Almost Like Family

By moc.loa@yugsitnalta

Published on Nov 10, 2023


Note that the following story is a work of semi-fiction, or maybe "inspired by a true story." Part is 100% true, and part is fantasy, and I leave it to the reader to determine which is which. Certain details have been tweaked to protect the "innocent." By all means, send feedback along to

I said it before and I'll say it again... it sucked that Jeremy and I so rarely got together. There were just too many competing pressures, between work, our regular social lives, and our women. It usually worked out that we had very brief windows of opportunity, on very short notice.

Which made our few bouts of fucking insanely vicious. The only thing that kept things reasonably in line was the knowledge that any injury we succumbed to would need some serious explanation.

And then it happened. I don't know if the fates finally decided to throw us a bone, or that years of clean living had paid off, but one day my wife Liv mentioned that her work was likely going to send her to a workshop in Atlanta, and that she and another colleague were going to give a presentation. She didn't have to go to the whole conference, but would likely need to spend a Thursday night there.

Jesus, my heart about stopped.

She was less than thrilled, and wasn't exactly excited to have to speak in public... to the point that I think she was trying to talk herself out going. I... I'm not proud to say that I went on a full-court press telling her how great this opportunity was, telling her in, um, animated detail about important it was for her to go. Plus, how it showed how much they loved her work and that it could be a boost to her career.

Something in the back of my mind was kicking myself for all but giving her the bum's rush out the door, but at the same time I really was proud of her and was excited for her. And the thought of actually getting chance to get Jeremy right where I wanted him... Damn. It was... complicated.

Finally, she agreed. As she drifted over to the computer to start putting some ideas together for the presentation, I wandering into the TV room, turned on the sound for some background and called Jeremy. I told... nay ordered the man to clear the date. We were helped by the fact that there was a playoff game that night, giving us a perfectly plausible reason to get together and to not have either of our girls to be checking up on us.

I don't think I can convey how excited I was. Jesus... I was fucking tingling, with a semi nearly the entire week before she left. I dared not touch myself, both from need to save myself for the big night and the fear that the smallest touch was going to cause my dick to explode.

God... just the thought of it. For the first time—ever—in our time together, Jeremy and I were going to have an entire night of uninterrupted guy time. No checking the clock. No feeble excuses. No risk of calls from the ladies asking for us to do them a favor. Just... fucking... us.

Just... us... fucking.

And something else made it feel special to me, too—it was at my house. Except for the rush-job in the garage, we'd always been at Jeremy's. Which was fine, don't get me wrong. But I was finally able to reciprocate. To host him. Have him be part of my world. It was a minor thing, and probably stupid, but... there it was.

On the day of, Liv left for the airport at an unholy hour of the morning, and I'm hoping I didn't come off as... you know, too desperate to get her out the door. But Christ, you now how women are when they travel? A thousand second-guesses. Nearly unpacking to make sure this or that item was there. Losing track of her phone charger. A near crisis deciding which coat to bring. I swear I was biting the inside of my lip hard enough to draw blood so that I didn't start yelling and throwing her luggage out the door.

But finally, she was gone.

The plan, loudly discussed and frequently discussed with our women was that after work, Jeremy was going to stop by my place around dinner time watch the game. There, we would eat greasy food, drink too much, fart, belch, drunkenly yell at the TV, and use such uncouth language as to strip the paint from our walls. Anything to make it sound like a testosterone-drenched wallow that they wanted no part of.

It wasn't a... total lie. It was certainly going to be a testosterone-drenched wallow. But there was no way Jeremy and I were waiting until evening. We had both arranged our schedules so that we'd be done early in the day, giving us a chance to meet up and start our testosterone-drenched wallow in the afternoon.

