Alphabet Lovers

By John Paul

Published on Feb 11, 2023


"It's just a little further," Gunnar shouted as he continued scaling the steep rock face behind me. Henrik was already a few yards in front and had almost reached the summit.

Twin brothers, Henrik and Gunnar Bergstrum were expedition leaders for hire. They came highly recommended by the tourism board for their vast knowledge of the Finnmark region. The tourism board didn't mention anything, however, about how rigorous their expeditions were. I always thought of myself as being pretty athletic, but they made me look and feel like a couch potato. While I struggled throughout the entire climb, they made it seem effortless. They were just better designed for that type of activity. They were 6-and-a-half feet and 280-pounds of pure Norwegian muscle; my 6-foot, 180-pound frame was dwarfed in their presence. Not to mention, they had an inherit resistance to the cold, whereas my Brazilian blood was intolerant of any temperature below 70 degrees. As I struggled up the side of the rock, I wondered what possessed me to agree to the assignment.

When we arrived at our final destination and I got my first unobstructed view of the world, I got my answer. The torture of the climb became completely justified. From the peak, I could see for miles over the plains and watch a small herd of reindeer grazing. The crest itself was a marvel to behold: a large block of granite, naturally and precariously poised between two natural rock columns. The entire structure looked like it could collapse at any moment, but it remained steadfast as our combined 740 pounds of mass converged on top of it.

A simple, "Wow," was all I could muster.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Henrik asked. "Gunnar and I have lead hundreds of hikes out here and we still haven't grown tired of it."

I just stood there, silently staring out into the ocean of white.

"Perhaps you should take your pictures now," Gunnar suggested, nudging me with his elbow.

"Huh? Oh, yeah... pictures," I said, fumbling through my bag for my camera.

I quickly went through three rolls of film; at least one of those was used on the stunning Bergstrum brothers. With their powerful physiques, masculine features, and blond beards, they epitomized the glamour and legend of Vikings and Norse gods. It didn't hurt that they were easy on the eye either; the camera loved them and they loved it right back.

"Do you think our pictures will be in your magazine?" Gunnar asked.

"Most definitely," I answered.

"You hear that Henrik, we're going to be celebrities!"

I laughed and took one more picture of them. After I took a few more landscape shots, Gunnar suggested we head back. He was afraid I'd been out in the cold too long. Actually, I was starting to feel the effects of the cold on my fingers and toes. They were already numb; I'd just been too excited to realize it before. I happily agreed to make a hasty return to the warm comforts of their cabin.

I rushed to the fireplace as soon as we got back. Henrik suggested I sit in the sauna for a while; it'd help me relax and I'd warm up a lot faster. It sounded like a wonderful idea, so I ran to my room to change. Shedding my clothes and wrapping a towel around my waist, I then hurried off to the sauna. I couldn't wait to soak up some hot, humid air.

The steam room was larger than I expected. There was enough bench room to fit 10 to 12 people comfortably. I sprawled out, half sitting and half lying down, on a top bench where all the steam and heat had risen. The air was so thick at times I could barely see my feet. I hadn't been in there a whole five minutes before I heard the door creak open.

"Mind if I join you?" asked a voice in the fog.

I looked over to see Gunnar poking his head through the door. Gunnar wore a goatee instead of a full beard, like his brother. That was the only way I could tell them apart. "Come on in. There's plenty of room and steam."

He stepped inside and closed the door behind him. As he considered where to sit, I took the opportunity to quickly mull over his brawny form. It was the first time in the week I had been there that I'd had an opportunity to see him less than fully dressed. He was wearing only a towel that struggled to conceal his beefy thighs; so much so that he had to hold it closed in fear that it would come loose when he walked. His tight, washboard stomach and big, barrel chest were a sight to behold. A neatly trimmed layer of thick, sand-colored hair coated his bulging tits and rippling stomach. The same coat adorned his legs and forearms.

He finally decided to take a seat across the room from me. When he sat down, it proved to be impossible to keep the towel closed, so he let it go and it fell open on the side, completely revealing one mighty thigh and a glimpse of his patch of golden pubic hair. I pretended not to notice, but he didn't seem to care whether I did or not.

"Ah, this steam feels good," he said, folding his arms behind his head and leaning back. As he did, his legs spread open a bit. I could see even more of his flaxen pubes, but his package still remained hidden from view.

