Always Sorry

By Adam -

Published on Oct 14, 2000


________________________________________________________________________ Disclaimer ~ I always hate writing these things, because I figure most people know them, and if they are under age, they are still gonna keep going, I mean who's gonna know anyways. But it is a necessity, so here it goes. I do not own the rights to NSYNC, Brittany Spears, or any other pop star I use in this story. I do not know the true sexuality of any of these people. The sexuality of them in this story, our my personal hopes, and dreams (Oh yeah...naughty dreams). If you are under 18 and/or do not agree with homosexuality (get with it then, it's 2000 baby) then do not continue reading this story. ________________________________________________________________________

I must be the stupidiest person in history. I would like to apologize again, in the confusion of writing the 2nd chapter, I made the same mistake I did in the first. The correct month is AUGUST, I guess I need the reminder as much as any one else. ________________________________________________________________________

We left the last chapter with JC thinking about how to tell his parents about his relationship with Justin. Now onto Chapter 3... ________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 3 - Other Half's Confession Time ________________________________________________________________________

August 17th ________________________________________________________________________

JC could not believe how long it had taken him to work up enough nerves to dial his home phone number. It was now 8:30 p.m. and JC had used the whole day to think about his options. Either hurt his parents, or hurt Justin, he chose the first option, realizing that at the moment Justin meant the world to him. But right now, that was exactly what JC had done, he worked up his nerves, and was now listening to the third ring of the phone. But so was Justin, sitting in JC's bedroom together, the speaker phone was going to portray everything he had to say.

"Hello?" A man answered the phone, but not that of JC's father.

"Hey Tyler!" JC got excited to hear the voice of his younger brother.

"Hey Jace! How's it going?"

"Great, mum and dad there?" JC wanted to get it over with, he didn't want to make it last any longer then it had to.

"Yeah, hang on." JC could hear the noise of the phone set down on the table on the other end.

"Ready honey?" Justin beamed, he was so excited to tell JC's parents, but he didn't know why JC didn't seem nearly as excited as him.

"Sure." JC mumbled, and was relieved to hear the phone be picked up again.

"Hi Joshua." Mrs. Chasez was on the other line now, JC knew it would be easier to tell her then his father.

"Hi mom." JC replied the usual, as if the conversation was about nothing.

"You caught us on our way out the door. Is there something important or can we just call you back?" JC smiled at the words.

"Nah, I'll talk to you later. Love ya." And with that JC hung up, he thought he had done something clever, but he was wrong. Turning he saw the look in Justin's face that made him know he didn't say the right thing.

"Nothing important?" Justin was choking back tears, and JC didn't know why, until he heard those words. He didn't even realize that she said important.

"I didn't mean it like that Curly. I just didn't think we should tell them before they went out." JC tried to apologize for his words, but he was met with the back of Justin's body.

"Fine, this unimportant thing is going to go downstairs and talk to his mother. Ya know, the one who I told because I thought you were important enough." Justin choked back a few more tears, before standing and leaving the room. JC didn't know what to do, and figured he needed some advice. Calling up the only one he knew could offer it, he dialed the familiar number.

"Chris?" JC heard the familiar voice at the other end of the line, and cheered up a little.

"Hey Josh. What's up?"

"Well, Just and I just got in a fight." JC said, not surprised by his own sadness at saying it.

"Bout what?"

"I called my parents, and we were going to tell them about us. But they were going on and I told her it was nothing important just to call back. Justin thought that meant I didn't think he was important and he got upset. He went downstairs crying to talk to his mother. I don't know what to do, because he seems really upset, and he wouldn't even let me comfort him." JC would have continued on forever, if Chris didn't butt back into the conversation.

"Go downstairs, and tell him he is important to you. And if he doesn't believe you, dial up your parents cell phone and tell them. No hesitations, just do it. You have to decide, make him happy, or sleep alone tonight."

"Thanks Chris, when you put it that way." JC joked across the phone. "Talk to you tomorrow."

"See ya." And with that the phone was set down, and JC smiled. Grabbing the cordless phone, he took off down the steps. Finding Justin in the living room crying still. His mother sat next to him, one arm wrapped loosely aroudn his shoulders. She looked over at Josh, and gave him a scowling look. The look cut right through JC, he knew he would have to watch what he did, because Lynn was very protective.

"Can I talk to Justin alone Lynn? Please?" JC added the please after remembering the scowl he recieved.

"Yes." Lynn replied bitterly, and walked from the room.

