Alpha Pack

By Luphine

Published on Feb 12, 2013


This story is purely fiction and if you are uncomfortable with reading homosexual content, please do not proceed.

This is a story about how a powerful school gang was formed. Each chapter, the alpha of the pack will seek a new member to recruit. I hope you enjoy the story! And please do give me comments! :) Forgive me bad grammar as I don't really have a strong English foundation =\

This chapter is rather long, so I hope it isn't too long winded >_< I felt like I was about to die by being too anxious to be honest.

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Thank you for your support! So now I present to you...

The Alpha Pack Chapter 6 - The Stranger

"Hmmm! Hmm! Hmm!" Coach Davis groaned with Max's dick in his mouth. Each time Tyler plunged himself deep into coach's hole, coach would ejaculate ropes after ropes of cum. Coach could feel his body quiver... It was as though his something inside him has changed. His ass felt great when someone fucked him and he wasn't ready to lose this feeling. He began to clench his ass a little tighter each time Tyler fucked him.

Sensing coach's grip getting stronger, Tyler could not kept silent any longer and started yelping, "UGGGHHHHH! Coach! You are fucking milking my dick with your ass! I you keep doing that... I... I may..." He couldn't believe how tight and hot coach's ass felt.

Coach Davis did not expect that mystery person fucking his own ass would be someone from his own football team. He began to panic has he frantically reached for the blindfold and yanked it away. Shocked, as he realized that the other stud humping his mouth was none other than his star quarterback was Max Bradman. "MMMM! MMM!" Coach screamed as he tried to push Max away. But Max just gripped onto his head tightly, not budging at all.

"HNNNGGG COACH! Your ass is gripping my dick so fucking tightly! Fuck I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum! Ugh I'm gonna fucking cum!" Tyler began to furiously pound Coach Davis's hole as he ejaculated his own semen deep into coach's guts.

"Nmmm! Nmm!" Coach protested. His eyes wide open as he felt Tyler's cum gushing deep into him.

"Coach! Your throat is fucking vibrating... if you keep screaming like that... Oh my fucking god! Nnnngghhh here it comes!" Max exclaimed. He drew most of his dick out of coach's mouth immediately, leaving only his dickhead in. Max's glutes tensed up as he blew his load into coach's mouth.

Coach could feel Max's body shudder as he swallowed load after load of Max's cum. Trying to keep up, coach swallowed as fast as he could, he thought it would never end. He collapsed on the floor after Max released his head, trying to catch his breath. He never had sex so satisfying and yet he felt a strange need to want more. It had been close to a year since he had proper sex and fuck none of it was as intense as now. Shit... He realized that he had just received two loads of cum in him and what was worst was the fact that it came from two guys of his team. "Fuck... Fuck... FUCK! I should have known the two of you were in cahoots with that Joseph Wong..." Coach cursed with exhaustion.

"Oh come on coach! You enjoyed this just as much as we have!" Max rebutted, he proceed to sit on the floor as he scooped coach up so that coach could rest on his body. "Besides, the two of us really need his help in our studies!"

Tyler nodded in agreement.

"Also... if it wasn't for Joseph... Who knew coach you could be so... Sexy!" Max continued as he began to massage coach's hard pecs and fondled with coach's nipples. "Damn... coach... you are getting all hard and wet just by letting me play with you tits."

Coach Davis could not deny. His hard-on had not subsided since he shot his first load. With Max fondling his nipples like that, his dick began to twitch again. "Fuck..." Coach grunted. He could not believe how responsive his nipples was, each time Max pinched his nipples he could feel both his dick and his hole responding.

Tyler chuckled as knelt down before the two guys and inserts two fingers into coach's hole. "Yeah coach... Please don't be angry at us... We would miss all this fun if we weren't here tonight... Look at how tight your hole is squeezing..." Tyler leaned forward to suck on one coach's sensitive nipples.

"Ugh..." Coach whimpered. He couldn't believe how wet he had become, having his nipples and ass played with. He wanted more... he likes to be handled like this...

"Can you feel how your dick responded?" Max whispered sensually to coach. He began to nibble on coach's neck. "Tell us coach... Tell us you really want..." Max cooed.

"I... I want... I want you to stroke me... Stroke me till I cum..." Coach could feel himself blushing as he whimpered.

Max obeyed. He began to give Coach Davis a hand job. Max started at slow pace, stroking coach's wet dick at full length. Occasionally play with the head using his thumb, accumulating enough pre-cum, he would lather the rest of coach's dick slick. Then proceed to increase the pace by matching his strokes with Tyler's fingering.

