Alvin and Simon

By moc.oohay@70esoomrm

Published on Jun 10, 2012


Disclaimer: I do not own anything even remotely related to Alvin and the Chipmunks. This is a fictional story involving the characters from the movie 'Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked'. This story is not suggesting anything about the characters or the creators. It is meant for entertainment purposes only.

This story involves chipmunks (obviously) and intimate encounters between two brothers. If that offends you, buzz off.

Previously, on "Alvin and Simon"...

Simon took a deep breath: "Should we keep all of this a secret? Will Dave care? Will Theodore understand? What will the girls say? What will the fans think if it gets out? Are we going to be a couple? Are you going to regret all of this in the morning? Where is this going? Do you want to do 'more' than just kiss? What would we do? Is this all a dream?" Simon realized he was just babbling now so he stopped. Alvin's eyes were wide open, his mouth slightly agape, as he stared at Simon. Simon just laid on his back, staring at the ceiling. They didn't say anything for a few minutes.

He heard Alvin clear his throat. "Great, here comes the excuses, the awkward small talk, the 'I think I'll go to sleep now...'" Simon thought bitterly.

Alvin took a deep breath: "Up to you, probably at first, hopefully, who cares, they'll think 'holy cow those chipmunks can talk', I really hope so, of course not, wherever you want it to go, you betcha, I'm sure we'll figure that out later, and it better not be." he said in one breath. It was Simon's turn to stare. He went over the answers in his head and applied them to each question, smiling a little more each time he matched them together. Simon looked into Alvin's beautiful brown eyes and knew at that moment that he would do anything for his brother. He was even more hopelessly in love with him than he even thought was possible.

Alvin gave Simon a small smile, staring right back into his bright blue eyes. He reached out and pulled Simon into a gentle hug. Simon buried his face into his shoulder and stayed there, until Alvin pulled back and gently kissed his nose. "We should get some sleep." Alvin said. Simon could only nod. He didn't trust his voice at the moment. "Mind if we cuddle?" Alvin asked shyly. Simon shook his head quickly. Alvin smiled and snuggled up close to him. He nuzzled his face into Simon's neck and before long, Simon could feel his gentle breathing. Simon was exhausted too. It had been quite a day, one that he would always remember. Simon closed his eyes, and as he drifted off, he wondered what tomorrow would bring.

If he actually knew, he'd probably have a hard time sleeping...

Simon woke up suddenly, trying to get his bearings. He turned his head a little and saw Alvin sleeping, still cuddled up into his neck, their legs intertwined, and Simon had his arm resting on Alvin's back. He breathed slowly and tried to remember the dream he was just having that had woken him up. He knew it involved Alvin, and they were kissing, and Alvin had started to... Simon remembered and started to blush. He remembered that while they were kissing, Alvin had started to rub his... uh... private area. He had that surprisingly pleasurable burning sensation again, and he had woken himself up.

Simon realized he had to pee really bad, so he gently untangled himself from Alvin and hopped off the bed so he could scamper over to the bathroom. The toilets are so much bigger than he is, so the best way for him to use them is to just stand at the front edge and aim towards the water. He imagined it must he similar to when someone like Dave pees in a lake. After he was done, he hurried back to the bed and climbed up to where Alvin was still sleeping.

Simon loved watching Alvin sleep. When he slept, his mouth was slightly open, his cute nose would scrunch up every once in a while, and he let out a soft sigh with each exhale. Simon couldn't believe that someone so perfect would even be remotely interested in someone like him. He thought about his dream again, and really wanted to ask Alvin what he thought it meant. Alvin knew a lot more when it came to that kind of stuff, especially after he had hung out with a bunch of football players the year before, when Dave forced them to go to school. Alvin would come home and tell him some of the things they said, and while he couldn't remember most of it, he remembered that it had made him blush like crazy. He didn't want to interrupt Alvin while he slept so peacefully, but he also didn't want to forget his dream and not get the chance to talk to Alvin about it.

Simon gently pushed on Alvin's shoulder. Alvin's eyes opened a little, and he found himself staring into Simon's bright blue eyes. "Hey you. Everything ok?" Alvin said sleepily. "Yeah, I just wanted to ask you something." Simon said, glad that Alvin wasn't upset that he had been woken up. "Sure, what's up?" Alvin yawned. Simon didn't know how to start the question, so instead he just started at the beginning of his dream. "Ok, so I was dreaming that you and I were laying down next to each other, kissing, like last night and then I realized that you started to rub your hand over my... uh... area" he said pointing. "...and I felt this weird feeling. I mean it felt good, I guess, but strange and I was wondering what all that was about." Simon finished, blushing. Alvin still looked sleepy, but his eyes were more focused now. He also had a little bit of a mischievous grin. "Uh oh." Simon thought.