"I'm sorry baby, I really am. You are important to me, believe me you are important." JC took a seat next to Justin, wrapping an arm around him. And was surprised that Justin's immidiate reaction was to fall right into them, and JC put his other arm around the young man.

"Then why didn't you tell your parents?" Justin could hardly be understood through JC's chest, but he heard the muffled voice and it hurt him that he hurt Justin.

"I don't know baby, I don't know." JC didn't know, he couldn't explain what he was afraid of, he just was afraid to tell them.

"Do you know how important you are to me Josh? You were like a father to me when we started, my best friend, a body guard, a brother, and now I hope soon a lover. I would do anything for you, I couldn't live with out you. But if I'm not even important enough to tell your parents about....I don't even know." Justin had managed to lift his head for his little speel, but at the end, he couldn't help but to break down again and sob back into JC's chest.

"I will tell them, I'll call there cell phone now." Justin didn't even look up, he just continued to cry into JC's chest, his body trembling slightly. With one hand JC dialed the number, the other clutched Justin's body, slightly rocking it.

"Hi mom." JC had gotten through to there cell phone.

"I guess earlier, when you asked, there is something important to tell you. No it can't wait until you get back. No, nothing is wrong. No, every one is fine. Yes, Brittany's good too. Mom, enough questions, there is something important I have to tell you. Justin and I are dating." Where as JC's responses had been quick and many, after these it was obvious his mother had not responded yet. But JC could hear his parents talking in the car.

"You are Justin Timberlake?" Mrs. Chasez seemed surprised to hear the noise.


"I don't know what to say son. We love you, and we love Justin, but we can't say that we like the idea of you two together. Just give us time."

"I will mom. I love you."

"Love you too son." And the conversation ended, ended much better then Josh thought it would end. He looked down, Justin was still rocking in his one hand, but he was no longer crying. He was smiling slightly, waiting to hear the out come.

"They need time to get adjusted, but they said they love us both." JC sighed, and let out the answer to Justin's unasked question. Justin smiled, and JC just let him take him into his arms, and up the steps into there bed. Now both laying, JC kissed the tip of Justin's neck, causing a small moan from Justin. Laying peacefully, JC switched on the radio, catching a channel with a soft tune, he left it on, helping the both of them slip into sleep. ________________________________________________________________________

August 18 ________________________________________________________________________

Morning came quickly to the Harless Residence, but Justin didn't wake quickly. And although JC did, he didn't let it known to any one in the house. He couldn't even if he wanted to, because he laid, his arms wrapped around Justin in such a position that the slightest movement would have awoken Justin from his sleep. Something JC loved to watch, Justin's body peacefully moving up and down from the air, his eyes shut, hair ruffled, the image that caused JC to coo like a little girl.

Meanwhile in the kitchen of the house, all of the guys were sitting around, along with Brittany, Lynn, Dani, and the PR for NSYNC. It was a usual to have the girls and Lynn at the meetings, as they were either related or dating members of the band, they felt as if they had some say in the matters of new contracts and such. Every one growing impatient, Lynn was sent to wake the only two sleeping, Justin and JC. Who were not aware of the quick meeting just assembled that morning.

Taking her time to get up the stairs, knowing it would be hard to wake the two, Lynn slowly came to the room, finding it half-way open she peeked in. Catching a glimpse from JC, she could tell that at least he was awake.

"Joshua, there's a meeting downstairs. PR and the group is here, and Brittany and Dani are with them." Lynn decided that after the words, she would turn and leave. JC was much better at waking Justin peacefully then she was, because he could apply techniques that Lynn wouldn't dare do to her child.

Josh smiled, and waved his hand for her to leave. Doing as she was asked, Lynn slipped from the room leaving Justin and JC alone. JC slid his arms out from under Justin, making the young man, moan out of disappointment, but he didn't wake. His hands extended for something but felt nothing, he muttered something in his sleep, before JC kissed his cheek. "Still here baby, but it's time to get up." Justin smiled, his eyes opening to reveal that he had been awake the whole time.

"Do we have to go? It's probably nothing important anyways, we can just stay in bed all day." Justin smiled, hoping his smile would make JC cave in.

"It's just downstairs, we can manage." JC pulled Justin out of bed, and smiled. Walking out of the room, Justin grudgingly followed him, and as they made there way into the kitchen they took seats across from each other.

"Alright, now that you are all here, we can start. I know you were all under the impression that your tour would start on September 22nd, but there was a screw up in the scheduling, and the tour is starting a little earlier then expected." The PR stood at the head of the table, adressing every one, not just the members of NSYNC.

