Amazonians and Swallows

Published on Aug 2, 2024


Amazonians and Swallows Chapter 17

Amazonians and Swallows

By Aaron Ramsey

Note & Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction based on Arthur Ransome's Swallows and Amazons series. All rights in the characters remain the property of their respective owners. The characters in this story have been modified from the originals in various ways.

This story is for entertainment only and does not reflect reality. There may be behaviours depicted here which would not be recommended in real life. The story will contain bisexual encounters between teenagers. Please leave if you are not allowed to read this in your location.

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This story is designed to fit into events in the books of Arthur Ransome's Swallows and Amazons series.

Chapter 9.1 - In the Dog House


This story starts the morning after the previous story

Story (m/f inc, m mast)

The four teens woke the next morning as they had gone to sleep the previous night, Dick and Peggy alone, Nancy and Dot in bed together. Dot and Nancy had both wanted to have some more sex when they woke, but the sound of Cook bustling around downstairs put paid to that idea, so they dressed and went down to breakfast. Plans were being made until a letter arrived addressed to Miss Ruth Blackett. This turned out (not to the surprise of the Amazons) to be a letter from Nancy and Peggy's Great Aunt Maria - the only person who would address Nancy as Ruth.

This threw all plans out of the window. The Great Aunt was displeased that Nancy and Peggy were at home without their mother and would be even more so to know there were guests at the same time. Something had to be done. A comment from Dick about the igloo they had constructed a couple of Christmases previously gave Nancy the idea of hiding Dick and Dot in an old gamekeeper's hut, known to the Amazons as The Dogs Home.

After checking that the Dogs Home is still both standing and inhabitable, they decided to move Dick and Dot out there as Picts, once the wood that someone has stored has been moved out. The day now took shape, with only six hours to make Beckfoot spick and span for the Great Aunt, and get Dick and Dot moved out to the Dogs Home. All this is achieved, and Nancy and Peggy are ready in their best frocks to meet the Great Aunt.

All is not lost, as the Blacketts do get some time the next day to cut waterlilies in a basin in the Amazon river to make a harbour for the Callums' boat Scarab, once it has been completed. This done, the Callums face their second night in the Dogs Home.

Dot woke in the morning with an itch she couldn't scratch herself. She'd expected to spend most nights in bed with Nancy - originally under canvass or, once they knew there was no camping because Mrs Blackett was away, in her bed at Beckfoot. No Nancy, no sex. She thought about frigging herself, but that wouldn't really do it. She may have to use her old holiday fallback, as the box of dildos was also not here, being safely stowed under Nancy's bed. The first thing she did was unroll the sleeping bags they weren't using as they were sleeping in hammocks, which she did not think would work well for what she had in mind. She sat in her nightdress on the one chair they had - an old, spare, three-legged stool from the Beckfoot kitchen, pulled her underwear off and gently started to play with herself.

A few minutes later, she heard her brother waking up, so she took her hand away from her cunt and picked up the book she had dropped next to the stool. First, Dick's legs appeared over the edge of the hammock, then he lightly dropped to the floor.

"Good morning," Dot said to him.

"Morning Dot," Dick replied, making to go over to light the fire.

"Leave that for a minute will you," Dot said, peevishly. "I've got a favour to ask you."

"Really," Dick said. He knew what it meant for Dot to be asking for a favour like that. "You were with Nancy the other night."

"But I was expecting that to be every night, and often in the day too. I've been so turned on; I need some sort of relief."

"It's not long until the Swallows arrive. It'll be you, Nancy and Titty all the time."

"That's ages away. I know I'll be back with Nancy soon, but Mrs Blackett will be back then, and we'll have to be quiet. Please, Dick."

"If I can last until Roger gets here, you should be able to last until we are on Wild Cat properly."

"I've never told you this," Dot said, "but of all the boys I've had sex with you have the nicest cock. Please. Just one time. Like other holidays, just once."

Dick was somewhat susceptible to flattery about his penis. He knew his was bigger than any of the boys he had had sex with, but it was nice to hear that it was the nicest Dot had seen. That was saying something given that she had slept with most of the sixth formers in the past two school years - well, all the ones who hadn't preferred to be fucked by Dick.

