Almost Brothers

By Vince

Published on Mar 3, 2004


This is a fictional story of male to male adult experiences. If you are under the age of 18 or do not like male/male stories of explicit sex, then do not read this.

As this is fiction, STD's do not exist so there is no need for the characters to practice safe sex. However, in the real world, there are diseases which can kill you so PLAY SAFE!

If you like this story, send an email and let me know!

Be sure to include the story title. Thanks and enjoy.

Author's notes:

Picture Rusty: Gay. 5' 11", medium build, toned, slightly hairy. Dark hair, handsome. roughly 33 years old.

Picture Scott: Straight. 6' 2", husky build, toned. slighty more hairy than Rusty. Brown hair, handsome. A few months older than Rusty.

Picture Cooper: Gay. 5' 8", stocky build, well muscled, well toned. some hair on chest, dark treasure trail. More handsome than Rusty and Scott, but not a "pretty boy". roughly 31 years old.



Rusty looked down and watched his dick sliding in and out of Coop's tight hole. He loved the sight of his dick as it plunged deep into the man. Coop's dark, black hairs around his hole were gently stroking Rusty's hard cock. Coop was on his knees, holding himself up with one hand while the other was hooked onto Rusty's butt. He pulled Rusty deep inside him as they fucked on Cooper's large bed. With one hand under Coop, Rusty stroked Coop's hard cock as he fucked him.

Soon, Coop began to moan. His cock was rock hard in Rusty's hand. Suddenly, Coop grunted and filled Rusty's hand with his creamy cum. Coop's asshole gripped Rusty even tighter as the muscle spasms brought Rusty to an extreme climax. Rusty pumped his load into his lover and then they fell together, breathing hard and fast. Rusty brought his cum covered hand to their mouths and they feasted on Cooper's juice. Then they laid together, silently, for several minutes.

Then Cooper spoke, "You know, Rusty, when we get to my folks. We'll have to sleep in separate bedrooms. I know its crazy, but that's how they are. I still think we should get a hotel room and....."

Rusty rolled out of Coop's bed and looked sadly at his naked lover.

"Is something wrong? Cooper asked.

Rusty sighed. "Coop, I can't come with you this weekend," Rusty said.

Cooper rolled over and grasped Rusty's shoulders. "What?"

"My boss scheduled a meeting. I tried to get out of it, but...."

"Rusty? My folks want to meet you."

"I know, man. I'm sorry, truly, I am, but, fuck, I can't go with you this weekend. I'm real sorry. I'm sorry to say this now but I couldn't think of a way to tell you."

"Rusty!" Cooper said then he sighed, "Fuck!" Seconds ticked by. "Rusty, please?"

"Coop, man, I want to go. I truly do." He put a hand on Coop's naked chest and nervously toyed with the small patch of black hair between his pecs. "But I HAVE to be at this meeting. Hell, its MY project. I can't help it if my boss is an asshole."

"Can't you do a conference call?"

Rusty shook his head. "I suggested that. 'No' was the answer."

"Fuck!" Cooper exclaimed. He got out of bed and went into his bathroom.

Rusty heard the shower start. He sat on the bed and held his head in his hands. "Fuck," he whispered. He looked up at the picture sitting on the nightstand. Rusty had a copy of the picture on his own nightstand. The picture was of him and Coop taken at Rusty's birthday party. He and Coop had their arms around each other, both smiling broadly at Scott who had taking the picture. It made Rusty smile, a little.

He got up and went into the foggy bathroom. He pulled back the shower curtain and got in behind Coop who was soaping his broad, muscled back. Rusty felt an erection returning. He gently grabbed the bar of soap from Cooper and rubbed it over Coop's back and then, his nice round ass. Coop leaned into the water spray and washed the soap from his shoulders. Rusty kissed Coop there. Then he kissed up to Coop's neck. "I'm sorry," he whispered into Cooper's ear. Rusty felt Coop relax against him as Rusty lightly chewed on Coop's neck and shoulder. Coop turned his head to Rusty and kissed him on the lips. "I'm sorry I got mad, Rusty."

Rusty ran his hands around Coop's muscled torso and felt his chest. Coop's nipples became hard at his touch. "I love you, Coop." Rusty said as he cleaned the soap from his back and butt.

"I love you, too, Rusty," Cooper said. Coop leaned his body against the shower wall. He could feel Rusty's erection against his butt.

Rusty held onto Coop's body as he pushed himself into Coop. He fucked Cooper against the shower wall as the warm water rushed over their bodies.

Two hours later, at Rusty's house, Coop said his good-bye's to Scott and Mary. Rusty walked Coop to his car. They kissed. "I'll see you on Monday," Rusty said. "And, again, I'm REAL sorry I cant be with you this weekend."

"I know Rusty. This thing at work is important. We can visit my folks in a couple of weeks. I'll square it with them."

"Good. Tell them I'm very sorry and that I'm anxious to meet them, and I truly am. I'm gonna miss you, Coop."

"I'm gonna miss you, too." Cooper kissed Rusty again and then he got into his car and started the engine. Then, Coop lowered his window, "I love you, Rusty."

Rusty leaned into the car and kissed Cooper again. "I'm going to think of you every night when I go to bed."

"If you do, you'll never get any sleep," Cooper said and smiled.

Grinning, Rusty stood up as Cooper backed his car out of the driveway. He waved to him and watched as Cooper's Mustang drove down the street and turned out of sight. He turned to see Scott standing behind Mary with his arms around her. Rusty walked to them and then, into the house.

It was 2:37 am the next morning when the phone rang. Rusty let it ring twice before he sat up to answer it. Then the phone was silent. Assuming Scott had answered it, he rolled over and went back to sleep.

