Amantra Faux

By Sasha steele

Published on Jul 8, 2013


Tomb Raider Two

The Continuing Adventures of Amantra Faux (part five)

By Sasha Steele

The day had gotten quite warm so Amantra was wearing a summer dress and sandals with high heels and a lot of cross straps. The sandals were brown leather. The short skirted mini dress was a multi-color floral print, mostly red. He had on white panties and bra. His hair was done in a long braid. He felt cool and comfortable, and sensual with the dress as short as it was.

It had been a long day and Amantra wanted nothing more than to go home to a relaxing bath followed by a soothing massage and TV. He was hungry too, so pigging out on pizza in front of the TV seemed an excellent idea. But Amantra had promised to meet with Salaman at the abandoned church, so it all

had to wait. And now this.

Salaman wasn't at the church. But the Baroness Isabella of Blithe with a few of his minions were there waiting for Amantra. They seized Amantra by the arms and held him captive.

"What have you done with Salaman?" Amantra demanded.

"Let's just say that he found it far more profitable to serve me than to remain loyal to you."

"Wait till I get my hands on that slimy bastard," Amantra snapped.

The Baroness laughed in spite of the fact that he too had had a hard day. He had just returned from a boring dinner with the Baron who Arabella saw very little of even at the best of times. The Baron never meddled in his man-wife's affairs. But here he was asking him questions about the the cult of the castrated demon-god Ordon. The Baroness wondered where he got the balls. Even more so he wondered who had put the Baron up to it.

"Bring him," the Baroness ordered. He turned to walk out and the two minions in long red robes forced Amantra into step behind their Manstress.

Arabella was wearing a plain brown dress with a round neck, shoulder cap sleeves and a thin brown leather belt. The cut of the short dress fit snugly the contours of the Baroness's sensual body. Under it he had on a white pantie and corset set with garter belts attached to the brown opaque stockings that he wore. On his feet were brown leather pumps with five inch heels.

The Baroness's makeup was in soft earth tones. His lips and nails painted a light brown. He wore an inordinate amount of gold jewelry. His hair peace was a shoulder length auburn color set with loose curls. The Baroness's appearance was sensual, his natural beauty stunning.

"What do you want with me?" Amantra demanded.

"Why my dear Professor Faux," the Baroness replied matter of fact as he descended the steps to the secret underground beneath the church. "All I want is that big beautiful cock of yours."

Knowing what the Baroness was up to Amantra didn't like the sound of that.

When it comes to the privileged it is a fact that no matter how secret an affair is others are sure to know because the rich must be pampered. So even when the Ordon cult got together for this secret restoration ceremony its upper crust members had to be catered to. The Baroness had to bring in extra staff for this.

Kitran in his man maid disguise was among them. The skimpy maid uniform consisted of a micro-mini dress with a fairing tutu style skirt. The black dress had a tight bodice with a buttoned front, short sleeves and a rounded collar. The collar was white and the sleeves had white cuffs. Black lingerie formed part of the uniform. It consisted of black bra, panties, waist cincher with garter belts, black seamed stockings. Black six inch pumps and a black Cleo-cut wig was also a part of the uniform. His makeup was dark and heavy.

Kitran's assignment was to foil the Baroness's attempt at resurrecting the demon-god. He had

followed the Baroness at a discrete distance into the underground. Then lost him in the maze of catacombs and had been searching around when he heard them coming back. When he saw Amantra his priority changed, or at least his assignment had another complication. Kitran now had to rescue the professor as well.

He hid in the shadows as they approached. He could hear Amantra giving the Baroness an ear full. They passed by, entered a hidden door. Kitran followed, gun in hand. He opened the door and caught them by surprise.

"Professor Faux is coming with me," he said.

The Baroness turned to him. "Why would I give him up to a maid?" He asked

"I'm with the Bureau," Kitran said.

"Oh, you're with the Bureau, and here I thought you just a maid. Take his gun," the Baroness said looking behind Kitran.

