Alpha Male Joe

By Viking Cub

Published on Sep 21, 2018


I want to thank all of you that have sent me email and encouragement to keep writing about life here on the farm and the exploits of Alpha Male Joe. As requested, we are returning to the farm to catch everyone up on what has happened, and some new adventures. Also, please consider donating to Nifty. Thank you again.

Alpha Male Joe Return to the Farm

Spring had arrived on the farm and so many things had changed over the last few months. Kim had given birth to Joe's daughter. We named her Molly Jo and she was adorable. She quickly became a favorite of everyone on the farm. She was rarely fussy and had a heartshaped face, a dimple on her left cheek and giggled when you played with her feet.

Cisco had been active on the internet and thought he found true love in some long distance relationship and moved to see if he could find it. I hope he does.

Jeriah married his secretary Samantha. We call her Sam and she arrived at the farm several months pregnant. Jeriah had been having sex with her in the office and knocked her up accidently. I knew better. Jeriah knocked her up deliberately....Joe was having a child and Jeriah competed fiercely with Joe. Sam was a breath of fresh air. She was outgoing, bubbly and fun. She also was all into the sister wives type of thing, "I'll take the kids, do the dishes, but there are some days you're just going to have to take him and deal with him." So far, she was fitting in pretty well.

With Jeriah with Sam, James had officially moved into my house and had taken up the master bedroom suite. It was our love nest. I still stayed in my bedroom and shared that with Joe when he felt the need to fill my ass with his cock and cum. He stayed over a lot and sometimes all of us would play in my bedroom, but the master suite was just for James and myself.

Thor and Kim still lived on the farm and had made themselves into a family unit. They still played freely with the guys and me. Thor had been true to his word and with James helping him, had learned to flog with the best. He liked to work over my back and ass, then fuck me. I liked when he did it.

Joe still ruled the farm. He was a quiet, firm presence that just kept us all going. He was still sexy, confident and had the best in cock in the county which I got to play with on a regular basis. I was the luckiest man in the county and at nineteen now, felt pretty good with my life and my place on the farm.

My chores hadn't changed that much. I still cleaned the houses, kept the immediate farm in shape, milked the cows, fed the chickens, fed the goats. I took care of the dog, Dixie. Made the meals and then took the guys lunch wherever they were working on the farm. After I stayed working with them, Kim and Sam making the dinner. I was learning a lot about the farm, farm work, driving tractors, tossing hay, animal husbandry and what it took to make a farm successful. Which catches everyone up to today.

The sun had come up and I stretched out next to James. I leaned over and kissed him, rubbed my hand across his chest and nuzzled his neck. He stretched and caught me behind the pulling me down and kissing me hard, his tongue forcing its way into my mouth. His beard tickled my chin.

"Good morning, my husband" I grinned at him when he let me go. I got out of bed, went to the bathroom, relieved myself, shaved. I put on some aftershave cause James liked the smell of it on me. I didn't bother with underwear this morning or showering, but pulled on some faded and worn jeans that cupped my ass and made my basket look full. I didn't put on a shirt but I did put on my boots and ran down the stairs to get breakfast going at the bunkhouse. The men still met every morning at the bunkhouse and planned the events for the day.

I put on some biscuits, made some sausage gravy, and had eggs ready to scramble or fry depending on what they wanted. I poured some tomato juice and put the coffee on. The men ate a big breakfast but worked it off by lunch time. James was the first to arrive and I enjoyed the look of him as he came into the bunkhouse.

He was wearing a long sleeve plaid shirt tucked into a pair of jeans that hugged his thighs. He wore a black belt with a big deer belt buckle. They bowed out a little bit below the knee, but that was James. He had a big smile on his face that reached his eyes. He came over and kissed me, whispered "I can still feel you in my ass this morning." Then grabbed a biscuit and put it in his mouth and started chewing before moving to the table.

Jeriah arrived next. Jeriah was built like a bull. Strong and powerful arms, burly chest and slim waist, thick thighs and legs. He worked as a vet in town, but also was in charge of growing our herds, keeping animal records and whatever work was required with the animals. He growled a good morning, and then caught me pulling me into his embrace. He turned me and wrapped his arms about me from behind. He ground his growing erection against my ass and said "Sam wasn't feeling like playing this morning." He growled about the preganancy, but he was looking forward to his child being born.

Jeriah wasn't really playing. His hands came around and pinched my nipples making me moan. He pushed me against the bunkhouse wall. Kicked my legs apart and lowered my pants revealing my ass. He roughly shoved a few fingers in my ass, causing me to squirm, then pulled out and I knew he was lowering his pants and getting his cock out. I could here him flop it in his hand getting it hard. He kept me pinned against the wall with his weight and then I hear him spit and I knew I was about to get fucked.

