Almost Like Family

By moc.loa@yugsitnalta

Published on Oct 29, 2023


Note that the following story is a work of semi-fiction, or maybe "inspired by a true story." Part is 100% true, and part is fantasy, and I leave it to the reader to determine which is which. Certain details have been tweaked to protect the "innocent." By all means, send feedback along to

Well, after Jeremy and I finally reconnected, all the doubts and hemming and hawing went away. Now, I was ready to bang him like a screen door in a hurricane.

I seriously didn't think I could be so riled up by someone. As I left that last night after "watching the game," we quickly hatched plans to get together as soon as humanly possible. I was stoked, and had a couple of memorable bouts with my wife just to take the edge off... but by Sunday night I was pacing around the house like a caged wolf. I couldn't sit for a minute before my legs started bouncing and I had to get up and pace some more.

Jesus. I don't think I'd ever been so hot and bothered by any of the women in my life. But this guy? This... guy?

Heading off to work Monday morning as usual, I drove by a guy jogging along the road breathing hard with sweat stains in his T-shirt. My mind flashed to Jeremy, sweaty. Balls deep inside me. Breathing hard. Face all up in my grill. Sweat running down his face. Sweat. Sweat along his...

...and I realized I was going like 60 down a residential street.


I pulled over and tried to will my heart rate down to normal.

Fuck it. I called him.

He picked up, with that fucking baritone voice of his. Sounding... slightly bleary.

"Hey man, what's up?"

"Not much bud, just on the way to work. I was... Well, it seemed... God. Dammit. Dude. Is there any way, any way at all you are free after work? I... I fucking need you."

Jeremy laughed, any bleariness instantly gone. "No judgement from me! I wanted to call you so fucking bad, but thought there was no way I could bother a married man. Normally I'd be game, but tonight I'm closing at work. I probably won't be back until later on. I don't suppose you can slip away later after that?"

"Damn. Not likely. I was hoping I could breeze in on my way home for a quicky and write it off as traffic or something. But once I'm settled for the night, I'd need some really spectacular reason for skipping out without raising suspicions."

"Shit. I've been... thinking about you. A lot. But holding it together. And now, the thought of hooking up has me hard. Shit."

"Fuck." I said simply. Just this snippet of conversation had my dick nearly ripping through my pants, standing straight up through the steering wheel like it was The Club or something.

But then something hit me. "Wait. So you're closing? So are you free... like, now?"

Jeremy chortled. "Heh. Well, yeah man. Just sitting here, just got up, really and nothing's going on. But... didn't you say you were on your way to work?"

"Yeah." I pondered. "Fuck it. I'm game if you are. I... think I can tell them something. I'm not too far from you, just like 15 minutes or so, depending on the lights."

"Fuck yeah!" Jeremy crowed. "That's perfect. And will give me just enough time to run through the shower..."

"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE!!" I started the car up. I may or may not have squealed my tires heading out.

"Dude. You sure? I'm probably ripe and..."

"I'm fucking going as fast as I can, don't keep fucking teasing me!"

"You're sick man, you know that?" he said laughingly. I didn't bother to respond.

I made it there in record time, dog-panting and with my heart racing like we were already going at it.

Jeremy opened the door, his hair tousled, his hairy chest open and wide. He was wearing nothing but his boxer briefs, which he was seriously tenting. Ohhhh fuuuuuuck.

Jeremy had a big, shit-eating grin on his face. "That was fucking warp speed, man!"

I didn't have time for trivialities. I pushed him inside, shut the door with my foot, and slammed my mouth against his. Fuuuuuck. The fucking feel of his short beard. Gruff and wiry, but surprisingly subtle at the same time. Fuck, I held him tight. Tight. While our tongues battled for dominance in our mouths.

The... weight of him. The physical... presence. Large as life. So unlike a woman. Raring up to meet me. Physical. We were so physical with each other. As only guys can be. Active. Aggressive. Energized.

In my primal need to swap spit with him, I realized I had pushed Jeremy back against the door. My hands running wild across his bare skin. God. You could feel his muscles. Strong. Hard. Raw, like the rest of him.

But I wasn't there to just make out. I slid my mouth back onto his neck, my lips tingling from the scratch of his beard. There. That spot right under his ear. God. Pressed in like that, the scent of him. A husky scent. Raw, unwashed male. Scent. Jeremy.

Fuck. My knees shuddered.

