
By Joe Schmo

Published on Dec 26, 2018



This story is completely fictional, for 18+, and includes mild dominance and some raunch like B.O., burping, and farting, general male stink.


A guy who's sick of his boring girlfriend is curious enough to try something new. Little did he know how much he would love it...


The night my life changed started like normal. After work I hit the gym near my apartment. I worked out about an hour each time, and would make sure to take a long and thorough shower because my girlfriend didn't like the way I stink. It was my birthday that day, and I was really looking forward to some kind of sex. I mean obviously relationships are more than sex, but we hadn't done anything in weeks and I had a feeling she was holding out specifically for this night.

So after lifting some weights, I went to the locker room, stripped of my sweaty clothes, and wrapped a towel around my waist to go into the showers. One guy was there, who I saw all the time. Younger, looked Mexican, more feminine. I think he was gay and always checking out the guys there. I mean whatever, I'd do the same thing if I were like him.

But after my shower, he was still sitting there. Partially looking at his phone, partially glancing up at me. Was he taking pics of me? I quickly put on my fresh clothes. Keeping my face forward, not paying attention, until,

"Excuse me, sir?" He was right next to me.

"Uh...yeah?" No one called me sir.

"I"m really sorry sir, I usually don't do this," he seemed so nervous, "But I see you here a lot and...I just thought, you know, if you ever needed a good time, like to unwind after your workout, some massage or other services,"

I felt my face get hot, "Not interested, faggot."

He looked like I'd just punched him. But he persisted, "Sorry sir, ok, though if you ever change my mind here's my number,"

And when I didn't look like I was gonna grab it, he set the paper down next to my gym bag. Then he quickly turned and left the room. Creep. Who would just walk up to a stranger and talk like that? And think I'd be interested? I could beat him to a pulp if I wanted, what was he thinking?

After getting dressed, I went over to my girl's place. Ella. She was cute. Nice. The kind of girl I'll probably marry. Yeah, I could see her being my wife.

"Happy Birthday, baby," She played with my tie, "Like how you styled your hair,"

Not much, it was just cut short and combed over. I didn't like wearing my hair that way, but she insisted it made me look neat and professional. "Thanks babe,"

She made me chicken and potatoes. We had some wine. And after I started to kiss her, put my arms on her,

"Babe, don't, not tonight," she shied away.


"I don't feel like it, that's all."

I blinked. What was I doing wrong? "Don't feel like it?"

"No." Was all.

I wanted to say something, complain, but that would only make me look bad. No I shouldn't be whining, and it was pathetic to get upset over not having sex but...

I smiled, "Not even on my birthday?" I smiled.

She frowned, "Don't be gross," like I slapped her.

We didn't talk about it. She put on a movie, and we sat and watched it. I was so bored. She was laying up against me. I was uncomfortable in these pants and shirt. And I've been horny for days now. After the movie, she told me she was tired and was going to bed. I smiled, "Ok hon," and when I leaned in to kiss her, she turned so it landed on her cheek, "Don't forget to brush your teeth," she said.

Driving home, I was livid. Not for any one reason, but for the combination. My birthday, and she didn't think to do anything special. I made her birthday special for her, with dinner, after a musical, and then I paid a lot of attention to her in bed. But for mine, what was it? Another Wednesday night. And no sex. And we didn't even kiss. I thought maybe I was being selfish. Or maybe I deserve to complain.

In my apartment I had a few beers and played CoD. Rolled my sleeves up, loosened my tie. I thought about how it would be another night were I just jerk off to porn before going to sleep. Jerking off to porn. I have a girlfriend, it's my birthday, I shouldn't have to settle for porn.

Passed 11pm, I remembered what happened at the gym earlier. That guy was a complete stranger, and he'd offered to "service" me. What does that mean? What would he have done exactly? He mentioned a massage...a complete stranger! To think a complete stranger was ready to do...whatever I wanted, and my own girlfriend didn't care it was my birthday.

"Bullshit". I thought.

Then after 12, I realized that I could do it if I wanted. I could get some guy I'm not gay. No I wouldn't do that. That's...not me...

I downloaded Grindr. Made a profile. "Straight, just need some head". That's all I'd do. It would be like masturbating, but better. Close my eyes and let some guy do it, don't think about it, and then never do this again. And besides I read somewhere that gays are better at head because they know what penises like to feel. That thought made me laugh. Try something different, not sex or anything and just for tonight.

