Alpha Male Joe

By Viking Cub

Published on Jan 1, 2018


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Alpha Male Joe – The Triplett's Claim Me and Joe Takes My Cherry

I don't know when Joe came around to talk to my pa, but apparently, he and his brothers were going in together to buy a farm coming up for auction. It was 525 acres that used to belong to another large farm family clan. The current generation didn't want to be farmers and were more than happy to sell the land. Since pa had proposed to give land to both Joe and me as a wedding present, he was happy to help put some money down on it and keep his own acreage. He paid a portion of Joe's and all of my share.

The day I turned 18, I signed a contract with my pa. He gifted me the same percentage that he had gifted Joe and my sister. The other part would be paid back at a percentage of the profits until paid off. As I had little to no experience in the fields or being a field hand, he left Joe in charge in of the farm. I owned it, but didn't really own it until I paid it off and in the meantime Joe called the shots. But still a landowner at 18 wasn't too bad.

Dad drove me down to the land and Joe and his two brothers met us there. We walked a portion of it. It appeared to be a bit of crop land, a small creek with a timber line, some pasture. It didn't have any standing structures on it. Pa and Joe talked about what they wanted to call it, and I trying be an adult and a smartass at the same time suggested it was nothing but a Briarpatch.

Joe laughed. "Don't worry, Baby Bear. It may be a Briarpatch now but it won't be for long." The adults which meant everyone but me talked about where to put up houses. I listened.

"It'd be cheaper if all the houses were closer together. You only have to run one power line, water line, driveways." Jeriah, the youngest of the triplets stated. "I don't mind being closest to the road and the unofficial gatekeeper." He grinned.

I liked his grin. His eyes were full of mirth and he seemed to have a keen sense of humor. Jeriah and James were identical twins. Joe was an extra egg that got fertalized, so Joe looked nothing like his brothers. Joe was tall at 6'4". He had black hair, blue eyes. He hadn't shaved in a few days and was beginning to sport a bit of beard and mustache. From experience, I knew had large biceps, a burly chest covered in a thick layer of fur. His abdomen was taught with a pleasure trail to lead down to a massive cock and set of balls. I hadn't measured it, but the one time Joe had me suck his cock, it seemed to be at least 9 inches and thick. His balls were like small eggs and he had a musky scent that lingered in the nose. His ass was high and tight, a good bubble butt. He had thighs as big as small trees and seemed to sport a confidence an air that made people want to do what he said.

Jeriah and James were more fair. They had brown hair and green eyes. Their faces were oval, thick set lips and both sported full beards and stache. I couldn't see much of their body, but they seemed fit but not near the muscles of Joe. It was my first time meeting them, so my knowledge of them wasn't nearly as extensive as that of Joe. They were about my height at 6'2".

James liked to be near Jeriah, so he would mirror the house Jeriah built up near the road. Joe thought that was a good idea. Joe suggested they build a few pole barns and fencing that could be used for shared tractors, bush hogs, hay bailers and other equipment. A larger barn for a workshop to work on things and then a smaller barn for livestock. After the barns, Joe wanted a house and opposite Joe's mine. To round out the buildings, he wanted a smokehouse and a smaller cabin that consisted of a bedroom, loft, kitchenette, bathroom and small living space. Instead of a man cave, we'd have a man's cabin that would double as the farm's office to keep business out of the houses. He suggested it have a small area for a meeting room so the four of us could sit down and discuss what was needed for the farm and how to make things work.

James and Jeriah thought it was a good idea. The buildings went up fairly quickly. All of the buildings were designed like log cabins to make things look alike. They were ordered from a log cabin manufacturer down in Tennessee somewhere and shipped to us. It didn't take long to get them all assembled. It took much longer to get the water, electric, septic tanks and things in than the buildings themselves. But eventually we had all had homes, a couple of barns, and the office built. The fencing, smokehouse and some of the minor landscaping would come later.

On my walk through of my house, I was very pleased. It was the furthest from the road. It was near the creek, but high enough that if the creek flooded, my house would be okay. I could open my window and hear the bubbling of the brook. The house was actually very nice. I had a large open family room, a den, a large kitchen with plenty of counter space, three bedrooms that could be used as my family grew, a larger master bedroom with a bathroom and walk in closet, another full bathroom and half bathroom downstairs off the kitchen for guests. A small area off the kitchen would hold a washer and dryer. It was an amazing home for an 18 year old with a wife and child on the way. I didn't have any furniture yet, but a trip to the Goodwill or maybe even some things Kim's family might give us would be a good start. I could always upgrade as I could afford things.

I couldn't believe the direction my life was turning but at least I had a home, a bit of land, and farming wasn't a bad life. I could get used to it. I was daydreaming about what it would be like when Kim was here. With the house being furnished, and Joe and Kim's baby underfoot. It wasn't how I had planned on things happening, but it was moving forward with a quickness I hadn't anticipated. Pa told me it would be quick, we had less than 9 months to have everything in place. I just hadn't realized how quickly it would go.

