Amantra Faux

By Sasha steele

Published on Jun 26, 2013


Tomb Raider Two The Continuing Adventures of Amantra Faux (part four) By Sasha Steele

If the Baroness Isabella of Blithe was capable of love then the recipient of his love would be Sylvan Sporson. Sylvan remained a mystery to the Baroness in spite of his best efforts to ascertain certain information as to the extent of Sylvan's wealth and power. All the Baroness knew was that Sylvan's fortune was far greater than his own, and that for all intent and purpose Sylvan was as fond of him as the Baroness was of Sylvan.

There had been, and still were occasions when the Baroness had fucked Sylvan with the ferocity of hot lust and desire. Then there where other times when he fucked him slowly, lovingly and with true passion. This time was one of loving passionate times.

Sylvan lay naked on the bed, face down. His rock hard ten inch cock throbbed, trapped as it was between his naked body and the white silk sheets covering the mattress. His firm, yet smooth legs were spread. His round bum tilted slightly upward. Sylvan's lightly streaked brown hair worn in a shoulder length side part hung down onto the pillow. His pretty face wore an expression of pure ecstasy.

The Baroness too was completely naked, devoid even of jewelry and his wig. He lay on top of Sylvan. His thighs to the outside of Sylvan's legs and crossed back over the lower part of them. The Baroness's stiff nine inch cock was inserted in his lover's ass hole as he fucked him with long smooth motions that deeply penetrated Sylvan's warm moist cavity. The Baroness signed with the pleasure of each long slow stroke. He leaned onto Sylvan and kissed his back.

Sylvan felt the Baroness's warm breath on his back, the gentle kisses. He could tell by the heat and the hardness of the Baroness's cock in his ass, by its thickening and by the sighs of passion that the Baroness was close to orgasm. Sylvan too was about to cum.

The Baroness stiffened his tattoo covered back. Tilted his bald head back. And with his beautiful green eyes closed he opened his mouth and breathed a long sigh of relief as he came inside Sylvan's sweet ass.

Sylvan felt the Baroness stiffen as he pressed his cock as far as he possibly could into Sylvan's ass. He felt the swollen throb against his own cock root and prostrate gland. He felt the powerful jet spray of the Baroness's hot orgasm against the sensitive inner tissues of his rectum. The feeling was wonderful and so overpowering that Sylvan came almost immediately and felt his warm cum against his belly as he lay on the cool white satin sheets.

Even the most powerful and influential of people have their vices. Vices are weaknesses and Sylvan's greatest weakness, his only weakness was that he loved to have his ass fucked by the the beautiful Baroness. Up until now this little dalliance had been seen as a harmless amusement by the controllers of Groups Seven to which he belonged. But Arabella's meddling with the occult was getting a bit out of hand and Sylvan had been ordered to intervene. But what should he do?

Archeology professor Amantra Faux sat patiently as his hairdresser put the finishing touches on the loose hanging curls of his long black hair. In truth the elaborate coif looked more natural than done up, but that's the way it was supposed to look. Amantra didn't know why he was so keyed up as to fuss over every detail of his appearance. After all it was just a dinner date. But he wanted every detail to be exactly right - the right hairdo, the right dress, his makeup perfect, everything, right down to the expensive designer lingerie he was wearing had to be perfect.

He was only partially dressed. Wearing only the elegant light brown-colored pantie and bra set he had just bought along with shear camel-color stay up stockings; old fashioned stockings with a back seam, heel and toe. Amantra's stay ups had pretty embroidered elastic tops and he wore brown suede pumps with six inch high heels. Though big and fat Amantra's sexy body was smooth with no lumps, bumps or blemishes and no unsightly flab that his under garments cut into. He was just big all over with solid luscious contours, an over sized butt and a big gut. They too, his bum and gut, were big yet firm and solid so the waist band and legs elastics of his panties fit snugly without showing a line and his bra straps didn't pinch or bind.

His brassier had lace details on the soft low contoured chest pads and a center bow. The panties had matching lace detailing on a wide waist band and above the leg holes at the front hips. They were French cut with a high waist, wide angled seat and a belly panel. There was a small bow in back of the waist band. The penis pouch with its bulky cargo sat against the front top portion of Amantra's heavy thighs covering the lace tops of his stockings plus a good portion of the nylon.

In its normal flaccid state Amantra's enormous cock remained unwieldy, as though it were in a permanent state of semi-erection. Filling the panties penis pouch his ponderous member jutted outward over Amantra's massive balls and downward on steep angle. It felt as solid to the touch as the rest of him, solid inside with an outer covering that was some what softer.

