Alvin and Simon

By moc.oohay@70esoomrm

Published on May 19, 2012


Disclaimer: I do not own anything even remotely related to Alvin and the Chipmunks. This is a fictional story involving the characters from the movie 'Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked'. This story is not suggesting anything about the characters or the creators. It is meant for entertainment purposes only.

This story involves chipmunks (obviously) and intimate encounters between two brothers. If that offends you, buzz off.

Previously, on "Alvin and Simon"...

Alvin looked over at Simon and smiled. "So what about me?" he asked. "What about you?" Simon replied. "I mean, what do you like about me?" Alvin clarified, blushing some more. Simon didn't even have to think. "Everything." he said simply. He could tell Alvin wanted specifics, so he went on. "I love staring into your brown eyes. I love how your hair is always perfectly messy. I love listening to you breathe when you sleep. I love that you stick up for me when I need you too. I love the way you apologize when we fight, even though it's usually just me overreacting. I love your smile, and the way you laugh. I love your lips, which I didn't know 'til tonight. I love..." he trailed off. "You." he said in his head, but he didn't want to pressure Alvin. Alvin looked astonished. "Those were the nicest things anyone has ever said to me." he whispered. Simon just shrugged. "They're true." he said with a smile.

Alvin looked a little teary eyed, but then he smiled widely. "Don't forget my butt." he said laughing. "How could I?" Simon said, winking. Simon leaned in for another kiss but Alvin held him back again."Before we do anything else, I just want to ask you something." he said. Simon nodded, feeling a little nervous. "Ok, um, where do you want all this to go? Like is this a one time thing or...?" Alvin left his question open to give Simon options, which made Simon more nervous. He didn't know how to answer, because he didn't know what Alvin wanted. "I meant what I said, Alvin. I really love everything about you." Simon said nervously. "But I understand that this is all really new, so I'm going to leave it up to you." he finished. Alvin nodded and looked relieved that Simon wasn't putting a lot of pressure on him. Simon was relieved, too, that he had apparently said the right thing.

Simon leaned forward again to kiss Alvin, and this time he didn't hold him back...

Simon pressed his lips against Alvin's again, each time feeling like the first. Electricity coursed through Simon's body, the kind of feeling that could only be described as perfection. Every worry, every problem, every thought that wasn't related to Alvin, was wiped away, replaced by pure need. Simon's instincts had taken over at this point. He felt his upper lip slide over Alvin's and he gently massaged his brother's mouth. Simon gave a contented sigh as Alvin broke away to look at him.

"For never having kissed someone, you're pretty good." Alvin said, looking slightly impressed. Simon smiled proudly. "I guess I'm just a natural." he said, trying not to sound arrogant. Apparently, Alvin heard the smugness in his brother's voice. "Oh ok, hotshot. You wanna see some real kissing?" Alvin said, giving Simon an evil smile. Simon was a little nervous. He loved kissing his cute older brother, and he did technically start their little experiment, but he was still kind of timid. He was completely out of his league when it came to intimacy, and Alvin knew it. Simon knew that Alvin was just trying to impress him, maybe even teach him, and he liked that... a lot. So why the sudden hesitation?

"I can tell you're nervous." Alvin said softly. "What's wrong? Are you ok?" he asked. Simon didn't really know how to explain his feelings, so he just nodded. "Look I know this is really new for you, but to tell you the truth, it's new for me too. I may have kissed a girl before, but believe me, this is waaaaaaay different." Alvin said, letting out a nervous chuckle. Simon smiled, feeling a little more confident. He realized that Alvin was still trying to get used to the idea of kissing a boy, not to mention his brother. Acting nervous wouldn't help Alvin warm up to the idea. "Let's see what you've got." Simon said, grinning.

Simon could see a twinkle ignite in Alvin's eye, which went along great with the cocky smirk he was wearing. That look alone sent a wave of pleasure through Simon's body. It's a good thing he was already laying down, because his knees would have buckled. Alvin leaned forward and Simon closed his eyes and opened his mouth a little, expecting some lip action. He guessed wrong. Alvin kissed his nose again, and trailed light kisses down around his mouth and towards his neck. Simon opened his eyes, wondering what exactly his brother was doing. Alvin just pulled the collar of Simon's blue sweatshirt down and kept moving.

