Amantra Faux

By Sasha steele

Published on Feb 10, 2013


Amantra Faux, Transvestite Tomb Raider (part three) by Sasha Steele

Archeology Professor Amantra Faux was still in his underwear when his personal secretary informed him that the transport was ready. Amantra's underwear consisted of glossy white tights that fit his corpulent lower body like a second skin and a white brazier with lace details on the low contour breast pads. On his feet Amantra wore bone colored platform sandals with six inch heels

over his tights. They were open toed and double strapped around his thick ankles.

His makeup was done - silver lipstick, sparkly grey eye shadow. His long fingernails had white French detailing. He wore a bit of white-gold jewelry; earrings, necklace, bracelet and rings on his stubby fingers. He was ready except for his dress, and his long hair that at the last minute he had decided to put in a Dutch braid.

Amantra sat at his vanity admiring himself in the mirror while a male maid in a skimpy maid's uniform put the finishing touches on the braid. Even though he was fat Amantra thought himself beautiful. His dark eyebrows arched upward then to the side over his pretty brown eyes. Those brown eyes, his curly black hair, full lips and perfect nose, all remnants of a long gone Italian connection. His pretty face, though fleshy with a bit of a double chin due to his overweightedness, was flawless. No wonder he was sitting there with a hard on.

When his maid had finished with the braid Amantra got up to view himself in the surround mirror. His shinning white tights showed every detail of his sexy full figure. From ass to toes Amantra's legs were heavy, thick and smooth. They tights showcased every curve of his huge bubble butt - the deep crevice between two globular masses that pushed together like slightly deflated basket balls, the half crescent cleft at their underside.

With their wide sculpted lace waistband pulled up on his belly Amantra's tights covered the bottom portion of his protruding gut. They clung to the underside of it and to the fleshy pubis mound tucked in below it. And best of all, Amantra's bright white tights embraced his enormous erection, showing off the weighty double bulge of his round capacious scrotum and the abnormally thick foot long shaft that tapered down to tender head that projected outward a few inches from its end on a slight upturned angle.

Amantra took hold of the erection in his tights and slid his soft pudgy hand down its length. He liked the feel of the satiny smooth material against it.

"Get my dress," he ordered.

Amantra's mini dress was of a silken silver-white material. It had long sleeves with puffed shoulders and turned up cuffs, a tight collar and buttons down the front. It fitted with a loose flair. A maid helped him into it. The front hem draped delicately over the shaft of the erect cock that projected out in front of him. Amantra daintily pinched the hem holding the flaring dress slightly away from his voluptuous body as he turned around to check himself in the mirror and he liked what he saw.

"My coat."

His maids helped Amantra slip into a huge white fur coat that buttoned up the front. Amantra brought his long braid to the outside of it as they did him up. He could feel the weight of the coat against his erection. That felt good. He flipped the hood up. His beautiful face was all but hidden in the bulk of it. And he was finally ready to go.

They were heading north. The Bureau had procured the release of Dana Dollman who was supposedly an expert on the uncharted section of jungle where Amantra had to go. "We need him," agent Daxx had told Amantra. "But he's not happy with the Bureau, so you may have to use your charm to persuade him to cooperate."

The prison was cold when Amantra walked in with his personal secretary and a guard escort. Political prisoners like Dana Dollman were kept separated from the general population of criminals. Those inmates were crowded into two rows of tiered cells with a wide corridor between them. A corridor down which Amantra and company now walked to a chorus of whistles, jeers and cat calls.

The political prisoner section was better; well lit, private cells and a lot warmer. Dana Dollman was laying on his bed with nothing on but blue prison issue panties and bra, and black prison boots. The click of high heels on the cement floor and commotion from the other side told Dana that he had company. At least he assumed it was for him, being the only inmate in this section.

The Bureau had authorized a million dollar bribe to procure Dana Dollman's services. The assignment was that important to them. Amantra was sure he could persuade him to cooperate. The guard opened up admitting them into Dana's cell.

Though not at all well muscled, unlike Beau Daxx, Dana Dollman was cute in a sissy sort of way. He wasn't fat, just a bit chubby and his hairless body was as soft and smooth as a baby's bum. He was shorter than Amantra, even without the three inch advantage Amantra's heels had over his chunk-heeled prison boots. Dana had blond hair cut to the nap of his neck. His Innocent blue eyes were attractive as were his full pouting lips. Dana stood to great his visitors.

