
By Evan Bradley (Evan Bradely, Scriptor55)

Published on Apr 8, 2002


The following fictional story deals with sex among males. If you are offended by such material, are too young, or reside in an area where it is not allowed, depart. Though not observed in this story, care enough about yourself and humankind to practice safe sex.

The author retains all rights. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the author's consent.

Chapter 30 Deepening Configurations

As I left the main office the next morning after picking up my mail, I glanced out the glassed main entrance to the school. Troy, Susan, and Cody had alighted from Troy's car. He swooped one long arm around Susan's waist and another around Cody's waist, pulling them up against him and treating them to that dazzling, dimpled smile. They were chattering away as though there had never been a tempest through which they had just passed. Troy and Cody seemed to relate to each other naturally as though no slight had occurred at the ballgame. Whatever rapprochement Troy made to Susan after he had left my home last night had put that loving light back in her eyes. It confirmed my belief in Troy's leadership abilities but more - his genuine concern for those he loved and the esteem and love in which these people held each other.

At midmorning, when I was coming back from the restroom during a class break, I ran into Jim Belton in the hall. "Hey Jim. Ron and I really enjoyed being with Miles and you the night of the ballgame. Think you guys would ever like to go out to dinner with us some evening?"

"Miles and I talked after the ballgame about how much we enjoyed it too. Ron's nice. Easy to talk to. So yeah, we'd like to have dinner with you guys. You want to talk to Miles or should I?"

"Why don't you talk to him? You'll probably see him before I do."

"Maybe Miles, Ron, you and I could have dinner at my farm one weekend."

"Hey, that'd be great! I've grown curious about this mysterious farm. I really want to see it. I have all these great images of the place that my imagination has spun out."

"Oh, not everyone thinks it's so great. My wife didn't. She wanted to live in the city. Hated the farm. I married her because a farm needs a farm wife - I thought. Stupid, huh? At the time, she was nice to look at but a little hefty. I look okay, but people see me as a dorky, ignorant farmer. We were settling for something in the other because we believed nothing else would come along. We didn't really love each other, but we got along okay and the sex was okay too. But the sex was only that - okay, just getting your rocks off, so to speak. Never exciting, never mind- blowing. I was even beginning to wonder if all the stuff you hear about sex was exaggerated."

"Then about a year ago she lost weight on a diet that she found in a woman's magazine. Took to walking around the farm several times a day for exercise. Really slimmed down. I realize now she was doing it to make an escape from the farm" - he looked down at his feet - "and from me. She had a makeover in town. She looked really good, but we weren't successful in a makeover of our feelings for each other. Since she looked that good, the city was the best place for her. She'd have a chance for the love she wanted and deserved."

I was amazed at this outpouring about Jim's married life. The former taciturn, uptight Jim Belton would never have spent that much time telling me anything, let alone personal information. I did remember his gruff advice the day of the accident that a storm was coming and that I'd better head home. I must have earned some degree of respect from him. It was as though he were looking out for me. I remembered his accompanying me down the stairs after I returned to school on crutches, coaching me little but never leaving my side. He showed up at just the right time. Had to mean he had been planning it for some time that day.

He obviously trusted me now. I was touched by the evenhandedness that imbued his description of his wife and her role in their marriage. Divorces didn't usually leave people friends, so I admired Jim for rising above the hostilities that such proceedings can evoke. I was also astonished that he was discussing his sex life with me. The old Jim Belton would never have unbent enough to do that. No doubt about it - Jim Belton was a good guy completely overlooked, wholly taken for granted. Just like Troy's mother in her own family.

I responded, "Let me address your remark about stupidity in seeking a wife. I think you only did what way too many of us have done. The way we humans stumble into relationships makes our species look stupid. Just so you know, I'm not exempting myself from the coverage of that observation. So don't beat up on yourself. All you admitted to is being like the rest of us. And I admire the balance you've achieved in looking at your wife's situation and her needs and wishing the best for her. As for being dorky and ignorant, no one thinks that way but you, so the sooner you stop it, the more energy you'll have to devote to other things - like Miles!"

He had looked away while I spoke, jamming his hands in the pockets of his coveralls. When I finished, he looked up. "But someone like Miles probably thinks I'm slow and dorky."

He was idolizing Miles, a natural reaction given their just having met each other. "Does he know what you just told me about why you married?" I asked.

"Yeah, I had to tell him when I had my appointment with him."

I grinned. "After I chatted with him recently, I don't think his feelings for you would bring him anywhere near the notion that you're dorky."

Jim's eyes lighted up. "What'd he say?" Then he stopped. "No, I shouldn't ask that. Well . . . do you mean he really likes me?"

"You two have gotten to know each other sexually, right?" Jim blushed only slightly but shook his head in the affirmative. "Doesn't that tell you something? How was the sex?"

"Hot, exciting, mind-blowing," he grinned. "I took him up to the hayloft. I'm kind of surprised at myself, making it happen and all instead of waiting for him to make a move. I knew he'd never start anything, being my lawyer, but I knew we wanted it. We were both hard. I got him out of his clothes and I shucked mine. I grabbed his hand and flopped down in the hay, pulling him on top of me. He showed me what to do. It's called ' a 69.' We outdid each other trying to make it the best for the other. The hay was soft. Its sweet smell really complemented Miles's scent. I get high on his smell."

"Well, Jim - what does that tell you about Miles's feelings for you? Couldn't you tell that the heat of the sex you had reflected powerful feelings for each other?"

"I wanted to believe it, but I was afraid of being wrong and then being hurt."

"You mean Miles isn't a gentle, honest soul?"

"Oh yeah, he is. And I know where you're going in your remarks - he is so gentle that he'd never hurt me deliberately. Just because a guy doesn't want to hurt you doesn't mean he loves you. Maybe he just likes hot sex with another guy - in a hayloft," he grinned at the end of his comment, ducking his head.