"How much earlier?" Lance asked, usual the one who did all the questioning at the meetings anyways.

"Well, they start August 22nd. And because of the month change, your opening act has cancelled." The PR stopped after these words, because he had no idea what to expect. He expected anger, sadness and then of course confusion. He himself, did not know of any one that wasn't busy to sign on as an opening act for the boys.

"We start in 4 days. 4 days, I'm not ready to go back on tour." Lance got looks from everyone in the room after his mouth shut from speaking. It was not like him to lose his control over the situation, but at the moment he seemed the most confused over the whole situation. At the time, if any one had paid attention they would have seen Justin's sudden change in moods.

"I am sorry guys, we printed out two copies of the schedule, you guys got the incorrect one. You will have to pack, and your flight out of here is on the 20th. I know you guys didn't have enough time to practice, so the 21st you will practice, and you will basically be doing the same moves from the last tour, until we have a week where you can practice long enough. If you have any one in mind for an opening act, I would be glad to accept them, because right now we are clueless." The PR once again took his seat, and stopped, waiting for responses and suggestions.

"I'd be willing to join the tour. But as a co-star, I'm too big now to be considered an opening act." It wasn't that Brittany was being cocky, but it was true, she couldn't be an opening act. She was too big herself, yet alone combined with NSYNC.

"Great, now, I suggest you all get packed and ready to go, because we are out of here at 5:45 a.m. on the 20th." Picking up his briefcase, it was obvious that he was about done with the conversation. "I'm sorry once again with the screw up, but I hope it won't interfere to much." Lynn followed him to the door, saying there good byes, she returned to the kitchen to get the initial reaction.

"I can't believe this, I'm supposed to have another month with you Chris. This isn't fair." Dani was obviosly upset, but she was trying hard to keep in tears. The two rarely got time to see each other, and when they did it was spent together, always, but now his vacation was cut short significantly. At the same time, Justin sat silent still, listening to JC and Lance discuss how everything was going to run. Brittany and Joey talked in there seats, happy that they would still get to see each other while the tour was kicked up. Which is why, without surprise Justin was now able to sneak away with out being noticed. Once upstairs, he plopped down on JC's bed, hoping to get some sleep and think.

His hopes were not met with reality though, because as suspected with in ten minutes, JC must have realized he was gone and came up looking for him. Finding him on the bed, he took a seat next to him, smiling and rubbing his hair.

"Wadda thinkin'?" JC mumbled out, still playing with Justin's hair. It was something he enjoyed, for one thing, it kept him calm when he was angry, and also, it made Justin happier when he too was upset.

"I don't wanna go back on tour. It's gonna be to hard...for us. I mean, with practice, rehearsal, concerts, and then all the fans. I'm not going to be able to give you a kiss even, I don't want that." JC didn't even consider the fact that Justin was upset about them going back. If anything he thought Justin would be neutral on the idea, because Justin loved to tour, and now that he and JC would be with each other every day, it would be just like vacation, or so he thought.

"I know babe, but we can manage. We've got the bus, and the hotels." After saying hotels JC winked at Justin provactively, getting a slight smile at his younger boyfriend.

"I guess, but it's still gonna suck." Justin smiled though, he knew he had lost the argument.

"Come on, let's pack so we don't have to worry about it tomorrow. Then we can spend our last day at home and just relax." Justin agreed with a shake of his head, and sat motionless on the bed. He watched as JC took out clothes, getting approval from him first. Justin even pointed to clothes he wanted that were JC's, things he would like to wear while on the road. ________________________________________________________________________

August 19th ________________________________________________________________________

"Are you sure you are all packed? Because this is the last time I am going to check on you two." Lance was on the other end of the phone, talking to JC and Justin. He was always in charge of making sure that pre-tour preparations were in retrospect.

"Yes we are sure Lance, now stop bothering us. We want to spend the day together, peacefully." JC was getting a little pushy, but he had the right to be. It was only 10 in the morning, and this was the third time that Lance had called to check up on them. Waking them at 8, a time that Justin should never be awake, or even slightly stirred at. "Talk to ya later Scoop."

"See ya Josh." Both hanging up the phone, JC turned to see Justin almost asleep again on the bed.

"Oh no you don't. We are spending today awake, and together." Pouncing on the bed after his warning went unanswered, JC pinned Justin down. "I know what'll wake ya." With out warning this time, he dove into tickling Justin, and made the younger man squeal like a child. His laughter grew as the tickling speed increased, until finally JC grew tired of the uneven competition. "Ya know, you've got a height and weight advantage over me, and I can still whoop your ass." JC teased, ruffling up Justin's hair.

