Alone Among Friends

By Toji Suzahara

Published on Jan 5, 2000


Hi all you guys and gals out there! Firstly thank you for reading this story so far (and all the emails I got!), I am really happy to have you guys (and of course girls) as my readers. The second thing I want to get rid off is a huge apology. I am sorry for the big gap between the 6th and 7th episode.. but all you guys and girls out there know what kept me from writing: Xmas.. Millennium.. Scully.. Mulder.. The Cardigans.. Eric Cartman.. Puff Daddy.. Whatever! Well.. also some other things happened in between the years (Happy new Millennium to all of you - though I think most of you are likely to be unable to hear this word by now). Nevertheless, I will make up. The 8th episode is going to follow very soon ;). (And actually part 7 and 8 are strongly attached to each other) The usual dislaimer: Don't read this if you find love between two men offensive, or you are some sort of gay basher or your law forbids you to read such material for you are too young and so on. Don't say you weren't warned! Special thanks goes to Chandler and Joe, who looked over the episode and were so kind to edit it (if there is still some grammatical garbage left in this episode - it's all my fault :) ) Thanks guys!!


I know somethin' about love

You've gotta want it bad

If that guy's got into your blood

Go out and get him "

(Danke U.)

Alone Among Friends, VII

The 3 boys were standing there, facing each other. Jens had a wicked grin on his face and I was still coughing like mad, for I had gotten something stuck in my throat. Georg looked over to me and saw that the coughing had already caused tears to run down my cheeks. I could see his face get tense. He clenched his teeth, his hands turned to fists and his eyes got cold. He got ready for his first blow, but just at that moment, Yilmaz stood up, grabbed the guy from behind and whispered something into his ear. I couldn't see what was happening very well, but what I saw made me wonder. The guy turned pale, and left immediately. Kevin and Georg's jaws dropped. Yilmaz just sat down, continuing to eat what he was eating. "What did you say?" Kevin asked. "It's irrelevant what I said. The effect matters. He's gone. Everyone can relax now." Georg came over to me, and patted me on my back. "You alright?" He said with a very concerned look on his face. Daniel gave me his orange juice. "Drink it, it'll stop the coughing," he said, also concerned, but smiling to comfort me. "God, he's not going to die!" Jens yelled. I got hold of myself and the coughing subsided. Somehow Jens' attitude really annoyed me. This whole shit happened only because of him. "Thanks guys, thanks Georg." "Jens, this happened because of you .. what the hell did you do to this bear?" I asked him, allowing some anger to be heard in my voice. "Nothing Kaneda, nothing that he didn't deserve." "What was it?" "I pissed on his bed." I paused for a second, and then I started to laugh like a madman. "You did what??" Daniel shouted and everybody was laughing now - no not everyone. Yilmaz wasn't. "Jens, you have balls to do that.. you really have balls..," Kevin said, with tears in his eyes from all the laughing. We sat there for another hour and then returned to our apartment.

Jens walked over to Yilmaz, who was sitting on his bed. "Thanks man... but what did you do?" "I impressed him," he said. He looked at Jens for a second and then continued to browse trough some magazine. The conversation was apparently over and it seemed as if Yilmaz didn't want to add anything more to it. "Okay... okay.. just thanks a lot. Now I need take a dump," Jens said, went over to where his stuff was, and dragged out some kinky magazine. He didn't actually need to go to the toilet. He felt like jacking off. Jens haven't had pussy for more than 2 years now and the only way to tame himself was to jack off. That wasn't really satisfying, but he didn't have anything else at the moment. He didn't care if anyone would notice that he was jacking off in the toilet, hell, everybody jacks off, so what the fuck, he thought. He looked through the mag and found a page which completely turned him on. Jens slowly started to stroke his uncut dick and he felt how good it was to do that. His penis got hard in no time and he stroked harder and faster but it wasn't as good as he wanted it to be. He wanted it bad. He spited in his hands and wetted his dick. There was a little precum flowing from the head of his dick and he used that as well to lube his 8-incher. He stroked even harder now, his breath getting lower and lower as he was reaching the climax. He was imaging how two girls were sucking each other's bodies,.. everywhere.. even the pussies, then looked back at the magazine. 'Yeah', he thought, 'Yeah, common, lick all of it bitch'. He continued to imagine it and he got even wilder, seeing more women in his imaginations.. but there were also guys. Bizarre! He ignored that image. He continued and he thrashed around on the toilet, shooting his load right onto his chest, abs, and pubes.

