Almost Torn Apart

By Adam -

Published on Oct 28, 2000



Disclaimer - This story involves homosexual themes involving celebrities, including NSYNC and Brittany Spears. If you do not want to read about these subjects, or if you are under the age of 18, or the legal age to read such material in your country, then please do not continue.


"I can't take this shit anymore. It was one thing for them to want you to date her just for the publicity. And another thing for you two be seen in public together, and even the stories about traveling to see each other. I could handle the small kisses, but I am tired of the headlines I'm reading now. Then I hear that you are getting caught sharing a cigarette. What the hell is this Justin? I love you, but I'm sorry, you are ruining our relationship, and you are about to ruin your life if that is true."

"I'm sorry Josh, I love you." Justin couldn't manage to get anything else, his tears and sobs were breaking his words apart. But this fight was long coming, the tension between Justin, JC, and Brittany had been getting bigger and bigger. Most recently with all the stories circling around them getting married, and smoking together were the things that drove JC over the edge.

More then anything though, JC just wanted to be able to walk over to the hotel bed, and hug Justin. He wanted to tell him that everything was okay, to let him know that they would get through this. Because he knew they would, it was just to hard to fight over this and then end it with a simple hug and crying session. He wanted the fight to end with a conclusion, a solution to the problem.

"What do you want me to do Justin? Watch you and Brittany get close in personal and not get pissed? I know we can't show our affection towards each other in the public eye, but I don't wanna watch you do it with some one else. I'm not asking a lot from you, I just want you to do this one thing for me. Please baby, just make it public that you two have broken up, please."

"okay" Justin barely managed to get the one word out of his mouth, before his sobs continued. He was now happy that the fight was over, but upset that he and JC had fought. JC could sense that Justin was still worried, so he cautiously walked closer to the bed. Seeing that Justin made no attempt to back off in anger, he slid onto the bed, and wrapped his arms around him.

"I love you baby, I don't mean to hurt you like this. You just have to understand I don't like watching you with some one else, even if it is just managements requests. I love you to much." JC kissed Justin's forehead lovingly, and laid the younger man down on the bed. He slid his arms completely around him, and Justin spooned up against JC's stomach and chest, resting like a small child with his mother. Nodding into sleep, JC got the chance to watch his long time boyfriend sleep, but found himself asleep shortly as well.

"Open the door!" Lance was pounding away at the door to Justin and JC's room. Every city they stopped in, the same situation, Justin and JC would never open there door on check out day.

"Coming" He could hear a mumble, most likely JC's. The door opening he was right, it was JC.

"Get packed, showered, and downstairs in an hour. We have got to be on a plane in 2 hours, and you overslept...again!" Lance didn't even wait for an answer, he rushed back for his things, always wanting to be prepared and ready.

"Sheesh." JC mumbled under his breathe, shutting the door and walking back to the bed. "We gotta go baby." Justin was awake, but he didn't want to get up. "I'm gonna get a shower, you start packing...k?" JC smiled at Justin's child like beauty while he tried to sleep again. He slipped out of the room and into the bathroom.

Meanwhile, Justin rolled out of bed, crawling to the dresser. He managed to sit up, while pulling open the drawers and throwing things into the two suitcases lying on the floor. He managed to pack all there clothes, before the water even stopped running from JC's shower. Feeling groggy, and knowing he needed a shower to waken him, he decided it would be nice to shower with JC.

Opening the door, he could hear JC's sweet voice singing to his favorite song.

'And I Promise you never...' He was surprised when he heard JC stop singing, but not so much when he popped his head out of the shower. The water was now off, and he was stepping out. "Can you hand me a towel babe?" He smiled, Justin shook his head, and handed the towel like he was asked of. "Your turn, I'm gonna go take our stuff downstairs, and we can meet up in the limo." A quick kiss and JC was out of the bathroom. Justin smiled, even though he had planned on showering with him, he was happy that he had recieved a kiss.

JC rushed to grab the suitcases Justin had packed, searching the room to make sure that everything was taken care of, before heading out the door. He made his way downstairs through the elevator, to find Joey and Chris in the lobby waiting while Lance was checking out at the front desk.

"Glad to see you had time to grace us with your presence Mr. Chasez. Where is your lover this fine morning?" Chris joked, ribbing JC like usual.

"Very funny Chris, he's upstairs getting a shower. He'll be down in a few minutes." JC smiled.

"You two okay?" Joey questioned, catching JC off guard.

"Sure why do you ask?"

"Well, Chris and I could you hear you last night fighting. We are connected room. I just wish you guys would be quieter, if we didn't have the floor to ourselves, you could have been caught." Joey answered.

"Oh, yeah, we're cool. I just had to let out some steam about something." JC replied, a look of doubt crossing his mind.