"We haven't exactly got anywhere to do anything," he said.

"I've put the sleeping bags down. We aren't using them in the hammocks, just those Beckfoot blankets."

Dick glanced over and saw where the sleeping bags had been unrolled, his on top, Dot's below, with Dot's pillow at one end. He sighed, walked over, and lay down. These sessions, from the time he had lost his virginity to Dot, always followed the same pattern.

Dot smiled and followed her brother over to the sleeping bags. As soon as he was laid down, she reached through his pyjama fly to pull out his cock. His morning wood had subsided, so she knelt by his side and used her mouth to bring him back to his full, nine-and-a-half hard inches. This did not take long - Dot was a talented cocksucker and knew from experience how to get her brother going. She stretched the elasticated waistband of Dick's pyjama trousers so she could pull it down to sit under his balls. This done, she took hold of his cock, and squatted on top of him, aiming his cock into her waiting cunt as she did so. She sighed as his familiar length filled her up. Once he was in, she started to fuck.

18-year-old Jacky Warriner was walking up the path to the Dogs Home. He'd been asked by Nancy and Peggy (via Cook) to being milk up to the Picts, as the Great Aunt had taken note of the use at Beckfoot and thought it extravagant. He knew the way easily enough, as it was his wood that they had moved, and his knife and saw that Dick and Dot had found the previous day. As he approached the building, he heard the unmistakeable sound of flesh against flesh as two people had sex. Drawing closer, he could hear that it was coming from the Dogs Home. His first thought was to go to the window and watch whilst he jerked off his cock, which had hardened as soon as he had realised what he was listening to.

The window would never do, however, as his face would clearly be visible. The door, on the other hand, was old, and there were some knot holes that he may be able to peek through.

Silently, he approached the building, knelt down by the door and put his eye to the hole. It was a good thing he did. He saw two dark haired teens in mid-coitus, the girl on top, riding the boy and facing the window. He was sure that the message had said that they were brother and sister though. It didn't matter to him who they were, the girl was hot. Her tits were bouncing as she rode the boy, held in only by the nightdress. He set the milk bottle he was carrying down, unbuttoned his shorts, and slipped them, and his underwear down. His hand went straight to his cock and, one eye glued to the knot hole, he began to jerk himself off.

Dot was loving the feeling of her brother inside her. It had been too long since he had fucked her - she had only had one chance during the Easter holidays as their parents were around making sure Dick revised for his exams, not that he needed the revision. Dot had not gone totally without since then, however. As usual, she'd had plenty from other boys, culminating in the traditional handover fuck from the outgoing boarding house prefects to the incoming, of which Dot was one. She thought back to that as she rode her brother, whose cock, as well as being the best she fucked, was also the largest. She'd had other large cocks, but her brother just seemed to keep growing.

Other than the slapping of flesh, she tried to keep quiet, as she didn't know how far the noise would carry in the woods. This wasn't like sex with Nancy the previous night where there would be no one (other than Dick and Peggy, obviously) to hear what was happening. This silence ended as she reached orgasm, however.

"Oh yes, Dick," she breathed. "Oh yes. Yes, yes, yes. Oh, fuck yes."

Dick's hips bucked as he shot his seed into Dot, as she also climaxed at the same time.

Outside the door, Jacky let his spunk go. The fluid shot from his cock and dribbled down the door, the last drops falling to the ground at his feet. He searched in his pockets for a tissue and found only today's clean one to wipe his cock off. Quickly pulling his clothes back on, he picked up the bottle, retreated back into the woods, and began to whistle as he walked up to the door. He stopped as he got closer, then knocked at the door.

"Here's your milk," he said, looking curiously round the hut, making sure he took in Dick and Dot.

After some conversation, where he learned that Dick and Dot were, indeed, siblings, he showed them a place in a pool near the building (that the Picts had already scoped out for washing and bathing) where they could move a stone, underneath which was a perfect place to keep a bottle of milk in the cool water.

