Alpha Male Joe

By Viking Cub

Published on Oct 24, 2018


Alpha Male Joe Chapter 14 Football night

I knew that Joe, James and Jeriah liked to watch football. I had often made them game day snacks and got them beer. I would cuddle on the couch with James while Joe and Jeriah cheered for their teams. Sometimes the girls would join us, but most of the time, it was just the men in my home.

I had just finished refreshing everyone their beer while the guys were watching the Broncos and Cardinals game. It was a horrible game, Broncos were 28 and the Cardinals were 3. It was the top of the 2nd quarter and the guys attention was beginning to wander. The game wasn't holding their attention and they were working on polishing off the snacks.

James had his arm about my shoulder and we were cuddling on the couch. It was our usual position and since James had moved into the house it was a favorite of ours. I was resting my head on his shoulder and daydreaming as James talked softly.

"Do you remember the day Kim arrived at the house."

"I do. She was pregnant and her family thought Molly was mine." I nuzzled James neck.

"Do you remember that I told you I couldn't wait until you were the football?"

I don't remember that part, it was too long ago. "I don't think so..."

Joe and Jeriah perked up and said, "We do. We passed her off every time our team got the ball." They looked at each other and chuckled.

"You want to be the football, Baby Bear?" Joe asked.

James answered for me, "He does. I get to watch. What team you want Joe?" James began to strip my clothing off me while he talked until I was nude.

Joe rubbed his chin, "I like the under dogs...I'll take Arizona."

Jeriah howled, "Guess, I'll get to use him the most then...." He got up off the couch and grabbed me by the hair and pulled me with him around the couch where he could see the television.

"Get my pants down and get on my cock, Bear... You're the football and my team is in possession."

I quickly undid his belt and helped get his jeans down to about his knees. He was wearing boxer briefs and I could see the outline of his cock through the fabric. He brought my face to his balls and cock.

"Get a good whiff there, Bear. I've been working hard today and I'm sure it's all sweaty and smelly." He chuckled.

I took a good whiff of his manly scent. I started to mouth his cock through his underwear until his boxer briefs had a good wet spot on them, and his cock had chubbed up to twice it's size. It still had some to go but was more on the side of hard than of soft. I lowered his underwear when told to and started to suck on his balls. My hand going to his cock to help stroke him to fullness.

All of the men had good sized cocks. Joe was the largest at about 9 inches and a good thickness, Thor was the next largest with a good 8 ½ inches and a good thickness. Jeriah was next with only about 7 but Jeriah had the biggest girth of all. He was thick and I had to work when I gave him oral to not scrape him with my teeth. On nights he only wanted oral, my jaws would ache from being stretched open so much. James was close to 7 inches but average thickness.

I swirled one of Jeriah's balls in my mouth with my tongue, then switched to lick the other one. I applied a bit of slow suction to them, as Jeriah liked his balls being played with almost as much as his shaft. My hand was steady and busy, slowly working up his shaft, my thumb running along the ridge of his cut cock, then slowly around the head smearing his precum.

Joe suddenly pulled me off of Jeriah and Jeriah's balls came out of my mouth with an audible pop. Joe hadn't been idle. While I was working with Jeriah, Joe had taken his clothing completely off. He was nude and I caught my breath as I stared at him. He was amazing naked. Strong and muscular from hard work. He was covered with thick, black fur that led to a full bush of hair over his pubic area. His cock was hard and thick already. He pushed me over the couch and without warning started to push deep inside my ass.

My ass hadn't been lubed, and it resisted Joe's attempt at entry. Rather than stop and apply lubricant, or spit or anything....Joe grabbed my hips and kept applying pressure. Thanks to their regular breeding, my ass was not as tight as it was a year or so ago and it slowly gave under Joe's assault. As my ass slowly stretched open, it was quickly filled with Joe's thick and hard cock. As my ass finally yielded to him, Joe's head broke through and he sighed contently. He didn't wait long but slowly shoved in inch after slow inch.

I looked over and saw James grinning. He had his own cock out and was stroking himself while he watched. I saw him wink at me, and I grinned at him letting him know he would get his back in spades tonight when we went to bed.

Joe doesn't like to fuck and not have your attention, so he slapped my ass to bring me back to paying attention to what he was doing. His cock slowly lubed as he plowed me deep and hard. My own body helping him to drive his cock as deep inside me as he could. He was at a good angle and running his cock over my prostate, and my cock was beginning to harden from the pleasure. I was starting to enjoy it when Joe pulled out of me completely. He slapped my ass again and shoved me towards Jeriah.