Once my house was completed, I did a walkthrough. Everything worked on the house, so I signed off on the checklist and got my key. I notified Pa that I had my key and he had my brothers load up my bedroom. They moved it into one of the spare bedrooms. My brothers thought Kim might want to do something with the master bedroom when we got married, so left it empty for her to do with as she wanted.

I spent that first night in my bedroom in my new house. I got up several times to roam about the large, empty home. I couldn't believe everything that was happening. I finally fell asleep. I woke up with Jeriah tugging at my foot and leg.

"Wake up, sleepy. The Briarpatch is meeting in the office. You're late for work."

I sat up on the edge of the bed, swinging my legs out to put my feet on the floor. I started to get up and realized I sporting morning wood and my boxers wouldn't hide anything. I looked at Jeriah.

He chuckled, "You're a healthy young man, and that's normal. Nothing I haven't seen before, I lived with James and Joe."

I nodded and stumbled out of the room to the bathroom to relieve myself. I scratched and tucked myself into my boxers and headed back to my room. Jeriah had gone through my closet. He tossed a pair of jeans at me and told me to put them on, grab a t-shirt and my boots. He would head on over and expected me to be there in short order. Without thinking, I did what I was told and hurried after him to the office.

I ran into the office and saw the triplets sitting around a large table. They had brewed coffee and the smell did more to wake me up than Jeriah had pulling on my foot. I went towards the coffee pot and noticed that there were four mugs. I grabbed one and poured myself some hot coffee and took a sip and went to the table for the meeting and morning work. I had no idea what it was, but I knew I could listen as I nursed the coffee.

Joe grinned and said with a lazy drawl, "Well, he's finally here." He stood up and came around the table and took the coffee from me and sat it on the table. He turned me around and pointed to the kitchenette. "Baby Bear here can cook. I told him someday he'd make someone a nice little wife. Lucky for him, he has three strong men to look after until the women get here." James and Jeriah laughed softly, but apparently they were serious. None of them cooked or did any women's work, and they needed breakfast.

I checked out the kitchenette. Since they didn't cook, they had met without me and decided they could at least stock everything. The kitchenette had some nice cookware. It had all the staples, several types of meat in the freezer. Fresh vegetables.

"I didn't realize that I would be needed to cook today." I yawned. "Would omelets be okay for this morning?" They assured me that it would be fine. So I got out the skillet, put some butter in it on low, scrambled some eggs and began to chop up some mushrooms, green peppers, ham. I found some shredded cheese in the fridge.

James volunteered, "Can you do biscuits?"

I nodded that I could and went back to the table to get my coffee. I took a drink of the magical java and got to work. It wasn't long before breakfast was served. They were at least polite enough to wait for me to set down before starting to eat. As they ate, the began their meeting.

Joe seemed to be in charge. It was surprise to me, but Joe had a degree in Agribusiness and a bit of a mechanic. James seemed to have studied herbology and crops. Jeriah was a vet that specialized in large animals and animal husbandry. They had been planning having their own ranch and business for years. It seemed the only thing I literally brought to the table was knowledge of home making and cooking. Apparently, Joe liked my chocolate cake and decided then and there, that I'd be the one to round out their group cooking for farm hands, canning and helping with home management.

Joe and I would soon be having wives, but James and Jeriah had no prospects yet. I would be needed to help keep their homes clean, stocked and cook for them. As time permitted, I would take on other responsibility about the farm. Joe told them, I was used to taking care of milk cows, chickens and small livestock about the house. I was good with a small garden and again mentioned cooking for them.

Joe said, "Hurry up and clean up this breakfast mess. You're going with Jeriah to a livestock auction in a bit." I did as he said and was soon in a truck heading to an auction. I listened to Jeriah and he eventually decided on two brown swiss milk cows and a quarter horse. When he was finished buying the livestock, he called Joe on a mobile phone and made arrangements for them to be picked up. We drove to the Rural King and picked up a couple of chicks and a few ducks and loaded them into the truck and headed home.

We got home and James came bounding down the steps of my home and grinned. "Give those to Jeriah. I have something to do with you." He dived into the truck, and threw it into gear and I was off again only this time we went to town and stopped outside a tattoo parlor. He pulled a piece of paper and went motioned me inside. He met with the tattoo artist and pointed at me. They exchanged some money and he led me to a chair. Joe wants you to get a tattoo and I'm supposed to make sure you get it.

I leaned forward with me head resting on a cushion as the tattoo artist used a needle to tattoo on my back. I couldn't see what it was, but trusted that my new business partners wouldn't do anything too extreme. When he was done, James gave his nod of approval and I was hurried back into the truck and taken back home.

