Almost Brothers

By Vince

Published on Feb 15, 2004


This is a fictional story of male to male adult experiences. If you are under the age of 18 or do not like male/male stories of explicit sex, then do not read this.

As this is fiction, STD's do not exist so there is no need for the characters to practice safe sex. However, in the real world, there are diseases which can kill you so PLAY SAFE!

If you like this story, send an email and let me know!

Be sure to include the story title. Thanks and enjoy.

Author's notes:

Picture Rusty: Gay. 5' 11", medium build, toned, slightly hairy. Dark hair, handsome. roughly 33 years old.

Picture Scott: Straight. 6' 2", husky build, toned. slighty more hairy than Rusty. Brown hair, handsome. A few months older than Rusty.

Picture Cooper: Gay. 5' 8", stocky build, well muscled, well toned. some hair on chest, dark treasure trail. More handsome than Rusty and Scott, but not a "pretty boy". roughly 31 years old.



A week later, Rusty and Cooper were fucking. Rusty slammed into Cooper and came with great intensity. Cooper lowered his legs and held Rusty inside him as their legs intertwined. "Damn, Coop. That was a good as the first time, man."

"Mmmm hmmmm."

Rusty rolled off of Cooper. He moved to lay on Cooper's shoulder with his thick bicep near his lips. Rusty kissed the muscle and sighed.

"Rus?" Cooper asked.


"I was wondering...."

"About what?"

Cooper rolled over until their faces were a few inches apart. He kissed Rusty softly on the lips. "Tell me about your first time with a guy," Cooper said.

Rusty reached up and pushed sweaty clumps of Cooper's wild hair from his forehead and tucked them over his ear. He stared into Coop's dark blue eyes. "Would it surprise you if I said it was with Scott?" Rusty whispered.

"No, I'm not surprised." Go ahead; I want to hear every detail." Cooper absently stroked his soft dick.

"You perv!" Rusty heard himself using Scott's favorite line and grinned. "Scott and I went on a camping slash fishing trip with my Dad."

"Oooooo camping! Its ALWAYS a camping trip! "How old were you guys at the time?" Cooper asked.

"Ummmm....seventeen. I don't know if it was Scott's first sexual experience. I think it may have. Not sure...anyway......"

Cooper listened intently as Rusty continued.

"My Dad had a friend who had this house in the woods, near a lake. The two of them took Scott and I up there for the weekend to do some fishing. We got there on a Friday afternoon and once inside the house, found there was only two bedrooms. Terry, Dad's friend, claimed one bedroom, Dad slept in the living room on the sofa so that left Scott and I sharing the bed in the other room. Now this bed was only slightly bigger than the single beds Scott and I had at my house, and you know how big Scott is, so, needless to say, we were very close to each other in the bed.

"Ut oh," Cooper said, raising one eyebrow and looking at Rusty inquisitively.

"Scott and I goofed around outside all evening until it was late. Dad let us have a few beers and we got sort of drunk. Finally, Dad suggested we go to bed because we'd have to get up early for fishing. So, Scott and I stripped to our briefs and climbed into bed together. We were tired and fell asleep quickly.

"I don't know what time it was but I was awaken by Scott getting out of bed. He went to the bathroom and pissed. He came back and got into bed. It was kind of hot so he laid on top of the sheets. There was a full moon that night and I could see it through the window. It cast a nice light on Scott's body who was lying on his back with his hands behind his head. I could see a lump in his briefs.

"Thinking back now, I don't know why I did it. I must have had some reasoning but it escapes me now. Chalk it up to my burgeoning homosexuality or whatever, but I...." Rusty paused. "I've never told anyone this before."

"Keep going," Cooper said, "I'm getting hard already," Cooper said while holding his dick.

"I reached over and put a hand on Scott's chest. There was the beginning of hair growing between his pecs and I put my hand there and just kept it still. Then I lightly started moving my fingers, just a bit, you know just kind of feeling his chest hair. He didn't protest. In fact, he didn't do or say anything at all, just laid still with his eyes closed. I started to move my hand, caressing his chest. His breathing increased slightly. I touched his nipples, one then the other, dragging my fingers across his skin. Scott moved his legs a bit and turned his head to one side facing away from me. He lowered his arms to his sides and cleared his throat. I ran my fingers up to his neck and felt him there. I could feel the stubble of his young beard. He stretched his neck and nuzzled into the pillow. Then I returned my hand to his chest and continued to rub him. Now, I could feel his nipples getting hard. I glanced down at this waist. His stomach was tensing and relaxing. His legs moved from side to side. The lump in his briefs was bigger. By now, my own dick was rock hard and his hand was right next to it.