The head of his cock was against my ass. He pulled me up and back as he ground forward and my ass gave way, letting his cock break through. I cried out. I hadn't been with Jeriah for a bit since Sam was here and I had forgotten how thick his cock was. As I cried out, he growled in pleasure. He loved that I had a hard time adjusting his girth, it gave him a bit of a power kick. He didn't wait and jammed a few inches into my ass, causing me to cry out again.

"Take my cock, bitch." He growled. He pulled out a bit and shoved in again forcing more of his massive weapon into my ass. When his cock was fully embedded in my ass, my legs quivered from my ass feeling so stretched out. "That's a good girl. You've got it all inside you now." He crowed.

Joe would fuck me. James made love to me. Jeriah liked to humilate and use me. I was okay with it, they were my husbands and I gave each of them what they needed. He pulled out until only his head remained in my ass and then shoved fully back in. He slapped my ass and then long dicked me again, making sure I felt every inch of him spearing my ass.

I turned my head to see James eating his breakfast and watching the show. He liked to watch. He winked at me. Jeriah kicked me legs a bit further apart to give him a better angle and then he began to rut. He rutted me like a bitch in heat. His cock pistoning in and out of my ass, when I tried to adjust to make it more comfortable, he'd pin me against the wall. This fuck was not about me, it was about him and what him feel good. I stayed still and let him use my ass. I could feel his cock growing bigger and thicker inside me. It wouldn't be much longer until his seed would be feeling my insides. He grabbed my hips and began to rabbit fuck me, short quick thrusts, hard pushing me against the wall, grinding me into the wall. He came swearing, "Fuck you bitch, take my load. Soak it all up like the cum-rag you are. Fuck, Fuck." His cock pulsed inside me. I could feel him shooting deep in my ass. He didn't wait but pulled out and turned me around, pushing me to my knees, and shot a load onto my face before forcing his cock into my mouth.

I cleaned his cock, swirling my tongue around his head causing him to groan. He pulled out and then helped me to my feet. He pulled my by the back of the head to him and then kissed me gently. "Thank you. I'll be back from work in the early afternoon. I'll need you again then." He winked at me and I knew he meant what he said.

He pulled his pants up from about his knees, tucked back into his boxer briefs and fixed his clothes. He ate his breakfast talking to James about their plans for the day. I started to fix my clothing but Jeriah shook his head no.

"I like looking at my handiwork" He grinned.

I knew that he could see the cum running out of my ass and down my leg. I left my clothes like he left them. He ate quickly and left a bit later. James came over and kissed me.

"It was hot watching him use you." He pushed his finger into my mouth for me to clean. He had a bit of jam on it and I cleaned it off with my tongue. He then kissed me and went off to the check the fences and make sure no cattle had gotten out.

After they left, I took a paper towel and cleaned my ass and leg before pulling my pants back up. I cleaned up the dishes. Joe and Thor hadn't arrived for breakfast so I thought I better go check on them. Joe's house was the closest and just across the yard, so I headed there first.

I let myself in and I could hear groaning from Joe's bedroom. I moved down the hall and looked in to find Joe, Kim and Thor in his bed. Kim was on her back with her legs over Thor's shoulders. Thor was balls deep inside her, but the part that surprised me was Joe was rimming Thor's ass, slowly sliding a couple of fingers in his ass. Joe had the biggest dick on the farm, but Thor's was a close second. Jeriah had more girth, but not the length. James and I tied for last.

Joe saw me and called me over, "Hold his ass open for me, Baby Bear." I moved forward and spread his ass apart giving Joe better access. Joe attacked Thor's ass with eagerness.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Bear?" Thor looked up at me not liking me watching Joe play with his ass, or even help Joe play with Thor's ass.

"You weren't at breakfast, I thought I better check on y'all. Joe's house was closest." I grinned as Thor's eyes closed as Joe added another finger. "I should ask what are y'all doing with my wife?" Kim blew me a kiss. I winked at her.

Joe answered, "Molly Jo looks a bit too much like me. So we're making sure the next one looks like you. Since you're fixed, Thor's the stud. The next one will look like you and your family."

"But why are you playing with Thor's ass?" I asked.

Joe looked at Thor. "You want to tell him?"

Thor growled, "I lost a bet. I bet Joe I could have Kim knocked up in under a month. Kim's not pregnant yet."