Jeremy jabbed his head back with a sharp intake of breath as my tongue danced around his neck. My breath snorting as I mouthed him and nosed him at the same time, like a fucking dog. Yeah... exactly like a dog.

More. I needed more.

I seized his wrist and slammed it against the door, over his head. Pinning him. Opening his body to me. And in that second before he could react, I swung my face hard and buried it into his hairy pit. Breathing him. Breathing in that sharp scent, meaty and acrid. Swirling my face in there good, his wiry hairs dancing in my nose. Mouthing him. Wetting him down with my spit, in obscene rolls of my tongue. Jeremy's body shuddered, still not used to having a someone go after him like that. But I was all in. Deep, hard. Wet. Breathing so hard I swear I was getting dizzy.

I pulled back. Red hot with need... and not just because of the time constraints. I gripped his body and wrenched him around, slamming him into the door, his face against the wood panneling. I was nuzzling him behind the ear, following his hairline, while reaching down and jerking his shorts and underwear down. Fire starting to burn through every blood vessel in my body. Jeremy grunt-laughed and started slurring his hand on the door over his head. Rubbing it... no, grasping at it like it was a lover' body. I couldn't spare a thought about it; those big fleshy glutes were exposed. And mine.

I rammed a finger into his exposed crack, my face still pressed against the back of his. I slurred my finger back up to my nose, and breathed him in, noisily. Fuuuuuck. That earthy scent, dank and sour. Man ass. Raw. Fuck. FUCK. the pheromones sparked something deep in me. Awakening me on a bestial level. Like a wolf filled with Blood Rage and the scent of terrified prey.

I kicked his legs further apart and started unbuckling my pants. Wrenching my fly down. Digging my trembling hands into my hairy crotch.

In dropping my defenses, I gave Jeremy his chance. Before I could react, he spun around, and with more force than I could have anticipated, he fucking threw me onto his bed, all but knocking the wind out of me. Fuck. My heart was pounding faster. Jeremy was looking at me with a predator's eye, a cocky half-smile wickedly etched on his face. And my heart started pounding faster. Jesus. He was so... fucking...

As he pulled my pants past my thighs, he snarled out, "You better get your shirt off NOW, office boy!" Fuck. Oh fuck yeah. I didn't even try to undo the buttons, just yanked it over my head. One wrist still caught in the fabric.

Jeremy made his move. Kicking the last of his clothes off from around his ankles, he crawled over me. Never taking his eyes off me. Stalking me. "You looking for man-smell? Fucking choke on it!" He reared up and squatted down over me, and dragged his hairy ballsack across my face. Teabagging me. Roughly. Raw musk flooding my senses.

The smell. Fuck.

I was going after him just as hard, my neck straining as I desperately reached up to meet him. His balls pushed heavily into my face. I was going fucking crazy. Simultaneously sucking and snorting him. His balls rolled roughly around, dragged over my nose. The wiry hair scraping my cheeks, scratching my lips. The smell of him. Earthy. Masculine. I kept nuzzling his balls as best I could, alive with his scent. Opening my mouth. Sucking them, gently mauling them with my lips. The salty taste, fused with his rich man smell. I was fucking losing my mind. In a fucking daze.

Jeremy leaned forward, snaping me back. And suddenly, my nose was up his hairy ass crack. Oh fuck. That darker, sour smell. My dick shot up another two inches. He rocked back and forth, dragging his butt across my face, up and down. Making me breath him in. I was breathing so hard I was getting dizzy. This whole new fucking world opening up to me. Raw, male sexuality at its most primal. His man-scent opening up hidden floodgates hidden in the deepest part of my psyche. Exciting me on a molecular level.

Jeremy let out the strangest sound: partly a low hungry moan and partly rat-a-tat-tat of quickfire, gasped breaths. All at once I realized something, too. He needed this as much as I did. God. Oh GOD. This wasn't an act of domination on his part... it was an act of raw desperation.

And with that, I suddenly exploded into a bestial version of myself, like I was the fucking Hulk. Becoming the predator.

Jeremy was completely caught off-guard. I exploded into movement, grabbing his torso and throwing him off me. I grabbed a leg and flipped him over, and before he could even think about, I hauled his torso forward so he was on his hands and knees and fucking raped his hairy hole with my mouth.