Still hidden beneath that bulky fur coat Amantra loomed large. His personal secretary handed Dana one of Amantra's business cards. Amantra flipped the hood down, extended a hand to introduce himself and got right to the point.

"I'm Amantra Faux. The Bureau requires your services. I'm authorized to have you released into my custody. You will be pardoned and paid one million dollars when the assignment is completed."

"Ha. Like I'm going to believe anything the Bureau says. My pardon and the million up front and we have a deal."

"Done," Amantra said. "That was easy considering I was told you wouldn't cooperate at all. And I was so looking forward to trying to persuade you."

Amantra opened his coat, let it slide from his shoulders onto the floor. His hard on was back with a vengeance. It had returned the moment he set foot in the prison. Dana's eyes nearly popped out of his head at the sight of the monster clad in white tights sticking out menacingly from under Amantra's mini dress. He knew now why the front of Amantra's fur coat had stuck out on a peculiar angle down there when he first walked in his cell. Amantra stepped in close to Dana pressing a hand into his crotch. The reaction in Dana's cock was immediate.

"Okay, persuade me," Dana said.

Amantra embraced him, kissed him passionately, then slowly sank down onto his knees. Dana's cock was already rock hard and tented the crotch of his blue prison panties outward. Amantra took hold of it causing a hissing reaction from Dana. Amantra withdrew Dana's cock through one of his pantie's leg holes. Then took the sweet little seven inch cock into his mouth and began to suck him off.

Dana couldn't believe his luck. He had been couped up in here for over a month with only his hand and a few guards to satisfy his lust when all of a sudden in walks this sexy, horse-cocked transvestite offering to free him, make him rich and now the fat bitch was even giving him a blow job. How lucky is that?

One thing though. When it came to giving head, the slutty Archeology Professor really knew what he was doing. For sure he was going to make Dana cum, and to Dana's chagrin, it was going to be sooner rather than later.

Amantra took the full length of Dana's erect cock into his mouth. His hot tongue lapped Dana's tight bag. All the while, as he sucked Dana's cock, Amantra was stroking his own incredible cock through his tights and he too shared Dana's dilemma. He too was about to cum. He couldn't stop it and so began to jerk himself in earnest.

Suddenly Amantra pulled Dana's cock out of his mouth trapping it against his own face. Dana could feel the hot breath against his balls from Amantra's open mouth as his excitement escalated and he expiated his elation. "Ahhh, Ahhh, Ahhh, Ahhh," Amantra breathed.

Precum dripped from his cock, seeped through his tights and dripped on the floor. Then the whole prison must have heard him as he almost shouted, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." A torrent of steaming hot cum discharged from his massive cock and burst through his tights onto the floor between Dana's black prison boots.

That little interlude had made Dana's situation worse. He was desperate now. So as soon as Amantra returned his cock to his mouth Dana grasp the top of his head and began to violently mouth fuck him. In no time at all Dana reached a climax. He pushed his cock as far down Amantra's throat as he possibly could and holding him there discharged his pent up load.

Amantra swallowed it all then cleaned Dana's cock, licking head, shaft and balls as though he were starving. He returned Dana's cock to its pantie pouch, then got up off his knees. They embraced and kissed each other.

"I hope I persuaded you," Amantra said.

"You are very persuasive," Dana replied.

"Let's go," Amantra said as his personal secretary helped him into his fur coat.

Dana put on a blue denim prison issue mini dress and they left.

They past through the criminal section to another chorus of whistles, hoots and shouts of, "show us your cock."

Near the exit Amantra stopped, turned toward the prison cells and opened his coat. He delicately pinched the hem of his mini dress, lifted its front exposing the monstrosity between his legs in its totality. A great cheer ran up from the cells. Amantra spread his heavy legs and bore down to release his bladder. A few dribbles found their way through his tights followed immediately by a torrent of piss that splashed noisily on the cement floor.

Amantra peed a long time amid shouts of approval from the general population. A large puddle of piss had formed at his feet. Finished, Amantra threw a kiss to the prisoners, turned and left followed by his entourage.

End of part three

Next: Chapter 4

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