Amantra Faux

By Sasha steele

Published on Feb 25, 2013


Amantra Faux, Transvestite Tomb Raider (Part Seven) by Sasha Steele

Twenty thousand years ago, in the time of the great war between the heGoddesses, two of the remaining three, combined their powers to eradicate the third who was Heshemantran, and whose power they feared more than any other. For it was said that Heshemantran had control over men and heGoddesses alike. Heshemantran's power was so great that anyone within his sphere of influence lost a portion of his willpower in accordance with proximity to the great heGoddess. And those who dared to look directly into his hypnotic green eyes became permanently enslaved to his will.

None were immune to Heshemantran's enchantment, except one, Paralax, who was a Tranian demigod. Paralax, like the heGoddesses, was immortal. And he was possessed of many gifts; such as that of prodigious strength, healing powers and skill at arms. He was feared by those apposed Heshemantran because Paralax loved the extraordinary heGoddess.

As the great war raged the apposing heGoddesses managed to remain outside Heshemantran's sphere of influence, eventually containing the Exalted One within his palace. Then, with advanced weaponry, alchemy and mindless mechanical foot soldiers who were immune to the heGoddesses entrancing, they were finally able to breach the walls of the sanctuary.

Paralax entered the throne room and bowed before his beloved heGoddess. "Your Radiance, our enemies have breached the outer walls. All is lost." Paralax approached the enormous heGoddess and placed his hand on one of Heshemantran's incredibly massive arms. "The transference is ready my beloved. You must leave now."

"I'm afraid," Heshemantran said.

Paralax, who himself was totally without fear, saw it in the heGoddess's beautiful green eyes. He knew of Heshemantran's venerability. Heshemantran was an immortal heGoddess with many human failings. He was possessed of a multitude of demons and many unappeasable wants; insatiable lust, a ravenous appetite, his vanity and his gluttony knew no bounds. He was idle, conceited, selfish, greedy. Due to his excesses and because his human side was Femtranian, Heshemantran was burdened with such faults as extreme obesity, femtran pattern baldness that grew in proportion to his weight gain, and an enormous, yet highly sensitive penis and scrotum. Yet for all his faults, or perhaps because of them, Paralax loved Heshemantran with all his heart.

All of Heshemantran's physical wants and needs were ministered to by a thousand heavily muscled transvestite attendants. They bathed him, dressed and undressed him, fed him and attended to his toiletries. They assisted his mobility as Heshemantran was incapable of walking more than just a few paces on his own. They fussed over him, made him comfortable and rushed to satisfy his every whim.

Heshemantran sat on a great golden throne laden with precious stones. His gargantuan thousand pound body measured four feet across at its broadest part which was his hips as he sat with his colossal legs spread apart. His immense stomach covered the top portion of his thighs to his knees. The heGoddess sat high on his throne because of his enormous ass that, when standing, jutted outward two feet behind him. Heshemantran's cavernous chest was so thick, his incredibly fat arms and shoulders so massive, he couldn't reach across himself but merely place an impaired swollen hand to a bulging sensitive nipple on the side nearest to each, or touch a hand to his beautiful fat face. Otherwise his humongous arms simply lay unavailing against his titanic torso. Compared to his gargantuan body, Heshemantran's head appeared slightly disproportionate as it tilted snobbishly upward due the tubular donut of fat that circled his neck.

In order to cover his baldness the sides of Heshemantran's fine platinum-white hair had been combed up and clasped on the crown of his head with an ornate white pearled diadem. Above a horizontal part in the hair on the back of his head, a portion of that hair was also combed up and secured by the hair clasp so that none of his baldness back there showed. What hair had been left to hang free below the part in back and the long strands of hair issuing from the hair clasp on top of his head were curled and draped delicately over Heshemantran's gargantuan upper body.