I supposed he had to test his feelings this way. "True, but in this case he thinks quite highly of you." He looked at me. That information was not precise enough for him, for his eyebrows arose, inviting more information. "He feels close to you, Jim. You turn him on. You both gave each other erections in your first meeting in his office. Hell, the sculpted ass I saw in your jeans the night of the ballgame would turn anyone on!" Here, as his cheeks reddened, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, for he knew that Miles and I had indeed talked. Maybe he also knew that he was an attractive addition to a group of men. "Miles loves being in your company. He likes your farm. He wants a long-term relationship with you. No way to get 'dork' out of that. Besides, you need to be having this discussion with him instead of my telling you. Because he'll need to hear your feelings about him too."

Jim blurted out, "I love him, Evan. I didn't think I'd ever know what love is, but I found out what love is through him. He's what I want. But it happened so fast. He's a lawyer. I'm just a janitor/farmer. I guess that's what makes me doubtful. Because things have moved so fast, I'm getting ahead of myself. Fooling myself. Sometimes I think I'm too dumb to keep him if I ever got him."

I frowned at his last statement. "Don't you think the pace of love depends on the two people and their lives, circumstances, and history?"

"We were both ready for love to happen?" he asked doubtfully.


"What do I do now?"

I lowered my chin, glaring at him through the tops of my glasses. The corners of his mouth turned up. "I know: talk to Miles. Do I wait for him to call me?"

I continued glaring. He snorted out a laugh. "Excuse me. I need to make a call, I'm going to invite Miles to the farm for the entire weekend."

"That's my boy!" I exclaimed. He started to move off rapidly. "Jim." He turned back, his eyes bright. "Want to help yourself out when Miles visits your farm again?" He shook his head eagerly. "Figure out some task that will allow Miles to work beside you on the farm. You'll make him really happy if you do."

His brows wrinkled in thought, Jim walked slowly back toward me. "I really need to clean out the stalls in the barn. It's a good job to have help with. But I don't think he'd like that. It's hot and messy and smelly."

"You're wrong - he'd love it! That city boy wants to do some manual work away from his desk, get his hands dirty, and he wants to do it at YOUR side. Besides, that hayloft is only a few steps away." He laughed, his face flushing.

"But he'll be all sore the next day."

"Yes, he will, and you will have helped him feel great about it. Besides, you can rub those muscles in that tall body and make him feel better. Do you need instructions on that?" I teased.

He grinned, ducking his head again. "And give some more thought to having all of us visit your farm," I requested. "If you don't let me see that farm soon, I'll be imagining you as Mr. Green Jeans." He chuckled. "Course, if Miles is anywhere around you in the barn, you'll likely be Mr. Out-of-his-Green Jeans," I wisecracked. I had a good laugh; Jim was working hard at holding back a killer grin.

He flipped me the bird as he shot off to a phone - a smart-ass gesture that made me smile. I was delighted to witness this suppressed personality break out of its bounds to emerge as a beautiful person. Sassy even. Seemed to have an inclination toward it. Who knows - he might even come to rival Jeremy and me as Smart Ass Kings. I hoped Byron Okata wouldn't be far behind.

Ron Hamilton sat at a table in the school cafeteria, waiting for Jeremy to join him for lunch. Would Evan be perturbed for not being included in their lunch? He didn't think so, but then Evan was obviously having some kind of problem with Troy, Cody, Kenny, and Jeremy's all having group sex while not including Evan. Ron felt a twinge of irritation. He wanted to be Evan's chief focus. It wasn't that he was possessive. He'd uprooted himself to be with Evan. How many men would do that for another man? He pondered the question. Maybe it meant he was getting more out of it than Evan. Maybe their need for each other wasn't as mutual as he'd thought. It suggested that he wasn't enough for Evan.

He was a bit embarrassed to admit that he longed for that intense focus that two people falling in love experience, and he wanted it with Evan. He hadn't felt it since Tim. Tim and Evan were the standouts in his life. There had been other guys, but they had just filled in the time. Maybe he should find a way to communicate this to Evan. He wasn't used to opening his heart so completely, but if Evan was the one, it was worth the risk. He wondered if he could explain these thoughts to Evan without sounding as though he were complaining. This situation reminded him all over again of how complicated Evan was. Well . . . not complicated when a person figured him out. Then he was utterly predictable. Maybe "challenging" was the correct term for Evan.

Evan was strangely exciting too, strange mostly because he wasn't at all like the kind of man Ron had expected would win his heart. He'd been attracted to guys like Tim - tall, muscular jocks. Suddenly, he realized that he'd first become attracted not to the physical Evan but to the conceptual Evan as Tim described him. That had to be it - his mind and heart had latched onto the essence of Evan before he'd ever seen him. Back in the capital city, just realizing that Evan had almost bowled Tim over made him intriguing, and Tim's stories about hot sex with Evan had cemented it all. He could tell from the way Tim talked about Evan that Tim had fallen for him. The light that shone out of Tim's eyes said it all. But he knew Tim would never - could never - act on that love. Ron knew he had to. Intoxicating.

Oh, he knew Tim was manipulating him. He just hadn't let Tim know it right away. Always better to keep Tim working for something than to allow him to think he was in charge.

It wasn't until a couple of weeks later that he'd seen Evan. Tim had invited him down to check out the school and to meet Alan, but he probably intended for Evan to pop up at some point too. And he did, standing on his crutches in the north parking lot on his way to his car, waiting for their car to pass. Tim had pointed him out. Evan looked weary, forlorn and a little defeated. Ron had felt his dick stir. Evan's face hardened when he saw that it was Tim driving by because Tim was giving him one of his classic leers that left one feeling like he was cheap and easy. It probably didn't help that Evan's replacement, Alan, was sitting in the back seat. Here was this little guy, looking tough - most likely feeling miserable and a little afraid, Ron thought. His heart had melted. He knew then that he absolutely wanted Evan.