Jeremy howled. I was a fucking madman, slobbering all over as I relentlessly attacked his unsuspecting pucker. Driving my tongue in, hard. Locking my lips around it and sucking as hard as I could. Throwing my head from side to side, grinding my face in. His ass hair caught in my teeth; I didn't give a fuck. I started lapping at him, hard, like a dog. Back to tonguing him, rapid-fire. No time for him to react, only to feel. Feel. Jeremy was making gasping, barking sounds as pleasure ripped through his body. I slapped his ass, hard. And again. And ground my face so hard against him that I had almost slammed him flat against the bed.

I don't know how long I ate his ass. Time stopped. My senses were bent and twisted. His ass scenting me.

But Jeremy regained himself. He wrenched himself free of my grasp, rolling over onto his back and seizing my leg. He pulled me over him, and I saw his dick. That fucking incredible cock that look like it was standing 3 feet tall, with the head dripping with pre-cum.

I knew what he wanted.

I grabbed his hips and smashed my mouth around him, tasting that sweet taste of man juice as I fucking swallowed him down. Hard. Sucking hard. Not giving a fuck as I went after his cock, knowing he needed me to come at him hard. Like a fucking MAN. Again and again. My spit slurring around my face. Sucking. Fucking SUCKING.

In return, Jeremy worked his way between my legs, and started eating my ass with all the blood rage I had eaten his.

I screamed at the assault, his dick vibrating in my mouth.

He was even rougher than I had been, his short beard setting the skin in my ass crack on fire. Sucking me. Biting me, licking me. All at once, never letting up. Oh FUCK! FUCKFUCKFUCK! Again, my mind screaming bitterly at how guys are socialized to think of their butts as off limits... this was the greatest feeling of my fucking life! I was slamming my butt against his face. Needing more. Needing it deeper. His tongue inside me. Making me wet. Making my entire body... shiver. In ways no woman ever could.

Fuck it.

As much as I loved sucking that meaty cock of his, I had better uses for it. I disentangled myself from Jeremy and squatted over his hips, spitting into my hand.

Jeremy smirked and growled out, "Hold on there, cowboy. After last time I got some lube, hoping we'd get to use it. It's sitting there on the nightstand."

I looked at him for a second, and a wicked grin split my face—the kind that would make a woman scream for help. I clambered over to grab the little bottle, and squirted some into my hand. It was cold against my hole, and slimy in a glorious, obscene way. Another shot onto his dick, which I furiously started rubbing in. Jeremy arched his back and made an explosive growl as I did so.

Fuck yeah... we were primed.

I squatted back down over his hairy crotch, lining myself up. Readying for that insane, pain-bliss of first penetration. Sitting back down against him...

And holy motherfucking shit. Before I could fucking think, I had fucking slammed down. All the fucking way. His dick entirely inside me. His pubes griding against my hairy hole.

It was a rush unlike anything... anything. We both threw back our heads in exploding gasps of breath.

And then the pain hit. I shrieked like a banshee, as that cold knife blade of pain cut through me. Every muscle in my body tensed, except for my throat, which continued to make inhuman sounds. I knew though, that the pain-pleasure would quickly become pleasure-pain, as the fire his dick awoke inside me roared to life.

And so it was. I rocked a couple times, to really feel his cock inside me. A glorious, warming fire was building. Building. Jeremy twisted his body as best he could, churning his dick inside me. I matched his movements, and my wailing sound deepened into a fucking primal howl. I lifted myself off slightly. The lube creating a shimmering feeling like nothing I had ever experienced. My dick was gushing cocksnot. Twitching already. I slammed down and the frictionless sensation sent the already-burning fire into an inferno. My entire body was on fire. My skin rippling with electricity, making the hair on my arms stand to attention.

Jeremy was gripping me. Rough, but... tenderly? His hands deeply kneading my hairy pecs. Wonderingly. Again and again. Like it was the first time ever touching a man. His right hand rising. Shooting up. His fingers wrapping around my jaw... hard, yet... intimately.

I bounced a few times up and down on him. GOD. I could feel his cockhead inside me, hitting places. Each movement making the fire inside me burn hotter. I WAS FUCKING LIGHT. I slammed down again, as hard as I could. Jeremy was making his own bellowing roars. Alive with me. His left hand seizing my hip. Locking in. More bouncing, and another slam. GAWWWD. My back arched, my head flew back, barely able to comprehend the roaring blaze inside me. Bouncing. Quick bouncing. More. My innards turned into lava. More bouncing. MORE. FUCKING MORE.

And to my utter astonishment, my entire body exploded. Cum, jets of cum shot into the air, even though neither of us had touched my cock. I screamed, hard enough to make my throat rattle. Cum kept blasting out, in an obscene fountain that splashed his face, his sheets, everywhere.

