Amantra Faux

By Sasha steele

Published on Feb 9, 2013


Amantra Faux, Transvestite Tomb Raider (Part two) by Sasha Steele

Amantra Faux lay on the massage table. He was on his belly, eyes closed, dreamily savoring every rub and knead as exotic oils were massaged into the smooth flesh of his huge round bum. Rafael, his personal masseuse, had wonderful hands. Amantra's heavy thighs were spread, his massive semi hard cock resting heavily on the sheet between them. Everything was perfect until the phone rang. Then it got a whole lot better. A short skirted male maid handed the phone to him.

"Professor Faux," the voice on the other end said. "This is agent Daxx from the Bureau."

Amantra had briefly dealt with agent Daxx on a few occasions when he had done field work for the Bureau. He knew little of him, except that Amantra thought the handsome and muscular Beauson Daxx was hot. Hearing his voice Amantra's cock stiffened a bit more.

"The Bureau has a job for you," agent Daxx said. "I'm in the city over night, the Savoy. Meet me for supper, say at seven, we'll discuss it."

"Sure," Amantra said, "Savoy at seven. See you then."

Amantra handed the phone back. His mind was churning, dinner with a man-doll like Beauson Daxx. Who knows what it might lead to. He rolled over, his cock now a full blown hard on. Amantra's freaky cock goes beyond a description of just big or huge, its a fucking monster. >From the humongous hairless scrotum, the unusually thick shaft, Amantra's cock stretches outward a good foot or more when fully erect. What makes his cock so stunning though is the delicate pinkish head that emerges from the plump foreskin taking on a very slight upward divergence.

"Do my front," Amantra ordered. Rafael repositioned himself by his manstress's head and began to massage the fat that formed Amantra's fleshy man tits. Amantra lay with his heavy arms resting on the bed, hands up by his head. The loose curls of his long black hair were askew about him. His eyes were closed as he thought about his dinner date with Beauson Daxx. What dress should he wear?

What shoes? What should he do with his hair? Two hours. He had better start to get ready soon. Amantra yawned, then drifted off.

He awoke a short time later to the masseuse working the fat on Amantra's substantial gut. His erection had abated. He sat up. "Enough," he said dismissing the masseuse. Then to a male maid ordered his bath run.

When Amantra Faux entered the dinning room all eyes were fixed on him. Not that Amantra minded, he was after all a voluptuous transvestite in a sexy mini dress and an exhibitionist. Most times he fed on it. This time though Amantra was just a bit self conscious. In his haste to be seductive, enough to snare Beauson Daxx anyway, he had dressed a bit too, shall we say, slutty. His mini dress was a bit too mini and all the tugging in the world on its hem wasn't going to be enough to fully cover the massive cock that crowded Amantra's pantie pouch to its fullest capacity. And although the dress did just managed to cover his huge ass Amantra was flashing far too much pantie clad cock. What the hell was he thinking when he decided to wear this dress?

Amantra had chosen a chiffon mini dress with a floral pattern - large red roses on a mostly white background. The dress featured a square neck line, cap sleeves and a straight line waist to help hide his gut. He wore a short white suite jacket over his dress, white six inch platform pumps with a matching white hand bag and white accessories - pearl necklace and earrings. His pretty brown eyes were heavily made up with black mascara, eye shadow and eye liner, lips and nails in ruby red. He decided to wear his hair down in loose ringlets.

Underneath, in case he got lucky, Amantra had chosen his sexiest lingerie; beige nylon stockings with lacy elastic tops pulled right up to his crotch; white panties, medium cut, high waist with tummy

control and a pretty lace waist band; and a matching white brassier with lacy low profile cups.

When the full figured transvestite archeology professor sashayed into the Savoy restaurant Beauson

Daxx, along with everybody else, couldn't help but notice the flash of white panties. It was no wonder, with the content of their penal pouch so large it would be difficult to hid under any dress never mind one that short. More than just notice, Beau was mesmerized by the massive package sticking out from below the hem line of Amantra's mini dress, jutting side to side as he waddled up to him.

Beau stood and offered his hand. He was wearing a plain brown pant suite and suede pumps. His light brown hair was cut in a short Bob, long bangs swept to the side. He wore little makeup or jewelry. Of course he'd dress plainly Amantra thought, he's a Bureau agent here on business and all you can think of is having sex with him. How bad is that?

