Amateur Thieves

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Jan 18, 2003




We were gonna rob his house. We'd just broken into the side door of the connecting garage and were about to enter the house. It was really stupid of us. Our first time...and damned well our last time, after that! What could we do? We couldn't ignore that .44 in his hand.

"Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you...but you are going to service me!" He pushed out his crotch--outlining a long, floppy cock. "Yeah, service this. Better than jail, right? Or being shot in the leg? Only if you give me any nonsense, of course."

"P-please, mister! Don't make us do THAT! We'll never rob anybody ever again...honest!"

"Start licking your lips, boys. Cause you're gonna lick this before you leave. If you think that'll be awful, just remember cute boys like you are raped up the ass every day in jail!"

Our eyes darted everywhere, wondering how to escape. He noticed.

"Forget it. I know you boys. Pretty sure I know where you both live, too. Don't do anything stupid. I don't want to hurt you."

We sighed in confused resignation...for the moment, anyway. He moved over to the bench and pulled some rope from a drawer.

"Now tie up your buddy. Oh! This is giving me the opportunity to do something I've always wanted to do but was too ashamed to ask. But you'll do as I say, and not mention it to anyone." He licked his lower lip and whispered in a demented, excited way, "I want to watch you fellas each take a shit!"

"Are you crazy! What the hell for!" I cried.

"Yeah. Why would a guy wanna see somebody shit?"

He ignored us. Turning and pacing, wringing his hands, he was lost in his own erotic planning. "Oh, this will be wonderful! I won't hold back a thing...not a thing. If I feel like licking or even SUCKING on their turds--I WILL!"

"GAWD, MISTER!!" we both gasped, staring at each other as if the guy'd gone nuts.

"Yessiree. My slaves. Master can do what he wants, right? Master makes the rules. Hell, a master can lick a whole pile of shit if he wants...who's gonna say he can't? Oh, the power!"

"Mister, we only broke your lock. Aren't you kinda going overboard?"

"Sure. You're just joking, right? Trying to scare us? Well, you're scaring the shit outta us, that's for sure!"

"Great, Dick. Nice choice of words there!" I smirked.

"He is kidding, isn't he?"

"Boys? You ever imagined you were king or emperor? Invisible? Had a love potion that would make somebody do anything you ordered? Anything at all? Make the chicks blow you all day long? Sure you have. We all have fantasies like that. You just stepped into mine. Except that I don't wanna make you do dirty things--except maybe suck my dick--I'm the one who wants to do dirty things. See, you lucked out!"

"I'll tell my dad!" Dick whined.

"Oh, really? Don't be such a sissy, boy. You got yourselves into this. Can't you face up to it like a man without calling for Daddy? You suck a little dick...take a little shit...maybe the other way around...then you go home all safe with your virgin buttholes intact. Unless you decide to break the law again, and end up END UP in jail with big black pricks ramming you new assholes!"

"L-let's just do what he says, okay Dan? I don't wanna be raped and have a record. This was stupid. Heck, I'm ready to shit my pants now, anyway. And that time we sucked each other wasn't that bad."

"You didn't want to do it again," I accused.

"Aw, I would've if you'd asked again. Just didn't wanna be a queer."

"You think I did? Is that what you're saying?!" I huffed.

"Calm down, sport," the man kept pacing, offhandedly explaining Dick's words while his wheels continued to turn. "He's just saying he enjoyed it as much as you did, but had the same fear of being labeled as you did. Happens all the time, fellas. Straight boys get horny and blow each other it...but feel too guilty to suggest it again. Don't sweat it. If we get time, I'll let you two...rather, I'll MAKE you two get down and suck each other off. Happy, now?"

We looked at each other with disgusted expressions, but neither of us voiced a complaint. Were we afraid he'd change his mind? Were we willing to leave that as part of his plan because we wouldn't be responsible? Do it, and feel no guilt? Somehow we began to slightly understand what he was going through. It was sorta the same. We might do something we wanted to repeat and kept hidden--even to ourselves. He found himself with freedom to do unthinkable nasty stuff with two guys he had captive. It softened our fears, somewhat. Like...let's do it so we can get the hell out of here!

He decided Dick would go first.