"Which means," Joe interupted, "That I get to help him knock her up. I'm going to fuck him every day until she's pregnant. You're in time to see me take his cherry, Little Bear."

"He doesn't get to watch," Thor said.

"Sure he does..." Joe said. "He can help us out. Hand me the lube, Baby Bear."

I got the lube from where Joe kept it and lubed Joe's heavy cock up. I loved the weight of him in my hand, the length and firmness of his cock. Joe positioned himself behind Thor. I watched Thor clench his teeth and close his eyes waiting for the inevitable.

"Guide me in, Baby Bear." Joe told me.

I still had lube on my hands and quickly put some on Thor's ass and then a little bit inside, but not enough to spoil Joe's pleasure in taking his virginity. I grabbed Joe's cock and placed it against Thor's pink asshole and then grabbed Thor's ass and spread the cheeks so Joe could push inside.

I could see Joe applying slow consistent pressure and watched Thor's ass slowly give way until the head disappeared into Thor's ass. Thor had a tear on his cheek but didn't make any sound as Joe took his cherry. Joe slowly slid into Thor's ass until he was completely inside.

"Well, you didn't welch on your bet." Joe chuckled. "So you fuck Kim and I'll fuck you and you'll eventually get her pregnant. It's going to be a daily thing for a bit."

"Shut up, please." Thor said. "I know what the deal was, but I can't fuck her with you in my ass. I've lost my erection."

"Baby Bear can help with that." Joe said.

I moved down and took Thor into my mouth. He tasted of Kim's pussy and it was good. I loved sucking on my husbands and my brother when they were soft, but semihard. I could get them easily into my mouth and play with them. When they got hard, they got more determined and the play stopped.

I ran my tongue around the head of his circumsized cock. I licked at the piss slit tasting his precum. I slowly sucked him into my mouth and worked him with my lips and tongue. Joe had began to fuck and I adjusted my play to his thrusts so that I took him into my mouth when Joe thrust forward and sucked softly as he was pulled gently away as Joe withdrew.

I heard him gasp and knew Joe had found his prostate. He began to harden in my mouth again. The thickness was first. His cock began to swell, then slowly lengthen. He soon began to push against the back of my throat and I knew he was ready. I pulled off and guided him to Kim's waiting pussy. I nestled him at her opening and watched as he quickly sank deep inside her. I kissed Kim and watched my brother begin to breed my wife.

Thor didn't last long with his prostate being bumped and Kim's warm vaginal walls milking his cock. He was soon moaning and crying out as his cum was being pumped into Kim's waiting womb. Joe didn't stop and Kim didn't either, and soon a second load was being added to the first. Joe finally began to shudder and I saw his balls rise in his sac and knew he was cumming in Thor's ass. Joe pulled out of Thor's ass. Thor rolled off Kim and his cock flopped against his leg. I cleaned them both up. Thor and Kim both looked like they were worn out and half drugged from pleasure. Joe looked ready for another round.

"Tomorrow, a bit earlier, so we don't miss breakfast." Joe said. He winked at me. Thor and Kim just nodded. "Come on, Baby Bear, help me shower."

Joe climbed out of bed and walked to his master bathroom naked. His cock was still semierect and it swayed with his movements, his balls looked big and full still. He had a nice ass, and his body was amazing. I loved his chest hair, his confidence and his swagger. I followed him to the shower.

He turned on the water and when he got the temperature he wanted, he told me to get in. I quickly got out of my boots and pants and got in. He got in behind me and pushed me to my knees. "I'd love to fuck you and make love to you this morning, Baby Bear. I'm having a late start though, so I'll have to find you later tonight." He placed his cock head at the mouth and I opened my mouth letting him slide a bit into it. He began to wash his arms and chest and I felt the acrid taste of his urine as he began to piss. I swallowed greedily and took whatever he was willing to give me.

When he was done, he had me lick his balls and cock clean before washing with soap and water. He turned and I licked his ass clean as well before the washcloth and soap found it's way to me. I washed his back and his ass, then his legs. I loved the feel of him under my hands. I loved that he let me just explore his body during our showers.

Finally he rinsed off and handed me the soap and washcloth to wash myself before climbing out. We toweled off together. He asked about what the brother were going to do today and what they discussed at breakfast. He gathered in all the information and nodded. We dressed and went back to the bedroom.

Kim and Thor had gotten dressed and Kim had taken the bed linens to get them washed and start cleaning for the day. Joe stopped her. "Bear still cleans this house. You're job is to get pregnant by him." He pointed at Thor. She blushed softly but put the linens in a pile back on the bed.