"Fffffuuuck! The two of you are driving me nuts! Don't stop! I'm soooo fucking close right now!" Coach moaned as his gripped onto Max's legs.

"Close huh..." Max replied. He began to furiously jerk coach off while signaled Tyler to match his rhythm. "Then let us see how much load can this baby maker blow!"

"UHH!!!! OH MY GOD!" Coach exclaimed. He began to arch his back as his body tried to comprehend the heightened sexual stimulation. "FUCK! I'M FUCKING COMING! I! I! GAHH!!!" Coach blew his second load, the first shot sprayed upwards, hitting all over Max's and his own face. Then he ejaculated the rest of his load all over Max's hand and his own body.

Surprised by how much cum coach blew, the two jocks burst into laughter. "Holy shit coach! Your dick is like a fucking host!" Tyler teased.

"Fuck! We are gonna have so much fun during our private trainings." Max chuckled while he licked his cum coated hand clean...

"Leo... Leo! Hngh... You're... You're drunk... You shouldn't..." I muttered as I once again weakly attempted to push Leo's head off me. Leo seemed to be in his own world, he just kept on trying to fully swallow my dick, lapping every drop of pre-cum leaking out of me. But with every inch he devoured, he would gag and convulse involuntarily. What got me most worried was the fact that his face was somehow an abnormally darker shade of red...

Leo suddenly just stopped. With my dick halfway in his throat, he tried to suck in as much air but he could not... It was like he had lost all his strength and his body suddenly ceased to function properly. He started coughed and gagged more violently... Fuck! I think he is choking! "Leo! Fuck! STOP!" I screamed. I pushed myself off the bed and pried his head off me.

"Bu... BLURGH!" Leo started spewing vomit all over the floor. I tried to hold him up while stroking his back to comfort him. The content of his vomit was nothing but a rather murky brown fluid... Shit... This guy had been drinking with an empty stomach... "I... Urgh... I'm sorry..." Leo apologized.

"It's okay Leo... Just let it all out... It's fine now..." I tried to comfort him as he continued to empty his stomach. Man... That was seriously scary... To be drunk to this extend... That Philip guy must have really broken his heart...

Once he was done, I carried him to my bed and leaned him against the wall. "Rest here and don't lie down just yet. I heard that someone could choke on his own vomit, so just rest against the wall for now. If you feel like vomiting again... Well... you know where to..." I warned as I put on my clothes and left the room to the dorm's communal toilet...

I felt myself shivering at the hallway so I crouched down... Willing my body to calm down... The confession to my mom... Sex with a stranger... Having the stranger almost choking to death... I just couldn't stop myself from shivering... When did my life became so complicated... Adam... I really need you to wrap your...

"What's the matter Fil?" I heard a familiar voice breaking my thoughts. His arms wrapped tightly around me from behind. I felt the warmth of his body... His wonderful smell of floral soap... I felt safe...

"How did you know I'm here?" I mumbled as I rested my head on his chest...

"I tried calling you for like thirty minutes and you didn't pick up. So I got worried and decided to come check on you." Adam replied. He kissed me on my head and held me tighter. "So would you mind explaining to me why are you cuddling yourself out here at the hallway?"

I started explaining to him the whole incident about Leo and what actually happened. To which Adam just listened with patience. Throughout the time he just kept his hands around me, calming me down.

After I was done, damn just chuckled and ruffled my hair like he always did. "Fil. You are blaming yourself for no reason. There is nothing to be worried about. He is alive and you are safe. That's all that matters."

To my surprise, Adam was not angry at all, in fact, he seemed rather amused. "You mean you aren't mad at me?" I asked

"What for?" Adam raised and eye brow.

"You know..." I felt my cheeks getting red.

"Having sex with a hot stranger?" Adam completed my line as he flashed a wide grin, "From what I know... He was drunk and you are weaker than him. So neither of you is at fault. Besides, the Fil I know is not some slut who is even capable of being seductive." Adam winked at me and gave my butt a smack. "Even when he offered to be eaten with milk!" He casually walked towards the communal washroom, leaving me behind blushing.

Fuck! Tyler told him...

We returned to my room with two pails of warm water, Adam instructed me to clean up Leo with one while he clear up the mess Leo made with the other. Leo was gradually sobering as I proceed to wipe him clean. Adam on the other hand remained solemn... I noticed that whenever a stranger was present, Adam would become this serious and formal person.