Of course my phone blew up. But what got my attention was one guy that was less than a mile away. The profile pic was covered with that stupid Snapchat dog filter, but I recognized him as the guy from the gym. The `creep'. No, can't message him that's weird...but...He wasn't ugly though. Average, kind of attractive. But still...

He'd messaged me:

Hello sir I would love to serve you,

I typed out: Hey. this is the guy from the gym earlier. What did you mean when you said services?

My heart was beating. I waited a couple minutes for the response.

You serious?

I sent him a selfie.

Yeah. Sorry I didn't keep your number I didn't know what to think. But

now I just need some head really really bad. What did you mean when you

said services btw

Whatever you want, babe ;)

Don't call me baby. Call me sir like you did before.

Yes sir. Whatever you want.

I finished my beer. My mouth felt so dry. My hands were shaking a little bit. This was so weird. But...he was ready to listen to me.

If I send you my address, would you come over right now and blow me?

Two minutes.

Yes sir, I've wanted to swallow your cock since i first saw you sir

where do you live?

I sent him the address.

On my way sir.

Was that it? My heart was beating in my ears. What was I doing? I had to text him and tell him nevermind. This was wrong. And weird. And he's a stranger. And I couldn't even...even if I wanted to [and I wanted to at that moment] how was I going to keep it up for a guy? What if I put on porn? Or kept my eyes shut? A mouth is a mouth after all...

I sat there in a limbo of should I tell him never mind, or not...for too long, because after maybe 10 minutes, he was knocking on my door. So fast?!

I opened the door. His face was blushing, his hair was wavy, and he awkwardly said, "Uh, hi,"

"Hey. Come in,"

He stepped into my apartment like he didn't belong. I didn't really know what to say. "You uh, got here fast,"

"Yeah," he laughed, "I actually live like two blocks away."

"Oh, small world,"

He said, "I'm surprised you actually hit me up, hehe,"

"Yeah, me too," I thought to break the ice, "My girlfriend isn't in the mood so,"

"Sorry to hear," he smiled, "I'll take care of you, whatever you want,"

"Ok. follow me," I was hesitating a bit, "I haven't done this kind of thing before,"

"Don't worry I'll only do what you want"

It felt surreal, guiding a guy to my couch. I wasn't going to get naked. I sat down, and unzipped my pants. He fell to his knees immediately.

"How bad do you want this?" I pulled my cock out, flabby so I started stroking it.

"So fucking bad, sir," he gulped, "I...I really need this,"

"You need it?" I raised an eyebrow, "What if I said no and told you to fuck off?"

"...I'd be really upset sir, but I'd do as you said,"

"Fuck yeah, that's right," I nodded, `You do what I say."

"Yes, sir."

"Suck my cock."

And he bent over, opened his mouth, and took me into it. My cock got hard immediately. It felt so good. It was a combination of me not getting laid in months and his attitude. My girlfriend was so...such a buzzkill, and prudish. He was like an outright slut who was slurping my cock like it was his life's purpose. His tongue dragged down my shaft, his lips pursed around, and I felt the tip of my cock poke into the back of his throat. It made him gag a few times, and he had to get off, still stroking me, his saliva as lube, while he drooled all over and his eyes went red. He went back down.

Ella never blew me. Said it grossed her out. Even when I went down on her she didn't blow me. This faggot was choking himself to please me. He'd rather take in my cock than breathe.

"Yeah keep going faggot," I gulped, "And try keeping the noise down. I want to watch porn and I don't want you to remind me you're here."

Before I could realize how harsh and rude that sounded, and apologized for acting this way, he let out an emphatic "mmhmm!" and kept sucking. I couldn't believe it. My girlfriend didn't like when I called her a slut in bed. She said it made her feel bad so I couldn't use dirty words around here. This guy loved being called a faggot. And being told that I want to ignore him while he blows me. My head couldn't wrap around what was happening.

His mouth massaged my cock, slowly going up and down, then starting to pick up speed. I put on porn on the screen and tried to focus on that. I didn't want him to catch me looking down at him, didn't want him getting the wrong ideas. But it felt so fucking good.

He hopped off and moved down a bit, kissing my shaft all the way to its base and then kissed my balls. I felt his tongue touch one of them and instinctively I jerked up. He stopped,

`I'm sorry," and he was going to go back to my cock.