Three minutes later, Scott opened Rusty's bedroom door and quietly walked to the bed. He turned on the small light on Rusty's nightstand. He glanced at the picture of Rusty and Coop there. He wanted to cry. However, he softly shook Rusty.

"Rusty, wake up." Scott said.

"HUh? What?"

Scott sat on the bed. "Rusty."

"What?" Rusty sat up and saw Scott sitting on his bed, wearing only his boxer shorts. Mary stood just inside the room, clasping a robe around herself.

"Rusty," Scott began, "I just got a call from the police."


"There's been an accident."

Rusty looked at Scott, not quite sure what Scott meant but his heart froze.

Scott sighed. "I don't know how to say this so I'm just going to say it." Scott looked to Mary and then back to Rusty. He tried to gauge how Rusty would react. Finally, he said, "Coop is dead."


"He's dead, Rusty."

Terror ran through Rusty. "What did you say?"

"There was an accident. And....Coop is dead."

"No! This is a joke, right?" Rusty looked at Mary for confirmation. She nodded her head slowly and wiped her eyes with a tissue.

"Its not a joke, Rusty. I wouldn't joke about this," Scott said placing a hand on Rusty's shoulder.

Rusty sat up then. "No fucking way! He cant be dead! He's supposed to come back on Monday! He fucking promised!"

Scott took Rusty in his arms. "I'm soooo sorry, Bro."

"Oh GOD NO!" Rusty began to cry. Mary came to them and grabbed the brothers in her arms, crying. "OH GOD NO!" Rusty cried out again. Scott and Mary held him as Rusty cried uncontrollably. "NO! GOD PLEASE! NO! OH FUCK, NO! NO! NO! NO!"

Mary and Scott held Rusty as he cried. After several minutes, Scott said, "The police want someone to come and.....ummmmmm......identify the body."

"What do you mean?" Rusty asked with tears streaming down his face.

"They said he had no identification on him, so someone has to go and identify him." Scott intentionally left out the part where the officer on the phone described the body as "fatally burned".

"OH FUCK NO!" Rusty yelled. "That doesn't make any sense.

"I know, Rusty. But do you want to come with me?"

"OH FUCK NO! I....I....CANT!"

"I'm going to do it. Mary will stay here with you." Scott nodded at Mary who had walked next to the bed and then kneeled down next to Scott.

"OH MARY!" Rusty grabbed Mary and she held him.

"I'm here, Rusty," Mary said. "I'll stay with you." She looked at Rusty with tears in her eyes.

"Tell me this is not happening, Mary!" Rusty pleaded with her.

"I wish I could, Rusty. I wish I could." Mary held Rusty as he sobbed.

"I'm going to get dressed." Scott said to her. I have to meet the police at the hospital in Jennings.

"Wait Scott," Mary said.

It was then Scott realized Rusty was in bed and had a blanket around his body yet he was naked. Scott went to Rusty's closet and grabbed a pair of pants.

Mary pulled away from Rusty and Scott sat down on the bed to hold him. "I'll wait outside," she told Scott who nodded.

Mary closed the door and Scott helped Rusty into his pants, holding him close while Rusty sobbed. They went out of the bedroom and Scott handed Rusty to Mary who took him into the living room. She turned on some lights and held Rusty as he sat on the sofa until Scott came into the room, dressed. She got up and met Scott at the door.

"Stay with him, Mary." Scott said to her and kissed her on the forehead. He pulled on his thick, heavy coat because it was very cold outside and snow was expected.

"I will," she replied then and whispered in his ear, "Be careful, Scott. He couldn't handle losing you, too. That goes for me, also." She kissed him. "I love you, Scott." She walked with him as he opened the door to the house. He took her into his arms.

"I should have told you this before tonight," Scott whispered to her. "I love you, Mary." He hugged her.

"I love you, too, Scott."

"Rusty...." Scott began. Rusty looked up at him with tears flowing down his face. "I'm so sorry," Scott said. Now Scott had tears in his eyes. He kissed Mary again and left.

When Mary turned around, Rusty was gone. She went to his bedroom and found Rusty sitting on the bed. He had the picture of him and Cooper in his hands. He was staring at it, crying. "I'll sit with you," Mary said and held Rusty as he continued to cry.

Almost five hours later, Mary was sitting next to Rusty on the sofa. He had stopped crying yet sat in shock next to her. Together, they held pieces of tissue they had used to wipe the tears from their eyes. It was then Mary saw headlights blaze across the windows. She left Rusty sitting on the sofa and looked out of the front windows. "Scott is back," she said. Rusty began to cry again. Mary heard Scott's truck door closing and went to the front door of the house. She opened it and looked out to see Scott getting out of his truck. Then she returned to Rusty.

They watched Scott walk into the house. He was almost smiling. "It wasn't him. It wasn't Coop in the car." Scott announced.

"WHAT?!" Rusty exclaimed.

Scott walked to them and grabbed Rusty and Mary. "IT WASN'T COOPER! IT WASNT HIM! HE'S NOT DEAD!"

"WHAT?" Rusty asked again, unbelieving his ears.

Scott hugged Rusty. "It wasn't Cooper in the car. It was some other guy. Coop's alive, I guess. The police are trying to contact his folks. It was Cooper's car, but he wasn't in the car."

With relief, Rusty began to cry harder. "PLEASE SAY YOU'RE NOT FUCKING WITH ME!"



"Scott, are you sure?" Mary asked.

Scoot grinned at her and then at Rusty. "I'm FUCKING SURE! IT WASN'T HIM!"

