Almost Crying

By Michael Smith

Published on Sep 7, 2010


Author Michael Smith sets aside the wonderful manga he has just reread, his thoughts overflowing with beautiful stories and inspiring tales. The manga, Almost Crying by Mako Takahashi, must be shared, this much he knows, and so he sets to work on rewriting the stories so others may share in their beauty and passion. Within these pages you, the reader, will find tales of inspired life, romance, and love. While this journey is a retelling of the creative work of those who have come before, it is one worth sharing together. May these stories leave you laughing, sighing, and always almost crying.

"Please adopt me..." Words that compelled Andy to bring the orphan Geoff home with him. Ten years later, it's more than just words but feelings too that draw Andy to Geoff; feelings so strong that every time he looks into Geoff's eyes, Andy is close to almost crying. Is it okay to feel more than brotherly love for your younger sibling?


The following story is completely fictitious and any resemblances to persons living or dead are entirely coincidental. Just as in life, this story contains graphic scenes of love and hate, life and death, joy and sorrow, as well as sexually explicit scenes which may involve minors. If it is unlawful for you to view such media, or such material makes you feel uncomfortable, then please read no further than this warning.


This story is fan-fiction inspired by the creative works of Mako Takahashi in the yaoi manga Almost Crying published by Digital Manga Publishing (DMP). The author of this story, Michael Smith, does not claim ownership of any aspect of the manga Almost Crying; this is a freely written tribute to a wonderful work of storytelling. If anything, the author encourages those that enjoy this story to make purchase of a copy of Almost Crying by Mako Takahashi as he himself has done... three times.


I would appreciate any constructive criticism you have to offer me, but anything that lacks any form of redirection or remedy will be ignored. Also, anyone commenting on how I need to make things hotter and steamier between certain characters will be equally ignored. The sexual content of my stories, while present, does not make up the majority of the storytelling. Send legitimate questions or comments to:


Original Story by Mako Takahashi Western Adaptation by Michael Smith Edited by Bj Indy

~Summer 2000

It was a day like any other; the cloudy sky had threatened to cancel the planned festivities of the local elementary school, but towards mid-afternoon the grey monsters ceased casting their threats and moved along their way. As the two six-year-old boys cut through the park on their way home from their school picnic, they stopped to stare at the unusual sight before them. As a warm breeze blew a few stray leaves across the woodchip-littered ground, a lone boy of four sat on a swing and stared back.

" opt.. me...?" the shorter of the two boys tried to read the note pinned to the boy's collar.

"It says, `please adopt me,' Andy." The taller boy corrected as the two continued to stare at the strange boy unmoving on the swing.

Unlike the two boys before him with their dark hair and eyes, the boy on the swing sat quietly with light brown hair and transfixing amber eyes. There was a sort of magic in those eyes; an innocent kindness that was both frightened by these two new people, but even more scared of being left alone again.

In unison, both boys turned their backs to the strange boy with the equally strange eyes so they could converse in whispers without the boy hearing. While they talked amongst themselves they kept an eye on him just in case he tried to get away.

"What do we do, Jeffery?" Andy asked the taller boy.

"I want a little brother." Jeffery replied innocently.

"So do I!" Andy scowled back. "You got the kitty cat last time, Jeffery!"

"But that was because Smokey wanted to come with me." Jeffery retorted a little defensively.

"So, let's let him decide." Andy offered and both boys agreed.

The boy on the swing looked on with uncertainty as the two older boys foraged into their school bags and came up with a cup each. Filling their cups with water the shorter boy, Andy, put something extra into his cup, but neither his friend, Jeffery, nor the boy on the swing saw the smaller boy slip a little bit of lemonade into the drink. As they presented themselves to the boy on the swing the shorter boy stated with a smile, "Kay', which one do you want?"

Tasting each cup, the boy on the swing tasted Andy's water with a little lemonade and smiled saying "sweet!"

"No fair, Andy! You cheated!" Jeffery yelped, but the boy on the swing had decided.

Ultimately, that was how the little boy on the swing, with only a backpack with a change of clothing and boots with `Geoff' labeled on them, came to call Andy Cooley his brother. As the two older boys walked Geoff to Andy's parents, little Geoff holding the hands of the big kids as they walked, neither of them could fathom what the future had in store for them.

~End of Summer 2010

"Andy, do you want some lemonade?" Geoff asked as he walked into the living room with two tall glasses of lemonade in hand. "Mom and the others went bowling. They said they'd leave you in charge."