What a relief that was...pardon the pun.

"Oh, so nice, so nice. Mmmm. Oughta lick it. Yeah, lick it. Why not? Pretty turd. Sure, I'll lick it. Damn right! Gonna fuckin' lick that sticky turd! OH, SHIT! YEAH! I LICKED IT! Mmmmmmmm! Lick! Lick! Oh fuck, is that good! Fuckin' hot...fuckin' shit lick his stinky shit! Lada lada lada...lick it all over! Yeah, gettin' a dirty brown tongue, probably. WHO GIVES A SHIT! I'll get a brown tongue any day to lick stuff like this! Bet the other one's gonna taste good, too! Yeah, bet he wants to shit for me, now. Doncha, kid? See me lickin' your buddy's hot turd like this ...makes you wanna sit your ass right on my face and take a huge shit, don't it?"

I watched, dumbfounded, as Dick squatted on the hood of the car...taking a shit! That was bad enough, but seeing the man licking his turd and going crazy over it was mind- boggling! And being naked, there was no way I could hide my boner. Hell, I didn't even know why I had one. Well, actually I did. It was seeing my buddy's naked cock and balls--and his ass too. The funny thing was, once he started to take a shit my cock should have gone soft. I mean, it was disgusting having to watch that...just not as disgusting as it should have been. Maybe cause him shitting was no where's near as repulsive as the filthy man licking his asshole clean!

Which was good, I figured. Maybe he wouldn't be so sickened either when he had to watch me shit. If we turned off too much, we might never want to mess around again.

As it turned out I was a bit shocked that Dick stood really close, staring at my asshole expectantly and jacking off! What the heck did he want to do, smell it?! I was so concerned about that I almost slipped on the recently applied waxjob. The man grabbed my ass in time.

"You hold his pretty butt steady," he ordered Dick. "Come on! You can play with your pecker later!"

Blushing, Dick obeyed. I tingled all over when I felt his open palms on my buttocks. For a moment it almost seemed like he was caressing them. I automatically tightened up. No way was I gonna be able to take a shit with HIM holding my ass. But then the man ducked his head and began to lick my asshole out! Sticking his tongue up my hole!

"Now's your chance, man," Dick hissed. "SHIT RIGHT IN HIS MOUTH!!" "Unnnh hunnnh!" the man muttered agreement-- slopping around my anus.

"Do it and we can get the hell outta here!" he cried.

I looked back. "But I thought we..." I said, before catching myself. He grinned, quickly leaning up to my ear.

"We will," he whispered, "but we don't hafta do it with him around. Dumb fuck's so hot for your shit...I could bop him over the head so easy. He's in dreamland! Think I shou...?"

"HEY! KEEP HIS HOLE SPREAD!" the man complained.

"Guess I'd better not." He went back to attending me-- even kneading my cheeks in encouragement!

So...I started to bear down. At the crucial moment I should have stopped in embarrassment, but when I farted loudly it was a two-second warning. Way too late. All kinds of turds suddenly went shooting out of my ass!

"Man, that was something else!" Dick laughed uproari- ously on the way to his place. "Our eyes got like saucers! Didn't mean to giggle, buddy, but I was already light- headed from your stink and it seemed so funny watching 'em plop out like that...and the old fuck with a thick, greasy stubby in his mouth, rubbing his crotch like crazy cause he was coming in his pants while he sucked on it!"

"Yeah, I saw the stain as soon as I got down. It was nice of him to let us go. I couldn't have stood licking his dick anyway, but definitely not after that. Yeck!"

"I know, what a mess when he dropped his pants! Didn't think old guys could still spritz so much jizz. Suckin' that little turd of yours got him off so good he forgot about the rest of his dirty plan."

"Uh, yeah, that would have been awful," I said without emotion.

"I didn't mean about us doin' it, dummy," he elbowed me in the rib, "blowin' him. We still got plans, don't we?" He grinned and winked.

"Absolutely!" I smiled back. "Let's hurry."

"Right!" And while we trotted along: "Say, the old buzzard cleaned us so thoroughly, we could even kiss each other's butthole without it being a gross out!"

"S-sure!" I gasped.

Guess he hadn't gotten repulsed at seeing me take a shit after all.

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