Part of my mind was furious, angry that I didn't have the staying power to make this last.

Jeremy had other ideas.

As I started falling limp, he sprang into action, pinning me down and crawling between my legs, knocking them aside. And once again, that raw, icy pain of male penetration as he slammed his swollen dick back inside me.

Jesus. Sweet Jesus baby. My mind was roiling. With sensations coming at it hard and tight. Jeremy's face was against mine, his beard scouring my jaw, his mouth pressed roughly below my ear. I could feel the savage full-body blows as he slammed into me. His hands. Working together with his body. The feel of him.

The feel of him...

And at that second, something occurred to me. He wasn't just holding on for balance, or gripping me for support... he was... feeling me. Making the feeling part of the experience. In the same way that sex with Jeremy had awoken in me a new, primal awareness of scent, I realized Jeremy was experiencing a similar awakening with touch. It was so clear. And I could understand it. A male body just... felt different. Moved different. The hair. The shape. The scruff. The hardened muscles. The weight. And of course, Jeremy responded to it—I mean, he worked with his hands. His hands, rougher than mine, were used to actual, physical work. That was his livelihood. Touch was an unconscious, essential way that he interacted with the world.

And his hands were drinking in every moment. He was holding me tight, one hand wrapped around the top of my head, the other raging freely over my torso, and up my arm as he extended it over my head, than ran his hand down back to my chest. Like he was trying to memorize every detail of me

But it wasn't just his hands that were engaged. His lips, gliding around my neck, were exploring the play of wetness, and the electric sensations of his breath on my wet skin. His hairy chest and grinding together, reveling in the feel of our hair scrapping and burning with friction. His legs, shifting around mine. Rubbing hard enough to start a fire. Then the sudden wet pressure of his mouth slamming against mine. The fire of our lips locked together. Breaking apparat only for our gasped breaths. The warm wetness of his tongue dancing with mine...

God, those feelings of touch were there for the taking, and I willed myself to focus on them.

GAWWWWD. The sensation of sweat as it started spreading, slightly taming our friction. That roughness of his beard, scouring me. My dick, still hard, being rolled roughly with the bucking of his hairy midriff as he fucked me. And of course, the hard wetness of his cock as it plowed into me. Sensations. Sensations flooding me. All at once. Driven by the violence of our... coupling. Not the thunderous hammer drives him fucking me, not with him thrusting into me at all; but a series of shared, writhing body slams as we ground together, locked together. The whole bed bucking as we fucked each other with everything we had.

Shit. Fucking shit. Those feelings. And the fucking man sounds of raw, primal passion, completely unmoored from any element of human civilization. Added with the smells of Jeremy and sweat and balls and ass and fresh cum, I was losing it. Lost in a rage of whole-body, technicolor sensations.

With a gasp, he pulled back, breaking the suction of our kiss. He had a pitiless fire blazing in his eyes. He reared up to his full height, hooked his hands under my splayed thighs...

And he fucked the living shit out of me.

Hammering. Hard. Fast. Divorced from anything but elemental need. Fast. Faster. Fast enough that it sounded like he was spanking my ass as he fucking slammed his dick into me. Fast. Relentless. I howled. He reached over, grabbed his underwear, and smashed it into my face. Letting me breath his funk. I grabbed his underwear from his hand and stuffed my nose in it. Hyperventilating loudly. Rubbing the polished cotton all over me. Feeling him piston me. Faster. My back arched and my head pitched wildly side to side. The fiery lava inside me became white hot, blotting out all else. I roared, spit flying everywhere. I thew my hands to my side, my fingers twisting his tortured sheets into knots. Still, he hammered away. Faster. My ears ringing, from the sounds and from the roaring in my head. Faster. The headboard hitting the wall, sounding like a dozen men framing a house. Faster. FASTER.

Then Jeremy's cries hit a new crescendo, and I swear I felt his dick, deep inside me, shudder and explode as gallons of white-hot cum filled my guts. It was too much for me; I followed suit, spraying jizz so hard my balls hurt.

God I was spent. A wreck. Like my body was a Picasso painting. But through it all was a feeling of raw, joyous... light.

But I knew I had no time to savor it. I had thought to show up for a quick little bit of fun, but I knew I was waaaaay past time and had to scramble to get to work.

"God. Dude." I panted. "We can... debrief... later. But I... need... a towel. Gotta... get to... work..."

