Amantra Faux

By Sasha steele

Published on Feb 18, 2013


Amantra Faux, Transvestite Tomb Raider (Part Five) by Sasha Steele

"Who are you?" the Museum Curator asked.

Amantra took a business card from his purse and handed it to him.

The curator read it. "Odd last name," he said. "Is it pronounced fox or fucks?"

Amantra rolled his eyes. "Fox," he said.

The curator looked from the card to Amantra and back to the card. He had looked specifically at the extremely large sex organ straining the penal pouch of Amantra's pink panties, clearly visible as it stuck way out from under the micro mini skirt he wore.

"You don't look like an archaeologist."

"What does an archaeologist look like?"

"I don't know," the curator said, "not so well endowed, I suppose."

"You suppose wrong," Amantra fumed. "Now may I please see the exhibit."

Amantra was wearing a tight fitted pink top that left his heavy arms and shoulders bare and failed to adequately cover the soft pink brassier he wore under it. His bra straps and the lace along the edge of the breast pads was left showing. His loose pleated micro mini skirt with a large flower pattern in tans, brown tones and off whites was pulled up high on his belly and over his heavy hips. The material was longer in back than front to accommodate the expanse of his huge butt, whereas in front it hung straight down off his big fat paunch. The skirt was so short that not only did Amantra's cock and balls show, so did the bottom portion of his big ass.

Amantra had his black hair pulled off his face with a hair band, the long lose curls hung almost to his thick waist, which was the best way to manage it in this hot climate. He wore brown open toe sandals that strapped over his ankles. Their six inch heels clicked on the marble floor as he waddled to a closed section of the museum followed by Dana Dollman. The curator unlocked the door and let them in.

"What are we looking for?" Dana asked.

"I've seen this symbol before," Amantra told him, indicating the gold disc on the chain around his neck. "It was connected with one of these artifacts from the the temple of Heshemantran. Look for anything resembling it."

"Who's Heshemantran?"

"An ancient heGoddess. You look over there. I'll take this section."

They'd been searching over an hour when Dana came whining to Amantra that he couldn't find anything and didn't want to search any more.

"Go find out where the toilets are then," Amantra said. "I have to pee."

Dana was gone a long while. When he got back Amantra had his knees pressed together and was examining exhibits one handed as the other hand was on his cock, squeezing it to hold back his pee.

"The toilets are in the next building behind this one," Dana told him. "Here, I got you a coffee."

Amantra took the coffee. It was dark and strong, a needed boost. He drank it as he continued working. His need to pee escalated. Fuck walking to the toilets in the next building Amantra thought. Instead he went to a secluded area at the back, spread his legs and let his pee flow through his panties.

Amantra tilted his head back sighing with relief as piss splashed on the floor between his sandals. He was just finishing when he noticed a large cracked stone with a depiction of the heGoddess on it. Amantra wiped his pantie pouch with a tissue and went to check it out.

"Dana, come over here," he shouted.

The depiction of Heshemantran carved in the stone showed a figure of immense proportion. The heGoddess was reputed to have weighed a thousand pounds. His pure white hair was extremely long although he was quite bald on top. His elephantine cock, which hung to below his knees, looked to be twice the size of Amantra's monster.

"The story goes that due to his decadence, his debauchery, his overindulgence and lust, Heshemantran was deposed by the other heGoddesses," Amantra explained. "A devastating war ensued. With his empire on the brink of destruction Heshemantran made his escape using a device that projected him through time. Heshemantran escaped into the present. "

What had drawn Amantra's attention to the stone was the disc worn around the heGoddess's neck. It was the same as the one around Amantra's own neck. Dana was closely examining some scrolling near the bottom of the stone. "It's a map," he said.

Amantra took a look. "I believe you're right."

"I know that area," Dana said. "Its in the section of the forbidden jungle controlled by a tyrannical transvestite heQueen named Manbumba."

Amantra pointed to a specific mark on the map. "I think that's where Heshemantran's temple is located." He pointed to another depiction, "and that's the device the Bureau wants me to retrieve. We have to go there."

They had taken the yacht as far up river as they could. Entered the only hotel in the village. Once grand the hotel was now dirty and decrepit. They were there to meet with the local Bureau agent. They were early.

"Get us a drink," Amantra said. "I need to pee. Meet me in the parlor."

The parlor off to the side was dank and dingy with old upholstered chairs, the kind with big cushions and wide padded arms, the material on the arms shiny from ware with holes on the corners. The threadbare carpet was ancient and smelled like it. Amantra went straight to the parlor.

He was wearing tight brown chino pants, his hand was clasped to their penal pouch to stave off his pee. He had on a light weight dusty-brown blouse worn not tucked in with the sleeves rolled up and top buttons undone. And he wore black high heel field boots. Under his outer garments Amantra wore a brassier and pantie set similar in color to his blouse. They were very pretty with ornate lace detailing and tiny bows.

Amantra's hair was in a pony tail that issued from a small empire cone on the crest of his head and hung half way down his broad back. He wore heavy black eye makeup, brown lipstick and brown nail polish. He looked gorgeous.

Amantra sat down on the arm of a chair, spread his big thighs and bore down to relieve himself. Pee gushed through the bottom of his pants penal pouch and puddled on the carpet.

