Alpha Pack

By Luphine

Published on Feb 8, 2013


This story is purely fiction and if you are uncomfortable with reading homosexual content, please do not proceed.

This is a story about how a powerful school gang was formed. Each chapter, the alpha of the pack will seek a new member to recruit. I hope you enjoy the story! And please do give me comments! :) Forgive me bad grammar as I don't really have a strong English foundation =\

Thanks for all the warm responses! I really thank everyone for their support and their responses! Been dreading a little to write this chapter, but I hope I am able to provide you a good story :)

I've left a note for you lovely readers at the end of the story :) Hopefully you all can respond to it!

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Thank you for your support! So now I present to you...

The Alpha Pack Chapter 5 - The Coach


"Hi Mom." This the first time I called home since the start of school. "To be honest, I don't really know what to say. I mean... There is so much to tell, yet I couldn't really find the right words to convey what I'm feeling right now."

"Oh sweetie! You called home! Howard! Howard dear! Fil called home!" Mom exclaimed.

"Mom? Mom! Don't call dad over just yet!" I got to calm my mom down before she gets too excited.

"What's wrong honey? You don't sound so great." She replied, her tone sounded worried.

"Mom... I think... I think I'm in love..." I could hear my own voice shiver... Shit, why am I being so nervous right now?!

"That's great honey! What's her name?"

"His name is Adam... Adam Blackwood..."

"All right, the two of you, stay here till I call you guys in. And under no circumstances, should the two of you make any sound, I do not want the two of you to reveal your identities." Joseph ordered Max and Tyler.

The three of them were standing outside the office of the school's football coach, Coach Norman Davis. Joseph had summoned the two of them over to discuss with coach about tuition plans for the two football jocks. Coach Davis was famous for being a hard man that does not negotiate, so both Max and Tyler were really curious about how Joseph would convince coach to let them skip practice twice a week for tuition and then have coach to train them privately.

"I had my guys take watch of the school cameras of the nearby walkways. If anyone is approaching us, they will immediately drop me a call. So just wait here till I get you guys." Joseph continued.

Max and Tyler nodded in response. Joseph was wearing plain T-shirt and jeans today, nothing really sexy. The two jocks initially thought that Joseph would use sex appeal as a tactic to coax coach into agreement. Just by recalling how Joseph savagely rode and sucked their dicks, the two of them briefly adjust their pants. However, judging on how Joseph was dressed right now, they discarded the idea. The two of them just stood aside and watched as the small sized Asian knocked at the office door.

"Come on in!" Coach Davis yelled.

Joseph gave the two jocks a smirk before using both his hands to give the two jocks a squeeze at their crotches and entered the office. Coach was sitting behind the desk while Joseph closed the door. He gave a rather meek smile before offering the coach a hand, "Evening Coach Davis. My name is..."

"Joseph Wong. How would anyone not know about our school's famous math elite? You have quite a reputation here, young man." Coach Davis interrupted. He kept his hands crossed, refusing to reciprocate the handshake and just smiled in return. "I believe you are not here with the intensions of joining the football team, am I right?"

Joseph, unfazed by the coach's reaction, maintained his smile and slowly retracted his hand. "Yes, I am here on behalf of Max Bradman and Tyler Paxton to speak with you in regards to their future football curriculum." Joseph answered calmly.

"What about it?" Coach Davis frowned.

"I am here to propose a reschedule of their training Coach Davis. I would like shift their Thursday and Friday evening training to a Full Saturday instead. In the meantime, they will be receiving tuition from me."

The football coach burst into laughter...

"That is wonderful! Oh honey, you had me worried that some wench broke your heart!"

"You mean... You are not mad that I am... You know..." I couldn't finish the sentence. Somehow, it's really hard for me to be open to my parents about my sexual preference. I mean... I used to be so close to my parents that I can tell them about everything... But this is just different...

"That you're gay?" Mom answered. "Fil, since young you have been such a wonderful boy, you are always so close with us. But you never seem to make any friends... And part of us always worries for you... worried that you will be alone when we are not around..."

"Mom..." I could feel my eyes watering. "I love you..."

"Aw... we love you too honey... And don't worry about Dad. I'll talk to him about this." Mom comforted.

At this moment, someone began to knock on my door. "Philip... It's Leo... Phil?! Please open up... please don't leave me Phil... Open the door!" He was loud and sounded kinda depressed.

"Mom, there's someone at the door. I think I have to hang up, tell Dad I love him. I'll call home soon!" I explained.

"Come visit soon alright! Bye sweetie." Mom replied.

"Bye Mom." And we ended the call. The man was still trying knock as I rushed to answer the door. He is about 6'2" and has a really fit body. He is a little smaller than Adam in terms of build, but still fit nevertheless. He is wearing a sky blue T-shirt that really defines his broad shoulders, well sculpted chest and a rather slim waist and a pair of jeans that clings onto his legs tight. The guy has neatly trimmed short brown hair and a pair of beautiful green eyes. Fuck... He is stunningly handsome... When did all these hot guys start to exist?!