Amantra got up and admired himself in the full length surround mirror while a man maid fetched his dress. He had chosen a tan color snug fitting mini dress with brown detailing on it. The short sleeves were cuffed and buttoned. The cuffs and collar were brown. Brown buttons ran down the front bodice to the waist. There was a fake brown handkerchief in the single breast pocket. And the short dress had a thin brown leather belt.

Two muscle bound attendants in their skimpy maid's uniforms helped their fat Manstress wriggle into the designer dress tailored specially for him. They did up the front buttons and buckled the belt. The dress's skirt had more material in back than it did in front in order to properly cover Amantra's big round butt. It followed around its contour and slightly inward terminating in back just below the lace tops of his stockings. In front it fell from his protruding gut, tapering slightly inward and again terminated just below the lace tops of his stockings. Most of Amantra's enormous balls and cock clad in the pantie's penis pouch showed below the hem line.

Amantra turned one way then the other checking himself out in the mirror. He liked what he saw. His hair and dark makeup were perfect with earth tone eye shadow and brown lipstick to match the polish on his long fingernails. His jewelry was all gold. And his dress was so sexy that looking at his reflection in the mirror Amantra felt a twinge in his cock.

It was time to go. Amantra pulled himself away and headed to the lobby. Kitran said he'd pick Amantra up out front. Amantra wondered where he would take him for lunch. Bureau agents often stay at the Savoy with its upscale restaurant. Amantra had fond memories of the Savoy. He walked out right on time. Kitran pulled up and Amantra's jaw dropped.

Kitran was dressed in tight fitting black leather. He had on thigh high boots with slight platforms and chunky high heels. The skin tight black pants showcased his round body builder's butt and bulging penis pouch. The short jacket fit tight to his muscular torso. His blond hair was in a pony tail tied with a black leather band. He wore dark sunglasses, no helmet. He pulled the gravity drive motor cycle up and told Amantra to get on.

"I thought we were going out for lunch?"

"We are." Kitran said. "Somewhere special."

Befuddled Amantra threw his purse over his shoulder and climbed onto the bike. He pushed in close, wrapped his arms around Kitran's middle and pressed his huge cock against the thin shiny leather material covering Kitran's muscle butt. So much for my hair Amantra thought as Kitran gunned the engine and headed out of the city. Soon they were in the hills. Kitran raised the bike's hover drive and they went off road. He pulled up to a small clearing that was very private and stopped.

With the movement of the bike and position of his cock against Kitran's ass by the time they stopped Amantra had a full blown hardon that Kitran was very aware of. Kitran slid his leg over the engine console and helped Amantra off. Amantra wasn't the only one with a full blown hardon. Kitran took him in his arms. Their lips met. Their hard cocks met. They kissed. They pressed their hardness one to the other, slowly undulating, each sensing the primal pulse in the other.

"I want to fuck you," Amantra said, his breathing heavy, voice deep and sensual.

Kitran unzipped his jacket. He was wearing a plain black brassier. Amantra placed his soft hands against Kitran's solid pecs. Slowly ran his hands across the smooth material. He could feel the hard buds of Kitran's nipples beneath. Kitran slipped out of his jacket and let it fall to the ground. He undid the buckle on his wide silver studded belt, undid the zipper on his pants and pulled them down onto his thighs. Kitran was wearing a black thong of the same spandex-Lycra material as his bra. His hard cock stretched the material straight out and pulled it in tight against his balls and shaft.

Amantra sank down onto his knees. He took Kitran's pantie clad cock into his mouth. Ran his hand down the eleven inch shaft. Kitran moaned. Amantra freed Kitran's cock from the thong. Took it deep into his mouth. He sucked him slowly, building Kitran's glorious discomfort. He began to suck him in earnest. His hand running up and down the long shaft as the tip ran in and out of his wet mouth.

Every so often Amantra would take the full length of Kitran's cock deep in his throat, each time tipping Kitran closer to the brink of an orgasm. Amantra wanted it as much Kitran did. Wanted to feel the full thrust of his hot cum splatter inside his mouth. Wanted to taste the sweet white nectar of his full load. Wanted to feel it pass down his throat as he swallowed it. His own cock throbbed. He worked harder to make Tristan cum.

