Alternate Rule

Published on Aug 26, 2008




By: Mike K Wayne Edited by Steam Train:

An excellent story based in my `Taking Back Control Universe' submitted to me with the request that I edit it as I wished and then publish it.

A Report on Alternate Rule in Denholm County.

Report by Joshua Gates, Grade 10, required to be submitted as part of my grade assessment. This report covers my general observations and my personal experiences about taking Back Control and Alternate Rule in Denholm County.

The West Texas County of Denholm where I live has some differences to normal Taking Back Control Counties which has led to some unusual customs.

Denholm County is what they call an Alternate Rule county, which was a legal option under the amendments made to the original TCB law after the trial period of two years had finished.

It can get kind of complicated and legal and stuff, but basically under the Alternative Rule amendments parents own their kids totally until they are adults.

Now under the Alternative Rule amendment the county has the power to set the age of adulthood which has meant that in our county adulthood was originally set at 21, then last year after a one year trial the legal age of adulthood was raised to 27!

Yep, that's right, you can be nearly 27 years old and your mom and dad are still totally in charge of you!

Even after you turn 27 there are exceptions. By law parents can see a judge and seek court approval for the period of childhood to be extended beyond 26 years for things like getting into trouble, or other social issues if the parents and the court consider that the juvenile in question would make a bad adult. The judge usually sets up a panel of experts to report on the individual and usually does what they recommend.

Under Alternative Rule it works both ways! Parents can also apply to a judge and have a kid declared an adult, in our county this can occur anytime from 11 years old on. Usually giving full adult status at a young age is rare and the judge more often gives limited adult rights, so the kid still has to go to school and stuff.

This can lead to some weird family situations. Like the William's down the road. The oldest kid is Mikey, he's 26 years old and still kept naked and hairless under TBC and Alternate Rule, but his brother Josh is only 13, still in junior high but he has limited adult status, so gets to wear clothing and the older brother has to follow the instructions of the younger brother!

Then there is Mr and Mrs Smith next door. She is an adult in her early thirties and Mr Smith who is the same age was an adult too until a few months back when on a disposition from his wife he was declared a permanent juvenile because on a court ordered medical examination, Mr Smith was found to have really small little boy genitals. On proof of this humiliating evidence the judge ruled that it wasn't fair to Mrs Smith to have him as the father of her kids. This way they can still be married, though he is now under her control, but she can now legally have kids from artificial insemination from donors with bigger genital traits.

Poor Mr Smith now has to go about naked as he is again a juvenile and Mrs Smith has invoked her rights under TBC and Alternate Rule and has had all Mr Smith's body hair shaved off making his small genital package look even punier!

Guess I need to explain a bit how marriage works here in our county now. It can be a bit strange, but it does work pretty well. I guess some new rules were needed because you now have so many older people who are now still legally juveniles. Basically, two adults can wed same as anywhere, but because sometimes an older legal juvenile will get married (with their parents permission) so the rules are bit different.

As I have said a juvenile can marry an adult, with the parents agreement, just like most places, but what happens is the new adult spouse takes over the parental rights of the original parents. A juvenile doesn't automatically get to be an adult just because they get married! Mostly what really happens is that two juveniles finish all their school and date awhile and then the parents agree to them getting married and also declare them adults at same time. But not always!

Because you are a juvenile until you turn 27, lots of times you end up with parents arranging a marriage between two legally juvenile persons. In fact these days most marriages are arranged by the families of the juveniles. In these marriages, both the married kids become the property of one family or the other. The married kids move in with one family and go under the control of that set of parents.

Guess I need to explain about sex between married folks here in our county. By the Alternate Rule laws, juveniles are the property of the parents. Now, you can't kill a juvenile or cripple one and you gotta send them to school and stuff, but parents have complete control. The County Court has ruled that, that includes all the sex stuff.

So, for a married couple with one member a legal adult, say the wife (like Mr & Mrs Smith), she would control when and if sex occurs. Sex for married kids occurs only if the parents agree, and some don't! Some parents let married kids have normal sex relations, some only allow it under strict controls and some don't allow it at all!

More and more, with married kids, of any age, the parents are considering breeding aspects. They may even write them into the marriage contract. For example Adam and Annie get married and live with Adam's folks. Adam's folks can keep Adam a virgin, but they want grandkids, so Adam's dad consummates the marriage and breeds the new bride.

Since kids are legally the property of the parents, they have to agree to any sexual requests from their parents. So parents can legally have sex with their own kids whenever they want. The County Court has ruled it's a legitimate part of raising and training children to be good adults!

However an adult can't have sex with someone else's kid without permission, that's like stealing their property. But it's ok if they get permission from the parents.

Kids do sometimes have sex with each other without permission, If they get caught there are severe punishments that often lead to enslavement. It can be bad for a parent too if their kids get caught more than once having sex without permission. It's considered like having a dog you always let run off the leash. The court can as well as enslaving the offenders suspend the adulthood license of the parent for a period of time or even in extreme cases enslave the parents too!