"I moved my hand up so just the fingertip touched him. I dragged them down his body, feeling the thin line of brown hair in the center of his abs. I palmed my hand out in the middle of the spray of hair which encircled his navel in several inches. I rubbed him there, side to side for several minutes feeling his muscles contract and relax.

"His breathing had increased again. I could hear him inhaling and exhaling between his teeth. Scott moved his legs apart and his cock was completely hard, bulging now, in his briefs. I could see the outline of the head. I started rubbing his entire, broad body. I massaged his shoulders, his arms, neck. He let out deep moans as I continued my exploration. I returned to his chest, rubbing him harder and faster. I cupped his pecs with my hand and teased his nipples. My hand went down his body, again. I placed my hand where the fingertips could trace the elastic band of his briefs. His cock was throbbing, almost pushing itself out of the briefs."

"Oh fuck, Rusty." Cooper said. His cock was hard, now.

"All of a sudden, Scott reached up and grabbed my hand. He placed my hand directly on his bulge and then dropped his hand back to his side. I ground my cock against his other hand while groping his cock. I palmed the huge girth through his underwear and the head did indeed push itself out from under the waistband. I could see a glimmer of light reflecting off the clear drop of precum at the piss slit. Scott moaned as I did this. He moved his entire body back and forth on the bed. His stomach quivered his chest tightened and relaxed.

"Then, Scott reached up with both hands. He hooked his thumbs under the waistband of his briefs and pushed them down to his thighs. His cock flung out and landed with a meaty sound on his stomach. His hands returned to their sides, with one exception. He slipped his left hand directly into MY briefs and wrapped his fingers around my hard cock. I almost came right then and there!"

Cooper said, "Fuck, I would have."

"Thankfully, I didn't. I started to pump his erection slowly, up and down, up and down, feeling the silky smooth skin of his dick around its stone hard interior. My fingertips teased his big, hairy balls and played with the thick bush of brown hair surrounding his cock. Then Scott said the first of two words during the entire experience: 'Faster'. I increased the tempo of the masturbation. My hand flew up and down his shaft. I could feel precum leaking onto my fingers and it lubricated the head, making it slick.

"Scott was writhing next to me. His stomach tensed and relaxed, his head flung from side to side. It didn't take long for him to drop over the edge. His body seized up and he flexed from his waist pulling his shoulders and head off the bed. His cock grew immensely hard in my hand, and with one guttural groan deep inside his chest, he came. His sperm shot out of the head and landed just below his left nipple. I held his cock tightly and felt each pulse as it flung three more huge drops of cum below the first. They pooled together on his stomach. Then I pumped him again, urging his balls to empty themselves onto his flat, hairy stomach. Semen spurted out, four, five. six and now seven times, drooling from his cock and landing in his navel.

"Scott's hand grasped me tighter and I came, then, unleashing a torrent of cum into his palm."

"Oh man! That's hot!" Cooper said, panting.

"We laid like that, together, gently stroking each other's softening dicks for a few minutes. Then, Scott sat up and moved his legs over his side of the bed. I looked at his broad shoulders and wide back in the moonlight. He leaned down and grabbed his t-shirt off the floor. Over his shoulder, Scott said 'Thanks' as he cleaned himself with the shirt. I didn't say anything. Scott handed the t-shirt to me and I wiped myself with it and tossed it on the floor. He climbed into bed. He fell asleep quickly while I remained awake, reliving the experience over and over in my head."

"Geezus!" Cooper said. "That was HOT!" Cooper pulled roughly on his own cock. "Is that all you and Scott have done, until the other day, just that one time?"

"No, there have been other times. I sucked him once."

"No shit?" Cooper exclaimed.

"Yes, about...oh six months later, and just that one time. But sometimes I'd jack him off. Maybe 4 or 5 times, total."

"So what happened when you sucked him?" Cooper asked.

"I'll get to that," Rusty said before continuing, "Soon after that first time with Scott at the lake house was my second time with a guy, and that time, it was not Scott."

"Who was it with?"