"You better be able to whoop my ass, and any one that touches it, cuz you da man in this relationship." Justin teased back, beaming a smile. "And what were you saying about weight, you trying to say I'm fat." His smile now turned into a mock frown, but he couldn't hold it for long. His laughter got the better of him.

"So, I was thinking I would go rent a movie, then grab some food and I could make us dinner, and we could watch the movie later on tonight." JC smiled, hoping Justin would like the idea.

"Cool, that'd be great, get something scary." Those words had never left Justin's mouth before, 'get something scary'. JC thought he was hearing something, Justin never wanted to watch scary movies, they scare the shit out of him.

"Excuse me?"

"Get something scary, I like you holding me, and a scary movie'll give you all the reasons in the world to hold me." Justin laughed, but answered the question seriously. "I'll stay home while you get them." Justin smiled, as JC looked at him awkwardly.

"Um, I don't think I should go get them now babe. It's only 10, we have at least another 8 hours before we can eat dinner. I mean, not until at least 5 or 6, so I think we can just chill downstairs on the couch." JC smiled at the goofy teenager, running his hand through his hair. "What's up with you today kiddo, you're acting pretty strange?" JC laughed, as he and Justin stood to go downstairs.

"I guess I'm just a little excited about something." Justin smiled again.

"Bout what? The tour?" JC asked a little confused, because only yesterday Justin was complaining about going back, which just made JC even more confused.

"I donno." Justin laughed, and took off running for the stairs. Once downstairs, JC set up a nice little blanket covered area on the couch and the two laid down to watch some tv. Leaving a note for Lynn to wake them at 3 if they fell asleep.

The only problem, the boys did fall asleep, and Lynn didn't arrive home at 3, more like 4. Upon coming in, she read the note, and quickly woke the two. JC rushing off to the store to get a movie and some food, while Justin secretly ushered his mother out of the house with a plan. Quickly setting off to work, he rushed upstairs to his bedroom where he had hid the ingredients to his plan. Once in his bedroom, he opened his closet, quickly taking out the candles and the roses. Rushing from his room, and into JC's he quickly laid out all the roses and the candles, lighting them all around the bed.

Stripping quickly from his clothes, he left on nothing but his necklace, the one JC had given him. He quickly grabbed a pair of heart boxers and threw them on, now content with the way the room and he looked, he rushed downstairs to get under the covers in the living room.

With in a half an hour JC arrived home with a bag of food and a scary movie. He had no idea what he was about to be getting into though. Not hearing any noises, he hoped that Justin wasn't asleep again, but upon walking in the living room he could see an awake Justin.

"Wanna watch the movie first, or eat?"

"I don't know, I was thinking we could take another nap. Upstairs maybe?" Justin looked up hoping his eyes would convince JC, and some how they did.

"Alright, but I'm setting the clock for twenty minutes." JC put his finger out in warning, and turned to walk up the steps.

"I was hoping you could carry me. My back's been killing me ever since we woke up." The lie was something he quickly thought up hoping to convince JC to uncover him.

"Sure." Walking back to the couch, JC pulled off the blanket, revealing Justin in his heart boxers. "Hmmmmmm." His moan was louder then he expected, as he got a laugh from Justin.

"Since tonight is our last night here, and I don't think we'll get to do this on the road. I want to sleep with you tonight." Justin spit it out, he had rehearsed what he was going to say all day, but he only managed to say it, in such simple words.

"Are you sure Baby?" JC was excited, he did want to do this too, but only if Justin was sure he was ready.

"Yes, trust me." Justin stood and JC picked him up any ways. Carrying him up the steps wasn't easy, but for his size, JC was alot stronger then he looked. Once inside the bedroom, Justin was almost dropped at the sight of the room. The floor was adorned with flowers and candles, and the bed with more floweres. He cleared the bed, and uncovered it, setting Justin gently down.

"Hang on, I've got some lube and a condom in my wallet." Trying to fumble through his wallet, would be no easy task, JC was nervous as hell to do this.

"Don't" Justin's words shocked JC.

"What do you mean?"

"I want you inside of me with out a condom, I don't plan on having sex with any one but you in my entire life, and I don't need it to feel safe, as long as you hold me I'll be safe enough."

"Are you sure? I mean, how did you do all this? The flowers? candles? It's so beautiful." JC was speechless, for one of the first times in his life, he had no words that comprehend what was going on in his mind. He didn't know whether to just rip off his clothes and begin, or take it slow.