I got home early, and after a few preparations ended up pacing the house like a tiger in a cage. Shit... the waiting? Waiting for Jeremy to get into his pants? Fuck. I was in a hormonal daze, barely able to sit down for two seconds together. I plopped at the computer, thinking I may bring up some porn. I was too fired up to play a clip. Jittery. I stalked over to the kitchen to get a snack, and about ripped the fridge door off its hinges pulling it open. Damn, Trevor... get it together. It will come. And... we'll cum. I stormed over to our bar cabinet, and decided to pour a drink. Yeah. Alcohol will help.

It was about time for Jeremy to arrive—with me sitting on the couch bouncing my leg so ferociously I almost put my heel through the floorboards—when I got a call. Finally! It must be Jeremy!

I looked at my phone... and hissed out an obscenity. Shit. It was Liv. Calling... now.

I mentally tried to calm myself before answering. Maybe this was good. At least she's calling now... and wouldn't be checking in later. Still, timing was off. Before answering, I looked out the window.


Jeremy had just pulled up and was getting out of the car. Shit. Shitshitshit.

I answered the phone, making my way to the front door and opening it. I dared not put it on speaker, but kept it plastered to my head. Louder than was strictly necessary, I called out, "Hey Liv, thanks for the call! How's my sweetie? Did you arrive safely?"

Jeremy stopped dead a few feet away, staring at me. I gestured sharply for him to get inside. "Oh, really? Ugh, yeah... God, I hate when the airlines do that to you. Um-hm. Um-hum. Yeah. Yeah, good. And the hotel's nice?"

Jeremy slid in the door I was holding open, and stood there quietly in our foyer. Staring. Tense as a tiger about ready to pounce. Waiting for a signal.

"Oh, yeah, that's good. Mm-hmm. Yeah. The last time I traveled... well, you remember me bitching about the crap hotel they put us in. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's cool. Me? Oh, just... you know, actually I decided to come home after lunch. I had an offsite meeting, and it didn't make sense to drive all the way back into the office." Jeremy was giving me A Look. "Yeah, that way I can get some things done before Jeremy gets here tonight. He's coming straight from work so I'll want to get the food ready. You know, make sure he feels welcome."

At this point, Jeremy very obviously stifled a laugh, and silently made his way to our bar to pour himself some whiskey.

"So, just bored? What time is it there, anyway? Yeah. Yeah. So, you have an hour free before the working dinner? Well, know what I horndog I am... I'd sure find a way to spend an hour, alone with you in a hotel room." Jeremy cocked his head, giving me a snarky glare. I turned away from him, but went on. A wicked idea was starting to form in my mind. "Oh stop, you know you love it. You remember how we... inaugurated that last hotel we stayed in?" My voice had dropped into a conspiratorial growl, dripping with indecency.

And to my somewhat surprise, Liv didn't reflexively swat me down.

"Yeah, you remember my hands? Working you over? C'mon, babe, don't be shy. You've left me all alone and I'm feeling it. Yeah. Yeah... maybe we can help each other out..."

Jeremy was looking at me with intense interest. I turned towards him and smirked.

"It's fine, babe. I'm all alone here, feeling frisky. You're in a hotel room. And you know, hotel rooms were built for action. That's what they're for. If there isn't some kind of action going on, hotel rooms die a little, on the inside. You know what? I'm going into the bedroom. And I'll tell you what I'm thinking about." I cocked a finger, and gestured for Jeremy to follow. He looked blankly at me for a second, then took a hard swallow of whiskey and followed me silently into our bedroom.

"You hear that, babe? I'm in the bedroom and taking of my clothes. I'm gonna be feeling myself. Thinking of you. It's already happening, so you might as well join me."

I shot laser eyes at Jeremy as we stood there. Close. "Yeah, can you hear? I'm undoing my pants." Jeremy gave me an intense, wicked smile, and walked behind me. He undid my belt. And my zipper. My pants slid open, falling around my thighs. "Yeah babe, I've dropped my pants. Let me hear you do it, too. Yeah. Yeah. Can you feel me, like I'm standing behind you? Feel my hands slide around your waist. Reaching up. Oh God, Liv, you know how much I love the feel of your skin. I'm feeling you babe. Fucking feeling you. Feel my hands. Running up from your waist. Circling your bellybutton. Reaching."