Jeremy, who had at some point rolled next to me, snort-laughed. He leveraged himself up into a sitting position, and patted me lightly with is palm. "Don't move, bud. I got you." He then paused, gave me an evil look, and said, "And yeah, you can take my underwear with you. You obviously need it more than I do."

I chuckled, too much into the afterglow to argue.

The funny thing is, you think Jeremy and I would have had more time to connect. I mean, he still lived alone in a man-cave of his own, right? Alas, life is never that simple... and it certainly wasn't for us. I tried several times to find a mutually agreeable time over the next two weeks, but nothing fell into place. We both had our lives to contend with. Work. And... women.

I admit, I was irritated about that last one.

It was frustrating. The sex was so, so fucking good. The best sex of my life, dammit. Why was he spending so much time with... her? There was no way she could make him howl like that.

But, c'mon, Trevor. Who was I to talk? Was I going to leave my wife? Not bloody likely. So why be irritated that he wouldn't either? That was the tension... the unspoken tension; so tight, I couldn't bring it up. I wanted to, but I didn't know how. Too afraid of tipping the boat.

Fate intervened, to a point. That Saturday, I was with my wife at the farmer's market. Late summer was the perfect time for it. The produce was still bountiful, giving us just what we needed to make the world's best BLTs, glorious corn on the cob, and everything you could possibly want to go with my famed ribeye steaks on the grill.

While walking through the stands, there was a break in the crowd and I nearly let out a gasp.


Jeremy looking perfect... right out of bed in jeans and a T-shirt, with a baseball cap. Shit. Looking like Manhood itself, with his squared shoulders, muscular frame filling out his T-shirt, and arms weighed down with bags of goodies.

He saw me, and broke into a wide grin. "Trevor! Hey bud!"

"Good to see you, man! What's up?"

"Doing good! Stacey and I are making a killing. Shit looks fucking amazing right now! Uh-oop... sorry, babe."

It occurred to me at that moment that he was standing with his girlfriend, who swatted him playfully for his indiscriminate language. I cringed inside, hoping I hadn't been too obvious in essentially seeing right through her. "Same with us! Hey sweetie, have you met Stacey? This is Liv, my wife."

The two women fell in to rapid, bubbling conversation, and it was quickly agreed that we'd hang out together. We walked around, with them chattering away like old friends for a bit, with Jeremy and I slowly getting weighed down like pack mules. We walked by an isolated bench, tucked in some agreeable shade, and I suggested Jeremy and I would wait there. They quickly vanished.

"Well. It's amazing how fast women just connect like that," he said, chuckling.

"Oh c'mon. Guys can bond pretty quick. We just have no staying power when it comes to friends."

"Psshhh," he responded. "Maybe not. But you, my friend... you definitely have staying power."

I lightly clobbered him. "Shut up, asswipe!" I lowered my voice and nervously looked around. "You trying to get us in trouble?"

"C'mon man, no one is around!" I couldn't help but notice, however, that he was keeping his voice low, too. "Dude, we have got to find a time to meet up again. It's driving me fucking crazy!"

"You and me both, bud. Jesus, just thinking about being with you gets me more fired up than you can believe. I've been pestering my wife left and right, and I still end up jerking off every fucking chance I get, just to release the pressure."

"Me too. I may need a new bottle of lube by the time we meet up again, I've been going through it pretty fast."

I chuckled. "No shit, man. I haven't beat my meat so much since I was a wet-behind-the-ears teenager." I smiled, thinking back. "I kid you not. There was a time I was going through so many boxes of Kleenex, my mom brought me to the doctor's because she thought I was developing allergies!"

Jeremy looked at me blankly for a second, then doubled over laughing, tears running down his face. I joined him, continuing to sputter on about how I was left trying to explain what was happening with my doctor and my mom sitting there.

Jeremy sat up again, wiping his eyes. "Oh God man, I would've died. It is nice though... I mean, having a mom who cared. I... well, my dad would have called me 'queer' and beat the shit out of me."

The easy laughter died on my face. "Shit. You... you're serious, aren't you?"

Jeremy let out a deep sigh. "Yeah, my old man is a real piece of work. He was terrified, terrified, that any stupid thing was going to turn me gay... and make him look bad. I wanted to play soccer, but he said that was 'soft' and only for fags. I couldn't ever have sleepovers or go to them, `cause he 'knew what happened at those things. Couldn't sing in choir. Couldn't have girls as friends. Hell, couldn't have too many guy friends. Couldn't work at a restaurant. Couldn't join the scouts. Everything was going to turn me gay." He paused, with a distant look as he gazed out onto the market. "That's the irony, isn't it? His whole life was trying to desperately keep me from anything gay... but it sure didn't stop me from jumping into bed with guy, did it?"