`You used to be so small and cute..." Andy glared as he flipped through the exam booklet in front of him. How dare you grow taller than me, he thought to himself with a scowl.

"Huh? What?" Geoff missed the mumbling of his sixteen year old brother.

Andy silenced him with a wave of his ruler.

"Quiet! Hurry up, exam student!" Andy chided the fourteen year old eighth grader. "I've got other stuff to do."

"You don't have to say it like that!" whined Geoff as he began to tear up.

The boy tended to be a roller coaster of emotion, shifting playfully between the extremes of emotion at a moment's notice. Andy insisted he did this solely to annoy him, but even while it was sometimes annoying, Andy Cooley couldn't help but always think it made Geoff look cute.

"You don't have to cry." Andy tried to point out, but Geoff had already mostly recovered from his older brother's teasing.

Still, despite his childish antics, Andy couldn't help feel that Geoff had grown way more than he had over the last ten years. Sure, Andy was a little short for his age, but Geoff was growing like a weed; their parents barely able to keep up with Geoff's sudden growth spurts. Not only that, but Geoff was more athletic, participating in track and field events in his junior high school, which he would probably continue to pursue into high school.

"Yeah, and then today..." Geoff prattled on as he tried to engage Andy in conversation rather than starting to study for his honors math exam for next year.

While Geoff wasn't the most academically minded individual, he did have an aptitude for math, and while their parents loved Geoff no matter what, they wanted to encourage his growth not just in sports but in academia as well. When the opportunity presented itself for Geoff to take a test that would allow him into an advanced math class for his freshman year at Ascension High School, Andy was placed in charge of getting his goofy brother ready for the test. Still, Geoff seemed to be more interested in playing around then studying with Andy.

"Hurry up and open your text book..." Andy tried to get Geoff back on track, but he couldn't help but stop and stare at his younger brother.

It was the same every day; Geoff would laugh and cry and life was never dull for Andy Cooley. It had been like a dream, these last ten years, ever since he had brought the little four year old home to his surprised parents. Bravely, Geoff never mentioned a word about that time, and Andy wondered if Geoff was just more mature than he was.

"What is it? Are you admiring me?" Geoff coyly flirted with his brother. "I'm flattered."

"You're a dork!" came Andy's defensive quip, having been caught staring.

Geoff seemed to regard Andy, a sort of sympathy coming to his eyes.

"There have been many times when I've admired you, Andy." Geoff stated with slightly teary eyes.

"Wha..." Andy was left a bit speechless, but soon found his voice once more. "W... what are you talking about? It's no wonder since I'm so much cooler."

"...if you were taller than me, that is." Geoff said without thinking.

Andy wasted no time in grabbing up the ruler next to him.

"No! Don't hit me!" Geoff yelped playfully as Andy attacked him with the ruler in his hand.

Even as Geoff jokingly slapped away the ruler, Andy couldn't help but let his mind wander. He knew in his heart the truth; he loved Geoff, maybe more than an older brother should love his younger brother. It was like a quiet pain he felt every time he looked into those magical eyes. As Geoff laughed and smiled in spite of his older brother's attempts to bop him one, Andy seemed to be wondering why he felt like crying?

~School Begins

"Huh? So you're acting as Geoff's tutor?" Jeffery asked as he and Andy shared a snack just outside Ascension High School. "Is he trying to get into the honors math program at our school?"

"I should have let you have him after all." Andy complained as he nibbled on a sandwich. "You guys were on the same track team in junior high, and got along pretty well. I'm no good at running."

Jeffery seemed to ponder something for a moment.

"He sure must love you." The taller boy stated knowingly.

"Where did that come from?" Andy asked a little confused.

"Huh?" was Jeffery's response, as if the question was silly. "You should know."

Andy let his head sink a little as he regarded his food a bit. He knew what Jeffery was saying, but he still couldn't admit it to himself, to anyone, that he was in love with Geoff.

"But we're brothers." Andy tried to rationalize.

"Not real brothers." Jeffery pointed out as he drained the last bit of soda from his can.

"I... just can't." Andy said sadly as his mind seemed to wander to a day long ago.

"Can't what?" Jeffery asked.

"I can't be nice to him." Andy admitted as he put away the rest of his sandwich, uninterested in eating it. "I'm afraid that he'll think it is just pity."

Jeffery quietly regarded his friend.

"That's not all you're afraid of, is it?" the teen asked knowing his pragmatic friend inside and out.

"What?" Andy gave his friend a confused look at being so easily revealed.

"Of course, I like that not-so-nice side of you, too." Jeffery slyly smiled.