Jeremy was listening, following my lead, exactly. Bringing my husky-voiced words to life. God, his hands. Rougher than a woman's. Strong. A man's hands. His rough fingers sliding in lazy circles around me. Gently moving through the wiry hair on my belly. My skin feeling the brush of his hairy forearms. Fuck. Jeremy knew... exactly... how much pressure to bring. My skin was trembling under his touch, like I was a fucking virgin on prom night or something. God, he knew how to play me.

But it wasn't just Jeremy's hands all over me. I could feel him lean into me, feel his breath on my neck. Just the lightest touch of his scruffy chin. Shivers. His lips. Fuck. "Babe, can you feel me behind you? All hard. Leaning in. Feel me lick you. How wet that tongue is."

How wet his tongue was.

I could hear Liv's reactions, mirroring my own. Jeremy moving his hands up, roughly working my hairy pecs. My nipples. "God, I wanna feel `the girls.' Fuck Liv, you've the best fucking rack. Let me feel them. Yeah, you know what I like. Fuck yeah. I gotta taste you babe." Jeremy complied, moving around me. Pulling my T-shirt up. He started mouthing me, vulgar drags of his warm tongue on my hairy nipples. Then pulling back and blowing cool air across them. They were as rock-hard as my cock. I made a sound of perfect male arousal, and my excitement whetted Liv's appetite a thousand miles away.

Jeremy started sucking. Hard. The way he sucked my cockhead. I tried to mask the wet sounds with throaty gurgles of my own. "Mmmmm. God, babe, you hear that? Tongue... nipples... Fuck I'm hot right now. I could hear she was, too.

"Oh God, babe, you like that? You fucking wet for me? Please, please..." I desperately caught Jeremy's eye, "please, it's been so long. Will you go down on me? Please babe? It's a special occasion, let's celebrate."

Fortunately, phone-sex Liv was more willing to suck me off than real-life Liv ever was. She rolled with it. Thank God. There was no way I'd otherwise be able to separate what was happening with what I was saying to my very aroused wife.

Jeremy smiled, giving my nipple a playful bite. I gasped. "Oh fuck yeah!" He slurred a long trail down to my cock, proudly reaching out from my open fly. As I growled my pleasure, he hauled my pants and underwear down and I stepped out of them. "Yeah babe, do it! Fucking take me in! I want it so fucking bad...!"

Fuck yeah... he took me in.

"GOD YEAH!" There was no teasing, no tasting. Jeremy was all business. He fucking sucked me, hard, desperate. Needing my cock as much as I needed his mouth. "GOD! YES! Fuck yeah, your mouth is so fucking wet! Suck me! Fucking SUCK ME!"

Still holding the phone to my ear, I reached down with my free hand and ran my finger through his hair. Short, strong hair, so unlike the long silky hair of my wife. Fuck! I was so fucking turned on. Leaning into Jeremy's mouth. Feeling the pressure, the wet pressure as he sucked me. A man's suck. Better than any woman had ever done before. Better than any woman could. Hard, swirling his tongue around my head. Rolling. Rolling his head in time to match. Then my eyes rolled back as he sucked me down hard, downs as much as his shaft as he could. So hard, so deep I thought he would gag. FUCK!. Loving it. Pulling up again. Working my slick cock with his hand as he tickled my piss slit with his tongue. And then swallowing hard. So hard, I almost lost my balance. I gripped him hard. Trying to regain my equilibrium. Trying to keep my wife engaged. "You're making me so fucking hot, babe! I fucking love it! God, I'll do anything for you! So fucking good!"

It was almost too good. I was so fucking desperate to finally be with Jeremy, as only men can be, that I was waaaaaay too close. I roughly pulled him off, his mouth still desperately puckering, reaching for my cock. I glistening filament of spit (or pre-cum?) connecting my dick with his lower lip. He looked up at me, frustrated and confused.