I... I didn't know what to say. My mind whirling as I thought out... well, us. But also about the hideous childhood he had had, trapped inside a house with a jackass bastard of a father. "I'm... sorry man. It's just... so different from my family growing up."

"It's kinda the same family, you know." I started, then nodded in rueful recognition. He continued. "I mean, there were times I seriously wished I had your dad. He always seemed... solid."

I was surprised. "Seriously? I guess... well, I mean, yeah. He was OK. I can see... I can say that now. But you know how it is growing up. We never realize what we have..."

Jeremy didn't respond. I'm not sure what he would have said.

"You've got... some serious bullshit you're working on inside that pretty little head of yours."

He remained silent.

"Can I ask... did you ever feel gay growing up? Did you ever... you know... wonder? Want to... try stuff?"

He chortled, humorlessly. "That's the thing. I never did. It was never a question. Hell, for all my dad's gay panic, I probably would have popped any guy who hit on me. Maybe all his bullshit rubbed off on me."

"But... well... we..."

Jeremy looked at me, held my eyes for a second and looked down. A vaguely deflated aura about him. "Yeah. I think about that. I guess that's been eating at me, if I'm telling true. I never let myself think any 'gay' thoughts my whole life. And... if I'm being honest, I don't think I had any. It wasn't like I was hiding. It just. Wasn't. Me. And I still don't know if it is me. I don't dream about hitting a gay bar. I'm not checking out guys in the showers. And I don't have any idea how to... you know... be gay."

I just sat there. Trying to work out in my mind what he was telling me. Was he telling me something? I probed gently. "So... I gotta ask. That stuff we did? I mean, did you like when we got together...? `Cause it kinda felt like you did. Are you freaking out about it?"

"Maybe that's the weird thing. I don't worry about being all 'gay' with you. I don't know how to explain it. It's not gay... it's you." He waited a long time before going on, surveying the crowd to make sure no one was near us. "It's crazy. It's totally different with you. It's... natural. It like it's an extension of us. It's more like instinct. More like... release. I don't regret any of it. Well, shit... it's more than 'not regretting,' I fucking love it." His voice dropped to an almost-inaudible murmur. "'Cause you know, if you asked me to suck your cock right here..."

He didn't finish the thought.

I really didn't know what to say.

A half smile cracked across his face. "It's just you. Starting something I never saw coming. But it has definitely been there. The more we hung out, the stronger it got, I think."

"Yeah," I mused. "Similar. It was you. You were the exception that proved the rule."

We chuckled, lightly.

I decided to rip off the Band-Aid. "So... I can't help notice you're still with Stacey...?

Jeremy sighed. "Yeah. I mean. Shit. Dude... you know how much you mean to me, right? But its... complicated. I can't... I mean, I wouldn't... You know..."

I raised my hand to cut him off. "I know. I'd take a bullet for you. I hope you know that. But... yeah, I'd never leave my wife for you. So I could never ask you to do the same."

We sat there. Looking at each other. For a long time. Having an entire conversation in utter silence.

But something played in my mind. I couldn't leave things with that thought. "You know," I ventured, "I just gotta say that... well... being with you... I mean, you should know, it's um... not just for sex... I mean, yes, the sex! It's definitely for the sex, but I mean... well, not only for sex... you know? It's like... shit. I mean, just hanging out, is, you know... one of the best things in my life. You know that, right? Ahh shit, I'm babbling."

He smiled, still looking down. "Same, man." When his gaze finally met mine... I almost thought there was a tinge of red around his eyes. But his smile was shear, unadulterated wickedness. "I'm hard as hell. You think we could...?"

"Boo-ooys!" Damn. My wife, with Stacey in tow. "Could you give us a hand here?"

Jeremy rolled his eyes. "Yeah, guess it's back to nothing but our hands again," he muttered.

I punched his arm.

The one good thing is that since his girlfriend Stacey and my wife Liv had become fast friends, they quickly insisted on a cookout to help close down the summer. We were hosting, as we had more room... plus a sweet grill I inherited when my father-in-law upgraded to a fancier model.

