Always Sorry

By Adam -

Published on Oct 7, 2000


Disclaimer ~ I always hate writing these things, because I figure most people know them, and if they are under age, they are still gonna keep going, I mean who's gonna know anyways. But it is a necessity, so here it goes. I do not own the rights to NSYNC, Brittany Spears, or any other pop star I use in this story. I do not know the true sexuality of any of these people. The sexuality of them in this story, our my personal hopes, and dreams (Oh yeah...naughty dreams). If you are under 18 and/or do not agree with homosexuality (get with it then, it's 2000 baby) then do not continue reading this story. ________________________________________________________________________

I just want to clear something up. In the first story I had two different dates in it, and one said August 15th, the other July 16th. The correct month this story begins in is August. And it will continue from there in the rest of the chapters. Sorry for any confusion. ________________________________________________________________________

First things first, I want to thank Nifty for not only posting this story, but my first one too. Not to mention the hundred of other ones. Because with out them, no one would get to read the wonderful stories that are displayed there.

Also, I want to thank Mary Jane, my biggest fan, she is one of the nicest people I know. I hope you don't care that I am mentioning you, you deserve it though.

And lastly, I want to thank the people that sent me e-mails with ideas, suggestions, and anything else for this story. ________________________________________________________________________

I would also like to suggest a few stories that I think have got to be the best at Nifty:

Brian and Justin - I am waiting for the update for this one, it is a story aobut Brian Litrell and Justin Timberlake, one of the best on the two I think.

Played - This one is great, and I don't want to give anything away.

Devotion - Really good, an odd twist to it though, you have to read it to realize what I am talking about.

There are alot more that I have read and enjoy, but I will just recommend one each week. If you have any you think I should read, or you think are really good that I should suggest, just let me know, and I will do so. ________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 2 - Confession Time ________________________________________________________________________

July 16th ________________________________________________________________________

Surprisingly after hours of swimming, and 8 o'clock rolling by, the group was, for the most part, still swimming in the pool. Excluding Justin and Brittany the pool was still full of the pop stars. Justin and Brittany each sat in law seats. Brittany asleep in her's, Justin idly watching JC swim across the pool.

It was a complete shock to everyone, when there peaceful scene was interrupted by Lynn Harless coming outside to find them. She smiled, and took a seat next to her son.

"I was wondering where you all were going to turn up. Do you have plans tonight?" Lynn questioned, it was obvious that she was hoping they weren't, but in fact they did.

"Actually we were going to go clubbing around 10 or 11, but we are just going to chill for the next two hours or so." Chris answered, getting a smile from Lynn.

"Then you will let me make you a small dinner, you can't go clubbing on an empty stomach. Give me a half hour, and I will have something whipped up." Lynn stood, and with out any agreements rushed to the kitchen to make dinner.

"I'm not really hungry." Joey piped up, after grabbing a towel. The only ones in the pool at this point were JC and Dani. "But I guess we don't have a choice now do we?" Joey joked, slightly tapping his girlfriend. He whispered something to her, and she smiled, reviving herself from sleep.

"Why don't you two get out now? We should get cleaned up and dressed now, so we can head out right after dinner." Lance suggested, already dried off. JC nodded and pushed Dani's raft to the side of the pool. After they were both exited, they walked to there respective lovers. Justin smiled, as JC grabbed his towel.

"Alright, well we are going to change in your bedroom Just, and Chris, you and Dani can have JC's. So Lance you get the bathroom, and then Justin, you and JC can have yours when we are all done." Joey smiled, making the demands for himself and every one else. With out waiting, he took off for the bedroom, Brittany in tow. Chris and Dani followed quickly to there designated room. Lance walked slowly after them, heading towards the bathroom.

Justin and JC were left poolside by themselves. Justin smiled, but after a thought hit his mind he frowned. The kitchen had perfect access to the pool, and his mother was still in the dark on his relationship with JC. "I wanna kiss you right now." Justin whispered seductively, knowing he shouldn't have. JC would have gladly obliged, but he too, knew that the window was a great view to see them.

"I wish I could kiss you, but let's wait until your mother knows before we start kissing in front of her. For now, let's just get dressed, we can tell her at dinner." JC smiled, pulling Justin out of the seat. Justin slowly dragged behind, as JC lovingly pulled him into the house, and up the steps. Finding his room unoccupied, he pulled Justin in, shutting the door behind him. "Now I can kiss you." And with that, he did. His lips gently caressing Justin's, he pulled away quickly though, not wanting to begin something he couldn't finish. "Grab some clothes and get dressed."