"You've got me so turned on, babe. I gotta return the favor. I gotta eat you out too! Gotta make you fucking howl!"

Somehow in the back of my mind, I thought I was going to be the one to go down on Jeremy, without a real plan for how I would manage talking on the phone while sucking him off.

Jeremy, however, is a clever boy. And he had a better idea. He slid noiselessly behind me; and before I could react, I could feel his hot, wet tongue on my ass. Teasing, fucking teasing me... just the tip. But it focused every inch of my attention.

"Oh God, babe, I'm gonna work you over. Feel my tongue between your legs, working your slit... starting at the top, and going down, down, going d-d-dah-how-na-hown... Fu-uh-uck-kk-k..." Jeremy's tongue followed my lead, starting down my hairy crack. Deep. Oh Holy Hell. So deep between my... oh GOD. Goosebumps. My breath coming out in shattered gasps. "OH GOD..." I caught myself, tried to keep from screaming into the phone. "Oh God. Yeah. Feel it! Wet tongue. Up and down. Fuck. MMMmmmmmMMM. So fucking good. So wet. So fucking... Oh God, yeah... love eating... love... YES!"

Holy fuck. His tongue hit my hole and I was barely keeping it together.

"Feel that? Tongue... inside... fucking inside... opening up... tongue on hole... MMmmmmmMMMuuhhh... inside feel it inside. Wet. Making it wet. Ready... Oh God... getting ready. So good... Fucking SO GOOD... uhhhnnnnggghuuuuh..." I broke down to the point I could only babble out a series of zoo sounds... thank God for the role play, that was all that was expected.

Jesus Christ, Jeremy worked me over. Fucking raping my hole, ramming his tongue inside me as far as he could. Sucking on my pucker, making it open more. I was... slightly squatting, trying to open up more. Feeling his breath on my wet crack. Then he fucking ignited, wildly sweeping his mouth across my bunghole, thrashing side to side so hard I could barely keep my balance. I leaned down to grip the side of my bed with the force of a Jaws of Life. Again and again he attacked me, and I realized I was pushing back as hard as I could. Needing him with a primal force of life. The prime directive of all males, to fucking rut.


Jeremy needed no further persuasion. He stood up, and I gather he slicked himself up... because in a flash I could feel him roughly line his dick up with me. Wet. I could feel his dick's wetness against the wetness of my hole. A few hip circles, and he wrapped a hairy arm around my chest... and fucking heaved.

And fucking speared me all the way down to his hairy balls.

Somehow—somehow—I squelched a scream. I gave enough of a howl that both my buddy and my wife knew I was fucking primed. I braced my free hand against the bed... and Jeremy started fucking the living shit out of me.

"FUCK YEAH! I fucking love it! So fucking deep! DICK! UNNNGHH! SO GOOD! RAAAAHHHAAANGH! MAKE ME FEEL LIKE A MAN!!!" The weeks of frustration turned this into a fucking savage fuck, and I needed it all. I dissolved into fucking ape noises as Jeremy plowed me, again and again. The fire of pain was for a second overwhelming, but I grit my teeth and pushed through, knowing... and sure enough, I could feel it fade as the fire inside me roared to life, obliterating anything else. His cockhead savagely punching my spot, sending explosions of raw feeling throughout my body. Again and again he thrust upwards, all but knocking me off my feet. But he was holding me, his hairy arm around my chest. Locked in. Refusing to let me move an inch if I had wanted to. Driving in. Cascading fireworks inside me. GOD I NEEDED THIS! My bellows masking the real sounds of Jeremy plowing me so they weren't audible over the phone...

Ah. The phone.