That one sighting of Evan had made him determined to relocate. The realization about how he had turned onto Evan affirmed how much leaving his former teaching position to connect with Evan had been right. And he was discovering many unexpected blessings, one of whom was just about to lunch with him.

Munching away at a Caesar salad, Ron scanned the cafeteria. A waving arm caught his eye. There Jeremy was - in the line at the cash registers. Damn, but he was a fine-looking Lion. Claiming him had been memorable, all the more so because Jeremy had wanted to be claimed. Ron could see it not just in Jeremy's open, friendly manner but also in his eyes. He was hungry for acceptance. Even now Ron's hands were remembering the feel of those beautiful limbs, his mouth the feel of that cock, his nose the scent of that thick pubic bush and sexy ass. So profound was their sexual connection that their spirits had merged. He wondered if Jeremy had a memory of that. He was certain that if Jeremy did remember, he didn't understand it. Evan did. Invited it.

"Sorry I'm late," Jeremy apologized as he set down his tray. "I had a test in World History. Mr. Ellis's essay tests always seem to take longer."

"That's because your brain is working to create language patterns rather than having them supplied by multiple-choice answers. I'm glad that Evan isn't here to hear me say that. He'd crow like a Plymouth Rock rooster, hold it over my head, brow-beat me into conceding that my multiple-choice tests aren't as rigorous as his essay tests." They both grinned, hearing Evan's teasing.

"Maybe there isn't as much call for that in chemistry as in other courses."

"Perhaps, but there ought to be."

"Well, when Evan gives you trouble, you can always grab him and carry him off to your cave and enslave him," Jeremy responded.

Ron chuckled. "I'd love it. Evan and I were verbally jousting not long ago. He was acting all put-out. His face a study of protest, he charged, 'Every time I win an argument, Ron, you carry me off to your lair and subjugate me with sex.' 'Is that a complaint?' I asked. 'Why do you think I'm always picking a fight with you?' that hot little piece fired back."

Jeremy and Ron chuckled together in their shared knowledge of Evan.

"He is a hot little piece, isn't he?" Jeremy agreed. "He's always jumping my bones - literally. If I'm lying down, he'll flop on top of me. Or if I'm standing up, he'll throw himself on me, tumbling me to the floor."

"So you two have had sex?" Ron asked in a measured voice.

Before replying, Jeremy looked around to ensure that no one was listening. "Yeah, I've had that little hairy ass. I just had to. The first time after Evan had given me a home. It wasn't just payback. I was fairly certain I had a home in his heart, but I needed to claim it. Another time he'd been feeling like I'd abandoned him to spend Thanksgiving with Kenny and his parents. It just seemed the natural thing to do when I got back home. Evan seemed to need reassurance that he was still in my heart. Then I asked him to take my cherry when he agreed to adopt me." He looked Ron right in the eyes. "It helped him, Ron. It helped me. I hope you don't mind."

"No, you're a Lion like me. It's your job to help a Cub. Also to help your dad."

Jeremy looked away at a group of noisy students at a nearby table. Without looking at Ron, he asked, "May I tell you a little story - about Evan and Tim?"

"Of course."

"Right after I came to live with Evan, he had called Tim at school to tell him that I'd be living at home so that Tim wouldn't hear it through the grapevine. That night, after dinner, Evan and I were sitting at the table talking about the reactions at school to the news. Tim just came in and walked over to Evan, pulled him up, and kissed him passionately. Then he turned Evan toward me - but still with his arms around him - and informed me that he and Evan were a couple and he didn't want me to feel unwelcome, but he also wanted me to know that. Then he picked Evan up in his arms and carried him off to his bedroom and made love to him." Jeremy grinned, then laughed. "I listened outside their door. It was so hot I had to beat off right there listening to them." He laughed again, then frowned. "Right after that, like I mean not even three days, we started hearing about Tim and Alan, and they were seen together. I couldn't believe it. It just didn't add up with what I'd seen. You're not going to do something like that to Evan, are you? It really hurt him, Ron. Please don't do that to him."

"Don't worry, Jeremy. I'm not Tim. Just so you'll know that I don't take casually what you just told me, Tim did the same thing to me several years earlier."

"You and Tim were a couple?"

"When we were in college?"

"How long were you together?"

"A month or two beyond a semester."

"I'm sorry you hurt the way Evan did."

"I appreciate your concern."

Jeremy looked away, gulped down a bite of his sandwich, and looked earnestly back at Ron. "Will you be my second dad?"

"Do you want me to be?"

"More than you know."

"Mind if I ask why? You've got a great dad already, a strong dad. Wouldn't another get in the way of that?"

"I dunno. Maybe for some guys. I haven't had that many accepting people in my life. Besides, we're all special, not like other people. It's the Pride. It's you too. You claimed all of us the way Evan claimed me as his son. Having you and Evan as my dads is natural now that we're in the Pride. I would feel so safe then. I'll warn you that Kenny wants the same thing."

"Kenny's sweet. I'll bet he makes you feel the way he does me - I just want to grab that hunky little body and crush him to me, letting him know how he turns me on, how me makes me want to love and protect him."

"Yeah, just the way I feel!"

"Does it bother you that I feel that way about Kenny?"

"Nah. You're a Lion too. It doesn't bother me that Troy and Cody feel the same way about Kenny. Maybe with other guys, I'd feel threatened, but not with any of you guys. It just makes us closer. Makes me feel that you are brothers of mine. So how about it - will you be my second dad? Or am I getting ahead of myself. Maybe you and Evan aren't that far along in your relationship."