The new livestock had arrived and were in the new barns. We didn't have fencing for the livestock yet, so the barns would have to have straw and be picked out daily. Fencing would be high on the list of things to get done. Joe and Jeriah were at the barn and I was led to them. James had me remove my t-shirt and they looked at my new tattoo.

"It looks great," Jeraih said. Joe just whistled low and then stepped forward to swat my ass.

"I approve."

"Can I ask what's going on?" I piped up.

"Well, You're Bear." James said. I nodded agreeing. "I'm into plants and things so I chose an acorn for my symbol. Jeriah is into livestock and chose a bull. Joe is a stallion, and chose a horse as his symbol. We're brothers and have our own link to each other, but we don't really have a link to we sort of branded you. You're back has a totem of each of our symbols. But we have our own symbol of you as well." James pulled up his pant leg showing a totem bear tattoo. Jeriah lowered his pants to half moon me and reveal a bear tattoo on his ass. Joe grinned and raised his shirt a bit to show a small bear claw on his hip.

"It was the only place not covered with hair and they didn't need to shave to put it there." Joe grinned. "You're one of us now, Baby Bear."

I don't know why, but the guys claiming me and tattoing me with they personal totems and symbols just somehow made my heart happy. It really touched me knowing these men wanted me to not just be their business partners but their family. I choked up. They came over and gave me a group hug.

"We're eating at your house tonight, Baby Bear." Joe said. "You'd best get started while we finish up here. We have a surprise for you later." I nodded and hurried to my home. I was halfway there when I realised I didn't have anything for them to eat at my home. I decided I'd run to the kitchenette in the office and grab something, but I wanted to see my tattoo. I ran upstairs to the bathroom and craned my neck to see my tattoo. I couldn't get a good look, but I could make it out a little and it made me happy.

I ran back downstairs and stopped in my tracks. My kitchen had been stocked. I had a refridgerator, stove, and a full pantry. I smiled to myself and hummed happily as I set about making dinner. I even made Joe a chocolate cake, since he seemed to like the one I had made that got his attention.

The guys ate dinner with gusto and when I brought the chocolate cake to the table. Joe smiled at me and said, "That's a great wedding cake."

I laughed, "It's not a wedding cake. That's not for a couple of weeks yet."

Joe shook his head, "Sorry Baby Bear, but it's your wedding day today." I looked confused cause he explained. "You're marrying all three of us tonight."

"That's not legal" I blurted out.

The comment caused the three men to chuckle. "It's legal enough for us." With that they started to move. I didn't even try to move away from them, but James and Jeriah guided me into my family room, stripped me naked and forced me to my knees. Joe came in shortly after wearing nothing buy his cowboy hat, boots and a clean jockstrap. He stopped in front of me. James and Jeriah begain to undress until the mirrored Joe's attire.

James said, "Repeat after me. I, Bear, take these men as my husbands. To honor, obey and serve them. To suck their cocks and take their loads in my ass as a proper husband should. From this day to the hour of my death."

I stared at James as if he had lost his mind. A swift kick from Jeriah's boot caused me to come to my senses and realize that they were serious. I thought about it and kneeling on my knees with these three rugged men about me, I found I wanted to belong to them. I didn't really have much of a choice as my life was going to be entwined with theirs going forward. Joe looked down at me and his eyes caught mine. I could see him wanting me to repeat the words in his eyes and so I did. I realized would do anything for Joe.

"You may now kiss our cocks." James laughed. Joe stepped forward quickly and I leaned forward and kissed his cock through his jock, followed by Jeriah and James. "Well, guess that's the honeymoon order. He's chosen Joe, then Jeriah and lastly me." James's laughter rang out. "At least we'll get to be there as he looses his cherry."

James and Jeriah picked me up and carried me to the new kitchen table. "I thought they were kidding, but I saw Joe stroking his cock to fullness and approaching. James and Jeriah lifted my legs exposing my asshole to Joe. Joe grinned and walked forward, his cock hanging out erect in front of him.

James handed Joe some lube. I don't know where he got it. I didn't see him with it. Joe put a little lube on his finger and lubed my ass, pushing a bit inside with his finger. "I don't want him so loose, he doesn't remember his wedding night." I tried to wiggle away from the invading finger, but James and Jeriah held me fast. James held my head so I could watch Joe as he claimed my cherry.

Joe stepped up and placed the fat head of his phallus at the entrance of my ass. He grabbed my hips and began to apply pressure. My ass refused to let him in. He applied a bit of lube to his cock and took his place again and the pressure and lube caused my ass to slowly yield to him. As my ass gave way, it was replaced by his cock. Finally my sphincter muscles yielded fully and the massive head popped in. I cried out. Jeriah looked down at me and laughed, "You'll get used to being our breeding mare, Bear. For now though you're going to have to deal with it."