"Where did my hand go?" Alvin asked, trying and failing to look innocent. "You know..." Simon said, blushing even more and gesturing. "Nope, sorry, I don't know what you're referring to. You're going to have to be more specific." Alvin said, grinning. Simon glared at him. Of course Alvin wasn't going to just give him some answers, not before he had some fun at Simon's expense. "Oh come on! You know, my, uh, my..." Alvin nodded, grinning even more. "My, uh, penis." he finally said, blushing to the point where he felt he might explode. Alvin just started laughing hysterically, burying his face into his pillow. It went on like that for a couple minutes, until Alvin could finally breathe enough to flip back on his side facing Simon. "Sorry, I didn't hear you. Your what?" he finally asked.

"Forget it." Simon said, turning over. "Awww, come on Si, I was just kidding." Alvin said, rubbing his hands down Simon's back. "Ok, so I touched your penis, what was your question?" he asked, giggling a little. "And by the way, nobody says penis anymore, unless you're in like a doctors office or something." Alvin said, still stroking Simon's back. Simon turned his head slightly towards Alvin. "What should I say then?" he asked, confused. Alvin thought a moment. "Well when I was hanging with those jocks at school, they would use different words, but the ones they repeated the most were cock, dick, and other stuff like that." Alvin said quietly. Simon thought that it was weird to have a bunch of different names for one thing, but he guessed he was just too inexperienced to understand, so he let it go.

He liked Alvin rubbing his back, so he stayed turned away. "Ok, so in my dream, you rubbed my... uh... dick." Simon said, trying the new word out. He thought it sounded weird but he just went with it. "So I was wondering if you knew anything about that, or if it was just some weird dream." Simon said, leaning back into Alvin's gentle fingers. Alvin pulled Simon back so they were pressed together, and Alvin draped a hand over Simon's body, gently running a finger up and down his chest and stomach. Simon made a satisfied noise and pressed up against his brother. He also turned his head, showing that he was still waiting for an answer.

"Well, I remember the guys talking about doing something like that. I think it starts with an 'm', like master something. They said they rub themselves and it's supposed to feel good." Alvin said, thinking back to the locker room chats he had overheard. "They rub themselves?" Simon asked, confused. "Why would they do that?" It didn't make sense to him. "I don't know... Like I said it's supposed to feel really good." Alvin replied, shrugging. Simon turned to face him. "Have you ever done that?" Simon asked. Now it was Alvin's turn to blush. "Yeah, just once. I wanted to see what it was like, but it felt weird, so I stopped." he said, looking down. Simon smiled, glad that he wasn't leagues behind his cute older brother. "Well, in my dream it felt good." Simon whispered, gently rubbing Alvin's arm. Alvin looked up with a twinkle in his eye, they slowly leaned in to share a passionate kiss...

Both boys heard a tremendous yawn from the couch on the other side of the room, and they both shot back from each other, pretending to be asleep. Theodore jumped on their bed, and both Simon and Alvin pretended to just wake up. "Come on, guys! Get up!" Theodore yelled excitedly, jumping off the bed and running out of the room. Simon just shook his head, both amused and annoyed by Theodore's immature excitement. Alvin smiled over at Simon. "Rain check." he said, leaning over and kissing Simon on the nose. "Can't wait." Simon replied, smiling.

Simon grabbed his glasses, and they got up and ran to the kitchen where Dave had already made them bowls of cereal. There were only three left out, so Simon assumed that the girls had already eaten. He could hear them in their room, talking about what to wear and how to fix their hair. He looked over at Alvin, with his slightly wrinkled red sweatshirt and messy hair, and smiled. Alvin always looked perfect. Alvin caught him staring and winked. Simon smiled even more and looked away. The three boys sat down and ate their cereal, watching whatever was on t.v., which appeared to be in Spanish for some reason.

Dave was hurrying around to each room, cleaning up and making sure everything was where it's supposed to be. He went into the boys bedroom to clean up and make their bed. Apparently he forgot that people come around to do all of that. "You guys must've really tossed and turned last night. Your sheets were all tangled up." Dave said, coming back out and walking to the girls room. Simon and Alvin both looked at each other and suppressed their laughter. "Yeah, that's it Dave. We tossed and turned." Alvin said giggling. Theodore looked at them both, confused. They stopped laughing and went back to watching the show.