"No keep going," I told him. I was only surprised because my girlfriend never played with my balls. On the rare occasion she blew me [which would probably not happen again], she wouldn't do anything with my balls. I felt his lips run over them, and after licking them a bit he took one in his mouth and sucked on it. With his free hand he slowly pumped my cock. It felt so good I started to moan.

"Fuck yeah," I muttered under my breath.

He did that for a while. I watched him keep his gaze down and focused on my balls. Like he was in love with them. Then he moved back up and dragged his tongue up my shaft to the tip and sucked the precum off the tip, then he started licking and sucking on just the head of my cock. I was breathing heavy. It felt so good I knew I was going to cum soon. I was squirming around, my inner animal taking over,

"I'm gonna cum," I gasped, "W-Where do you want me to do it?"

I always got anxiety when cumming around my girlfriend. She didn't want me going anywhere near her face, and I couldn't get any on the sheets [she would have to wash them the same night, the idea of sleeping in my cum covered sheets grossed her out], so I would have to cum somewhere on her skin like her back or stomach, so she could easily rinse it off in the sink afterward.

I asked him `Where do you want me to do it?"

He seemed to ignore me. Was he going to let me cum in his mouth? Cumming in a guy's mouth?

I couldn't take it anymore. He had his mouth and one hand pumping on my cock, and the other hand was lightly squeezing and massaging my balls, I felt his knuckle lightly press into my taint that was setting me over the edge. I hadn't felt this kind of pleasure in so long. I moaned, I started to shoot. He could taste the first one because then he slowed down, and used his hand to pump my shaft. He kept his mouth open and I watched as pump after pump of cum shot out of me and into his mouth, pooling over his tongue. I was shocked. I hadn't cum this hard in forever. And his face looked like it was in ecstasy feeling and tasting my cum glaze over his tongue. Then he closed his mouth over my cock and I heard him swallow. He swallowed all of my cum. And slowly he went back to sucking.

"Oh, oh," the wave of pleasure was hitting me, and I dropped my head back. My cock was so sensitive and he was slowly tonguing it. It made my legs twitch. He was still holding onto my cock and balls. Milking them as much as possible. I was going limp in his mouth. I felt like I was seeing stars.

I looked down. He got off my cock and started kissing it. He kissed my balls too. "Did you like that, sir?"

"Yeah, that was..." I didn't know what to say.

"Thanks for letting me come over,"

I felt dazed. "Yeah, no problem,"

And without anything more, he got up, and left.

I stayed on the couch for a long time. My body felt heavy, I thought I was sinking into the couch. He thanked me. After all that, he thanked ME, for letting him blow me. Blowing me was a privilege to him, a gift to him. I shivered. That felt so fucking good. He was a guy sure but...everything about that was so so fucking good.

I threw off my clothes and passed out on my couch. I thought it was going to be a one and done thing. But I knew that I was going to make him blow me again.


The next couple weeks I tried to keep it normal. Did my daily routine; showered, got dressed for work, went to the gym, hung out with Ella. When we were together, we just talked about our days. We didn't kiss or cuddle. We watched TV. She wasn't in the mood to go out. She wasn't in the mood to go to the bedroom.

I tried to get the fag out of my head. I still saw him sometimes at the gym. He'd smile and nod. I didn't nod back. Then he'd blow me a kiss. I ignored him. He got the hint. I felt kind of bad pretending like nothing happened, but I didn't want him to get any ideas. I didn't want to do that again. That was because I'd been drinking and was desperate. I know what it feels like. I can move on. We never have to meet again.

One Saturday night, though, I was on my couch stroking my dick, my thumb hovering over the Grindr app. Do I dare try that again? My cock was drooling at the memory of my birthday. But I shouldn't do this. I have a girlfriend. I'm straight. I don't do sleazy hook ups. Especially with guys.

I was shirtless and had on my basketball shorts. I thought about how Ella doesn't like me being shirtless for no reason at her place.

Opening the app wouldn't hurt. Just seeing what's going on. Gay guys looking for fun, that's all. I had so many notifications from last time I opened this, and again my phone was buzzing from even more. The guy I met was online.


My heart was beating. Just chatting. That's all.

Good evening sir. How can I help you?

My dick twitched. "Sir".

Are you busy right now?

Do you want me to come over?

Would be cool. But no pressure.