I took a deep breath and tried to squeeze Joe out. Joe grabbed my nuts and squeezed them hard, I stopped fighting him. Joe shoved a few inches inside me. I thought I was being split by a rail post. He paused a moment to savor the tightness of my virgin ass. "He's so tight." Joe grabbed my hips and began to pull me on his cock. "Inch by inch, Baby Bear." It seemed hours but I knew it was not long at all that I could feel Joe's balls at my ass. I watched Joe shoving his massive cock into my ass. Tears escaped my eyes as he worked his way into me. He looked down at me.

"All in Baby Bear. You look good on my cock. Relax and this will go easier on you."

I nodded but having a massive log inside my ass made it hard for me to relax. "He's not relaxing but I can't wait anymore," Joe began to pull out, the surged deep and hard back into my bowels. I cried out in pain. My eyes not leaving sight of his massive cock pulling out of my ass and driving deeply back in. I looked up at him and begged.

"Please stop, it hurts."

"You'll learn to love it," James said. "Joe's got the biggest dick so ours won't hurt near as much when you join us for our wedding night."

I looked at him in shock. They all wanted a wedding night using my ass.

Joe slapped my face. "Look me in the eyes as I breed you. I wan't you focusing on me."

I looked up in his eyes and saw a look I hadn't seen before. It was one of possession. That look a man gets when he knows that he's your first. That he is going to be pumping you full of his seed. He looked happy and sexy as hell.

Joe began to move more quickly. His cock sliding deep and sure into me, his balls slapping softly at my ass. "He's at the wrong angle, men." James and Jeriah lifted my hips a bit higher and then Joe surged in and hit an area inside me that made me moan.

"That's your prostate, Baby Bear."

As Joe nailed my prostate with his massive head, sliding his cock over it and stimulating it, my cock began to harden. "There he goes, beginning to enjoy it?"

I didn't answer but closed my eyes to concentrate on my pleasure. Another slap to my face caused me to open my eyes again.

"I told you to look me in the eyes as I breed you. You're pleasure is secondary to mine...You're here to serve my needs. I want you to learn pleasure when I'm inside you, but you're not going to get off everytime I need to fuck."

I tried to concentrate on Joe, his eyes. Watching him pound in and out of my once virginal ass. Without being aware of it, I bit my lower lip and closed my eyes as his massive cock riding my prostate sent a wave of pleasure through my body.

Closing my eyes the second time, seemed to have angered him and he began to rut hard and deep into me. His cock pounded my ass, my prostate keeping being battered by his massive ram. I cried out as his roughness and claiming my ass, caused my cock to erupt with my orgasm. I hadn't even touched my cock. "He's going to be a good bitch, boys." Joe crowed watching me spasm under him.

My own orgasm caused him to stop worrying about me and he began to fuck hard. He put my ankles over his shoulders as he humped his massive man tool deep into my ass. James and Jeriah were freed from holding me as Joe's weight pinned me to the table. They began to play with my body. They twisted my nipples. The played with my balls. They placed my hands around their cocks and began to move my hand stroking them off.

Joe had sweat dripping off him when I felt his cock beginning to swell inside me. I felt his cock swell and release its load deep inside me. He leaned down and kissed my lips shoving his tongue deep into my mouth as he let his cock unload it's massive load. I attempted to move and he held me in place with his weight. "Too sensitive, give it a minute, Baby Bear." I held still and kissed him back.

The brothers cheered Joe and slapped his ass, and began to gather there things. "We're heading home to play a bit." They started to leave together, leaving Joe deep inside me. "Enjoy you're wedding night, love birds. Don't be late to breakfast, We'll be hungry." I heard their laughter as they made their way to one of their homes.

Joe made no move to extract himself from me. He did a few wiggles with his hips and I felt him growing hard again inside me. "Well, Baby Bear, Not only will you make someone a good wife're my wife as of today." He grinned down at me and kissed me softly on the lips. I kissed him back.

"Fine with me." I said. I leaned up and caught his lower lip in my teeth and let it go with a pop. I winked at him.

He said, "You're in for it now, Baby Bear."

As a testament to his sheer strength, he picked me up off the table and carried me upstairs to my bed. His cock never once leaving my ass. He did have to catch his balance once on the stairs and lean against the wall thrusting deep inside me once or twice on the way to the bedroom. He kicked the door closed behind him, laying me on the bed and gently made love to me. Afterwards, he held me in his arms, his cock wedged between my ass cheeks.

I thought about what had happened. My ass felt empty without Joe being inside me, and I could feel some of his massive load leaking from my ass. I guess I was wiggling a bit too much cause Joe said softly, "Go to sleep, Baby Bear. You really do have to get up early to make your husbands' breakfast. I want mine in bed though." He kissed my neck softly and I slept.

Next: Chapter 4

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