Kevin was sitting on the couch, enjoying his beer. He was feeling damn good! Finally out of that shitty place! "Anybody wanna join me in watching the soccer game??" he shouted. "Who's playing?" Georg shouted back but his voice was muffled. The apartment was simply too huge for carrying a conversation this way. "Borussia Dortmund vs. Bayern Munchen" "Ah! Count me in," Georg said and looked at Kaneda, who was quite indifferent. "Wanna come with me? Let's just snuggle on the couch. We can't always lock ourselves up here in the room. They'll get suspicious," Georg said. "Yeah you're right.. you got a point there Georg-kun!" Kaneda replied, smiling. Both of them stood up and walked out into the living room where Kevin was already sitting on the couch. "Make some room!" Georg commanded. "Sure, jerk," he said, and moved over to the right. Georg sat down in the middle and Kaneda on the left side. "Here, have some beer!" Kevin yelled, grabbed blindly around with his right hand and found some cans which he passed on to the others. He turned his head around, and shouted again. "Daniel! Wanna join us? Jens? Yilmaz?" Yilmaz didn't reply, and Daniel said he wasn't interested. Jens was in the bathroom. Georg put his arms around both of them in a friendly gesture though he pulled Kaneda more to himself than he did with Kevin. "Man, this is so great, what an apartment. Really great stuff Kevin!" "Yeah.. I'm pretty happy myself.. what the f.. man that was a foul!" he suddenly yelled. Kevin was completely absorbed in the soccer game on TV, and Kaneda, who was feeling safe sitting there next to Georg let himself go and rested his head lightly on Georg's arm. Georg had this warm feeling in himself and he felt like he's in heavens, having his friend and lover sitting next to him. Both of them enjoyed the soccer game a little different than Kevin was who was feeling great having his friends around him.

Daniel went over to the one PC that was hooked up to the internet. All the guys used it when they wanted to surf the net, although it was actually Kevin's PC - he was once again the one to be so generous as to put the PC there, since they hadn't managed to get the hub. Every guy in the apartment had been too lazy to get the hub for connecting the other PCs and Kevin was thinking that he would have to get it himself, which slightly annoyed him. Daniel was surfing the internet and looking for new stuff on one of his favorite sites.. There wasn't anything there and he grew bored. He didn't want to watch soccer with the guys.. Well actually it was Kaneda and Georg, they were together the whole time.. and he didn't know if it bothered him or not.. They made a cute couple, a couple nobody knew of, but him.. He smiled at that thought. Why didn't he try to find somebody for himself? Probably chatting would be a good idea..? Daniel looked, and nobody was around, so he entered some keywords in Yahoo! and got numerous links to gay sites, chats, porn, pay-sites and so on. Daniel already started to feel embarrassed, and watched through the corners of his eyes to see if somebody was coming. He heard Kevin still being hard at work with his football game. Daniel's forehead started to sweat.. There were so many links to try out.. and he didn't know if he should or not. One link in particular seemed very interesting, it was a link to a gay web-chat. He clicked on it and some seconds later the site opened in all it's glory. There were some sex banners on the top and the bottom of the page, displaying weird positions Daniel had never thought would be possible. His breathing got lighter which he didn't notice at all. There he was, trying to chat with other gays for the first time. Actually he hadn't chatted at all yet properly. He had seen how other people chatted, but he himself had never found it interesting enough to do. Now things were quite different. He was very interested in chatting with somebody who was also 'different'. Different than the rest.. Different like him. The program which was launched asked him for a nick. A nick? He hadn't thought of a nick yet. He entered his name, Daniel, but then he didn't like the idea of some stranger actually knowing his real name. He thought about it longer.. Kevin came into his mind. But Kevin didn't have anything to do with this stuff.. No.. he couldn't take use the name of somebody he knew.. He thought more about it and it was hard for him to come up with an appropriate nickname for himself while being on the lookout for roommates. Daniel felt like his head would explode. Dammit! Wasn't it possible to find a simple nick? Nothing came to mind.. He thought longer, and then just entered 'Nonick' and pressed the 'Go' button. After a couple seconds the dialog box sprang back into the front and notified him of the presence of that nick. Was it so hard just to find a nick? 'Liam' he thought. Liam would be a good nick. It was the name of a guy from a sf-series on TV. That was good. Daniel typed in 'Liam' and after some seconds again the dialog box told him that it nick was already in use. He moaned and added another 'm' to the nick and voila, it worked! Daniel was amazed by the amount of people in the chatroom.. so many people.. he never thought that there would be this many. After a second he realized that it was naive to think otherwise, but he was happy and impressed. He just watched what people were saying on the main channel, but he couldn't quite figure out what it was they were talking about. Daniel just sat there, watching people talk and feeling a lot happier that he found more 'different' guys. Just when he wanted to make a contribution to the discussion, he heard somebody approaching the room and he quickly closed the browser. "Not going to join us watching soccer Daniel?" Yilmaz said soberly. Daniel looked over at him and saw that Yilmaz was only wearing a black tanktop, revealing his arms. They weren't really built like Kevin's but they were defined. He was wearing red soccer shorts with a stitched white crescent on it, standing there in his socks in the doorway. Daniel thought that Yilmaz looked somehow cute in it. "Uh.. no, can't be bothered, doing something here.." "Whatever," Yilmaz said and moved towards the living room. Daniel didn't dare to start something in this way for the day and continued to surf for other, non-'different' stuff.

