Almost Like Family

By moc.loa@yugsitnalta

Published on Jun 21, 2023


Note that the following story is a work of semi-fiction, or maybe "inspired by a true story." Part is 100% true, and part is fantasy, and I leave it to the reader to determine which is which. Certain details have been tweaked to protect the "innocent." By all means, send feedback along to

I was lying flat on back, too stunned to speak. Too stunned to think.

I felt fucking alive. Fucking King of the World. There was this... glow. A wonderful, glorious haze. I felt giddy, exhausted, and like... I dunno, euphoric. Like I was connected to everythi—

Wait. Where the Hell was I? The ceiling above me was starting to come into focus. I felt... gooood. Okay... sure, some muscles I didn't even know I had were feeling tight, and others were screaming. But I was...


Everything came crashing back. Good and bad.

Holy shit. We just... we fucking did it, didn't we? Holy shit. I rubbed my hand roughly across my face, and realized my arm was bare. Was I...? I raised my head up slightly. Yep. Naked.

Jesus fucking Christ. It was real.

A primordial panic awoke, in the darkest corner of my mind. Oh God. We really fucking did it. We didn't just jerk off together, or get handsy... we went all the way, didn't we? All the way.

And my body was still trying to figure itself out. Hell, my mind was trying to figure it out.

I mean, we just broke every part of the Guy Code. Hell, to hear my relatives tell it, we probably broke the Seventh Seal holding back the Apocalypse. But more than that, I broke the Code. Holy shit. Years of conditioning told me that a guy taking it up the ass was no longer a guy. Weakest of weak. Used. Shit... did I just ruin myself? Did I turn myself into a bitch? Did Jeremy think I was his bitch?

Jeremy. God. My best bud. That experience—not just with a guy, with him. Together. That's it... together. We were... it was...

I've never experienced anything like that with a guy. Let's face it, I... never experienced a guy before. Not like that. Even though guys were a central part of my life as far back as I could remember. But not like that. It has always been backslaps, bro-hugs, and collisions on the field. Mindless. What Jeremy and I had done... it was... deep. And real. The real... feel... of a guy. The full-blown, no-holds-bared, 100% complete experience of a guy. His touch. His sound. His breath. His scent. Connected.


Connected to Jeremy.

I realized he was lying next to me on the bed. Dazed as I was, and probably a lot more winded. Yeah, he was panting. His hand was lightly draped over my bicep. Holding me. Unwilling to fully break the connection we shared.

I rolled over and lifted myself to my side. Looking at him. Fucking amazing. Again, I had been around guys my whole life, in various stages of undress. But I had never had this kind of... lazy chance... to really check a guy out. Doing so in the gym was risky in the extreme. But now, I was free to take Jeremy in. Fucking appreciate how incredible he was.

And he was so... completely open. Exposed. Vulnerable. And so fucking masculine. So casually, unselfconsciously masculine. Lying flat on his back, his legs slightly spread. His spent dick still lying thick across his hairy crotch, drooling out one last drop of cum. His other arm was thrown over his head, exposing his hairy pit. Fuck. I think we all have a picture in our minds of what naked men lying around seductively look like, gleaned from movies, or magazines, or the covers of romance novels. Clearly, those images were all made for the female gaze. Not here. There was nothing gauzy, soft-lit about him. Jeremy was just lying there, fucking raw. Fucking primeval. Muscles and sweat and power and... all the potential in the world.

And he was fucking sexual.

Fuck... his chest. I thought of myself as hairy, particularly with all the grief my wife gave me. I had a nice crop of fur between my pecs, with a dusting around my nipples, and a trail that led down to join with my hairy crotch.

But Jeremy? He was fucking hairy. Not like a caveman... more like that Bradely Cooper dude. It was thick around his pecs, with fur all across his abs that became a forest around his crotch. So unlike the male models you see in catalogs and shit... or even in the movies. Raw and untamed. Masculine. Just like he was. And dripping with sexual charisma.

But in admiring him, I realized... holy shit, he had cum splatter everywhere. Jesus. I had fucking showered him when I blew. Seeing it there, slowly oozing through his chest hair, I was a little abashed... and fucking proud of myself, too. Goddamn, I had fucking gone to town.