"Have you talked to Evan about this?" Ron asked quietly.

"Yeah. He said to talk to you. You know how Evan is. If it's something between me and someone else, he stays out of it. Let's me know it's my call. Treats me like an adult."

"Okay. I'd be honored to be your second dad."

"Will you come to my adoption? It's this Friday afternoon. I know only Evan's name will appear on the papers, but we'd all know what was really happening if you were there."

"Nothing could keep me away."

"Don't tell Evan, but Kenny's folks are coming too. Kenny has started calling Evan his father-in-law. He told his folks that this was a family occasion and he wanted them there with us because he was getting a new father-in-law. It's quite an achievement for Kenny. His folks are still a little stand-offish about us." Jeremy's brow wrinkled a bit about Kenny's parents, Ron thought. "It's really amazing. By Friday night, I'm going to have all kinds of family members. It makes up for a lot of bad times."

"I'm glad to play a part then," Ron said, smiling.

They ate in silence for a bit. Ron wondered if it were a prelude to another topic Jeremy wanted to discuss. He didn't have to wait long to find out. "Evan and I were talking the other day," Jeremy began, "about the Pride. I asked him why you made me a Lion but him a Cub. He said you didn't make us anything; you were just acknowledging what you saw in us."

"Evan understands completely. His spirit merged with mine just as yours did."

"Oh, so I wasn't just adding something unreal to your claiming me. Kenny felt it too. Now you know why Kenny and I want to be closely connected to you." He chewed a bit of his sandwich, swallowed, and asked, "So since I'm a Lion, I'll just automatically understand some things about all us guys, see some realities the way you do?"

"Some things. You'll probably be a natural at it. But it requires some life experience too."

"So what did you see in me?" Jeremy asked, looking aside, masking fear he felt at Ron's answer.

"A strong Lion! A Lion who's been tested, who has great inner reserves of love, concern, protectiveness because he's been deprived of them. A Lion who'll claim those he wants in his sphere of influence and fight for them if they come into danger. But something else too, Jeremy, and I want you to pay attention to what I'm going to say. Look at me."

Jeremy's eyes swung up to Ron's face. He could see the strength of a Lion lying under the surface of Ron's gaze, the concern, the sincerity, even the love. "I see resolve born of suffering, I see victory over inner struggles, I see strong will that defies circumstances, that insists it will be paramount. Time and circumstance will have a difficult time ever bowing that will and resolve." Ron smiled. Then the corners of his mouth really turned up. "I also see a hot Lion with a randy cock who wants to express all that with his brothers."

Ron had caught Jeremy off guard, for Jeremy snorted out a laugh that was so quick and loud that a few heads turned in their direction. "Yeah, you've got me there. Ever since Kenny and I fell in love, he's had my dick hard almost all the time. Sometimes I wonder who's in the lead - Kenny or me." He looked at Ron, his eyes glowing. "I really love him, Ron. He fills my heart. I claimed him too, but I didn't use those words."

"If you feel comfortable with me, tell me about it."

"This fall, when I was feeling really down, Kenny gave me a sketch he'd made of me. I was so touched. No one had ever shown that much interest in me. Then we started visiting, and I realized that Kenny was really worried about me. He even wanted us to hang out together. It touched me deeply. But I knew Kenny loved Robert, so I thought he was lost to me. When Evan told Troy and me that Robert had dropped Kenny with Kenny taking it badly and running off somewhere, I wanted Kenny right then. Evan asked us to keep an eye out for Kenny that Friday night. We heard from some other kids after a movie that Kenny had been seen going into a sleazy bar in a bad part of town. Troy and I found him there, drunk as a skunk. Some guys were liquoring him up so that they could have him in a gangbang, but Troy and I got him out of there. We took him to Evan's; Kenny had passed out. I immediately announced to Evan that Kenny was staying in my room, that I'd look after him. Evan didn't bat an eye. Now that I think of it, I guess Evan knew that I was claiming Kenny as mine."

Jeremy looked down, smiling, taking another bite of his sandwich. Ron thought he knew what was coming. Then Jeremy frowned. "That was the same weekend that Melanie Simpson, who was my date on a double with Troy and Susan, let it out right in front of Evan that Tim and Alan were carrying on." The muscles in his jaws flexed.

"As I explained earlier, we all had seen Tim and Alan together or had heard about them jogging together, dating, you know. But none of us dared mention it to Evan. He knew that we knew something, but you know Evan - he didn't push. I guess he knew everything wasn't right with him and Tim too. Anyway . . . when Evan heard that from Melanie, he just stared at all of us, accusing us, we knew, of not warning him. He really stared Susan down because they are such soul mates, but she wouldn't look at him. He turned around without a word, went to his bedroom, and locked himself in. We knew he was hurting badly, but we didn't know what to do. I guess the worst part for us was not knowing if we had contributed to that hurt by not telling him. We tried to get him to talk to us through the door, but he wouldn't."

"Troy and Susan had come over the next evening. Not having heard a peep from Evan, we were really worried, thinking that he might have hurt himself. Finally, I went outside and looked into his bedroom windows. He was just sitting there on the edge of his bed like he was in a daze. He looked awful, Ron. After he'd showered, we got him to come out to eat with us - but he hadn't shaved. That alone told us he wasn't all right. Can you imagine Evan without having shaved?" Ron's shoulders heaved in a silent laugh. "It was creepy, sitting there, eating like nothing had happened. Troy finally broke the ice by telling Evan how important he was to us."

"Oh, I should back up. That morning, while Kenny and I were making breakfast in the kitchen, we were talking about what we should do. Susan and Troy were calling, worried about Evan's doing something bad to himself. That got Kenny and me to talking seriously about us. We kissed. That was it. We went down to my bedroom and closed the door. It was so sweet, Ron. Kenny shot into my arms, crying softly. I knew at that moment that I had to hold him and let him cry Robert out of his mind and heart."