"Philip! Phil please... don't leave me..." He begged. The man had been crying as his eyes were red. I managed to catch him as he lost his footing and tripped. Judging from the way he moved and how he smelled, I guessed he had been drinking.

"Erm... Are you alright? I think you got the wrong person. I'm not Philip..." I explained.

He hugged me tightly and his bulge pressed against mine. Fuck his body is heating up. "It's me Leo! Phil... Please don't leave me..."

"Okay Leo... Just calm down... I am not the Phil you are talking about... I AM!!!" Leo cut off my words with a kiss. "Mmm! Mmm!" I tried to protest and pushed him away. He just gripped me tightly to him as his tongue sensually explored my mouth.

I attempt to pry myself away but he was just too strong. I could feel my body respond to his advances... Fuck...

"HAHAHAHA! There is no way! No freakin way I will agree to that!" Coach Davis laughed.

"This is no laughing matter coach." Joseph replied plainly. "Your players had been performing poorly in their academics since the start of school. I am here to offer my help and to discuss about their future. Please do not take my words lightly..." He warned with threat.

Displeased by Joseph's change of attitude, Coach Davis smacked his desk hard, "Are you fucking threatening me?" He questioned with anger.

"I am just simply here to negotiate with you peacefully." Joseph gave a chuckle, much to coach's dismay.

"I do not negotiate with young fucks like you!" The coach yelled.

"Well... Not according Miss Mia Watson." Joseph supported himself on the desk as he bent forward to meet coach in the eye, staring straight at Coach Davis who froze upon hearing that name. He gave Coach Davis a grin as knew he got the coach under control. "You see... As the school's computer genius and the designer of the school's web portal. Having access to every confidential file in school is as easy as making a phone call." Joseph slowly walked around and set at the desk in front of coach, staring down at him. "And you sir, had a rather colorful history I might say... If it wasn't because you actually brought results for the school's football team, I believe you would have already been retrenched long ago!"

"I... I have no idea what you are talking about." The coach denied.

Now it was Joseph's who was laughing instead. "Oh come on Coach Davis! Don't be shy! We have no secrets!" He stood up and rested one hand on coach's shoulder, gently pinning coach on his chair, while using the other to grope coach's crotch. Joseph closed himself up and whispered into the coach's ear, "You must have heard all the great stories about me amongst the teaching faculties... If not, why would you be so turned on the moment you noticed me enter your office... I guess... Mrs. Davis still hasn't forgiven you for getting Miss Mia pregnant huh..."

Coach Davis was cold sweating, he didn't dare to move, part of him was actually afraid of what Joseph actually found out and part of him was really enjoying the attention he was getting as Joseph reached into his pants and slowly stroke his dick. "Wha... What do you want?" There was a slight shiver in his response.

"Checkmate." Joseph thought to himself. He gave the coach a peck on his lips and smiled. "I've already told you... I'm here to negotiate... You give me what I want... and I will do what I can to satisfy your needs..."

Coach Davis swallowed hard...

"Mmm... Phil..." Leo broke the kiss as reached into my shirt and held my waist tighter to his while his other hand attempts to undress me. Shit... His fingers are cold! "I love you Phil!" His breath got really hot and heavy.

This is getting out of control... I really do not know how to refuse his advances... Fuck his cold fingers are sending jolts of electricity throughout my body each time they touch my bare skin... "Leo... Please... I can't... We can't do this... not... ugh..." Holy shit... He reached into the rear of my pants and inserts a finger into my hole!

"Please Philip... I'll let you do anything..." Leo groaned as he proceeds to nibble at my ears. "I'll... I'll let you have me... I'll let you take my first... So please..." Leo gently rested my naked body on the bed breathing hard as he proceeds to lock the door. He slowly and clumsily stripped himself, revealing his really toned and defined body. Fuck... Every inch of his body neck down aside from his pubes, which was nearly trimmed, was smooth... Leo had obvious tan lines around areas where his underwear covered. And oh my god... He possessed a fucking 9 inch monster!

Leo began to crawl on top of my body and slowly serviced my body with his mouth and hands. "Leo... hmmm. you should... stop... ughh." I couldn't control myself as I moaned when I felt his teeth nibbling and grazing the tip of my nipple. Both of his hand was busy exploring the rest of my body... Fuck... This is insane... He took his time to kiss, lick, gnaw and sniff as my body gradually burns up... And each time my dick would twitch and smear some my pre-cum onto his abs and then to his chest as a slowly work his way down... "No... you must not..." I weakly used both of my hands to push his head away but he won't budge... "I... you... LEO! NO! HNGH! FUCK!"

I ceased my senseless muttering protest Leo shoved my dick into his mouth...