Jeriah liked to compete with Joe. If Joe was going to fuck me, Jeriah would too. He placed his cock at my ass and tried to push inside without lube. Joe had stretched my ass out, and I'm glad he had. My ass still didn't like Jeriah getting inside due to his girth. Jeriah though wasn't to be denied and he did go to the gym and worked out. He had more strength than my ass had resistance and he picked me up and pulled me hard and firmly onto his shaft and I cried out as he penetrated me.

He growled in pleasure at my crying out. He loved it when I was vocal. I didn't try to be vocal to please him but cause I couldn't help it. Jeriah usually was a methodical lover. He kept his pace and thrusting slow and measured. He wasn't trying to cum, but just fucking. Occasionally, he would get carried away when we were one on one, but with the brothers watching he just took his time.

I didn't usually think of Jeriah as a great lover. Most of the other men were great lovers. They had large cocks and knew how to use them. Jeriah though had a large cock with a lot of girth. He plowed my prostate routinely, not out of desire, but just his size enabled him to bump it regardless. As a result, he tended to be lazy in his love making. It felt great, but he didn't put any real effort into it.

This fuck was exactly that, a fuck. His cock was steady, full. It pounded inside me and he wasn't in any hurry. I could feel him pull nearly all the way out then slide back in, inch by inch. His head slowly rubbing over my prostate causing my dick to leak precum. He grabbed my hips and began to increase his pace as his team got near the end zone.

"Not really ready to cum, yet. Team's about to score though..." He slapped my ass. The Bronco's scored and Jeriah suddenly pushed my lower back down onto the couch and he began to pound me hard, fast and furiously. "Fuck I wasn't ready...." He closed his eyes and focused on his own pleasure. I could feel his cock swell and suddenly his cum coating my insides. He growled in his chest as the Bronco's kicked the field goal to make the score 35 to 3.

He slapped my ass as his cock remained deep inside me. "First nut of the night goes to me." He pulled out and pushed me towards Joe. "Kicking off to your team with 20 seconds left. You won't get to do anything until next half."

Joe slapped my other ass cheek. "Go refresh the snacks and beers, Bear. I'll plow your ass good after halftime."

I didn't argue. I got up and went to refresh the snacks and drinks. I heard the front door open and heard Thor's voice in the living room with the other guys. I added an extra beer and went to serve them. I saw Thor's eyebrows go up as I came into the room nude.

Jeriah had taken the opportunity while I was gone to go ahead and strip down the rest of the way. Both Jeriah and Joe lounged in the recliners in front of the television. James had pulled a pillow in front of him when Thor had arrived and looked like he was the only one in clothes.

"Am I interupting anything? I thought I'd join you guys for the last half of the game." Thor's voice was deep and rich. I loved how he sounded as he whispered in my ear as he fucked me.

Jeriah said, "No. We're watching football. To make it more interesting, we decided to use Bear as the football. So if the Bronco's have the ball, I get to fuck and play with him. I bred him when they just scored, so his ass is lubed for Joe when Arizona takes the field again."

"I don't think I've ever heard of anyone watching football that way." Thor said. "I wouldn't mind fucking him a bit myself. He looks so cute standing there nude with beers for all of us." He gave me an exagerated leer and I blushed.

"Well, there are only two teams and Bear's going to be in use." Joe said. "James is free though and he is always a great fuck."

James started to say something, but I said quickly. "He likes it rough, Thor. If you can handle it."

Thor just moved across the room to grab James and pull him up off the couch. His cock was revealed as the pillow fell. "Looks like he started without me." Thor quickly stripped him and sat him back on the couch. He sat down beside him, grabbed him by the back of the head and kissed his lips firmly.

James resisted at first, but I saw when he gave in to Thor's assault and his hands came up to Thor's back and pulled him a bit closer. Thor began to lean into James and it wasn't long before Thor had James laying under him on the couch. Thor never stopped kissing James but his hands were busy at his pants and soon you could see his naked ass in the air.

James tried to adjust to get more comfortable with Thor pressing him into the couch, and Thor's body shifted between James' legs. Thor began to wiggle his hips and finally found what he wanted and you could hear James moaning and whimpering as Thor's cock began to work it's way into James' body.

Thor lay still for a moment and then his hips began to piston slowly as he began to fuck. James never stopped making noise as Thor began to fuck. I was enjoying watching them fuck, my hand involuntarily dropping to my cock to stroke myself as I watched Thor turning James into his pussy bitch. To my knowledge, this was only the second guy Thor had fucked. He fucked me, and had been fucked by Joe, but Thor usually played only with Kim or myself. I was so turned on my cock leaking precum as I stroked myself.

I was pulled away as the second half started and Joe turned me to him, picked me up and impaled me on his cock. He was strong, and he had cock-walked me up a staircase once, so just holding me on him wasn't that hard on him. He cock-walked me back to where Jeriah and he had started using me earlier in the evening. He sat down in his recliner and I began to ride him. I would clench my ass as I used my thighs to rise, and relax as I slide down his pole. I placed my hands on his shoulders to steady myself and picked up the pace.