The days passed by and we had really set up the apartment to suit our needs. Everything was going in, I would call it, usual ways, and I was quite happy that we had moved in with our friends. Jens' old roommate hadn't risked coming around - whatever Yilmaz had said to that guy - it had impressed him. I still couldn't really understand what it was, but it gave me the creeps. If there was somebody in this apartment about whom I didn't know anything, it was Yilmaz. He was spooky to me.. He.. reminded me of 'Spooky Mulder'.. but David Duchovnyr was cuter, wasn't he? At times it was a bit annoying that Georg and I had to play the 'cool straight friends' in front of the others, trying not to reveal ourselves to them. I wasn't really willing to let them know that I was gay but then this charade was also annoying. There wasn't any reason really. And I somehow felt that Georg didn't like the idea at all. It was Friday and the day had passed as usual, nothing really exciting was going on but Georg and I were having our usual little masquerade in front of the others. Daniel had relaxed a lot.. at least it seemed that way to me. He hadn't addressed the 'topic' for the last couple of days and I decided not to urge him to think about it. He knew that I would be there for him if he needed to speak about it, or anything else for that matter. I had noticed that Daniel was actually never really around when Georg was with me. And the last couple of days Georg was around me 24/7. Maybe he didn't have an opportunity to speak with me? Kevin and Jens had suggested we go out to a club tonight. Kevin's new chick, Sabina, was also going to join us. She really seemed to be a cool girl, I liked her even though I never really got to know her properly. Kevin was a bit.. well let's call it overprotective. If he knew that he wouldn't risk anything showing her to me or to Georg..or even to Daniel... Well but he couldn't know. I was sitting in the room with Georg when I thought about what I had thought earlier. "Georg.." "Hmm?" "Well, .. I was thinking earlier about you.. " "About me babe? I hope you always think about me..," he said with a silly grin. "Common man, I don't mean that.... uh.. hey, of course I think about you, but you know I didn't think.." Georg started to laugh and said, "Man come to the point, I know what you meant.." "Heh, okay.. well what I was wondering about was.. how do you feel about being 'out' to others? We never really talked about that actually.." I looked over to Georg and saw how his face got all clouded. I could virtually see how he was thinking about it.. and being lost in his thoughts made him look really cute.. I waited for a while before he finally replied. "Kaneda, I don't want nobody to know. I... I was just so lucky that I found you.. I mean, I was or am unable to .. ugh,.. go out to such clubs, ya know what I mean?" he said and looked directly into my eyes. Before I could say anything, Georg stood up and came over to me, putting his arm around me, lying his head on my shoulder. "Kaneda.. who do I need else but you? I'm complete with you, and I'm happy this way, I don't need anyone to know about me. They..won't understand me, nor will they understand you. There is no need to tell them." "I didn't mean to tell them Georg, I just asked you out of curiosity," I said, not knowing if I was really telling the truth. "If I think about it, I can only say you're right.. it's going perfectly between us.. nobody knows.. and it's none of their business anyhow," I said and chuckled. "You know what Georg?" "What?" he said, his head still lying on my shoulder. His warm body felt so good, and I dragged him closer to me. "I need to take a piss!" "Man, you just absolutely ruined a romantic moment!" he said rather loudly and started to laugh like a madman. "Sorry boy, but I really need to go, I'll be back in a second okay? Don't run off..!" I said and left the room.