"A friend from school. His name was Larry. We were at my house. We had been doing homework together when he found one of my muscle magazines. He started going through it when he got to two pages stuck together. I had jacked off in them a couple of days earlier." Rusty grinned at Cooper who nodded knowing.

"Larry asked me why they were stuck together and I could feel myself blushing." Then, he pulled the magazine up and I could see he had a boner. The next thing I know, we're kissing and feeling each other. He put his hand into my pants and grabbed my dick. I did the same to him. Dude, I can still remember the feeling of his hot dick in my hand."

"Wow, cool. So he was into guys, also?"

"Yeah," Rusty said. "He and I were, you know, sort of making out, with our hands in each other's pants when Scott walked in the room."

"Busted!" Cooper said, grinning. He moved closer to Rusty, still pulling on his own cock.

"Yep, he busted us. I was so embarrassed. I knew he saw us. 'What the hell is going on?' Scott asked. Larry and I moved apart but Scott saw our hands. He knew. Scott knew what we were doing. Larry, probably even more embarrassed than I was, quickly made an excuse and left."

"I bet he did!"

"Yeah. Then Scott sat down on his bed, across from me. I sat there feeling totally ashamed of myself. I couldn't look at him."

"What did Scott do?"

"He made me look at him. Then he asked, 'Rusty, are you gay?' I denied it, over and over again, I denied it. But Scott, that fucker, kept shaking his head and urged me to be truthful to him. He said he knew because I never talked about girls, that I never talked about wanting to date a girl. He told he knew I looked at the muscle magazines all the time. He said he knew I jacked off looking at them. I almost started to cry. But Scott told me it was ok. Rusty stopped talking and leaned to Cooper who held him tightly. "I never told anyone this before," Rusty whispered and held onto Cooper.

"Rusty, man, I didn't mean for you to...."

"It's ok, Coop," Rusty interrupted him. "Its ok, I just haven' thought about all this shit in a long time and I've never talked about it so the emotions are getting the best of me." Rusty sighed deeply. "I was so glad Scott didn't hate me. I think that was my biggest concern, that Scott would hate me for being gay. But Scott was so cool about it. We talked for a long time and he told me it was ok that I was gay. He didn't care. He said he loved me like a brother and brothers don't care if their brother is gay. Then he shocked me when he suggested he might try and fix me up with guys who have hit on him."

"He had guys hitting on him?"

"Apparently so, that fucker." Rusty said, chuckling. "Afterwards, if we were out at the mall or something, he'd point to a guy, just some guy we didn't know and say, 'He's gay. He wants your body. He wants to suck your dick', shit like that." Rusty grinned with the memory. "He was so cool about it."

"I can tell. Rusty, you're so lucky to have him as a brother." Coop kissed Rusty and then said, "Tell me about when you sucked Scott. Was that your first time sucking a dick?"

"No, I sucked that guy, Larry, a few times. He sucked me, also. But I didn't fuck or get fucked until I was in to college."

"What happened when you sucked Scott. Tell me about that, ok?" Cooper stroked his erection. "I won't tell him you told me."

"Well, first let me finish telling you about Larry. He had a skinny dick, only about five inches long. At that time, I was only like six inches so I didn't know guys could be bigger. Also, I had seen Scott hard before, several times as a matter of fact, but never up close, so I didn't realize how big he was while hard. And I think he's grown some since then, too."

"He must have!" Cooper said. He had one hand holding his dick and one hand holding Rusty's, both where hard.

"Ok, so remember I told you Scott used to have bad dreams, you know, about his Dad, when he first came to live with me?"

"Uh huh."

"Well, after a while the bad dreams went away. He started having them less and less. And he had gotten in the habit of sleeping naked, too. So did I. No big deal. Sometimes, I could hear him jacking off in bed. It was really hot, hearing him do that. So, Id jack, off too. How could I resist, right? Again, no big deal. Hell, sometimes, we'd have what we called 'races', you know, see who could come first. I almost always did." Rusty chuckled and Cooper smiled at him, still holding his own dick. "Scott would say, 'Hey Rusty, want to have a race?' and we'd go at it. From our beds, we'd jack off but always when the lights where off so I could never really see him and usually he did it under the sheets in a sock or a towel. I did too.

