself, here are a few things you might wanna peruse over:


My FAVOURITE story! Sexy and intelligent. Interesting, thought-provoking. Awesome.



(I edit this story. It's very good!)





Unfortunately I don't think this writer is continuing this story as he hasn't posted anything since August '08. But you never know...





Not sexy like some others but definitely an amazing read.



This is a hugely long story. It's based on real life occurrences, as far as I know, and is excellently written.






Brilliantly written. Kinda like mine but backwards.

Let me know what you think of them! And my own of course!

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Thanks again.


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