"I'm sure Josh." Justin smiled, and pulled JC down on top of him, as the two inimately embraced in a passionate kiss. The kiss lasted long, while JC shimmied out of his pants. The kiss ended, and JC slipped off his shirt, now leaving both boys in there boxers. JC smiled, and slowly traveled the length of Justin's chest, although way down to his stomach. Kissing it gently, leaving no part untouched by his soft and gentle lips. Meeting with the top of Justin's boxers, he felt a new surge enter his body, the nervousness had turned into fear. He was beginning to worry that he may not be gentle enough, but the loving look in Justin's eyes told him other wise, and he slowly stripped Justin of the heart boxers. He moaned before he even came in contact with it, he had seen Justin's dick plenty of times, but this was the first time he had ever really been able to admire it. It wasn't huge, it was nice, an average 6" and not to thick. JC smiled, and went down on it slowly.

His tongue went at it right away, licking the underside while he held the base with a strong grip. Justin had never experienced such stimilation, but he wasn't surprised at how good JC was. After all JC was very experienced, and he was glad it was JC doing it. But his mind soon slipped from those thoughts, as all he could do was lay in awe of what was going on in his body. JC was now completely enveloping his manhood, and his tongue was working circles on the head, and the feeling was going from his dick all the way up his spine, until his whole body tingled. He knew he was close, and so did JC, preparing for the shot of cum, JC took it all in completely, and drank down the last drop of cum.

Crawling back to the top of the bed, JC smiled, and quickly deposited a kiss on the breathless Justin. Justin smiled as best as he could, but he was severly out of breathe, and JC wanted to let him catch it, before he began the real part of tonight's intercourse. After a few minutes, of Justin's heavy panting receding into regular breaths, JC was ready to speak. "Thanks Baby."

"For what?" Justin was still slightly panting, but his composition had returned.

"For letting me do this tonight, for letting me be your first. I wish I had saved myself for you, I'm sorry." JC looked like he was going to cry for the words he had just said.

"It's okay, but ya know, if we keep talking about this, I don't think we are going to get a chance at doing it." Justin hinted, looking at the clock. What had seemed like twenty minutes at the most, had actually taken an hour and a half, of which JC was proud of. He knew he could have made Justin cum with in seconds, but he had managed to make the youngster last over an hour.

But taking the hint, JC smiled, and just looked at Justin's innocence. He contemplated again in his head, that he was about to take a part of that innocence, but he knew that he wanted it, as much as Justin did if not more. "Alright babe, now this is going to hurt. So if you want me to stop or going slower just say so." JC smiled, he knew he didn't have to tell Justin, but he made sure that this would be right. Picking Justin up, he set him so that they were facing each other, Justin on JC's lap. Adjusting him once more, JC found his dick at Justin's entrance. Just the emotions he was feeling at the time could have made him cum, but he with held the feeling, he wanted this to last for hours. Slowly, he pulled Justin down by the shoulders a little, Justin winced at the initial pain, but forced a smile to show that he wanted to continue. JC continued, inch by inch, minute by minute, until he was all the way inside of Justin.

Tears flowed from the younger man, but he was still smiling, waiting for it to begin.

"Baby, do you want me to continue?"

"Yes." Justin managed to speak with out his voice wavering, although it was probably one of the hardest things he ever did.

"You can bite my shoulder if you want to." He slowly started to pump, up and down, until a steady rythym picked up between the two bodies. Justin's teeth sank into JC's shoulder, as he cried into the older man's body. Slowly his tears resided, as he started to take the pleasure more then the pain, and he got into the rythym, helping JC pump by moving his own body up and down. Justin's tight ass was nothing JC had experienced before, he had never taken any one's virginity before, and the tight suction of Justin was the best he had ever felt. Justin slowly began to moan, as JC rocked harder up and down, hitting Justin's prostate, sending Justin into another orgasm, ten times stronger then the first. Justin's breathing increased, as he slumped over JC's body, to catch his breath, while JC slowed his actions, keeping it at a softer pace.

The action didn't stop though, because while Justin still recooperated, JC picked up the pace, pumping fast and hard into Justin's ass, all the while moaning out Justin's name in pleasure. Justin couldn't take it, he wanted JC's cock to explode in his ass, but he was also loving his first time, and didn't want it to end. Slowly leaning in, his lips came in contact with JC's, and at the same time he felt JC cum in his ass, the kiss erupted into groping, and with in minutes, they were madly making out, all the while, JC still in Justin's ass as he slowly lost his erection it slowly began to slide out.