"What! What are you doing?!" Coach Davis exclaimed as Joseph used the last piece of clothing to blindfold the coach.

Joseph was proud of his masterpiece. He was impressed that the coach is actually quite in shape himself, though he might need a little shaving. Joseph managed to strip Coach Davis stark naked and tied the coach's hands behind the chair using his clothes. While he spread the coach's legs wide apart, forcing each leg to hook around the chair arms, fully displaying Coach Davis's ass and dripping 8 incher. "Relax. I'm just trying to let you fully experience this wonderful moment. I can't have you touching yourself and ruined the moment... Just calm down and enjoy yourself..."

Max and Tyler were shocked to see their coach in that state when Joseph summoned the two of them in. Joseph placed a finger on his lips to warn the two of them not to make a single noise as he proceeds to unzip the pants of the two beefy jocks to release their dicks. He then guided the two of them to their coach and gave them an approving nod before shoving their heads to their coach's dick.

"Fffffuck! What was that?!" Coach Davis yelped as Max and Tyler began to service simultaneously. "Fuck! I... I can feel more than 1 mouth blowing me! FUCK! JOSEPH! YOU BROUGHT SOMEONE IN!" Coach began to struggle as Max and Tyler hold his legs down and continued to lick and suck their coach's dick.

"Relax coach! Just enjoy it! You should be grateful that I am arranging this for you. Just focus on how your body is reacting right now." Joseph comforted.

"Ughh... You are fucking crazy! Ohhh... shhiiitt" coach couldn't help but to moan as Tyler and Max's tongue entwined around his dick head while they kissed each other passionately at the tip. Max would then lick the shaft while Tyler services the head and they would swap occasionally. They would then each take turn to service the coach's balls and rim him ass. Meanwhile, Joseph would stroke Max and Tyler's own dick furiously. With each lick, they will be rewarded with more pre-cum. "Guh... Their tongues... They are fucking eating my ass... ohh god... oh... don't stop... please don't stop... I think... I'm gonna... blow soon..."

Watching how Coach Davis slurred his words while the rest of his body slowly tensing up more and more, Joseph decided to proceed to the next part of the plan. He pried the two jocks away from the coach. Leaving the coach hanging to yelp in surprise, "Whoa?! What?! Don't! Don't fucking stop! I'm so fucking close right now!" Coach Davis's dick and hole squirmed as the two jock mouths got pulled away.

Joseph gave a chuckle and replied, "Enjoying yourself now eh? However, before we let your blow load. Here are the terms. One, you will from now on, relief Max and Tyler from all Thursday and Friday trainings."

Coach nodded in agreement.

"Two, you will personally provide the two of them private training sessions during Saturday noons to make up for their trainings."

Coach nodded again.

Pleased with coach's response, Joseph gave a smile and continued, "That settles it then. In exchange, I will keep your secret. And perhaps one day when you please me enough, I may actually erase that very record for you."

"Alright! Alright! I'll do it! Please... just let me cum!" Coach yelled impatiently.

"That! I'm afraid, coach you got to earn it yourself." Joseph grinned as he released coach from the chair and forced him to get on all fours while keeping the blindfolds on. Joseph then guided Tyler to slowly inch his dick into coach's ass while instructing coach to give Max a blowjob. Despite coach's initial protest, his initial screams were slowly reduced to nothing but moans and groans.

The two jocks slowly began to time pace themselves, each time Tyler would hold onto coach's waist and rammed his dick deep into coach's ass, Max would shove his deep into coach's throat. Coach would quiver and his dick would drip a little whenever he gets filled on both ends.

"This is just too easy..." Joseph thought to himself as he exits the room, leaving the three of them to carry on with the fuck fest...

Next Chapter - The Stranger

Author's Note:

Nope, the sex scenes for both parts of the stories have not ended! Thought I should sort of do a cliff hanger ending for this chapter xD

Due to sudden introduction to new characters, I have to re plan a lot of ideas. Thus I decided to split up the sex scenes of both stories into two chapters. Another reason is also to tease you readers while keeping you all on the verge xD

Don't worry, I've already started on the next chapter. Besides, this chapter would be ridiculously long if I include everything.

Meanwhile I wouldn't mind revealing that Philip will be the upcoming villain character. Leo... well... what do you guys think about him so far?

I am slowly splitting the story into 2 different arcs also. Still deciding how or which arc I intend of progress first... or maybe both =x

By the way... Do you guys think I should start a blog to keep you guys communicated? I always have updated ideas but I would like to always ask you readers some questions before I proceed with the plot. I think a blog would be nice to keep you guys updated about my writing progress and troubles/problems. What do you guys think?

By the way, I apologize for delaying this chapter for so long. My computer malfunctioned recently and it has been really difficult for me to write the stories. I tried writing using a smart phone... Kinda retarded move =\

Once again! Thanks for all the support! Please email me ^^,

Love, Luphine

Next: Chapter 6

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