Almost Brothers

By Vince

Published on Feb 12, 2004


This is a fictional story of male to male adult experiences. If you are under the age of 18 or do not like male/male stories of explicit sex, then do not read this.

As this is fiction, STD's do not exist so there is no need for the characters to practice safe sex. However, in the real world, there are diseases which can kill you so PLAY SAFE!

If you like this story, send an email and let me know!

Be sure to include the story title. Thanks and enjoy.

Author's notes:

Picture Rusty: Gay. 5' 11", medium build, toned, slightly hairy. Dark hair, handsome. roughly 33 years old.

Picture Scott: Straight. 6' 2", husky build, toned. slighty more hairy than Rusty. Brown hair, handsome. A few months older than Rusty.

Picture Cooper: Gay. 5' 8", stocky build, well muscled, well toned. some hair on chest, dark treasure trail. More handsome than Rusty and Scott, but not a "pretty boy". roughly 31 years old.

For more information on future charaters, Jake and Lee, Read "Senior Year" under the highschool category (for this story, they are roughly 36 years old now)

nifty/gay/highschool/senior-year-series/ (Senior Year: Copyright 2003)



The next morning, Rusty awoke to Cooper kissing him. He kissed back and then noticed Scott was missing. "Where is Scott?"

"Taking a shower," Cooper replied.

Rusty grinned at Cooper and Cooper knew what Rusty was thinking. They got up and went into Rusty's bathroom. They positioned themselves on either end of the shower and opened the shower curtain. Scott was started, grabbing his crotch. "Fuck, you guys startled me!" Then he grinned and lowered his hand from his flaccid dick.

Rusty and Cooper entered the shower from each end, sandwiching Scott between them. Unabashed, Scott offered the bar soap to them. The three friends soaped each other's bodies, totally unashamed. However, with three men in one shower, there was not much room. Scott quickly finished showering and left Cooper and Rusty to themselves. Naked, he walked to his room and knocked softly on the closed door. There was no answer. He turned the knob and looked inside the room. Two men he didn't know where sprawled across his bed, naked and asleep. Scott walked quietly to his dresser and dug out a clean pair of boxer shorts. He slipped them on and began to leave. I have to remember to make them change the fucking sheets before they leave, he thought to himself.

Scott walked into the living room, sleeping, naked men were in various places around the room. Most had brought sleeping bags and stuff. Cooper thought of everything. He went to the kitchen where two young, well toned, guys wearing only white briefs, were cooking breakfast.

"Hi." one said to him.

"Hey." Scott said.

"You're Scott, right? Rusty's brother?"

"Yeah, who the fuck are you?"

"I'm Kevin. That's my boyfriend. His name is Scott, too."

"Yo dude," Young Scott said.

Scott looked at the younger Scott. "You are the guy that threw up last night."

Young Scott blushed. "Yeah, that was me. Sorry."

"Whatever," Scott said to him.

Scott looked at Kevin who was cooking bacon and eggs in separate pans. "I hope its ok, we were hungry so I decided to cook. I figured I'd cook a lot incase others were hungry, too." Kevin checked out Scott's body as he talked.

"No problemo. Cook your heart out. We got a houseful of naked men that are probably going to be needing more protein after last night." Kevin and Young Scott chuckled. "Smells good however I just want coffee. And stop looking for my dick. If you want to see it, I'll show it to ya."

"I saw it last night. You were naked, too, remember." Kevin shot back.

Scott thought for a second. "Oh yeah, fuck, I was drunk."

"Dude, you are hung!" Young Scott said.

Scott looked over his shoulder, "Thanks." Then he prepared coffee. Soon, another man, slightly older than Kevin and Young Scott, walked in the kitchen. He was still naked.

"Coffee?" he asked.

"Its in the makings. Just a few minutes. Why don't you put something on, ok?" Scott told him. "I've seen enough dicks for the weekend."

"Sorry dude."

"Its ok. What's your name?"


"Hey Randy."

"And your Rusty's hung brother, Scott, right?"

"That's me, Rusty's hung brother!"

"Can I get a shower?" Randy asked.

"Sure, ummmm, go in Rusty's room and use his. If he and Coop are still in the shower, just hop in with them. Tell them I said its ok," Scott said, grinning.

Randy smiled back, "Ummm....ok," he said and left.

Scott sat down and sighed. He drank his coffee as more guys came into the kitchen. He was glad they now wore clothes. They converged in the kitchen and living room, some eating breakfast others drinking coffee and some packing up to leave. Soon, Rusty and Cooper joined them. They rehashed the previous nights activities, joking around, telling stories, reliving the events.

"What are you guys doing today?" Scott asked Rusty.

"First, YOU are going to help us get this place cleaned up and then..."

"ME? Why do I have to clean?" Scott asked.

"Because, fucker, you helped make this mess, too. Besides, its MY birthday so I shouldn't have to clean it, but I am."

"Ok fine. Fuck!" Scott said.

"By the way, Rusty," Cooper began, "I have another surprise for you." He was smiling slightly.

"What?" Rusty asked.

"We have another party to go to tonight. A private party."

"What do you mean a private party?" Rusty looked at Cooper with suspicion.