With in twenty minutes, Justin was asleep, lying on the bed, his boxers back on complimentary of JC. JC was in his boxers and a wife beater, as he sat up. It had been four hours since they started, a long ordeal, but a worth while one. It was 11, unseemingly early for any members of NSYNC to fall asleep, especially Justin, but JC knew Justin would be aching in the morning. And at such bad timing too, especially with the concerts starting up.

Turning off the light, he slipped into bed, snuggling close to Justin. The only thoughts he could think of were 'Where was Lynn?' and 'How bad he was going to feel when Justin was in pain at the slightest motion of his body in the morning'. ________________________________________________________________________

August 20th ________________________________________________________________________

It was not 4:30 a.m. on the 20th, and the guys were all up and getting ready for the flight that they had ahead of them. That is all of them except for Justin. While everyone was waiting in the limo, JC was trying to convince Justin to get up.

"Come on babe, we gotta get to the airport." JC could understand what was happening to Justin, he was feeling the pain of the night's earlier pleasure. Taking a risk, he gently scooped up Justin and carried him down the steps. Putting him in the limo, he slid in himself. Shutting the door, the limo took off, while JC slid Justin back on his lap. Slowly Justin felt a few tears escape his eyes.

"What's wrong Curly?" Brittany sat across from the two lovers, and seeing Justin's tears she felt a pain for one of her best friends.

"Nothing." JC answered for him, cradling him in his arms. He knew it was going to be hard to convince them, especially since Justin wasin his boxers and nothing else. "Can one of you guys give me my bag?" He was obviously hinting that he wanted to dress Justin. Being given his bag, he grabbed a pair of sweat pants and threw them on Justin. He took off his own shirt and slid it on Justin, now wearing only a tank top himself.

"Are you sure everything is okay?" Brittany asked again.

"YES." Justin flinched at the raise of voice, but he was slowly beginning to feel more at ease in JC's arms.

"Josh, sorry, what ever it is you can tell us." Brittany was mad that she had been snapped at, and was thankful that Joey stepped into the argument.

"I know, I'm sorry for yelling at you guys. But not right now, please!." JC didn't mean to be rude, but he really didn't want to hear it. Not for himself, but for the fact that he didn't want Justin to listen to it. He knew that Justin was hurting, and from what it seemed liked now, it was obvious that the flight was going to be long.

"We're here." The limo driver had put down the connecting window, and addressed the group. Exiting the limo, they all made there way into the airport. Leaving there bags for the driver, and attendants. JC carried Justin, hoping they would be able to board there plane where there would be little suspicion.

"Josh, you gotta put Curly down. You are going to draw attention to him." Brittany didn't want to start an argument back up with JC, but she was only trying to help him.

"I know, but I can't. I just wanna board the plane and let him sleep." JC smiled at Brittany letting her know that she was not pissed at him. She quickly addressed Lance, who rushed to the booth and got them all there tickets.

"They said we could board, but we have to do it quietly." Lance whispered, as they all rushed to the plane. Once on, they took there seats, having reserved all of first class.

"This is great." Joey smiled, as he watched JC sit and gently lay Justin on his lap. "Hey what do you think happened to Justin?" He leaned over and whispered to Brittany.

"Don't tell every one else, but I think our Justin became a man last night." She giggled, whispering to Joey. Chris and Lance heard the giggle, and quickly walked back to see what was funny.

"What's so funny?" Lance questioned first, always demanding to know what was going on with in the group.

"Brittany was just saying that she thinks Josh and Justin did it for the first time last night." Joey giggled like a little girl after the words left his mouth, and JC heard him. He was now sitting by himself, he had requested a blanket and Justin was sitting in the window seat, his ass comforted by a pillow, while he slept cozily with the blanket. JC stood from his seat, to find out what was being said.

"What are you guys talking about? Could you keep it down maybe?" He asked politely, pointing over to the sleeping Justin.

"Oh sorry dude, he's probably tired after last night's work out." Joey giggled, and got the same reactions from everyone but JC.

"What's that suppose to mean?" JC was obviously angered by the question, but the guys knew he was sure of what they were talking about.

"Come on JC, tell us the details." Brittany laughed, all eyes focused on JC.

"Um, we did it okay." JC didn't want to explain all the details, he was not the one to kiss and tell, even though he knew it was expected when it came to his friends. They kept no secrets from each other, and he knew they would eventually find it out any way.