Jeremy took another bite of his sandwich. Ron continued to finish his salad, knowing not to intrude in this disclosure. It had to happen before anything else could be said; it had to happen to advance Jeremy's and his relationship. "I ran my hands gently all over his back, shoulders, and that killer butt. I ran my nose through his hair, programming his scent in my mind. All I have to do to this day is think about running my nose through his hair, and then I have that smell, and my dick gets hard." Ron grinned, for he knew Jeremy's dick was hard at that very moment. "Anyway, when Kenny reached the sniffles stage, I reached between us and unfastened his belt, unbuttoned his jeans, and pushed them down. He didn't have any underwear on, so I grabbed that amazing cock of his, the first time I'd seen it. I'd wondered a lot about it. Five fat inches - those five inches can still make me tremble."

"We just started tearing each other's clothes off. A little exclamation jumped out of him when he grabbed my cock. He later told me it was as long as Robert's." He grinned. "I guess we know that Robert has a seven-inch cock, huh?" Ron smiled conspiratorially.

"I picked him up and carried him to our bed, laying him down on it and crawling on top of him. His skin was so white, smooth, warm. I loved that black hair around his cock, contrasting so starkly with his white skin. I still love the way the dark hair in his armpits is always peeking out from under his arms. Our kisses were so passionate and long that we were panting in no time. I knew I had to fuck him to claim him since he'd let go of Robert. He wanted it too. I kissed and licked down his body. I was headed toward that beautiful ass. But he wouldn't let me. He was begging me to fuck him. No foreplay. No getting ready. I guess you'd say he was demanding to be claimed." Ron shook his head in agreement. "Kenny started whimpering, raising his legs, grabbing onto my dick and pulling me down to his hole. He started pushing his ass down onto my cock. I knew if I went in dry, I'd hurt him. I didn't want our first time to result in a memory of pain for him. I almost had to tie him up to give me time to grab some lube."

"When I was greasing his hole and sliding fingers into him, he started gasping, then calling out for me. My dick slid into him so easily, Ron, no resistance, nothing. He so wanted me. In fact, as soon as the head of my cock was inside, he just pushed down on me, clamping his ass muscles slowly down on my dick. I nearly lost it then." Jeremy's eyes closed, reliving the moment. With his eyes closed, he continued the narrative. "The pressure on my cock was fantastic. I'd never felt anything like it although it wasn't' my first fuck. I couldn't get enough of him. It was like his ass and my dick were wedding themselves to each other."

"He'd use his ass muscles to clasp my cock tightly, and he'd move his hips around and side to side. It was like the walls of his chute caressed my cock, like they were making love to it. I'd smeared lube on my stomach and his cock. So my thrusts and his moves were getting him off too. He put his legs around my waist and used them and his arms, which he put around my neck, to pull me deeply into him. I thought my balls were going to be pushed into him too. I thought maybe they were inside because something was rubbing against them, making them feel so good. We shot at the same time. I think I passed out for a few seconds 'cause it was like I was waking up afterwards."

Jeremy looked around the cafeteria. Swallowed, then began again. "Our dicks didn't go down, Ron. We lay there, catching our breath and kissing. Then Kenny started moving his ass back on my dick. The more we fucked, the more we fell in love with each other. It was like we were sinking into a deep, soft, pleasurable state. This time, I started nibbling on Kenny's nipples, swiping my tongue through his pits, licking up his throat. We just kept speeding up, and then we climaxed again. We had a few moments' rest, and then that little horn dog pulled his ass off me, flipped over, and told me to fuck him from the back because he wanted to feel my weight bearing down on him. I put a pillow under his groin, ran my hands over those incredible ass cheeks, and then I slipped into him." Jeremy grinned. "I think that boy learned to do some kind of fuck rumba at some point in his life because this round it was his show. It was like my crotch and ass were floating in the air and his ass had control of me. When I started nibbling on his shoulders, he lost it, causing me to lose it."

Jeremy looked at Ron, smiling. "Then he asked me to take his place." Ron groaned, he was so turned on. "I thought maybe he was going to fuck me, but he sat down on my cock and then lay on top of me. His head was more on the same level as mine that way, which was nice. I used my hands to play with his ass while he tore into my nipples. We had four orgasms. We probably would have had more, but Troy called to tell us he and Susan were coming over, so we had to grab a quick shower and get dressed. That was how I claimed Kenny."

Ron swiped the back of his hand over his forehead. "That's beautiful, hot. No doubt about it - you both know a claim was made at that time."

The bell announcing the end of the lunch period sounded. Ron and Jeremy grinned at each other. "I can't move just yet. How about you?" Ron asked. Jeremy laughed, claiming the same problem. After the lunchroom had half emptied, they arose and took their trays to the conveyer belt moving into the kitchen.

"Do you mind if I have lunch with Kenny sometime?" Ron asked.

Jeremy grinned. "Naw. Just don't leave me out if something hot happens."

"You've got it," Ron said.

I hadn't much more thanwalked in the door after school when the phone rang. "Evan," Miles boomed out. "You've been talking to Jim. I'm going to start calling you Dolly Levy. I didn't know you harbored aspirations of being a marriage broker."

"I apologize, Miles, if I spoke out of turn. I really didn't disclose anything that I thought you wouldn't want him to know. I had mentioned how much Ron and I enjoyed being with you two at the basketball game. I then wondered if you two would like to go out to dinner with us some evening. Jim was all in favor, but he wasn't entirely certain of your good will in being in his company."