The heGoddess was dressed in an elegant silver-white gown. The long open outer coat was festooned with vibrant stitching, embedded beads, pearls and diamonds. Below the puffed shoulder caps the upper arm portion of the sleeves were tight to Heshemantran's massive arms then flared magnificently with superb detailing. The brilliant silver-white under dress was sleeveless with a tight fitted bodice. The back and front panels of the long skirt were divided their full length. The split between them traveled from the sides of the heGoddess's massive belly at his hips to his fat feet. It hung from Heshemantran's gut and draped on the floor between his spread feet as he sat.

Under his gown Heshemantran was wearing elaborately detailed ornate white satin brassier and panties. The pantie's penal pouch containing his monstrous eighteen inch cock was hidden behind the drape of his dress skirt. His mammoth legs were exposed in the divide between the skirt panels. They were clad in glossy white stockings with fancy lace detailing on their tops. On his bulky feet were ice-blue sandals with six inch heels.

The heGoddess was adorned in an extreme array of white-gold jewelry with many earrings, necklaces, bracelets and facial studs. He wore heavy make up, his lipstick and eye shadow a silvery tint. His extremely long fingernails were also painted a silver gloss.

Afraid though he was, Heshemantran knew that he must save himself at all costs. With the aid of hidden mechanical devices and his attendants the Brobdingnagian thousand pound heGoddess rose from his throne. He was aided to seat himself on a gold and diamond enclustered trundle stroller and was wheeled into an anti chamber where the three part transference device had been assembled.

Heshemantran grasped the sleeve of Paralax's dress. The fatness of his hands and fingers rendered his grip ineffectual. "Paralax, is there no other way?" The heGoddess asked, his growing fear becoming even more apparent.

"Do not fear. All will be well my love," Paralax said. He leaned over Heshemantran's bulk and kissed him.

The heGoddess was raised from the trundle stroller in order that his clothing and adornments could be removed. Only his regal flesh could enter the transference chamber. The heGoddess stood there naked in all his prodigious glory. His enormous body was awe inspiring, his radiant beauty surpassed by none, his flawless skin as smooth as polished white ivory. Paralax set the phallic obelisk into its place and from its tip there originated a brilliant white light that projected onto the second and then the third object. The light gathered in the center of the three forming a circular brilliance.

With great apprehension the morbidly obese heGoddess reached a trembling tumid hand into the light. To his great relief it felt pleasant causing the resplendent heGoddess to lose some of his reservation. Heshemantran took an exacting step forward. The protrusion of his massive gut entered into the light.He looked back to Paralax for reassurance. Another arduous step and still another and the last of Heshemantran's huge derriere disappeared into the light.

Paralax escaped with the three parts. He disguised them in stone and hid them in the secret temples of Heshemantran. When the task was complete Paralax exacted his revenge on the heGoddesses and succeeded in destroying them so that only Heshemantran remained. It is said that even with his great healing powers Paralax eventually did succumb to his wounds.

Professor Amantra Faux was just finishing the lecture when a secretary entered to inform him that a visitor from the Bureau wished to speak with him. Amantra was dressed in a very business-like brown skirt suite. The short styled jacket buttoned snugly to his thick torso. The skirt, though not quite as short as the little school uniform skirts worn by his students, was just long enough to cover his considerable backside and the fancy embroidered tops of the beige nylon stockings he wore. But it failed to completely cover the massive bulge of the penal pouch in his white panties, the greater portion of it exposed to the front of his heavy thighs.

Amantra wore a white silk blouse tucked into the skirt, the top few buttons open. He had on a white brassier to match his panties. The front panel of the skirt hung straight down off his protruded belly creating a bit of a gap between the skirt panel and his nylon clad upper thighs with his pantie bulging genitals laid against them and showing below the hemline. His long black hair was done in a stylish French braid. His brown eyes were heavily made up. He wore brown tone lipstick and nail polish, gold jewelry. Amantra had on brown leather pumps with six inch heels that clicked on the marble floor as he walked to the office.

Entering the office Amantra shook the agent's hand. The last time that hand had touched Amantra it was milking his hard cock while the agent in charge asked him questions in the interrogation room at Bureau headquarters. Remembering it, Amantra felt a twinge in his cock.