"OH THANK GOD! OH FUCKING THANK GOD!" Rusty yelled. "THANK YOU GOD, THANK YOU GOD, OH FUCKING THANK YOU GOD!" He looked at Scott's broad smile. "ITS NOT HIM?" Rusty asked, again.

Scott grabbed Rusty and held him face to face. "IT....WAS....NOT...COOPER."

Rusty's face dissolved into a grin of complete exhilaration.

"IT WAS NOT HIM." Scott said one last time and Rusty grabbed Scott and hugged him so tight Scott thought Rusty would break a couple of his ribs.

"So, who was it, then?" Mary asked.

"Yeah, what the fuck happened?" Rusty asked, wiping the tears from his face.

Scott, with his arms around Rusty and Mary, walked into the living room and plopped himself on the sofa. Rusty and Mary sat with him with his arms still around both of them. He looked at Rusty. "They took me to the hospital morgue. I never want to go to that place again. Its sooo creepy. There were three DB's on tables. DB's, that's what they call dead bodies. Anyway, they take me to one table and pull back the sheet. I did not want to look but then I did. And fuck me naked, I was like, that's not Coop. So, I looked again real good and said 'That's not Cooper'. They asked me, `are you sure?' And I noticed something on this guy's shoulder, like a tattoo or something so I said, 'What's that?' And they said its a tattoo, so they pulled the sheet down and I could see the guy on the table had a playboy bunny tattooed on his shoulder."

"Cooper doesn't have any tattoos," Rusty said, excitedly.

"I didn't think so. I would have noticed before. Anyway, I said, I don't remember Coop having a tattoo and the guy didn't really look like Coop. This guy had dark hair and sort of looked like Coop but then again, not really. Rusty, I didn't tell you before, but the guy was badly burned so it was hard to tell, except for the tattoo. So I told them, this ain't Cooper. 'This isn't Mark Dewayne Cooper?' they asked again and I said 'No. Its not him.' I tell ya, I damn near started to laugh, but instead I know...crying and told them again, this is NOT Coop! I don't know who this guy is, but it ain't Coop! Then they asked me where Coop's folks live, what their names are and I didn't have a clue. The police found our number with your name on it, Rusty, in the Coop's car. That's why they called here."

"Oh, I was wondering about that," Rusty said, Then, "Coop's folks live in Derry but I don't know their names. I was supposed to go with Coop and meet them, but I have to work. Well, had to. They can fucking fire me but I'm not going anywhere until I hear from him."

"Try his cell phone." Scott suggested.

"I have, like a hundred times. The call won't go through." Then Rusty asked anxiously, "Where the FUCK IS HE?" It was then the phone rang. "Oh FUCK!" Rusty jumped up and ran to the phone. He read the call ID. "Its from a hospital?" Rusty said, sounding confused. He hit the "talk" button. "Hello?" he said.


Rusty excitedly looked at Scott and Mary, "ITS HIM! ITS COOP!"

"THANK GOD!" Mary exclaimed and grabbed Scott's arm.

"I'm not dead!" Cooper said over the phone.

"Oh Coop!" Rusty began to cry as he listened to Coop on the phone. After a few minutes, Rusty began to talk softly into the phone.

"Scott," Mary began, "lets go in the bedroom. We should give Rusty some privacy."

"No, I want to hear this." Scott said.

"Scott, you come with me!" Mary said. She took Scott's hand in hers and led him to his bedroom.

"Are we going to knock off a piece while we're in there?" he asked her, grinning like a school boy.

"Scott James Barber!" Mary chided him. "You better be nice or you're not going to get ANY for a week!"

"Yeah, right, like you can go a whole week without your Teddy Bear!" he said and wrapped his strong arms around her as they went to his bedroom.

Rusty talked to Cooper for a several minutes and then set the phone down on the table. He went to Scott's room and knocked on the open door. Scott and Mary were kissing.

"You guys have to take me to him! Now! You have to take me to him, please?"

"Get dressed, Mary," Scott said to her, "We have to take Rusty to his man."

"Yes, of course we should," Mary said.

Twenty minutes later, the three of them were in Scott's truck heading for Coop's parent's house.

"My boss is going to be pissed because I'll miss the meeting," Rusty said. "Fuck him," Rusty added. "He can fire me if he wants to. I'll call him later and explain. He'll understand."

"Rusty," Scott began, "who was the guy driving Coop's car?"

Rusty said, "Coop just told me. His name is Dave something, I didn't get the last name. Coop went to high school with him. Coop met with him this evening while at his folks. They went out to a bar and Dave hooked up with this chick. Afterward, Dave drove Coop home and borrowed Coop's car to take the woman home. Around 2am, Dave was on his way back to Coop's and ran head-on into a 18 wheeler."

Scott nodded. "That's what the cops told me. They said the 18 wheeler went out of control and smashed into Coop's 'stang. The guy never had a chance."

"How horrible," Mary said. Then she continued, "Why didn't this Dave guy have identification on him? Surely he had a wallet or something?" Mary asked.

"I don't know," Rusty said, shrugging his shoulders. "I'm sorry he's dead but I'm not sorry it wasn't Coop. They traced Coop by the license plates on his car. When there was no answer at his apartment, the police called our number they found in the car. After Scott told them it wasn't Cooper in the morgue, they started hunting for Coop's folks. Coop's dad woke him up and told them the police were at the door. First, they made sure he was the Mark Cooper they were looking for and then took him to the hospital in Jennings, same as you, Scott. Then they had Coop identify this guy Dave's body. Then they told Coop you had been there, Scott. That's when Coop called me. He knew if you where there, you had to have talked to me and also, he knew I would be freaking out. And I was, wasn't I?"

"Yeah, you were!" Scott said.

