Alpha Male Joe

By Viking Cub

Published on Dec 15, 2017


Title: Alpha Male Joe

Chapter 1: Joe

Categories: Rural, Authoritarian, Voyerism, 1st Time, Incest

My family was a large farm family. The farmland itself was located in a variety of places, the river bottom, the homestead, and the tobacco field down by the creek. The homestead consisted of the house, the large barns, a 30-acre lake, a cabin for the farm workers, and 365 acres divided into pasture, soybean and cornfields.

I was 17 and had just put on a growth spurt. I stood 6' 2" and was now one of the tallest in my class. I was fairly stocky and my brothers would even say, "Husky". I was teased growing up by my brothers saying I was "adopted" since they were all blonde and muscular like my dad. I took after my mom's side of the family with dark hair and green eyes.

I was not like my brothers. They liked to hunt and fish. I liked to read books, play the piano and work in the garden. It was a division of labor growing up with the older boys going to the fields and working. The younger children which included me stayed near the home. My chores were milking the cows, feeding the chickens, the garden near the house and cooking for the fieldhands, my older brothers and my dad. I had a sister but as the only girl in the family, she was a bit spoiled by dad. She helped with the housekeeping and laundry, but she didn't have to cook or do the dishes...that was put on my list of chores.

Chores had to be completed daily. If your chores weren't done, you didn't go to school. You wanted to go to school, cause if you didn't go to were expected to work on the farm. The farm work when you skipped or missed school was harder than what you did on a normal day. You had 8 extra hours to do special jobs that you didn't get to in a week.

I remember meeting Joe.. He was one of the McCarty Tripletts and they owned another large farm in the county. He came to court my sister. He was not like my family. He was "cool". My brothers were strong and muscular from work, but Joe looked like his clothes had been stretched to the seems to fit over his biceps. He had piercing blue eyes, black hair and you could see chest hair coming over the top of his t-shirt. He had a narrow waist and he had been poured into his jeans. His jeans were snug enough you could see he had a nice basket and his ass was tight enough you could bounce a quarter on the jeans.

I was in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on a chocolate cake. I would be taking it along with their lunch down to the field they were working in. He put his finger in the icing and tasted it, and without thinking, I slapped his hand. He laughed, and then I noticed it wasn't one of the brothers.

He grinned, "It's good. You'll make someone a nice wife someday." I blushed at the teasing, but I'd had worse from my brothers before so I took it with a good humour.

"You could only be so lucky. I'm Bear."

"Bear? Really?" One of his eyebrows lifted when he asked the question and he tilted his head down a bit and you could see he had a dimple in his cheek when he smiled. The move seemed practiced to me, so I thought perhaps he had done it so often that it was just habit.

"Yeah, I hit puberty before anyone else in my grade. I was teased about being a cute little bear cub. But then I hit a growth spurt, went to school and stomped the people teasing me and they dropped the cub. I've been Bear ever since."

"Well, Bear, I'm Joe." He gave me that practiced smile again.

"Nice to meet you, Joe. I have to get this stuff down to the farm field or I'll be trouble." I started to get the food together.

"I'll give you a hand. Your sister isn't quiet ready and I have a few moments. It's our third date, she's getting all dolled up so I can pop her cherry." I laughed at his crudeness thinking he was joking.

Joe helped load the food into his truck and drove me down to the field. His truck was an old stick shift. He shifted gears and then placed his hand fairly up on my thigh and squeezed my leg. Then moved his hand back to the stick shift and shifted gears. He left his hand on the stick shift for a bit, then put it back on my leg again a bit higher. I glanced at him and then moved his hand off my leg. I heard him chuckle in his chest.

We unloaded the food and my brothers and the farm hands were happy to get a break and eat. Joe tasted a few things and winked at me. Some of my older brothers knew Joe. Listening, I found out that a couple of the older brothers had worked with Joe tying tobacco. They knew his brothers and family as well. They thanked him for looking after their kid brother and went back to work. Joe helped me load the leftovers and things back into his truck to drive me home.

I got in the truck and he locked the doors. "How old are you Bear?"

"I'm seventeen."

"Sweet. I'm nearly 10 years older than you...not bad. You look older. Did you make all that food?"

"Yeah, it's part of my chores. Like milking the cows and feeding the chickens."

"The food was good. More than ever, I bet you'll make some guy a good wife someday."

I bristled a bit at this comment. It was the second time, he had said it. Once was teasing, but let it go. When he noticed my discomfort at the comment, he chuckled. He drove us back with the radio being the only noise in the truck. He placed his hand high up on my thigh once more driving back but I moved it back again.

When we got home, I unloaded the truck. Put the dishes in the kitchen to be washed. My sister was ready for her date with Joe, and came out to greet him. He winked at me and loaded her into the truck and left for their date.

I did the dishes. Got some fish out of the deep freezer for tonight's dinner and went to gather eggs and feed the chickens. I would need the eggs for some cornbread to go with the fish. I got the eggs and went back to the house. I candled the eggs. Since the eggs were fresh, I didn't put them in the fridge but left them out on the counter in a basket.