When Alvin's lips made contact with Simon's fuzzy neck, Simon let out a gasp of pleasure. Alvin shushed him and smiled. Never in a million years would he think that someone kissing his neck would be so... incredible. Simon leaned in towards Alvin's hungry mouth and moaned a little, feeling Alvin passionately kiss his new favorite spot. Alvin's warm breath sent pleasurable shivers down Simon's spine. Simon felt a heat completely unrelated to the temperature move through his body, removing more of his thoughts and increasing his feeling of need. He hoped more than anything that Alvin wouldn't stop.

Of course, at that moment Alvin leaned back to look into Simon's eyes. Simon groaned and looked back at Alvin. "Why'd you stop?" he whined. Alvin smiled. "Just resting." he replied, gently running a finger over the spot where his lips had just been. Simon found it exciting, and slightly concerning, that Alvin had so much control over him. He decided that it was his turn to send shivers up Alvin's spine. They had both been laying on their sides while Alvin was in charge, so Simon decided he would change things up a little. He pushed Alvin's shoulder a little so he would gently fall on his back. Alvin resisted at first, looking questioningly at Simon. Simon just smiled and pushed a little harder, until Alvin gave in and rolled over.

Simon rolled too and ended up on top, with one of his legs in between Alvin's and the other on the side of his body. Simon didn't really know what he was going to do next, but he was already enjoying the new position. Alvin's eyes were wide open but there was a hint of a smile and the twinkle was still there, so Simon knew he wasn't totally freaked out. Alvin's arms were at his side and he was being as still as possible, waiting to see what this new experience would be like.

Simon wasn't sure what Alvin would like the best, so he decided to try everything that Alvin had done to him and gauge his reactions. Simon's reaction when Alvin was kissing his neck was a pretty good indication of what his weak spot was. He was desperate to find that one thing that would make Alvin moan with pleasure.

Simon started by leaning in and gently kissing Alvin on the lips. He watched as Alvin's eyes slowly closed and he felt one of Alvin's hands move to his lower back, right above his butt, and the other caressed the spot between his shoulders, sending tingles of pleasure throughout his body. Simon lifted his head a little and kissed Alvin's nose, causing a smile. Simon decided to try Alvin's neck and see if it would elicit the same response he had. He kissed his way down Alvin's cheek and started to kiss the underside of Alvin's chin. Alvin leaned his head back and let out a satisfied sigh. Simon kissed over to the same spot Alvin had tortured him, and just heard another sigh of pleasure. He knew Alvin was enjoying this, but it wasn't causing the explosive reaction that he had felt when Alvin was in control. Simon started to feel frustrated, and disappointed. "Maybe I'm just not as 'talented'." he thought sadly. He was out of ideas...

Before he admitted defeat, he decided to try one last desperate attempt to make Alvin squirm. He didn't know where the idea came from, but he started kissing back up Alvin's neck towards his ear. When Simon got there, he paused for a second and then took the tip of Alvin's ear into his mouth and gently massaged it with his lips. Simon heard Alvin take a sharp intake of breath and completely freeze. Simon knew this was a completely new experience for Alvin, judging by the way he tensed his body. Simon didn't stop, and used his mouth to circle around the outside of Alvin's ear. Then he had another crazy idea.

"Go big or go home." Simon thought, and kissed the inside of his brother's ear, using his tongue to swirl around the soft inner area. Simon wasn't prepared for Alvin's reaction. His back arched up against Simon and Alvin let out a sound completely unlike anything Simon had ever heard. It was a mix between a gasp of surprise and a moan of absolute ecstasy, and the sound was the perfect mix of high pitched boyish vulnerability and a more manly huskiness. Simon could feel Alvin grip his sweatshirt tighter and pull him closer. Whenever he would use his tongue in Alvin's ear, Alvin would grind up against him and let out a soft whimper. To be able to cause that kind of reaction not only made Simon feel more confident, it excited him. He knew something about his brother that no one else knew, and that level of intimacy was something that Simon cherished.

Simon kissed away from Alvin's ear and back down to his mouth. Alvin grabbed the back of Simon's head and pulled him into the most passionate kiss they had shared so far. Alvin used his passion fueled strength to completely flip the positioning, and Simon found himself under Alvin, completely at the mercy of his older brother. Alvin kissed up towards Simon's ear, this time, and payed Simon back for the treat he had just received. Simon loved the feel of Alvin's tongue, but he hoped that Alvin would go back down to his neck. Proving himself to be a mind reader, yet again, Alvin slid down and started right back where he left off before, the same spot on Simon's neck that drove him completely wild. Simon moaned, trying and failing to be quiet, and pulled Alvin closer to him, rubbing his hands up and down Alvin's back. Simon had a feeling he had never experienced before, a pleasurable burning sensation in his... in his groin?

