Amantra Faux

By Sasha steele

Published on Feb 20, 2013


Amantra Faux, Transvestite Tomb Raider (Part Six) by Sasha Steele

Amantra Faux's favourite bluejeans were well worn, comfortable and fit him like a glove. The light blue denim was weathered even lighter in all the usual places - the seat, front of the thighs and along the ridge of their penal pouch. Their inseam rose right up to the apex of Amantra's crotch behind his abnormal sized scrotum. The rear seam sank deep between the globular masses of his huge butt. The material back there tucked into the double crescent cleft below those masses before following the curvature around the swell of his huge ass. The waist band crossed his thick lower back, rode over his heavy hips and then down slightly clasping under the shelf of his fat gut.

The zipper rode over the bulge of his pubis mound terminating just above the penal pouch. The denim material of the penal pouch set in front of the inseam clung to Amantra's massive balls following four inches across their lateral sacks that descended another five inches requiring a good swath of denim material to contain them and the thick nine inch shaft that draped over their rounded forward aspect. The penal pouch with its distended cargo laid against the frontal portion of Amantra's heavy upper thighs slightly interfering, though not unpleasantly, with the way he walked.

Amantra felt sexy in his favourite bluejeans and was glad to be wearing them today instead of the business type skirt suites he had to wear while teaching at the university. He was glad for the reprieve from teaching to set up the exhibits that were to go on display that evening for a gala event in conjunction with the opening of the scientific antiquities wing of the Institution.

He was dressed ready to work in his sexy bluejeans, black lace up boots with five inch high chunky heels and a white silk front buttoned blouse with the sleeves rolled up. Underneath Amantra was wearing a bright white colored brassier and matching panties with delicate lace detailing on them.

A small group of students were waiting when Amantra arrived in the cavernous basement vault below the Institute that warehoused a vast array of artifacts. They had brought coffee and donuts, which they knew would please their favourite transvestite professor. The students would do the leg work while Amantra figured out what exhibits would be tagged to be removed for the show.

After working for an hour they were three quarters the way through the list, the donuts were gone, Amantra was on his third coffee and he had to pee. As usual though, Amantra was so engrossed in his work that he fought the urge whenever a wave struck him by clutching himself as he did a little pee dance until the urge abated. And he was doing just that when a secretary from upstairs approached to tell Amantra that he had a telephone call.

"You can take it in the office over there," the secretary told him, adding, "if you need to pee the toilets are on the second floor."

"I know where they are, thank you."

Amantra climbed a flight of iron steps to a portable office that looked as though it was never used. He trapped the phone between his shoulder and cheek trying to write down the item the caller wanted added to the list while clutching his cock with his other hand. Amantra had to pee real bad. He came back down the stairs, stopped and decided to slip into a shadowy area beside the office to relieve himself.

Amantra spread his feet apart and bent forward with his hands on his knees to watch as he pissed in his favourite bluejeans. He relaxed. The bottom of his penal pouch saturated. The wetness wicked upward, then stopped as a weak stream broke through. Amantra caught his breath and bore down. The dribbling stream became a torrent. Amantra's heavy pee splashed on the cement floor between his boots forming a rather large puddle. Finished his pantie piss, Amantra went back to join his students.

For the gala event that evening Amantra had chosen an elegantly styled party dress. The pink dress featured a V neck bodice with shoulder cap sleevette's and a relaxed fit to accommodate his fat body. The loose folds of the full skirt fell below the knee.

Amantra had selected expensive designer lingerie in a light pink blush color to wear under his party dress. Amantra's body was solidly built with a thick upper chest to balance the fat in the area of his nipples and underarms. Those nipples were pleasingly shaped and well defined with fairly prominent buds, though the areola wasn't overly large. Amantra's heavy upper chest sharply contrasted the delicately laced brassier that was set against its smooth flesh.

That brassier was designed to fit perfectly the contours of Amantra's pectoral fat. It featured scalloped-lace top edging with a pretty center bow and floral-jacquard detailing on the breast pads. The matching panties, pulled up high on Amantra's heavy hips and stomach, had a wide scalloped- lace waist band and floral detailing at the frontal thigh leg openings. The small swath of lace there was wider at the leg holes tapering upward half way up the hip panel, the protrusion of Amantra's pot belly set between them. The panties had a pretty bow at center back on the shelf of his big butt just below the waist band.

The expansive penal pouch with its hulking contents rode outward on a crescent then downward. The bulging contour of Amantra's pantied cock was essentially hidden beneath his dress unless the light folds of his skirt rode inward to his thighs, as it did when he walked. He wore nude-tone nylon stockings with stylish embroidered elastic tops. The stockings were pulled up as high as they could be drawn into his crotch. The mid frontal portion of their fancy elastic tops was hidden behind the massive balls inside the penal pouch of his dusty-pink panties.

Amantra wore dark pink pumps with six inch heels on his feet. His long nails were done in pink. Lipstick a silver-white with a pink hue. Eye shadow a soft blush. He wore a white pearl necklace with dangling pearl earrings to match, and his favourite perfume. Amantra's long black hair was worn up in an elaborate coif that allowed ringlets to the sides of his beautiful face and tight curls that dangled down in back. Amantra felt and looked stunning.