The girls came out of their room while Dave was tidying up, and they hopped up onto the table to sit by the boys. "Hey Alvin!" Brittany said, scooting over to sit by Alvin. Alvin just smiled over at her and continued to watch the t.v., causing Brittany to scowl a little. She moved a little closer to him, and leaned up against him, pretending to watch the show. Simon felt a burning wave of jealousy shoot through him. He glared at the back of Brittany's head, hoping she would feel the ferocity of his gaze. She didn't. What made him feel worse was that Alvin didn't shove her off. He knew Alvin would never do that to her, but he kinda wished he would. Simon noticed that Alvin was looking at him, so he looked away quickly. He didn't want Alvin to see the jealousy in his eyes. "I think I'll take a shower." Simon said, hopping down from the table.

He went into the bathroom in their room and shut the door. He took his sweatshirt off, and jumped up on the water nozzle to turn it on. He turned it all the way so it would be nice and hot. Before too long, the steam had fogged up the mirror and his glasses, so he took them off and laid them on the counter. He got in the shower, closed the curtain, and let the warm water wash over him. A hot shower almost always cheered him up a little, but he couldn't help but think about Brittany again. If Alvin had to choose between someone as pretty as Brittany, or someone like him, what would the logical choice be? Simon was afraid that Alvin would rethink everything, and decide that Brittany was a better choice.

He thought he heard the door open and close. He peeked out of the shower to look around. Everything was blurry but he didn't see anyone. He decided he needed to forget about Brittany for a bit, or he'd spiral down into a depression. Whenever he was feeling sad, and he had some alone time, he liked to sing a song that he thought best described how he was feeling. What better time to sing than when you're taking a shower? He thought about some of his favorite songs, going through each one and thinking about the words. He started to hum and settled on one particular song. He started soft but after a minute or so he really started to belt it out, pouring his feelings into the words.

"In my life, there's been heartache and pain. I don't know if I can face it again. Can't stop now, I've traveled so far. To change this lonely life."

Simon took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"I wanna know what love is. I want you to show me. I wanna feel what love is. I know you can show me."

He stopped when he heard rustling. He looked out around the bathroom again and didn't see anything. When he poked his head back in the shower, he felt someone poke his side. He yelped and jumped a foot in the air, landing on his back. He looked up and saw Alvin standing there, smiling broadly, not wearing anything. "Alvin! What are you doing?!" he hissed at his brother. "Uh, taking a shower, genius." Alvin replied, smirking. "Yeah, but... I'm in here." Simon said, still laying there. "So?" Alvin demanded. Well, you're... uh... not wearing anything, and neither am I." Simon said nervously. Alvin raised his eyebrows. "Ok, two things. One, you know we're chipmunks, right? We used to never wear anything. And two, what are you worried about? In case you forgot, we pretty much made out last night." he said, reaching out a hand to help Simon up. Simon felt pretty stupid. "Yeah, you're right. Sorry..." he said, taking Alvin's hand. Once he got up, they both just stood there, looking at each other, letting the water run down their bodies.

Alvin broke the silence. "I love listening to you sing." he said softly. "You were in here the whole time" Simon asked, blushing. Alvin nodded. "Why'd you choose that song?" he asked, staring into Simon's eyes. Simon didn't know what to say so he just shrugged. "I like it." he said. He wasn't exactly lying, but he didn't want to admit that in his mind, he was singing to Alvin. He hadn't said "I love you" yet, because he was afraid that Alvin would be too freaked out, or not say it back.

Alvin nodded, looking disappointed. Simon could tell that he wanted to be the subject of that song. "Well, if you're uncomfortable with me being in the shower with you, I guess I can go..." Alvin said, pulling the curtain back to step out. Simon grabbed his arm and pulled him back in. "You can stay!" he said quickly. Alvin smiled and pulled Simon into a kiss. Simon closed his eyes and savored the moment. It felt like he was kissing Alvin in the rain, only the rain was warm and soothing. Simon pressed Alvin against the wall, and let his tongue enter Alvin's mouth for the first time. Alvin moaned, half surprised, half excited.

