Alpha Pack

By Luphine

Published on Jan 23, 2013


This story is purely fiction and if you are uncomfortable with reading homosexual content, please do not proceed.

This is a story about how a powerful school gang was formed. Each chapter, the alpha of the pack will seek a new member to recruit. I hope you enjoy the story! And please do give me comments! :) Forgive me bad grammar as I don't really have a strong English foundation =\

Thanks for all the warm responses! I really thank everyone for their support and their responses! Been dreading a little to write this chapter, but I hope I am able to provide you a good story :)

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Thank you for your support! So now I present to you...

The Alpha Pack Chapter 4 - The Genius

I was resting under the tree nearby the football field. After running around the school around the perimeters of the school thrice, I've decided to take a break and checkout the football team's evening practice.

Max was overseeing the training, giving pointers and instructions to the rest of the team. It has been close to a week since our little "incident" at the dance studio and initially I was worried that Max would not hold his end of the promised. But watching how happy Tyler was throughout the week, I guess Max could be trusted.

"I knew I could find you here." Adam spoke as he sat beside me while the team was doing their cooling down exercises. I guess I wasn't the only one that was worried for Tyler. Adam has been checking out every football sessions himself personally.

"Worried for Tyler?" I asked.

"Nah, just checking if the blonde would be stupid enough to double cross me." Adam replied coldly. Then he turned to me and grinned, "So what about you? Here to check on Tyler? Or." He pinched at my sweaty tank top, "showing everyone how wet and dirty you are?"

"I was just!" I exclaimed, but couldn't find any words to follow up. Fuck... Why do his words always make me flush! I could feel a little tingle in my dick, shit... I'm wearing my loose but comfy cotton shorts and now is not a good time to be turned on by Adam... I pretend to look away and tried to casually cover my crotch as I continued my words, "I was just... just taking a break after I finished running..."

Adam brought himself closer to me as he whispered to my ear, "Do you know that the more you try to hide it, the more turned on you'll get?" Then he pecked me on my cheek and continued, "And seeing you flushed and wet makes me..."

"Look at what we have here!" Tyler cut in with a cheeky smile, "only 8pm and the two of you are already hot and ready for each other?" Max was following awkwardly behind him. He didn't really know if he could joined in, just stood behind, looking down with his hands in his pocket.

"Ready for dinner you mean?" Adam rebutted, "I assume the practice is over or are we supposed to wait longer?"

"We're good to go." Tyler answered, "Oh by the way, can Max join us?"

Max looked up to face us, I could tell he kinda nervous. Adam on the other hand, just stared at him passively.

"Oh come on! I've already forgiven him and I am the victim. If I can forgive, you should too." Tyler scolded.

Adam looked at Tyler then back at Max and gave a sigh, "Fine! But someone is paying for root beer tonight." He stood up and offered his hand to help me up.

"Oh yes, I'll pay for drinks." Max offered excitedly, he seemed more relaxed now.

"Awesome! Alright guys I'm really famished right now, so let us hurry before I have to swallow Fil up myself..." Tyler responded and gave my butt a smack and grinned, "With milk!"

Just kill me now...

"Man... I swear... the school cafeteria sells the best meatball spaghetti." Tyler spoke with his mouth full.

"God... slow down and eat man! Or you'll choke yourself." Adam warned.

"I can't... Professor Lewis is giving a pop quiz on Matrices tomorrow and I have to study for it. Stupid quiz is calculated into my credits." Tyler explained before swallowing another mouthful of spaghetti.

"You don't have to remind me man... I still have 2 reports to finish tonight." Max grumbled as he picked up his cup and drink.

Adam just shook his head at them and snorted. The cafeteria door swung open and entered a group of men. Most of them were holding their laptops on one hand and a book or folder on the other, most of them were chattering amongst themselves. Now I hate to stereotype, but if I have to describe this particular group, I would say that they are the school's nerd crowd.

However the man leading the crowd seems to prove me wrong a little... I mean he looked smart and brainy, but there is just this air of confidence and authority around him, almost to the extent of cockiness. He is about 6'0" and he seemed to be a good shape himself. He was neither as scrawny nor as hefty as the rest of his group. He had a black crew cut hair and wears frameless glasses. Oh and did I mention he is the only Asian in the group?