Almost by instinct, I slid my hands across his chest. Wondering at the gentle friction of his hair under my fingers. His chest rising and falling beneath my fingers. Jeremy let out a sound halfway between a murmur and a light laugh. I could feel... the wet slickness of his sweat, and the thick ooze of my cum. I ran my finger through the thick fluid, and brought it to my face. I could smell it, the strangely chlorinated scent of raw cum. I tasted it. Strange. I'd tasted my cum before—what guy hasn't?—but this was different. There was a vast difference in sharing cum with another guy, a buddy. Something guys don't do.

One of many things guys don't do... that we did.

This was so... intimate. A word I'd never used among guys before. Something so... personal about sharing it. So raw. So... fucking hot.

I don't really know what came over me. Maybe I was still swirling in a sea of euphoria. Maybe the hormones we unleased were still raging inside me, full force. But there was something about the closeness we shared. Had shared. Were sharing.

I leaned over, and with a long, obscene lick, I ran my tongue across Jeremy's chest.

Fuck. Fuck.

My senses were flashing, all at once. The sound of him, a rumbling bass of a moan that only a very happy man could make. Fuck—I could smell him. That dusky scent of GUY, rich from a long day. So familiar. But so unique. Unique to this guy. A guy like a fucking wolf. A fucking Alpha wolf. Scent shot through with fresh sweat. Sex-sweat. Doused with raw testosterone. The smell of excitement. And the off-color scent of cum, floating over it all.

My tongue rolled over it all, drinking in this masculine cocktail. Tasting how excited he was. How excited he is.

He let out a moan, and ran his fingers through my sweaty hair.

Hair. The roughness of his wiry chest hair, made damp with sweat, cum... and now my spit. Dragging my tongue across him. He let out a low growl. I went after him. Running my mouth, slurring my spit across him. So completely unlike a woman. Unlike my wife. Hard. Strong. But still with a million nerve endings that were entirely awake. Lapping my way down to his hairy nipple. Taking it in. Sucking it. Suckling it like... like I was at my wife's tits. I laughed at the mental collision. Instinctively I was expecting soft, pliable boobs, but Jeremy was giving me hard muscle. A chiseled chest. Strong. A fucking Man.

I dragged my stubbled chin across his chest to his other nipple. The shock of the feeling made his body tremble, and he let out a sharp hiss. But his hand rolled onto the back of my head, encouraging me. I went after him, sweeping along, alternating my soft mouth and my jagged scruff. Moving in circles. Loving the feel of his heavy breath on my sweaty skin. His scent. His taste. The sound of ongoing rumbles of male pleasure. Circling. Circling wide.

And then.

In one of my sweeps around his pecs, I realized I was sweeping upwards. Upwards. Fuck. Fuck. I swept up, and up...

And fucking buried my face in his exposed, hairy armpit.

Jeremy made a darkly vulgar sound, but it was drowned out by mine. Something snapped inside me, awakening a hunger I didn't know I had. The scent was sharp and intense. Fucking primeval. And all man. I fucking dove at it. Dimly aware that a day ago—Hell, a couple hours ago—I would have thought a man's hairy pit was fucking nasty, and fucking decked you if you asked me to lick one. But now, that scent, all the fucking pheromones, ripped through me. I was savage, grinding my face through there. His pit wet with sweat, and now my spit. Lapping like a fucking dog. Delirious. Jeremy didn't' know what hit him.

The raw, explosive manscent drove me fucking wild. I needed more. And I knew where to find it. I ripped my face away from his pit, and moved with desperate hunger down his chest. Sucking up my cum as I went. Sucking up his essence. Needing it. Fucking NEEDING IT. Down his hairy abs. Wanting his musk.

And in a flash, I was fucking grinding my face into Jeremy's hairy crotch. I was breathing so hard I got light headed. Breathing his funk. The smell of fresh sex. And the raw power of man. Man sex. I moved everywhere. Sucking. Licking breathing. Tasting. Jeremy's animal sounds cheering me on. His well-used dick rousing itself again... I took it in, swallowing it all the way down, before it got too hard. Fuck. FUCK. I could taste his load. The nutty taste of his cum. But also, I could... Jesus...

God help me, I swear I could smell my own ass.