He let go the agent's hand and said, rather defensively, "I already told you everything I know."

"I'm not here to question you," the agent said. "We've traced the theft to a Heshemantran cult who call themselves the Paralax. It's the cult's belief that if they assemble all the parts they can bring their heGoddess into the present. The Bureau can't allow all three parts to fall into their hands. We have a lead on the location of the third. The Bureau requires your assistance Professor Faux."

"Why should I help the Bureau after the treatment I received?" Amantra asked, though he knew why. The Bureau payed well and Amantra loved field work.

"We'll double your usual fee."

"Triple it."

"You drive a hard bargain Professor Faux. Triple it then. When can you start?"

Amantra's huge legs were tubular in shape. That is, they angled downward in a smooth line from his heavy hips to fat knees, to thick ankles in a gentle tapper with no extreme contours. That's why they looked so dam sexy in the black pantyhose his man servant had just helped him into. The opaque black pantyhose were shear all the way up from his fat toes to the wide sculpted lace waist band drawn up high onto his big hips and stomach.The rear seam pulled deep into Amantra's ass crack and the hose back there tucked into the double crescent cleavage at the bottom of his huge buns. A joined cock pouch allowed Amantra's huge balls and cock to hang freely down in front against the nylon hose material covering his heavy upper thighs.

Standing in front of the mirror Amantra ran his hands from his backside, over his hips and onto his upper thighs. He loved the feel of their silky smoothness against his soft skin. His hand traced over and under his fat gut onto the bulge of his fleshy pubis mound, then down onto his huge cock. Wearing only pantyhose with no panties the opaque black nylon just obscured the details of the contents contained inside the hosiery's cock pouch, not completely hiding it and the stretchy hose material closely followed the outline of Amantra's huge balls and cock. Amantra thought that to be very sensual. He thought too, that peeing in his pantyhose would be even more so. And Amantra had been suppressing his urge to pee for just that reason.

The only other component to Amantra's underwear was a black scalloped-lace brassier that fit perfectly to his thick chest. He wore black patent platform pumps with six inch heels. His hair was drawn back into along braid that hung down his thick back. He wore heavy dark makeup and black gem stone earrings. His lips and nails were a dark maroon.

Evenings can get cool in the desert so Amantra wore a tube dress with thin vertical black and grey stripes. The short dress had a straight neck and long sleeves just past the elbow. It fit snug to Amantra's heavy arms, shoulders and chest, tighter over his gut and ass. In back the short dress adequately covered Amantra's big bum. However the front skirt panel of the dress left most of his cock exposed.

The guide Amantra hired put him onto a local con man who could set him up with the equipment he required. That meeting wasn't for a while yet so Amantra killed time sitting at the bar in the hotel. After a couple of drinks his urge to pee had escalated. While sitting there a strong squirt of urine accidentally discharged into Amantra's pantyhose. He had to clutch his cock to stop it. The erotic feeling aroused him. Amantra was starting to get a hard on. 'Oh shit', he said to himself.

He left the hotel area to a less busy location. By the time he found a convenient spot where he could relieve himself several more squirts had escaped into his pantyhose. He had to hold on tight to himself so as not to pee in the street as he walked. Amantra had no sooner spread his legs and released his hold when a strong stream of pee gushed from the semi erection in his pantyhose. Amantra's piss surged through the nylon material covering the tip of is cock and splashed on the ground in front of him. Amantra breathed a long sigh of relief as he peed and when he was done he had a hard on.

"Shit," Amantra swore as he tried to press his hard cock down onto his thighs. He had to leave for the meeting and hoped it would decline as he walked.

The click of his heels on the side walk announced Amantra's arrival at the cafe'.The Bureau had no contacts here so Amantra had to rely on unknowns. He didn't like it but had no choice. The man he was to meet was late. When he finally arrived Amantra was enjoying sweetened tea and cakes. There was a language barrier but Amantra finally got that he was to follow him. They walked the twisting back streets and Amantra realized he was lost. The man turned a corner and disappeared. Amantra was alone.