"'bout Britt?" Lance asked, now behind him. He must have caught the last part of the conversation.


"Don't worry dude, ya know Justin loves you. And he would never go with Britt. They are just good friends." Chris jumped in sensing JC's uneasiness.

"I know, but I mean, he's gonna call it off with managment. Gonna go public about a break up. We talked about it, and he promised he would do it, becuase it was just interefering in our relationship." JC smiled, he was happy he had gotten his way in this situation.

"That's cool, but you better be prepared to fight management tooth and nail on that. They aren't going to give it up so easily." Lance reminded him, but it didn't get an answer from JC, because Justin was now heading towards the group.

"Now we can finally leave." Joey yelled, rushing out the doors and into the waiting limo. Chris followed rather quickly as well, and Lance slowly behind him. JC and Justin walked as close as they could in public, to the limo door. Once inside, Justin rested his head on JC's shoulder.

"I hate this crap." JC muttered as he instinctively went to Justin's hair with his fingers. Each one gently twirling and untwirling strands, lovingly and caringly. All the while Justin smiling, and droning into sleep.

"What?" Lance waited for an answer, confused by JC's sudden outburst.

"I hate this, the fans. Ya know, how me and Just can't go out in public and even hold hands." JC mumbled, Justin not even listening in. JC smiled though, although he hated there secrecy, he loved to lovingly play with Justin hairs, and just hold the younger man, even if it was in secrecy.

"I know, it does suck, even for us. And we don't have to worry about keeping relationships secretive. But the tour is over, and we get to go home. So now you two can do what ever you want to do, whenever you want to do it. With out having to worry about any one standing in the way of it." Lance and JC both looked at Chris with wide eyes. It wasn't much like him to join in on the conversations that Lance and JC held often. He was the usually the one uneasy with talking about Justin and JC. He loved them both, but he was not comfortable with there relationship, even after such a long time.

"Yeah, well it still sucks about this shit with the fans. Especially that one that had a plot to kill us. You guys read about?" JC asked, now noticing that Justin was still asleep. He didn't like to talk about threats with Justin around, because Justin took them to heart, always questioning if they should go on when they arose.

"Oh, I read about that. Some teenager or something had the plans in his bedroom, until his mother found the papers. At least there is some body out there decent enough to help there child before they make a mistake." Joey answered, joining in on the conversation. He had been in the room with JC when they read the paper article about the situation.

"Well whoever he was, he's lucky he didn't get on stage. If he made one step towards Justin, you and Lonnie would've been all over him." Chris smiled, looking at JC.

"If I ever see him I'll be all over him." JC laughed back, kissing Justin's forehead. "He's so cute when he sleeps, how could any one want to hurt him?" JC smiled, running his hands over Justin's back.

"It's not like they singled out one of us. That would have been freaky. Although I bet it wooda' been Just." Joey kept himself into the conversation with this joke.

"Me too. He's the cute one, the heartthrob, he probably took that guy's girl from him." Chris laughed along with Joey.

"You guys may be right, I would kill Justin first too. Heartthrob, best dancer, best singer, and he's the youngest too. The most innocent. A killer would get a bigger thrill from that." Lance couldn't help but burst out laughing with his own input into the joke.

"That's not funny, no one is going to kill my baby, ever." JC pouted sarcastically, still playing with Justin's hair and back. "I love him to much let any one hurt him."

"You are so gross dude." Chris made a face of disgust, before turning to look out the window.

"I think you and Justin are cute together. Just kinda gross to listen to you go on and on about how cute he is. And all that shit." Lance smiled, his words were thoughtful, but he couldn't help but throw in a little insult. The group was always close, but surprisingly Justin and JC's relationship brought them even closer. It was a secret they all shared. Not even their parents knew they were seeing each other, a shock seeing as they lived with Justin's mother and step-father. But like usual the one thing that caused a fight, was Brittany, Justin couldn't help but tell her, and the secret wasn't so close-kept. Although the guys would never disclose it to any one, until Justin and JC were ready.

"Thanks Lance, I guess." JC smiled, looking out the window. He couldn't help but continue to think about the fight he and Justin had had the night earlier. He loved Justin, and he knew the love was returned, ten times fold. The two were inseperable, and they were bound to be married, so JC hoped. Brittany was the only obstacle in there way, and she stood a big one. She knew the secret they shared, and although she loved Justin and JC, she was not a good secret keeper. So she used it to her potential, it was no secret she crushed over Justin, so even playing girlfriend made her happy enough. But it made JC sick. One year would be rolling around soon, and he wanted the cherade to end by then, so he and Justin could celebrate there one year anniversary alone.