I think that hit me, on a primal level. Jeremy had fucking been inside me. Inside my most private place, where no one had been. No one but Jeremy. Who fucked me raw. My fucking ass... his. Oh God. The scent of raw ass. Ass.

I needed his ass.

I slid down, hard. Running my mouth behind his balls. Slobbering him. Keeping him engaged, unaware of what I had in mind. My tongue working his hairy taint. Working. Lower. Teasing. He had no idea of my plan...

Then with a mighty shove, I pushed his hips up, exposing his hairy butt. And I fucking rammed my face in.

Somewhere above me, I could hear Jeremy gasp and bark out, "What the fuck??!!" I fucking breathed him in. Deep, primal. Like his ball musk but darker. More sour. I opened my mouth, latched onto his hole and fucking sucked him harder than anything I'd sucked in my life. Jeremy lurched, kicking his legs wildly, screaming out "OH GOD! OH GOD! OH GOD!" I reached my tongue in as far as it could go. Tongue raping him. Trying to work him over... trying...

I barked out in frustration, and pulled back. I needed more. Looking down at him for a minute, I grabbed his hips and violently flipped him over. I wrenched his legs apart, then pulled him up.

There it was. Fuck. Jeremy's unbelievable ass. Exposed. Mine.

Like I said, I wasn't in the habit of checking guys out, and I had fucking never checked out a guy's ass. We may scope out the competition's dick size to see how we measure up, but a guy's ass was... well, personal. I mean, a man's ass was... nasty. And a man's hairy ass was a thousand times worse—like having one made you were an unclean, semi-human barbarian. At best, a guy's butt was something only good for comic relief. Ridiculous, by definition. Think of all the ass jokes we made.

But holy fuck. Jeremy's butt was a thing of wonder. I was used to women's asses, all curvy and pear-shaped. Jeremy's was straight... yet rounded. Mine is more square in shape, but he was perfectly rounded. And goddamn, it was pure muscle, and rock hard. And like the rest of him, hairy... with a jungle of man-hair running down his crack, to a dense patch of fur at the base, all around his hole. Hiding it.

I dug in. Driving my face into his hairy crack.

Fuck, his raw scent drove me crazy. Thick with sex. With masculinity. His hair actually held the scent. My dick was so hard it fucking hurt. I locked my mouth around his pucker, opening it, and sticking my tongue in as far as it could go. Jeremy bucked against me, shouting a barrage of fearsome oaths. His hand swept behind him, grabbing himself and trying to open himself up more. I gave a monstrous lick up his crack and back down, French kissing his hole. Lapping him like a dog. Grinding my face in there, shredding his untouched skin with my stubble. Again. And again. Driving against him so hard, the whole bed jostled and bucked. His sheets twisted and tangled around his outstretched hand. Jeremy was beyond words, belting out deep-throated roars. Only the fact that he was face-down in the bedding kept his howls from echoing off the walls. The harder I ate him, the harder he yelled. Building into a thunderous sound. Louder. LOUDER.

Fuck. I had never been so horned up in my entire life.

I needed release. Masculine release. A man's highest standing order.

I pulled back, panting. I followed Jeremy's example from earlier, and spat on my dick. My hands were shaking so hard with need, I could barely work my fingers. Fuck. A Man's ass. His most private part. Open. Open to me. Twitching at my touch. I fisted my slimed-up cock, lined up against his hairy pucker, and leaned in.

We both let loose an artillery barrage of sound.

FUCK! FUUUUUCK!! The fucking... tightness! His hole had me in a death grip, tighter than any pussy. Tighter than the virgin pussies I used to despoil in college. FUUUCK!

But I realized Jeremy was bellowing too, his whole body tensed and now twisting. It took everything in me not to fucking rail him balls-deep; instead, I slid my hand up and down his back encouragingly. "Hey, hey, hey..." I said lightly. "It's okay man. I know, it hurts like a motherfucker at first. It's okay. It gets better, I promise. I'm not gonna hurt you." I slowly started circling my hips. Imperceptivity. "It's okay. It hurts at first, but give it a second and it's fucking incredible. I'm not gonna hurt you. Just breathe. Breathe."

Whether it was my motions or my calming words, he started to relax. His hole started twitching around my cock... OH HOLY FUCK. God, I wanted... I NEEDED him to recover. Every instinct, every part of my masculine being needed to FUCK.

