Amantra Faux

By Sasha steele

Published on Feb 14, 2013


Amantra Faux, Transvestite Tomb Raider (Part Four) by Sasha Steele

Dana Dollman thought it was pretty stupid of Amantra Faux to let him out and pay him up front. With his freedom and a million bucks in his purse he was gone. Right? You would think. But here he sat at this rather nice sea front cafe' listening to Amantra bitch about tides and time constraints and the inefficiency of the Bureau. Dana couldn't believe he was so taken with the over weight Archaeology Professor. Dana hadn't seen him since Amantra sprang him form jail then buggered off and said meet him here. That was three days ago and he still couldn't get him out of his mind.

Looking at Amantra now Dana couldn't fathom how he could sit in this busy street cafe' enjoying cake and coffee so prime and proper while at the same time having no concern that he was dressed in such a short of a skirt. Especially the way he sat with his legs apart like that. Amantra probably had no choice in that matter Dana supposed, given the girth of his thighs and that hulking enormity between them.

It gets pretty warm this far south. So Amantra wore a camel colored ruffled mini skirt with a brown belt. The skirt was light and airy. He had on a white, short-sleeved blouse tucked into the skirt. The top few buttons on the blouse were open and you could catch a glimpse of the white brassier he wore under it. More than just catch a glimpse, Amantra's white panties showed big time. The little skirt with its loose folds rode half way up his fat ass when he sat down and his enormous cock was on display for all to see.

On his chubby feet with the toenails painted a pretty silvery grey to match his fingernails and lipstick Amantra wore open toe sandals; brown to match his belt and purse. They had a low platform sole, six inch heels and many straps, two of which attached around his thick ankles. One of those sandals was tapping impatiently as Amantra fumed. And the more he fumed the more cake he ate and the more coffee he drank. Amantra must have drank a gallon of it already.

"Where the fuck is my boat," Amantra said while running both hands through his long curls.

It was like the third time in the last half hour he'd said it and Dana was tired of hearing it. True the island would be completely submerged by four with the high tide. So the window of opportunity was small and Amantra didn't want to loose the day. They had arrived to find their boat had gone missing with no other charters available. And the Bureau was moving slow on finding them another

one. Amantra was frustrated.

Then a stranger approached him. "Excuse me Mandam, I overheard. You require a boat?"

Dana didn't like the idea - he wait for the Bureau to come through with their boat while Amantra sails to Sink Island hoping to check out the cave before the tide comes in. He didn't trust these three foreigners either. A bit too opportunistic they were. "Soon as you get the boat ready come and get me," was the last instruction Amantra had given him.

When the best looking of the three boat men helped Amantra aboard, Amantra had changed into a black two piece bathing suite covered up with a somewhat snug fitted dark grey hoodie. The hoodie rode over the shelf of Amantra's big ass and covered only half of it. Zipped up, as it was now, the front of the hoodie hung down off his gut and slightly inward just far enough to cover his puffy pubis mound but it covered none of Amantra's magnificent package. All of the bathing suite's crowded penal pouch showed, which didn't go unnoticed by the good looking one.

Amantra had exchanged his dress sandals for chunky black platforms with heels just as high. They also strapped around his smooth ankles. His black hair was now done in a long braid that hung nearly to his thick waist. He had brought along a back pack with archeology equipment in it.

The short trip down the coast put them at Sink Island with only a half hour window before the sea would claim the entrance. Amantra checked his watch. Time enough for a quick reconnoiter of the cave. They anchored and helped Amantra onto a small launch to enter the cave. A strong urge to pee had Amantra regretting having drank so much coffee, but there was no time.

With all four on board the launch passed through a narrow opening into the cave. Once inside Amantra saw that the cave wasn't too extensive. The luminous aqua color of the water cast an erie glow on the moist rock facings. With the shoes Amantra had on and his weight he required help to negotiate the rocks leading up to a flat shelf eight feet above the launch.

It was hot in there, so Amantra took off his hoodie and set it aside. The black two piece bathing suit Amantra had on show cased his considerable assets. And it didn't go unnoticed by the good looking one who was ogling him. Not that Amantra minded. Men always stared at him and he liked to strut his stuff for them. The good looking one had been troubled by a hard on since Amantra came aboard. His eyes feasted on the corpulent transvestite beauty in the black two piece bathing suite who had the biggest cock he ever saw.