A car pulled up and two thugs got out. "In the car," one of them ordered in a thick accent.

Amantra protested. For that Amantra was punched hard in his gut. He sank to his knees and stayed there with one hand to his belly the other on the ground to stop himself from toppling over, his head down, the long braid dangling onto the ground.

After a moment to gather himself Amantra looked up and said, "alright, I'll get in the fucking car,"

"The fat American has no fight," one of them said. They both laughed. The one who had punched Amantra in the gut grabbed his long braid and hauled him up. They forced him into the car and drove him out into the desert. Amantra was taken into a large tent near a dig sight. He'd been forced to take his dress off. His hands were bond behind his back, the rope looped around the sturdy center pole.

Amantra was alone in the tent wearing nothing but his shoes, pantyhose and brassier. The tent pole pressed between his massive butt cheeks. He tried to free himself but couldn't. He was still trying when two other men dressed in long Arab robes entered.

"So Professor Faux, your snooping has brought you all the way here," the leader said, speaking in perfect English. "We have to make sure you snoop no further."

"Get rid of him," he said to the other man in the tent, then left.

The other man was garbed in a long white Arabian robe, all but his eyes covered. He removed his veil and Amantra saw he was fair looking. Amantra noticed, as the man approach him, there was a tenting in the front panel of his skirts. He pressed his hardness against Amantra. Took hold of Amantra's long braid and pulled him downward. Amantra slid down to pole to onto his knees. The Arab drew his skirt to the side, trapped it there, revealing his long hard black cock. He wound Amantra's braid around the pole then yanked on it forcing Amantra's head back. Amantra opened his mouth to cry out and when he did the Arab shoved his black cock down Amantra's throat.

He held Amantra trapped by his hair as he fucked him in the mouth.The gyration of his hips moved in tempo with his increasing breath rate. He was going to cum in Amantra's mouth. As though it had a mind of its own Amantra's cock reacted and soon he had massive hard on. The Arab fucked Amantra's mouth vigorously to bring himself to climax. He grabbed Amantra around the back of the head shoving his cock in as far as it would go.

He came in a hot torrent down Amantra's throat. Eased his hold and let his hard cock slide into Amantra's mouth proper. Amantra's tongue went to work. He licked the shaft and cock head. The Arab tilted his head back and sighed with pleasure. Then he stepped back and retrieved his gun. He raised it toward Amantra, hesitated, then suddenly dropped to the floor in a heap. The guide that Amantra hired had hit him hard with a rock.

"Quickly, untie me," Amantra said, distress evident in his voice and on his face. "Oh fuck, hurry."

The guide cut him loose and helped Amantra to his feet. As soon as his hands were freed Amantra had taken hold of his throbbing hard on an begun to masturbate himself through his pantyhose even as the guide helped him up. His hand moved swiftly along its shaft. He was going to cum. He spread his big legs, holding on to the tent pole with one hand while he work his cock with the other.

Amantra closed his eyes, tilted his head back, opened his mouth. "Ahhh. Ahhh. Ahhh."

He was so close. "Ahhh. Ahhh. Ahhh." And then he came. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

When Amantra came his load shot threw his pantyhose onto the Arab laying on the floor of the tent. He pumped out a good mass of semen, then milked his cock dry. Amantra was out of breath, almost faint. When he recovered the guide brought him a black Arabian robe. Amantra put it on, covered his face. Only his beautiful brown eyes were visible. The dig site, the last temple of Heshemantran, was partly excavated and crawling with Paralax men.

"I have to get in there," Amantra said.

"There is another way Manstress," the guide told him.

They sneaked past the guards. Took an evasive route into the desert. What seemed to Amantra to be a long way from the temple, they found an obscure cave. They entered and traversed a long stone corridor leading back to the temple. When Amantra entered the temple he was alone. His guide refused to go in. There, before Heshemantran's shrine, was a pyramid shaped crystal on a golden four foot high stand. Amantra took the crystal from the stand and backed away from the shrine.

"I'll take that," Phallus Dickman said.