For kids, if there was no pregnancy involved the most common punishment is a public spanking and masturbation punishment. Normal kids here are kept totally naked but only their parents are allowed to touch them. But the courts can order a juvenile to be public property and their naked bodies are available to all and sundry to feel and masturbate!

Now, for repeat offenders that don't cause a pregnancy you can get chemical punishments. You probably know about Max (max hydro ferrari testo roni or whatever its spelled like), but here in our county we use some other variations of basic Max.

Max II is like Max. It'll take a hung teen stud guy and make all his pubic hair on his body fall out. It will also make his wiener shrink back to like before he entered puberty. I looked it up for this report and that means the average will be a wiener that is only 2 inches long! If the kid is lucky he'll get maybe 3 inches but it will be real skinny too!

So what is the difference between Max and Max II?

Well unlike the original Max, Max II doesn't chemically castrate, in fact it kind of does just the opposite. You see, the guy's genitals shrink, but it makes his prostate enlarge, and his much smaller balls work in high gear. This makes his wiener real sensitive, which in turn makes his sex nerves more compact and results in the guy being really horny all the time, plus because he has a bigger prostate the load he can shoot increase to a huge size!

Most guys on max II can wank and cum in under two minutes, too fast to make any girl happy, even if they had a big wiener, which they don't. Heck some guys can be made to cum just from talking dirty to them. It's become a kind of game at school to make some guy cum just from talking, humiliating him completely as his genitals shoot out jizz in front of everyone.

Last year Todd Jones was the high school linebacker, 6-2 220 all muscled and buff but he was a bully and as a punishment when finally caught out he was on court orders injected every week with Max II.

It was so funny watching the totally naked Todd as his genitals shrunk back to being a little boy size and all his body hair fall out. When he had finally regressed it was awesome watching him being made to rub his two inch erect bald little boy wiener (his thumb almost covered it!) and yet shoot like a cup of jizz.

We have 2 other drugs here that parents use that I don't think they use in too many other places. One is commonly called `Peter Pan', cause it kind of keeps a kid a little boy or girl forever, like the boy in that story. It doesn't really change you at all, what it does is stop you from growing up. If you are 12 and you get the injection, you stay 12. If you are 16 it keeps you 16. It doesn't keep you dying from old age or anything, just keeps your appearance the same. Heck, some grownups are using it. Mrs Williams is 34 and she still looks like she's 21.

Parents don't really use Peter Pan as punishment, though it is kind of a punishment. They use it on real pretty or special kids. Single moms will often use it on an only son to keep him cute and perfect. It ends up a kind of humiliating punishment though because if you take it past 18 year of age, you kind of miss the puberty window and you remain prepubescent even if you cease the treatment.

See, Mrs Williams I mentioned, she started treatment at 21, so even though she is 33, she still looks 21. If she had waited till 30 to start, she would look 30. My cousin Lochie is another example his mom put him on it soon as she found he was having wet dreams. Poor guy was only 11 and only had a 2.5 inch hairless wiener, though he was beating off. His mom says she is going to make him stay on it till he is 22. If that eventuates, it will be too late; his body will have missed puberty. He will stay looking like a 11 year old for the whole of his life!

The other chemical they use here is called Horse' (like Peter Pan' don't ask for the proper chemical name because no way could I spell it, its like as long as a dictionary). It's called `Horse' because it makes you as big as a horse, least in the genitals. I'm told it "expresses the maximum genetic potential" whatever that means!

You have got to get regular injections during puberty, up until you turn 18 years of age. And it's pretty expensive, so usually only rich kids get it. It was developed in the slave keeping counties to increase the reproductive potential of breeding slaves. Most kids end up with at least a thick 7 inch wiener but some get even bigger wieners and large impressive hanging balls. Like Max II it makes the prostate and balls work over time so the guy can have lots of boners and shoot lots of sperm, to increase fertility.

It's a big status thing at school to be in the showers next to some high school senior on Max, see him with his tiny bald 2 inch penis, while you're only 12 or 13 but have thick pubes and an impressive 7 inch man cock.

On every road when you enter Denholm County the local Alternate Rules are posted on sign boards but people don't read them!

Every once in awhile, some young couple or family will drive through and stop for a break or get pulled over. If they are under 27, they are legally juveniles! They get taken before a judge and basically put into foster care.

Man, that's gotta suck! Some hot buck college stud, taking a shortcut with his honey, maybe coming back from a Vegas wedding. You get pulled over in Denholm County and before you know it, your stripped naked and your wiener and balls are chemically reduced to the size of a boy, your body hair removed and your new bride is upstairs making bacon with your new foster dad!

This report is getting long, but I want mention some personal experiences to conclude this report.

I was 12 years old when taking Back Control came into force and 14 when Alternative Rule was introduced last year.