Alvin let his hands run down Simon's back, and he cupped Simon's butt in his hands. Simon moaned as he pressed his crotch on Alvin's. Both boys were grinding, trying to get as much pleasure as they could. They were both kissing more passionately than they ever had, both of them making sounds they had never made. Things were moving quickly, and Simon had half a mind to stop this passionate display before it got out of hand, but he decided to let it go. That's when things started to get interesting.

Alvin flipped Simon around, so that his chest was pressed against Simon's back. He began to kiss Simon's neck, and Simon reacted accordingly. His breathing got heavier, and he started to gently whimper. That's when Alvin made his move. He slid his hands down and started to caress Simon's most sensitive area. Simon gasped and tried to flinch away, but Alvin held him there, and before long, Simon was grinding against Alvin's hands. Alvin rubbed his hand up and down Simon's soft sheath, and then slid his hand down to feel his good sized balls. Simon reacted just like Alvin hoped, and he could feel Simon start to get hard in his hand.

Alvin was about as inexperienced as Simon when it came to fooling around, but he knew more about what was supposed to happen and what was supposed to feel good, so he used that knowledge to his advantage. He rubbed up and down Simon's hardening shaft, causing Simon to gasp. Simon was in heaven. He had never know that rubbing his peni... uh... dick would feel this good. He felt Alvin's fingers lightly squeeze as he caressed up and down. He also noticed that Alvin was getting excited too, judging by the way he was breathing.

The boys heard a knock on the door. "Hey, is that you in there Simon?" Dave yelled through the door. Simon leapt away from Alvin, panicking. "Uh, yeah Dave, it's me!" he yelled back. "Do you happen to know where Alvin is?" Dave asked impatiently. Simon looked over and Alvin shook his head, wide eyed and nervous. "Like I would've told Dave we were showering together." Simon thought to himself, shaking his head. "Simon?" Dave called again. "Uh, I think I heard him say something about going to pick up chicks." Simon said, smiling a little at the irony. He heard Dave sigh. "Ok, thanks Simon." Dave called, walking away.

Alvin was holding his breath the entire time Dave stood outside the door. He let out a huge sigh of relief when he heard Dave walk away. He glared at Simon. "Picking up chicks? Really?" Alvin said, still glaring. Simon just shrugged, his smile fading. "I thought you would want to keep up your reputation." he said. Alvin glared even more. "I don't care about my reputation. I mean, we shouldn't tell people we're showering together, yet, but I don't want to pretend to be something I'm not." Alvin said angrily.

Simon started to get angry now too. "If you're not trying to be something you're not, then why do you let Brittany hang all over you? Whenever she's around you, you're attached at the hip, literally!" Simon yelled quietly. Alvin softened a little, and instead of anger, he looked hurt. "What, you're jealous? Of Brittany? After everything we've done? After everything I've told you?" he asked quietly. Simon was feeling insecure, so he had to be careful not to lash out at Alvin. Unfortunately, his mouth didn't get the memo. "We both know that this is just temporary. Sooner or later, you'll find some girl you like better and you'll be all over her." he snapped.

Alvin just stood there, mouth open, as if Simon had just slapped him. Simon couldn't believe he had just said that. He tried to think of something to say, but his mind was blank. Alvin moved his lips, as if he were going to say something, but he just turned away and hopped out of the shower. Simon looked out after him, watching him put his shirt back on and walk to the door. He jumped up and turned the handle, opening the door a crack. Simon wanted to take everything back, and just hug him again under the warm water. Alvin turned around right before he walked out, looking straight into Simon's eyes. The tears in Alvin's eyes were almost enough to kill Simon. "Sorry, Si. I tried my hardest..." Alvin whispered, barely loud enough to hear. He closed the door after him, leaving Simon feeling cold and alone.


Ok, so first I would like to apologize to all the people that have emailed me asking when the next installment will be. It's been harder than I would've hoped to keep up with my writing. This installment was going to be longer, but like I said, it's taking me longer to write than I thought, so I've decided to cut it in half (ish) and release the other part this coming Friday. I just thought I'd give you something to read until then. The next part will be everything you guys have been waiting for! ;)

Now I have a quick question for the readers. After I release Part 4 on Friday, should I continue this series with the chipmunks, or start a new project? If you want me to continue with these stories, let me know! If you think I should start a new series, email me an idea! It can be anything, and I'll let you know if I think I could do a decent cover. Any characters, any shows, anything like that, let me know and I'll try my best to make it happen!

Thanks again for all the emails I've received! Feel free to talk to me about anything!


Thanks, Mr. Moose

Next: Chapter 4

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