I scooped them up and headed downstairs to the laundry to get them washed. I started my morning routine of cleaning since I was already here. I heard the front door open and close. They had started their day. I turned on the radio and listened to the music as I was cleaning. I was startled when I looked up Thor was watching me.

"You okay?" I asked him.

"Not really." He said.

"Want to talk about it?" I raised my eyebrows and stopped what I doing to give him my attention.

He didn't answer right away, so I turned the radio back off. I put on some coffee and when it was done poured two cups and sat at the kitchen table. He moved and sat down next to me, and put a hand on my knee.

"I love you. You know that right?" He said.

"Of course, I love you too." I grinned at him.

He nodded and took a drink from his coffee. "I don't know how to talk about this. I have never considered myself into guys or anything, but Joe's cock hit a spot inside me that felt really good."

I laughed, "That's your prostrate. It can feel amazing if it's bumped and rubbed right."

"But Bear, I don't consider myself gay. I have been fucking pussy since I was a teen. I probably have a couple of illegitimates running around the county. I have never wanted a cock in my ass or even checked a guy out. I don't care if he's hung or not..."

"It's okay, Thor. I don't consider myself gay either. And I have a lot of sex with my my husbands and you. I also have sex with Kim and if I watch porn, I like watching girls being fucked. I like the way their tits bounce and jiggle and I love watching impregnation videos where they get knocked up. You don't have to put a label on it."

Thor looked at me. "Does it always feel that good when you take a cock up your ass?"

I laughed, "No. Jeriah tore my ass up this morning. It wasn't like that. It was about him needing to get his rocks off, and wasn't about me at all."

"What about when I fuck you?"

"You want to know if you're a good lover? With me?" I looked at him. "Yes. I love it when you fuck me. I love giving myself to you, because I love you. You rub and pound my prostate and it feels amazing. You're amazing. However, you rub my prostate cause you're so damn big, not cause you do it deliberately. You just can't help it. If you put some thought into it, you'd be as good a lover as Joe."

He drink some more of his coffee and swallowed it. I let him sit in silence and process it.

"I want to be a good lover to you. I want you to feel as much pleasure as possible when I'm taking you. I want you to feel what I felt today." He looked at me.

"I'll teach you, and in the process, you'll become a better to lover to everyone you're with, Thor."

"It was just Kim and you, and now I guess Joe. I feel empty without his cock in my ass and I can still feel him bumping my prostate."

"It's okay to like having Joe as a lover. You may not ever want another man in your bed but I don't feel like sexuality is an all or nothing. You aren't just gay, or straight. It's more a spectrum and you can fall anywhere on it. You may be attracted to just the one man, several men, several women. Whatever or wherever you are at on it, is okay."

He finished his coffee and sat the cup down. "Well, when I look at your ass, I chub up, Bear. When I look at Kim, I chub up. When I watched Joe dressing today after he fucked me, I chubbed up a bit. But I don't chub up with Jeriah, James, or Sam."

I nodded. "Maybe it's just the fact your lovers turn you on. You've had sex with Kim and Me. Now that Joe is on your plate, you like him too...Maybe it's your daddy protective instinct, that they've crossed a line in your mind or heart and they're yours to love, protect and make love to?"

He grinned at me, "Daddy protective instinct?"

I laughed, "Don't make fun of me, but you've always been protective of me. A daddy figure." "Well, I'd take this upstairs and fuck that cute ass of yours and let you teach me to be a better lover but these sperm are already claimed." He turned serious again, "I love being the daddy figure to Molly Jo. I can't wait to have a couple of my own with Kim. You sure you're okay with me and Kim?"

I nodded. "Kim and I wouldn't have gotten married if Joe hadn't knocked her up and I got the blame. If you and Kim are happy, I'm happy for you both. I just like knowing that I get to share both of you."

He nodded, got up and put his coffee cup in the sink. "Once she's pregnant. You be ready, cause I'm going to spank that ass and make you call me, Daddy." He laughed.

"I hope so." I went behind him and hugged him. He turned and kissed me on the lips. It was the first time, he'd kissed me on the lips. He'd fucked me, but never kissed me. I didn't move, letting him determine what he was comfortable with. He broke the kiss and dropped his hands to cup my ass.

"A spectrum. I'll have to think about that." He squeezed my ass and left the house.

I sat down and finished my coffee. I had never expected to have that conversation with Thor. I thought it over again, and finally, got up and did my chores. I returned to my house, climbed the steps to the porch and pet Dixie on the head. Her tail thumped on the porch floor. She licked my hand. I paused to play with her a bit before going inside to start lunch for my husbands.