Both Dick and Dot had their eyes on him. Jacky was a good-looking lad, muscles filling his shirt sleeve and (Dick noticed as he bent down to move the stone for the milk) a nice, fuckable arse. Things may be looking up.

Chapter 9.2 - Tickling Trout


This story takes place in the afternoon of the same day as the previous story.

Story (m/m, f mast)

Dick and Dot explored the woods that morning, then, having been told in a note passed by Jacky to be ready to go at 2 o'clock sharp, were on the Beckfoot promontory looking down into the garden, expecting Nancy and Peggy to soon be free to go sailing. The Great Aunt had other ideas. She made Peggy read to her as Nancy mowed the lawn. Nancy, being Nancy, used the moving machine to mow the words NO GO into the lawn, before starting on the stripes. This told the Picts there would be no sailing that day.

On their way back up to the Dogs Home, they ran into Jacky as they were watching trout in the river. He had promised to teach them how to tickle trout but had not expected them to be free that afternoon, so took the opportunity to teach them then. Although there were trout where they were, he led them up to where a stream joined the river and lay down by the stream. The Picts were surprised as he had no rod and line, and just rolled his shirtsleeves up and put his hand into the water. Half a minute later, he threw a trout out of the river, and it landed in a bramble, from where he retrieved it.

Dick knelt down to have a go.

"Nay!" said Jacky. "You'll not want to do it like that. I've bin guddling trout for years; you may fall in."

"I'll leave you lads at it," Dot said, wanting to head back to the Dogs Home to see if she could work on her story.

Dick and Jacky both turned and smiled at her.

"Right," Jacky said, "get your togs off."

"What? All off?" Dick asked.

"Nay, keep your undies on."

Dick did as instructed and stripped to his underwear. He didn't notice the look Jacky was giving him as he knelt at the bank. He was also beginning to stiffen up being almost naked in the presence of the good looking 18-year-old.

"How do I do this?" he asked.

"You mun do it artful," said Jacky, taking the trout he had caught and gently moving the fingers of one hand like weeds in the water. "You mun keep guddling till you've your fingers round the middle of him. Tek it slow."

Dick leant forward towards the water, raising his arse into the air. He could feel Jacky standing behind him, watching what he was doing.

Jacky knew precisely what he was about. These two teens from away were both hot. He wanted to fuck both of them and, given what he had seen earlier that day, may even get a three-way.

"Gently, gently," he said, letting a hand fall onto Dick's buttock and, as he had said, gently began to play with it. If Dick hadn't been interested, he'd have told Jacky to stop by now, but there were no words of warning. Dick just allowed the hand to wander further and caress his arse crack. Round and round, now slowly moving up to tug at the waistband of Dick's underwear. The younger boy moved, not to stop Jacky, but to allow him to easily pull the underwear off.

With his other hand, Jacky reached into the pocket of his shorts and pulled out some Vaseline in a small tub. He took a small amount and began to rub that into Dick's arse slowly starting to open the 16-year-old's rosebud with one finger. Dick still took no action, though the thought of trout had left his mind. Up until now, he had always been a top, now he was going to experience gay sex from the other side.

Dot got back to the Dogs Home and got her book. When she picked it up, she wondered why she should be up here - she could write just as well by the river, and may even see Dick fall in. His white underwear may get nicely see through if it got wet. She therefore headed back down.

Dick was moaning in pleasure as Jacky worked his arsehole. No wonder other boys wanted him to do this to them. Jacky was a very gentle lover, making sure Dick's hole was loose enough for entry. The older boy had dropped his own shorts and underwear to the ground and had taken a pause to get some more Vaseline on the hand he was fingering Dick with, and to get some on his other hand so he could lube his cock up.

Dot caught sight of Dick and Jacky as she came through the trees. She could Dick bent over on the riverbank, and Jacky naked from the waist down, apparently jerking himself off. She could also see the size of Jacky's cock - it must have been nearly the same size as her brother's. She stopped, lay down with her head propped up by a tree in a position where she could see what was going on, pulled her knickers down and began to frig herself. Although she didn't know it, she was going to have been present at all three times her brother had lost his virginity - the first time ever to her, the first time he had fucked another boy, and now, the first time he was going to take it up the arse.