Jeffery allowed his stare to linger on his friend, hoping Andy would finally pick up on his signals, but as usual Andy was oblivious to Jeffery's innuendos. Either that, or Andy was ignoring them.

"What are you saying..." Andy replied completely oblivious to his friend's meaning.

"Come on, I'm serious!" Jeffery pouted, his advances on Andy going completely unnoticed as usual.

"Hey, Andy! Jeffery!" Geoff called out to the two boys sitting just outside of the school.

Andy glared at his little brother as the boy approached.

"Quit coming to pick me up every day! It's embarrassing!" Andy scolded a little more harshly than he had intended.

"And you still think he's not in love with you...?" muttered a torpid Jeffery who seemed to mentally take a back seat so he could watch the siblings banter.

"My school's right next door so what's wrong with it?" Geoff defended as he began tearing up.

"Everything!" Andy shouted as he flailed his hands into the air in frustration.

Bidding Jeffery a friendly fair well, Geoff took a few quick steps to catch up with his older brother. As the brothers continued to walk home in silence it was Geoff that spoke first.

"Jeffery's really awesome, isn't he?" the boy stated nonchalantly, "If only someone like that was my big brother... Just kidding."

Geoff's musings hit a nerve.

"Shut up!" Andy shouted once more, but this time the tone in his voice told Geoff he wasn't playing around. The sophomore was frustrated and tired; why did he have to feel like this? Maybe, he thought to himself, it was because he cheated with the lemonade. If he hadn't slipped something sweet into his cup, would Geoff be his brother? Would Geoff see him differently?

"What are you mad for?" Geoff asked a little hurt, but he received no reply.

At the time, Andy had really wanted to have those eyes, but now, those same eyes scared him a little. He remembered back to the first day he had found Geoff on that lonely swing set and had brought him home. His mother and father had been so confused as to what had happened, but when they realized what was going on, they ushered both boys out into the hallway so they could talk.

"What should we do?" Andy's mother had asked her husband as the boy's quietly listened outside.

"Maybe we should take him to the police station..." Andy's father had suggested and Andy's young heart began to sink.

The small boy who only wanted a little brother began to cry.

"They're gonna take Geoff away." Andy sniffled in-between tears.

"Don't cry." the four year old begged as he tried to comfort the boy who had brought him home from the swing, "Geoff's the one they don't want. So don't cry. When Andy cries, Geoff sad, too."

Andy suddenly realized he was crying in front of the smaller boy and the worry in the tyke's eyes made him want to put on a brave face.

"I... I'm not crying! I'm not crying!" Andy began as he tried to comfort the smaller boy. "Y... you're cuter and gooder than me, Geoff. So I bet mommy and daddy want you more than me! S... so..."

A sudden sadness seemed to creep over Geoff's face and at the time Andy didn't understand the reason behind Geoff's sad expression. Later, when he was a little older, he would find out; kindness can sometimes end up hurting someone. As Andy and Geoff walked home from school in silence Andy wondered what he should do if Geoff made that face again?

"Um, hey." Geoff broke their silence once more as they passed by the small park on their way home, "There's something I want to talk to you about."

"Why'd you wait until we got all the way out here?" Andy asked as they idly passed through the park where Andy had found the orphan Geoff ten years earlier.

"It's something important." Geoff stalled a bit as he came closer to Andy.

The taller boy seemed to be sending some confusing signals to Andy who felt his heart racing a bit. As Geoff approached, Andy swallowed hard and he could almost feel Geoff's loving embrace upon him, but at the last minute the younger boy's posture seemed to change and it was back to the same lighthearted Geoff.

"Actually... I... u... um... wanna go on a picnic this Sunday?" Geoff gave a brave grin.

"That's the important thing you wanted to talk to me about!?" the older boy asked as his younger brother tried to coax him into agreeing.

"Well, everyone else is busy studying so there's no one to play with me." Geoff smiled in that way Andy knew he couldn't turn down. "But you've got time on your hands."

Andy had been so nervous, but he agreed to the picnic. Geoff smiled, Andy brooded, and everything was back to normal. As Andy turned back around and the boys continued to walk on towards home, Andy never saw the look in Geoff's eyes, a pensive stare that seemed wanting.


"Wow, it looks so good!" Jeffery stated as the taller teen eyed the lunch the two brothers had prepared. "Let's dig in!"

The three boys sat on a picnic blanket just under a tree in the same small park they had found Geoff almost ten years ago. The spread was pretty decent, even for three people to share and with a sunny day and barely a breeze in the air, it was perfect weather for picnicking.