Miles said nothing, so I continued. "You've tipped to the fact that he's another Jeremy in the sense that he believes people are looking down on him. Unhappily, he's right some of the time. Yet I have to tell you that he is really emerging from his protective cover, and it all owes to your love for him. He isn't aware of those changes, I think, for he was worried that you perceived him to be a dork. And I'll warn you that he's worried that if he gets you, so to speak, he won't be able to keep you. He's got you up there on a pedestal." I heard a growl of protest from Miles. "So I was just shoring up his confidence a bit. I think we'll all be doing that for a while as he ventures out into new territory, but the greatest stabilization will derive from his relationship with you."

"Yes, Dad," he intoned slowly, gravely.

"Jack ass!" I intoned slowly and gravely in mimicry. His laugh barked out immediately.

"Don't apologize," he reassured me. "Your talking to Jim gave me just what I was hoping for. More contact with Jim. He's invited me out to spend the weekend at his farm. And he's warned me that if I accept, he's going to put me to work helping him clean out stalls in the barn. I can hardly wait." He chuckled. "We're good together, Evan."

"I don't doubt it. And I know that barn's hayloft holds some hot memories for you. Is that why you're calling?"

"No, we have a court date on the docket of the judge I wanted. This Friday afternoon at 3:30. That's not too early for you, is it? I'm afraid we can't go any later than that. Judges are like everybody else. They look forward to Friday afternoon out of the office. In this instance, we don't have to worry about the judge being on the golf course."

"What judge?" I asked.

"Judge Miriam Hurst Feldman of the Domestic and Family Affairs Court. She's one of my favorites. She's a friend too."

"Wouldn't any old judge do?" I asked, reminiscent of a line from a song.

"We like each other. And she really favors family issues."

"Are you expecting some difficulty?"

"Not at all. Rest your mind on that issue. I just want a warm atmosphere for you and Jeremy, that's all. Something memorable for Jeremy. He's earned it."

"Okay. We'll be there at 3:00 p.m."

"Good. Let's meet outside Courtroom 'C' on the second floor of the courthouse."

"Okay. Both Jeremy and I will be looking forward to it. In regard to you guys getting together with Ron and me for dinner, I'll count on you or Jim to decide on a date that works for you. You can call me; I'll check it out with Ron. He's so newly come to town that I doubt he'll have any social engagement that would conflict. More likely his grading or something like that will create a difficulty. Ron likes to get right on his work. On a related note, would you like to join Jeremy, Ron and me for dinner after the hearing? We're sort of celebrating. We'd enjoy your company."

"I'd love it. Let's play it by ear." We said our farewells.

When Jeremy came home from work that evening, I called him into the sunroom. "Huzzahs and hosannas! We have a court date - this Friday afternoon at 3:30 you'll be legal - Jeremy Wilder Halsey! So you and I need to secure permission to leave early on Friday afternoon. I'll talk to Kate Williams about my leaving a little early, but I think you need to ask her for a leave slip yourself. You two have a special link the way Susan and I do. Kate always likes seeing you, and she'll appreciate your arranging permission yourself. In fact, on a few occasions I have sensed a parental dynamic in her behavior toward you. Who knows - maybe she'll want to attend the session too."

"Cool. How about going out for cocktails afterward?"

I frowned. "Always trying to push events past propriety," I groused. "I can see that dear ole Dad is going to have to move you back into the traces."

He grinned. "Does it involve handcuffs and sweet torture?" I raised my eyebrows as though to answer "Who knows?"

"I've already asked Miles to join us for dinner afterward - say, Club Eleven."

"I'd really like that. I don't just want to go to court and then go home as though we'd only been shopping for groceries. I asked Kenny to go with us. That's okay, isn't it?" Jeremy wondered.

"Of course. You two should go see Kate Williams together."

"Yeah. And I think we should dress up for court - you know, suits and ties, the works! It's our first official recognition as a family."

"Great idea. On that note, perhaps you and I should have a family portrait taken in the next month. I suspect that in years to come, you'll be glad you have that portrait. I know I shall. I can make the arrangements if you agree. "

His eyes were glowing. "Dad, I'll love that photo forever. Do it."

I could tell during the intervening days that Jeremy was excited about his status being made final. His excitement reminded me of his behavior just after he'd made his home with me and again right before the party that he'd hosted. On this occasion, he was talking more, was more constantly in Kenny's company, was jovial, putting his arm around his women friends and squeezing the shoulders of his buddies. His happiness was my happiness. What could be purer? My delight knew no bounds.

Friday afternoon, Jeremy met me in the foyer at 2:30 for the drive to the courthouse. We'd worn our suits to school so that we could leave straight from there for the courthouse. I was certain he had been razzed, as had I, for being attired so formally at school. Jeremy looked hunky in his olive suit, clay dress shirt, and a tie with a gray/green pattern. "Hey, where's Kenny?"

"He's coming over in his car. He went home to dress. He said he'd meet us in the courtroom." Jeremy was silent in the car, but he was smiling too. His mind must be teaming with emotions and images. I knew he was regarding today as a stellar moment in his life. I glanced at him. He looked like the cat that had swallowed the canary. Uh-oh. That told me that he'd engineered something but wanted it to be a surprise.

We found Miles on a bench outside the courtroom, studying a document of some kind, which he returned to his attache. "Hi Guys." He stood, shaking Jeremy's hand and then mine. "The previous case ended a little early, so Judge Feldman called a short recess. Let's go inside and sit at our table."

We followed Miles inside, seated ourselves, and made small talk. During a lull, he turned to Jeremy. "By the way, Jeremy, my research into your background brought to light some information I don't think you possessed - at least you didn't mention it. I hope the new information doesn't upset you."

"What is it?" Jeremy asked. Miles looked from Jeremy to me, silently signaling that I might be needed.

"Your former parents adopted you."

Jeremy tightened his lips, and the muscles in his jaws flexed. Though he stared at Miles, I knew he was looking down the past years of his life, trying to filter them through the new perspective mandated by this news, trying to determine what it all meant in this new light. Miles and I gave him a minute to absorb it all.