Ok. Be there in a bit.

I sighed. So easy. I didn't even have to say anything, he knew. He was ready.

Not long after, the door knocked. "Girlfriend still got you down?" he smiled.

I wish I didn't tell him about Ella. But that didn't matter, "Yeah."

He followed me to the bedroom this time. I thought it kind of awkward to get naked in front of him, but it isn't like he hadn't seen my dick before. I dropped my pants. I felt his eyes on me.

"Just do what you did last time," I said. I was quieter and less harsh than I had acted on my birthday. I didn't know what had come over me, but I tried to tone it down here.

"Yes Sir" I felt him softly grab my cock, kissing the tip and licking the precum there. I let my head drop back on my pillow and watched porn on my phone.

It was as good as last time. Feeling his tongue all over me. Giving my balls a nice mouth massage. He even licked my taint for a while while slowly jerking me off. That was weird. Even though I showered I couldn't help think that my taint was where all my ball sweat collected. Worse, my butt sweat. I didn't think anyone would want to willingly taste that. But he licked it up like candy. Yeah, my whole package he licked and sucked on like it was candy.

He went down on my cock far enough that he kept gagging. I told him I was going to cum soon. I couldn't take it. And when I was there, instead of hopping off so I could cum in his mouth, he went down deeper. I felt my cock push into his throat, and I came down it. He fought off gagging and instead was swallowing, I felt his throat close around the tip of my cock as I kept cumming. Over and over, I shot so much cum down his throat. He acted like a greedy faggot.

Again he kept his mouth on me as I went soft. He rubbed my stomach with his hands. Instinctively my hands came down and were rubbing his head, fingers running through his hair.

When I was back down to flaccid, he got off me and said, "Thank you again, Sir, this was great."

"Yeah, don't mention it" I felt like I was high. He left without another word.


The third time, I messaged him right after the gym. He sent me his phone number so I didn't have to only reach him through Grindr. At first I thought I shouldn't because I didn't want to make it `official'...that is, I didn't want to give him the idea that I'll keep hitting him up. The devil on my shoulder knew I would, that I shouldn't lie to myself. His mouth felt good. And my girlfriend didn't seem like she would put out any time soon.

Right after the gym, I told him to come over in half an hour because I needed to shower.

You don't have to shower.

I just ended a work out

I don't mind.

Sucking dick and balls and stuff was one thing. But doing it for a sweaty guy? That sounded revolting. He said he didn't mind. I always felt conscious about the way I smelled. My girlfriend always made comments if she ever got a hint of BO. I always made sure to put on deodorant, sometimes also cologne, and to be extra careful to shower if I've been sweaty.

Nevertheless he came over. Followed me to the bed.

"You sure you don't want me to wash up?" after dropping my shorts, the pungent smell of my ball sweat hit me.

"Don't worry sir," he stared at my body, smiling, drool at the corner of his mouth.

My cock was rising. He was drooling for my stink.

I laid down on the bed. Since I haven't been fooling around with Ella, I hadn't been shaving down there like I usually do. My pubes were starting to grow back, and my balls were getting fuzzy. I hoped that this guy wouldn't mind. He seemed not to care. Delicately, he kissed my balls, and pressed his nose into them, taking a deep sniff. I didn't know what to think at first. I only had him come over to blow me, not to...sniff me, or whatever. But he was moaning to himself, dry humping my bed through his shorts. I knew that, like the last times, he would thank me after all this. And part of it would be thanking me for letting him smell my sweaty balls.

My cock was hard and throbbing now, and he slowly rubbed it while he started to lick my balls. I saw precum glistening at the tip already. I let my head fall back and closed my eyes. Instead of pulling up porn I just laid there for a while feeling him play around with my balls. Soon, his tongue went down and again hit that sweet spot; my taint. Warm and wet he licked it up. Again I thought about how bad it must smell down there, and how much he loved it.

"Fuck yeah," I muttered, eyes closed still. His tongue went around in circles, then up and down, pressing into it a bit, then it moved lower, and lower, and then I felt him poking between my asscheeks.

"Woah, woah," I sat up, he jumped back, "What are you doing?!"