Simon quickly pulled back a little, causing Alvin to stop his assault on Simon's neck. "What happened? Everything ok?" Alvin panted. Simon wasn't sure what had happened, so he couldn't honestly say yes or no. "Let's rest a minute... That ok?" he asked, also breathing heavily. Simon noticed the look of disappointment on Alvin's face. "Oh come on, it was just getting good!" he whined. "I think you'll be ok." Simon said, pushing him off and over to the side so they could lay next to each other. "Ugh... fine." Alvin huffed. "Sorry, Alvin..." Simon said, looking away. Alvin just nudged him with his elbow, and smiled, letting him know he wasn't really mad.

Simon smiled a little and thought about what had just happened. He loved being with Alvin, he loved cuddling with Alvin, he even loved kissing Alvin. But like he told Alvin, he had very little experience when it came to the hot and heavy stuff. Alvin was his first kiss, so no experience might be more accurate. Since Simon fell in love with Alvin very fast and very unexpectedly, he had spent all of his time just thinking of ways to be closer to him, talk to him, sleep by him. His goal was to tell Alvin how he felt, and hope that Alvin would be open to him. He never thought about the 'after', like what he would do after he accomplished his goal. What's next?

Now that Simon had a moment to think about what had just happened, and what the future might hold, he started to feel nervous again. his inner monologue was going crazy. "Should we keep all of this a secret?" "Will Dave care?" "Will Theodore understand?" "What will the girls say?" "What will the fans think if it gets out?" "Are we going to be a couple?" "Will Alvin regret all of this in the morning?" "Will I regret all of this in the morning?" (He doubted it...) "Where is this going?" "Does Alvin want to do 'more' than just kiss?" "Do I want to do 'more' than just kiss?" (Of course he did...) "What does that even mean?" He couldn't stop all of these thoughts cascading through his mind. He needed answers, and he needed them now, but of course he wouldn't drag Alvin into his craziness. The last thing he wante...

"What are you thinking about?" Alvin asked gently, watching Simon struggle internally. Big mistake. Alvin opened the floodgates.

Simon took a deep breath: "Should we keep all of this a secret? Will Dave care? Will Theodore understand? What will the girls say? What will the fans think if it gets out? Are we going to be a couple? Are you going to regret all of this in the morning? Where is this going? Do you want to do 'more' than just kiss? What would we do? Is this all a dream?" Simon realized he was just babbling now so he stopped. Alvin's eyes were wide open, his mouth slightly agape, as he stared at Simon. Simon just laid on his back, staring at the ceiling. They didn't say anything for a few minutes.

He heard Alvin clear his throat. "Great, here comes the excuses, the awkward small talk, the 'I think I'll go to sleep now...'" Simon thought bitterly.

Alvin took a deep breath: "Up to you, probably at first, hopefully, who cares, they'll think 'holy cow those chipmunks can talk', I really hope so, of course not, wherever you want it to go, you betcha, I'm sure we'll figure that out later, and it better not be." he said in one breath. It was Simon's turn to stare. He went over the answers in his head and applied them to each question, smiling a little more each time he matched them together. Simon looked into Alvin's beautiful brown eyes and knew at that moment that he would do anything for his brother. He was even more hopelessly in love with him than he even thought was possible.

Alvin gave Simon a small smile, staring right back into his bright blue eyes. He reached out and pulled Simon into a gentle hug. Simon buried his face into his shoulder and stayed there, until Alvin pulled back and gently kissed his nose. "We should get some sleep." Alvin said. Simon could only nod. He didn't trust his voice at the moment. "Mind if we cuddle?" Alvin asked shyly. Simon shook his head quickly. Alvin smiled and snuggled up close to him. He nuzzled his face into Simon's neck and before long, Simon could feel his gentle breathing. Simon was exhausted too. It had been quite a day, one that he would always remember. Simon closed his eyes, and as he drifted off, he wondered what tomorrow would bring.

If he actually knew, he'd probably have a hard time sleeping...

*Ok so this is it for my second installment. I know it's not as long as the first one was, but I wanted to try and finish out the remainder of their first night 'together' before I started the next day. I promise the next one will be, at the very least, longer than this one, if not as long as my first one.

On to the emails! I would like to thank those of you that sent me feedback! It really helps me write better and faster when I know that there are people enjoying my work. Keep 'em coming, and I'll take any criticism, advice, and/or praise!

Thanks, Mr. Moose

P.S. If you're waiting for things to get really spicy, stay tuned. You won't be disappointed. ;)

Next: Chapter 3

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