Alpha Male Joe

By Viking Cub

Published on Sep 27, 2018


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Alpha Male Joe Back to School

I woke up with a wet warmth on my cock. I looked down the bed to find James slowly working my cock in and out of his mouth.

"James, I need to piss." I growled. It felt good and I didn't want to get up to go to the bathroom, but if I was going to play with James before breakfast, I needed to empty my bladder.

He nodded and watched me go into the bathroom. "I think I'd like to try watersports with you one morning."

I glanced over my shoulder to where I could see James sitting on the side of the bed. I squeezed my stream to a halt and nodded. "Well come here."

He looked at me and then decided I wasn't kidding and came over to me. I nodded towards the tub. "Just in case..." I grinned.

He didn't argue but took my cock and placed it into his mouth. He started working it like he was giving me a blow job and then held still as I released the remaining piss into his mouth. He swallowed and a trickle ran down his chin, but he didn't spill much, drinking it all.

"Well?" I asked him.

"It wasn't that bad. But I'm glad you weren't at full stream and had relieved a bit of it before I got on. I spilled some of it, and if you were going full blast, I'd have worn more of it than not."

I nodded. He got up and tried to give me a kiss. "Nope. Not until you brush your teeth. That's your fetish, not mine." I grinned at him. "But I don't have to kiss you to fuck you." I laughed and gave him a partial shove towards the shower.

He turned on the water and jumped in, with me close behind him. I had just managed to work my cock up his ass when I saw Joe standing in the bathroom. He didn't mind watching as I worked my cock in and out of James.

"Kim and Sam are wanting to enroll in the community college LPN program, Baby Bear. You want to join them?"

"Sure!" I wasn't really paying attention, but was busy trying to get my cock to bump James prostate. My balls were rising and I wasn't going to last long. I began to nut and moaned softly as my cum began to shoot out of my cock into his ass.

I could hear Joe talking, but I wasn't hearing everything he said between the running water, my moaning during my climax, James moaning under me. I pulled out and washed my junk as the door opened to the shower.

Joe was nude. He handed me a towel. "Better hurry, the girls are leaving in a few minutes." I grabbed the towel and stepped out.

"James hasn't cum yet!" I started to protest.

"He will, don't worry." Joe assured me stepping into the shower and stroking his cock to fullness.

I loved the look of Joe. He was so powerful, confident and just rugged. He grabbed James and beginning working his massive tool deep into James' ass.

"You got him lubed up real good, Baby Bear." Joe began to fuck James hard. James nearly slipped once and was only held in place by Joe's hands on his hips and Joe's cock up his ass. Joe didn't pause in his powerful thrusts. I saw him pick James up and hold him up as he jacked his cock deep into him. James was mewing with pleasure as I finished brushing my teeth and getting myself together.

I could see James shooting his wad and some of it hit the shower door and was running downward as I heard Joe begin to bellow his nut. I finished dressing in the other room. James came running into the room. He was dripping wet.

He hugged me hard, "Love you." He kissed me. "Have a good time with the girls. Hope you find your calling." He grinned and kissed me again. He leaned in to whisper, "I didn't brush my teeth yet." He laughed and ran dripping water back into the bathroom.

"Fucker!' I hollered after him. I was now wet. I saw Joe stick his head out of the door. "You'll dry!" He ushered me out of the room. I didn't worry about the water. James would clean everything up. He was a shit sometimes, but he did take care of me and our things.

Even late, I made it to the truck before the girls were ready. Sam took time getting things done. She was late into her pregnancy and she waddled more than walked. I heard her complain more than once, that if she moved too fast, her thighs rubbed and chaffed. She liked to complain, but only when Jeriah was around. She made a point of letting him know that she was miserable carrying his big baby and it was all his fault. She chided in good humor, and he took it well. It really was all his fault. He made sure the condom broke, not once but nearly every time he fucked her. Sam had been his secretary at his vetrinary practice. He would grin at her and say, "You'll get used to it. I plan on keeping you pregnant." He'd wink and she'd get mock angry but you could tell they really liked each other.

Jeriah had recently returned to my bed and Sam was all for giving her a break. I loved Jeriah. Joe, James and Jeriah had all married me in a home ceremony before they brought the others to the farm. It meant, they were my husbands first and I loved when they were in my bed. Jeriah was the only muscle buff in the group looking more like a body builder, but then he specialized in large animals in his practice. He pulled calves from cows when they needed it. Reached inside and turned them. He needed to be big to work with them.

The last one to the truck was Kim. Thor kissed her goodbye on the porch and I watched him gingerly make his way down the steps. Kim wasn't pregnant yet. Thor had bet his ass to Joe that he'd have Kim pregnant in under a month and he lost. As a result, Thor was taking Joe's cock while he fucked Kim until she conceived. The biggest surprise was that Thor kind of liked Joe's cock, but I believe Joe was his exception. He didn't look or even hint that it was okay for any of the other men to play with his ass. Thor fucked me in the ass once in a while but currently he was saving all his seed for Kim.