"Then one night. I'll never forget it. Late May, we were seniors, about to graduate and everything. Scott had another bad dream, his first one in like a year or so, I guess. I was awakened by his shouts. Not loud enough for my folks to hear but loud enough to wake me. All of a sudden he shouted 'DON'T!' and sat up in the bed. He was breathing hard. I can still hear him breathing, like a hissing kind of breathing. He was terrified. 'Hey Scott, you ok?' I asked or something like that. He sat there, breathing hard and then said, 'Fuck, I had bad dream, Rusty.' I sat up and looked at him. 'Real bad, man. REAL fucking bad,' he said. He was almost crying. 'Come here.' I said and he got out of bed. He came to me and I moved over, holding the sheet open for him. He got into bed with me and I held him, just like every time before then. Except for one thing." Rusty paused.

"What?" Cooper asked, stroking himself.

Rusty didn't answer right away. He was reliving the moment in his head. Then, Rusty said, "Scott got out of his bed. He got into mine. And he was naked."

"Ohhhh, "Cooper said.

"While holding Scott and telling him all the things I used to tell him when he'd have bad dreams, I started getting an erection. Feeling his big, warm, NAKED! body next to mine, I started getting horny for him. I tried to make it go away but, fuck, I couldn't! I remember thinking I need to think about something, fucking ANYTHING! to make my dick get soft but I couldn't. Math test, yes, ok, big time math test, trigonometry, yeah, and history test, yes, ok, good, history always used to put me asleep. But FUCK! It didn't work. All I could think of were those guys in the muscle magazines! They were beautiful, with big muscles everywhere! All I could see, in my mind, was those muscled men in the pictures and I always wanted to see them with their shorts off! And now, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT FUCKING BESIDE ME! was one of them, and he was NAKED! All I could think about was Scott's naked body next to mine. Oh, god, Coop, I was rock solid for him."

"Oh, geezus Rusty!" Cooper's hand was flailing on his cock now.

"The next thing I know, I'm moving my hand to Scott's crotch. I started touching him. He laid there, next to me and just like the first time, he didn't say anything. Within seconds, he was hard, too. I moved my crotch against his thigh. I knew he could feel me. I was naked, too, and fuck I was so hard! Then. Right there. Right fucking there, in front of my face, was one of Scott's nipples. Oh my god, I can still see it. It was hard, too. And I wanted to suck it. I wanted to feel it in my mouth."

"Oh fuck!" Cooper exclaimed, stroking his cock faster.

"His chest had grown more hair and he looked so fucking handsome with his big nipple in my face. I couldn't help myself. I leaned to him and put my lips on his nipple. Scott heaved against me as I licked the huge pencil eraser nub in the center of the areola. His cock was like granite in my hand. Then Scott said something that precipitates almost every single encounter I've had with him, since."

Cooper was writhing next to Rusty, stroking himself furiously. "Oh, fuck, what did he say?"

"He said, 'Make me feel better, Rusty' and then he put his hand on the back of my head and pushed me down. I gave in easily. I went under the sheet and licked down his body. He arched himself up to me while at the same time he ground his hairy thigh against my cock. He kept pushing my head down until his hard cock head was at my lips."

"Oh fuck!"

"Now, with Larry, I was used to a thin, yet hard cock. But what I found waiting for me between Scott's legs was TOTALLY different. He was huge! And...And....AND....this is the best part! Scott's cock was leaking precum, big time. I remember thinking, wow, what a juicy cock. I mean, his cock head was coated with precum. And when I put my lips around it, it slipped easily into my mouth.

"Under me, Scott groaned loudly. He held my head in both hands now, trying to push me further down on him but I couldn't take it all. Fuck, he was huge! I could barely get my mouth around it. I really had to open wide and then he slipped in further. Now, my cock was against his hard, hairy calve muscle. Fuck, I was as hard as he was while I ground my cock against his leg. I grasped the base of Scott's cock in my hand and squeezed him hard. His head throbbed against my tongue as I sucked about half of his dick into my mouth."

"Fuck, Rusty! I'm gonna cum!" Cooper said. "When Scott comes, I gonna blow my load! Man, this is HOT!"

Rusty pulled Cooper tightly next to him. "Hold off, I'm almost there. I sucked on Scott's cock for like a minute, maybe less. Then, his body went completely rigid under me. His cock grew even harder than I knew possible. He grunted, once, loudly and I thought my folks might hear us. All of a sudden, he erupted in my mouth. I mean, he fucking blew both barrels from each nut in my mouth! Fuck, I thought I was gonna drown in his cum. It was all I could do to swallow and swallow and swallow and Scott kept coming and coming and coming!"

