Alpha Male Joe

By Viking Cub

Published on Jan 9, 2018


Alpha Male Joe Chapter 5 – Jeriah and James

The boys climbed out of the loft and ate breakfast with Joe, planning their day. Jeriah was taking the day off to spend with his new male bride. James just grinned at me and winked as if to say, "I'm next."

I climbed out of the bed and wrapped a blanket about me since I hadn't brought my clothing. I made my way down to the office and noticed that the men had planned on working on expanding the fencing for the little bit of livestock we had recently purchased. They had also looked into adding a small lake to a bit of the pasture near the barn. I pointed it out and asked if we could stock it for fishing.

Joe grinned at me. "We could easily put some bluegill, bass and catfish in it for you, Baby Bear. They won't be any size for a year or two, but we can easily stock it. No swimming in it though. It's mostly for the livestock and they'll muck it all up and it won't be nice for swimming."

I thought to myself, "I've swam in ponds, lakes, rivers and creeks my whole life. What would make this one different." But I nodded as Joe spoke as if I understood what he was saying.

Jeriah swatted my ass. "You need to scoot and get your cows and things taken care of. You're going to have a busy day. In addition to your normal chores, you got this to take care of today." He grabbed his crotch and I could see he was semi-hard in his jeans.

I couldn't help it as the color rose in my cheeks. I nodded and scooted out to the barn. As I was leaving, I heard Joe say, "That's a sweet submissive ass. We're lucky we found him." For some reason, it made me feel good to hear Joe talking about me in a positive way.

I had just finished my chores and started back to my home, when Jeriah came around the corner of the barn. He just nodded and I turned to follow him towards his home. When I got to the front door, he stopped and grabbed me and carried me over the threshold. I wasn't expecting it and my balance was off making it harder for him to lift me, and I marveled at his strength to pick me up and carry me regardless.

One of my responsibilites was to clean the houses, but I hadn't really been in any house but mine. The guys would come to my house, since I did most of the cooking and stuff in my kitchen. They ate there, left their laundry for me at my home. It was the "bunk" house, at least until I got married. Then it would change.

I looked around, the layout was similar to mine. The only difference was his main bedroom was on the ground floor and the upper bedrooms were not in use. He carried me to his bedroom and threw me on the bed. It was a country style, pine bed. Jeriah didn't waste time with preliminaries but started taking his clothing off, grinning at me. His eyes had a hungry look in them.

He paused to fold and place his clothes neatly away before turning to me. I had admired his body before. He was a mass of fur and muscles with a nice cock and balls. He was cut and my eyes watched his cock beginning to swell. I didn't measure them, but it looked to be between six and seven inches when fully erect and a small drop of precum leaked from the tip when he motioned me towards him.

I moved to him and wrapped my arms about his chest and leaned into him a kissed his softly. He kissed me back. His lips were soft and warm, but unlike Joe who shoved his tongue deep into my mouth and claimed me, Jeriah was a bit more reserved. He kissed and sucked on my lower lip and let it pop as he released it, but his tongue stayed in his mouth.

He ground his erect cock into my body as I kissed him, and then guided me to my knees. I took him deep into my mouth and I heard him groan in approval. I looked up at this man, my second husband and I thought about the way my life had turned. I liked these men, their cocks in my mouth and ass. I slid off his cock and licked down the sensitive underside to suck his balls into my mouth. I swirled them about with my tongue and sucked gently on them.

Jeriah pulled away and bent me over the bed and parted my ass cheeks. I felt the head of his cock at my ass and then he pushed inside me. I gasped. It still amazed me at how these men made me feel as they took me. My ass was tender but it opened to him and he slid halfway in, pulled out and then surged forward plowing hard and deep. I could feel his balls resting on my ass. He growled and slapped my ass.

I jerked as the sting of his hand hit my ass. It caused my ass to tighten on his cock and he began to fuck me. Sliding in and out, his cock drove deep into my warmth. He just pressed on my lower back holding me in place as he used me for his pleasure. It wasn't long before I was reward with his cock growing and swelling inside me. He came quietly, his breathing increased and I could feel his cock throbbing inside me as it released his massive load. He made no noise, but held still while he bred me.

When he was ready, he pulled out of my ass. He told me to get into bed. I did as he told me and he climbed up over me and straddled my chest. He pushed his cock into my mouth. I cleaned him up tasting his seed and my ass. I gagged a bit, but he didn't remove his cock and after the initial taste, it wasn't bad. He ground himself into my mouth and began to get hard again.