His eyes were wide, "I'm sorry,"

"No, it's..." I thought about it, "Keep going,"

I relaxed again. Brought my legs up. My heart was beating really fast, and I watched him slowly move down to my taint, and below. I'd heard about this stuff but have never had a girl lick my ass before. I didn't know if I would like it, but I watched his eyes close as he went in. His nose pressed against my taint, my balls resting just over his eyes, and I felt his tongue go into my asshole. Not right away, but he touched it and licked around it. I thought about how bad it must smell there, to have his whole face smothered by my balls and gooch, and to have his tongue in my ass. It felt weird, like it created an itch and then immediately scratched it.

"Ugh, fuck," I moaned a bit. I adjusted to spread my cheeks more. Then he really went into town. I felt him licking, slurping, making out with my asshole. He was making really gross sounds too, like a pig digging into food. I thought about how hairy my ass was and how he was rubbing his tongue across my sweaty ass hairs. And he was moaning into my ass. This was crazy. I relaxed a bit more and felt his tongue go a bit deeper.


"Oh shit," I gasped, "I'm so sorry dude," My face went red, a small fart just slipped out, right into his mouth! My boner was deflating, and I thought this was the end, he wasn't going to want to come over ever again,

He took a deep sniff and looked up at me with a smile, "T-Thank you sir,"

"What?" My face turned into a grimace, "The fuck? For farting on you?"

"Yes sir," He was humping the bed, and he started gasping. " don't have to worry, if you need to you can let more out while I'm here,"

And he went back into my ass. And my cock shot right back up.

It was weird. Really fucking weird. The idea made me feel sick...farting in his face. And he...was turned on by that. That's sick. That's so dirty, that's so...

His tongue kept probing my ass. This was so dirty. And he loved it. He loved my filth and stink.

He finally gave my cock attention. And when I was ready to cum, I pulled him off of me, grabbing him by the hair, and told him to stop.

"Listen to me," I was jerking myself off slowly, his saliva was my lube, "You...You belong to me now, ok?" I didn't know what I was saying or why, it just felt good. It felt right. His eyes were wide staring right into mine, and he nodded. I kept him there, aiming my cock at him, "I'm, when I have to," my mouth was so dry, my voice was shaking, "When I need to be serviced, you're going to come here and service me. Whatever I want. I'm not going to shower for you. I'm not going to shave for you. If I need to fart I'm farting in your mouth. I don't give a fuck what you like. You belong to me. You're only here to make me happy. Understand bitch?!"

He nodded again, his eyes looked so desperate for cum.

"Fucking faggot," I gasped, I was so close my balls were swelling, "Dirty little pathetic pig faggot, you want my cum this bad?"

"Yes sir,"

"I can't hear you,"

"Yes sir I need it," His voice went louder. He was smiling.

I came. It hit him in the face, first on his forehead, then more on his nose and mouth, and then I brought his head down so he could swallow my cock while I came some more. Both hands were now grabbing onto his hair tightly, keeping him on my cock which he'd swallowed down his throat, "You're mine now faggot," I said again. He moaned into my crotch, vibrating against my cock and balls.

Afterward he used his hands to scoop up all of the cum across his face to then eat it. Then he washed his hands, thanked me, and went home. My heart was on fire. What did I just do? What did I just say? I was going too far with this...this was just something casual, behind the scenes, this was supposed to be a last minute resort for when Ella didn't want to put out...

No, not anymore. I was shaking all over. This was freedom. No more bullshit hygiene and making myself pampered for super picky tastes, no more boring vanilla sex with that boring bitch. This was a service boy, who only wanted to please me however I wanted and he didn't care how gross and nasty I was. This was, fuck...this is what I've always wanted and never thought possible. My cock was so wet, my cock, balls, and ass were still dripping wet from how much he drooled over me. This is what I really want.


Only three months after I first met the fag, and my whole lifestyle had changed.

I decided to stop shaving. Took up too much of my morning routine. And since I hadn't been doing anything with Ella, I completely let my crotch and ass go wild. My natural thick dark brown hair grew over my body. I let my hair get longer and didn't brush it or gell it anymore. I looked at myself in the mirror naked and thought I looked good. This is how I wanted to look, like a rugged man.

Like I said, the faggot didn't mind. He'd open his mouth to take my cock down his throat, all the way down and his nose would be buried in my pubes. It didn't matter that I'd have him come over right after my workouts, he didn't mind the smell of my rank sweaty crotch. Every day he'd drool and cover my cock and balls with slobber. He didn't care.