"FUCK!" Cooper arched his body off the bed and semen spewed from his cock, landing everywhere. In great volleys, it shot from his cock, almost nine inches into the air. "AHHHHH FUUUUCK!" Cooper shouted as he jacked his cock. Rusty quickly leaned over Cooper and took his throbbing cock head into his mouth. He sucked Cooper's cock as the cum flowed freely down his throat. "Ahhh fuck yeah, Rusty! Suck my cock, man!" Rusty swallowed Coop's cum remembering how he had swallowed Scott's cum many years ago. Finally, Cooper relaxed but Rusty continued to suck him and swallow his cum as Cooper's chest heaved up and down, quickly. Rusty sucked Cooper for ten solid minutes after he'd shot, until he was completely soft.

"Jesus H Christ! That was HOT!" Rusty kissed Cooper and let him taste his own cum in Rusty's mouth.

Then Rusty sat up on one elbow. Rusty grinned at Cooper. "I got it all, baby. I swallowed all of it. I got all of yours and I swear, I sucked Scott's cock until he was completely fucking satisfied. Finally, Scott relaxed his hands on my head. I sat up, pushing the sheet off of me. I grabbed my cock with both hands and started jerking myself. It only took a few seconds before I was blowing both of my nuts all over his big body. Scott laid there, staring at me while I ejaculated all over him. 'Fuck, Rusty! That was awesome!' he said. He had my come all over him. Then Scott got out of the bed and got a towel from our bathroom. He cleaned himself as he walked back to me. I can still see his big, naked body in the dim light coming from the window. He handed the towel to me and I wiped myself as he got back into his bed. He was asleep in seconds."

"Fuck Rusty that was good man. Good story." Cooper kissed Rusty.

"That's' not just a story, Coop. That really happened."

"Wow, Rusty. That was so fucking HOT! Fuck!"

Rusty turned to him. "Ok, Coop, your turn," he said. "Tell me about your first time."

"Fuck, Rusty, my story is lame compared to yours."

"I still want to hear it," Rusty said.

Coop moved closer to Rusty's naked body. He rested his head on Rusty's shoulder. "My first time with a guy, by Mark Cooper," he began making Rusty chuckle.

"I was sixteen. He was twenty one."


"His name was Alec. He used to hang out with my older sister. At first I thought they were dating but later on, he told me they were just good friends. Alec was good looking, not a "hunk" or really muscled but nice body, toned chest, stomach, nice legs. Nice guy. I liked him and he was always nice to me, telling me how I probably have lots of girlfriends when in fact I had none. However, I enjoyed the attention he gave to me.

"One evening he came over looking for Judy, my sister, but she wasn't home. He told me he and her were supposed to go see a movie but I think she stood him up for another guy. So Alec invited me to go with him. My folks said ok so we left. My hometown had this run down outdoor theater, probably one of the last in the country but that's where we went. He paid for me and bought us some snacks and Cokes. We parked and started watching the movie. It was a war movie but I can't remember the name.

"This theater had two screens and sometimes we'd look out of the side window and watch the other movie although we couldn't hear the voices. I don't know what the name of that movie either At one point, in the other movie, there was this guy fucking a girl. You could see her tits but only the guy's butt. I liked watching the guy's butt more than the chick's tits but didn't tell Alec that.

"I said something like, 'Look, some chick is getting fucked. You can see her tits' and Alec turned to look and then he looked back at the movie we were watching. After a few minutes, he said, I'll never forget this, he said, 'Girls don't interest me. Guys do.' I said, 'Really?' Alec just looked at me and nodded. I don't know why but I felt a little embarrassed. Then I looked at him while he turned to watch the movie again. He looked sad, I think.

"A few minutes later, Alec kind of like moved closer to me. We were in his car which had a console between the two front seats. Then his hand fell onto my knee. My eyes darted to his hand and then back up to the movie. I remember I drank from my Coke to hide my nervousness. I was almost freaking out. I liked his hand there but I was too nervous to know what to do. Should I push it off, should not, should I say something? Now, remember, I was a total virgin. I had never even touched a girl's tit, let alone have some guy put his hand on my leg. But I liked the feeling of his hand there and then next thing I know, I've got a total woody. I mean, I'm about to bust my zipper."

Rusty chuckled and held Cooper tighter.