At the party Amantra drank a lot of champagne and pigged out on the fancy finger foods as he mingled with the dignitaries explaining the significance of the artifacts on exhibition. A couple of hours later Amantra's need to pee had become obvious. Leaving a student in charge of the exhibits Amantra excused himself to the washroom.

Straddling a toilet Amantra lifted the skirt of his dress up out of the way. He pushed his hips forward to position his pantied cock over the center of the bowl and then relaxed to let his pee flow. The bottom portion of the penal pouch in his expensive designer panties saturated before a light trickle of urine found its way through. He bore down turning the trickle into solid stream that splashed noisily into the water. Amantra peed for a minute or so then dried his panties with a wad of toilet paper. He dropped the tissue in the toilet and went to the mirror to make sure his dress was right and to check his hair and makeup.

Focused, as he was on his beautiful corpulent image in the mirror, Amantra hadn't noticed the man in a black dress who had slipped into the washroom locking the door behind him. Amantra didn't take notice until the man was standing close behind with a gun pressed to his back. Amantra gasped, tried to turn around but the man stopped him.

"Both hands against the mirror Professor Faux," the gunman ordered pressing the gun harder into Amantra's back. Afraid, Amantra did as he was told.

"I'm to hold you here for a few minutes while my associates relieve the Institute of one of their artifacts." Amantra reacted, tried to turn around again but was pushed against the mirror.

"Don't do anything stupid and we'll get through this just fine. It would be a shame to have to hurt a big doll like you." Still behind Amantra the gunman ogled his expansive derriere. "Course nobody said we couldn't have a bit of fun while we wait. Lift up your dress. I want to see that big ass."

Amantra lifted the back of his dress exposing his huge ass clad in his dusty-pink color panties. Their seat followed its globular contours, the material pulled into the cleft between them and the double crescent cleft at the bottom.

"Wow! That is some serious butt," the gunman said. "Get those panties down."

Amantra pulled his panties down onto his heavy thighs while the gunman released his cock through a leg hole in his own black panties. He bent Amantra forward so that Amantra's face and hands were against the mirror. Amantra gasped as the gunman in the black dress abruptly shove his cock up his ass. He began to fuck him fervidly and in no time at all came in Amantra's ass.

In spite of the fact that this was an unsolicited invasion of his backside, it wasn't necessarily an unwelcome one. Amantra liked getting his ass fucked. And so his cock had risen and Amantra had automatically taken hold of it to jerk himself off.

Then suddenly shots rang out startling both of them. There were shouts from the exhibition hall and the sound of more gun fire. The gunman in the black dress ran out. Amantra tucked his erection into his panties and followed after him. There was a lot of noise and confusion. Amantra found the student he'd left with the exhibits. The item that had been stolen was the one that had been added to the list at the last minute - an eighteen inch long phallic obelisk thought to be a replica of Heshemantran's cock.

The place was soon crawling with Bureau agents quieting things down. They interviewed the witnesses and wanted to speak to Amantra. The agent in charge didn't buy Amantra's story. A second agent gave his boss a piece of paper. The stolen obelisk was not on the official list of exhibits.

He turned to Amantra and said, "you had better come with us Professor Faux."

Amantra strongly protested so they cuffed him and hauled his fat ass next door to Bureau headquarters where he was detained in an interrogation room.

"So Professor Faux, let's go over the facts," the agent in charge said. "You added the stolen obelisk to the list of exhibits claiming it was authorized by someone else, but you don't know who. You conveniently disappear when the heist goes down and claim you were having sex in the washroom with someone, but don't know who he was. And, as it turns out, that someone just happens to be part of the gang that stole the obelisk. Sounds pretty fishy, doesn't it?"

"It's what happened. I've told you."

"You see our problem. We want to believe you. We do believe you. But the obelisk is of such importance to the Bureau, we have to be absolutely certain. If you really want to cooperate Professor, then I suggest you submit to this new procedure the Bureau has been using."

Amantra thought about it. He just wanted out of there. "Okay," he said, "I'll do it."

"Alright then, take off your dress."

"Excuse me! Is that part of the procedure?"

"Are you going to cooperate or not?"

"This is very unusual," Amantra said as he got up. "Can someone help with my zipper?"

An agent uncuffed one hand while the other worked the zipper on the back of Amantra's dress and Amantra slipped out of it. There was a free-standing horizontal bar about head height, like a coat rack or low chin up bar in the interrogation room. They flipped the hand cuff over top of it and did it back up on Amantra's wrist holding him there. The agent in front put a hand to the inside of Amantra's heavy thighs for him to spread his legs apart. He did, assuming a position slightly bent forward with legs spread, back arched and hands up on the bar. The agent in front withdrew Amantra's monster cock from its pantie pouch and began to masturbate him. When Amantra's cock was good and hard the agent behind started to ask questions while the one in front jerked him off.