I placed my hand on Jeremy's arm. "Are you okay?"

"It certainly explains my folks' behavior toward me. Funny. They just couldn't work up the energy to get to a point that my being adopted didn't make any difference."

"Don't include us in that," I asked. Remember the guy who's going to be your dad and all your friends. We love you. We love you because of who you are - a wonderful, giving person, a Lion." Miles glanced at me quizzically when he heard that remark. "Don't let this news rob you of what you deserve today, Jeremy. It's a triumph of your having risen above awesome difficulties, of emerging as the kind unselfish person you are, a person who excites genuine, great love and admiration in others. For this little moment in time, things are right with the world. You'll destroy that balance, that harmony, if you allow this news to detract one bit from this day of celebration."

He put his arm around my shoulder, smiling. "You won't let me."

Miles continued, "Apparently your mom was very unhappy in Wyoming. Your father thought your mother would be happier with a child. He must have cared about something, Jeremy. It's not easy to locate and adopt a child. You were that child. Fortune smiled on them. I can't think that a lot of babies would be available in that part of Wyoming at that time. And the chances of getting a baby who'd grow up into a hunk were slim."

Jeremy's eyes grew large at the compliment about his being a hunk. Miles and I laughed. Just then we heard the double doors to the courtroom open and then whoosh closed. When we turned to look behind us, we saw Kenny walking down the aisle with an attractive man and woman who surely were his parents. I looked at Jeremy, who was beaming. Oh, so this is the secret he was guarding in the car. He stood and walked back to greet them, hugging both of them and then hugging and kissing Kenny, who was beaming at his hero.

They walked toward Miles and me, who arose to greet them. Jeremy introduced Kenny's father Joe Walters to me and then to Miles. Then Kenny's mother Rachel. Surprisingly, Joe was taller than Kenny at about 5' 11" with a nice build - at least what one could see under a suit. As one might expect, Kenny looked much like his father. Joe had black hair, blue eyes, and a 5 o'clock shadow, rimless glasses with thin, black wire frames, the kind that look trendy. He smiled warmly, gripping my hand strongly as he shook it. Rachel looked every bit the career woman: attractive, dark brown hair impressively coiffed, tailored suit, but her manner was warm like Joe's. Their eyes shone with love for Kenny - for Jeremy too, I thought.

"We've been looking forward to meeting you, Evan," Joe said.

"We had heard plenty about you before Kenny met Jeremy," Rachel added. "The pronouncements about you improved after Jeremy came along. Before that, Kenny made you sound like an evil task master." When Kenny whispered a protesting "Mom!" the group laughed.

I looked at Kenny, my eyebrows raised. "Oh? Walters the Junior and I shall have to talk about the bad press I've been getting because of him." Jeremy snickered.

"You'll protect me, won't you?" Kenny asked Jeremy.

"Through fire, pestilence, famine, and catastrophe, my Love, but not Evan. You're on your own there."

"I thought you loved me," Kenny protested.

"Love you yes. But that doesn't mean I've lost my senses," Jeremy replied. "With Evan, you're on your own." Miles was cracking up, which Joe and Rachel were enjoying. I wondered why Miles was always so amused when he or someone else made light of me.

The back doors swung open, admitting Troy, Susan, and Cody, who walked up to us smiling, embracing Jeremy and Kenny. When all of them had hugged and been hugged, Jeremy immediately began making new introductions, which were taking longer as more people congregated.

A woman came in from the front of the courtroom, heading for Miles. "Hi Colleen. It's nice to see you," he greeted her.

"Always a pleasure, Miles," she said, her eyes traveling up and down his tall frame, then taking in our group. "Judge Feldman wanted you to know that a phone call will delay her getting here to the courtroom for just a bit. Don't worry. She'll be here."

"Of course. We understand. The judicial processes must go on."

I saw his eyes light up as they looked at the doors to the courtroom. My stars and bars! There stood Jim Belton! I was immediately touched that he'd come down to the courthouse in the center of the city for Jeremy's sake - well, I guess he wouldn't pass up a chance to see Miles too. I was certainly acting the part of a proud father, thinking everything happening was about Jeremy.

Jeremy was taking Kenny's parents to each new group, introducing them along the way. And the door kept opening, admitting Tony Francini and Angela Walker with LaKeisha Green and Roland Jackson, then Paul Hartford and Beth Walker in the company of Kathleen Burge and Greg Dunwoodie. Then Donna Merton, the caterer at Jeremy's party, entered through the doors. I wondered who had tipped her to this event, but I was touched that she'd take the trouble to come. Jeremy had made such a positive impression on her at his party.

Kenny had grabbed Miles's arm, taking him in tow, following Jeremy and his parents for introductions to the others. After all, Miles was an important player in the proceedings. The door whooshed again, admitting LaRonda Hughes and Clifton Washington. The one thing I had thought might happen was that LaRonda would make an appearance. Jarod Paine and Valerie Cunningham arrived in the company of Kate Williams. Dr. Sorenson followed not long after them! Rosalie Rodriguez, Wendy Fielding, Byron Okata, and Ron came next.

Kate Williams walked up to me. "Well, it's happened again," she popped off, mischief dancing in her eyes. "Here's Evan Halsey and a party is forming - even in a courtroom."

"Don't feed me that line," I replied. "You just came here to gloat that you saw all this potential when you assigned Jeremy to my class - as though I believed that."

"I always come out on top, Evan."

"I'm not even going to touch that line - but I could say plenty. And it would include a majority of the members of the World Federation of Wrestling." A laugh whooped out of her.

Ron walked up, throwing his arm over Kate's shoulder. "Don't worry, Kate. I'm trying to teach this party animal some control," he said, throwing his other arm around me, "but he's impossible."

