Always You

By Candy Girl

Published on Aug 17, 2000


DISCLAIMER: This is Not real and is Purely Fiction. I don't know them and I don't know if they are gay. I'm in no way implying that they are.

Since it was My idea to have the love letter in Jessica's story ("If you only knew") to be signed with "-J-" I decided to let one of the "Mystery lovers" be reviled in this part.



Lance smiled as he watched Justin walk into his room for breakfast. "Hey, Justin!"


"Where are the others?" Lance asked as Justin took a seat at the table off food.

"I don't know where JC and Joey are, but Chris is in the shower."

"Good." Lance responded. Justin looked at Lance with a questioning glare. "I mean, I wanted to talk to you.

"Bout what?" Justin began to pour cereal into his bowl.

"Well, I have a problem. What if you knew something was happening, but you didn't know who was doing it. How would you go try and find out with out asking straight out about it?"

Justin looked up from poring the milk on the AppleJacks. "Well, depends on what you wanna find out." Justin grabbed a cup and poured himself some Orange Juice. "Sometimes you have to ask straight out to get the answers you want."

"Well, the way I see it is If they have kept it from the rest of us for this long, than they won't just tell me."

" 'They'? As in a plural-they or a could-be-he-or-she-they."

"Either one."

Justin's eyes never left Lance's as he spoke. "You mean like, say.... You thought that two of the members were trying to leave the group to start their own.... Or say... two of us were like..." Justin forced a fake laugh "Havingsexandnottellinganyone" he said so fast that it took Lance a second to get it.

"Something like that." Lance said holding Justin's eyes with his own.

"HEY GUYS!!!!" A loud voice came from the door way. It caused Justin to jump.

"Gosh, Joey. You scared me." He said.

Lance smiled to himself as he heard the relief in his voice. "Hey, Joey!!!" Lance said as he pulled out a chair for Joey to sit in. "It's good to see ya!!! Sleep well???" He said to Joey, not letting his eyes leave Justin's face.



"Hey!!!" Lance walked into JC room, "What's up!?!?!"

JC looked up from his lap top. "Hey, Lance!" He tilted his head and studied the other man. "Ya know, you have been in a really good mood today. What's up with you?"

"Well, nothing really.." Lance said smiling.

"Make's me think you're up to something...." JC shrugged and turned back to his lap top. "What ever it it, keep the master mind working."

"Well, yeah your right. I do have something up my sleeve." Lance's comment made JC turn back to him with his left eyebrow raised. Lance laughed. "'Chill'. I'm just 'tweaking your fence' 'dude'."

JC sighed in exasperation. "That's it! We watch one MMC rerun and that's all I hear, 'surfer talk'. Enough with the Wipeout grammar."

"Okay Clarence." Lance said smiling.

JC rolled his eyes but choose to ignore the comment. He simply replied by turning back to his Yahoo search results.

"Anyways. I had this 'whacked' dream last night." Lance said, still slightly teasing him. "JC, can I ask you a weird question."

JC turned back to Lance, hearing the seriousness in his voice. "You know you can. Whats up man."

"Well...." Lance said, acting like he was trying to word it, "Have you ever had sex with a guy?"


"Have you ever had sex with another guy?"

"No." JC answered. Lance studied his face before speaking again.

"Have you ever been turned on by the thought of another guy."

JC shrugged. "Once in high school."

"Would you have a gay relationship."

"Maybe. You are starting to sound like a reporter. What's going on in that head of your's?"

Lance smiled at his friend. "You have no clue how much you helped me out."

"Anytime, dude." JC said twitching at his momentary relapse into Clarence "Wipeout" Adams. "I have weird friends...I am weird so..." he mumbled to himself as he went back to the lap top screen.

Lance walked out of JC's room, failing to notice the retreating figure.



Knock Knock

He opened the door to his hotel room to find Justin standing there.

"What is it?" The older man said.

"We gotta talk." Justin walked into his lover's room.

"I know." He shut the door.

"He is asking to many questions."

The man shook his head. "No, I think they are the wrong Questions."

"That's my problem. This morning I should have just blurted it out. It would have been the same." Justin ran his hand through his curls. "What if they find out? What will happen?" his voice near panic.

"Who cares!" Justin's lover wrapped his arms around his neck. "Nothing, short of ripping my heart, will make me not be with you. I love you. I need you." Justin's lips felt the heat of his lover's breath. "Nothing, Justin. Nothing. They can say what they want, but I will always love you."

Justin couldn't hold back. He touched his love's lips with his own, devouring into their sweet taste.

Justin pulled back, his lps on fire, and smiled at the man he loved more than life. "Nothing." he whispered before his lips reconnected with the other man's. ......................

g Who could the other be??

-Candy Kane

"Always use proper grammer when righting slash." -- Jessica

Next: Chapter 4

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