He smiled at me and slid down my body, tapping my legs and I wrapped them around his body and grunted as he drove deep into my ass again. It took him longer to orgasm the second time, and he explored my body with his mouth and tongue while his cock pistoned in and out of my ass churning his first load into a forthy cum. He found a sensitive spot at the place where my neck and shoulder came together and worked it with his tongue. He sucked at my nipples, bit and chewed on them until they were sore and tender.

He came inside me and then let his weight rest on me as he recovered. I started to move and he spoke for the first time since he carried me inside. "Don't. My cock head is too sensitive. Just give me a moment." I lay there with him plugging me with his cock and found I liked the feel of his weight on me. He softened a bit and with a quick movement pulled completely from ass. He reached by the side of the bed and pulled out a butt plug. He quickly shoved it in my ass. "I don't want you leaking on my new bed and sheets."

He pulled me into his arms and fell asleep holding me. I lay beside him and enjoyed the warmth of his body and arms, but he turned and his arm went over his chest and I was able to get up. I moved to the bathroom and washed myself. I hadn't been told to take the butt plug out or to leave it in, but Jeriah had shoved it in my ass, so I assumed he meant it to stay so I left it. I cleaned around it.

I went to the kitchen. I washed my hands again to make sure they were clean. Put an apron on to cover my sensitive parts and to keep the hair to a minimum. I looked in his pantry and fridge. He had enough stuff for a salad, spaghetti and some fruit and cheese for dessert. I started making dinner. I chopped up some green peppers and onions, gave them a quick saute and removed them from the heat. I browned some Italian sausage. Put some water with salt on to boil for the noodles. I put some oregeno, basil and parsley in a sauce pan and roasted them to bring out some extra flavor, added my sauted peppers and onions, the Italian sausage. Some diced tomatoes, tomato sauce and a bit of water to start to reduce for the sauce. I tore the lettuce up for salad and made myself comfortable in the kitchen.

Joe and James arrived for dinner as Jeriah was coming out of the bedroom. Jeriah hadn't paused to put on clothing and he walked naked into the kitchen. Seeing him confident and casual in his nudity in front of his brothers made me realise the guys were used to seeing each other naked, sharing in front of each other. It made me feel more comfortable in just my apron.

I had forgotten my butt plug having adjusted to it being in place. Joe, however, didn't miss anything and asked, "What's this?" and gave it a tug, pulling it halfway out. I paused in horror and didn't move as I could feel my ass leaking around where he had loosened it. He pushed it back in place and laughed. I made my way to the bathroom to clean up again, but came back out with the butt plug still in place.

I heard Jeriah recounting our sex session, "I pushed the plug in so he wouldn't leak over my new sheets and bed." Joe's laughter was loud and hearty. James gave me a sly look as I came back into the kitchen.

I didn't know what to say or how to proceed so I acted as if nothing was amiss and continued serving dinner. I had opened some red wine for dinner, but they guys wanted beer instead. I drank my red wine and they tossed back a couple. James volunteered to do the dishes. I started to object as that was my job, but he winked. "You have something else to do..." and nodded towards Jeriah.

I moved towards Jeriah who just put his arm about me and led me back to the bedroom. I heard Joe chuckle and I couldn't help but groan and gasp out as Jeriah took me once more. There was some banging on the other side of the wall with Joe hollering out, "Tear it up, Jeriah."

James hollered, "No! Don't! Tomorrow is my night." I could hear the laughter in the other room as Jeriah fucked me hard and deep cheered on by his brothers. I don't know when they left, but it was late into the night and Jeriah had worn my ass out and was sleeping beside me. I snuggled down beside him and fell asleep.

Jeriah woke me and took me to the shower. He washed me gently and carefully. He weighed my nuts in his hand and then looked at me. "I'll be careful and you'll not suffer when I cut these." I nodded. He was gentle with my bum and then put some cream on my ass to help ease my discomfort. I was humbled by his gentleness after his wild, aggressive sex the night before.

I got dressed. Jeriah told me to head down to the office and take care of Joe and James. He would join us later. So I did. I got dressed. I opened the door to go to the office and found James sitting on the front porch. He got up as I exited and nodded to me.

"You're mine today."

I nodded.

James walked me to the office. He chatted about the weather and how he liked the quiet of the morning. He liked the dew on the grass and the smell of the country air as the world came to life. He liked to drink his coffee and watch the sun come up. He enjoyed being on his back porch watching the wild life in the pasture and down by the creek. It was nice learning about him.