I took my boots off by the front door so I didn't track into the house, then washed up at the sink. I didn't really feel like making a heavy meal, but the guys deserved something good. I pulled out some eggs and started them to boil. I'd make egg salad and stuff some tomatoe halves with it. I'd make some fresh cheese biscuits. I added a couple of fresh apples and oranges. I set it together with a gallon of fresh tea. It didn't look like that much so I broiled some pork chops. I put it all in the hamper.

The front door opened and closed. I looked up and saw Jeriah. He grinned at me and started to move towards me like a predator stalking his prey. His weight had dropped and he practically bounced on the balls of his feet. "Hello, darling."

I wasn't sure which way this was going to go, but I greeted him by going to him, wrapping my arms about him and kissing him on the lips. "Hello, my husband."

He picked me up and carried me up to my room. He tossed me onto the bed and closed the door behind him. He started to remove his clothing. He watched me take mine off as well. He joined me on the bed and pushed my head down to his crotch. "Lick."

I sucked him into my mouth and felt him growing hard. I licked up and down his shaft, licking his balls and under them in his snatch. I used my hand on him while swirling one of his balls in my mouth, then the other. I let them go with a pop and watched his eyes take on that look of possession that says, "This is mine and I'm going to fuck the hell out of it."

I kissed my way up his abdomen, across his chest to place a kiss on his lips. He groaned softly and then rolled us over so he was between my legs and looking down on me. He pulled me up to him and then reached to my night stand and grabbed the lube. He lubed his cock and then pushed himself into me with one single thurst. His girth once again made me gasp.

"I love how you react to my cock." He grinned down at me. He wiggled his hips in a circular movement and watched my facial reactions as he played. He then slowly withdraw and began a steady fuck. I felt every inch of him sliding in and out of my ass. He took his time this time, his weight pinning to the bed as he ground himself in and out. His hips pistoned above me thrusting his as deep as he could get. I wrapped my legs about him to give him better access.

He plundered my lips with him tongue and mouth. Fucking my mouth with his tongue in the same tempo as his cock thrusting itself in and out of my body. He ran his hands over my chest and down my body, exploring me. He was a skillful lover when he wanted to be and he was using every trick he knew....and then he shifted so his furry stomach was rubbing over the head of my cock.

Every thrust in and up over my body rubbed me one way and every withdrawal and sliding down to rubbed me another. He kept stimulating my cock with his body as he fucked me, slowly. He took his time and my cock trapped between our bodies responded by flooding the hair on his abdomen with my load, some of which pooled in my belly button. When I came, my ass tightened on his cock and began to milk his cock causing him to cum inside me for the second time of the day.

He didn't pull out, but kept me pinned to the bed. He kissed me. He whispered into my ear, "I've missed this."

I looked into his eyes and could see the question there.

"I've missed you. I miss you being in my bed, Jeriah." I reassured him. I wrapped my arms about him and kissed him hard and deep. "I don't mind you're with Sam. You're always welcome in my bed. You're one of my husbands and I love being with you."

He sighed contently, then playfully thrust a few times with his softening cock before pulling out. He looked a bit sheepish. "I'll be over more often. Even after Sam has the baby, if that's ok?"

"It's okay. I really meant it when I married all three of you. You're making a family with Sam, but you've got a family here too...whenever you need it or want it, you're welcome to it."

He nodded, got up and put his clothes on. He looked at me laying on the bed. "I like it when your nude on the bed, knowing you've been well fucked and my load is deep inside you. It's a shame you can't have kids...I'd have knocked you up by now." He winked at me and left.

I was sore from him twice in one day, but I got up and put my pants back on again for the umpteenth time that day. I know my step was a bit gingerly as I made my way back to the kitchen. The hamper of food was gone. Jeriah had taken it with him on his way to fields.

I didn't have much left to do for the day since I wasn't going to the fields to help. I called on Sam to make sure she was okay. She was showing and she looked like she had swallowed a pumpkin. Her feet had swollen a bit, but otherwise she was still doing good. She was looking forward to having this baby out of her.

"You know, he's going to put another one right back inside you once this one is born, right?" I asked.

She nodded and smiled and looked happy at the prospect. "You just take care of him for me when I can't." She grinned knowing where he'd been and what we'd been up to.

I blushed, "Always. I love my husbands."

"I share well, don't worry." She grinned at me and rubbed her stomach.

I started back to the house but on the way detoured to my special barn. The hot tub was calling me and I stripped down, climbed in and thought about my life as the waters bubbled around me. I was pretty lucky and I knew it.

Next: Chapter 12

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