"I can't wear your clothes down to dinner. My mom will notice, and she'll question it." Justin was a little surprised at JC's forewardness to tell his mother about them. "I'll go grab some of my clothes." Justin left quickly, and shut his door behind him. Grabbing a nice outfit, consisting of the grey turtleneck he had recieved, and a pair of khaki pants, he was ready to go to the dinner table. Quickly remembering, he grabbed his necklaces, the cross he had owned for years, and the new one JC had gotten him. Picking it up, he smiled, and walked back to JC's room.

"Here, put these on me." Justin handed the two crosses to JC, who hooked them on, and smiled at his dressed Justin.

"You gonna gel that hair o' yours now, or after dinner?" JC laughed, looking at Justin's bad hair do. The swimming pool hadn't done him much justice. JC however, had already dressed and fixed his hair.

"I don't know, I guess now." Grabbing JC's gel, he rushed to the bathroom. With in ten minutes he was done, his hair 'perfect' in his own sense. Finding JC waiting at the bathroom door, he smiled. "Now I look bootiful." JC laughed at Justin's cute comment, and smiled.

"Let's go get this over with, and have a great night tonight." JC smile faded into a worried look, realizing that in a few minutes he was going to tell his second mother that he was dating her son. For the first time the thought really processed in his mind, and he didn't like it. Maybe he was making the wrong decision, no, it was the right one, pushing the thoughts from the back of his mind, he quickly changed back to a smile. "Come on." Pulling Justin along, he made his way down the steps. Every one else already at the table.

The meal awaiting was nothing great, just some french fries and left over chicken reheated. But it was nice enough for the large group. The seating arrangements were set up like always when the group was in town. Lynn at one head of the table, then Justin, JC, and Lance on one side. Across from them, Chris, Joey, and Brittany, giving Dani the other head. Usually the table would be even more cramped, but Paul Harless was not home, he was away on business.

Justin took his seat, and after the group had said grace, he began chowing down on his food. Getting warnings from both Lynn and JC, which got laughs from everyone at the table. JC decided that he would follow the laughs up with the serious topic at hand.

"Um, Lynn. I think there is something that Justin and I need to tell you." If JC could have known that Lynn had already suspected it, he may not have felt so nervous. Only earlier that day, she had found them spooned tightly together in JC's bed. Now she was almost positive of what she was about to hear. "Justin and I are a couple." JC let the words out, and every one at the table stopped. Almost if time had stood still, because for JC and Justin it had. JC knew that if Justin's mother disapproved Justin would be heart broken. And JC couldn't watch that.

"I had my suspicions that you were. I saw you this morning, in bed together. I can't say that I love the idea of my son being with another man..." Justin stopped the sentence, with a slight sniffle. After those words, he was desperately fighting to keep back tears. JC rubbed his back lovingly, relaxing him a little. "But, I can say that I love the idea of my son being with you Josh. I guess you are the best one out there for him, you know him the best out of all of us, even me. I have always loved you as a son, and I love you even more now. That is, unless you hurt Justin." Lynn's joke broke the silence from the others, getting a good laugh from them all, except JC and Justin. JC sighed of relief, while Justin let out a few tears. This time from happiness.

"Thank you Lynn, I can't tell you how happy your condoning this makes us feel." JC answered for a speechless Justin. Justin just sniffled, and, allowing JC's hands to caress his back.

"I am extremely happy for you two, and Justin, please stop crying, you are going to soak your food." Lynn joked with her son, hoping to get him to stop. JC smiled, he was happy that Lynn was open to them and was willing to adjust to there relationship.

"Thanks." Justin managed to whisper it out, before wiping away his tears. JC continued to rub his back, hoping Justin would be comforted now. After a few minutes, and the food now done, Justin was fine, but clutching JC's hand on his thigh.

"Well, the dinner was great Lynn. But I think that we should get going to the bar." Chris suggested jumping out and down in excitement.

"Alright, it was great to have you all. But a quick reminder, Brittany, Justin you two can not drink, and I am trusting the rest of you to watch that they don't." Lynn's words were always uttered before the group headed off, but it usually never penetrated Justin's head. Brittany wasn't much of a drinker, so the words meant nothing to her. But Justin was, and he was anxious to get going.

"I'll make sure he doesn't drink Lynn." JC smiled, winking at Justin.

"I'm holding you to the Joshua." Lynn smiled ushering them out the door.