"Understandably so," Mary said. She grabbed Rusty's hand in her right and Scott's hand in her left, as she was between them in the truck while Scott drove.

"Rusty, man, I didn't know what to say to you," Scott said. "How do you tell someone that someone they love is dead?"

"Fuck, Scott, at first, I thought you were just fucking with me. I could not comprehend what you were saying. It just....I don't was so surreal."

They were quiet for a few minutes. Then Mary asked Scott, "Did you mean what you said to me?" Rusty looked at Scott, wondering what she meant.

"When I said I love you?" Scott asked her.

"Yes," she replied.

"Yes, Mary. I love you." He looked at her and then back to the road.

Mary looked at Rusty and asked, "Did you hear that?" Rusty nodded.

"I told you, he did." Rusty said.

"What? You and him talked about this?" Scott asked. Mary nodded, looking at Scott.

"Yes, she did, Teddy Bear." Rusty said, teasing Scott then he chuckled.

"Fuck you, Rusty."

"Fuck you, Scott."

"Boys!" Mary shouted. Then they all laughed.

Two hours later, Scott's truck pulled into Cooper's parent's driveway. He hit the horn button on his steering wheel a couple of times. Coop appeared in the doorway of the house and Rusty began to cry.

"Oh fuck!" Rusty said and opened his door before the truck came to a halt. He jumped out and ran to Cooper. They hugged tightly and Rusty kissed him. Cooper kissed him back.

Sitting in the truck, Mary, again, dabbed at her eyes with a tissue. "This is so sweet!" she said to Scott. Scott stopped the truck and helped Mary out. She ran to Cooper and Rusty, wrapping her arms around them. She was crying tears of joy when Scott joined them. Cooper's parents watched from the open door of their house with their arms around each other. Mr. Cooper held the door while Mrs. Cooper invited Rusty, Scott and Mary into their home, out of the chilling cold. Snow began to fall a few minutes later.

Monday morning, Scott and Mary left Derry for home. They went to Mary's apartment and spent the day in bed. They made love two times.

Then, they watched television as Mary prepared a delicious meal. After they ate, Mary was sitting on the sofa. Scott came to her. He kneeled down on one knee, produced a ring and proposed marriage. With tears in her eyes, Mary said yes, without having to think about it.

Then, they made love again.

About the time Scott was proposing to Mary, Rusty and Coop arrived at Rusty's house in a rented Mustang. Without a word of discussion about it, they quickly went to Rusty's bedroom and stripped each other naked. With three days of pent up lust fueling his desire, Rusty nailed Cooper into the bed.

Afterwards, Rusty lay in Cooper's arms and cried, reliving the thought of losing him forever. Cooper reassured Rusty, over and over, that he would be with him forever while stroking his hair and caressing his body. Rusty took Cooper's thick, uncut cock into his mouth and sucked him for an hour before coaxing a huge load from Coop's nuts directly down his throat. Coop fell asleep, soon after.

Rusty kissed Coop lightly on the lips and then looked at the clock on the wall. It read 9:38 pm. Rusty wasn't sleepy so he decided to go into the living room and watch some television. He looked down at the fine specimen of man on his bed. He could still taste Cooper in his mouth. Rusty sighed. I love you so much, Coop, he thought to himself. Leaving Cooper to sleep as he was, naked and sprawled on his bed, Rusty went into the living room. He forgot to close the door.

Later, Rusty was dozing on the sofa while Mr. Propeil talked to an audience on the TV about his new rotisserie when Scott came in the door. Rusty woke up, hearing the door close. "Hey," he said sleepily to Scott.

"Hey, Bro," Scott said and walked down the hallway to his bedroom. Scott returned wearing only his boxer shorts. "What the fuck did you do to Coop?"


"He's lying on your bed, completely naked. Looks like you fucked him to death." Scott put his hand to his mouth. "Ooops. Wrong word. I'm sorry, Rusty."

"Actually, I sucked him to death." Rusty said casually letting Scott know its ok.

"You perv," Scott replied as he sat down next to Rusty while absently scratching his balls.

Rusty moved closer to Scott. He grabbed Scott's arm and brought it around him. Scott held Rusty next to him. "What a fucked up weekend, huh?" Rusty said.

"Well, it started out fucked up but I think it ended great," Scott said.

"Yeah, it did." Rusty agreed.

Scott looked at Rusty. "I asked Mary to marry me."

"Did you?" Scott nodded. "And she said?"

Scott grinned at Rusty. "She said yes." There were tears in his eyes.

"Scott! That's wonderful!" Rusty kissed Scott on the cheek.

"Now, I want to ask you something, Rusty."


"Will you be my best man at the wedding?"

"Aww Scott! Fucking A! I will!"

"Good." Scott, with his arm around Rusty, pulled him closer. Then Scott asked, "When are you going to make a honest man out of Coop and ask him to marry you?"

"Its already done. He and I discussed this a few weeks ago."

Scott looked at Rusty with disbelief. "Really? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was going to. Then Coop "died" and....well, shit happens."

"Cool." Then Scott asked, "Who's going to be your best man?" He looked at Rusty questionably.

Rusty feigned thinking. "I don't know. I really haven't thought much about it."

"You fucker!"

"Scott, will you be my best man?" Rusty asked.

"I don't know. I'll have to think about it." He playfully squeezed Rusty with his arm. Rusty grinned. "Sure, Bro. I'd be proud to be your best man."

"Same, here, Bro," Rusty said.

"Coop's going to be my brother-in-law, huh?"

"Yep, yours and Mary's."

"Oh yeah, Mary's too. I forgot about that."

"And Mary will be our sister-in-law."

"Guess so." Scott said. "Rusty, I love you."