Leo just sat there quietly as I handed him my largest set of clothes I could find when I was done cleaning him up. Adam came back with a mug of hot tea after returning the pails to the washroom. "Drink up. It'll make you feel better." Adam ordered.

"Thank you..." Leo meekly accepted the mug.

"You were lucky you were drunk. So your foolish actions are still forgivable. But still you owe us an explanation. So you better start explaining yourself because to be honest, I am pretty pissed at you for what you did to Fil." Adam demanded and gave Leo a cold stare. Fuck... he told me he wasn't angry.

Feeling Adam's stare, Leo swallowed hard before he responded, "My name is Leonard Miller, I'm the captain school's swim team... I was having a rough night so I went drinking... Before I knew it I was already back at the dorms..."

"So you decided to knock at Fil's door to rape him?" Adam questioned.

"NONONO! Ugh... That's not what happened..." Leo covered his face with his hands, trying to collect his thoughts. He let out a huge sigh before he continued, "last year... I met a guy at the regional finals swim meet. Philip came to congratulate me when I won the gold medal for the 400m free style. There was something about him that is just... so mystifying... so intriguing... We fall in love instantaneously..." Leo took a sip from the mug and continued, "However most people disapprove of our relationship..."

"Because you are gay?" I asked out of curiosity.

Leo shook his head, "No. Nothing of that sort... You see... Philip is the team manager of one of the opposing teams... But our love is true... or so I thought it was..." Leo tried his best to suppress his tears as he continued sharing, "He was always so calm and collected... Even as I get reprimanded, he never failed to be there for me... He took care of me and encouraged me to work hard for competitions... Phil even... gave his virginity to me..."

"He is obviously lying to you. Can't believe you would be stupid enough to fall for that..." Adam scolded.

"No he wasn't that sort of man! There were times he would protect me for my wellbeing and defended me against violence... He even got suspended from school because he was in a relationship with me..." Leo defended.

"Then why are you trying to drown your sorrows now then?" Adam shot back.

"Two days ago was the regional swim meet finals... Phil decided to break up with me right before the competition." Leo started to snivel as he explained. "He explained why and just vanished ever since... I couldn't get my head into the competition and we lost horribly... I tried calling him and leaving him messages, but there was no response... I tried to look for his apartment, but it was empty... I lost him... I lost everything... So I went drinking and got so drunk that I was practically crying out Phil's name all the time... Then I remembered that some stranger at the bar walked up to me and told me that Phil stayed in this room and encouraged me to look for him..."

Stranger at the bar? "But... who could have done such a thing?" I asked.

"Beats me... He mentioned something about giving someone a wonderful birthday surprise... Philip told me before that his birthday is the same day as Valentine's Day, which was tomorrow... so naturally I thought the stranger was referring to him..." Leo explained.

Adam's eyes widened upon hearing Leo mentioning about birthdays. His whole body tensed up as he clenched his fist. His face blank and unreadable... I've never seen Adam like this before... It's was like something dark had just triggered within him...

"Leonard." Adam spoke with a very plain tone, his eyes staring at Leo, soulless. "Would you please kindly tell me Philip's full name?" Fuck... Adam... You're scaring me.

"Erm... His full name is Philip Christopher Blackwood." Leo answered.

Blackwood?! Fuck... That's Adam's family name! Adam shut his eyes and took in a deep breath as he slowly processed with the information. I walked towards Adam to hold onto his hand to provide him some comfort... "Adam?" I asked with concern.

"Leonard... Philip's birthday isn't tomorrow I'm afraid..." Adam spoke with his eyes still shut.

"Huh? What do you mean? But... He told me so... How do you know anyway?" Leo gave a perplexed look not fully understanding what Adam was saying.

Adam let go off me and walked towards Leo to meet in the eyes, giving Leo a dark stare as he replied, "Because this Philip you were talking about... He is my brother... And tomorrow... is my birthday..."

Next Chapter - The Sibling

Author's note:

THANK ALL YOU READERS FOR YOUR WONDERFUL SUPPORT! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter :)

And I hope the plot wasn't too predictable or something =\ Somehow writing a dramatic story sometimes made me a little skeptical... I'm kinda worried that Leo's plot was a little draggy... But there is so much that need to be explained before I can proceed properly! So I hope you readers don't mind ):

As usual, Feel free to feedback and tell me what you guys think! ^^, As you can see, the current plot is splitting into two different paths. So I hope you guys enjoy both plots just as much :)

With love! Luphine :P

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