God, when I saw Jeremy that night, I about creamed my shorts. It was still the lazy, dog days of summer, warm enough that he was wearing shorts, showing off his incredible, bike-hammered legs. And even better, that fucking meaty ass of his. Throw in a T-shirt that perfectly draped off his muscled chest, and God-fucking-dammit. It was so unfair that my man so fucking effortlessly the hottest fucking hunk in the city.

And God damn he was feeling frisky. I can't blame him, days later and I was still jerking off thinking about that last explosive encounter we had. I mean, I love fucking my wife and all, but Jeremy had just... it was... well, shit, there was no comparison. I was connected to both people, but in entirely different ways, and in entirely different forms. Liv got me, maybe more deeply on an emotional level—a... I dunno, a civilized level. Doing everything right. A future, a social level. But Jeremy got me at a primal level, an elemental level. In the moment. Raw as a lion shredding a zebra.

And seeing him bend over to fish out a beer from my fridge was almost too much to take. Even with the women there, I had to stop myself from going all "lion-on-a-zebra" on his ass.

Is this what guys used to do? Paw each other in the dark, on the side, so they could go home to their women and make babies?

It didn't help that all night long we were... well, I wouldn't say flirting with each other, because that wasn't it. We were... I dunno, doing the "guy" thing of busting each other's balls and all, but there was... something deeper going on. That our women would never understand, because... that wasn't their world.

I mean... explaining it to them would be like trying to explain the predator's way to prey.

We joshed around. One on the fly I pinched his nipple. He retaliated by pinching my ass. And he was absolutely no help while I was grilling the steaks. At one point he came up close behind me. I could... feel him. My senses tingling. He slyly reached around me, brushing his fingertips across my starting-to-swell dick. I had to quick flip the meat, sparking a sharp burst of flames, to break the tension.

But God Damn I needed him.

With a couple of deft preparations, I made a bold move. After eating, we were chatting around the outdoor table, with the alcohol flowing freely. I waited for a lull in the communal chatter, and offered up, "Hey guys. A thought. Since Jeremy is here, I'm gonna quick borrow him for a minute to help with my bike chain. It's easier with an extra set of hands. Should just take a minute, and then what about Trivia?"

The girls readily agreed, while Jeremy casually grabbed his beer and stood, saying, "Man, making your guests earn their dinner?"

"You just inhaled like $50 worth of meat. Shuddup and follow me. Liv, you want to set the game up?"

Jeremy and I slid into the garage, all innocent as lambs. The second he was inside I slammed the door shut... then slammed my mouth against his. We went at each other so hard we were left gasping. Fuck, it felt good.

Jeremy pulled back, even as I kept reaching my mouth to his. He hissed, "Shit, are you crazy? They're right outside."

"So we only have like a few minutes. You in...?"

He ran his hand across his mouth and stared at me. "'Look at your bike chain?' What the fuck even is that?"

I slammed back in and nearly gagged him by shooting my tongue all the way down his throat. Answer enough. At the same time, I reached around and slid my hand down past the waistband of his underwear, sliding my middle finger deep down his hairy trench. I could feel his skin twitch at the intrusion, and my fingers' reaching movement...

I pulled back and theatrically smelled my hand. I looked at him with brutal intensity, and growled, "Fuck your scent gets me off!"

That was it. Jeremy dropped to his knees. He frantically jerked my fly open, unzipped my pants, and pulled them down bast my balls. My steel-hard dick slapped up, the head already wet with cocksnot. Jeremy reached through and between my legs, hooking his hands on the back of my pants for support... and fucking inhaled me.


I bit savagely into my palm to keep from shouting, still smelling his ass scent on my fingers.

GOD he was good. He fucking attacked me with his mouth, going all in. Sucking hard. Mouth-fucking me while I stood there trying to take it like a man. God, taking me deep... deeper than any woman ever would, ever could. Sucking. Hard. His tongue rolling around my cockhead as he worked. Fast. Fast and hard...

The mood was suddenly broken when we heard the girls outside laugh about something. We wrenched apart. I hauled up my pants part-way up with one hand, then quick ran to the window to see what was up. Jeremy paced in a big circle, closer to my bike. I saw them—no movement towards us, they were still wrapped up in their conversation at the table. I quickly grabbed for something, a tool, anything, and let it drop to the floor with a clatter. Then shouted loud enough for them to hear, "Damn it! Sorry! We're all good! It's gonna be a couple more minutes!"

I could feel the pair of them share an eyeroll, and they went back to their chatter.

I looked at Jeremy. My heart was pounding, and I'm sure his was doing the same. He was rubbing his hard cock through his shorts. The air was heavy with tension.