The flat bra panels of Amantra's black bathing suit top fit perfectly to the contours of fat that made up his fleshy man tits. His nipples caused visible bumps in the spandex material nearer to his thick arms. Soft straps crossed his bulky shoulders connecting to the rear sash on his broad back.

Viewed from behind the bottoms of his bathing suite adequately cover his big bubble butt while at the same time, due to the style of their cut, made Amantra's big ass look sexy. The spandex material was pulled deep into the crevice between the two massive globes leaving just enough material in the lower part to cover a portion of the double crescent cleft below his cheeks. The seat material of the bottoms rose up in a V from there to cover his heavy hips. The high waist cut across his thick lower back.

In front, the waist rode downward a couple of inches on angle to the under side of Amantra's protruding gut, under which the spandex clung to the bulging contour of his fat pubis mound. Below the mound was the special penal pouch designed to carry Amantra's massive balls forward. That caused the thick shaft of his cock, when flaccid, to cascade over them and project downward nine inches on a steep angle to its blunt end. Within the confines of the tubular penal pouch that cock shaft looked at least three inches wide at the base of it.

Amantra had shown the three boat men a picture of what to search for - a six inch diameter disk with symbols on it. He had a small replica of a similar disc on a gold chain around his neck."It will be embedded in the rock," he told them. "And it won't be conspicuous. You need to search very diligently." With that they set off in different directions, each taking a portion of wall to cover.

As Amantra worked his section of the cave his need to pee presented itself again. Amantra fought it. Unconsciously he pressed his legs together, bent his knees and bounced while holding the shaft of his cock. This little pee dance didn't go unnoticed. The good looking boat man with the hard on problem was paying more attention to Amantra than to the wall he was supposed to be searching.

Time was running out. They were about to give it up for the day when one of the boat men shouted "I think I found something." They all rushed to see what he found. It was a circular embossing on a smooth section of the rock face.

"Dig it out of there," Amantra told him. And to another said, "fetch my back pack."

They placed the item on the ground. Amantra bent to to retrieve tools from his back pack. They appreciated the view of his backside. Amantra got on his knees and went to work on it, gently chipping away remaining bits of stone then using some sort of chemical to loosen the rest. Gradually the details of a metallic disc with a design in the middle of it began to materialize.

"This is it," Amantra said excitedly.

"Are you sure?" The one who appeared to be the leader asked.

"Positive," Amantra said as he continued to clean the disc.

Then suddenly, Amantra's world went dark.

The leader who had stood behind watching Amantra work had struck him hard across the head with his flashlight. Amantra collapsed to his shoulder and then rolled onto his back. He was out cold.

"Did you have to hit him so hard?" Amantra's admirer asked.

"He'll be dead in a few minutes anyway," the leader said. He picked up the disc and said, "let's go."

"The admirer took a longing look at Amantra who lay there with his eyes closed and arms splayed out to his sides. His fat gut rose and fell with each heavy breath. His big legs were spread and that beautiful massive protrusion was on display between them. What a waste he thought.

"You want to stay and fuck him, go ahead. We're out of here," said the leader.

They had to lay back in the boat to clear the ceiling of the entrance to the cave the water had risen that much. By the time they boarded their boat the entrance was gone altogether.

A splash of water on Amantra's face started to bring him around. He moaned, tried to move. Another splash did bring him around and he sat up with a start only to slump back holding his head. Then slowly Amantra began to shake out the cob webs. He turned onto his side and then onto his knees. Head down,

eyes closed, his long braid hung down onto the stone floor. Amantra sat back on his haunches, he held his head in both hands and gradually pieced together what had happened.

Then the predicament he was in dawned on him. "The tide," Amantra gasped. He quickly gained his feet then almost toppled. Pressed the back of his hand to his forehead and waited a moment for the dizzy spell to pass. Amantra stepped back against the wall. His big ass touched the stone first. He had to lean back to bring his shoulders to it. He spread his arms, hands splayed against the stone, as if pressing himself into the wall could somehow save him from the rising water.

He had to think. There was still enough light to make out the surroundings. The water had risen nearly to the height of the narrow ledge he was on. The entrance was completely submerged. No way out there. Amantra couldn't swim anyway. He stepped away from the wall with both hands on the sides of his head trying to calm himself. When he moved a beam of light, like a laser beam, shot across the grotto. He stepped back. A tiny pin prick of light from somewhere in the roof caught the disc on the gold chain around his neck.