The drive to the club was short, and the group got in quickly, after letting them know who they were. Dancing was another story, Justin and JC were not communicating, because JC didn't want to worry about being spotting dancing together. Joey was dancing with Brittany, Chris and Dani were off by themselves some where as well. In the mean time Lance was dancing with a blond he picked up at the bar. Leaving JC by himself on the dance floor, and Justin alone at the bar.

Justin knew it was wrong for him to drink. He was only 19, two years under the legal limit, but no bar was going to turn away some one from a popular boy band. Smiling he took his third Mike's Hard Lemonade from the bartender. Taking a gulp he gushed a good fourth of it down before releasing the bottle, and setting it on the bar counter.

"Excuse me, aren't you Justin Timberlake from NSYNC?" Justin was surprised by the bartender's question. He didn't think a man in his thirties would recognize a young star. But he just smiled, and hesitated. He didn't want to create a commotion, and had to be careful of what he said.

"Yes." Justin smiled again, hoping the questioning would stop at that.

"My daughter loves you boys. Ya know you're her favorite, I don't get it though. All those girls all over you, and you're sitting alone at a bar drowning your sorrows in alcohol." Justin gave the man an odd look. "I can tell your drowning your sorrows, I've seen plenty do it. And I bet it's over a lady, ain't it?" Justin didn't want to answer, and he knew he couldn't tell the complete truth.

"Well, sorta." Justin gave the man another odd look, as if question the man on what he was doing.

"And I bet it's all got to do with some stupid fight, and you'll no doubt feel like an idiot after tonight." The man smiled, as if answering Justin's look. Justin was beginning to wonder why he was talking to this man, when he was offered another lemonade. Now on his fourth he was feeling a little tipsy, but nothing he couldn't handle. "I'm also pretty sure that you both will apologize undoubtly before the night ends." After his last smile the man turned. Setting down another lemonade. "This way you ain't gotta ask for it." A smile parted Justin's lips, as he and the man enjoyed a laugh. "Good luck my boy." Turning Justin was left thinking of how some one could understand exactly what he was thinking. But he wasn't going to apologize, he wanted JC to say sorry for what he had done.

Taking another gulp, he choked slightly on his drink. Reaching down to rub his throat from the burning feeling, he felt his necklaces. Reading the inscription he laughed, 'Always Sorry', he knew JC was sorry. And he could tell that JC wanted to dance with him. He watched as JC danced with three girls, all the while smiling at Justin, even when he turned his back, he could tell that he was still smiling at him.

Now 6 drinks into the night, Justin was feeling a little worse, but decided to order shot of vodka, something tough he thought. The bartender hesitated at first, but handed him the shot glass, laughing as Justin gulped it down and winced in pain. He held back the tears and managed a fake smile. "Another one please." Justin waited and drank the next one down with ease.

As 1 in the morning came by, Justin was now completely drunk. He was on his 14th drink, this one another Mike's Hard Lemonade. JC had returned once, finding Justin drunk. He hated to see him that way, so he walked away and continued to dance. The others had all left, except for Justin and JC, Lance was the only one left. He was to head home with his friends.

"Lance, do you think we could leave now?" JC was obviously ready to get Justin home, he was hoping that Lance would be willing to.

"I was hoping we could be here for a while longer Josh. I'm having fun." Lance laughed, pointing oer to the girl he had been dancing with before he walked away with Josh.

"Do you think you could get a ride home then? Justin's drunk, and I wanna get him home." Josh wasn't really asking any more, he was telling. In fact he was ready to walk out of the bar with out even waiting for Lance's answer, but his politeness got in the way of that.

"Sure, I'll catch a cab or something. No prob, just get the baby home." Lance joked, not catching JC's pissed expression after the last expression. JC quickly walked to the bar, and caught Justin almost passed out on his bar stool.

"Come on baby." JC whispered, not thinking any one would hear besides himself and Justin. But he was surprised for the bartender to begin to speak.

"I told you he'd come around kiddo." Smiling at Justin, the bartender turned away. Justin didn't understand it, to drunk to remember, but he allowed himself to be half-helped, half-dragged to the car. Once inside, and his seatbelt on, Justin looked over to see a pissed JC.

"Hey babe, how bout I drive home?" Justin asked, his voice trailing off at the end with out him even realizing.

"No way, you are drunk, and I don't know how we are going to sneak you upstairs past your mom." JC smiled, he couldn't help but laugh at Justin's now worried expression. But he stopped and didn't continue pulling out, after seeing Justin's tears. "What's wrong?"