"Then Alec starts to move his hand up my thigh. Oh man, I almost freaked out but I just sat there, like a dope, and drank my Coke trying to act as if nothing is happening. His hand got closer and closer to my crotch. 'Is this ok?' he asked. I could not speak. I just nodded. He moved his hand to my balls and felt them. I almost came right then. He grabbed the cup from my hand and put it on the floor. Then he put his face into my crotch. I thought, Oh shit! But I didn't say anything. Then I felt Alec unzipping my pants and then he pulled my cock out of the fly. I looked down at myself. I was so hard my cock looked like it had grown three inches. Then he put his mouth around my dick and began to suck it. I think I came in five seconds, ten at best but it was one of the best orgasms I'd ever had up to then, much better than I'd had masturbating myself to pictures of guys in magazines.

"I came and he swallowed my load. I began to relax and Alec sat up. I sat there trying to conceal my breathing like I had not enjoyed it. I was still new to this and really didn't know how to react. Alec didn't say anything. Then I glanced at him and he was unzipping his pants. I watched as he worked his stiff prick from the fly. I can picture this like it happened yesterday. I remember seeing the head and part of the shaft in the dim light from the movie. He grabbed my left hand and placed it on his dick. Fuck, it felt hot. I marveled how it felt hard and soft at the same time. He moved my hand up and down his cock, guiding me faster and faster until he began to breath hard and whispered. 'Uhhhh Uhhhh Uhhhhh Uhhhhh yeah, Uhhh yeah yeah yeah YEAH YEAH YEAH! AHHHHHHH!" I felt his cock throbbing in my hand and his HOT cum running over my fingers. He maneuvered my hand faster and faster on his cock as he continued to come. Then, he rested his head back in the seat and sighed. I sat there, with his cum all over my hand. I didn't know what to do. If I pulled away, his cum would get all over the place. So I sat there, holding his cock for a few minutes it seemed but was probably only a few seconds. Then Alec reached down under his seat and produced a rag. He wiped my hand and then I pulled my hand back and finished wiping myself off as he tucked his cock into his fly and zipped himself. 'Thanks' he said, "And don't tell Judy, ok?" I didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything. I reached down and grabbed my faithful Coke again and drank it."

"Whoa, that was hot," Rusty said. He stroked his hard cock.

"Naw, its lame, I know but there's more."


"Yeah, later that night, I sucked his dick."

"No shit?"

"No shit. After the movie ended, he drove to a convenience store and bought some beer. We drank the beer as he drove to a secluded place and parked just off the road, in a field of some sort. We got out, pissed and then got back in the car. He still had his cock out of his pants and was hard again. Alec asked me if I wanted to suck him. By then, I was so enthralled having this college guy liking me, I'd have married him."

Rusty chuckled.

"So we get back into his car, he had his cock out and Alec pulled me to his crotch. I was like, wow look at this cock in my face! It looked beautiful. I took him into my mouth and started sucking him. Alec guided me on his cock, telling me how to suck it without biting or scratching with my teeth. He started jabbing himself into my mouth and rubbed his hands on the back of my head. After a few minutes, he said he was going to come again and for me to take it all, to just swallow it. He came in my mouth. I remember thinking, 'this is what cum tastes like' and swallowed as much as I could. Then he took me home. I went to bed and jacked off again, thinking about his mouth on my dick, my hand on his and, of course, giving my first blow job."

"Did you guys ever do anything else?" Rusty asked.

"A couple of times, he'd take us out and we'd suck each other or jack each other. We never fucked, though. Then, one day Judy told me Alec had joined the army so I never saw him again. At first, I was sad but then surprised I got over him quickly. Then I fucked a guy from school and by then I knew I was queer."

Cooper moved over Rusty. He kissed him deeply and then licked down Rusty's hard body. Rusty's cock was hard in his hand. Cooper looked up at Rusty, and keeping eye contact with him, he sucked until Rusty came in his mouth. Afterward, he kissed Rusty again. "I love you Rusty."

"I love you, too, Coop."

The next morning, the DJ announced from Rusty's alarm clock that nine-to-fiver's had two hours to get their lazy asses out of bed and get to work.

Rusty reached over and slammed his fist on the snooze button. "Fuck," he whispered and then snuggled closer to Coop's naked body. Nine minutes later, The Red Hot Chili Peppers where singing "Californication" when Rusty rolled over and hit the snooze button once again. Cooper kissed Rusty and then sat up on one side of the bed. Rusty did the same on his side. Together, they walked sleepily to the bathroom. Rusty started the shower and then stood next to Cooper at the toilet and pissed. They got into the shower and soaped each other. They kissed again and soon both men were erect.