"Professor Faux, good to see you again," agent Daxx said.

"Amantra please," Amantra said in his deep sultry voice.

"Very well, Amantra. Call me Beau. Please have a seat."

They ordered drinks, did the small talk, ate supper and then went over the details of the job the Bureau wanted Amantra to do.

When Amantra had sat down the back of his dress rode up and so it was just the seat of his panties between his big ass and the red cushion. Amantra was aware of that. He was also aware that, because of the mass of his colossal member and especially his enlarged scrotum, he had to sit with his big legs spread. Normally these things would not have been thought of at all, never mind a concern. But with sexy Beau Daxx sitting across from him Amantra was as nervous as tranny school boy on a first date.

Amantra had to pee but thought to hold it long as possible to help stave off an erection that threatened to stretch his panties to their maximum. The last thing he needed right now was to get a hard on in the swanky restaurant at the Savoy, especially in this dress. But now he was getting desperate to pee and Beau must have noticed him squirming around so much. Amantra thought that he may be able to covertly clutch his cock to ease the pressure but decided against it. Agent Daxx noticed everything. Finally he just gave up.

"Excuse me," he said to Beau, "I'd better go pee."

With that Amantra got up and headed for the bathroom. Beau watched him go admiring the way the globes of his ass rode up and down with that sexy waddle that comes from having to walk with your legs spread apart. The huge size of Amantra's thighs would cause such a waddle he mused. And the weight of that monstrosity between his legs riding against the front of them certainly wouldn't help. At any rate Beau liked what he saw.

Amantra had to hurry the last few steps clutching himself, he had to go that bad. He burst into the bathroom, straddled the nearest toilet and lifted the front of his dress out of the way, though there was no real need to do so. Tilting his head back Amantra closed his eyes, opened his mouth and breathed a long sigh of relief as pee gushed through his panties splashing noisily into the water.

Amantra peed long and hard. Finished he took a wad of toilet paper to wipe his pantie pouch then went to the mirror to check himself out. His mind jumped one random thought to the next - 'I look so hot. Fuck this dress is short.' He tugged at its hem. 'I wonder if Beau thinks I'm sexy? Shit I,m getting a hard on. Stop thinking about wanting to fuck him'. Amantra tore himself away from the mirror and returned to their table.

"Does Mandam care for desert?" The server asked.

"I shouldn't."

"The white cake is especially delicious."

Amantra's mouth watered. He loved cake. 'Shit'. He hadn't eaten all that much though, and could always get Rafaellle to massage a little more vigorously around his waist.'I'm so fucking weak'.

"Yes I will have a piece thank you," Amantra said.

Beau watched Amantra savour his cake. Once he had pitched the assignment and Amantra had accepted it, their business together was concluded. But instead of shaking Amantra's hand and saying thank you for your cooperation Professor Faux, Beau had asked Amantra to join him for a drink in the lounge bar. One step closer Amantra thought and felt a familiar stirring in that place he mistakenly figured was finally under control.

They sat at the bar, ordered drinks and chatted. Amantra faced sideways sitting on the stool with his big legs apart and his bulging pantie covered cock hanging out very unladyman like. But given the girth of his thighs and the size of the thing between them he could do nothing else. Trouble was though, Beau standing facing him was so dam close they were touching and that was causing that thing between his legs to grow even larger. It certainly wouldn't be the the first time Amantra had an erection in public. But, having come this far, he didn't want to scare Beau off.

After another drink or two Beau was even closer, standing right between Amantra's splayed legs. His now semi-erect cock was touching on Beau's leg. Beau didn't seem to notice though. He just carried on with their casual conversation. But it was driving Amantra bananas until finally he just gave in.

"I'm getting a hard on," he whispered to Beau. "We better get out of here before its too late."

Beau turned full into him and Amantra felt the hardness in his pants pushed against him.

"It's already too late," Beau whispered back.

Suddenly Amantra's cock rose to its full length and pushed back rock hard into Beau's crotch.

'Oh shit.'

"Don't worry we can sneak over to the elevator," Beau said, clearly amused.

Amantra looked around. The place was practically deserted. But still.