"Go!" I heard him hiss.

"You serious?"

"Fucking do it. GO!"

He didn't have to fucking tell me twice. I started rocking against him, leaning lightly into him as he laid on the bed. The pressure on my cock was... unbelievable. Rocking. Sliding in slightly. Jeremy grunted with each thrust. I rolled my hips. Circling. Opening him. Getting him ready for my fat dick. He was still clearly tense, but I pushed forward more insistently, pushing his whole body slightly. And again. And again. A little more...

Jeremy's head snapped up, sucking in a massive breath as he pushed his torso off the bed. "Fuck! FUCK!"

I grinned. "Found it. You like that?" I growled.

I pulled slightly out and pushed in again. I could feel my cock head hit that spot inside him. I hit it again, and again and again in rapid succession. Each stroke brought out a full body response from Jeremy. I could feel his muscles... ripple under me. "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" He opened his legs wider.

"You think that's good, try THIS!" I fucking leaned into him, full force, my dick relentlessly spearing him, re-arranging his guts as I went. Oh God, the pressure... the fucking PRESSURE. I only stopped when I was balls-deep inside him... my huge cock all the way up my buddy's ass. "GAWWWWD!" we shouted in unison, each of us drowning out the other.

The sensations radiating out of my groin overwhelmed me. Disorienting in their power. Unbalanced, I slid so I was lying flat on top of him, my hairy chest grinding against his sweaty back. Oh God. OH GODOHGODOHGOD. I snaked my right arm underneath him, stabilizing myself, but... desperate for... feeling him. My hands feeling his hairy, sweaty pecs. Feeling his heart jackhammering away. Oh God. The fundamental connection. Closer than any men could be. Connected in our raw sexual power. Oh FUCK.

I convulsed, sliding my rock-hard dick inside him, and ramming it home. Torquing my body. My sweaty skin writhing on top of his. The dulled friction of my chest hair. He joined me, rolling and twisting underneath me, his mind and body adjusting to the primal sensations flooding him. Matching me. Both of us driven by my pistoning movements, filling his ass with me, my dick making his body come alive. A savage, obscene dance together, tightly locked. We rolled and bucked as one.

I could feel him, feel the tiny muscle movements of his ass as his body adjusted to me, feeling the spasms rippling across him as unknown pleasure burned into his brain. My other hand grabbed his forehead as I leaned in, my jaw pressed hard against his cheek. My hot breath against him. He could feel it. My stubble ground into his beard, as we rubbed together. Cock and ass. Body against body.

I picked up the pace, driving harder into him. Deep drives. His body responding. Awakened. Man to man, in a way no woman could ever imagine. God I was losing it. My mouth opened, panting from the intensity, my mouth rolling wildly across the side of his face. Tasting his sweat. I couldn't help it... I started mouthing him. My tongue slurring. Sliding back so I could smell him behind his ear, licking him. Tasting him. Rolling thrusts into him all the while. Hard. Tongue rolling. Thrusts. Sweeping my mouth against him. My gorged dick ripping into him, bottoming out and ramming again. Tasting the salt of his sweat. Deep. Slurred.

And then the inconceivable.

Jeremy moved his head. Turning slightly. My dick ramming. His lips biting together, then opening. Skin. Cock. Mouth. Ass. Pressure. His mouth turned. So close. Sweat. Dick. Mouth. Mouth. Lips.

Our lips flickered together.

And then they met.

Oh Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck.

Our lips separated in a flash. We were too awkwardly placed. The grinding moves too powerful and jerking us apart. But I leaned in, my lips desperate to find his again. Desperate. They met. Met in a crazy-ass, sideways kiss. Kiss. Jeremy. Kiss. Rough, sloppy kiss.

Then Jeremy started bucking, wildly. Out of control. I could feel every muscle compressing. A deep, inhuman sound bellowed up from the center of his body. Oh GOD! He was gonna... not even touching him, he was...

Jeremy came, thrashing like a wounded tiger. I could barely keep my grip on him, barely keep inside him. Him screaming like the blast of a volcano going off. His ass clenched down HARD on my cock—I swear I saw stars.