It was then Rusty thought he heard someone in the bathroom. He peeked out of the shower curtain. "Goddamnit, Scott!" he exclaimed.

Cooper looked out of the other end of the shower. He saw Scott standing at the vanity, completely naked.

"Hey guys," Scott said to them.

"Scott, what are you doing?" Rusty asked him.

"I'm out of deodorant. I was just borrowing yours, Rusty." Scott lifted his arm and coated his armpit with Rusty's Right Guard.

Cooper snickered and Rusty shook his head before saying, "I saw you buy some deodorant the other day. I saw you! Don't tell me you don't have any."

Scott turned to them, his soft dick hung down several inches, draped over his huge balls. His cock was surrounded by a thick tangle of brown hair which cascaded down and across his meaty thighs. "I guess I forgot."

Cooper looked out his side of the shower. "Want to join us?" he asked Scott.

Scott grinned as he lifted his other arm and swiped the deodorant across his hairy armpit. "Thanks, Coop but I just took a shower," he said to Cooper.

Rusty threw the bar of soap at Scott. "Get the fuck outta here!"

Scott dodged the soap which hit the wall and bounced on the floor, ending up in front of Scott. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Is that any way to treat your brother?" Scott turned around and bent over, exposing his hairy ass to Rusty and Cooper.

Rusty shook his head and covered his eyes in exasperation. "Scott!

Still bent over, Scott looked back at Cooper who was the only one looking. "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought that was what you're supposed to do when a guy drops the soap in the shower."

To show Scott he wasn't embarrassed, Cooper pulled the shower curtain further back and showed Scott his erect cock. "Come in here and do that."

Scott stood up and turned around. "Maybe next time."

Rusty started laughing and grinned at Cooper.

"Then get the fuck out!" Cooper said.

"Alright! Don't get your panties in a bundle. Sheeesh!" Scott said and left.

"I'm sorry about that." Rusty told Cooper.

"Its ok. I know he's just fucking with us."

"Come here," Rusty said.

Cooper moved to Rusty and they embraced and kissed under the spray of hot water.

Later, Rusty walked with Cooper outside to his Mustang. Before Cooper got into the car, he pulled Rusty to him and they kissed. Rusty grabbed Cooper's crotch as his tongue glided into his mouth. Cooper reached around Rusty and felt his ass. "Damn, Rusty, I don't want to go to work today. What do you say we stay home and fuck all day?"

Rusty kissed Cooper again. "Man, I'd love to but I've got piles of work on my desk. Seriously, I want nothing more than to be with you all day."

"Will you miss me?" Cooper asked.

"Yes. Fuck, yes, I will. I do already."

"I love you."

"I love you, too, Coop."

Cooper kissed Rusty one last time and then lowered himself into his car. He waved to Rusty and then drove out of the driveway. He gave his horn a tap and then drove off to work. Rusty sighed. He watched Cooper's car drive down the street and it turned onto the next street and out of sight. Rusty looked at the sun coming up over the horizon, blazing the sky with bright orange and yellow hues. He walked to his house and closed the door. He was too much in love to notice the rusted car was parked across the street again.

"Goddamn motherfucking faggots!" Mr. Barber whispered to himself as he watched from across the street. My son! My flesh and blood lives with a goddamned faggot! I should have fucking known those Jordan people would do this to my son! All faggots, to the last! Fuck them! He drank from his whiskey bottle and then sucked heavily on a cigarette. The goddamned faggot is probably sinning with my son. MY OWN SON! Shit! Well, you know what that means? Goddamnit! Yes siree! Oh yes, fucking indeed! I know what that means. I need to pay them a visit. Yes! But, before that, I have to have a talk with my son. Yes, talk with him, up close and personal like! Goddamnit! Its his mother's fault. I told her, that fucking bitch! I told her. I told her I'd make a man out of him. I tried! And now! Look! He's living with one of those! Fucking bitch! I told her, I told her real good! GODDAMNIT! Fucking bitch wouldn't believe me. "You believe me now?!" Drunk and furious, Randall Barber started the beat up car and sped away, leaving tire marks on the road.

Copyright 2004

Chapter Six coming soon! Thanks for the emails, guys! Vince

Next: Chapter 6

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