Georg sat there and thought about what Kaneda asked. He really didn't feel like it. It didn't mean that he wouldn't explain it to his family someday. But what he thought was that he didn't need to tell it his friends. He was afraid of being called a fag. He didn't want to be called a fag. Back in school he used to make comments and fun of effeminate guys. And now he was loving a guy himself.. he was gay. Georg suddenly felt bad about his behaviour back in school, for all the broken hearts he had caused among the girls, for all the grief he caused by bullying some of the guys there. He had been popular back in school, but, that's what he thought now, had it really been necessary to diss those kids? He tried to convince himself that what he did wasn't that mean, but it didn't work. Georg felt bad. Everybody had picked on that one particular guy.. and well he had joined them. He felt bad for being that way. Kaneda was his first boyfriend.. he never actually had anybody else before him, he had lusted for some guys, but that's all it had been. Georg thought about it and decided that he had gotten very lucky with Kaneda. With the incident in the cinema. That was real luck. There was no reason for him to tell anybody else about himself.. and he hoped that Kaneda wouldn't want to out himself either. Thinking about all this he decided to shift topics and make Kaneda digress from the topic when he came back.

When I came back, I closed the door behind me and saw Georg standing next to the bed. He suddenly walked over to the door, blocking it, stood there for a second and started to undress himself. "Huh?" He grinned and then unbuttoned his shirt slowly.. revealing the T-shirt below it. It was a v-neck and even though this shirt was XL it clearly outlined his pecs.. you could even see his abs through it. I drooled over his amazing body. "Hold on Georg, just let me enjoy the view." He smiled at me, and held the shirt in his hand for a couple seconds, after which he just threw it off to the corner. He then took off his T-shirt, revealing his abs slowly and then his pecs.. God he was a sight.. My Georg really was a sight. Just below his naval was this trail of hair running down into his pants. I couldn't take just watching him anymore so I moved closer to him. "No no, just stay where you are Kaneda-san" "Okaaay,.." I said wondering what this was all about. Some sort of strip-tease for me? He smiled over and took his belt off, then opened up the buttons of his Levi's.. I was drooling over the sight. Georg, standing there with his defined chest, his great looking spiky hair, his lovely eyes .. god those blue eyes.. I nearly always lost myself in them for they were deep and told stories of their own.. lovely stories of my lover.. I loved his edgy face which he hadn't shaved for a day or two, making it look a bit rough. A cute, rough guy. And now he was lowering his pants. Dammit, all the guys were in the apartment, and they could have come in at any time and would have bumped the door right into his back. Apparently he loved this little risk. I was starting to get hard watching him. Georg had gotten rid of his pants by now and was standing only in his boxers right in front of me. "Georg," I whispered. "You're so damn sexy.. let me come close to you," He started to laugh a bit and said, "Not yet, my horny love fool. This is just a tease.. for later.. The purpose of this is.. I want you to dress me!" "Huh?" "Yeah man, choose the clothes I should wear tonight.. Go over to my closet and take out the clothes I should wear. Whatever combination you want, I'll wear it for you." "What an idea!" I nearly shouted and smiled all over my face. I ran over to him and hugged him, licking and kissing his neck a bit and I heard him moaning in pleasure. "Let's do that later on.. For now we have to get ready for the club," "Grrr!" I said, Austin Powers like, turned around and went to his closet. I hadn't seen all the clothes he had, but now I just went trough the everything which was hanging and lying there. I suddenly grabbed some clothes and hugged them. "That's how much I love your clothes, I like everything you have man," I said, burying my face in them. He laughed and said in a low voice,"Kaneda come on, you better get me dressed, I am starting to get cold." "Do you want me to warm you up?" I said, with a mischievous grin. "Uh no.. I mean yes, ah.. no, man, shit, you know what I mean, we don't have time for that now!" "You started it," I said and grinned at him. I looked at his clothes and I chose that black shirt he had worn the first time we had danced together in that club. Then I looked for a pair of pants and found a dark-blue, artificial fabric pant, which looked quite cool. "I never saw this one," "There's a lot more I have that you haven't seen yet," he said. I grinned and concentrated on his clothes again. I chose a black long-sleeve T-shirt and gave him the clothes I had picked out. "What about boxers?" I grinned and looked around in the drawer. He had many boxer shorts, some branded (CK, Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren) and some were generic, he also had some briefs. I felt a little funny for some reason. "Hey, your stuff here is fresh, right?" I said, grinning. He again laughed and said, "Ah mostly, take care of the ones from the days I wasn't able to find a toilet." I looked at him. "Just joking". And in that moment I just found one. A pair of black boxer shorts, with a silky touch, but it wasn't silk. It was again something artificial. "Have it!" "Good, then come over and dress me." "Are you serious?" "Yeah man, this is fun, if you don't want to, I can.." "No, no, it's my pleasure," I said, and liked the game we were playing. I went over to him with his clothes, put them on the chair which was next to him and looked at him. I went down onto my knees, and moved the boxer shorts he was wearing down (with a noticeable bulge) which revealed his lovely seven-incher. I couldn't resist the view and just started to lick it a bit. "Ugh Kaneda.." I felt like having it with him right now.. but then I heard the muffled voices of the guys outside. I stopped doing what I was doing and he stepped out of his boxer shorts. I took the black pair and held it so he could step in. Just like I would have done if he was a 5 year old, helping him to get dressed. "You make a cute 5 year old," I said, looking up at him. He bent down, put his arms on my shoulder, drawing me up and giving me a hug.. a very delicate and sweet hug. "God, I love you so much Kaneda" "I love you too Georg," I said and he kissed me for a minute. We broke apart and I looked at him from about a meter's distance. He was looking so sexy. The black boxer shorts accented his body. It matched him so much, his black spiky hair, the black