And that pain-pleasure signal exploded in my mind. I fucking lost it. My need was too great, my hunger more terrible than I had ever experienced. I pulled out of his ass, my dick spasming from being released from the previous pressure. I roughly hauled Jeremy's hips forward to get him on his knees, utterly unconcerned with what he thought of things. Me on my knees, too. I lined up again...

...and I started fucking pounded my best buddy's ass with fucking jackhammer strokes.

BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM. It was like a pair of battleships colliding. Again, the difference between men and women. My wife's ass was soft and creamy, and would jiggle if I fucked her. Jeremy's was pure muscle, taking each one of my strokes. BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM. My raw dick savagely ripping him open. Our balls knocking against each other. That slapping sound as we collided. BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM. Raw sexual aggression. Raw masculine aggression. BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM. No thought. BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM. No feeling but blood rage. BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM. His ass. BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM. My dick. BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM.


And then I fucking went supernova. Gallons of cum, blasting like a water cannon. Every muscle in my body screaming in release. I fucking howled to wake the Unholy Dead.

And fell onto the bed, nearly unconscious.

It was a little—maybe more than a little—awkward in the aftermath. I mean, we had been totally going off of instinct that whole time. Running with how it felt in the moment... but then the moment was over. Like when you wake up in the morning after a one-night stand, barely able to remember the girl's name or why she seemed so sexy last night at the bar.

This was a million times worse.

I mean, what do I say to my buddy... "Thanks for the good time, sailor?" Or "Money's on the dresser?" Do we locker-room brag to... each other... about how good our last lay was? No, we scooped up our respective clothes, made some bland pleasantries and promised to be in touch soon.

I wanted to say more. Shit, I needed to say more. But... where to even begin?

What the fuck did I do?

Why had I done it?

Did I like it?

Given everything else, did It matter if I liked it?

I mean, at essentially 30 years old, I had a fairly well-developed sense of who I was, what I did, and why I did it. And all that had just in one afternoon been blown up: my idea of myself, me as a man... and me as a husband. This wasn't like me suddenly realizing I liked sushi; I had let another man fuck me in the ass. Fucking goaded him into fucking my ass. Yes... I let another man stick his dick into my nasty, stinking crap hole. And was so turned on that I did the same to him. Yes... I had willingly stuck my dick in another man's nasty, stinking crap hole.

I wasn't drunk, I wasn't high, I wasn't in prison, I wasn't tricked, I wasn't sex starved. I did this.

The only reason I could believe any of this happened is that hoo-boy could I ever feel it, sitting in my car on the drive back to my house.

Home. What was I going to say when I got home? Jeremy had asked if I wanted to shower up before leaving. I turned him down flat, pointing out correctly that my wife would likely expect me to shower first thing coming through the door, and think it weird if I showered at another guy's place. But also, I just wanted to get out of there. Away from these dangerous choices that blew up everything I believed.

And... my wife. My wife. Had I just cheated on my chosen life partner? In the worst possible way?

Why had I done it? Why had I let myself do it?

I got home, parked the car. It took me... a long time to will myself to get up from behind the wheel and go inside. Hoping—praying—that my wife wouldn't be anywhere nearby. I finally wrenched myself to the door, opened it...

Thank God. I breathed a sigh of relief—I could hear the TV going in the living room. I would have a clear path to our bedroom, and the shower. I popped my head around the corner to greet her. "Hey babe, I'm back!" I called cheerfully. Too cheerfully. Shit. And wait... "babe?" What the fuck was that? I've never called her "babe" in my entire life. Shit. Shitshitshit.

"Did you get Jeremy moved in?" she asked, unfazed.

"Yeah, and now I have to hit the shower. I have an entire day's worth of sweat on me, plus grime from his garage, and the remains of a spilled beer that got all over me." I may have gilded the lily there. Hopefully not too much.

"Ugh, men!" she said dismissively. "Don't bring your man-reek in here, go! Shower! Go!"

I knew she'd respond that way—my girl likes things clean, especially me. Still, I couldn't help but feel bad that on top of everything else, I'd played her just now. God, I was the fucking worst...

Just as I got upstairs to the bedroom, my phone chirped in my pocket. Instinctively I pulled it out.

It was from Jeremy.

"Hey man."


Never in the history of the world has a such a common, two-word message carried such weight.