"I...I...forgot....about my mom." Justin sniffled, he was worried that his mother would yell at him. "We, just told her about us, and she said....she said she trusted you with me....and you let me do this....this is just as much my fault as it is yours." Justin started to make blame, something he often did during his drunken slurs.

"It's okay, we will sneak you past her. Now why don't you try and get some sleep? I'll carry you upstairs if you fall asleep." JC smiled, hoping to convince Justin to sleep. Justin smiled, he couldn't help but drift into sleep, his head landing on JC's lap.

The twenty minute car ride home was silent. It was about 1:30 a.m. when JC carried Justin into the house. Shutting the door behind him, and with one hand, he barely managed to lock it and maintain holding Justin. Justin didn't even shake in the movement, and showed no signs of waking. That put a smile across JC's face and he headed up the steps.

Once inside the bedroom, JC took his time setting Justin down on the bed. He took off his own clothes, leaving himself in boxers and nothing else. Figuring he needed to strip Justin too, he slowly slid off Justin's shirts leaving him bare chested. Justin awoke to the sensation of wind on his smooth skin, and JC taking off his pants. Justin didn't move, not until his shoes, socks, and pants were off, leaving him in nothing but his boxer briefs.

JC slightly slipped his hand across Justin's crotch, a little on purpose, a little bit accidentally. "Fuck me." Justin smiled, laughing hysterically at his own words.

"Justin go to bed, your drunk."

"Fuck me." Justin said it a little louder the second time, still laughing and rolling around as only a drunk person could do.

"You don't really want to Justin, we are taking this slow, and that was your idea. It's only are third day together and you want to have sex, I don't think so."

"FUCK ME GOT DAMN IT." Justin word's were harsh, loud, and obscene. JC wished that Justin would just sleep, he had half the mind to knock him out with his fists. But he couldn't do that, he wanted to hit himself for even thinking it. But that would have to wait, his mind was now occupied on worry, hoping Lynn did not hear Justin's words.

"Please baby, let's just get under the covers and cuddle. I'll hold you until you sleep, how does that sound?" JC smiled, hoping it would convince Justin to go along with him.

"If you don't fuck me it's over." Justin folded his hands, and put a pout on his face.

"Then it's over, I'm not fucking you, not now. I won't have your first time, our first time together be a disgrace because you were to fucking drunk to remember it." JC turned his back and stood, now leaving a real disappointed Justin under the covers alone.

"Um,,,I didn't mean it." Justin giggled, he was seriously worried, it was obvious by his look, but the young man continued to laugh at things that were not funny. JC didn't want to fight, he didn't want to go. So he did what any good person would do, and slid back under the covers. Wrapping around Justin's body, he kissed his neck, and whispered good night. Much to his surprise Justin was out quick, but he stayed up a good portion of the night thinking. ________________________________________________________________________

August 17th ________________________________________________________________________

Morning came quick for JC, after all he had barely slept in the first place. Staying up most of the night thinking about Justin's drinking, his happiness on the relationship, and of course his many worries. He still had worries with Lynn, Justin, and himself. It was true, JC was a flirt, and had not committed to a relationship much in his past. He wanted to change for Justin, and hoped he could.

Looking at the clock next to the bed, he could see that it was nearly 10 in the morning, but he also knew Justin would not like being woken. Not after the night he had, he would probably suffer from a large hang over no doubt. JC took it as a risk though, because he knew Lynn would come to find them soon to begin with. Not to mention, Justin might like the wake up JC had for him, better then the one Lynn would offer.

Sliding his arms off of Justin's body, he gently crawled out of bed. Maneuvering to the other side of the bed, his face was within inches from Justin's. Taking his time, he slowly leaned in, pressing his lips against Justin's, followed by his tongue entering Justin's mouth. The probe woke Justin, and he was lost in it for a matter of seconds before JC pulled away.

"Good morning baby." JC smiled cheerily, waiting for the normal hang over noise.

"Ohhhhhh, keep it down." Justin's voice was in a low whisper and he cringed at hearing it.

"Sorry, just wanted to wake you and see how you were doing. After all, we had some wild sex last night." JC snickered at what he was about to do. Justin cringed not only that noise, but at the idea of another part of his body hurting.

"We what?"

"Well you asked me to fuck you, so I did, I knew you were drunk, but hell I couldn't resist." JC snickered again, hoping to play it out into a joke with Justin.

"I wasn't ready, how could you?" Justin sniffled a little, JC didn't mean for it to go this far, he didn't expect to Justin to get upset about it.