One weekend I didn't shower just to test him out. Friday morning, no shower, then I'd work, then work out, and then the rest of the weekend I'd still workout. By Sunday evening my whole body stunk to high heaven. Out of curiosity, I rubbed my finger along my ass crack and took a sniff. Fucking disgusting. The kind of ass stink where washing my finger afterward wasn't enough, I still got a hint of ass sweat and grime. I thought for sure this would be his limit. That night I invited him over, and the first thing I told him to do was get on his knees and kiss my asshole. I turned around, pulled down my shorts, and spread my hairy cheeks. I knew from this angle, and from how close he was, that the stink would hit him immediately. He didn't hesitate. I felt him slobber all over my hole like a pig. He was there a long time too, like he was trying to memorize where each ass hair was.

During the day I would act professional at work. Then I'd come home after the gym and have fun. I'd grab the back of the fag's head and shove his face in my pits. Full thick patches of hair, damp from sweat, and my deodorant would have worn off so it would be like a strong nasty cumin stench.

"Sniff it, haha," I'd grind his nose in it, "You like that?"

"Yes sir," He'd kiss my pits.

"You're sick you know that?"

"Yes sir,"

"Get on your knees I need to fart,"

This somehow became my favorite part. He'd fall to his knees with begging eyes like a dog. I'd turn around, grab his hair, and shove his face in my ass where I'd let out all the gas I'd been holding since work,


And he'd sniff it up. "You like my fart stink faggot?"

"Yes sir I love it,"

"Of course you do, I'm an Alpha, you're only here to worship my shithole."

That always got him going. Shithole. That would would make him sniff, kiss, or lick deeper. How sick is that? Sometimes Ella wouldn't even kiss me if I hadn't brushed my teeth in a while, and this faggot loves making out with my shithole.

Oh yeah speaking of her, I dumped her. She didn't know how to take care of a man like me. Plus she started complaining when I stopped shaving. Why should I put up with that if the faggot will gargle my hairy balls on command? Fuck her.

At first I'd watch porn while he did all the oral sex. Then I'd watch him and was turned on by how eager he was to please me and how...animalistic, he acted. That's what, like an animal that couldn't control itself, full of desperation and hunger for my cum and sweat and stink. Once I got used to the idea of being worshipped I started just watching TV and playing video games while he'd service my cock. Feeling and hearing him gag over the sounds on the TV only made me throb more. This was special treatment I wouldn't get anywhere else.

And so we settled into our routine. I came home from the gym and was sitting on my couch, still in my sweaty gym clothes, feeling tired. I texted the fag and told him to come over. When he got there, I was watching a TV show on my laptop.

"My feet are sore," I said.

I sat back on the couch with my feet up, and he crawled on the ground over to them and slowly rubbed them. It felt nice. I kept watching the show as he worked his fingers into my feet. I knew they smelled pretty bad back when I took my shoes off, but as usual the fag said nothing and continued to please me.

"Come with me," I got up and walked over to my bedroom. I got in bed laying on my stomach and kept watching the show on my laptop. "Massage my back," Which always got sore from the gym. I felt the fag slowly rub my back. I let him do this for a few minutes before getting into my mean phase. "Now massage my ass,"

I didn't really need an ass massage but it made me laugh to think of the fag looking forward to rubbing my ass with his hands. I pulled down my shorts and then felt him put his hands on my hairy cheeks. It was funny to think about how much he loved my butt, the grossest part of me, and how badly he wanted to sniff and lick it. At this point he would lay down, propped up on his elbows, and have his face a foot away from my ass as he massaged it. Since he was down there, when I felt a fart I would tell him, "I have to fart. I don't want to smell it."

The message was clear. When I fart he would have to keep sniffing the area until the smell is gone. And because I'd hold them in all day, these farts were always really big. I grunted and pushed,


Still rubbing my cheeks, I heard the fag take deep sniffs, and cough. I laughed. How pathetic it had to look, him rubbing my ass and sniffing my farts because I told him to. Still watching the show I said "Now lick my shithole."

He spread my cheeks and planted a kiss right on my asshole. Then I felt his tongue work around it, and start poking into it. I sighed. After several minutes of this, my hole was getting more relaxed, so I shifted and bent my knees for him to go deeper. I heard him making all kinds of gross sounds, lapping at my hole and moaning and stuff. The sweat had dried off by then but my hairy musky body was still rank, and with my knees up and ass in the air, I got hard at the feeling and the thought of how dirty this was.