"I love you, too. Scott."

"We did good, huh? You and me turned out pretty fucking well, right?"

"We did fantastic!" Rusty said then he yawned. "Fuck, I'm bushed! I think I'm gonna curl up next to Coop and sleep until Friday."

"Don't you have to go to work tomorrow?" Scott asked.

"Fuck, don't remind me." Rusty got up from the sofa. "Good night, bro."

"'Night Rusty," Scott said.

Rusty walked to his bedroom and shut the door behind him. He took his clothes off and climbed into bed and laid next to Cooper. He pulled Cooper's arm around him and then Cooper rolled over to be closer to Rusty.


"What are you and Coop doing tonight?" Scott asked.

"Coop is out of town on business," Rusty said. "I guess I'm going to stay home. What about you?"

"Mary is out of town too, visiting her folks, you know, last minute wedding details."

"I can't believe this," Rusty said. "We are all alone on a Saturday night."


"Want to get drunk?"

Scott shrugged, "Sure." Rusty made strong drinks and they fooled around for awhile, talking and getting drunk. They played strip poker until both men where almost naked, just pants and under shorts remained. Then, Rusty left to take a piss and came back to the living room to find Scott on the sofa. He had put in a DVD and was watching a guy fucking a chick between her breasts.

"I don't want to watch this," Rusty complained.

"So, don't watch." Scott said. He drank from his glass.

"Fuck." Rusty fell onto the sofa, shoulder to shoulder with Scott. He tried to just focus on the guy. After a few minutes, Scott began to rub himself. Rusty kept glancing over every once in a while. Soon, he could see Scott was hard.

Scott looked at Rusty, "I'm going to take this out, ok?"

"Why should I care?" Rusty said. Actually, Rusty enjoyed watching Scott jack himself. Scott pushed his pants and shorts down to his ankles and then pumped his cock watching the movie and Rusty watched him. He was completely hard and would occasionally thump his cock onto his stomach. Then Scott held his cock tightly and let it point to Rusty. Fuck it, Rusty thought. He reached down and unzipped his pants. He hauled his own cock out and started stroking it while pushing down his pants. Scott looked at Rusty and grinned. They jacked their cocks for a few more minutes. Then Scott said, "How about one more time, Rusty, you know..." He held his cock over, invitingly. "...once more before I get married. Huh?"

"No, I don't think so," Rusty said without much conviction.

"Come on, Rusty, jack me off, ok?" Scott said, pulling on his big dick.

"No, Scott."

"I'll do you, too. Come on, one last time?"

Scott pumped his cock again and a drop of precum oozed out of the piss slit. He reached around Rusty and grabbed his head. He pushed Rusty towards his crotch. Rusty pulled out from under Scott's hand. "No, Scott."

"Fuck, man, I know you want to. Look at my dick! I'm so horny!" Rusty couldn't help himself. He looked at Scott's long, hard cock sticking out of the thick, brown pubic hair. "Come on, Bro." Scott pulled Rusty again and Rusty moved away.

"I don't think I should."

"Its ok, its just me and you. This is probably the last chance we'll have. Look at your dick, its so hard. You know you want to."

Rusty drank his drink almost gone. He sat back and started stroking his cock, trying to focus on the movie but it was useless with such a nice, thick cock only a foot or so from him. Again, Scott reached around Rusty who resisted Scott's hand for a second or two then relinquished. He let Scott guide him down until Scott's huge cock head was inches from his lips. Rusty reached around, grabbed the stalk and placed his mouth over the head which was intensely hard and slick with precum. "Mmmm....yeah." Scott whispered. He put a hand on the back of Rusty's head as Rusty began to suck his cock. "Yes, man...ahhh yeah. Suck it. Suck it, Rusty." Scott moved his legs further apart and Rusty grabbed Scott's big balls. He massaged them as he sucked slowly yet hard. Scott hitched his body further off of the sofa so he could watch his cock sliding in and out of Rusty's mouth. Rusty could only get just a little more than half of the huge cock in his mouth. He sucked on the head, swirling his tongue around the glans and then licked the shaft. "God, that feels soooo good, man! Suck my cock, Rusty! Ahhh yeah...keep doing that, yeah, like that...ahhhh fuck, this feels so incredible!" Scott ran his hand around Rusty's naked back and squeezed him tightly. Rusty bobbed his head up and down, sucking the delicious meat into his mouth. "Oh fuck, yeah, suck it....suck my big, fat COCK!" Scott was squirming around, thrusting his hips to meet Rusty's mouth. His breathing became faster and faster. "Ahhh fuck! SUCK MY COCK, MAN! YEAH, OH YEAH!" Scott's cock was hot and hard in Rusty's mouth. He saw Scott's balls begin to rise. All of a sudden, Rusty sat up and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "OH fuck, man! Don't stop! I was soooo close to coming!"

"Yeah, I know," Rusty said. He drank from his drink again, finishing it. He grabbed his own cock and pointed it at Scott. "Your turn."

Scott reached for Rusty's cock however, Rusty pushed his hand away. "No, Scott, like this," He grabbed the back Scott's head as Scott had done to him. He started pushing Scott to his crotch who also resisted.

"I said I would jack you off," Scott protested.

"No, you said, 'I'll do you, too'. Those were your words."

"I didn't mean...."

Rusty interrupted him. "Fuck, what you meant, it was what you said." He pulled Scott to his crotch again. Scott pulled away.

"Wait." Scott said. He grabbed his drink and drank it all which was more than half full. "Ok." he said finally and let Rusty push his head. Rusty watched as Scott's mouth got closer and closer to his cock. Scott repositioned himself just as his lips touched the head of Rusty's cock. Slowly, he opened his mouth and engulfed the glans. Rusty gasped as Scott's lips closed around his organ. With slow deliberation, Scott began to bob his head up and down in Rusty's crotch. Rusty laid his head back and closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling. "Ouch! Hey watch the teeth!" Rusty exclaimed.

