Alpha Pack

By Luphine

Published on Jan 14, 2013


This story is purely fiction and if you are uncomfortable with reading homosexual content, please do not proceed.

This is a story about how a powerful school gang was formed. Each chapter, the alpha of the pack will seek a new member to recruit. I hope you enjoy the story! And please do give me comments! :) Forgive me bad grammar as I don't really have a strong English foundation =\

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Thank you! For your support! So now I present to you...

The Alpha Pack Chapter 2 - The Jock

"Still thinking about last night?" Adam placed his tray of food in front of me, with his ever existing grin on his face. He is wearing a white shirt and blue jeans today, just the sight of him reminded me of last night... when I lost my virginity to him, oh god, I lost my virginity... and my dick twitched in respond, what is wrong with me!

"Erm.. I err... I was just wondering about why... why the school cafeteria is still in business during weekends..." I flushed at my own terrible lie, pretending to look away while munching on my salad.

He gave a chuckle, amused by my reaction. "The school's facility operates every day because there are students staying at the school's dormitories and they tend to study in school over the weekends." Then he ruffled my hair and starts to eat his bowl of granola.

He seems to be enjoying his food. In fact, watching him eat made me feel less intimidated by him. He seemed more childlike for some reason. I must have been staring at him again because he looked up and gave me a rather confused yet amused look.

"You seem to be enjoying your granola." I smiled gently.

"I love anything that goes well with milk." He smiled back and then gave a really mischievous grin, "Like you." I could feel myself heat up again... I as though I am sweating when my body is dry. I munched on my salad again. Watching how I squirmed in embarrassment sent him laughing, "Hahahaha! Alright alright, I'll stop teasing you. So tell me, do you have any plans for the rest of the noon?"

"I was thinking of revising some of my texts."

"Wanna go to the gym with me first? I realised you tend to exercise alone, so I thought you could join me this time."

"I suppose I could... I mean... I wasn't really the gym kind of person... But I've never visited the school's gym before."

"So its settled then!" He seemed really excited about it. We then proceed to finish our lunch, throughout the meal, he just kept smiling to himself and when I asked him why, he refused to tell. We then stood up to clear our trays he stopped me suddenly. "Wait! You have some sauce on your face."

"What? Where?" I wiped my mouth with my hand in reflex.

He then grabbed me hand away and closed up to me, "No silly, here." And he gave my cheek a lick and walked away grinning.

I melted...

I changed to my usual workout kit and head for the school's gym, Adam was already at bench press station assisting someone with his sets. "Come on, just one more, push it! Push it! Almost! There you go! Now slowly, breathe and lower the bar, slowly. Good Now take a break." Adam saw me walking towards them so helped his friend up and introduced the two of us. "Fil, this is Tyler, Tyler, Fil."

Tyler walked towards me to offer me a handshake, "Hey! Tyler Paxton! Just call me Tyler." Tyler has short golden brown hair and hazel eyes. He is 6'1" and had a rather muscular body. Overall he has a really hot and healthy look.

"Felix Norton. Just call me Fil." I returned his hand shake with a smile.

"Tyler is from the school's football team and we're from the same business analysis class." Adam added.

"You guys should continue with your sets, I'll be at the treadmills." I excused myself and headed towards the treadmills. I love running, it makes me forget about everything and just focus on my current life, the best thing is that I get to set the pace I want. I started off with a slow jog and slowly increasing my pace. I just ran and ran, trying to run off all the pent up sexual tensions within me. I did not realise that I had ran nonstop for a whole hour when the two of them approached me.

Tyler, impressed by my endurance, said "Damn! You sure can run buddy. Now I know how you keep yourself in shape."

Trying to catch my breath, I could only reply "Thanks."

"Fil, its getting late, we should probably hit the showers." Adam warned.

So we headed to the showers and proceed to clean ourselves. We each took a shower stall and wash up. Tyler and I finished showering before Adam so the two started to change into a fresh set of clothes. All these time, Tyler was trying to keep Adam updated about what is currently going on with the football team. "Its only been two weeks and coach is already riding our asses pretty hard. I sure hope all this hard work would pay off man."

"Dude you gotta stop worrying man." Adam replied from the shower stall. The whole time I kept silent because I know nothing about football and I don't really have anything to say. I just sat and listen to the two of them.