A thought tripped across my mind, the part of me still tethered to my call. Somehow I dug deep inside, and somehow formulated words. "Oh baby, I'm stroking myself off thinking of it, you hear that?" I spat into my hand, smearing it onto my cock as I started jacking myself, in time to Jeremy's hammering. "You hear that? My dick wet like it is inside your pussy. I'm jerking! Fuck yeah, we're gonna cum together! MAKE ME CUM!!"

I was so far gone, it didn't take more than a minute. I could feel the familiar burn in my balls. Hear the sound of thundering wind. Feel every muscle in my body tense up. And, I could feel Jeremy's hold tighten. His breath get ragged. His fearsome rhythm start to break. He was right there with me. "OH BABY I'M GONNA BLOW...!!!"

And I fucking came. The kind of explosion that only comes after long days of denial. Long sweaty, sleepless nights of frustration, finally released... and released in a way that can only happen with another man. I came so hard I could feel my body recoil into Jeremy's hairy body. He exploded too, my ass slamming around his dick in a death grip.

He buried his face against my shoulder to hopefully muffle his cries, but thank God I was howling myself. Over the phone, I could hear Liv scream out her own passion... deaf to all else.

Jeremy held inside for a moment while his body convulsed with aftershocks, but we were both thoroughly disoriented, barely upright. I could feel the sudden pop! as his dick slid out of me, and he slumped-fell onto the bed, panting. I leaned forward, holding myself somewhat upright against the bed with my free hand.

I started laughing, a deep, baritone laugh of sheer satisfaction. Over the line, I could hear Liv join in. "Holy fuck. Heh heh... that was fucking amazing. You like that, babe? Yeah... yeah. Heh heh... fuck yeah. We do still got it! Yeah, shot all over the bed... you should see the splatter pattern, it looks like a crime scene! Yeah... yeah... I know... yeah, of course I'll make sure I wash the sheets, I know how much you hate the wet spot." I looked at Jeremy and rolled my eyes as I said the last part. "Well, yeah I can let you clean up and get ready for dinner, I'll need to get myself ready for Jeremy, too. I'm sure he doesn't want to see me like this...!" Jeremy made an obscene gesture with his tongue.

I righted myself, and made some more small talk with Liv as I padded into the bathroom for a couple of towels. Lowering my voice, I shared a few sweet-talking, intimate murmurs and wished he well with her presentation before signing off.

I sauntered back into the bedroom and was stopped dead by the sight of Jeremy. No happy little afterglow for him. He was standing there like some sort of barbarian god of old. A barbarian God of Sex. His eyes blazing. His body all but radioactive with sexual energy. Tousled. Beads of sweat running down in temples, glinting in his chest hair. His hairy chest rising and falling as he panted with his lips barely parted. Ready, even having just shot a load. His right hand gripping his steel-hard cock, still slick with cum and spent lube.

The very picture or raw masculine power.

I don't know which of us needed the other more.

I crossed to him, and without a word laid a wet slap of a kiss on his mouth. God. Close like that I could smell him... his dusky male scent overlaid with sweat and sex. My own dick had still been somewhat gorged; but the sight of him there, the smell of him there, brought me roaring to life. His hairy arms swept around me, crushing me to him, hard enough to nearly stop my breath. I gasped out, then slammed my face against his again, ramming my tongue down his throat as hard as he had just fucked me. Hard enough to send us sprawling awkwardly onto the bed.

For a minute... five minutes...? we crushed together, our bodies singing in shared understanding. Hair on hair, muscle taught against muscle. Reveling in the fucking weight of each other. Our shared heat. Friction tempered with sweat. The way men come together.

But we needed more... and Jeremy definitely needed more. Jeremy roughly pushed us apart and stared daggers into my soul. "No more games. No more bullshit. I'm gonna break your fucking ass," he hissed.

"Take your best shot, motherfucker."