I still vividly remember how embarrassed I was the first time my mum made me strip off all my clothing and go about home naked like TBC recommended.

It was Sunday after church and I knew that TBC started at midday. I was trembling visibly as the clock struck noon in our sitting room, such was my state of nerves.

"Right Joshua you hand me your blazer" the words spoken by my mum sent shivers of fear through me. I was 12 years old and neither mum nor my 11 year old sister Tahlia had seen me naked since I about 8 or maybe 9. Having to stand naked in front of them was terribly humiliating. My dad split with mum when I was four. I don't see him much these days as he lives up north!

"Tie" was mums next command as she took my blazer and folding it neatly started a pile of clothing on the table.

"Shoes and socks"


Mum kept her tone and looks neutral as she watched me blushing and trembling as I stood slowly undressing in front of her. But I could see she and Tahlia were looking, eyeing what was slowly being revealed to their eyes for the first time in over three years.

Each stage of my undressing seemed to delight them more!

Soon I was shirtless and I couldn't help noticing that both Thalia and mum were checking out my naked chest as I got down to just my trousers and underpants.

Despite my best efforts my eyes had begun to water slightly and a thin sheen of perspiration had formed on my chest as I stood trembling before my mother and sister, with my eyes down cast and my bottom-lip quivering.

"Move along Joshua" mum ordered, "drop your trousers!" Slowly I undid my trouser button with trembling fingers, not daring to look at mum or Thalia as I eased my trousers down my thighs,

I was acutely aware that I had an erection. I had tried to suress it but it had a will of it's own and now tented the front cotton material of my underpants. Humiliated I handed my trousers to mum and quickly covered my erection with both hands, pushing my bottom backwards and almost crossing my legs.

Mum noticed my embarrassment but pretended not too! Thalia made no effort to suppress her giggling at my actions.

She carefully folded my trousers and laid them on top of the neat pile of clothing she had folded as I removed the items from my body.

"Place your hands by your sides Joshua and stand up straight." mum ordered, waiting for me to obey.

I knew at that moment that mum knew that the nature of our relationship had changed just as taking Back Control intended.

I hesitated momentarily and mum showed her impatience by tapping her foot and folding her arms. I had no choice; I did as ordered and stood straight and reluctantly uncover myself and place my hands by my sides.

"Stand straighter, shoulders back, don't slouch!" mum ordered.

I was trembling something terrible and could feel myself blushing a bright red, as mum went down on one knee in front of me and placed her hands on either side of my waist. I shivered uncontrollably as she slid the palms of her hands down inside the waistband of my underpants and slowly pulled my underpants down exposing the pale bare skin of my hairless groin until my erect penis momentarily halted her.

Looking directly at my groin mum lifted the waistband of my underpants over my 3 inch erection and watched my circumcised wiener spring upwards as it was freed from the confines of my underpants.

I went to cover myself with my hands but before I could cover anything mum spoke sternly to me saying, "Stay exactly as you are, little boys have to learn not to be so modest."

Thalia stood behind and to the side of mum giggles and a huge smile indicating she was enjoying every moment of my humiliation.

Mum's face was only inches away from my wiener as she slid my underpants down my thighs and to my feet.

"Lift your feet so that I can take them off Joshua" mum said in a tone that was almost husky as she slid them off my feet and then stood upright in front of me taking in the sight of my totally naked body. The fact that all my male friends were being made naked at their homes at the same time didn't ease my state of embarrassment one little bit!

After I got over my initial humiliation and embarrassment at being naked, I grew hate how all the girls who came to visit my sister giggled at my bald little boy genitals. When Taking Back Control first started the girls were allowed to be dressed but this changed in the second year of TBC and from then on the girls had to be naked as well. I was 13 years old when this happened and the sight of all these newly naked girls who I had known for years led to my wiener being erect most of the time in the weeks following the girls being stripped.

I was a cute looking boy and a classically trained boy treble. I was making good money performing across Texas especially when I performed my specialty piece, the second movement of the Chichester Psalms. Mum did not want my voice to break and ruin the added income source, so from the age of 12 when I was first stripped and my mother liked what she saw, she made me have very regular bi monthly medical examinations, checking on my Tanner stages to monitor for the onset of puberty.

I was fourteen and a half when the doctor reported to my mother that my testes were now 1 inch measured along the long axis and 1.5 ml in volume and that indicated that I would soon be entering the very early stages of puberty. My mother immediately put me on `Peter Pan' and now a year later at fifteen and a half, I am still a hairless little boy with little boy genitals but with a beautiful boy treble voice!

My mother wants to keep me that way for some time as she likes my undeveloped look and the voice brings her in revenue. I hope and pray that she does not keep me on `Peter Pan' for too long and that I don't miss puberty completely. My cousins apart from Lochie think it's a great joke that they are two and three years younger than me but have bigger genitals and have where allowed by their parents the right to keep their pubic hair if they have any.

This ends my report about Denholm County and its Alternate Rule.

The End

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