Amantra Faux

By Sasha steele

Published on May 19, 2013


Tomb Raider Three The Continuing Adventures of Amantra Faux (part three} By Sasha Steele

The Senator's arms were cuffed and chained to the posts at the top of the bed. His beige skirt suit was laying on the floor along with his white panties. He was bent over the bottom of the bed on his belly. His ankles were cuffed and chained to the bottom bed posts at the floor, his legs spread. The Senator had on what remained of his under garments - a white brassier and garter belt corset, nude tone stockings, white pumps, modest jewelry.

His white-blond shoulder length hair hung in his face. He wore a mixed expression of pleasure and pain. His ass glowed red where the Baroness had spanked him with gold handled leather tawse. The Baroness had spanked him extra good because the Senator really had been bad sending men after the professor without permission. Luckily the professor had escaped unharmed for there was no way the Baroness wanted himself tied to his disappearance. 'What a fucking idiot,' the Baroness thought of the Senator.

The Senator was nearing the end of his usefulness and he was getting sloppy. Not just that, he was talking such nonsense as love. The Baroness was going have to get rid of him and soon. He whacked the Senator's ass again, harder, causing him to cry out. "Arabella, please!"

"Who?" Arabella whacked him again.

"I'm sorry, Manstress. I meant Manstress."

"Please what?"

"Please fuck me." the Senator begged. "I'll be a good boy Manstress. Please."

"That's much better," Arabella said.

After Arabella had sucked the Senator's cock making him cum in his mouth he had undressed him and tied him up in order to play this little S&M game the Senator liked. Arabella thought the Senator a fool but played along. He had taken off his crimson robe and, except for his glass slippers, was naked again. He had spanked the Senator and was fucking him up the ass while the Senator begged for him to do it harder. Arabella had been pleased to oblige. But now he was about to cum.

The Baroness stopped his thrusts and leaned onto the Senators back as he discharged his hot load in the Senator's rectum. He used sex and other transvestite's lack of will to get what he wanted. Cumming represented a lapse in his own will and so was a double edged sword for the Baroness - extreme pleasure followed by self-reproach. He closed his beautiful green eyes, tilted his naked bald head back, opened his mouth and sighed with the pleasure of his ejaculation. Then cursed his weakness.

Professor Amantra Faux had just finished a lecture and was gathering up papers when Bureau Agent Beauson Daxx came in to talk to him. He'd read the report Amantra had sent telling him that the secret society the Baroness, and many other prominent citizens, belonged to were going to attempt to raise the castrated demon-god Ordon from the underworld.

"And they need a real live penis to accomplish this?" Beau said.

"Yes they work the victim to full erection then castrate him. The castrated penis is then applied directly to Ordon's prepared statue bringing it to life."

"We don't know who the victim will be of course," Beau said somewhat detached. Amantra was sitting on the edge of the desk with his legs spread, his massive cock in the penis pouch of his white panties on full display sticking out from below the short mini skirt he wore. Beau was looking right at it when he spoke those words.

"Maybe you shouldn't advertise yours so much," he said placing his hand on Amantra's pantied cock. "We wouldn't want to loose it."

"Mmmmmm," Amantra hummed at his touch. Then said, "what, you don't like the way I dress?"

"I love the way you dress." He leaned in to kiss Amantra. Then his phone rang. Beau answered and said, "I have to go." He kissed Amantra good by and left.

Amantra picked up the rest of his papers, went to his office, dropped his briefcase off and went into the bathroom. He checked himself out in the full length mirror. Amantra was a dedicated follower of fashion. He spent a lot of money on clothes and a lot of time shopping for them. He followed the trends. And the trend right now was for very short mini skirts that showed a lot of 'paquet', as the French called it. For sexy stylish trannies like Amantra that meant the more penis pouch you show, the better.

Amantra had on a white pantie and bra set, a white short sleeve silk blouse tucked into a short black bubble mini skirt. He wore beige nylon stay ups and black pumps with six inch high heels. The top buttons of his blouse were open to show off the large silver bead costume jewelry necklace which had, of course, matching earrings. He turned around scrutinizing his clothing more closely.

With the way his mini skirt hung from his protruding belly and the drape of the balloon hem it looked to Amantra that he didn't reveal all that much. But when he stood further away from the mirror he saw that he did. The skirt was one of his shortest and revealed almost all of his panties paquet. 'You sexy slut,' Amantra thought before he pulled himself away, straddled the toilet and did a long leisurely pee through his panties.