The four of us turned our heads to look at them. "Fuck... looking at those IT club brainiacs always make me feel so stupid..." Max sighed.

"That Asian dude in front, what's his history?" Adam asked.

"That guy's name Joseph Wong, he is the so called IT and programming genius of this college. He is in-charge of the school's IT club, the school's mathletes, the computer labs and HE is the designer of our school's web portal. Also... he is same as me in our second year here..." Max answered with discontent.

"All these and no one seemed to find trouble with him or his club?" Adam seemed to be interested in this Asian.

"Well..." Max paused and look around before he continue, "There have been rumours that Joseph Wong is so protected by the school and if anyone dares to lay their hands on him, they either gets suspended or quitted school themselves... Most people are afraid of him... hell, even I am afraid of him, but nobody actually expresses it... because you know... pride."

Adam sank into deep thought after hearing what Max just said. He seemed to be processing all the information and was formulating some kind of plan in his head. And when he was done, he started snickering to himself. "Alright, it is settled them." He spoke suddenly. The three of us stopped eating and looked at him.

"What is settled?" Tyler asked, raising one of his eye brows.

"You two are going to call your coach now and tell him that the two of you will skip tomorrow's training." Adam gestured both Max and Tyler, catching both of them off guard.

"What for?!" Tyler questioned with surprise.

Adam gave a grin and turned to look at Joseph Wong and his group. "Tomorrow, we're getting the two of you a new tutor..."

He is wearing a plain black tight fit tank top and a pair of blue jeans. Fuck... I've never seen Adam wear something so... hot to school... every of his movement seems to reveal a little of his abs around the torso area... and that tank top really showed his broad shoulders. Holy crap... I can't stop staring at him... Not to mention, he smelled kinda floral and soapy... Damn! Felix Norton get a hold of yourself you dumb slut!

Its 7pm in a Friday evening, majority of the students has already left the school. We knocked on the door of the computer lab and entered. As expected, the only one left in the lab was none other than Joseph Wong. He was sitting at the main desk of the room, staring at the computer screen. "Professor Watson has already gone back home, you can try calling his cell instead." He spoke in a rather autonomous tone, his eyes not leaving the screen.

"Actually, we're looking for you Mr Wong." Adam answered.

"It's Joseph by the way, Mr Wong is in Singapore." Joseph looked up as he respond, "Ah, Mr Blackwood, to what do I owe the pleasure?" He stood up and walked towards us with his arms crossed, smiling.

"Please, call me Adam." Adam replied with a smile, "We're here to ask you to be tutors for two of my friends here, Tyler and Max." Adam gestured the two of them.

"Ah yes of course, Mr Paxton and Mr Bradman." Joseph acknowledged them both with a simple nod and turned to me, "And you must be Mr Norton."

I responded with a smile, I wondered how he knew my name.

"Unfortunately, as flattering as it is, I'm afraid I have to reject your request. Adam." Joseph continued.

"Oh. Why is that so?" Adam asked.

"To begin with, I have no time to spare." Joseph answered, "Secondly, no offense gentlemen, I have no interest in tutoring any of you and lastly, I have no intension to join that little pack of yours."

Adam began to grin. He seemed impressed by his response. "Very resourceful."

"Rumours spread like fire here. If you want to survive in this school, you got to know about everything around here. Besides, who wouldn't pay extra attention to the heir of the founder of the world's largest wood manufacturing company?" Wait... Heir?!

"Before we continue, I would like you to refrain yourself from any mentioning of family business. My father's company has got nothing to do with me and I hope you can respect that. Secondly, I see no reason why you would reject our offer?" Adam didn't lose his composure and kept his smile on. But his change of tone shows that he wasn't pleased with what Joseph just said.

"Of course, of course, I apologize if I ever offended you." Joseph apologised, "But let me be frank with you. There is a reason why I'm able to maintain a social standing in this school even though I'm an Asian, a computer geek, openly gay and if I may, a huge slut." He chuckled and continued, "That is because I know everything about everyone here. Their past, their history and most importantly, their secrets. From the way I see it, joining your little pack serves me not purpose."