"Fuck bro, everything is so hard! I really need help man, if I flung my studies, both the coach and my mom will murder me. Especially in math! Dude, you're good with math right? You gotta help me bro, I know nuts about trigonometry." Tyler begged.

"Sure, I'll help, I can tutor you tomorrow at my house."

"Thanks man, you're the best. By the way, you're not staying at the school dorms?"

"Nah, my parents owns a house around this area. They work overseas most of the time, which means I live alone... Shit, I left my briefs outside, its my bag at the bench, Tyler can you fetch it to me?"

"Sure thing bro." So Tyler reached for Adam's bag and searched for the briefs. He then took out a white cotton brief and handed it to Adam. "Here you go... Bro..." and Tyler went dumbfounded.

The next thing I noticed was that Adam wore his briefs without drying himself and the remnant water soak through the briefs and creates a see through effect of the outline of his semi-hard 8 inch dick. Holy fuck, that was sexy as hell.

"Thanks bro." Then Adam gave Tyler a grin proceeds to slowly wipe the rest of his body dry with a towel really slowly. From his neck to his shoulders, his arm, his abs and he slowly lingered on his inner thighs. All these time he did not break eye contact with Tyler. Watching the whole scene started to make me feel aroused. "Can you please do me a favour?"

"Ermmm err... Yeah sure thing bro..." Tyler started to stutter for some reason.

"Tomorrow when you drive to my house, can you please fetch Fil along too? I'll message you the directions and Fil's number later."

"Ye.... Yeah sure! No problem!" Tyler then turned away and started to pack his stuff in a rush. "Erm hey, I got to go, gotta erm.. pick up some chicks. I'll catch you guys later!" He seemed to be covering his crotch and then exits in a hurry.

Adam was grinning throughout and slowly took his time to dress up. I was too shocked by what was going that I just stood there staring at Adam. Then he picked up his bag and walked towards me and gave my crotch a gentle squeeze, taking me by surprise, winked at me and exits with a grin on his face.

I sat down in embarrassment...

That whole night, all I just dreamt about nothing but the whole shower room scene.

Tyler drove me to Adam's home the next morning. He was unusually quiet throughout the trip, we hardly spoke to each other, he seems rather nervous in fact. He was wearing a ridiculous tight fit white cotton tank top which shows off his muscular body and a pair of khaki shorts. He looks really hot... Fuck! Since when do I check out on people's body... Get a grip Felix!

After Tyler parked the car, the two of us searched for the Blackwood house hold, it was a 3 story suburban house. We pressed the doorbell and waited and what happened next was one of the most incredible moments in my life... "Coming!" Adam answered the door and Fuck the sight of him really turned me on...

Adam showed up topless and sweaty, he is wearing a pair of thin cotton shorts which was drenched with sweat and was clinging tightly onto his body, the shorts became slightly see through which revealed a really sexy pair of black briefs and he made no attempt to hide his hard-on. He was breathing really hard and every breath he took showed his ripped chest and abs... Fuck he looked like a god... The two of us just stood and stare at this god of a creature, speechless... "Morning guys! I was just finishing my second last set of statics. Come in, and make yourselves at home." Adam flashed his usual grin and showed us in.

The house is really clean on simple on the inside, everything a simple home should have was present. Adam showed us around and brought us to the house's studies, it was a huge room with a long wooden table and many shelves filled with reference books. "Guys, feel free to use this room to study guys, start first without me, I still have one more set of statics to go and I'll come back with some beverages." And he left the room.

The two of us took out our textbooks and notes and started the study session. I was having a hard time to concentrate as all I could think was Adam and his body. Tyler refused to speak a word and just concentrated his books. He seemed really frustrated and exhausted for some reason though.

Adam returned thirty minutes later with some orange juice for us. He got even sweatier then before, that must be some really extreme workout. "Here is some juice for you guys, how are the studies going?"

"Erm... Good I suppose." I answered lamely, trying really hard not to show that I am really turned-on by the sight of him.

Tyler on the other hand just kept staring at his books and not turning his head to look at Adam. "I'm having some trouble understand these equations, you mind explaining to me?" He was tapping on his text book with his high-light marker.