"Easy for you to say," he told Beau.

They stealthily made their way to the elevator. Amantra's full erection tented the penal pouch of his silky white panties better than foot out in front of him. The stretchy material of his pantie's penal pouch clung to the massive protrusion, following the impressive shape of Amantra's penis and scrotum. The front hem of his mini dress hung down from his protruding gut and draped delicately over its shaft. There was no hiding this monster.

Once in the elevator Beau pinned the beautiful over weight transvestite who possessed the largest cock he had ever seen against the glass wall and kissed him deeply. They were locked in an embrace, still kissing and grinding their hardness into each other when the elevator door opened at Beau's floor. Inside the hotel room they embraced and kissed some more.

Amantra fumbled at the buttons of Beau's suite jacket. Beau helped him open it exposing the light brown brassier he was wearing. Amantra put his hands inside the jacket to explore the warmth and beauty of Beau's muscular torso. They kissed again, deeply, passionately.

Beau sat Amantra down on the bed and got down on his knees between his spread legs. He took hold of the throbbing hard on in Amantra's panties. Ran his hand down its thick shaft. He couldn't believe the shear size of the thing. Couldn't even close his hand around it at its base. Precum had soaked Amantra's panties at the tip of his hard on. Beau took it in his mouth and sucked Amantra's cock through his panties. He could taste the salty residue from Amantra's pee mixed with expectant. It tasted good.

Amantra threw his head back, his long curly black hair cascaded down behind him. "Ahhhh," he breathed through his open mouth as Beau sucked his cock.

Beau ravaged Amantra's pantie clad cock awhile longer then said, "let's get these off you."

Amantra lay back on the bed as Beau helped him wriggle out of his rather large silk panties. Amantra lifted one great butt cheek then the other while Beau tugged on them. Once free he drew them down Amantra's heavy stocking clad legs, over his heels and discarded them on floor.

Amantra's humongous thighs were spread. His awe inspiring monster cock with its prodigious balls in a bald thick-skinned scrotum, each perfect testicle more than a hand full, and the unusually thick shaft that grew out from the cleft beneath Amantra's bald fat pubis mound to more than a foot in length, stood in all their glory exposed in front of him. The freaky pink head on a slightly upturned neck had emerged several inches beyond the end of the fleshy shaft. It seemed smallish by comparison but in truth was larger than Beau's. As Beau explored this marvel he felt a hollow longing at the top of his stomach and he trembled with wanton anticipation. He wanted not just to see Amantra's gigantic horse cock, to touch it and taste it. He wanted it a part of him. He wanted to be Amantra's cock.

He brought the cock to his mouth, licked the bottom side of the pee slit causing a guttural moan from Amantra. Slid his tongue up the slit tasting it juices. Then he took the delicate pink head fully into his mouth, closed his lips around its neck and sucked.

"Mmmmmm" Amantra hummed.

Beau bobbed his head allowing his tongue slide up and down the top end Amantra's cock shaft while at the same time his hand worked the bottom to masturbate him. That caused Amantra to make a hissing sound through his clenched teeth. Beau had worked on his cock for only a short time before Amantra felt the first urge that he was going to cum. Then suddenly he was there when Beau took his monster cock as far into his mouth as he possibly could. Beau felt the cock head pass his uvula. He pushed on. Near the base where Amantra's cock was at its thickest he felt his lips stretch to the maximum and still he pushed further. He felt the cock head slip into throat. He was choking but still wanted more of it.

"Ohhh, fuck," Amantra screamed

He grabbed hold of Beau's head desperate that he not escape and thrust himself into him driving his cock even further down Beau's throat. Amantra was choking Beau but didn't care so long as he could cum. He felt a powerful burning sensation on the bottom of his erection just below the cock head, a terrible itch he couldn't scratch. It was unbearable. Something had to give. Then he felt a release deep inside his swollen balls. A hot discharge raced up the full length of his thick shaft and seemed to explode at the point of discomfort under his cock head. Hot cum spewed out its slit and shot down Beau's throat.

"Ahhh! Fuck!" Amantra growled. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Beau's head rocked back as the first gush of cum hit him. He coughed, but didn't let Amantra's cock escape from his mouth. Still Amantra held him there and, undeterred, pumped wave after wave of cum into his mouth until he finally emptied himself. Beau swallowed it. He swallowed again and again. Not just for fear of drowning but because it tasted so dam good and he wanted every last drop.