I still needed to the do milking before it got to late. I went to the barn and called the cows. I only had two cows to milk, Candy and Sheba. They put out a lot of milk and I milked by hand. I had just finished and had put the milk pails away. Turned the cattle out, picked the straw and was heading into the hay loft to toss down fresh hay in the manger and another straw bale for bedding when I heard Joe and my sister come in.

I made some noise so they would know I was in the hayloft, but they were too occupied to take notice. Joe had my sisters shirt open and his lips and hands were busy on her breasts. His hands slid around her waist and lowered her pants. He kissed his way down her abdomen to her vagina and began to run his tongue over and around her clit. She was clutching her hands in his hair and moaning out.

He stood up and undid his belt buckle, his pants and zipper letting them fall to his knees. He lowered his boxers and freed his massive cock. It was huge even from the distance I had in the hay loft. He pulled my sister down and she put her hand on his chest, but he wasn't to be denied. He lined his monster cock with her vagina and pushed a few inches in. She whimpered as her vagina stretched to accommodate his girth. He picked her up and lifted her easily and impaled her fully on his shaft.

She cried out and I realised Joe really did pop her cherry like he had said he was going to. He turned and holding her impaled on his shaft walked to the straw bale I had tossed down. He looked up and saw me in the hay loft and winked and then lowered her onto the straw bale and began to move. At first he was slow as she adjusted to having him inside her. Then he began to move with more quickness...He didn't take his eyes away from me as he fucked her. My sister didn't seem to notice. She began to enjoy it and clutched at his ass pulling him deeper inside her.

He began to long dick her, pulling nearly all the way out before going back in. He looked at me and then at his cock as it slid back and forth. He blew me a kiss. Then knowing he had my attention, began to rut. He growled as his balls sent his seed deep into my sister's womb. He didn't pull out but made sure that his entire load stayed inside, he rested a moment and only pulled out once his cock had softened a bit.

He turned to let me have a good look at his semi-erect cock. It was still massive. He grinned and tucked it away. He then gave his full attention back to my sister. He kissed her. He told her how much it meant that he was her first. He never once said that he loved her though, just how much he loved being with her. She ate it all up. He told her to go back to the house and clean up. He'd see her again soon.

When she left, he looked up at me and grinned. "You enjoy the show?" I ducked back into the hayloft and ignored it. He chuckled and I could hear his boots as the left the barn.

The next day was Sunday. It was a day of rest. I had the day to do whatever I wanted after I did the main chores. The cows still needed to milk. I ran to the barn to get my chores done. I noticed Joe's truck was in the yard. I guessed he was here to see my sister.

When I got my main chores done, I grabbed my fishing gear and head down to the lake. It was a nice warm day. I fished for a couple of hours caught a few bluegill and couple of bass. As the heat of the day began to bear down, I stripped down and dove into the lake skinny dipping. I was swimming and having a good time when I was grabbed from behind. I thought it was my brothers coming to swim and didn't think too much about it, but then the hand cupped my breast and squeezed it a bit and a pair of lips kissed my neck.

"You didn't tell your pa about what you saw last night did you?" Joe voice was deep and warm.

"No" I didn't know how to even begin to tell my pa that my sister wasn't a virgin and I watched the whole episode without doing anything. I kicked out and began to swam away toward shore. My leg was caught and I was pulled back towards Joe. He was a good swimmer and much stronger than me. This time we were in shallow enough water that we were able to stand and I noticed that Joe was taller than me by a few inches. He pulled me back towards him and his hands came around me again. His hand cupped my breast and began to pinch and need my tit. His body pressed against mine and his massive cock slide between my ass crack. "You like that don't you?"

I hadn't really thought about it. I didn't play grab ass with anyone. When he said I liked it though, I had to agree with him. I did like the feel of him playing with my body and it was nice being in his arms and against his hard body. I wasn't that keen on his cock between my buttocks but I did like it in general. "I told you, you'd make someone a good wife someday." He turned me around and then kissed my lips.

It was my first kiss. It was sloppy. I wasn't sure what to do. He told me, "Kiss me back. Open your mouth to me." He kissed me again, and I kissed him back. When my mouth opened just a bit, he pushed his tongue deep inside my mouth. He was eating me, his tongue sliding deep in my mouth, rubbing across my own tongue and his lips never leaving mine. He slowly started to pull away but then caught my lower lip in his teeth and pulled gently letting it go with a pop.

He grinned at me. "I don't even think I'll need to date you to take your cherry." I started to pull away and he growled deep in his throat and pulled me back. He kissed me again and let his hands slide down to cup my buttocks. He slid his finger into my butt crack and pushed it deep in my ass. As his finger slid deep inside me, I cried out but his lips and mouth swallowed my protest. He manhandled me and took a lot of liberties with my body, but he let me go.