little trail of hair disappearing in the black boxer shorts with the little bit of black hair on his arms and legs. He looked out of this world. "Man, you're a model," I said. "Come on, I'm average, I only look good to you," he said. "Well, for me you are .. who cares about the rest?" He smiled so cutely, I couldn't have wished for more. "Georg, I think if I continue dressing you, we will take like half an hour.. we don't have too much time.. you know that I would love to continue this, but.." "Sure," he said and took the stuff from the chair. Just at that moment Jens stepped into the room. "Ever knew that one should knock before entering?" I said to him. "Why? Georg's changing. So what? Does he.. or you have something which I don't have?" he said and held his crotch. "Jens, you turn me off," I said, grinning. "Yeah, whatever, well,... Kaneda.. can we take your car?" "Hmm, well, yeah, why not..?" "Good! And Georg... nice butt," he said to him and left the room. "MY nice butt," I said in a low voice to Georg and he grinned at me. "I'm all yours. As I said, I would even die.." "Stop it Georg, I don't want to hear that," I said to him, feeling concerned about him even though it was just his way to express his love for me. He smiled and shaped 'I love you' with his lips. I went over and closed the door. "I love you man, I really love you. Don't want anything to harm you," I said and looked into his eyes. "Don't say stuff like that okay?" "Okay Kaneda-san" I walked towards him, hugged him, and ran my hands trough his spiky hair, messing it all up. "Hey hey hey.. my hair.. my style.. you messed it all up!" he said, laughing. I laughed and hugged him again, holding him really close to myself, using so much strength that it was just bearable. I felt his heart beating and for a split second I felt as though I was a part of him. Georg wrapped his arms around me and held me for a minute. I felt so safe in his arms.. this guy was there for me. "Okay, I need to get ready myself.. but before that I'm going to check on Daniel, 'kay?" "Okay,.." "You chose the clothes for me Georg.. feel free to combine what you want." "Okay.." he said and grinned evilly. Daniel was sitting on his bed, his head in his hands, with his hands covering parts of his face and ears. It looked as if he was dreaming with open eyes. "Daniel.." No reaction. "Daniel!" He trembled, looked in a frenzy over to me. "Ah! sorry, was listening to my MD.." "Sure... anyhow, are you ready for tonight?" "uhm yeah!" Daniel hadn't changed or anything. He actually didn't need to change. He was looking good the way he was, with his skater-look. "Daniel a question, might be a little out-of-context now.." "Yeah?" "Have you ever skated? I mean, like really skated? Not just this 'I-wanna-be-cool-so-I-wear-skater-stuff'?" Daniel looked at me puzzled, then his face cleared and said, "You lame-ass, of course I can skate! Do you think I'm a fake or what??" "That's what I thought.." I said. "What??!" Daniel jumped off the bed, facing me, looking serious. I looked at him and started to smile, then made sure that no one was watching me, and gave him a hug. "Man, I'm just teasin' ya.. I thought that you skated.. but well who knows.. " "Yeah I know.." "You know?" "Man, do you think I would hurt you or what?" Daniel said, looking right into my eyes. "No actually not. I think we should both go and play in the theater or something," I said and laughed. "Yeah seems like it.. we tend to be a bit dramatic." Kevin entered the room, seeing us laughing. "What's so funny jerks?" "Nothing worth mentioning man, and Kevin, don't call me jerk okay?" I said to Kevin. "Okay jerk!" "Sigh!" I said, and started to laugh. Kevin came over and fake-punched me and said, "Man, only guys I like I call jerks okay?? So feel special!" "Okay jerk!" "Hey, not the other way round! Only I'm entitled to use that word!" "Yessir!" Daniel saluted. I couldn't stop laughing. This was all too ridiculous. "Hey.. we better get ready! Jens said we could use your car. The only one which is roomy enough. Hope the police wont stop us.. 6 people in a car for 5.. well.." "No worries," I explained. "So Daniel, is everything set.. and what's with you Kevin? Where's your babe?" "She's gonna come on her own.. she refused to pack herself in a car with a bunch of guys," he said, and I could see that his face started to get a little sad. "Man you'll have ta get yourself a car Kev, you can't let her drive you around," I said, not really meaning what I was saying cause I didn't think that there was anything wrong with her driving him around. But I knew that Kevin wasn't too happy about it. What I had learned about Kevin so far was that he was a guy in classical sense. "Yeah jerk, I know that for myself. I will get a car soon!" "Hey, I'm just teasing you. Anyhow, if you wanna go on a separate date with her, you can take my car for that, provided that you won't ruin it.." I said and grinned. "You would let me drive your car?" "Sure! No biggy." Kevin's face lit up and he hugged me, so hard that it was hard for me to breath though. "Thanks man! You're a real friend!!" "Uh, it's not that much Kevin.. will you.. uh let me breathe?" "Sorry!" he said and laughed and I laughed with him. Everybody was ready after half an hour and we all went down to my car. Georg was sitting next to me - he was the tallest of all the guys and somehow nobody argued about him sitting in the front. Of course I was happy with that, since I wanted him to sit next to me. He was my guy, and I loved having him around me. Daniel, Jens, Yilmaz and Kevin were sitting in the back. Jens was sitting a little on the edge, which increased the available space. "Guys, sitting well there?" "Yeah sure!" "Great of course, I love Jens sitting on my nuts!" Kevin yelled. We all started to laugh. "Now that we've been introduced to each other.. why don't we dance later on?" Jens said, playfully. "Aw shut up, sick boy!" Kevin yelled and laughed. "What's with you Dan?" I asked. "I'm fine." "Just 'fine?" I said and looked at him in the back mirror. I saw him smiling at me. "Hope I'll find someone tonight!" he said in a fake melancholic voice. "Yeah sporty! Let's find some hot willing chicks tonight!" Jens yelled expecting all of us to join him. Georg and I instantly joined him, then Daniel and Yilmaz as well started to yell. "You guys know, I'm out of this, I have a chick now," Kevin said, showing both his middle fingers to all of us, grinning all over his face. "Yeah, at least we're free and not already controlled by an amazon!" Georg said jokingly. "Shut the fuck up Georg, she isn't like that.." "Who knows," he chuckled. The drive to the disco was quite funny and we already had so much fun on the way to the club that I thought it would be hard for things to get any better.