"You did it. You did it. You can't even say it romantically." Brittany made a mock face of disgust, as hers eyes grew waiting for more information.

"Okay, we made love. I went out to get dinner and a movie, and when I came back he was in heart boxers. He said he was ready, and we went upstairs. He had roses and candles every where, it was really romantic. And I gave him head, and then we had sex, we took it slow, and I was gentle, but I guess it was still a little tough on Justin. He is in so much pain, and it couldn't come at a worse time." JC had went on about the course of last night's events, but then got into his regret for doing it and hurting Justin.

"Ohhh, the poor baby cried." Brittany laughed.

"Shut up Britt." Chris jumped in to defend Justin surprisingly.

"Yeah." Lance too took that side. Brittany was shocked to see them defending Justin, but she couldn't have been as shocked as JC was who stood next to her. "Leave him alone."

"Whatever." Brittany walked back to her seat, Joey following. Lance and Chris slapped JC on his shoulder, as they walked to there seats as well. JC smiled, and walked back to his own. Lifting Justin's feet, he set them down on his lap, rubbing them slowly and carefully as Justin slept peacefully.

It gave him time to think while he sat alone, so much that he didn't even realize that the plane had taken off. His mind was taken up in thinking of what had just went down. It had been along time since the group had stood together to defend Justin. In the past few years, that job had went to JC, and none of them had taken a step to jump into that position. Thinking back, he remembered maybe the last time they had all stood up for Justin; it had to have been when they were filming "Tearin' Up My Heart", while the suits wanted Justin to go shirtless, they all stood up to tell them no. He smiled thinking about it, it brought back great memories, and he was happy that they were standing up for Justin again. Although he was upset that it was against Brittany, but they meant no harm to her, they were just upset about it.

Getting bored after a good twenty minutes of silence, he got Chris's eyes, and waved him over, making it obvious that he wanted them all to come over. Walking over, they all took seats around him. Joey and Britt in front of him, and Chris and Lance behind him.

"Wadda want?" Lance asked, a little angered that he was forced to get up and leave his comfortable seat to a new one.

"Just wanted some company, needed to talk or I'd go insane." JC smiled, and got a few back, but not from Lance, who was still upset he was moved.

"Cool, now spill it. We wanna hear all about last night." Brittany smiled, with a small giggle breaking through.

"Alright, basically, I came home and he was under the covers in the living room. He asked me to carry him upstairs cuz his back was aching, so I uncovered him, and he was in heart boxers He looked so sexy, just in them and his little cross I bought him." JC smiled, it was obvious he was in love. "Well, I carried him upstairs, and when we entered my bedroom, there were roses and candles every where. I almost dropped him right then, but I managed to set him down on the bed. We started making out, and ya know, groping each other, until finally I gave him head. But you guys don't wanna hear 'bout that." His smile turned into a smirk now as he cleared his throat to continue. " He said he was ready, and so we slept together. We took it slow at first, and he cried from the pain, but after a while he started to enjoy it, and we went at it faster. He ended up falling asleep afterwards, and I had held him, until about 11 when I fell asleep myself." JC smiled, finishing with his story.

"Seriously, does it hurt that much? Cuz it didn't make Britt cry." Joey smiled, laughing.

"I don't know, never had it done." JC answered truthfully. "But Justin's not the only one I've seen cry, it's just something different. Anway you guys know Justin is a little sensitive, and I don't want you guys to bring any of this up. He's gonna be in pain for at least the rest of the day, so be nice to him. When we land in LA, just let him sleep on the bus, no one bother him. Please?" JC started off demanding, like the father of the group, he always did, but uncharacteristically he ended it in a beg.

"Don't worry, I speak for all of us, we will be the nicest people for Justin." Lance smiled, his face warm and sincere, JC looked around to see the same type of faces on the rest of his bandmates and friends. "You know when it comes down to it, we only tease Justin cuz he's the youngest, we don't really try to hurt him. And in times of need, we will be there for the kid." Lance's words were gentle and kind, and most of all coming straight from his heart, but not only his heart, also the hearts of the rest of his friends.

"Thanks." JC smiled, and relaxed. It was going to be another two hours before they landed, and he wanted to get a little sleep. And so did the others. As they all relaxed, removing the blankets from the seats to cover themselves JC, grabbed one to cover him, still letting Justin's feet relax on his lap. Kissing Justin good night he felt sleep over take him.