It was feeling rather like a party. Suddenly, it dawned on me that we might have some hospitality issues soon that I'd better be thinking about. I could certainly scratch dinner at Club Eleven in favor of inviting all these folks to our home after the hearing. I knew Jeremy would be in his element. But what would we offer them? Pizza, I guessed. Maybe some huge subway sandwiches. There certainly wasn't time for anything else. Boy, that would be one of the biggest orders our favorite pizza vendor would ever have! I could send some of the guys out for soda and juice. Well, for once in my life, I wasn't going to allow it to rob me of the significance of my becoming Jeremy's dad and he my son. That was the priority.

Just then the court clerk, stenographer, and bailiff entered the courtroom, taking their respective places near the judge's elevated desk. Miles, Jeremy and I resumed our seats at the table where we'd been sitting, and everyone else scurried for seats. When Judge Feldman entered through a door not far from her seat, the court staff and Miles arose, and all of us after them, sitting again after the judge had taken her seat.

The judge was an attractive, shorter woman in her fifties - black hair and dark eyes that would never flinch from managing reins of awesome authority. I'd read her name many times in the papers over the years, not unusual for an experienced local jurist. She had a reputation for toughness balanced by innovative approaches to resolving issues. She had even received awards for programs she had developed to support families and youth at risk. Consequently, she was much respected among the circles of power in the city, and there was never any opposition when she stood for election. She didn't even campaign at those times, so certain were voters to return her to the bench. I had always been among that group on Election Day.

Upon completion of the clerk's announcement of our petition, Judge Feldman smiled. Looking, it seemed, at all of us directly from her elevated location, she stated, "A few days ago, my good friend Kate Williams called me with the news that a remarkable young man in her school was being adopted by a remarkable teacher. Apparently so many students and faculty were requesting release from school early today to attend these proceedings that Ms. Williams asked me to delay until all could assemble here to witness the proceedings. It was either that, she said, or move these proceedings to the school to escape major disruptions there. She threatened to stage this event in a locker room if it came to that." A murmur of quiet laughter moved around the room. "You all seem to have survived our subterfuge well if the visiting I heard through the door to my chambers was any indication."

She looked at Miles. "Mr. Forbisher, you may proceed." Miles stated that the petition was simple. He alluded to Jeremy's troubled family history, indicating how much he desired an opportunity to make up for that deficit in his early life, briefly speaking to the closeness of Jeremy's and my relationship and the times I'd stepped in to give Jeremy a home. He moved on to a short accounting of my reputation, assuring the court that I would be a good father and that our home would be stable. He rehearsed the growing stature Jeremy had achieved at school and at work since moving into my home. He finally pointed out the uniqueness of our petition, given that Jeremy was of majority age, which pointed all the more to his deep desire for a supportive home and family as he prepared to move out in life. His commitment to such a goal was borne out by his request to be adopted by me and his desire to change his name by adding my surname to it. Smiling, Miles noted the extended family present in the courtroom that also assured that this step was providential for all concerned. He concluded by asking the judge to ratify our petition.

I suddenly tipped to the fact that these proceedings were way more than what ordinarily occurred in adoptions, more than I had expected. I'd heard that the stroke of a judge's pen on a petition was sufficient to render it all legal. Miles and the judge, if not Kate, had engineered this event. Miles had to be the instigator, for he had heard Jeremy's heartfelt plea to be able to attend the event because of its personal significance. No wonder he had wanted a judicial friend to preside over these proceedings, given their unusual nature. I was grateful. No matter what tempests might come Jeremy's way, these proceedings would be a rock to which Jeremy's future would be soundly anchored.

Again, Judge Feldman smiled. "Too seldom are issues in this courtroom so easy or so heart-warming to endorse. This case will stand out in the books for me. I'm touched by all the behind-the- scenes networking among their friends - no, family - that produced this surprise for the Halseys. Jeremy and Evan, I've been asked to invite you to a celebration at your home, staged by your family here today. You are to be the guests of honor. Before acting on this petition, I'm going to remind my friends Kate and Miles that I'd better not be left out of this celebration." Again, a murmur of laughter. The judge pronounced her ratification of the petition, giving instructions to the clerk and stenographer about the court order and Jeremy's change in name. Then she announced the court adjourned.

Jeremy and I hugged tightly for a long time. "Thank you, Dad, he said. "I'm so happy. I feel special now, like everyone else."

"Welcome, Son," I said. Then we hugged Miles.

Kenny and Jeremy hugged, and then Kenny hugged me, whispering, "Now you're my Daddy-in-law. I love you, Evan."

"You know I've loved you for a long time, Kenny," I whispered in his ear. "I'm proud to have you as my son-in-law." Jeremy and Kenny hugged Joe and Rachel. I was surprised that they both wanted to hug me too. The throng was moving toward us. Polite pandemonium followed.

Eventually, Kenny asked me for my car keys. I raised my eyebrows questioningly. "I have to drive your car to your place."

Joe broke in. "Rachel and I are to escort Jeremy and you to your home."

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed. "I have to get home to figure out how to feed all these folks."

Rachel smiled conspiratorially. "You don't have to lift a finger. It's all been taken care of. All you have to do is accompany us so that others can work a little magic before we arrive. Jeremy and you are about to embark on that slow boat to China. Then we'll walk in at just the right moment." My eyes must have expressed some doubt. "Trust us," she patted my shoulder.

As Joe and Rachel ushered Jeremy and me to the doors, I saw the judge emerge from her chambers and walk up to Miles, where Kate had located. I wondered why Dr. Sorenson was standing right by Kate. They must know each other. I knew that Kate had tipped him off about these proceedings. It was clear that all of them were working out rides to our home. A last glance at Ron allowed me to catch a wink and a smile that warmed my heart.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 31

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