Adam smiled in return and replied "Sure buddy, let me see..." Adam then walked behind Tyler's chair and reached forward to look at the formulas, his left hand rested Tyler's left shoulder, his right arm rested on Tyler's right arm, guiding Tyler's hand formula after formula with the marker pen and proceed to explain the formulas. His naked sweaty chest was only a few centimetres apart from Tyler's face. That sight was incredibly hot.

Tyler just froze, the whole time Adam was explaining, Tyler kept still, his eyes staring at Adam's chest and couldn't turn away, swallowing and breathing hard. Adam let go of Tyler's arm the moment he finished explaining and shift his face next to Tyler's. "You understand?"

Seeing Adam eye to eye must have snapped Tyler out of that trance. He gave his head a shake and then nodded at Adam. "Errr... Umm.. Yeah! I... err... I understand now." And returned to the formulas again.

Adam grinned, he grinned really widely and did something unexpected. "Oh shit, my sweat dripped on you, let me clean it up for you buddy." He started licking of his own sweat off Tyler's shoulder, causing Tyler to jump in surprise and my dick twitched in surprise.

Tyler then stopped Adam nervously and shoved Adam off. He started to panic and protesting, "Dud... Dude! I'm.... I'm straight ok?! D... don't do that or... I'll I'll...." Adam interrupted his words by kissing Tyler deeply. Despite his resistance, Adam continued to kiss Tyler, his tongue intertwine with Tyler's and his hands groping Tyler's tense body. Eventually Tyler cave in and started pulling Adam closer and kissed harder.

"You couldn't sleep last night could you?" Adam broke off their kiss for a moment to ask and Tyler responded with a muffled groan. "Does the sight of my body turn you on?"

"Ye... Yes..." was all Tyler could muffle.

"Ever have sex with another man?" Adam started to rub Tyler's nipples through the cotton fabric of his Tank top.

"N.. No..." Tyler started to whimper.

"You are now mine then." Tyler's respond made Adam grin and started to pin Tyler down on the table and undress Tyler, setting his 8 inch hard dick free, it started to leak pre-cum. He started to gnaw on Tyler's nipples and really suck on it hard, making Tyler moan loudly. He then began licking off every inch of Tyler's chest and torso while his hands pinches Tyler's nipples roughly. The whole time, Adam was staring at me, smiling.

"OH GOD, FUCK!" Tyler just kept moaning.

I couldn't hold on anymore. I could sense my own dick leaking pre-cum just by watching the two of them. I started to undress myself.

Adam stopped and started to whisper to Tyler, "I want you to suck off Fil while I take my time to savour you. Take your time to explore. Don't hesitate, just concentrate on giving Fil a good time." Then he picked Tyler up on the table and gave his ass a smack which Tyler groaned in respond.

I only manage to pull off my shirt and pants before Tyler force me down on a chair. He started to lick and gnaw my dick and balls through my briefs, sucking me through the fabric while his hands were groping my thighs and groan area. I never had a blowjob before and it felt really erotic, it was like driving me to orgasm but yet not quite really there. "Fuck, you're teasing my dick! If felt fucking incredible!" I yelped.

Meanwhile, Adam was licking sweat off Tyler's back and from time to time he whispers to Tyler. "You shall be mine. Your body... You heart... and your soul..." Tyler could only respond with a muffled moan. "You will join me and Fil to form a pack in school and we shall climb and be the alpha dogs of the school... You understand Tyler?"

"Y... yes" Tyler stopped for a moment to respond and then returned to suck my dick off through my underpants. Satisfied by Tyler's respond, Adam started to eat off Tyler's ass, each time Adam rimmed Tyler with his tongue, Tyler would moaned and stop to breath hard at the same time tease me dick with his breath.

I couldn't hold on anymore, this is too much for me to bear. I gripped onto the sides of the chair and started to arch my back. "I.... I'M COMING! FUCK! I'M COMING!" Tyler instantly pulled down my underwear and sucked my dick. Just when I thought he couldn't have sucked any harder, Adam inserted a finger into Tyler's ass, catching Tyler by surprise, causing him to deep throat me. I ejaculated really hard, jets after jets of cum just burst out of me into Tyler's throat. He tried his best to swallow as much as he could, to my surprise, he doesn't seem to as any gag reflex throughout all these time.