Amantra's answers became stunted. He blurted them out not really thinking of what he was saying, his mind not being able to get past the wonderful sensation of the agent's hand sliding up and down his rock hard shaft. Amantra got to the point where he couldn't think to answer. He couldn't take much more. He needed release. And then he came, his orgasm accompanied with a long sigh of ecstasy.

Amantra's load splattered on the floor in front of the agent's feet.

The agent kept on pumping Amantra's cock until he had emptied himself. He stuffed Amantra's spent cock into its pantie pouch and uncuffed his hands. "Thank you for your cooperation Professor Faux," the other agent said. "You're free to go." They left Amantra alone to get dressed.

Amantra slipped back into his dress, left the interrogation room and went to find someone to help with the zipper on the back of his dress. He overheard the two agents talking so stopped just outside the door to listen.

"He's telling the truth," the one who had jacked Amantra off was saying. "Nobody could lie under that pressure."

"His story checks with what we got from the man in the black dress who bum fucked the professor in the bathroom," the other said.

"What's his condition?"

"Flesh wound, lower leg. He's on the second floor at the hospital under guard. We'll collect him sometime tomorrow afternoon. We need to find the obelisk now that the other part has been located."

Amantra interrupted them at that point, got his dress done up and left. That night Amantra laid in bed going over the events of the day as he absentmindedly stroked the hard cock in his powder blue nightie panties. What was the other part of Heshemantran's phallic obelisk? And where was it? He had to find out.

Next morning, just past eleven, Amantra was on the second floor of the hospital. He was wearing an off-white mini dress with beige flecks on it. It seemed quite ordinary compared to the elegant pink dress he had worn last night. Today's mini dress had a round neck, short sleeves and a relaxed fit. He was wearing white lingerie, beige nylon stockings and tan color six inch pumps.

Amantra opened the door to the doctor's locker room and entered. Found a white lab coat and put it on. The short-tailed lab coat jutted out in back over the shelf of his big butt. He tried to button it but the coat was too tight. 'I have to do something about this gut', Amantra said to himself for the hundredth time. He found a name tag, a stethoscope. Picked up a clipboard and (fake doctor) Amantra Faux exited into the hallway.

The click of his high heels on the polished floor brought the guard's attention to Amantra. He watched the hypnotic motion as the massive organ in Amantra's white pantie pouch, the full extent of it clearly visible below the hem of his short dress, flicked back and forth with the waddling walk of the of the fat sexy doctor's approach. "Good morning doctor," he said.

Amantra acknowledged him with a nod and entered the room. The prisoner had been stripped of everything but his black panties and bra. He lay with his back on the bed, bandaged leg elevated and both hands restrained.

"About fucking time somebody came," the prisoner protested, "I'm about to piss my panties."

Then he saw that that this was no doctor who just came in but the overweight archeology professor he had fucked up the ass the night before. He thought of calling for the guard but Amantra had retrieved the urinal vase from the cupboard beside the bed and begun to free his cock to pee.

"Turn a bit onto your side," Amantra instructed him.

The prisoner shifted his weight. Amantra held the prisoner's cock in order to direct his pee into the vase. Then, with a great sigh of relief, the prisoner emptied his bladder nearly filling the vase. Amantra set the vase on the cupboard with one hand, the other kept hold of the prisoner's cock gently stroking it. Amantra felt it beginning to stiffen.

"What are you doing?" The somewhat confused prisoner asked.

"I need to ask you a few questions," Amantra said, as he continued to stroke the prisoner's cock.

"Ask questions? While you jerk me off?"

"It's a new technique I learned to make sure you tell the truth."

The prisoner's cock was hard as a rock and his breathing got heavier as Amantra continued to masturbate him, bringing him closer to ejaculation. If he hesitated an answer to a question Amantra would stop until the prisoner begged him to continue. Eventually, very close to coming, the prisoner spilled his guts and Amantra had all the answers he needed. But instead of stopping to jerk him off Amantra continued until he brought the prisoner to climax.

Amantra was addicted to cum. He couldn't stop himself. So leaned over the bed and took the prisoner's cock in his mouth. "Mmmmmmmmmm," Amantra hummed in sincere appreciation as the prisoner discharged a load of semen into his mouth. Amantra swallowed it, licked the prisoner's cock clean and tucked it back in his panties.

The fully erect monster in Amantra's panties projected out from under the hem of his mini dress. He contemplated making himself cum right then and there but thought better of it. "Thank you for your cooperation," Amantra said and left the room.

Holding the clipboard down to hide his erection Amantra walked out past the guard. The guard watched Amantra's big butt cheeks bob up and down as he waddled down the corridor and disappeared around the corner. Amantra returned to the doctor's locker room and hurried inside.

Amantra desperately needed to relieve his throbbing erection. He took hold of it masturbating himself through his white panties. Amantra quickly brought himself to climax and grunted loudly as he came. Amantra's cum shot through the end of his pantie pouch into a laundry basket. Deciding he should pee Amantra remained poised over the laundry basket. He gathered his breath and bore down to pee through his panties with a still hard cock. When Amantra finished taking a piss, he took off the lab coat and used it to wipe the excess from his pantie pouch. Then he threw the lab coat in the laundry basket and left.

End of part six.

Next: Chapter 7

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