He closed his eyes and relaxed, giving me another opportunity to secretly eye him up. The armpits were also neatly trimmed. I've never been a big fan of pits, but I could have taken a few minutes to give them some attention. His pale, white skin started to glisten with sweat. I imagined licking the salt of his hard body; but I had to abandon that line of thinking before it caused too much of a stir beneath my towel.

"Is it hot enough for you?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said, wiping the sweat from my brow, "it's definitely hot enough."

He suddenly opened his eyes and sat up. "Can I tell you a little secret?" he whispered.

"Sure," I said, leaning forward so I could hear him.

"This hot, humid air always makes me feel... funny."

"Funny? What do you mean?"

"I don't know," he said. As if by its own will, his left hand reached up and started stroking his solid chest. "It makes me feel, you know, sexy," he continued.

His fingers gently tweaked his very large, very erect nipple to emphasize the point. I also noticed his other hand gently rubbing his covered crotch. Again, he didn't seem to care that I may have noticed his brief moment of self-gratification so, again, I pretended not to. In reality, the very thought of that Norwegian stud getting horny was enough to get me going. I had to think of dead puppies and naked pictures of Bea Arthur to keep my dick under control.

"That's interesting," I said with a little quiver in my voice.

He leaned back again and closed his eyes, this time propping his back against the wall while keeping his hands on his tit and crotch. I could see the outline of his dick forming through the terry cloth; it already looked pretty impressive. He slid his hand under the towel, and continued to squeeze and fondle his package. I didn't know what to make of it. It was certainly hot to behold but, at the same time, very shocking. I shifted my position to try to conceal my erection, but there was little I could do to completely hide it.

Gunnar was too busy feeling himself up to care what I was doing. He flipped the towel off his lap to give him more room to work and, finally, I got to see him completely naked. His cock and balls matched the rest of his body: BIG. His dick wasn't close to erect and it was already a good 6 or 7 inches and about as thick as an unpeeled banana. His low-hanging nuts were about the size of golf balls and covered in silky strands of blond hair. They pulled up slightly as his pole rose to its full 11-inch splendor. I licked my lips and imagined I could taste his manly flavor on my tongue.

He continued to slowly pump his uncut slab of meat, its large red head poking out from the foreskin with every down-stroke. He moaned softly, licked his palm and returned to his hand job with increased fervor. As much as I wanted to, I refrained from touching him or myself. Although he never took his eyes off of the job at hand (no pun intended) to look at me, he had to be aware that I was watching. I wasn't sure, however, if he simply didn't care that I was there or was getting off on the fact that I was. Until I could determine his motives, I had to be content just watching the show.

He was seriously stroking his pud now; his hips were rocking back and forth to the rhythm. He removed his hand from his nipple and reached down to cup his balls. He fondled and squeezed his nut sack roughly and, as if squeezing juice from lemons, his dick started to leak copious amounts of pre-cum. The sound of his dick sloshing about in its own juices must have really turned him on, because he lifted his hips off the bench and picked up the pace of his meat-tossing. Then he started to double-fist his shaft. It wasn't long before I noticed every muscle in his body tense, followed by a series of muffled grunts. His body jerked and thick ropes of cum spewed forth from his massive cock. It splattered all over his chest and stomach, getting tangled in his fine golden hair. Squeezing out the last drop of spunk from his dick, Gunnar relaxed and sat back down on the bench. He then grabbed his towel and wiped his torso clean, while I looked on slack-jawed and horny as hell.

As soon as he finished wiping the last bits of spooge from his stomach, he stood up and said, "I'm going to take a shower before dinner. Henrik is cooking farikal tonight... lamb and cabbage. It's his specialty."

"Sounds delicious," I said. "I'll be out in a few minutes."

He nodded and left with his big, floppy schlong leading the way. Once alone, I whipped out my stiff prick and quickly stroked out a healthy load of cum. The whole time I imagined Gunnar feeding that piece of meat up one of my eager holes.

We ate and talked (the farikal was out of this world) then sat in front of the fireplace and talked some more. For some reason, I expected Gunnar to act differently after his scene in the sauna -- maybe a little shy or even a little more brazen. But, he was completely normal, as if nothing had happened. I tried to do the same but every time I looked at him, my dick would twitch and I'd break into a sweat. After about an hour of this, I couldn't take any more and excused myself to bed.