"Why is he..." Geoff began in a hushed tone before he was cut off by his older brother.

"When I told him..." Andy explained rather disappointedly but so Jeffery couldn't hear them, "he insisted on coming along..."

"What are you two guys whispering about?" Jeffery asked but he was ignored as Andy began getting together a few paper plates so the boys could eat.

As the afternoon wore on, Jeffery and Geoff joked back and forth, Andy went on about all the stuff going on at school, and Geoff talked about his friends at his junior high school. In just an hour or so, the boys had completely decimated the food they had prepared and completely drained every drop of juice from their pitcher.

"Oh, I'm so full!" Jeffery cooed as he lay down on the blanket they had sprawled out on the grass. "I'm stuffed!"

"Man you eat a lot." Andy stated in relative disbelief at the amount of food his best friend could put away.

"Well, I am the star of the track team." Jeffery pointed out before eyeing Geoff for a moment. "Geoff's pretty good, too."

Geoff blushed a bit as he took in the praise.

"Your recommendation to the honors math class went through, right?" Jeffery asked nonchalantly, to which the youth smiled and nodded.

"Gee... I didn't know that." Andy reflected for a moment before realization sunk in. "Huh? Wait a minute. That means you didn't have to study!"

Geoff immediately looked like he had just been caught doing something wrong, but deflected it by quickly getting to his feet and jogging towards the pavilion where the pop machines were.

"I'll go get us some drinks!" Geoff innocently smiled as he disappeared into the distance.

Left alone with his best friend, Andy immediately began giving Jeffery an accusatory stare.

"You knew all along, didn't you?" Andy sulked.

"Didn't I say he must really love you?" Jeffery said as he made his point with Geoff's actions.

"I thought so too, but..." Andy lay down next to his friend and stared up at the sky for a while. "I don't think he's in love with me after all. I'm just so tired of it all."

"How can you know that?" Jeffery asked as his curiosity was peaked.

"You can tell just by watching him." Andy pointed out as he rolled over on his side, turning away from his friend. "I'm sharp that way."

Jeffery stared dumbfounded at his best friend.

"You've never noticed..." Jeffery asked as he let his hand reach out and stroke the back of Andy's shirt, "that I've been in love with you all this time have you?"

Andy slowly turned around to his friends' touch, and like a light bulb turning on in his head he could suddenly see the love in Jeffery's eyes; that simple wanting that had always been present, but somehow overlooked.

"You've only got eyes for Geoff, though." Jeffery halfheartedly smiled.

"That's not...!" Andy tried to defend, but Jeffery was quick to cut him off.

"Oh, then..." Jeffery hushed his friend as he let his hand brush against Andy's cheek, "you did know about my feelings? I mean, I made it obvious enough."

Jeffery continued to stroke Andy's cheek lightly as he moved forward, closer and closer until Andy could almost feel his friends breathe on his face.

"Sto..." Andy tried to get the words out, but he felt light headed.

As Jeffery leaned in towards Andy a sudden jolt brought both boys out of their trance as Jeffery felt a sharp pain on the top of his head.

"What are you doing to Andy!?" Geoff exclaimed as he held his older brother protectively to his chest. The younger boy was panting heavily and red in the face, glaring at Jeffery who was nursing a welt on the top of his head from a drink can. Andy absentmindedly picked up the can of lemonade and suddenly realized he could feel Geoff's heart racing in his chest, Andy's ears inches away from the palpitations.

"Ouch." Jeffery whined more for sympathy than out of pain.

"Are you okay?" Geoff asked his brother with concern in his voice.

Andy didn't know why, but he felt like he had been cheated. It was a sudden flush feeling of not being able to be with who he loved and having that same person stop others from loving him. He couldn't rationalize it in his head, so he got frustrated and call out his little brother.

"What right do you have to stop him!?" Andy suddenly cried as he pushed his brother away.

Both Jeffery and Geoff looked to Andy with stunned expressions.

"Huh..." the younger boy replied in utter confusion.

"All you do is act flirty all the time! Even when you know you don't really love me!" Andy accused.

"Th... that's not..." Geoff tried to defend.

"Then prove it!" Andy challenged. "By giving me... a kiss."

Andy closed his eyes and waited for Geoff to either dash his hopes or fulfill his dreams.

"It's just..." Geoff stated in bewilderment. "I thought we were only brothers."

At those words Andy could feel his heart breaking and he needed to do something so he couldn't feel the pain, not all at once. So, he did the only thing he could think of, he was going to hurt Geoff's feelings first.