Kim arrived a bit breathless to the truck. Sam shot her the "I know what you did for a Klondike bar." look. She blushed and didn't say anything but climbed into the truck. She scooted to the middle and I climbed into the drivers seat. Sam got in the passenger seat and we headed to the community college.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked. "We're going to look into the community college's LPN program."

"Why not an RN?" I asked. "It's the same amount of time for an ASN as an LPN."

"We talked about it and we don't really have to work. But the local nursing home is hiring LPNs and it's only ten minutes from the farm. We can work while we want to, and not have the long drive into the city to work as an RN. Besides we're hoping to be happily pregnant most of the next few years." The nudged each other. "Shame you're not helping us make babies."

I laughed. "I'll help you make babies all you want, but you know I shoot blanks." They knew. Kim had filled Sam in on all the gaps.

"Well, we think we'll be spending a lot of time studying together, and working together over the next couple of months. Be a shame to do all of that fully clothed." Sam said. "Beside, I told you I share well."

I blushed. "So when do you plan on all this happening?"

Kim grinned and piped up. "I thought, we could start on the way home. Pull over at the Mosley barn, down by the lake." She reached over and put her hand in my crotch and began to rub against my cock.

My cock leaped at her touch. Kim was my wife, but since the guys decided I didn't need to be a breeding bull and gave me a vasectomy, they were doing the impregnation.

"What are we doing with Sam while we make out?" I asked my wife.

"Sam's going to join us." Kim grinned. "I'll be eating Sam out while you fuck me."

I raised my eyebrow and looked at Sam a bit surprised. "You keep acting surprised, but I done told you I share well."

We wen't through the school's orientation. We listened to the program objectives and what they hoped each of us would learn. We signed up. We went to the bookstore and bought our books, supplies, stethoscopes, nursing packs which included siscors, hemastats, pen light. We made sure we all registered for the same classes, the same schedule.

On the way home, the girls chatted excitedly about their upcoming classes and what they were going to do. I thought the conversation from the morning had been forgotten until Kim tapped my leg and pointed at the road leading to the old Mosely farm. I took the road and soon parked by the barn.

Kim hopped out and ran inside the barn returning a moment with a very large picnic hamper. "It's still here." She laughed and ran to Sam with it and took it behind the barn and down near the small pond behind the barn. She turned and moved under a large tree growing several feet from the water. She opened the hamper and pulled out a large blanket and laid it out.

She undid her blouse and took off her bra. Her tits bounced as she moved taking off the rest of her clothing. Her tits were more full since she'd had Molly Jo and she had a bit more flesh to her than she did as a teen when we were dating. She looked amazing. I liked her with a bit more flesh, a bit more curve. My cock throbbed in my jeans.

She helped Sam out of her clothes and then leaned in and kissed her. I watched as they made out. Kim moved down to suck on Sam's swelling tit, her nipples growing perky as Kim growled and sucked on them. "No milk yet, but she's sweet." Kim volunteered the information to me.

Kim moved to sixty-nine with Sam. She parted Sam's legs giving me a good look at Sam's vagina. She waxed and had only a small bit of hair. Kim lapped at her clit like a cat with cream. Sam curled her toes and I could tell from Kim's eyes that Sam was doing something good to her.

"You just going to watch?" Kim looked at me.

I had been watching. I had been enjoying watching these two women make out. Kim's blond hair and Sam's red hair. It was like a live action porn video, only I got to actually play with these two. I undid my shirt and tossed it on the ground. I tried to take my boot off, lost my balance and fell drawing giggling from the girls. I quickly removed my boots. I undid my belt buckle and shucked my pants and underwear in one movement and walked to the girls. My hard cock leading the way.

Kim reached up to grab my cock and pulled me down. I kissed her softly and then with more force as I pushed my tongue deep into her mouth. I ate her lips and mouth. I couldn't get enough. I felt a wetness on my cock and looked down to see Sam taking my cock into her mouth. She left streaks of her red lipstick on my shaft but I knew that it'd wash off with more lovemaking. She was good with her mouth, but not as good as my husband James. She'd only take me in so far, and then use her hands on my shaft instead of deep throating me.

I realised it was the technique she used on Jeriah. With his girth, she would take as much as was comfortable then use her hand. It kept her from nicking him with her teeth. I thought, it odd that Jeriah hadn't just pushed into her throat like he did me, but then I realised that he was looking long term and wanting her as his brood mare, so didn't want to scare her off. I was safe, I wasn't going anywhere.

I cupped the back of her head and pulled her onto my cock and held her there as I made out with Kim. I held her with my cock deep in her throat until her hands came up to push at my thighs. I let her go a little, and she caught her breath and then without warning, I pulled her back onto my cock and shoved deep into her throat. I let go of her head and she pulled off me and her eyes were filled with lust. She liked it. I winked at her.