"Sorry." Scott said and returned to sucking cock. Rusty did as Scott had down, hitched himself down so he could watch. Scott began to suck him faster, taking more of Rusty's seven inch dick into his mouth. He achieved about five inches before the started to gag. "Don't try and take it all, just what you feel comfortable with." Rusty said.

"How's this?" Scott said and looked up at Rusty who watched as Scott swirled his tongue around the head and then started sucking again. "

"Yeah, Scott, that's good man! Real good. Suck it, man, suck my cock. You know you like it!" Rusty felt his nuts boiling with cum now. He started grunting and squirming under Scott. Then, Rusty pulled Scott off of him. "Enough. That's enough, Scott. I don't want to bust a nut yet."

Scott sat up beside Rusty. He wiped his mouth and then reached inside and produced a curly hair. "I think this belongs to you," he said grinning, while holding the hair almost to Rusty's mouth.

Rusty pushed Scott's hand away so Scott grabbed Rusty and pulled him to his dick. "Finish what you started, fucker!" Rusty opened his mouth and began to suck Scott's cock. He sucked the dick back to full erection and continued until Scott was breathing hard and fast. "I'm gonna blow, man! Oh fuck, here it comes! Ahhh FUCK!" In Rusty's mouth, Scott's cock grew to its zenith, the huge head flared and his balls contracted. A huge wad of cum spurted onto Rusty's tongue. He swallowed. Another veracious volley of cum followed and then another and another. Rusty's mouth was overflowing now. Scott grunted and held onto Rusty tightly as his orgasm continued. "UHhhhh Uhhhhh Uhhhhh! Ahhh fuck!" Rusty sucked and swallowed, sucked and swallowed until Scott went limp under him. He cleaned Scott's cock, licking the sides and swallowing the last of his man-juice. Finally, Scott's hand relaxed and Rusty sat up, again, wiping his mouth.

He used some of Scott's cum to lubricate his dick and started pumping it. Scott sat up and watched. Then Rusty pulled Scott to him and, while stroking his dick, leaned to him and kissed Scott on the lips. It surprised Rusty when Scott didn't pull away. Instead Scott kissed back. Rusty knew Scott could taste his own cum in Rusty's mouth. Rusty felt Scott's hand join his own on his cock. Scott ground his lips onto Rusty's and Rusty removed his hand. Only Scott was masturbating him when, OH MY GOD, Rusty thought, he felt Scott's tongue enter his mouth. Their tongues battled fiercely against each others causing Rusty to shoot a large load all over his stomach and chest. They continued kissing until Rusty was spent.

"Damn, Rusty! That was a huge load," Scott said inspecting Rusty's body.

Rusty looked down at himself. "Damn!"

"Dude, you got some in your hair! Look at this!" Scott reached up and produced a drop of cum out of Rusty's hair. He brought his fingers to his lips and licked them.

"I'm surprised you did that," Rusty said.

"Me too. But what the fuck. Hell, you swallowed mine so, I thought, fuck it."

"Come here," Rusty said, pulling Scott up to him.

"What?" Scott asked.

Rusty looked directly into Scott's eyes. He leaned to Scott and softly kissed him on the lips. "Thanks, Scott. I enjoyed that."

Scott blushed but then asked, "Enjoyed the blowjob, hand job or the kiss?"

"All three."

"Me too, except you need to shave," Scott said, making Rusty chuckle. "I'm going to get cleaned up. Make another drink for me, ok?"

"Sure." Rusty replied. Scott got up, pulling his pants up to his hips. "Nice ass." Rusty said and then Scott mooned him. When Scott returned, he was naked. Fuck the clothes he told Rusty who also shucked his pants. They went outside to the pool and swam in the nude while drinking heavily.

They played around the pool with the lights off and the stars shining over head. There was an almost full moon, so they had plenty of light. Rock and Roll music blared from a set of speakers around the pool.

"Hey Rusty, man, check this out." Scott showed Rusty he was hard again. "I'm a human surfboard!" Using his hard cock as a rudder, Scott pushed himself through the water until he was next to Rusty. He stood up and the head of his erection bobbed over the surface of the water. Rusty moved next to Scott, grabbed him by the dick, and pulled Scott to him. He held Scott in his arms, face to face, chest to chest and dick to dick. It was Scott who initiated the kiss this time. Rusty let himself be kissed, enjoying Scott's lips against his, enjoying Scott's tongue toying with his. After the kiss, Rusty asked, "Scott why are you doing this? Why are you being so forward with me tonight?"

"I don't know, Rusty. Maybe I'm just drunk or maybe because I'm so comfortable with you. I really don't know."

Rusty looked into Scott's big, brown eyes, "Scott, I want to tell you something."

"What, Bro?" Scott asked as he held Rusty in the water.

"Thank you for getting Coop and me together."

"No problem, Bro. He's a great guy. I like him very much."

"Me too."


"What, Bro?" Rusty laid his head on Scott's broad shoulder.

"I've never told you this before. But, at first, I was like....really freaked out when you told me you were into guys."

Surprised, Rusty looked at Scott, "I^Å.I..never knew!" he stammered. "You never said or did anything to the opposite. I thought you were always cool with it."

"I always tried to be cool around you, but it took a while for me to get used to it. Just think about it. Think back on those years when you and I barely spoke to each other."

"Scott, I had no idea!"

"You weren't supposed to know. I tried to keep it from you."