I was feeling tired and wasn't up to really cooking this morning, so put some water on to get hot. I made some coffee. When the guys arrived, I made them oatmeal with some fresh fruit. I had a large plate of toast, butter and jelly ready for them. I fried some bacon and had it for them as well. They didn't say anything about the oatmeal, but ate it quietly. They were more approving of the bacon and fruit.

Joe pulled me into his lap and gave me a sloppy kiss. "Morning, wife of mine!" He crowed. I kissed him back happily. Joe held me there a moment as he continued. "We have a new wedding present for you. It's in the bigger barn. We know you haven't explored it yet, cause we've kept you away from it with other things." He grinned as he squeezed my ass.

James nodded and pulled me away from Joe. "Joe wants us all to show you at the same time, since it's from all of us." They wouldn't give me any hints or anything, but when Jeriah arrived, they led me as a group to the bigger barn. Joe went in first and turned on the lights.

I didn't know what to expect, but what was inside the bigger barn was not anything I would have guessed. Inside the barn, was an inground pool. A smaller area with a hot tub was where a stall should have been. The tack room though was a whole different matter. Instead of a tackroom was a room with fuck bench, a Saint Andrews cross, paddles, crops, a fucking machine and some other things for which I didn't have a name.

James laughed as he saw my eyes widen as I looked in the tack room. "We'll go slow and find what you are comfortable with...but eventually you'll be comfortable with everything in here. When you finish your chores today, I'm supposed to bring you back and let you soak a bit in the hot tub. You won't need trunks today." He winked at me.

I nodded in understanding. Joe and Jeriah left to work on their projects. James walked me back to the office and kept me company while I washed up the dishes. He kept telling me about himself, and about growing up with his brothers. He told stories of playing cowboys and indians, riding in the back of the pick up truck and learning to drive the tractors to help with planting.

Unlike Joe, who loved to manhandle me and put his stamp of ownership on me, James kept his hands to himself. He wasn't like Jeriah either was methodical in his fucking me and making sure I knew that I belonged to him as well as Joe. I wasn't sure what James was doing. He followed me as I went to take care of the cows. I didn't know when they were last bred or how fresh the milk was, but I was telling James that they needed to be dried up and then put on a breeding rotation so I knew what the milk schedule was when it dawned on me, James was trying to be romantic and be my friend as well as my third husband.

He listened to me and nodded when I talked. I liked it. I liked feeling like what I was saying was important to someone. James asked questions when I wasn't clear on something and I found some of his questions helped me focus on things I wanted to do. I found him quiet, gentle and most importantly kind.

After my morning chores were complete, James led me back to the bigger barn. We stripped down and he dove into the pool and swam some laps. He was a good swimmer and I enjoyed watching him slice through the water. I had been told to soak in the hot tub and I went straight to it, and turned the jets on and carefully lowered myself into the warm water. I closed my eyes and relaxed in the warmth when cooler water drops began to fall on my face.

I opened my eyes and found James standing over me. At this angle, his cock and balls looked huge. They were still soft and maybe even some shrinkage due to the cold water, but they still were impressive. "Can I join you?" I nodded and he eased down into the hot tub beside me. I leaned over and kissed his lips taking him by surprise. "Thank you for today."

He looked at me and then nodded. We sat in silence as the warmth of the hot tub washed over our bodies. The hot tub jets could only be set in 20 minute intervals and the jets eventually turned off. The water remained warm though, but James said we had more to do today and we needed to get dressed.

He got out and I watched his naked buttocks as he sauntered to another area of the barn and grabbed us some towels. I got out and he handed me a towel. I started to dry off and caught him watching me. I stopped, got another dry towel and moved over to him. I started to help him dry off. I ran the towl over his back. Then down his ass and the back of his thighs. Down his legs and between them. I started on his chest and dried his abs. I ran my fingers through the fur on his chest and stomach.

I knelt down and then licked his balls and cock. "You don't have to do that right now." James said.

"I know." I looked up at him and then sucked him deep into my mouth. I loved sucking his cock while it was still soft. It fit easily into my mouth and I loved feeling him swelling. I loved the idea that I was making him feel good.

I felt him run his hand through my hair. His cock had swelled to fullness and he held my head in place as he began to thrust into my throat. I licked the underside of his cock as he thrust in and out of my mouth. I placed one hand on his hip for balance and then used my other hand to gently massage his balls. He moved my hand away from his balls.

"You keep pulling them down and it keeps me from busting my nut." He chuckled. I felt him swell in my mouth and then tasted his seed as it filled my mouth. I swallowed as quickly as I could, but he pulled out and a stream of cum ran from his cock to my lower lip. I licked his cock clean, and then my lips. I finished drying him off and then began to dry myself.