I felt a nudge waking me from my sleep. I opened my eyes to a still dark room and the sight of Gunnar hovering over my bed.

"What time is it?" I yawned.

"It's 4 in the morning."

"Why are you waking me up so early? We're not supposed to go to Tanahorn until noon."

"I know," he said, throwing the covers back. "I have something else to show you. Come on, get dressed."

Reluctantly, I got dressed and followed Gunnar into the cold spring night. He didn't even have to point out what he wanted to show me; there was no way I could miss it. The sky was ablaze with ribbons of green and red.

"An aurora," I said in awe. "Shit! I don't have my camera."

Gunnar smiled and handed me my camera bag. "I took the liberty of bringing it for you."

"You're the greatest!" I said.

I took out my camera and started snapping some photos. I took as many shots as I could; I wanted to make sure I got it on film. A few minutes later, the dazzling light display started to fade and I took one last picture.

"That was worth the wake-up call," I said, putting my camera away. "What were you doing up so early anyway?"

"I couldn't sleep, so I decided to take a dip in the hot spring. That's when I saw the aurora and I thought you might like to see it."

"What hot spring?"

"There's a hot spring about a mile away. I thought we told you about it." I shook my head; that was my first time ever hearing about a hot spring. "Do you want to see it too?" he asked.

"Sure. Since I'm up, I might as well take a quick dip myself."

I followed Gunnar along a narrow path leading into the valley behind the lodge. Along the way, he explained that he and Henrik had stumbled across the tiny pool a few months ago. Hot springs, supposedly, aren't very common in Norway which made their discovery even more special. And its secluded location meant that the brothers pretty much had it to themselves. We veered off the path and down into a tiny alcove where the spring lay nestled. The pale blue water steamed in the cold air.

"Well, here it is," he said. "It's not much, but the water's always nice and hot. I can't wait to jump in."

With that, Gunnar started to disrobe. He stopped when he saw that I wasn't following suit.

"You're not going to join me?" he asked, looking a little dejected and confused.

"I forgot my swimming suit," I lamented. "Actually, I don't even have a suit. I hadn't planned on swimming while I was here."

He shrugged. "I don't have a suit either. I was just going to go naked... that's what Henrik and I always do."

"I-I don't think that's such a good idea," I said. I was trying desperately to back out of a potentially embarrassing situation. There was no way I'd be able to look at Gunnar naked without popping an instant boner.

"Don't be shy," he urged me as he resumed undressing. "I'll even close my eyes if it will make you feel better."

"It's not that," I argued, already feeling the effects of his now nude body on my eager member.

Gunnar lowered himself into the pool with a satisfying sigh then insisted that I join him. I foolishly agreed but took him up on his offer to give me a little privacy. As promised, he closed and covered his eyes, and waited for me to get undressed. I quickly stripped out of my clothes and eased myself into the water. I, too, let out a sigh of relief as the hot, briny water enveloped me.

Gunnar opened his eyes and smiled. "You feel better already, don't you?"

"Yeah; this feels fantastic."

The spring was an oval, approximately 10 by 30 feet, with a slightly sloping floor. At the shallow end, the water came up to waist; at the deep end, I had to stand on tiptoes to keep my chin above water. There was more than enough room for both of us to float about freely. I waded around in childlike bliss, not paying attention to where I was going until I backed into the solid mass of muscle that was Gunnar.

"Sorry," I said.

As I turned around to float away, I felt something hard bump against my thigh. I looked down to see what it was and through the clear blue water, I could see the wavering image of Gunnar's enormous erection pointing at me. I looked up and he stared back at me with his piercing blue eyes. There was no sign of apology or embarrassment in his face.

"You remember that little secret I told you," he asked, inching closer to me.


"Well, I lied." By now, he was just inches away from me and his dick was poking me in the nuts. He gently grabbed my arm so I wouldn't escape -- I wasn't going anywhere. "You see, it wasn't the steam that made me horny... it was you."

"So that little show in the sauna was for me?"

"Yes. I was trying to seduce you, but you wouldn't take the bait."

"And this dip in the hot spring... did you plan this early morning jaunt to attempt to entice me again?"