Rusty thought for a moment, holding Scott in the stillness of the night with the water lapping softly against them. "Scott, I tried to be a brother to you."

"And you were! You were, Rusty! Don't get me wrong, you did good, man! You took care of me! I love you for it, I always will. Fuck, you're still taking care of me."

"You take care of me, too! I was so proud of you when you helped me with Darrell that night. I don't know what I would have done if you weren't there, Scott."

"Fuck, Rusty, it was the least I could do for you. And besides, I know you'd have done the same for me. Right?"

"Fucking A! I would have. In a heart beat!"

"Rusty, man, when I saw you there, cowering from broke my heart."

"Scott..." Rusty looked up and saw a single tear in Scott's eye. "Did I ever thank you for staying with me that night? Did I ever thank you for holding me, for protecting me?"

"Yes, you did. And I want you to know, I'll always be there to protect you. I told Coop...I told him....if he ever hurts you, I'll kick his fucking ass."

"I love Coop. He loves me. You won't have to protect me from him."

"You really love him, huh?"

"Yes. He's got a big heart, an awesome body...just the right kind of body that turns me on, not to mention a nice cock!"

Scott chuckled. "Yeah, I know. Uncut, too."

"UH HUH! I love his uncut cock."

While they talked, the men had absently been drifting towards the shallow end of the pool. The water was only up to their waists. Scott reached for his drink and also handed Rusty his. They drank. Rusty took their emptied glasses and pulled from Scott. "I'm going to refresh our drinks, but please, lets continue this conversation when I get back, ok?"

"Sure." Scott began to swim around as Rusty went into the house. When he returned, Scott swam to him as Rusty lowered himself into the swimming pool. They drank from their glasses and held them over the water. Again, they embraced, putting their arms over each other's shoulders, and Rusty felt Scott's semi-hard cock against his stomach. He knew Scott could feel his cock, also.

"What were we talking about?" Rusty asked.

"We were talking about Coop's uncut cock."

"Oh yeah, well, that's a big conversation." Rusty said, chuckling.

"Talk about my cock and its an ever bigger conversation." Scott said, grinning.

"You stud!" Rusty said then he whispered, "Dirty Harry."

"Dirty Harry? Oh, yeah, Dirty Harry. Oh man, Rusty, you should have seen Coop holding that gun! Like he knew what he was doing!" Scott grinned. "My fucking piece of shit Dad was like...." Scott made a face,"...I thought he was gonna shit in his pants. And I wish he had!" Rusty laughed and held onto Scott, tightly. They drank again, and then they set their glasses on the edge of the pool.

Scott put his arms around Rusty's neck, relaxing them on his shoulders. "That night," Rusty began, "he fucked me." Scott grinned at Rusty, who continued. "While Coop fucked me, I whispered to him to fuck me with his gun, you know, like his dick was a gun. Hell, it was hard as steel anyway."

"Did he fuck you good?"

"Oh hell yeah! Talk about a six shooter!" Scott laughed again.

"You perv!" Scott said. He looked at Rusty and leaned to him. They kissed again.

"You kiss good, for a straight guy." Rusty said.

"Thanks, I guess. Mary likes my kisses."

"Tell me about her," Rusty inquired.

Scott sighed. "She's great. I love her so much. She's beautiful, smart, beautiful, has great sense of humor, she's beautiful, she's intelligent, she's beautiful. I absolutely love her. Have I said she's beautiful?"

"About ten times already."

"Well, she is."

"Can I ask? Good in bed?"

"Fucking awesome in bed, too! Oh man, she's so...ummm..tight...and," Scott began to blush. "She tastes sweet, if you know what I mean."

"Cool. Do you like going down on her?"

"Yes, its what I live for." Scott said, grinning.

"Forgive me for asking, but...does she know...go down on you?" Rusty asked.

"Yes, she does. She won't swallow but that's ok."

"Fuck.....swallowing....that's what I live for," Rusty said making Scott laugh.

"You perv!" Scott said. He moved his body next to Rusty and Rusty felt Scott's erection, hard and full. Rusty reached between them and grabbed Scott's cock. He groped his foster brother's eight inch erection and Scott wrapped his hand around Rusty's seven inch cock. They kissed deeply. Holding onto each other's organs, they walked to the side of the pool. They kissed and then drank from their drinks. The two men got out of the pool and wrapped their arms around each other. With erect cocks leading the way, they went into the house.

Pausing to get towels, they dried each other off, running the towels over each other and softly kissing. Then Scott led Rusty into his bedroom. As soon as Rusty hit the bed, he smelled Scott's scent on the sheets. It was intoxicating. Scott lay down on one side next to Rusty, with his crotch at Rusty's face. He opened his legs and Rusty licked the head of Scott's cock. He licked down to Scott's big balls and sucked on each nut, lathering them with his saliva. Then he pulled the hairy scrotum into his mouth, sucking and pulling on it. His hands roamed over Scott's round butt and caressed his thick, hairy thighs.

Rusty glanced at Scott who moved his head towards Rusty's crotch. He watched as Scott grabbed his cock and arched his head to it. Scott kissed Rusty's cock and then lapped at the tip with his tongue.

Rusty moved one hand to Scott's body and sensually rubbed his stomach and chest, toying with each nipple. Scott groaned around Rusty's cock. Then Rusty left Scott's crotch and licked up to his navel. He sucked Scott there, licking and biting softly and then continued up to Scott's chest. Scott rolled onto his back as Rusty chewed on his left nipple. Scott moaned and rubbed the back of Rusty's head and caressed his face. Then, Rusty licked and chewed on Scott's other nipple, making it hard and sucking the entire quarter-sized, chocolate brown, areola into his lips.