The Bureau wanted Amantra to do more digging on the castrated Ordon cult so he spent most of the next morning in the library at the Institute. He had on bluejeans, a black silk front button blouse with short sleeves. The short blouse was untucked. Top buttons were undone. You could see a bit of his black brassier. He wore black panties as well. Black lace up boots with a five inch heel. His hair was in a pony tail. He had on small black bead necklace, earrings, grey nail polish and lipstick. His black nylon suite jacket was draped over the back of his chair.

Amantra sat with a hand buried in his crotch. His heavy legs undulated opened and closed in nervous preoccupation of a suppressed need to relieve himself. There were coffee cups,donut bags, books and papers scattered over the desk in front of the computer terminal Amantra was working at. He'd been at it for hours. It was beginning to blur. He decided to pack it up.

Squeezing the huge bulge of his bluejeans penis pouch Amantra waddled back to the far corner of the sprawling library returning some scroll tubes to their shelf and decided to relieve himself. As Amantra peed on the floor he was overcome by the feeling that someone was watching him. Quickly finishing he packed up and hurried out but could not shake the feeling. He got to his vehicle, hurried home, locked the door and tried to shake it.

That evening Amantra decided to go to the antiquities shop that belonged to the client to whom he had delivered the Transmandin Organis to. And so next day, early in the evening, he arrived at the client's shop. It wasn't that Amantra had given up mini skirts that he happen to be wearing a dress with a full skirt that fell to the knee. It was just that he couldn't resist buying the yellow dress with large black poke a dots on it. The poke a dot dress had a buttoned front bodice with a collar and short sleeves. It featured a wide belt of the same poke a dot material.

Amantra wore a black brassier, black opaque pantyhose, black high heel shoes and carried a black shoulder bag. His long hair was lose. His makeup dark. He wore little jewelry; a black pearl necklace, a few rings, his watch.

The front door of the shop was locked. Amantra went around the side where he knew Salaman kept a key. He banged on the side door, waited, then let himself in. Salaman was not in there. The shop had been ransacked. Amantra went upstairs to Salaman's apartment. Same scene there. He searched around. Found the book, thumbed through it. The sound of people downstairs frightened him so Amantra left by the side door. The two men inside saw him leave and gave chase. A third was outside. Amantra tried to slip the book into his purse on the fly but dropped it. He turned a corner and found himself in a blind alley.

Amantra stood with his back to a wall, two pursuers between him and the street. The closest one to him brandished a long knife. Amantra was very afraid. Amantra saw his rescuer before he heard the near silent gravity-drive engine of the jet bike he drove. His pursuers however didn't see or hear until it was too late. The jet bike veered left and slammed sideways into one and then rammed the other. It spun around as the rider setup for a second go at them. But before he could they both took off at a run, one limping badly the other holding his injured arm.

The rider removed his helmet. He had mid length blond hair pulled back in a pony tail tied with a black ribbon. He wore a black leather jacket, high heel leather boots and skin tight blue jeans. Amantra hardly recognized his rescuer as the Bureau agent who had been dressed in a maid's uniform and wearing a black wig when he had saved Amantra in the cavern below the Baroness's castle just a few days ago.

Back then Amantra had been under duress. Looking closely now he saw that his rescuer had a pretty yet strong face with a thick neck and a square jaw. He was very well built, as muscular as Beau Daxx and looked strong. His eyes were striking sky blue and were made up in dark eyeshadow and heavy black mascara. His lipstick and nails were painted a dark red. Around his muscular neck he wore a silver necklace. He also wore silver earrings and several finger rings.

"Are you alright?" The agent asked as he dismounted his bike and came up to Amantra.

As he stepped toward him Amantra couldn't help but notice the large bulge of his blue jeans penis pouch and mused that the young Bureau agent must be quite well hung.

"I'm alright," Amantra said, "thanks to you once again. I'm sorry, I didn't get your name, agent?"

"I'm Kitran." He offered his hand and Amantra shook it. It was electrifying. "We better get out of here," Kitran said. He took Amantra by the hand, led him over to the bike. "Can you ride?"

Amantra shook his head indicating he could. He gathered the loose skirt of his pok a dot dress then lifted a heavy nylon clad leg over the bike. They exited the alley and Kitran drove Amantra back to his apartment.

"Can I buy you a drink?" Amantra asked. "Seeing as how you've twice saved my ass."

"Yes, that would be nice. Thank you Professor Faux."

"Please, call me Amantra."

"Okay Amantra."

