Amantra Faux

By Sasha steele

Published on Mar 23, 2013


Tomb Raider Two The Continuing Adventures of Amantra Faux (part one) by Sasha Steele

The red color Mercedes gravity-drive speedster reduced speed as it descended to street level in Old Town. It followed slowly along the dimly lit street, hovered, then settled onto its foot pads in one of the few open parking spots on the street. The rain had stopped but the streets were still wet. It was dark, darker than usual for eight PM, probably due to the heavy cloud cover.

The driver's-side door lifted upward with a low mechanical whine. A foot in an ankle high, laced black boot with a slight platformed sole and six inch high heel stepped out onto the wet tarmac. The sensual heavy set leg the foot belonged to was clad in shiny black spandex tights. The tights were worn by none other than the beautiful corpulent Archeology Professor Amantra Faux. A black nylon suite jacket worn over top of a scalped black lace brassier completed Amantra's clothing ensemble.

Amantra's beautiful brown eyes were heavily made up in dark mascara, eye liner and eye shadow. His full, fish-like lips, were painted in a dark maroon lipstick. Long fingernails a similar maroon color. Amantra's long black hair was pulled back in a pony tail that issued from a small black leather Empire cone. Amantra had a bit of a Goth look about him, appropriate to the surroundings he now found himself in.

He exited the vehicle in a foul mood. It had been a long day. He was behind schedule, tired and had to pee real bad. On top of that, this particular antiquities broker was difficult to deal with at the best of times, being late would only make it worse. Amantra retrieved a black briefcase from the passenger seat and hurried across the street to the broker's shop. So urgent was the necessity to relieve himself Amantra had to suppress it by clasping a hand to the rather large cock bulging in the pineal pouch of his glossy black tights.

Amantra entered the shop with a tinkle from the small old fashion bell above the door. The real buzzer was hidden, as were the surveillance cameras, but Amantra knew they were there and that Smite, the proprietor, was aware he had entered the shop even though he had not come out from the back. Instead Smite was watching the monitor with growing interest as Amantra clasped himself and did a pee dance while impatiently hitting the bell on the counter.

Smite hungrily watched Amantra on his monitor. He clicked around for a perfect back view and zoomed in on Amantra's big round bootie in those shiny black tights that looked as though they had been spray painted on. They showed every crack and cranny, every contour and detail of Amantra's amazing bubble butt, which his nylon suit coat covered not half of. Smite clicked around further to find a good view of the massive bulging cock Amantra was squeezing. He took his time savouring the sexy assets of the transvestite professor's big curvaceous body. Amantra was about to leave when finally Smite decided to come out.

"About fucking time," Amantra snapped. He hated Smite and hated having to deal with the pervert.

"You can use the bathroom in back," Smite mocked.

"Just give me the package," Amantra said as he opened the briefcase one handed to retrieve the payment.

Smite purposely hesitated.

"Very well," Amantra said snapping the briefcase closed again. "I'll let my client know that you've changed your mind."

Smite stopped Amantra from leaving. He wanted no trouble. Quickly concluded the transaction. Amantra left. Crossed the street. Pee had already escaped into his tights to spite his best efforts to hold it off. The Mercedes door opened at his command. He tossed the briefcase inside and it closed on another command. Amantra walked passed and into the dark shadows on the street to find a place private enough for him to pee.

Amantra slipped into a dark area between two buildings. He let go of his cock, spread his big legs and almost immediately pee gushed through the penal pouch of his tights. Amantra stood there in the dark with his hands splayed on his heavy thighs. His head was cocked back, eyes closed and mouth open as he breathed a long sigh of relief. The heavy stream of warm urine splashed noisily on the cement between his boots. Amantra peed nearly two minutes until finally he had emptied himself. Wiped his tights with a tissue and left.

That same night as Amantra was getting ready for bed the lobby intercom buzzed. He was sitting at his vanity in a white satin nightie and bone color high heel slippers with pretty white bows on them. The nightie's satiny white panties were plain. They were pulled up high over his huge ass and onto his fat gut. The leg holes were low cut, the penal pouch roomy. The loose sleeveless top had wide shoulder straps and just a bit of embroidering on the straight neck line. The nightie was made to fit comfortably. Amantra contemplated his beautiful reflection in the mirror while a male handmaid brushed out his long curls. Another handmaid took the intercom and reported to Amantra he had a visitor. It was the Baroness Arabella of Blithe.

"Show his ladyship in," Amantra told his handmaid, and to the other said, "fetch my robe."

The brush-satin robe was a white on white floral mid length, very stylish. Amantra stood allowing the handmaid to slip it over his heavy shoulders and tie the sash on his fat paunch while Amantra lifted his long tresses out of the way before shaking them out over the robe. He then went to greet the Baroness at the door. They embraced and exchanged a polite kiss on the cheek.