"No, the opportunity just presented itself..." he said, looking down at his throbbing member, " to speak. When you didn't respond in the sauna, I figured you weren't interested and decided not to pursue it again. I brought you out here with the purest of intentions. My friend's intentions, however, seem to be a bit naughty. What can I say; he knows what he likes and can't help but show his appreciation."

"Tell your friend that I'm flattered."

Gunnar took my wrist and guided my hand to his erect penis. "Tell him yourself," he said.

I gave his cock a firm squeeze; it throbbed in response. He stared at me lovingly then kissed me softly on my lips. I can't begin to tell you how sexy that was. You see, Gunnar and his brother were rugged, outdoorsmen. They were never rude or crass; they were just real men -- strong, assertive, and unapologetic. Experiencing his affectionate side was unexpected, bewildering and definitely intoxicating.

He showered my neck with adoring kisses as I fondled him. I pulled him closer and wrapped my arms around him. He wrapped me in his muscular embrace and slowly fucked the space between our tightly pressed bodies. His beefy pecs twitched each time I kissed them but his whole body trembled when I licked his tiny pink nipples. He held me tighter and ground his dick into my stomach with a little more force. I licked and nibbled on the nubs, savoring the unique mixture of his manly flavor and the salty taste of the mineral water.

Gunnar grabbed hold of my ass and gave it a gentle squeeze. Then, clasping a firm handful of ass, he lifted me so that we were looking eye to eye. He could have easily held me up all night, but I wrapped my legs around his waist to lighten the load. Now it was my turn to use the tight crevice between us to massage my aching cock. I kissed him passionately as I thrust my cock into his furry stomach.

I felt Gunnar's fingers circling my tightly clenched asshole. I kissed him harder to let him know it was okay. He got the hint. The next thing I knew, my hole was being invaded by his fat finger. I moaned and ground my hips to get more of his finger inside. Gunnar obliged by sliding that finger, and one from his other hand, deep into my hungry chute. Then he pulled them outward, stretching me open and flooding my innards with hot mineral water.

I kissed his ear and whispered to him, "Fuck me."

His dick twitched at the suggestion and smacked me on the ass. He took his fingers out of my ass and set me down on a ledge near the edge of the pool. With our bodies still submerged from the waist down, Gunnar lifted my legs slightly and spread them apart. Then he positioned himself in front of my upturned ass and slowly slid himself inside me.

It was a snug fit, but it wasn't so much the girth as the length that had me grunting. I didn't think I could take another inch; I'd never taken anything that long before. When I looked down, he still had another inch or so to feed me. I wiggled my hips and tried to work that last little bit inside. Gunnar thrust forward and finally broke into a previously unused part of my ass. I was full in a way I'd never been before and it took me some time to get used to it.

Gunnar was content with just touching and caressing me while his cock stayed buried, motionless, in my ass. It wasn't until he felt my muscles relax around his dick head that he started slowly thrusting in and out of me.

"You're so sexy," he said as he poked my prostate.

His fucking grew more urgent. I could sense the lust building inside of him. He had been making love to me before but now he wanted to fuck me -- I could tell.

"Come on, fuck me you big stud. Yeah, that's it. Shove that big dick up my ass. Feels good doesn't it?"

All he needed was a little encouragement to start jabbing me good. It wasn't rough fucking, not by my standards at least, but it had the assertiveness that I expected from a man his size.

I'd never fucked under water before and was sorry I hadn't. The initial insertion drove a good deal of water into my bowels and now he was churning it up with his steady thrusts. It was a unique sensation.

Gunnar's tempo got faster and faster. He was close to cumming; I could tell. I was ready to feel his hot spunk up my itching anus, so I started milking his prod with my ass -- opening wide for the in stroke and squeezing tight for the withdrawal.

"Unh... oh yeah... that feels good. I'm gonna cum. Yeah... here it comes."

I felt the throb of orgasm followed by the first splash of his hot cum. Gunnar grunted and groaned as he unloaded his seed into me.

"What's going on here?" Henrik shouted. He was standing by the pool watching in disgust as his twin brother finished fucking another man.

"It's not what you think, Henrik. I can explain," Gunnar blurted out.

I don't know about you, but I couldn't wait to hear how he was going to explain why his big Norwegian dick was shoved up my ass. What he had to say might just shock you... but I'm not telling you just yet.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 8: Henrik

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