"I'm just joking, I turned you down, I knew you were to drunk to actually want it." JC smiled, planting a loving kiss on Justin's nose. Justin smiled, then frowned, causing a slight look of confusion to cross JC's face. "What's wrong?"

"Did I really ask you to fuck me?" Justin was getting a little louder but he showed no pain of the noise.

"Yeah, but I knew you didn't mean it. I would never make our first time while we wouldn't remember. It's going to be special, whenever it happens, it will be specia." JC smiled, giving Justin another quick kiss, this time on the forehead. "Now get up, take an advil, and meet me downstairs." JC smiled, running off, leaving Justin cringing his head in the bedroom they now 'shared'.

His head in major pain, Justin did as he was told. Slowly sliding out of bedding, standing was a pain Justin knew he would enjoy. Upon his feet, he could feel his head becoming dizzy, and took a seat, before trying again. This time, although his head still hurt, he could see straight and think straight. Slowly making his way to the bathroom, he slipped into it, and grabbed the already displayed advil. He could only think of how sweet JC was. Taking a gulp of the water left out as well, he swallowed the pill, and nodded.

Deciding against dressing, he just slipped on his wife beater from the previous night. Wearing only his wife beater and boxers, he exited the room and down the steps towards the kitchen. Moping in he found Brittany and Joey at the table with JC and his mother.

"Hey Curly, how'd you sleep?" Joey's words echoed through Justin's head, and Justin knew it was on purpose. Although Joey didn't yell, he was talking abnormally loud compared to the rest of the conversations at the table. Justin let out a low groan, audible only to Joey, and moped across the table and sat down on JC's lap. JC gave him a kiss on the neck and smiled.

"Shhhh, don't act like this, your mom 'ell now." JC whispered into Justin's ear, causing him to giggle, which made the rest think it was just a love thing.

"No loving at the table." Joey whipped another comment at Justin, not so loudly this time, but it still sent Justin cringing.

"Can I have some coffee mom?" Justin asked, hoping she would get it for him.

"Sure, it's on the sink honey." Lynn smiled, and went back to her breakfast.

Justin slowly began to stand, realizing that he would have to get it for himself. As he stood, JC squeezed out from under him, depositing a kiss on his cheek.

"I'll get it babe." JC smiled, and walked to the sink pouring a cup for himself and Justin. Filling Justin's halfway, knowing he didn't like the taste, he walked back to the table and took a seat. Justin sat back down on his lap, and took a sip from the cup.

"JC, you have to allow my son to do somethings for himself. You are going to make him into a spoiled man one day." Lynn laughed, taking a sip of her own coffee.

"Just being a good boyfriend." JC smiled cheerily, not realizing that he said his words a little loudly. Justin cringed at the noise, and JC noticed it. He couldn't apologize because Lynn would ask him what he was sorry for. "Justin, let's go upstairs, I wanna talk to you." Justin didn't know about what, but he agreed.

The two of them left, the others just thinking they were off to get dressed or something.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your head." JC walked over to Justin who was now laying on the bed. He took a seat next to him, he slowly lifed his wife beater. Justin smiled, loving the feeling of Justin's fingertips across his bare chest. JC's pointer fingered traced hearts in Justin's skin, as Justin moaned slightly from the pleasure. "Ya wanna take a nap babe?" JC planted a few kisses on Justin's chest, while he waited for an answer.

"I donno, why don't we just fool around for awhile?" Justin teased seductively, loving JC's fingers on his body. JC appriciated the idea, continuing to kiss Justin's chest, and finally sucking Justin's nipples. Justin moaned loudly at the sensation, JC released them and smiled.

"Your headache went away really fast babe. I guess you're feelin' better." JC laughed, but his laugh was loud enough to make Justin cringe again. He rubbed Justin's temples, gently and caressingly. "Lemme help ya out." Taking a position straddling Justin's chest. Gently taking his hands, he rubbed Justin's forehead and scalp, causing Justin to moan in soothing noises. He slowly felt his head ache begin to fade, while JC worked his fingers to Justin's head.

With in minutes JC was done, as Justin lay sleeping underneath him. Sliding off, he slipped the cover over Justin's body, tucking him in. Kissing him in the forehead, he couldn't help but remember what Lynn had said earlier. It was true, he would spoil Justin, but he would enjoy doing it.

Downstairs now, JC took his seat at the table again, lacking the presence of Justin, he knew Lynn would be the first to question where he was.

"Where's Justin, Joshua?"