Joe bit my neck and I growled. I loved it when he marked me as his possession. I looked down at him and kissed his lips as my ass rode his pole. He grabbed my hips and began to pull me down onto his shaft while thrusting up into me. He was trying to get as deep as possible and I could feel his balls wedging into my ass crack as he continued his onslaught. He was getting more and more aggressive which meant that he was wanting to cum, but he kept his eye on the television waiting for his team to score before he would let himself go.

He slowed me down, using his hands on my hips to pace me. I followed his rhythm, letting him edge while the Cardinals tried to move the ball further down the field.

Thor started laughing and I looked over to where he was plowing James' ass. "The little slut just creamed my stomach. He is so tight on my cock when he orgasms." Thor kept plowing him as James held on and cried out his pleasure. Watching them fuck while being fucked just made me feel more horny and I squeezed Joe's cock wanting Joe to breed me.

Joe slapped my ass and growled, "We need to keep the rules in play, Baby Bear."

I wasn't really into the rules at this point. I wanted Joe's cum in my ass. I wanted to feel him throbbing deep inside me and breeding me.

"I'm not really into the rules," I whispered into Joe's ear.

Joe chuckled but he would play by the rules and regardless of how I tried to wiggle, bump, ride or move, he held me in place and kept the same slow pace that allowed him to edge. I reached down and tickled under his balls. This was rewarded with a jump that thrusted him deep into me, but he took my hand away.

Jeriah has been watching Thor and James fuck. Jeriah had been watching Joe and I fuck. He was feeling left out.

"I don't really care about the game, since it's 35 to 3. Why don't we just fuck?" Jeriah wanted a place to shove his thick cock. He walked over to Joe. "Let's forget about the game."

Joe nodded and began to fuck me again. I could feel his cock swelling and I knew that it wouldn't be long before he was planting his seed in my ass. Jeriah gave a look of relief and put his cock against my lips. I knew what to do, and opened my mouth letting him slide deep inside. I covered my teeth with my lips so as not to knick him.

Joe growled, "Touchdown" and he let himself go.

I could feel him throbbing in my ass. I could feel his cock spasm as it pumped load after load deep inside me. I pulled off Jeriah's cock and kissed Joe. "Thank you." I whispered in his ear. He winked at me.

Jeriah helped me off Joe only to have Joe hold me over his knee as Jeriah began to fuck me. He had to spread his legs a bit wider to be at the right height to fuck me, but it gave him a different angle and he had a lot of force behind him as he thrust deep and hard inside. He took his time, battering my ass with his log.

Jeriah growled, "I wasn't ready last time, going to enjoy it this time."

Jeriah would power drive into me. Joe would hold me in place and spank my ass making me wiggle. He had caught my cock between his legs and as Jeriah would fuck me up and down, my cock would slide against his legs. My balls were churning with the sensation.

I heard James moaning the moan he makes when he climaxes with me inside him and realised Thor had fucked a second load out of him. Thor began to growl and curse at James, "Such a nice pussy, bitch. Just what this man needs. You like your pussy being bred by such a hot stud, don't you. You like being a cum rag?" I hadn't heard Thor talk like this....It was hot.

I understood that Thor fucked me, and he loved me. He didn't talk like that to me. He also fucked the girls and didn't talk like that to them. He was fucking James and he was establishing his dominance over him. It was kind of primal, like Joe had fucked me the first few times.

The smell of sex dominated the room. The moans of James were in my ears, with Thor telling James how much of a pussy he was and how great his pussy felt about his cock. I felt like he was talking to me, and with Jeriah's cock pounding my ass, I couldn't contain myself and I began to climax. My cum shot out and went between Joe's legs.

I heard Thor groaning as he began to breed James. My ass was clenching and milking Jeriah's cock and he slapped my ass as he began to cum inside me for the second time. He stayed inside me and looked around. "Nice ass there Thor." Jeriah grinned.

"Not for you," Thor shot back...there was some manly laughter as they began to relax having fucked and bred James and myself.

Thor pulled out of James ass. He had James lick him clean and then stood up to take off the rest of his clothing.

"Since we aren't going to watch the rest of the game, how about a dip in the pool?" Thor suggested.

There were a few shrugs and some looks like "why not?" and the guys got up and made their way to the pool. If we hadn't been out on the farm, neighbors would have had a great view of the naked men with semi-swollen cocks walking to the barn that hid the pool, hot tub and sex room. It was a bit chilly but the men didn't seem to notice. I watched their asses as they led the way to the barn. Five men and two women lived on the farm and I got to play with all of them. I was a very lucky Bear.

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