As the limo drove on, through the streets, JC slowly slipped into a sleep of his own. With only ten minutes to go in the ride, he knew it would be a quick one, but the comfortable position of Justin on his lap, and his head on the window, sleep was too powerful an enemy to overcome. Lance, Joey, and Chris kept up conversations, but those soon droned out. As they watched the roads travel by. Happiness is all they could see, Chris would be returning to Dani, and his company. Joey to clubs and partying, and Lance a chance to catch up with family. They would be in different parts of the country, but all of them would be happy.

The car stopped at the airport entrance, Lance looked over, knowing he had to wake up JC and Justin, but was surprised to see that JC was already awake, yawning and stretching. He gave Lance a quick smile, as if to say he knew what Lance was about to do. Lance smiled back, as he followed Joey and Chris out of the limo. "come on Just, gotta catch our plane." JC shook Justin lightly, and watched him slowly wake from sleep to squint at the lights of day.

"Ten more minutes babe." He managed to spit out, before shutting his eyes again. JC couldn't help but laugh, even though he knew they were rushing to get to the plane anyways. Without hesitation, he scooted his body out from underneath Justin, and caught Justin's head just before it hit the seat. Setting it down gently, he slid out of the limo. Once out, he reached back in, and dragged Justin out of the car, propping the now awake singer on his shoulder.

"You can sleep on the plane." JC whispered, as Justin slowly followed, lifeless. He wasn't even aware of the fans that were about to attack them, before he was running attached to JC's hand. Once inside, they caught sight of Lance, Joey, and Chris signing in with there tickets. Justin and JC slowly made there way to there sides, holding out there tickets. Lance grabbed them and handed them in, and the five made there way through the terminal and onto the plane. They were ushered into first class, surprised that it was practically empty. They each walked to seats, adjusting themselves, until they were comfortable with who they sat next to. Justin and JC obviously next to each other.

"So, before we get back to Orlando, one quick question; How long are ya'll staying?" JC questioned, slipping his hand onto Justin's lap, as the younger man tried to sleep again.

"I'm only staying for tonight, after that I leave in the morning to catch a flight to Mississippi." Lance smiled, happy to be heading home.

"I'll be there forever, and ever." Chris smiled too and Joey just nodded his head in agreement. "Um, by the way... Speaking of forever and ever, you and Justin have been dating for about a year now, and I was just wondering if I could tell Dani?" Chris managed to spit out, hoping to catch JC off guard after the laughter.

"Sure, why not. She's close enough to us." JC smiled, he had wondered why it had taken Chris so long to ask.

"Great, I told her while we were on tour. She was real cool with it, but she wants to yell at you guys once we land. She's really pissed that you didn't tell her ya know." Chris beamed, laughing as JC's face turned a little white.

"You already told her?" JC stuttered out.

"Yeah, sorry, but she is my girlfriend. And like you said she is close enough to know our secrets. Just like Brittany, she's a part of the NSYNC family." Chris tried to rationalize his actions.

"Alright." JC muttered still a little annoyed, but he had to realize where Chris was coming from. JC settled in for the flight home from LA to Orlando. Justin was already asleep, his seatbelt fastened, and his head propped on the window. JC smiled, grabbed a blanket, and rested his head on Justin's shoulder, pulling the blanket over the both of them. The ride was peaceful for the most part, JC woke up a few times, due to the turbulence, while Justin slept through the whole ride. It was just like him to sleep peacefully when JC was nervous. But JC couldn't help but laugh at Justin while he slept.

The end of the flight came quickly compared to most flights. Justin and JC took a seperate limo from the others, as all of them headed off to seperate places. The ride from the airport to Lynn Harless' house was quick, and they were inside shortly after the plane had landed.

"I'm home mommy!" Justin ran into the house, dropping his suitcases off at the door. JC smiled, kicking his way through them. Running around the house, Justin found his mother in the living room, and gave her a huge hug. "Miss me?"

"Of course I did, now where is Josh? Did you leave him with all the luggage again?" Lynn asked quickly, getting a blushing Justin. That meant yes. "Some times you are the rudest young man in the world Justin. And I don't know where you get it from?" Justin knew what he was being asked of, and he turned and walked back to the door. Grabbing some of the suitcases, from where he left them.

"Sorry babe." He muttered, hoping that JC was not to upset with him.

"It's cool." JC smiled, and took his half of the bags. "I wooda' carried them by myself ya know?"

"I know, but mom said I should help you." He smiled back, and they walked into the living room together, but not together. JC was okay with the fact that he wasn't allowed to show affection around Justin's parents, but he was bothered that Justin was afraid to tell them.

"Well I'm glad you two are finally home. It's been so quiet here with out you two. Almost like the house was empty, it's not the same without ou two messing around and making a ruckus." She laughed, patting the couch for the boys to sit down. "I'm just glad that you are okay, after that whole plot to kill you and all. We were all so worried, I stayed on the phone with your mother Josh for over four hours I think." Laughing again, she smiled as they took seats next to her.



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