Amantra lifted the disc from his thick chest and tried to align it correctly with the pin prick of light from the roof. He found the correct position and suddenly the whole grotto was criss crossed with laser beams. They converged on one section of wall which seemed to heat into a brilliant glow. Then a large section of wall slid inward. It was a door.

Amantra snatched his cell phone from his back pack and did an awkward waddling run as quickly as he could toward the door. He negotiated the slippery steps and exited onto what was left of the island. He punched up Dana's number on the cell phone. It rang. Amantra had to pee again. He did his pee dance.

"Come on, come on, pick up," Amantra said as he bounced holding his cock.

Dana picked up.

"Did you get a boat?"

"I'm under way. Where are you?"

"I'm on the island."

"Stay there. I'll be there in a minute."

"Like a got a fucking choice. You better hurry. I'm running out of time." Amantra's last words didn't get through because right then his phone died. "Fuck," he yelled and threw it against a rock.

There was nothing more Amantra could do except to finally relieve himself. He let go of his cock, spread his legs and let his pee flow freely through his bathing suit bottoms. Amantra breathed a long sigh of relief as his piss splashed on the rocks between his sandals then flowed downward adding to the rising sea.

When Dana's boat came into view Amantra looked like he was standing on a little rock in the middle of the ocean. Dana dropped anchor and deployed a small pontoon craft to go get him. He help Amantra haul his weight over a pontoon and by the time they boarded their boat, Sink Island was completely submerged. The bureau had come through and provided a decent little yacht.

"Did you find anything?" Dana asked.

"Yes. I found the disc, but they took it."

"What are you going to do now?"

"It wasn't the real one."

"What? Where's the real one?"

"Here." Amantra lifted the little golden disc replica on its chain from his heavy chest to show Dana. "And I know where we have to go next."

Dana was about to ask where but Amantra felt faint. "I need to lay down," he said.

They went into the cabin and Amantra laid down on the bunk. He was on his back with a cold cloth over his eyes. Dana laid down beside him propped up on an elbow admiring the magnitude of Amantra's big beautiful body.

Dana placed a hand on Amantra's fat stomach moving it gently as if to discover the expanse of it.

"Mmmmmm, that feels nice," Amantra said from behind his blind fold.

Amantra's gut felt outwardly soft to the touch but underneath the fat it was solid. That's why it sticks out, even when he's laying down, and doesn't sag at all, Dana thought. Except for its depth Dana decided that Amantra's navel was fairly normal. Dana went on to explore his bulging pubis mound and, inevitably, the thick shaft of Amantra's massive cock.

"What's it like to have one so big?" Dana asked.

"Well, it interferes with walking a bit and I have to be careful how I sit. My panties and things have to be specially made. But its worth it."

"Does it hurt when you fuck someone?"

"Who, me or them?"


Amantra took the cloth off his eyes and looked at Dana foundling his cock. His touch was beginning to have an effect.

"I don't know," he said. "Take my bathing suite bottoms off and let's find out."

Dana knelt between Amantra's legs and pulled his bathing suit bottoms down as Amantra shifted from one ass cheek to the other in order to help facilitate the maneuver. Dana drew them down his legs, over his sandals and discarded them on the floor.

Amantra's cock, impressive as it was in its flaccid state while stored in the penal pouch of his bathing suite bottoms, was simply incredible with a naked erection. When an erection occurred the shaft would slowly rise to a horizontal plain, thickening and elongating as did. Nearing its full height and length the head lodged on a slightly upturned three inch neck would emerge from the hole in its thick skinned end. Dana watched awestruck as Amantra's cock slowly rose to its full magnificence, its horizontal aspect now vertical in his reclined position as it towered above his big gut.

Tentatively Dana took the incredibly thick shaft in hand. It felt powerful and heavy. Since their first encounter a few days ago in his cell Dana had dwelled on Amantra's cock. He desired it and he feared it. Dana took the cock head into his mouth. Ran his lips over the cock head and the three inches of neck that bore it above the thick skinned shaft.

Amantra allowed Dana to suck him off for a little while then decided to change things up. "Let's get your clothes off," he said.

Dana was dressed as he had been at the cafe'. He had on a pink tank top, which he drew over his head and camouflage-patterned caprice, their penal pouch now tented with his hard on. He wore brown high heel sandals. His blond hair was pulled up in a short rooster tail. Dana stood and took off his caprice. He was wearing pink panties and brassier. Dana liked pink.