The Baroness had on a three quarter length fur coat, buttoned. He wore black nylon stockings with a seam in back, and black patent six inch pumps. His strikingly beautiful green eyes were heavily made up with black mascara, eye liner and eye shadow. Lips and nails in maroon. The Baroness's shoulder length red hair was straight cut with blunt bangs.

When last Amantra saw him they were at the gala evening for the opening of the science wing at the Institution. That evening the Baroness had worn a much more elegant wig than this one; auburn in color, done up in elaborate curls with a black feather fascinator to match the long black gown he had on. Amantra remembered the great interest the Baroness had shown in the occult artifacts that

were on display that evening.

"To what do I owe the honer of this visit?" Amantra asked.

"You have something that belongs to me Professor Faux," the Baroness said in his posh accent.

Amantra cocked an eyebrow inquisitively.

"The Transmandin Organis," the Baroness said. "You obtained the book earlier this evening."

"For a client," Amantra said.

"Whatever," the Baroness said. "Do you have it now?"


"Then I shall need to know where it is."

"I'm sorry Baroness, but I can't breach that confidentiality."

"Perhaps I can persuade you."

The Baroness unbuttoned his coat, let it drop to the floor revealing that he wore nothing underneath but his expensive designer lingerie. The black lingerie consisted of a corset with sculpted lace brassier and garter belts. His hard nine inch cock bulged the penal pouch of the matching delicate lace panties. The smooth flowing curves of his body belied its firmness, evident of a continuing struggle between the gym and the soft decadent life style of a Baroness. Except for eyelashes and eyebrows the Baroness's body was completely devoid of hair, including head hair, which of course is why he wore a wig. His body showed extensive tattooing in elaborate designs indicative of a more base life before he became the Baron of Blithe's manwife and gained his title of Baroness.

He took Amantra in his arms and kissed him. "I mean to have that book," he said, pressing his hard cock against Amantra's fat body, which caused an immediate rise. He stepped back to open Amantra's robe and was mildly shocked at the size of the bulge in the cock pouch of Amantra's nightie panties. He had only met the professor on one other occasion and Amantra was wearing a full skirted pink dress that hid this thing. The Baroness stroked it through Amantra's nightie panties bringing the monster to its full length and thickness.

He sank to his knees, freed Amantra's massive hardon from the confines of its pantie pouch and took the huge cock into his mouth. The Baroness had sucked a lot of cocks to rise to his present station in life. This was, he noted, the largest cock he'd ever had in his mouth. He noted to that the professor was easily aroused. It would be a simple matter to get from him what the Baroness needed to know.

Amantra tilted his back and with his eyes closed breathed out a long, "ahhhhhhhhhhh," as the sexy Baroness sucked his cock. He'd been horny as hell and that, along with all the rain, was probably why he'd been so miserable all day. "Sssssssssss," Amantra hissed drawing a long breath through his teeth. He needed his big cock sucked. "Mmmmmmmmm." And the Baroness was so dam good at it he was going to make Amantra cum.

The Baroness slid his tongue along the sensitive area on the bottom side of the neck just behind the cock head causing Amantra to moan with elation. He took the plump shaft as deep into his mouth as he could getting even more reaction for his efforts. Every once in awhile the Baroness would stop sucking Amantra's cock and remove it from his mouth. He would lick under the cock head, draw his wet tongue down the expanse of its shaft to Amantra's incredibly large balls and lick there as well. Then pressing the throbbing brute against the side of his face would ask Amantra seemingly unimportant questions as his hand slid gently up and down the long thick cock shaft.

The Baroness had asked many questions and received enough information to know where Amantra had taken the book. In the in term he had worked the corpulent archeology professor into a climatic state of arousal, Amantra was on the verge of an orgasm. The Baroness had Amantra's cock back in his mouth and was contemplating these matters when suddenly Amantra clasped hold the back of his head and shoved his massive cock so far into the Baroness's throat that he choking him. But before the Baroness could react Amantra came in a hard hot torrent and now he wasn't just choking but drowning as well.

Spent, Amantra released his hold. The Baroness stood. He wiped some escaped cum from his chin and licked it from his finger. He was still hard. His cock tenting his black lace panties to their fullest. He pressed it into Amantra as he kissed him. Amantra savoured the taste of his own cum. He wanted the Baroness to fuck him, but instead the Baroness picked up his fur coat, bid Amantra good by and left.

A bit later on, as Amantra lay in bed waiting for sleep to overtake him, he thought about the Baroness's surprise visit. No doubt the Baroness had used sex to extract in formation from him about the book. Amantra thought carefully and concluded that in the throws of his passion he had not leaked out any pertinent information. 'None at all', Amantra said to himself as he gently stroked the growing hardon through the silky penal pouch material of his nightie panties. 'None at all'.

End of part one

Next: Chapter 9: Tomb Raider 2

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