We were a bit late as we approached the club and Kevin was looking all around to see if Sabina was standing somewhere. Apparently she wasn't and Kevin didn't know if he should be worried or pissed off. "Shit! Hope she didn't leave already being pissed that we're late!" "No man, we're only 20 minutes late, that's tolerable," Jens said. "Shut up Jens, I don't like to be late. Especially not late for a date!" "Okay, okay.. calm down!" I had luck and saw a guy just driving out of a parking space and I parked the car in an elegant manoeuver. "Okay guys, let's get going!" I said. There wasn't much of a queue yet in front of the club so I was a bit relieved. I hated to wait in queues for ages. "You jerks can go in, I'm going to wait for her," Kevin said. "Okay man," Jens said, turned around and headed towards the club, dragging Yilmaz behind himself That actually pissed me off since I didn't like the idea letting Kevin wait there alone the whole time - it wouldn't have been a loss for anybody if we waited for a bit with Kevin. But no.. Jens had to do what he wanted to do. "I'm going to stay here with you Kevin." "No jerk, you don't need to, just go in with the others... but thanks anyhow, I appreciate it," Kevin said and he started to search his pockets. "We'll stay here with you," Georg said. "Yeps!" Daniel butted in. Kevin looked at us and he had a expression on his face for a split second which I was unable to interpret. He opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything, just smiled at us. Kevin found his cigs and lit one. "Thanks guys". We stood there waiting for like 10 minutes when Sabina drove up in her car which she parked on the platform, ignoring all the traffic signs. "Babe! Where've you been?" Kevin said to her in a soft voice as she stepped out of the car. Sabina looked at him and twisted her eyes, pointing back to her car. "It's cause of them.. these spoiled little girls couldn't decide what to wear!" Right then, 3 girls came out of the car, one after the other, perfectly made up, but in my opinion only one girl was a natural beauty. The other two were good looking, but make-up, well.. made them up, if you know what I mean. Sabina introduced us to each other and we all headed towards the club. I noticed that one girl was paying a bit more attention to me than the rest. But even if it was like that, I could have cared less. I was already together with my love.