"You're not done yet, keep sucking Tyler, and blow him hard as I prepare your ass. Start fingering his hole while you're at it." Adam instructed and carried on to eat off Tyler's ass.

Without hesitation, Tyler starts to suck me hard again, following Adam's instructions, he began to finger my ass. My dick began to grow hard again in response. Tyler would swallow me whole every time he inserts a finger into my hole, then he will pull out and start again. "Fuck! My dick its... Ughhh...." I was driven so high that I couldn't even finish my sentence.

"Its time Tyler. I want you to ride Fil's dick, ignore the discomfort and just ride it. Ride it hard and don't stop!" Adam then proceeds to pull me off the chair and rest my back on the table. Tyler then climbed up and tries to insert my dick into his ass while he squats down.

"Ughhhh, it feels weird. Fuck! It feels really weird!" Tyler exclaimed.

"Just ride it Tyler, don't stop, you're doing really well, just ride it hard!" Adam reassured.

Fuck, his ass his resisting my dick yet clenching it really hard at the same time. I never felt anything like that before. Tyler started to ride my dick hard, with each trust I can feel that his ass eased a little each time. "FUCK! Tyler! You are really driving my dick insane!" I groaned.

Tyler's dick began to drip pre-cum every time he fully rides me dick, slowly he started to pick up speed. "Fuck! What's going on! Its so strange! I feel like I'm coming again and again but yet I'm not! What the fuck is happening?! FUCK! FUUUUCK!" Tyler yelled out and started to ride me like a mechanical bull, which causes me to moan in respond and hold on to Tyler's waist in dear life.

Adam throughout the whole time was fondling and playing with Tyler's nipples, encouraging Tyler to ride me hard. He then pushed Tyler down so that his back fully rest on my body while my dick is still in his ass. "Don't stop fucking him Fil, keep fucking him, fuck him hard!"

It was a lot harder than I thought to fuck someone when they were laying on top you, but manage to find a good rhythm and started jamming my dick into Tyler's ass. Adam then maintain a push up position on top of the two of us and started kissing Tyler deep while his dick started to grind on Tyler's.

I slowly move my hands from Tyler's waist to his nipples and started to play and fondle them using my fingers. "Shit, you guys.... you guys are fucking me nuts! I... I..."

At this moment, Adam climbed down from his position and pulled the two of us to the edge of the table and started to slot fuck my ass. "Hehehehe yeah! Now its my turn to get some fun." His voice filled with lust. My rhythm to fuck Tyler started to get erratic as my whole body is trying to process this unexplainable form of sexual sensation, fucking at the same time being fucked. Its like your body is coming while its being forced to come at the same time.

Tyler couldn't hold on any longer either, he dug his fingers deep into my thighs and began in groan, "Oh god! Oh god! I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm COMING!" Tyler's hole suddenly clinched really tightly while the rest of his body started to quiver and shake. His dick started to erupt and shot out steams and streams of cum, every time he ejaculates his ass would convulse and squeeze even harder.

"Thats it! I can't take it anymore! I'm gonna... UGHH....!" I buried my dick deep into Tyler's ass once more and started ejaculating into him. Adam didn't stop either, every thrust he made causes me to shoot even harder.

Eventually Adam couldn't hold on anymore either and pull his dick out off my ass and rammed it deep into Tyler's throat. "That's it Tyler, drink up! Swallow every drop." Tyler was so lost into sex that he wasn't really thinking anymore, he just obliged and swallowed every drop of Adam's semen.

All three of us was thoroughly spent when we were done, we just rest on the table to catch our breaths. Adam then moved up close to Tyler and gave Tyler's shoulder a hard bite, causing Tyler to yelp in surprise. "You are now mine Tyler." Adam grinned at him, "Body... Mind... and Soul... But you must always remember, you are not my slave... and you are free to do anything you want." and he gave Tyler a kiss in the cheek.

Tyler didn't said anything, he just kept still, with his eyes closed and his hands crossed with ours, nodding while catching his breath. The three of us drifted into sleep while we snuggled close to each other...

Next Chapter - The Captain

Next: Chapter 3

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