"You!" Amantra said, astonished.

Once again Phallus had dogged Amantra's trail and arrived to take his prize. Amantra was tired of having his efforts thwarted by his nemesis. Then Amantra saw who he was with and thought that this time Phallus was in over his head. Again a Paralax man had a gun trained on Amantra. Phallus relieved Amantra of the crystal and returned to his cronies. Amantra had momentarily thought of running into the tunnel directly behind him. But with his bulk and a subtle shake of the head from Phallus, he decided against it.

"The boat is ready?" The Paralax leader asked Phallus.

"Dock seven, two hours," Phallus told him.

The leader turned to the Arab who had mouth fucked Amantra in the tent. "Make sure you kill him this time," he said.

The Arab raised his gun. Just then rocks fell directly behind him. Startled he turned toward the rock fall and Amantra ran into the tunnel.

"Get him!"

Bullets whizzed by Amantra's head. Inside the tunnel he quickly turned, then turned again into a dead end. The gunman found him. Took aim. Then, just as he had in the tent, dropped to the floor. Apparently Amantra's guide was handy with rocks.

"This way Manstress," the guide said.

They skirted the dig site as Paralax men scrambled to organize a search. Amantra followed the guide to where he had stashed his jeep.

"I need to get to a phone," Amantra said.

Amantra put in a call to the Bureau. "We'll take from here," they told him, and for him to return to the hotel. But Amantra couldn't keep away. At the hotel he discarded his Arab garb and put on a blue color mini dress that looked like a long blouse with pocket flaps and little straps that button over rolled sleeves. The long blouse buttoned down the front, fitted snug to Amantra's gut over which he wore a black belt. The shirt tails formed a short skirt. The rear flap rode over his big ass almost fully covering it. The front showed as much cock as his dress had.

Amantra borrowed a car and drove to dock seven. By the time he got there the operation was finished. The crystal had been recovered. Paralax men had either been dispatched or had fled and Phallus Dickman was in custody. Amantra spoke to the agent in charge. "I needed help, so I recruited Phallus to assist me," Amantra lied.

The Bureau reluctantly freed Phallus Dickman as Amantra returned to the borrowed car he'd left in the parking lot. He had just opened the door to climb in when Phallus came up behind him. Phallus was wearing the same white blouse, short khaki skirt and brown high heel field boots he had on in the temple. He was wearing a white bra and panties. His blond hair was in a short pony tail.

"Why did you lie for me?" Phallus asked.

Amantra turned to him, looked into his deep blue eyes. "You know why," he said.

They flew into each other's embrace, kissed passionately. Breathing laboured with their arousal. Their erections were simultaneous. They ground their hardness into one another as they kissed. Phallus reached down and took hold of the monstrous hard on in Amantra's pantyhose. Amantra reacted with a long ssssssssssssssss as he sucked air through his clenched teeth.

"We're in a parking lot," Amantra said, though not wanting to stop.

"Who cares," Phallus said, kissing him again.

Amantra broke off the kiss then slowly turned around offering his big fat ass to Phallus. Phallus's hard cock stretched his pantie pouch straight out beyond the hem of his short skirt. Amantra leaned onto the car and Phallus began to fuck him through his pantyhose.

It was an intense fuck, driven by passion. Amantra had a hold of the massive hard on in its nylon cock pouch and was vigorously masturbating himself while Phallus fucked Amantra's ass through his pantyhose. Then, for the second time that night, Amantra shot a load of cum through his pantyhose. At nearly the same moment Phallus came in his panties soaking them and the seat of Amantra's pantyhose along the seam that was buried deep in his ass crack.

Amantra turned around to him. Both of them were out of breath. They kissed one last time.

"Till we meet again then," Phallus said.

"Till we meet again," Amantra repeated.

Phallus turned and walked away. Amantra climbed in his borrowed car and drove off.

And so, for the time being at least, we leave our beautiful, though corpulent transvestite tomb raider to his hapless adventures.


Next: Chapter 8: Tomb Raider 1

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