Daniel couldn't believe what was coming out of the car. Cute girls, really cute, sweet, good looking girls and he was about to get fascinated when he realised that he was again drifting off into a world which wasn't his. He sighed and tried to look as happy and interested as possible, but inside he was sulking. One of the girls smiled at him and Daniel smiled back. "Hi, my name's Perdita.. call me... Dita." "Nice to meet you Dita," Daniel said, all gentleman like but being completely unhappy. It was so unfair! Girls hadn't shown much interest in him when he was or rather thought that he was straight. Now that he wasn't paying this much attention to them anymore, they started to get interested?

Georg was looking at the girls and he surely knew that they looked good. One of the girls reminded Georg of a girl at school he used to date. It wasn't a love thing back then, he had told Kaneda, but only something to satisfy his needs. Georg again started to feel bad for what he had done back at school. Breaking those girls hearts. Not really feeling anything for them but seducing them and getting laid. It was all wrong what he had done he felt bad now... But wasn't he confused back then.. confused about why he never felt anything for those girls? He thought that this was a cheap excuse for exploiting those girls and tried to think about something else. Georg turned his head around and looked at Kaneda who was paying attention to the girls, which instantly made him feel a lot better.. Seeing his guy there. He felt like holding him right now but was unable to do so right there.

To be continued.. ---------------- That's it for now! Expect part 8 to come soon! And I would really love to hear your comments to the story, be it bad or good, just let me know what you think so far, email me at, I really appreciate it :) Thanky for bearing with me! :)

Next: Chapter 8

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