"I've never thought of you as a brother!" Andy shouted not caring who heard him. "Not once!"

Geoff and Jeffery watched in shocked silence as Andy balled up his fists and began to cry.

"You idiot!" Andy cried between tears as he ran past both boys, knocking Geoff to the ground as he ran off.

"Andy! Whoa!" the younger boy yelped as he fumbled the other lemonade he had been holding only to spill it all over himself.

As both boys watched Andy disappear into the distance, it was Jeffery who spoke first.

"Don't you care? I'm gonna go run after him. If I do that, you won't be able to catch up." The older boy stated. "I'm faster than you."

"Pardon me!" Geoff exclaimed as he leapt to his feet and pursued his brother with purpose.

"Look at him go." Jeffery commented to himself as he watched Geoff disappear into the distance. "I'm gonna train him into the ground next year."

~True Love wins out

Andy Cooley sat on the lonely swing set as its weathered chains clinked and creaked with his weight. It had been ten years ago that he had found a small boy abandoned at this very spot and brought him home to be his brother. He tried to think back to when he had first realized that he was in love with Geoff, with those eyes that both excited and terrified him. He wondered why he had been so mean to his little brother; had it been because he was afraid of being rejected by Geoff?

"I'm the idiot..." Andy mumbled to no one in particular as he continued to slowly swing back and forth.

As Andy looked out along the fenced area of the small park he heard running footsteps and suddenly, like a flash, Geoff was there and gone, his form streaking past the opening through the hedges.

"Andy!" Geoff yelped from the other side as the older boy could hear his brother squeal to a stop.

A moment later, Geoff appeared, soaked and huffing and made a beeline towards his brother.

"W... what do you want?" Andy asked sheepishly, but his words were ignored.

Geoff grabbed hold of the chains of the swing set, stopping his brother's idle movements as their fingers lightly touched. Without words or warning Geoff leaned down and gently kissed Andy on the lips. It was a kiss that carried a certain sweetness and while it was welcomed it left a certain stickiness behind as well.

"I love you!" Geoff declared loudly before mentally face-palming himself, "Oh... wait, wrong order! I'm sorry about what happened back there! Sorry' then I love you!' is the correct order."

The younger boy still huffed and puffed out of breath, but it was important enough to say he had fought through his winded breathing to deliver his sorrow and love.

"What the...? Why are you all sticky?" Andy quietly questioned as his brother continued to explain himself.

"But you see... there was a reason. I tried to tell you, but... actually... the truth is..." Geoff seemed to muster up all of his courage, closing his eyes as if to squeeze out his reason, "you and I aren't related by blood!"

"Huh?" was Andy's simple reply as he stared at Geoff in bewilderment.

"I know." Geoff explained. "I was surprised too! I found out when I saw my personal records for the exams... up until then, I didn't think it mattered even if we were brothers... but then I got self-conscious that you might be thinking of me as just a brother... and I felt guilty for feeling this way about you. And, um..."

Andy scowled at his little brother.

"You must really be an idiot not to have any memory of when you were four years old!" Andy almost shouted.

"Huh?" Geoff stared slightly shocked and confused at Andy's outburst.

"I'm the one who found you in this very place you big dummy!" Andy voice quivered as he lowered his head.

"W-w-what!?" Geoff stuttered as he tried to collect himself. "You could have broken it to me a little nicer... I'm still in shock, you know?"

Geoff looked down at his big brother and could see his back heaving as he started crying, his tear drops cast down to the woodchips below.

"You... dork." Andy muttered as he continued to cry raising his eyes towards Geoff, fully preparing himself to see the hurt he had once again caused, but what he saw surprised him.

Looking down at him, Geoff's eyes were filled with an unfathomable kindness and happiness.

"This is the first time I've seen you cry... wait, no." Geoff caught himself. "It's the second, counting the park."

"It's the third, stupid." Andy corrected as Geoff leaned down and they shared a longer kiss, Geoff's fingers never leaving the chains that held his brother's hands.

When the boys finally parted lips they were both in tears.

"I'm sorry!" Geoff apologized, knowing how much Andy hated it when he cried. "It's your fault for crying!"

Andy chuckled a bit in spite of himself.

"...I'm starting to remember something vaguely..." Geoff suddenly realized. "I remember... a sort of sweetness. I wonder why?"

"I got that just now, too, from you." Andy agreed as he suddenly remembered.

"Huh?" Geoff asked more than a little confused.

"Here." Andy offered as he reached down to the ground and gave his brother the can of lemonade he had run off with. "It tastes like this."


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