Before we left the barn, he pulled me close and kissed me. I liked his kiss.

We went back to his house. He wasn't in any hurry to get to bed, so we spent the afternoon watching football. It was a college game, Ohio State against someone, Purdue maybe? I wasn't really paying that much attention, but enjoying being with James. I realized the difference was that with James, I wasn't just a sex toy or object but a person. I enjoyed James.

I made dinner for the guys and when they were gone, James pulled out a bottle of red wine. "I saw you enjoyed this yesterday, so I got you some more." It was not the same wine. I liked sweet wines, the one from yesterday was an Olivery Winery Soft Red. This was a Shiraz and tasted more like a port. I wasn't a great wine person, but I had made some home made wine from some blackberries and grapes. Some of it was pretty good, some of it was pretty vinegary. I didn't want to hurt his feelings so poured a glass and began to work on it.

He put his arm around me as we relaxed on the couch and leaned in and kissed me deeply. I purred softly as his arms came around me and his lips met mine. I kissed him back. His lips weren't as full as his brothers and he was tender in his kissing. Explorative. He broke the kiss and I cuddled into him. After the news, he led me to bed.

We stripped and climbed into bed. We lay beside each other for a moment, and then James said, "I didn't think I'd ever marry a man." "Me either," I agreed. "Much less three of them."

He chuckled softly. I leaned over kissed him again and I felt his hand come up to stroke my lower back. I realized that while the other two liked to fuck...James was a romantic at heart. He didn't want to fuck, but wanted to make love.

I kissed him again and then licked down his chin. I kissed his neck and shoulders and then looked him in the eyes. "I'm happy being your husband. Would you, please, make love to me?"

He looked me in the eye, thought a moment, and then nodded. He pulled me to him and kissed me. He kissed down my body and explored my body with his lips, hands and tongue. He licked my nipples and sucked on them a bit. He stroked my cock and felt it harden under his touch. He used his thumb to rub around the head of my cock and smear precum across the head of it. He slowly masturbated me and I began to squirm a bit as I got near to my orgasm

He felt my body and moved over me. He trapped my cock between his body and mine. He lifted my hips and placed his cock at my entrance and pulled me down onto him. He began to move over me, making sure to stay with his weight on top of me, and my cock firmly trapped between us so that it rubbed through his fur as he made love to me.

He found my prostate and began to bump it with his cock. The feeling from within as he milked my prostate and my cock being stimulated by his furry abdoment sent me over the edge. I cried out as my cock exploded. Thick ropes of cum flowed out my cock and over his abdomen. My ass clamped down on his cock and began to milk it as I orgasmed.

With my own pleasure met, he took his own and plowed deep and hard into me, until I felt him beginning to breed me as his seed splashed deep inside me. I held onto him and kissed his lips as he came. I rubbed his lower back as he bred me.

Afterwards, he got up and went to the bathroom, grabbed a warm washcloth and cleaned himself, then rinsed it and brought it in and cleaned me up. He tossed it into the bathroom and I watched it hit the sink and then fall to the floor. He didn't get up to get it, but pulled me into his arms to spoon against me. He fell asleep holding me. I felt him get hard while he slept and I reached down and guided his engorged cock between my buttocks and feel asleep.

The next morning, I woke before James. I kissed him awake and grinned at him. He made love to me once more and then I grabbed my clothing and ran for the office leaving him to get ready. Jeriah and Joe were already there, coffee and breakfast was made. I stood inside the door at a loss, since it was my job and it was done already.

Jeriah said, "You're off duty today."

I look confused, but Joe let me understand what my task was for the day. "You're getting your vasectomy today. You'll be off duty for at least 48 hours."

Joe picked me up and put me on the table. Jeriah fished my balls out and applied a numbing agent. He then placed a few shots into my scrotum to further numb it. Waited a few moments and then grabbed a tool and made a small slit in my scrotum, pulled the vas deferense out and cut them. He applied a hot instrument to cauterize them and stop any additional bleeding. Then put two small sutures into the small slit and in under thirty minutes with Joe holding me down and Jeriah moving quickly and efficiently, I was sterile.

I was given ice packs for the first 48 hours. I was wearing them for about 20 minutes then leaving them off for 20 minutes. Jeriah monitored me for swelling, additional bleeding and complications. James took care of most of my chores and kept me company. They kept me away from the pool and hot tub for the first seven days. They limited how much I could lift. I wasn't allowed sex for the next seven days either which gave me a lot of time to think about how much I missed the feel of these men in my bed.

Next: Chapter 6

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