It still surprised me how fucking strong men are when they're truly fired up. Sex with a woman doesn't prepare you for it. Playing ball with your buds doesn't prepare you for it. The raw sexual hunger turned my best bud into a fucking sexual tornado. As big a guy as I am, he fucking threw we across the bed, face down. He violently wrenched my hips up into a kneeling position as he stood behind me. My hands gripped the bedsheets like a pair of vices, dragging the bedding with me as he pulled my butt to the edge of the bed. I had a microsecond to prepare... and he fucking pounded is cock inside me to the hilt.

We both roared like a pair of rival Serengeti lions.

Thank God our earlier bout had loosened me up, or I don't know that I could have taken it. It was like he was trying to batter down some hidden door deep inside me... or fucking trying to kill me. Laying down hammer strokes that made me and the whole fucking bed shudder. Roaring. Fucking roaring. Faster. And faster. Coming too hard, too fucking fast for me to react. Oh God... the fucking sensation. Pain wrapped in the most FUCKING AMAZING FEELING wrapped with... God, I don't know. Stars. Seeing stars. The Roaring. Stars. POUNDING. Me screaming my fucking lungs out... but being overtaken by Jeremy's titanic bellowing. And everything being wiped out by the thunder in my head. POUNDING. TWISTING POUNDING. STARS. THUNDER. NOTHINING BUT POUNDING AND STARS AND THUNDER.

It was as close to being scared as I think I had ever been.

In a flash, it was over... Jeremy wrenched himself out of my ass as violently as he had entered. The release came with a pop. A world-staggering emptiness.

He ruthlessly spun me around on my back. I could only stare at him. Desperate to catch my breath. He loomed over me like a barely controlled hurricane, panting. Sweat pouring down. His face and neck flushed red. His eyes all but flashing murder. We stared at each other, silently. The only movements were our body heaves as we panted. And the look in his eyes... shifted. They lost none of the intensity, but... shifted. His hand reached up, his fingers sliding around my sweaty hair. "Fuck man," he whispered. "I gotta see you. I gotta see it in your eyes. I gotta... see you."

He kissed me. Hard. Like a hit with a crowbar. He pulled back, and kissed me again.

The fire inside me was still there, even without his dick ripping me apart. His kiss still brought out the low roar of thunder inside my head. I kissed him back. Savagely. Like the fucking history of the world depended on it.

We made moshing noises as we made out, as he slid us both forward onto the bed. He ruthlessly, systematically slid between my legs and pushed them aside, grinding is hairy midriff against my belly. Dragging his hairy abs over my swollen cock.

True to his word, he pushed himself off me slightly as he pushed me open and exposed, his rock-hard dick up inside my hairy trench, now wet with sweat from our exertions. Finding my hole. I could feel my pucker reaching for him, needing his cock. Needing him. Hungry. He found me, and started a series of obscene hip circles to open me. Not slamming me... but teasing me. Making me work for it. Beg for it. I shifted my weight, scooching down, trying to get him. Needing that fucking dick. A half-smile crossed his face as he watched me. Consumed with watching my own hunger. He lined up and slowly, strongly, groooouuund his dick up inside me.

My eyes rolled back as I started a long, low moan. FUUUCK. Every time he does it... that first feel of masculine penetration...

Jeremy grabbed my face in his rough hand. "Look at me." It wasn't a command exactly, but it commanded my whole attention. My whole being.

"Gawwwwwd," I rasped. "You're so fucking big. I will never get used to it."

"And you're so fucking tight. I will never get used to that. Fuck man. You're fucking amazing. Fucking amaz-"

He hit rock bottom, hitting some new place inside me. Reflexively, my back arched and I threw back my head, making a sound I'm not proud of. My hands gripped his sweaty body, barely able to hold his taut muscles. Jeremy started fucking me, a slow steady dance. Slowly, but every bit as brutally has before. Thrusting. Thrusting. The fucking power of the guy... the fucking power. Methodical. Deliberate. Strong. Thrusting. HARD. MAN POWER.