Still on the bunk bed, Amantra lay on his side, his head propped up on a fist, watching Dana undress. "Take off your panties too," he told him. Dana did.

Amantra sat up and Dana came to him. They kissed. Amantra got Dana onto the bunk bed laying on his back. Amantra crawled on top of him and they kissed again. Amantra moved down to Dana's little boner. He took it into his mouth, sucked it and easily made him cum. He then licked the head of his cock, the shaft and behind his sack. He raised Dana's legs, pushed them back and Amantra's tongue found his tight hole.

From that position Amantra got Dana to roll over onto his knees with his ass in the air. Amantra spread Dana's ass cheeks, inserted his tongue into Dana's hole and tasted the strong tangy nectar of his nether reaches. Amantra stayed there awhile plying his tongue while Dana wreathed about and moaned with pleasure. Then Amantra knelt back up and brought he head of his hard cock to Dana's back door.

Dana had fantasized about this moment since he first laid eyes on the unnerving monster clad in white tights escaping from under Amantra's mini dress in his prison cell. He longed to be fucked by such a thing and yet he feared for it as much, if not more.

Amantra pressed the tip of his hard cock against Dana's pink ring moving it around to lubricate him with precum. He did the same on entering him, making sure that Dana was lubricated well enough to accept him. He pushed its head and neck in all the up to the thick skinned shaft then withdrew it slightly, his cock spewed more lubricant as he did so. He pushed deeper and Dana felt his sphincter open around the top of Amantra's cock shaft.

Amantra withdrew again, allowing his cock to spit out more lubricant. Further in he felt Dana tense up and heard him start to moan. Amantra remained at that depth gently fucking Dana until his cock slid smoothly in and out with the slow undulating motions of his bulky hips. Dana felt Amantra's cock head moving back and forth against the top of his anal canal. It felt wonderful like when the guards had fucked him in jail.

Then with a powerful thrust Amantra penetrated even deeper. Dana gasped and let out a cry of distress. He had never been penetrated this deeply before and his sphincter ring had never been stretched this far. Gradually his fear abated as Amantra gently fucked him. In, out, lubricate, in, out, lubricate until once again his cock was sliding freely. Dana was getting used to it. Then he

realized that Amantra's cock was still not fully in him.

Amantra thought that little Dana was taking it quite well considering that he was pushing a cock that was more than a foot long and ten inches around up his ass. He pushed harder.

"Ouch, it hurts," Dana cried out in anguish. Tears began to well in his innocent blue eyes.

"Ssssshh, it'll be alright," Amantra said to reassure him as he returned again to the gentle in and out pulses.

It felt to Dana as if he hadn't shit in two weeks and now it was all coming out in one solid lump, only it wasn't coming out, it was going in. Amantra pushed further, harder. He was nearly there and getting really turned on. Again Dana cried out. Tears ran down his cheeks. He couldn't possibly take any more. But he did.

With a final harsh thrust Amantra had drove his monster cock all the way into Dana's ass. He was fucking him hard now. With every thrust Amantra's fat pubis mound slapped against Dana's ass and his massive balls bounced against Dana's little bag.

"Ahh. Ahh. Ahh." Amantra trilled out as he fucked Dana's ass. "Ahh. Ahh. Ahh."

Abruptly Amantra stopped his motions. He pulled Dana in tight to him penetrating his cock as far as he possibly could. It felt to Dana like Amantra's cock was inside his belly. Amantra tilted his head back stretching his double chin to a more gentle curve. He closed his eyes, opened his mouth and gasped. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

When Amantra came, Dana felt as though something had ruptured with the hot explosion inside his belly. He felt an internal pressure build as his annal cavity flooded while Amantra pumped wave after wave of hot cum into him. Dana thought Amantra would never stop cumming. But eventually Amantra emptied his bag and eased the hold he had on Dana.

With his lust satisfied Amantra withdrew his massive cock from Dana's ass. Dana collapsed face down on the bunk bed with Amantra laying on top of him. He kissed Dana's pretty little ear, then kissed his cheek.

"That wasn't so bad was it?" Amantra asked.

Dana whimpered a weak no.

"I hope you got supplies," Amantra said.

"I did."

"Good. I'm starving."

Amantra got off him and slapped him lovingly on the bum.

"Come on," he said, "make me something to eat."

Dana got up, found his panties and hobbled into the galley.

End of part four

Next: Chapter 5

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