"Kitran turned quickly, but there was no one there. It was an attempted distraction, a desperate fake out but all the time the Baroness needed. Stepping in with blinding speed the Baroness planted a front kick in Kitran's middle sending him back against the open door and knocking the wind out of him. He went down on one knee temporarily stunned. The Baroness gave him no time to recover. In a flash of white panties and garter belts as his short dress rode up the Baroness spun around catching Kitran in the temple with the back of his shoe again temporarily stunning him. As good a martial artist as the Baroness was it took two vicious strikes to the head with the butt end of a gun administered by one of the Baroness's minions to finally render Kitran unconscious.

In the confusion Amantra seized the opportunity to break free and ran out the door. His captor started to give chase but the Baroness stopped him. "He won't get far," the Baroness said. "Help clear this Bureau agent out of here."

Amantra found himself at a dead end. Started to backtrack only to be confronted by the Baroness. Using his superior weight Amantra attempted to push the Baroness out of the way. But the Baroness was too quick. He side stepped Amantra, caught hold of his arm and twisted it into an arm lock.

"Ouch, your hurting me," Amantra protested when the Baroness applied pressure.

"Then come along quietly," he ordered.

Amantra did what he was told. He was taken to a side room that looked like it belonged in a clinic. Applying pressure to his arm the Baroness forced Amantra's face down onto the cot in the middle of the room. Amantra felt a pinch in his neck as a doctor injected a drug into him.

"Make sure its ready," he told the doctor then left.

The fast acting drug had Amantra giddy before the Baroness even cleared the room. It was like a date rape drug where Amantra was obedient though sluggish and his cock was already beginning to get hard. Amantra giggled as he pressed down on it through his panties.

"Let's get this dress off you," the doctor said.

Amantra said okay. His words were a bit slurred. He wasn't much help but didn't protest as his dress was being removed.

"These panties as well," Amantra was told.

His cock had grown into a full erection and popped up as the doctor took the panties down and got Amantra to step out of them. He giggled again. Then moaned as he stroked his hard cock.

"Now we can't have you relieving that," the doctor said moving Amantra's hand away.

He had Amantra lay down on the cot with nothing on but his brassier and sandals. Then the doctor strapped Amantra hands and feet to the cot. Amantra didn't seem to mind. He lay there with a silly grin on his pretty face, his big legs spread and a monster hardon towering above his fat belly.

The doctor set a metal box with the lid open on the cot between Amantra's spread legs. He took out an odd looking instrument that cut and cauterized at the same time. He turned to Amantra and smiled. "This isn't going to hurt a bit," he said. Amantra giggled as if amused.

The resurrection ceremony had got under way with a reading from Transmandin Organis. The ceremony room was dark and erie. The prepared statue of Ordon reclining with his legs spread and hands to his face as if in horror, lay in a circle of flaming pot lights. There were red hieroglyphic markings, similar to the Baroness's tattoos, on the floor around the statue. The statue seemed to sweat. It was very warm to the touch and between the legs where Ordon's cock should be an angry hole glowed red hot.

"Find the doctor," the Baroness ordered. "Ordon is ready to have his power restored."

A servant in a long red hooded robe entered the clinic room. A metal box with its lid closed sat on the cot. Amantra and the doctor were nowhere in sight. He opened the box. It contained what looked like a big horse cock in full erection. He closed the lid, took the box and returned to his Manstress.

The Baroness, naked under his red robe, knelt between Ordon's spread legs. He removed the severed cock from the box and held it in prayer, reciting passages from the Transmandin Organis. A circle of cult members in red robes repeated the words. Then he pressed the cock against the glowing hole in Ordon's crotch. The entire statue began to heat up. The crotch and cock both glowed red hot. The Baroness had to let go of it. The statue began to smoke. Distress spread amongst the cult members in attendance. Then the statue burst into flames and panic set in.

Kitran had allowed the Baroness's servants to exhaust themselves carrying his dead weight to a holding cell. It was far easier to dispatch them that way. He locked them unconscious in the cell meant for him and set out to find Amantra, well aware of what they intended to do with him.