And every movement brought a cascade or raw feeling inside me. My guts had turned into lava, rolling and pitching and setting all my body on fire. Heat. Fucking heat. Heat matching his thrusts. Heat becoming light. My body convulsing wildly, like I was some sort of creature Dr. Frankenstein was trying to bring to life through Transylvanian lightning.

And all the time, Jeremy staring me down. Studying. He'd get a sly smile on his face when some new angle brought out a full-body spasm, or a bark of pleasure. Fucking me. Watching me. His hands. Roughly raking my hair. Barbaric. Connected. Sliding across my sweaty body. Kneading my hairy arms. Feeling. Fucking. Watching.

Making me burn with fire inside me I didn't know I had.

And with that fire came this... euphoria. With that roaring wildfire inside my body filling me, I felt a connection to Jeremy, to the universe, to everything. Gloriously drunk. Drunk on a cocktail or raw testosterone and sweat and cum ready to boil over. I grabbed him harder than before, slamming him against me, into me... and kissing the fuck out of him.

He responded, his thrusts inside me becoming whole-body slams. We shuddered together from the power of it. Each thrust making the bed buck and jolt. Fucking. Locked together, our chest hair scouring each other raw. Convulsing. Fucking. My head spinning. My mind exploding. There was nothing, nothing but the shattering fuck as we slammed together, lips locked, gripping each other hard enough to leave bruises. Fucking. Fucking. FUCKING THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF EACH OTHER. FUCK ME. FUCK ME.


Jeremy shot up, bracing himself with his arms. AND he fucking powerfucked me. Thunderstrokes, down and forward. BAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAM. I screamed. BAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAM. He threw his head back, roaring. BAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAM. I grabbed his arms for dear life. BAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAM. My world went white, everything swept away. BAMBAM. Everything, everything coming together. BAMBAM. Fire. Everything on fire. BAM. Fire. BAM.

And I came so hard I about lifted off the bed.

Screaming cum. Spit flying. Cum. CUM.

That tripped Jeremy over the edge, and with a primal masculine howl he fucking flooded my guts with his spunk. Drowning my innards in man-cream. I could feel every muscle in his entire body convulse in primordial release.

Men. Men sharing loads. As only men can.

Fuck. Holy fuck.

I don't know how long the afterglow lasted, as time, consciousness, and basic bodily functions had all been blow away in the explosion. Christ, I felt like I had had a stroke.

I somehow registered that Jeremy was on his side, heave-panting, trying to regain his equilibrium. He looked over at me, flashing the biggest grin I had ever seen, and playfully patted my chest. My sweaty, cum-soaked chest. "You... have no... idea... what you do... to me," he gasped out.

"Look," I responded, breathily, "'s always... amazing... and I say this... every time... but that's... the best sex I've ever had."

"Amen, buddy."

"No seriously... that was... shit, man. Wow. But... seriously... you shifted into... another gear today. What happened, you take... like a Viagra or something...?"

Jeremy let out a low breathy laugh and laid back. "Nah man, it's just... I'm feeling really good. I've been thinking about this... thinking about you... a long time. And you bud, you exceed my expectations." There was a long companionable silence as we just soaked everything in.

Jeremy chuckled again and went on. "Well, ok... yeah, there's something else. I... well, you won't believe it, but I fucking dropped my old man."

I started, snapped to reality. "Wait... huh?"

He laughed some more. "Yeah, seriously. Fucking hauled off and punched him. He went down like a load of wet laundry. It felt good."

"Jesus, man... tell me!"

"Well, last night I was over at my folks' place. My stepmom wanted to move some things around and asked me to help. Thing is, dad was just sitting around. Watching me do everything. And being a fucking bastard about it. I finally said, 'Like what the fuck... are you gonna actually do anything while I'm busting my ass, or are you just gonna bitch?' And he gets all puffed up saying this and that, his usual bullshit, whatever. But then he says it: that I'm just a big pussy, and running around doing what a woman says because I don't have any balls. And I better make sure my woman doesn't act up or he'll show her what a man really is. That was it. I just walked over and dropped him. Only took one punch and he was sprawled across the floor, crying like a bitch."