They sat at a table in the bar across the street from Amantra's place, had a couple drinks and talked to get to know one another better. Beau had assigned Kitran to protect a Amantra while he was on this case. Amantra found that amusing, but was glad for it none the less. And besides he found Kitran attractive.

They walked back across the street to Amantra's building where Kitran's bike was parked. Amantra didn't want to let him go. On a whim he kissed him and Kitran responded to it. Amantra felt the monster cock in his pantyhose begin to stir beneath his pok a dot dress. "Would you like to come up for a night cap?" he asked.

Noticing the tent formed in the front of Amantra's dress Kitran guessed that Amantra wanted more than just a night cap. So did he and readily accepted the offer as his cock begun to stir as well. Then in Amantra's apartment they hadn't even finished one drink before they were in each other's arms with their hard cocks pressed together. They kissed long and hard before Amantra invited Kitran to his bed.

Kitran unzipped his leather jacket and Amantra placed his hands on the thin pads of the black brassier that covered his muscular pecs. Kitran slipped fully out of the jacket, let it fall to the floor. Undid his jeans and Amantra helped him pull them down onto his powerful thighs. The penis pouch of Kitran's black panties stood straight out with his erection, its pantied shape was like a big key. Amantra's assessment was right, Kitran was indeed well hung.

Kitran stripped completely out of his clothes as Amantra, clumsily fumbled with the belt and buttons of his dress. The yellow and black pok a dot dress fell to the floor and Amantra stepped out of it. He stood before Kitran in his black bra and pantyhose. A massive hardon swelled the penis pouch. Kitran took hold of it, drew Amantra close and kissed him. Then he watched admiringly as Amantra stripped his fat sexy body completely naked.

They kissed deeply with their naked throbbing members pressed together. Kitran's long bullet shaped cock was set atop Amantra's freakish monster. Breaking the kiss Amantra climbed onto the bed and Kitran followed him.

Amantra laid on his back. Kitran lay facing Amantra supporting his own weight on his powerful arms. His massive muscular thighs were pressed up against Amantra's raised thighs. Amantra's big legs were spread, encircling Kitran's middle. Kitran's hard cock, though imposing wasn't quite as long as Amantra's, nor as thick. It was pressed on top of Amantra's sensuous monster as they fucked each other cock to cock.

Kitran leaned in and they shared a long kiss. He kissed Amantra's ears, his neck and his heavy chest. He moved down, sucked Amantra's nipples to make them hard and erect, which made Amantra moan with pleasure. Kitran kissed Amantra's big gut, played in his belly button with his wet tongue,

then moved further down Amantra's fat body to his massive erection.

Kitran's hands were pressed onto the bed out to the sides of Amantra's big hips and his forehead was pressed against Amantra's fat gut. The end of Amantra's cock was in his mouth. He sucked it savouring the sweat precum leaking from its slit. He took it from his mouth, masturbating the long thick shaft while his tongue lapped Amantra's massive balls and behind them into his anus.

Amantra groaned as Kitran's tongue lapped at his asshole. Amantra lifted a heavy leg that Kitran passed over his head, turned onto his belly and offered his huge ass to Kitran. Kitran ate Amantra's salacious ass with abandonment, savouring its earthy taste. He then positioned on his knees and began to fuck him.

Amantra lay on his fat belly, his big legs spread. His head faced sideways on the pillow, eyes closed, mouth open as Kitran's long hard cock deeply penetrated him. He felt Kitran's hardness against the rock hard bulb of his own penis and prostrate deep inside his ass. It felt strangely wonderful and wanting with every thrust as the heat built up inside him. And when Kitran came it felt like a hot pipe had burst. Amantra wreathed about on the bed, buried his face in the pillow and moaned with pleasure as Kitran emptied himself inside him.

"I need to cum," Amantra whined somewhat desperately. Kitran withdrew and Amantra quickly turned over. Amantra's hand moved feverishly up and down the shaft of his massive cock as Kitran sucked the end of it. He took hold of the back of Kitran's head with his free hand, closed his eyes, tilted his head back, opened his mouth and gasped in pleasure as he jerked himself to orgasm then filled Kitran's mouth with cum.

Amantra fell asleep in Kitran's muscular arms and when he awoke Kitran was gone. Kitran had left a note.

"Try to keep out of trouble. How about lunch tomorrow?" And left his cell number. Amantra smiled, rolled over and pressed his enormous hard cock into the soft mattress. He couldn't wait till lunch.

End of part three.

Next: Chapter 11: Tomb Raider 4

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