Amantra let go of Beau's head and flopped back on the bed exhausted. Beau cleaned his cock licking up every last remnant of Amantra's cum and then he went to him and kissed him tongue against tongue. Amantra liked the taste of his own cum and so made the kiss last a long time. Beau laid atop him and Amantra felt the throb of Beau's hardness pushing against him.

"I want you to fuck me," Amantra purred.

Beau stood, slipped out of his jacket letting it fall to the floor. The flat soft pads of his brassier fit snugly against the hard chiseled muscles on his chest, the straps draped over powerful shoulders and attached to the sash low on his muscle studded back. He undid his pants. The tip of their penal pouch was soaked through with precum. He pulled them down onto his powerful thighs. The pouch of Beau's matching light brown panties too were soaked at the tip of his hard on. Beau's panties were plain except for the wide waist band with pretty lacing that was pulled up high on his tight

abs. The seat following the round globes of his muscle butt and pulled tight into the deep cleft between his ass cheeks. The penal pouch, a sleeve of stretchy material, followed closely the contours of his hard nine inch cock. His beautiful body was well tanned and hairless.

Beau drew his hard cock through a leg hole. He positioned Amantra on the edge of the bed with his heavy legs pushed back toward his head. They were spread, his gut protruded upward between them with his still erect cock pressed against it. He inserted his cock into Amantra's fat ass. His hole was warm and moist, the leakage from Beau's cock making it even more so. Pushed it deep causing Amantra to moan with pleasure. Then Beau began to undulate his powerful hips fucking him.

"Mmmmm, fuck me," Amantra purred. "Fuck my fat ass."

And Beau did just that. His motions sped up. His hips moved faster. The hard gluts on his round muscle bum clenched and unclenched rhythmically in time with the back and forth motion as he drove his cock deeper and deeper into Amantra's ass.

"Ahhh," Beau mouthed as he felt the heat start to build a the tip of his cock. "Ahhh!"

He pushed more frantically now. His flat abs smacked against Amantra's fat ass. He was close. And then it broke. Beau stopped his undulating motions, pressed himself hard against Amantra's big ass, penetrating him as deeply as he possibly could. He closed his eyes and came in a torrent of relief.


Amantra felt the hot cum ejaculated into his rectum. A feeling of fulfillment arose in him, like when he pigged out eating cake. Mmmmmm. It felt so good. Beau withdrew his cock. Helped Amantra rock his corpulent self to a sitting position. He helped him to his feet. They kissed long and hard, and eventually the swelling in their cocks subsided.

Beau helped Amantra back into his panties, kneeling on the floor while he stepped into them. He drew them up over his nylons to his crotch where Amantra's bloated bag hid their pretty lace tops. If anything Amantra's balls looked even bigger now. He took his cock in hand. It had lost but a few inches of its length and little of its thickness. The thing was still a nine inch monster. The pink head had reascended back into its thick skinned sheath leaving just the tip of it sticking out. The cock felt solid and heavy in his hand as if Amantra still had a semi erection, but that indeed was its flaccid state.

"You have a magnificent cock," Beau said.

"And you are a magnificent cock sucker," Amantra returned.

Beau took a lingering last look before he inserted the beautiful monster into its pantie pouch. He made sure it was hanging straight, adjusted the material around Amantra's balls then pulled the panties over Amantra's big ass and drew them up high on his fat belly. Beau stood up and tugged at the hem of Amantra's mini dress attempting to cover it all as best he could.

Amantra went into the bathroom to fix his hair and makeup while Beau dressed himself. He straddled the toilet and took another long pee through his panties. Didn't bother to wipe this time because his panties were wrecked anyway. He went back out to Beau.

"I'm looking forward to working with you again," Beau said.

"And me you."

They kissed one last time and then Amantra left. Crossing the lobby of the Savoy Amantra caught a glimpse of himself in a mirrored wall. More than just a flash of panties as he walked his big cock jutted way down below his hem line, the mini dress not covering a third of it. Amantra had to smile for he knew that he had chosen the right dress after all.

End of part two

Next: Chapter 3

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