3 hours had passed since the group fell asleep. Lance was attended to the bodyguards to get there luggage, while JC slipped out of the airport and into there waiting tour bus. Setting the now awake, in pain, Justin down in the usually spot he slept on the tour bus. He slid himself into the bunk, and situated it, for Justin to sleep comfortably.

"Try and get some sleep baby." JC smiled, kissing Justin on the forehead. The kiss made Justin smile slightly, but he knew it would be hard for Justin to sleep with all the pain. "Do you want me to sing you to sleep?" Justin didn't speak, just smiled and nodded his head a little to signal that it was a yes.

'When the visions around you bring tears to your eyes and all that surrounds you are secrets and lies.'

'I'll be your strength I'll give you hope. Keeping your faith when it's gone the one you should call was staring here all along.'

'And I will take you in my arms. And hold you right where you belong. 'Till the day my life is through This I promise you This I promise you.'

Looking down, Justin was now peacefully sleeping clutching one of the pillows he had been sleeping with. Still not content though, JC smiled and kept up the singing.

'I loved you forever in life times before. And I promise you never Will I hurt you anymore'

'I give you my word I give you my heart. This is a battle we've won And with this vow Forever has now begun.'

Deciding that now Justin definetly was asleep and completely peaceful, he figured he could stop. Slowly and quietly he slid out of the bunk, walking towards the back, finding every one sitting in the living quarters all resting. Lonnie stood by the door, he was the only bodyguard that had worked with them since the beginning of there careers. And the only one they allowed with them at all times, except when on vacation. To JC it was more because he was Justin's personal bodyguard, he had been assigned Justin when he was younger, and Justin had always requested him from then on.

"Hey Jace, I heard that Justin's in some pain. Anything happen to him?" Lonnie was always concerned over Justin. In the years they had grown closer to each other, and Lonnie looked at Justin like his child, and Lynn trusted Lonnie with Justin at all times. Almost like he was another father, the third of Justin's life.

"Yeah, but he'll be fine tomorrow." JC wasn't sure if he should have told Lonnie that they were dating, but he wasn't exactly sure at how he would handle the noise.

"Well, I'm sure you will take good care of him. You've been great to him as a friend, and I think now you will be even better." Lonnie winked at JC, revealing that he already knew about there relationship. JC turned and saw his friends smiling, and waving for him to sit down.

"Thanks Lon." Giving the body guard a pat on the back, he slowly turned and walked further, taking a seat next to Lance. "So you guys told Lonnie?"

"Yeah, we figured he should know. You know how protective he is of Justin, we wouldn't want him to find out by catching you guys in the act. He might have thought you were hurting him or something, ya know, with your big powerfulllll......" Chris was silented by a harsh look from JC, who was not about to let him finish the sentence, expecting what he didn't want to hear.

"Don't even say the words" JC backed up his harsh look, with an angered demand.

"Sorry" Chris managed to squeak out, embarrassed that he had been silented by some one younger then him.

"So, Lance, are we getting a hotel this time, or are we just staying on the bus?" JC decided to change the subject before a real fight started, and the question had been plaguing him anyways.

"We are just gonna ride the bus from here to the stadium. I think we are actually going to stay in the parking area the whole time we are here, so we can get easy access to practicing and stuff. Then we head from here to Oregon for the second concert." Lance smiled, happy with himself that he had memorized the schedule so quickly.

"Think you got enough of it down Scoop?" Joey laughed, resting his head on Brittany's shoulder.

"Uhuh, shut up." Lance sarcasmed with Joey.

"Ya know, it's only 10 in the morning and you guys are getting on my nerves. Maybe we should go get lunch or something after we get to the stadium. We could get dressed and head off to grab a quick bite to eat at a Hard Rock's or something." JC smiled, he loved the Hard Rock Cafe, and he always managed to slip it in during conversations of food.

"Are you sure Jace, I mean, is Justin up to it?" Brittany who had seemed the least concern the last time Justin's pain was brought up, was now seemingly the most concerned.

"I completely forgot, on second thought why don't we just order in, and eat in the dressing room. Cuz they should have our couches and seats set up. My baby can sleep on the couch, while we eat." JC smiled, having worked out all the complications he realized that they would be at the stadium soon. It wasn't something he was looking forward to though, that meant waking up Justin, and that meant pain for the youngster. ________________________________________________________________________

TBC..... ________________________________________________________________________

Justin is still asleep, but what happens when he wakes up? His pain could be unbearable, or it could be gone like JC is hoping. I don't know, you be the judge. ________________________________________________________________________

As always e-mail me at or

And the next chapter will be out next weekend. ________________________________________________________________________

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