"Holy shit." I couldn't believe it. Not even sure what to say. God knows the man had it coming... I just never thought Jeremy would do the honors. "So, what happened?"

Jeremy got surprisingly... pensive. Looking away, he went on. "You know, I fantasized about cleaning his clock most of my life. I guess most guys dream about knocking around their old man, but just like... in a general way. I dreamed about it for years. Fucking years. Specifically. Dreamed about what I'd say, how it would feel. How everything would change. But you know, when it actually went down...? It was... completely different. It was like, there was no planned out retribution' or vengeance' or anything... I just wanting to shut him up, to get through to him in the only way he'd understand. I didn't even hit him that hard. Just... 'we're done' kinda thing."

He drifted into silence, but... I could tell there was more. I waited. Let him find his words.

"I also just assumed if I finally lost it on him, that I'd keep pounding him until they pulled me off, or he was dead or something. That I'd be out of control. But really, it was just that one good punch. And, well, looking down on him, I didn't feel... much of anything. No joy, no triumph. It was weird. But then I thought of something you say all the time: 'I'm better than him. I'm a better man than him. I've already won.' And you were right... I have already won. I thought I'd be in his shadow forever. But I'm already free. I've got my own place, my own job doing something I love, I got friends, and I've got a girl that loves me. I got respect, and self-respect. And I did it all myself; I didn't get shit from him. I've got more right now, just starting out, that that bastard has gotten in his whole life. Fuck him, he's just a sad fuck-up with nothing. And another thing you always say is right, too... 'Never fight someone who has noting left to lose. So I just walked away. Done.'"

And as he finished the story, I realized I could see entirely what was different about Jeremy today. There was this... confidence. Like seeing a guy who passed his test into manhood. He woke up to realize how strong he was, and now you could totally see it in his eyes. Hear it in the way he talked.

Feel it in the way he fucked...

I grinned on the inside—I was going to have to step up my game.

But Jeremy turned his head and looked at me meaningfully. "You know, as I say it... the funny thing is, when it was happening, I was hearing... you. How you're right about things... you're right about me. That you saw more in me than I ever did. You're so... so... aw shit..."

I was genuinely bewildered. "Hey man, it's ok. What do you mean? I'm listening."

He gave a low chuckle. "Yeah, see... that's it right there. You're the best... man... I've ever known. You're so... strong. You're fucking Yoda. You know shit. You've done shit. You see shit. Just... watching you with other people. Other guys. With your wife. You're... a fucking Man. I've always felt like such a scared little shit-rabbit running around trying to figure my shit out. But nothing trips you up. Jesus, you've taught me more about what it means to be a man in the time we've been together than my old man ever has. Jesus. You make me feel like a million bucks. Like I'm king of the world. And when I'm... you know... with you... I mean... shit, man."

A long pause.

"Fuck man," I finally whispered, "I... I don't even know what to say. But one thing. God, man... you... you're the fucking strongest guy I know. I keep saying it! I keep saying it because it's true. I'm not just blowing smoke up your ass or trying to sweet talk you into bed with me. You've been through more shit than I could ever take, and you've come out amazing. A good man. Fucking solid. Making your way in the word on your own terms, but not shitting on anyone else. That's what a man is." I paused just for a moment. "And I gotta tell you, that strength... well, it's hot as hell. Hotter even than that hot fucking ass you have."

Trevor took me in with those... aw shit, I'll say it... those fucking sexy eyes of his, and broke into a big grin. "Ok, now you are trying to blow smoke up my ass! Dude! You got me! I'm already in the sack with you!"

"And I have big plans for you!"

"Shit man... you are one crazy motherfucker. Hot as fuck, and crazy as fuck."



"Let's refuel. We've got a long night ahead of us."

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Next: Chapter 7

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