Jeremy. My best friend. A guy I had such a... close... connection to. Somehow, that message brought it all home. It wasn't me fucking around with some random guy... it was me fucking around with Jeremy. He was my best buddy. Maybe the best friend I'd ever had. My ride or die friend. And doing... stuff... with him... damn, in the moment, I couldn't deny the absolute exhilaration we had. That connection. The raw emotion. Feeling alive. Our close connection was why it was so incredible. The overwhelming feeling of...

The man just lit a fire in my soul. Even...

Shit. I finished the thought: even... without... the sex...

God. The emotions rolled over me, too fast to keep track of. Jeremy. There is no one else I would have done that for. Done that with. Damn. That was the problem. That all happened... because of Jeremy. The connection we had.

No. I couldn't take that on. I couldn't throw away everything I believed, my whole life. Focus, Trevor... focus! I couldn't deal with this right now. I turned off my phone altogether, and got into the shower. I washed everything away, physically and emotionally, wiping clean the events of the day. Wash it all away. I had to embrace who I knew myself to be. Embrace my life. Embrace my wife.

When I was done, I went back downstair. My hormones still raging out of control. I focused them. I made a move, and I fucked my wife harder than I ever had before. Right there on the couch. I even did her from behind. Images of drilling Jeremy's ass creeped into my mind while I was doing her, but I savagely knocked them away.

Funny. She ended up saying that was one of our best bouts ever.

I thought... maybe hoped... that that would clear things up for me.

Of course it wasn't that simple.

That night, I was restless. She was sound asleep, next to me. But my mind continued to do cartwheels, again and again. I'm not even sure what I was obsessing about. I drifted into a dream-like fog, but something kept jarring me awake. All the usual ways I'd calm my mind down didn't work. It was...

Fuck it. As men often do whenever we're bored, or in need of a release... I decided to rub on out. Our bed made sounds if I started jerking off—experience had taught me this—so I quietly slipped downstairs to my home office and dropped my Jockeys.

Initially I thought I'd bring up some porn.

But as I sat in my chair, the soreness in my ass sparked a different memory. Damn. That feeling when Jeremy's dick broke through. God. Penetration. That... surreal sensation as I felt his shaft move through me. That feeling. Etched in my mind forever. The awakening that followed.

And... damn. That look on Jeremy's face. That expression of raw, unimagined... fire... in his eyes. An awakening. An awakening matching mine. The fire in his eyes, in perfect time with the fire flooding my body. The scent. His musk, my ass. Fuck.

Reflexively, I ran my fingers behind my balls. Lifting myself up and letting them run across my hairy hole. I was hard as granite, despite the number of times I had cum already that day. The light feel of my fingers' touch. The light brush of my ass hair against my finger. I circled my hole. Remembering. Fuck. Jeremy was so big. Filling me up. Filling me. The look in his eyes, the feel of his hand on my cock, stroking me in time with his thrusts. Just like how I was stoking myself now.

Without thought, I pulled back my finger from my bunghole, raising my hand to my face. FUUUUUCK. Not even 24 hours ago I would have balked at such an action, fucking decked anyone who suggested it. But that raw scent of ass. Dark and earthy. Raw and masculine. Fucking MAN. Breathing in heavy as I worked my dick. Remembering eating Jeremy's ass. Remembering his unnatural cries, abandoned in utter masculine rejoicing. Man ass. Why had I never realized what a hot spot a man's ass was? Why do we shut ourselves off from it? Fuck, this was the rawest expression of masculinity. Why do we deny ourselves this?

I sucked on my finger and rammed it back inside me. A poor replacement for Jeremy's long dick. Digging in. Finger fucking myself in time to my strokes. My dick wet from precum. Pounding it. Pounding it as hard as I could. The violence of man sex. Trying to get that release Jeremy and I had shared. Ramming my pucker. Driving, driving hard for release. Pounding. Fucking needing it. NEEDING IT. POUNDING.

Explosion. My balls pulled tight, my hole clamped down. Every muscle in my body clenching. I saw stars as I blasted cum everywhere. I had to grind my teeth together not to scream. Fuck. Memories of Jeremy screaming as he blew. Me screaming as I blew... That feeling. Masculine release. Men being Men. That smell of cum.


Jesus. I had just sprayed all over my computer keyboard.

Well... it wasn't the first time. I knew what to do.

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Next: Chapter 3

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