Soon he lowered his tongue and was licking and massaging my hairy gooch. Because of the angle, his nose slid and locked into my asshole. I assumed he'd licked most of the stink away so I gave him a little gift; a silent but deadly fart. I felt the hot air rush out of me, he just breathed in deep, gagging into my gooch. His tongue was tasting all of the ball sweat off my gooch hairs and his nose was sucking down my farts. This would have been hell for a normal person, but he'd fallen in love with my ass, so the most disgusting parts of my body were like heaven to him.

"That's right," I muttered, "worship my shithole. My crotch. Worship me."

After several more minutes I had him lay on his back. I took my pillow, dropped it on his legs, and put my laptop near his feet. I slowly lowered my crotch over his face so he could start sucking on my balls while I watched my show. I felt him give me a nice massage down there, and my throbbing cock at this point was drooling on his neck and chest.

Finally when I knew I was going to burst soon, I lifted myself and repositioned, holding my cock pointed right for his mouth. I lowered it in slowly, all the way down until I felt the tip hit the back of his throat and let it curve naturally down. Slowly at first I humped his face, going in and out of his throat. I liked doing this for a couple reasons. First because he wouldn't see my face, and also he wouldn't see my dick, instead he could only see my balls and the base of my ass cheeks. I wanted to remind him that he belongs under my ass. Also because if his mouth is full of cock then he has to breath through his nose and so he can only smell my balls and ass.

I started humping faster, listening to him gag and gargle. This had to be complete hell for him. To passively let me use his mouth as a fuckhole while I watched TV and completely ignored him. For all the things he does for me, all the loads he's swallowed, all the foot massages, all of the burps and farts I let out in his face, all the times he's polished my balls with his tongue, all the times he's made out with my asshole, and I haven't thanked him once.

I shot my cum down his throat and felt him swallow it. I moaned, feeling dizzy. My eyes still on the screen, i rested my head down on the pillow, breathing heavy. The fag had to breathe heavy too because my cock was still in his mouth. Getting smaller now, sure but still he could only breathe through his nose and after all the gagging he needed to focus on breathing so he wouldn't throw up. Deep breaths, so I thought I'd make it better.


I chuckled, my naked body shaking a bit on top of his clothed body. I heard him suck in the foul air deeply. I felt his own dick rock hard in his shorts. That was another thing that made me smile. I wouldn't let him touch himself while he was over. If he wanted to cum he would do it in his own house, not here. So all of our sessions would be agony for him in so many ways. And he still came over to my beck and call.

It's great having a fag.

Several minutes later, I pulled out of his mouth, my cock red and covered in saliva, "Go get me a beer."

He got up and left. I called out "And make me a sandwich. Ham and cheese." I kept watching the show.

Then, a vibration. A phone. I checked my phone but nothing new. I noticed he'd left his phone on my bed. Maybe it fell out of his pocket while I fucked his face? I glanced at it, one new notification. A message from grindr.

Grindr? He was still using this? I furrowed my eyebrows. He was my fag, what is he doing talking to other people?

I looked at the door, he was still getting my food together. I swiped at the message and opened grindr. Some buff guy,

Come over I need my cock sucked.

I blinked. I looked at previous messages. The fag had gone over to that guys house around the same time every day...most days right after I'd finished using him.

"What the fuck," I left that message and looked at his home screen. Dozens of profiles of different guys, "alphas", or "straight but looking for head" things like that, dozens of them all giving him times to come over and worship them. My heart was pounding. This couldn't be true, he belonged to me, I was his alpha,

I locked his phone. He came in with a sandwich and beer and handed it to me.

"Get your tongue back in my ass," I growled. I didn't care that the other tool wanted my fag to come over. He belongs to me so he'll do what I want when I want.

He licked my ass slowly, with passion. I ate my sandwich, watched the show, but I couldn't relax. Taking swigs of my beer it dawned on me what was happening. I'd dropped all of my lifestyle choices for this fag. I stopped shaving, I didn't take care of my hygiene, I ate more junk food, I broke up with my girlfriend, all so he could be my service boy. He didn't change his life for me, I changed my life for him...

I called myself an Alpha, and called him "my" fag, but I was just "one alpha" among dozens who called him our Fag.

He didn't belong to me. I belonged to him.

I wanted to be mad, but his tongue felt so good.

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