"Then perhaps..." Adam stood closer to Joseph and grinned, "I could strike your interest with a little proposition?" He then proceeds to grope Joseph's ass.

"That depends on what you're offering then." Joseph replied with a rather amused smile.

Adam proceeds to push a chair nearby to face it in front of an empty desk and pin Joseph down onto it. "Don't move." Adam ordered and began to undress Joseph. He slowly unbuttoned Joseph's shirt and revealed Joseph's smooth body. Then he proceeds to undo Joseph's pants and pulled off both the pants and the underwear at the same time. "Have some self control and not touch yourself, else you'll ruined the fun for all of us." Adam ordered once again, with his ever present grin on his face.

Joseph's body was not as large or as muscular as Adam, Tyler or Max, but it does shows that he does exercise on regular basis as his smooth chest and abs were rather well defined. He has a decent 7 inch dick. Overall, he has a rather smart yet sexy look.

"I believe you know that I am more than capable of surviving this school, Joseph." Adam started his speech as he slowly undoing his pants and slipped them off himself... Shit... He wasn't wearing anything underwear... I could feel my own dick pulsing already... "Better. You know that I am able to bring this pack of mine to the top."

Adam then nibbled at the front of his tank top and ripped it open. It's been a while since I saw Adam naked and I never thought it was possible for someone to become even sexier... You see... He hasn't been shaving and already his happy trail is revealing... He was rubbing himself all over real slowly with one hand while teasing his own dickhead with the other. Adam drew a clear string of pre-cum using his finger and sucked on it with a grin. All his teasing has made the rest of us unconsciously rubbing out own crotches through our pants. Even Joseph himself is sporting a hard on.

"Two kingdoms cannot rule under the same land. Eventually we are bound to clash..." Adam continued as he walked towards me and pulled me over to the empty desk. "So why not we..." Adam took my right and hand and smeared my index and middle finger with his pre-cum.

Holy shit! His dick got so wet and hot and it's pulsing every time my finger rubbed against the head. "Resolve it before it is too late..." and he insert both of my fingers deep into his hole... Then he pulled them out and repeats the process, each time with a little bit more pre-cum... I'm getting really aroused by this myself. His hole would clench on my fingers tightly each time I insert my fingers.

Joseph cleared his throat and responded, "Fair point made Adam." Then he gestured Max and Tyler, "However it seems unfair for me and my man to sacrifice so much just for two men we don't even know very well."

"Then..." Adam pulled out my fingers and turned to face me. His face grinning as he finished his sentence, "It's time to get yourself well acquainted." And started unzipping my pants to release my dick free. I didn't realize I was already leaking a bunch of pre-cum myself... "You are already good to go Fil." Adam pinned me down on the desk and plunge his hole fully onto my dick.

Meanwhile, Joseph was busy alternating his hand and mouth between Max's and Tyler's dick... It is unbelievable at how he handles himself between the two of them. He would deep throat himself fully with one dick and inhale their pubic scent while his hand strokes furiously onto the other, the he swapped over. Throughout the whole time he never once touched himself, but his dick was dribbling pre-cum like crazy.

"Oh fuck you are sucking me like a vacuum... If you don't slow down... I'm gonna... I'm gonna..." Max exclaimed. He couldn't finish his own sentence.

Joseph smiled and pulled Max's dick out of his throat, "Vacuum ain't got nothing on me... Come on boys, time to show you two what I am capable of..." Joseph then pushed Tyler onto the floor and started to ride on Tyler's 8 incher. He started with a moderate pace, but once he got used to the rhythm and started to speed up.

"Ughh.. Joseph... Fuck... this is crazy... You are riding me like a mechanical bull!" Tyler yelped. His hands gripped tightly onto Joseph's waist.

"Then I better grip onto your dick like for dear life!" Joseph responded and began to ride Tyler even harder and faster. Joseph dick would drip a little pre-cum each time he rides Tyler, he began entered into some kind of unstoppable sexual frenzy. "Come here big boy and stuff my throat real good." He then pulled Max over and dived onto Max's dick.

Tyler's full body became tensed, his back and body started to arch and shiver as Joseph rides him. "Ughhh... Joseph! You're fucking nuts!" Tyler groaned.