"He's back upstair taking a nap, he had a really bad headache." JC was a bad liar, but he didn't have to lie. Justin was taking a nap, and he did have a really bad headache. But he didn't tell her that Justin was suffering from a hangover headache.

"Well, I'm sure he will feel better after he wakes up." JC was shocked by Lynn's ease with the answer he had given. He expected tons of questions to follow, but recieved none. "Oh, Joshua, have you told your parents about you and Justin yet?" Now this question was something JC didn't expect, but he was sure that Joey and Brittany wanted to hear the answer too.

"Um, no, I don't know when I am going to." JC blurted out the quickest thing off of his head, because he really didn't know why he hadn't. He wanted to, but he also feared to. His parents knew he was bisexual, and although they said they were okay with it, he could tell his parents preferred that he date only woman. Now that he was exclusive with a man, he didn't know what his mother and father would think. He had never gone steady with another man, just meaningless sex, and he didn't know what his parents might think of it.

"You are going to tell them soon aren't you? You told me, and I was fine with it, I'm sure your parents will be happy too." Lynn smiled, clearing her plate at the trash can. "And Justin will be there to help, and I will be there if you need me." Her smile was not reassuring Lynn.

"I know, I just don't know when I am going to tell her. I promise it will be soon though." Lynn could not see JC's face, and if she could, she would have seen right through the lie. He had now made up his mind, and he was dead set in not telling his parents. He had relayed the results in his head, and realized he didn't want to take the chance of them being upset with him.

"Well, I am sure you will tell them in due time. And everyone will be there for you." Lynn's words were met with nods from Joey and Brittany, who smiled at a nervous looking JC.

"Thanks." JC muttered, before realizing everyone was staring at him. "What are we doing today anyway?" JC changed the subject, hoping Joey and Brittany would answer.

"I think we are meeting everyone at Chris's, and then we are just going to hang there for the day. I think we are just going to watch a movie or some shit like that." Joey replied, getting a look of anger from Lynn.

"Joseph, there is no swearing in this household." Lynn's words were like any other mother's words, harsh and demanding. Joey apologized, and looked embarrassed, but went back to a conversation with Brittany. "JC, maybe you should wake Justin. I know he hasn't slept for long, but he should probably take a shower and an aspirin if he wants to go to Chris's today."

JC didn't even reply, and just took off for the steps. Making his way upstairs, he sighed. He didn't want to wake Justin, it was only fifteen minutes ago that he had tucked Justin in, and now he was going to wake him. That wasn't fair to the young man. He knew he would be upset if he didn't get enough sleep. Sighing again, he pushed open the door, walking in, he once again had second thoughts on waking Justin. He was sleeping tucked in still, clutching one of the pillows, that JC had left by him. He was so cute, his hair ruffled, his mouth cutely half-open. JC knew he had to wake him though, and took another step closer to Justin.

Running his fingers through Justin's curls, he took a sit next to him. Slipping his arms around Justin's body, he laid down next to him. Smiling, he rubbed Justin's back, caressing it gently. Slowly beginning to stir, Justin moaned from the gentle hands touching his body, and flashed his eyes to get used to the image in front of him. Leaning in, JC planted a kiss on his lips, smiling and pulling back.

"So, Justin...About us...Do you think we should tell alot of people?" JC stuttered out the question, trying to get at his next point.

"I don't want to offend you, but no. I think it's cool just my family, and the guys. And of course Britt and Dani. Oh and I couldn't forget your family, they are probably so happy. I haven't talked to your mom since we have been dating. I better call her tonight and let her in on everything." Justin was rambling, seeming very excited at the idea of talking to JC's mother about the situation.

"Oh, well, I kinda, haven't told my parents yet." JC couldn't bare to say the words, he knew it would hurt Justin, because he knew how much Justin wanted to be able to act open with his friends and family. But he still didn't know how to tell them.

"Then we can tell them together, we'll call them tonight on speaker phone." Justin pronounced proudly, laying his head close to JC's chest. JC didn't know what to said, just put on a fake smile and nodded. Justin was to happy to see the falsehood of the smile, and just beamed his own radiant one. Putting JC back in a position of hard thinking. ________________________________________________________________________

TBC..... ________________________________________________________________________

The next chapter will go into the second part of confessions. JC will be forced, although Justin doesn't know yet, against his will to tell his parents about his and Justin's relationship together. How will they react? I don't know yet, you can help be the judge.

The e-mail adresses are and ________________________________________________________________________

Next: Chapter 3

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