He saw the Baroness. Hind in the shadows and let them pass. Then back tracked the way the Baroness had came. Kitran heard muffled voices in a room. Listened at the door. "This isn't going to hurt a bit," he heard someone say, then heard Amantra giggle. He opened the door.

The room looked like a clinical lab room. It was cluttered with odd looking instruments, medical machines and specimen jars. A person in a white lab coat holding a weird tool stood over Amantra. Kitran closed the distance quickly and knocked him cold.

He untied Amantra who was obviously drugged. As soon as Amantra's hands were freed a hand went to his massive erection to masturbate himself. His movements were sluggish, his demure dreamy. Kitran hid the doctor's limp body in a closet. Took what looked like a horse cock from one of the spacemen jars, put it in the metal box on the cot and closed the lid.

He gathered up Amantra's panties and dress. Kitran thought it best to clear the room so helped Amantra to the door not attempting to dress him. Amantra was unsteady on his feet. He was more intent on stroking his hard cock but came along cooperatively. They back tracked toward the church. Found the steps to the church and headed up. There was already smoke in the tunnels. By the time they exited into the parking lot where Amantra's car was flames could be seen in the church windows.

Kitran tried to get Amantra into his panties but decided it was hopeless in his present condition. He needed to ease Amantra's distress by making him cum. Amantra's hands were sluggish and ineffectual so Kitran took over. Amantra's massive cock felt as hard as a rock. Steadying Amantra with one arm around his shoulder Kitran masturbated him with his free hand. It didn't too long before Amantra rocked his back onto Kitran's shoulder. He clenched his teeth and let out a throaty groan as Kitran brought him to orgasm. Flames burst through the roof of the church as Amantra came. His orgasm was so intense that it shot out several feet in front of him.

Kitran managed to get Amantra into his panties and dress as the church roof collapsed into the rubble. Flames shot twenty feet into the air. He wrestled Amantra into the car and drove him safely home.

Kitran had just got back to his hotel when Bureau agent Beauson Daxx, Kitran's immediate supervisor, showed up to debrief him. Beau was wearing a light blue dress with a loose pleated skirt that fell to mid thigh. It had short sleeves, a collar, buttoned bodice and a thin blue belt. He wore nude tone stayups, white panties and bra, blue pumps with five inch heels and carried a blue leather purse. He wore modest makeup. His soft high-lighted brown shoulder length hair was worn loose in a side part.

Kitran had filled him in with the details. Beau pictured the field agent jacking off Amantra's massive cock and wished it had been him.

"After you relieved the professor's cock, you got him dressed and return home safely," Beau said to reiterate. He couldn't help but notice the huge erection poking Kitran's black panties out beyond the folds of the tutu style mini skirt to his maid's uniform as he had recounted masturbating professor Faux. Beau's own cock had gotten hard as well.

"How's the head?" Beau asked.

"I'll survive," Kitran told him. He didn't have to add that Bureau agents are tough. Beau already knew that.

"Are you going back tonight?" Kitran asked.

"I'll eat first then head back," Beau said. "You probably haven't eaten either. Care to join me?"

"I'll need to change first," Kitran said as he got up. "Would you mind helping me out of this dress?" He asked.

"My pleasure."

Beau undid the front buttons and helped Kitran draw the tight fitted dress over his muscular shoulders and arms. Then Kitran wriggled it over his bubble butt and down his powerful thighs. It caught on his erect pantie clad cock forcing it down before it popped back up again once freed. The penis pouch of Kitran's black panties clung to the contours of his hard cock and tight bag. In back his panties cut upward in a V, the material back there folded deep in the crack between his round butt cheeks.

They stood facing each other. Kitran in his black brassier, panties, waist cincher garter belt, seamed stockings, black Pattin heels and Cleo wig. Beau with a throbbing hardon in his panties under his dress. They embraced, kissed. Beau pulled Kitran's panties down to his ankles and Kitran kicked them aside. They embraced once more and kissed. Kitran pressed his long naked cock against the throbbing hardon beneath his supervisor's dress.