"Fuck, Rusty, that feels so good, man! Eat my nipples. I love it," Scott whispered, still caressing Rusty's face.

Scott puffed his chest as Rusty licked his nipples for several minutes. Then Rusty kissed up to Scott's neck and chin, licking and sucking him until he pulled one earlobe into his mouth. He sucked on Scott's ear as the man's big body squirmed under him. Rusty moved his lips to Scott's and they kissed.

Then Scott kissed Rusty's neck, driving him wild with desire. He pushed Rusty off and rolled him, kissing Rusty from one earlobe to the other, as he relaxed his big, hard body onto Rusty's. He kissed down Rusty's chest and stomach, pausing to suck on his nipples before grazing his beard stubble on Rusty's stomach and torso. He grabbed Rusty's hard cock and pumped it a few times, then lowered his face to it and engulfed the head.

"Ahhh Fuck, Scott!" Suck it, man. Suck my cock." Rusty whispered.

While sucking Rusty's cock, Scott moved his massive thighs to each side of Rusty's head. His big, hairy, low-slung balls hung in Rusty's face; from those balls stood Scott's eight inch hard cock. It throbbed with each beat of Scott's heart. He clamped Rusty's head between his thighs as Rusty's licked Scott's nuts. Rusty reached in and pulled the huge head to his lips. He began to suck Scott's cock as Scott lowered his big body onto Rusty. With Scott's balls on his face, he took as much of the big dick into his mouth, licking and sucking on the head. It flared greatly against his tongue. Precum oozed out of the slit and coated Rusty's mouth. He sucked harder and harder, pulling the massive meat down his throat, almost choking on the head as it entered Rusty's throat.

Scott heaved over him, thrusting his hips as he sucked on Rusty's cock. Rusty felt Scott's cock head expand and the shaft grew intensely hard. With a loud grunt, Scott came then, shooting his sweet load directly down Rusty's throat. Gobs and gobs of cum erupted from Scott's cock and slid down his throat. Rusty grabbed Scott ass and fingered his hole, causing Scott to grunt louder and louder as he emptied both barrels of cum down Rusty's mouth. He continued to suck Scott's throbbing cock until he was drained.

Finally, Scott rolled off of Rusty. He fell onto his back while still breathing heavily.

Grinning, Rusty sat up next to him, "I cannot believe you sucked my dick!" Rusty said.

"I can't believe I did it, too." Scott said. "But Rusty, I can't suck you off man. I just can't do that. Sorry."

"Its all good, Scott," Rusty said, holding his erect dick.

"Here, I'll lend a helping hand, though," Scott said and replaced Rusty's hand with his own. Rusty sat up next to Scott. He positioned himself over Scott's waist with his cock pointing to Scott's broad chest.

"On your chest?"

"Yeah. That's ok," Scott said, pumping Rusty's cock faster. Rusty grinned down at Scott who was staring at his cock while he masturbated Rusty. After a few minutes, Rusty pushed Scott's hand away.

"Let me do it. Just lay back..." Scott laid back with his hands behind his head. His big biceps bulged and Rusty liked Scott's armpits, too. "....yeah, like that. Damn, you look fine, Scott. Puff your chest up." Scott complied. "Fucking good, man. I'm gonna cum."

"Shoot it, Rusty! Shoot your load, man!" Scott said.

"Ahh fuck! Here it comes! Yeah! Yeah Yeah! Ahhh yeah!" Rusty lowed his cock and blasted a long rope of cum directly between Scott's pectorals. One huge drop landed just under Scott's neck. Rusty leaned back as the next three blasts rocketed out of his cock and strafed Scott's chest with huge drops of cum.

"Fucking awesome, Rusty!"

Rusty leaned forward then, looking down at his cock as it erupted even more cum onto Scott's broad chest. He inched his cock to Scott's left and deposited cum directly from his cock on top of the nipple. Cum dripped down as Rusty quickly shuffled his cock to the other nipple, breathing hard and fast as he squeezed two more drops out of his cock. They oozed out of the slit and formed a thin line connecting his cock with Scott's nipple. Rusty laid the entire length of his cock on Scott's chest and rubbed his cum into the hair with it. He gave one last deep sigh and then left his cock lying heavily on Scott's breastbone. More cum oozed out of the slit. "Whoa! I liked that!" Rusty exclaimed then grinned down at his "brother".

Scott looked at the softening cock and then rubbed his hands in the sticky mess. "Fuck, Rusty, you got your little spermies all over me!" He glanced up at Rusty and chuckled.

Rusty got up and off of Scott. He lay on the bed next to him. "Damn, that was fun!"

"I have admit, I enjoyed tonight with you, bro. I'm glad we did this one more time." Lying naked beside Rusty, Scott put his hands behind his head and sighed. "Rusty?"


"You did good."

"What do you mean? Rusty asked as he looked at Scott.

"You did a good thing taking care of me. I don't know if I said this recently, but, thank you." Scott moved his eyes to look at Rusty.

Rusty lifted himself onto one elbow. "You were my friend," Rusty said. "I did it because you were my friend. And then you became my brother. I'm proud to call you my brother, Scott."

"No guy could have a better brother than you Rusty."

"Thank you," Rusty said, accepting the compliment. Then Rusty grinned at Scott as if he just thought of something.

"What is it?" Scott asked.

Rusty slowly lowered his hand down Scott's body and cupped his soft organ. He watched his fingers as they wrapped around the shaft with two inches and the head showing from his fist. Then he looked back at Scott.

"Wanna go again?" Rusty asked.

Scott's face lit up as he smiled. "Sure."

Rusty leaned over Scott and lowered his head.

the END

Copyright 2004



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