I pushed Kim down on the blanket and climbed over her, her legs parting and letting me nestle between them. I could feel my cock at her warm opening. I leaned over to kiss Sam and she kissed me back wantonly. I knew why Jeriah liked her. When she committed to something, she gave into it whole-heartedly.

Sam straddled Kim's face and while Kim ate Sam out like a champion, I drove my swollen shaft deep inside her with one thrust. She arched her back to welcome me deep inside her. "Fuck!" She moved to look down at me. "You've gotten a bit bigger down there." She growled.

I shrugged. Maybe, I had. I didn't worry about it. My husbands liked it. She just hadn't had it in awhile, but men in general do get a bit bigger until about the age of 21. I was only 19, so maybe I had gotten some girth or even an extra inch, but it wasn't much. Kim still noticed though.

"I know what to do with it too..." I grinned at her. Her eyes went wide and she wrapped her legs around my hips giving me more access to her. I took it as permission to continue and withdrew only to drive hard back into her letting my balls slap against her. She had gone back to working with Sam. Sam played her clit while Kim's tongue worked it way deep inside her. I moved up so my knees had most of my weight and pulled Kim down on my a bit and leaned forward to suck at Sam's nipples. I was rewarded with a squirt of warm milk down my throat. I pulled off Sam's tit and slapped Kim's ass.

"You lied, you minx". She giggled under Sam.

I went back to working on Sam's breasts while I fucked into Kim. Kim arched her hips and milked my cock like a pro. She'd tighen on my cock while I pulled out and relaxed as I pushed in, keeping my cock under constant stimulation. My balls were churning out a heavy load when I heard the tractor pulling up.

I started to pull out and get our clothes, but Kim said, "I'm so close, keep going." I went back to fucking my wife. I inserted a finger and began to rub it on the upper side of her vaginal opening only an inch or two inside, applying pressure to the area that I'd learned made her have the best orgasm. She bucked under me, and my thrusting was a bit erratic as I tried to keep my finger inside, where she was responding and still fuck with her thrashing under me.

She screamed her orgasm into Sam's cunt. Sam had climaxed and was in the after orgasm bliss. I pinned Kim under me and began to slam my cock into her. I was rabbit thrusting, deep and hard as my balls tightened and cock swelled before shooting my load deep inside her. She had a second orgasm as I was in the middle of seeding her, and she clamped hard on my cock as her body milked me and pulled my cum deep inside her.

I rolled off and my hard cock flopped on my leg, a stream of cum leading from her pussy to the head of my cock before breaking and landing on the blanket. Kim ran her hand down her body and played with her clit. I could see my cum running a bit out of her, since I'd pulled out still cumming.

"It looks like y'all are having a bit of fun." I turned to see Troy Mosely watching us. He had my shirt in my hands.

"Well, a little bit." I looked at him a bit sheepishly.

He nodded and brought my shirt to me. "Y'all done?" He asked handing me the shirt.

Kim and Sam had gotten their clothing and were putting them on. "We're done." Kim and Sam said. "We're trying to get pregnant. I'm his wife." She came up and kissed me on the cheek. "That's our sister-in-law. She's already pregnant." Kim winked at him and in her current state it was a bit obvious she was pregnant. "Bear could use another round though."

I looked at her and my eyes were shooting daggers.. "No. No. Shut up." I was telling her silently. But she slapped my ass. "He likes it up the ass."

Troy looked at me and said, "I've never been interested in men. Surely never fucked another man's ass." I was off the hook. "But I wouldn't mind trying it. You girls sure made my cock hard as a rock." He slapped my ass and pressed me down onto the blanket.

He positioned me on my knees and got behind me. He only undid his belt, unzipped and lowered his pants a bit before pressing his cock to my ass. He took my doggy style. Joe, Jeriah and Thor had nearly broken my ass in and it didn't resist too much as he applied pressure and he slid in fairly easily. He wasn't gentle and he wasn't skilled. He wan't big in girth or length. Fortunately, he was very quick and was soon shooting his load inside me. He pulled out and slapped my ass, "Bet you won't forget that for awhile." He laughed. I looked over my shoulder at him and realized he thought he was a good lover with a good cock. I didn't have the heart to burst his bubble, but all I really had to compare him with was my husbands and Thor...and they were hung, skilled and amazing in bed.

"You're right, I sure won't." I grinned at him. He was cleaning his cock off with my shirt.

"I don't think it's for me, but I'm glad to have tried it." He zipped up and went back to his tractor.

I looked at Kim and Sam, "It wasn't for me either." I grumbled. I kind of felt sorry for any girl or wife he might get in the future. "Someone needs to take him in hand and teach him there's more to sex than just a quick rut. Isn't going to be me though."

Kim and Sam laughed. "After that fuck, you're officially one of the girls. But you need to work on your pillow talk. I didn't hear a single, 'Oh honey, you're so good. No one feels like you do inside me." Sam punched me on the arm and we want back to the truck.

When we got home, we split up to do our chores and farm work. LPN school, could be worse.

Next: Chapter 13

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