Kitran could hardly believe what an expert cock sucker Amantra was. He wanted the fat gorgeous archeology professor to suck his cock forever. But just as much as that he wanted to cum in his sexy mouth. It was almost a contest of opposing desires. He knew though that the later was going to win. Amantra was just too talented and Kitran couldn't hold on any longer.

Leaning back with his ass on the bike and legs spread Kitran's head was tilted back, eyes closed, mouth open as he moaned in ecstasy. On the verge of cumming he stood, grasped the back of Amantra's head and began to fuck his mouth. Slowly at first, then furiously until he came. Kitran's balls exploded and he felt a red hot poker run down the under side of his shaft. It caused an itch like a snake bite under the the head of his cock. And he felt each of the discharges pumped into Amantra's mouth.

Amantra ate it all then stood. They kissed. He withdrew the monster erection through a leg hole, freed his balls as well. Turned Kitran, leaned him over the bike and went back to his knees. When flexed Kitran's big round muscle butt was hard as iron. Otherwise it was soft and smooth. His cheeks weren't clenched as Amantra spread them then buried his face between them. He ran his tongue over Kitran's ring, wetting it, softening it. His tongue explored inside, tasted the earthy tang of Kitran's moist cavern. Kitran hummed his approval as Amantra pleasured his ass.

Amantra played Kitran's ass awhile with his tongue then stood to fuck him. Precum hung in a long thread from the tip of his cock. He took hold his thick shaft and ran the cock head around Kitran's asshole. He poked the head through and squeezed more expectorate inside. Amantra's massive cock produced a lot of lubricant, as if it knew that it would be needed. He could feel it pissing out in huge squirts as he inched the monster further and further up Kitran's ass. It was a slow painstaking process but finally he was there and begun to really fuck him.

Kitran had been fucked many times before. Never had his ass felt so full. Never had it been penetrated so deep. Never had anything felt so amazing. He thought of that monster between Amantra's legs now buried in his ass. Grunted lowly with each powerful stroke. Amantra's cock was truly a marvel, a freak of nature, and it was in him. Kitran's cock hardened again as Amantra's desperation rose and he came near to cumming.

Amantra chanted his exhilaration as his tempo increased and he fucked Kitran furiously. "Ahh, ahh, ahh," he moaned with urgency evident in his voice. Suddenly he stopped his motions. His hands clasped to Kitran's hips drew him in tight and he exploded his cum in a dozen short bursts, the first more powerful than the last, the first with a shorter thrust than the last. The last with a longer held and more desperate thrust as Amantra wished he could cum in Kitran's ass forever. But alas he could not and so eased off exhausted.

Their lust finally abated they had a picnic. Kitran fed Amantra sandwiches and cake. The shared a bottle of wine then packed up to go. Amantra needed to pee. He grasped a hold of his cock and excused himself, turning away from Kitran.

Kitran had heard how Amantra deliberately peed his panties. He was curious. "If you are going to pee your panties I want to see," he said.

"Sure," Amantra replied turning back. He spread his big legs apart and leaned forward with his hands on his knees. "I hope watching me pee my panties is as erotic as it feels to do it."

Amantra gathered his breath and bore down. The tip of his light brown color panties penis pouch saturated. The wet spot grew. Then a twisting stream trickled through. He bore down again. The trickle turned into a solid stream. Amantra tilted his head back and breathed a sigh with the pleasure of his relief.

Kitran felt his cock stir. It was erotic to watch Amantra pee his panties. He wondered how it felt. Decided that he too had to go and so undid the fly to his tight leather pants and released his cock still clad in his thong's penis pouch. Kitran assumed the same pose as Amantra. Bore down and let his pee flow though his thong. It felt wonderful.

Later that evening as Amantra was getting ready for bed he received an urgent call from Salaman, the man who's shop had been ransacked. "I need your help," Salaman had told Amantra. "Its very urgent and important that no one else knows." Amantra agreed to meet in secret with Salaman at an abandoned church just east of the Dutchess of Blithe's estate.

Next evening, just after dark Amantra set his red Mercedes GDS down in the parking lot of the abandoned church. Salaman was no where in sight. No other vehicle there either. Maybe he's just late Amantra thought. He could see castle Blithe not too far off to the left. Decided to take a look inside the church. The door ground open with a loud creek. Amantra stepped into the darkness.

Then suddenly the lights came on. When Amantra managed to blink away the brightness the first thing he saw was the Baroness of Blithe.

"You are such a fool Professor Faux," the Baroness said, and a very gullible one at that. Seize him!"

End of part four

Next: Chapter 12: Tomb Raider 5

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