Beau eased Kitran onto the bed. Kitran lay on his back with his muscular stocking clad legs spread. Beau hunkered down between them, took Kitran's cock in hand and began to stroke it. He licked off the precum dripping from its slit and then took the long hard cock fully into his mouth. Kitran moaned with pleasure as his Bureau boss sucked him off.

Kitran saw that Beau was an excellent cock sucker, talented enough to deep throat his entire eleven inches. Each time Beau did that Kitran would thrash about on the bed and moan excitedly. And each time he almost came in his boss's mouth until one time Kitran knew for certain he was going to.

On the verge of cumming Kitran grasped Beau's head and began to undulate his hips driving his cock deep into Beau's throat. Beau didn't fight it. He liked getting his mouth fucked and Kitran's hard cock was big enough to make it exciting. Kitran stopped his undulating and with hips raised pressed his cock as deep as he could into Beau's mouth.

Kitran moaned loudly as he came in a torrent of hot bursts. Beau swallowed it all and when Kitran had emptied himself Beau licked his cock clean. He licked down the shaft and behind Kitran's bald scrotum. Beau's hot tongue found Kitran's pink ring and pleasured it as Kitran moaned his approval.

Beau lifted one of Kitran's legs, queuing him to turn over, which Kitran did burying his face in the pillow while pointing his ass up in the air. Kneeling on the bed behind him Beau bent in and tongued Kitran's ass for awhile, priming it to be fucked. He straightened, lifted the front of his dress. His panties were soaked with precum at the tip of his stiff cock. He freed his cock, inserted it in Kitran's ass and started to fuck him.

Kitran's tight ass was moist and hot. Beau's powerful motions quickly brought him to orgasm. He pounded Kitran mercilessly. Stopped. Firmly clasped his hips drawing Kitran in tight to him. He tilted his head back. Closed his eyes. Opened his mouth and breathed out a long sigh of relief as he came in Kitran's ass.

Kitran showered and changed into a tight beige color mini dress to meet Beau for dinner. They ate, had a few drinks in the lounge bar and Beau decided that he would stay over night after all. He shared Kitran's bed and they had sex one more time before falling asleep in each others arms.

The night before when Kitran had taken Professor Faux home, before he left he had administered a drug to counteract the effects of the date rape drug the Baroness had given him. Although a bit late Amantra finally did get the soothing bath, massage, pizza and TV he craved followed by a good night's sleep. The following day agent Daxx stopped by to debrief Amantra. Beau was on his way to the airport and didn't have much time.

Professor Faux was sitting in his office going over a lesson plan. He was wearing what he would describe as a conservative business style skirt suite. And it was except for the skirt length, which was no length at all. He had on a grey pinstriped skirt suite. The short tailed jacket was open showing a a light dusty grey color blouse. He wore a thin grey tie, loose with the top buttons of the blouse open.

Amantra's thick legs were clad in nude tone stockings. Six inch high heeled grey leather pumps covered his feet. His panties and brassier were white. His hair was up in a Dutch braid. His makeup was in white-grey tones. Jewelry white gold and silver. He sat behind his desk, legs spread, big cock hanging out. Beau couldn't see it hanging out because of the desk. But he knew.

Amantra got up, came around the desk and they kissed. They went over the details of the case. All of the Baroness's high profile guests had escaped the fire. The cult of Ordon was disbanded.

"What about Arabella?" Amantra asked. "Did you arrest him?"

The Bureau needed the Baroness. They would feed him certain information and he in turn would feed it to his lover Silvan Sporson. The Bureau was close to cracking Group Seven and didn't want to blow it.

"No," Beau said. "The Bureau has further use for our sweet Baroness."

Amantra understood. He kissed Beau good by. Wished they had more time to satisfy the twinge he felt in his cock as it began to stiffen. But Beau left for the airport. Amantra picked up his briefcase and headed to the classroom.

Another case closed we once again leave our hapless hero to his cum inducing adventures.

The end.

Next: Chapter 13: Transvestite Tomb Raider 1

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