Amantra was wiping his bulging pants pouch when Dana arrived with their drinks. Dana had gotten used to Amantra's eccentricities including this one of relieving himself through his clothing in public places. Their contact from the Bureau arrived and provided them with a beat up gravitron transporter that got them deep into the interior of the forbidden jungle.

They landed in a clearing not far from an ancient ruined city which was now the layer of the transvestite heQueen Manbumba. The clearing looked deserted, but as they stepped out of their aircraft they were suddenly surrounded by a group of natives who all looked the same - dark skinned muscular bodies, heads shaved except for the crown where the hair was drawn into a long braid, leopard-skin loin cloth and string bikini top, lots of gold jewelry and chunk heeled sandals on their feet.

Amantra and Dana were escorted into the ruined city where, in a somewhat restored palace, Manbumba sat on an ornate throne. "Bring them to me," he ordered in their native tongue.

Manbumba was an imposing figure weighing over six hundred pounds. His hair was pulled tight into a long braid revealing a severely receded hair line. His massive body was clothed in a leopard-skin mini dress. He was adorned in so much gold jewelry it would be difficult to put more on. On his fat feet he wore sandals with impossible high heels. His stunningly beautiful fat face was decorated with many golden studs.

Manbumba wore nothing under his leopard-skin mini dress. Because of the mass of his gigantic legs he sat like a hulking pyramid with those legs spread wide apart. And between them hung a captivating fifteen inch long black cock with a lovely pink head.

"So my little friend, you have returned," he said to Dana , still using his native tongue. "And I see you have brought a friend." Manbumba's eyes went from Dana to Amantra and stayed there. "What is it you want from Manbumba?"

"This is Professor Faux," Dana explained. "He is an archaeologist and seeks passage to the temple of Heshemantran."

"You will pay many American dollars," Manbumba said.

"Of course."

"To go to the temple will cost more than dollars," Manbumba pointed to Amantra and said something more to Dana. Then, with assistance from his attendants, he got up, took a few awkward steps to a wheeled stroller, sat down and was wheeled inside his palace.

"What did he say?" Amantra asked.

"We have to pay for being on his land."

"Will he take us to the temple?"

"Yes but for that he wants something else."


"He wants you to suck his cock."

Amantra was led to the heQueen's bed chamber where Manbumba lay sprawled on the bed, laying on his back. Except for his sandals and gold adornments Manbumba was naked. His elephantine thighs were spread and an attendant was busy working his long black cock into a huge boner.

Manbumba's cock wasn't as thick as the monster in Amantra's panties but it was longer. Its shaft was straight and glistened as the attendant's hand ran up and down its length masturbating his heQueen. Its pinkish head was a perfectly proportioned helmet-like shape. Manbumba's round bag was tucked up tight to its root. As he watched Manbumba being masturbated Amantra felt his own cock begin to stiffen.

When the heQueen felt his cock was ready he motioned Amantra to him. Amantra positioned himself on the bed between Manbumba's spread legs. Taking over, Amantra grasped Manbumba's beautiful cock and continued to work it with long slow strokes as the attendant had been doing.

Precum leaked from the orifice. Amantra licked it from the pink head. The sweet nectar tasted good. He tightened his grip to make more of it squirt out. Manbumba moaned. Amantra took the cock head in his mouth and sucked it as he continued to stroke the long shaft.

Amantra drew Manbumba's cock downward to a more horizontal attitude. He hunkered down to align it with his throat. Then he swallowed more than half its length. Again Manbumba moaned and began to undulate his massive hips. Amantra's head bobbed as deep throated the heQueen's amazing cock and all the while he continued to stroke it.

Manbumba's thrusts became more desperate as he rocked his pelvis as much as his gargantuan bulk would allow. Then suddenly Manbumba cried out, "aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," as hot semen raced up his long shaft. Amantra had sensed Manbumba was about to cum and had adjusted so that the cock head was just inside his mouth. The heavy whitish seminal fluid shot into Amantra's mouth. He had to swallow a few times to take it all in it tasted so good. When Manbumba finished Amantra licked his cock clean.

Amantra got to his feet. The penal pouch in his brown pants was stretched to the maximum with his massive hard on and at the tip they were soaked with his precum. Amantra had to cum like right now. He took hold his cock and in no time at all came in his pants, then he stroked himself dry as his cum found its way through the material of his panties and pants and splatted on the floor.

The heQueen was pleased. Not just because this transvestite archeology professor was an accomplished cock sucker but also because Manbumba had turned him on so much as to make him cum in his pants.

They followed the native guides out of the ruined city and into the nearby hills to where the temple of Heshemantran was located. The temple was even more ancient than the ruined city. They entered and after a long search found what they had come for. Manbumba allowed them to remove it for more money. Money talks, even in the jungle.

They sat on the balcony restaurant at the hotel enjoying their last breakfast together before parting ways.

"Do you think we'll run into each other again?" Dana asked, knowing he would miss the voluptuous archeology professor.

"You never know," Amantra said.

Dana had gotten used to Amantra's big cock in his ass, where it had been this morning when Amantra fucked him before they got dressed to leave. He was going to miss that most of all.

They kissed good by. Then Amantra caught a flight for home. He delivered the device to the Bureau and collected a hefty fee to add to his growing fortune.

End of part five

Next: Chapter 6

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