"Oh my god. shit! This is. this is." Max started to exhale hard as his fingers dug into Joseph's head.

Fucking Adam on the other hand was a whole other experience. He just gripped onto my dick with his hole and slowly rides it at full length... Throughout the whole time he just kissed me while he wriggled his hands into my shirt and fondled with my nipples. Every moment I could feel his ass squeezing my dick as his tongue tangled with mine.

"Fil... I've been wanting to do this with you..." Adam whispered. I just moaned in respond. "I want you Fil..." Fuck he's breathing into my neck. It's so... hot...

"Me too..." I summoned all my conscious to reply.

"Fuck me hard then... Fuck me real good Fil!" and I obeyed. I started to ram myself deep into his ass. His warm hole... Fuck... I love the way he touched me... I love the way his kissed me... I think I'm in Love with him...

"I'm close Adam... I'm so close..." I moaned. I began to hold onto his back and a fuck him deeper.

"Release into me baby... Just do it!" Adam cooed. And I did.

I could feel myself bursting into Adam's guts. It wasn't as intense as I expected, but I could feel comfort as we kiss when I ejaculated myself and a few moments later he groaned and dribbled himself all over as our bodies grinded. I am happy.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god!!" Max started yelping and clenched his teeth as he ejaculated deep into Joseph. Joseph's throat bobbed as he effortlessly swallowed every single drop of Max's cum. Max just dropped on the floor, exhausted as his orgasm ended.

"Come on boy, it's your turn now. Show me a good time." Joseph laughed as he switched himself into a squatting position and balanced himself onto Tyler's chest and he started to bounce on Tyler's dick really hard.

"UGHH!!!!! YOU ARE FUCKING RIDING ME CRAZY!" Tyler hollered and plunged deep into Joseph's ass once more and began to cum. His whole body spasms as he ejaculates.

Joseph just kept on riding Tyler hard, "Heh... heh...Yes! Give it to me! Give it to me hard!" he cried, and then he started stroking his dick furiously, matching each stroke every time he fucks himself with Tyler's dick, his face filled with ecstasy. "I'm coming! I'm fucking Coming! Ughh! FUCK YES!!" Joseph blew his load onto his own hands. He caught every single drop of it and proceeds to lick his hands clean.

Once he was done, he pushed himself up, leaving Tyler and Max lying on the floor. Both of them were thoroughly spent, they just rested on the floor catching their breathes. "Impressive pack... I must say..." Joseph spoke with a grin as he walked towards Adam, cum trickling out of his ass. "Perhaps I will join your little pack... But under three conditions..."

Adam stood down from the desk himself and moved closer to Joseph, "Spill." He replied.

"First, my man will be no means join this pack without my permission and consent." Joseph spoke with a serious tone. Adam just responded with a nod. "Secondly, I will by no means be like a slave dog to be summoned around by you or your pack."

"Never intend to."

"Last but not least, I will have full control over their schedules excluding school curriculum and all tutoring sessions takes maximum priority over after school events like sports trainings, practices and gym." Joseph continued.

"I can't agree on the last one, not without their consent anyways, perhaps we could set a specific amount of sessions per week and make those sessions as priority." Adam objected.

"But what about Coach? He will never agree on something like that! He will fucking murder us for missing more practices!" Max immediately sat up and asked. His voice sounded kind of worried.

Joseph smiled and chuckled at Max's reaction, "Relax. I have my ways... In fact, I even might be able to convince your football coach to give you two private trainings for every session you miss. I will also limit the tutoring sessions to a maximum of two per week. Do we have an agreement then?" He offered his hand.

Relieved by Joseph's answer, Tyler and Max nodded to agree. "Alright, since there are no objections, we have an agreement." Adam responded his handshake with a smile.

"How then shall we make this official?" Joseph questioned.

Adam just grinned and pulled Joseph closer to him, "With trust of course." And he bit into Joseph's shoulder, causing Joseph to laugh and shake his head in disbelieve.

"You are one kinky fucked up son of a bitch." Joseph exclaimed in glee.

"Yes... I am one fucked up son of a bitch..." Adam thought to himself...

Next Chapter - The Coach

Next: Chapter 5

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