"You keep doing it gentle until you have it."

When he said "it", Jacky entered Dick until he was balls deep in the younger boy. Even though Jacky had prepared his arse well, Dick still yelped when the older lad penetrated him. He also instinctively tightened his sphincter, giving Jacky even more pleasure as he thrust in.

"You done this before?" Jacky asked.

"Not like this," panted Dick. "I've fucked boys before."

"Feel good, does it?"

"Fuck yes!"

Jacky pulled back and slid in again, eliciting another moan from Dick as the thick cock in his arse stimulated his prostate. He could feel Jacky's pubes against his arse as the older boy bottomed out. Jacky clearly knew what he was doing, taking things slowly at first.

Up in the woods, Dot was biting the knuckles of one hand as she urgently played with herself with the other. She knew what being fucked by a big cock like Jacky's was like, and certainly would not mind getting it in her if she got the opportunity. Her first orgasm came quickly, not long after Jacky's initial entry. She would have to slow down for her next to see if she was able to time her second for when her brother or Jacky came.

Dick was changing position. From kneeling down when Jacky had started, he was slowly coming more upright. This gave the blonde lad the chance to reach round and have a play with Dick's cock.

"That's grand that," Jacky said when he had gauged the size of Dick's shaft. "You mun do me wi it sometime."

"" Dick asked, panting round Jacky's thrusts.

"Me first time was wi a farmhand. He took me up the arse round the back of a barn. Did me first girl there a couple of week later."

"I'll...fuck want."

"Not now. I'll do you now."

It was not that Dick had not wanted to lose his anal virginity, it was just that, of the small group of gay boys at school, he had the largest cock and all of the others wanted to be fucked by it. Even some boys who had only ever topped before had given it a go. He was absolutely loving the new experience, however.

Both boys where now on their knees, but with their heads up. Jacky's left arm was wrapped round Dick's chest, whilst the right was round his waist wanking him off. From her vantage point, Dot still had her eyes glued on the two boys. She could see the sheen of sweat on her brother's body. The only thing she wanted was to see more of Jacky's muscular body as he fucked her brother. Her fingers groped inside her pussy as her thumb played with her bullet hard clit. She was not close enough to hear the slap of flesh on flesh, but the groans the boys were making as they fucked were clearly audible.

She had her fingers deep in her fanny as her brother was pleasured by both Jacky's large cock, and his hand jerking him, wrapped tightly as he was by the muscular lad's body. Dick couldn't get enough of the cock filling his arse and was positioning himself so that Jacky could thrust more deeply inside. He was amazed at the change from his flaccidity at Jacky's unexpected entrance to how turned on and horny he was now, his cock leaking precum as Jacky wanked him off. All he wanted was to give pleasure to the older lad and get filled with his seed.

Jacky was loving the willingness with which Dick was giving himself to him. Most of the sex he had had was with girls, and it was not often enough that he had sex with a hot boy like Dick, especially one with such a big cock. The thought of the pounding that Dick was going to give him later spurred him into a more intense fucking. He may even be able to have a three-way with both Dick and Dot. This thought was too much for him, and he yelled as he unloaded his spunk into Dick's arse.

Dick felt Jacky's cock throb as the older lad's orgasm hit - he could feel every time Jacky's cock pulsed with cum. This in turn send a wave of sensation through Dick's innards, and, arching his back, he sent his seed arcing up from the end of his cock to drop into the smooth waters of the tarn in front of him.

From her vantage point, Dot could see the pounding intensify, and head the cries of Jacky and her brother as both teens shot their loads. She could just about make out the jets of cum her brother was sending forth as the spunk shot up, then curved down to hit the tarn. Her frigging herself caused her to cum for the second time as she took in the sight of the two lads in front of her. She almost wanted to go for a third orgasm as she saw Jacky bend down to lick the cum that was running down Dick's thighs from his ravaged arse.

Quietly, Dot pulled up her knickers as the two lads by the tarn dressed themselves and returned to fishing.


Next: Chapter 18

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