"We have to be fast," I growled. I pulled out a small bottle of lube I had squirreled into my pocket. Jeremy's eyes got big... then hungry. He spun around, backed into me and started grinding his ass against my crotch. Pushing us back. Pressing me against the shelves. With cat-like motions he dropped his shorts to around his knees. Fuck. My hands were trembling as I let go of my pants. My dick was so hard it almost hurt. It slid into his naked crack, and I started dry humping him. Feeling my shaft grind through his hairy ass crack. Up and down.

I nudged him forward, and splat a healthy wad of lube into my hand, and then around my cock. Roughly swirling it, hoping it would be enough. Then, I reached a slicked-up finger and rammed it in his bung hole. Finger fucking him. I could feel his pucker twitch against me. Excited. Very excited. We were both panting like we had just run a marathon. He needed this as much as I did. Throwing one wild glance back at the window, I lined up my cockhead... and drove it home.


Jeremy stiffened, and stifled a yell... making a strangled sound instead. I could hear his breathing change to a rat-a-tat-tat machine gun sound as he tried to get used to the invader. He also grabbed something—I think a wrench—and dropped it to the floor.

I took the cue. "Sorry! My bad!" I yelled. Jeremy let out an explosive breath at the sound.

He dropped his hands to his thighs, in a slight crouch, and pushed back against me. FUUUUUUUUUUUCK. Holy sweet Jesus baby. I had forgotten how tight he was.

How fucking amazing he was.

Fuck. FUCK.

Keeping myself braced with one hand, I swung the other up around him, under his shirt and began working his hairy chest. Feeling the hammering of his heart. We ground together, my dick opening him up. Spearing him. Awakening his guts. Sending fire deep inside him... and triggering blood rage inside me.

I convulsively slammed up into him, making both of us shudder. The tight, wet, hotness of his guts making me fucking crazy. Hard slams. HARD. HARD. HARD. HARD. My breath catching with each hammer stroke. Jeremy was trying desperately to stay quiet, trying to...

More laughter outside.

Jeremy pulled off and stood straight, still panting. His dick was throbbing in time to the beating of his heart. I cast a quick look outside to make sure they were still at the table, and gave him a curt nod. Truth is, at that particular moment wouldn't have cared if they were both coming through the door.

Jeremy moved close to the wall, gripped it, and bent over. There was no time for any other thought. Mentally saying a quick apology to him, I grabbed his hips and slammed back inside his twitching hole. No time. No thought. Just raw primal instinct. I leaned in and went balls-deep inside him, my man bush tangled roughly in his ass hair. No time. I fucking FUCKED him. Slamming him. HARD. Each stroke re-arranging his innards. HARD. As fast as I could possibly go. The lube gave each hammer stroke a thick, wet sound, and my balls slapped against his bare ass. THWECK THWECK THWECK THWECK


I couldn't take it. The raw fire, the obscene pressure of his ass around my dick was more than I could bear. I felt the low rumbling in my balls, raging... RAGING... and POW! I exploded. Gallons of cum to match all the night's previous teasing frustration. I fucking CAME.

It must have triggered Jeremy too, as suddenly his ass fucking CRUSHED my cock. His whole body shuddered and I could hear his load splatter as it hit the wall. We stayed there, barely daring to move—it felt like any motion would bring the whole garage down on top of us. We tried to catch our breath. Willing our hearts to slow down. The frustration from the night was gone, but I was still feeling the residuals of blood rage. Not feeling like we were anywhere near being done...

We heard another round of laughter, and then the scraping of metal chairs against the patio. We about fell over ourselves. I pulled my pants over my hips and stuffed my swollen cock back in. Jeremy zipped up his shorts, and abruptly started blurting out in a booming voice projected towards the door, "...and that's why they're never going to win! Defense! It's all about defense! It doesn't matter what you do on the attack if you just keep letting the ball into the zone like that!"

"Honey, are you guys about done in there?" my wife Liv called out from outside. "We're going to get the game set up now."

"We're coming!" I shouted back. Jeremy hit me in the arm, and despite himself started snickering. I bared my teeth at him and cuffed his head. "Yeah, we're putting things away right now. Give us a quick minute to wash up, that was messy work!" Jeremy almost choked trying to keep himself from laughing.

Didn't matter. I felt like I was standing 2 feet taller.

And I was gonna jerk off so fucking hard tonight...

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Next: Chapter 6

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