"I'm going to move into the field hands cabin so I can be around a lot more. When you're ready for more, you come find me." He waded out of the water and let the sun shine on his magnificent body, his cock so large and heavy that even hard, it hung down at angle. He stopped to put on his boots, but then sauntered naked away. I stayed in the water and massaged my ass where he had shoved his finger. I felt empty, and confused.

I got my stuff on and gathered my poles and tossed the rest of the bait into the lake. I headed back to the house. I heard a commotion in the barn and looking in saw Joe breeding my sister again. He ass was pumping her full of seed again. I didn't stay to watch but kept on to my room. I lay on the bed more confused after seeing him with my sister again than anything. Why would he kiss me and play with my ass if he was fucking my sister? I should have been asking why would he kiss me and play with my ass at all? But knowing he was fucking my sister had me more confused than anything.

It wasn't a few days after this incident that one my brothers handed me a condom. He stated that my last school dance was a few days away and if I was planning on making out with my date, to make sure I wrapped and didn't get her pregnant. I didn't have a date. I hadn't planned on going to the dance. I realised that Joe didn't use a condom when he bred my sister...and I knew enough about farming and livestock that you keep inseminating a heifer and eventually she would get pregnant. Joe was doing his best to knock my sister up and succeeded. Although it would be a few months before they made the announcement.

I stayed away from the farm cabin and Joe until my dad finally sent me there. One of the fences had come down and they needed some help getting the cows back in. He told me to go get help. I knocked on the cabin door and told one of the hands that pa needed help to get some cattle back into the pastures. I watched them leave when Joe stepped out on the porch. "You come for more?"

I must have looked like a deer in the headlights when his hand reached out to grab my shirt and pulled me into the cabin. He kicked the door shut and leaned in and kissed me. He pulled away and caught my face in his hand, he applied some force to my cheeks. "You open your mouth and kiss me back. This is the second time I've told you." He kissed me again and I kissed him back, my mouth opening to him so he could push his tongue deep inside my mouth again. "That's much better."

"Thank you." I stammered, not sure what to say.

"Joe or Sir." I looked at him. "You can use my name or Sir when you address me."

"Thank you, Joe." I corrected. He nodded and sat down in a chair and pulled me into his lap. He began to kiss me once again. His tongue tracing my lower lip, sliding along my own tongue. His hands roamed my body. He kneaded my breast and then kissed down my neck. He lifted my shift and ran his tongue in a circle around my nipple and then sucked it into his mouth. The sensation was amazing. My cock began to get aroused. I wasn't used to anyone sucking my nipples.

He patted my ass for me to get up. He took my shirt off and then lowered my pants leaving my boxers on. He looked me over, felt my muscles and cupped my ass. He spread my legs and felt my nuts and then wrapped his hand around my cock and jacked it a few times. It felt good having him touch me. "Kneel."

I don't know why, but I knelt down and followed his commands. It was like with every command that he gave, I had to obey. Somehow, he just seemed to be in charge, an alpha male and I was less. He came to stand in front of me. He took out his cock and ran the head over my lips. I turned away and he lost his patience with me and used his cock to slap me upside the head. I turned my head back and he ran the head of his cock over my lips again. He looked down at me and said, "Look up at me."

I looked up into his eyes. They were large and staring down at me. His eyes seemed to capture me. "Open," he commanded and I felt the tug of his eyes and opened my lips slightly. He pushed his cock into my mouch and let it lay on my tongue a moment. He slid it out and then back in. "Suck". Again, his eyes captured me and I felt the need to obey. I sucked. He moaned.

He kept his eyes on mine. His hips slowly began to thrust in my mouth and his cock engorged to its full size. It stretched my lips a bit and made my mouth hurt. "Cover your teeth with your lips and use your tongue." His command. I did as he said. He grabbed my hair and told me to watch my breathing and then began to slide deep into my throat. I felt like choking. I wanted to vomit, but he kept staring in my eyes and his cock kept pushing in and out of my throat.

My nose soon was pressing into his abdomen and his balls slapped my chin gently. He began to growl deep and I could feel his cock spasm inside my mouth. His cock was deep enough in my throat I didn't taste his first load, he just shot it straight into my stomach. He slowly pulled out and grinned at me. "Your first load, Baby Bear. You'll get many more in both ends."

He looked at me expectantly. "Thank you, Joe?" I answered. He nodded, and pulled me back into his lap and slid his hands down my boxers. My own cock had shriveled up as my throat was being stretched and fucked. His hand went between my ass checks and began to play with my ass. I began to squirm. "It's okay, Baby Bear. I'm not fucking your ass. Your throat was enough today. I'll fuck your ass next time."

Later that night, I lay in bed and thought about the events of the day. Joe said, "Next time". I didn't know if I wanted their to be a next time. I didn't think I was gay. I liked girls...and had dated one named Kim for a bit. But Joe had an air about him, a confidence and swagger that just made me want to do what he said.

Next: Chapter 2

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