Cooper began to speak then noticed everyone was listening. "Come with me. You too, Scott." He got up and Rusty followed. Scott got up too, while looking at Rusty. He shrugged his shoulders which meant, I don't know what he's talking about. They walked outside where they could talk alone. Cooper said, "Rusty, from last night, do you remember Jake and Lee?"

"Yeah," Rusty said, "Those two walking wet dreams?"

"Exactly! Well, you and I have been invited to their house tonight. Just the four of us."

"Oh shit!" Scott exclaimed.

"You mean you and me and Jake and Lee?" Rusty asked.

"Yep." Coop said nodding his head and grinning. "If its ok with you, of course."

"Yeah sure, its ok with me. As long as its ok with you, too."

"I arranged it, didn't I? Besides, its part of your birthday present."

"You arranged this? I mean, its a done deal?"

"Yeah, I sort of like brought it up when I invited them to the party. I've known Jake for a few years so.... I figured what the fuck. I hope its ok I did this."

"Oh my God! You guys are fucking crazy!" Scott exclaimed.

"What?" Rusty and Coop asked in unison.

"You guys are going to DO them?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, what's your point?" Rusty asked.

"Nothing, its, the way you gay guys fuck around," Scott said.

"We're not fucking around, we'll be together," Cooper explained.

"Yeah, I realize that, but still....."

"You're just jealous," Rusty told Scott. Then they heard a loud crash from inside the house. "What the fuck was that?" he asked.

Scott sighed. "I'll go check it out." He turned to leave and then back over his shoulder, he said, "You guys are fucking crazy! But in a good way crazy." He opened the door and went in the house.

Rusty turned his attention back to Cooper who asked, "So, what do you think?"

"I think it fucking great! Those guys are fucking HOT HOT HOT!"

"Yes, they are and I'm glad you not mad at me for arranging this." Cooper said.

"Hell no, I'm not mad but I do have one question, "You say you've known Jake for a few years. Did you two ever...?"

"No, I wanted to but it never developed into anything. We're just friends, not real close friends but friends."

"When tonight?"

"Around sevenish. They live about an hour from here, so we could leave around six, I guess," Cooper said.

"Ok, great. I can't wait."

"I know what you mean, I've never been with three guys at once."

"Me neither," Rusty said.

"And especially when I'm in love with one of them," Cooper said, moving to Rusty.

Rusty took Coop into his arms. "Which one are you in love with?"

"You." Cooper replied. They kissed.

Rusty and Cooper arrived at Jake and Lee's house around 7:15 that evening. Jake took them on a tour, showing them around the house he and Lee share. They came to one bedroom which apparently belonged to a young boy. There were dirty clothes strown about the room, opened books on a table with a computer, a messy bed, toys all over the place and there where posters of baseball players, football players and scantily clad female cheerleaders, too, all over the walls. In one corner stood shelving which was adorned with several little league baseball and football trophies.

"This disaster is our son's room." Jake said as the four men stood at the doorway.

"I didn't know you have a son." Rusty said.

"Yes, we do." Lee replied, beaming. "The next Joe Thiesman."

Jake rolled his eyes. "We wish." Then he sighed. "Little Jake is good at baseball and pretty good at football but I don't think he's the next Thiesman."

"Well, he tries hard," Lee interjected.

"How old is he?" Rusty asked.

"Thirteen," Jake replied.

"Where is he?" Coop asked.

"He's with Grandma tonight," Jake replied.

"How is your mother doing?" Coop asked.

"Better. Her hair is all grown back from the last chemo treatment. Doctor Mike says she's in remission." Then to Rusty, "She had breast cancer."

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that." Rusty told him.

"Thanks. We're hopeful. We try to be there for her, that's about all we can do except let her enjoy her only grandchild as much as possible."

"She spoils him." Lee said.

"She's entitled to do that," Jake reminded Lee.

"Seriously, though," Lee said, "Jake's a good boy. A's and B's in school."

"Cool," Rusty said.

"Ok, let's move on," Jake said. He led them to the master bedroom. They went in the room and Lee went to the nightstand. He picked up a remote control and pressed a few buttons. The television set across from the end of the king-sized bed flickered on and then the DVD player started. A muscled hunk was licking a king sized cock on another muscled hunk. "Check this out," Lee said.

"Whoo Hoo!" Cooper exclaimed. He grinned at Rusty who grinned back at him.

"You guys get warmed up while I grab some beers, ok?" Jake said and left the room.

Lee took off his shirt. He slowly reached down and grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it over his head. His huge rounded shoulders gave way to very huge biceps and triceps. Quarter-sized nipples with pencil eraser nips capped his pecs which were like two huge slabs of beef cut squarely on either side of his chest. The two nipples seemed like eyes staring at Rusty. Lee sat on the bed as he tossed the shirt on the floor. Lee looked at Rusty and Cooper as he flexed his arms for them.

"Fucking awesome!" Cooper said. He looked at Rusty who was almost drooling.

"!" Rusty said as he stared at Lee's chest.

Then Jake returned, Rusty and Cooper had taken their shirts off and were feeling Lee's muscled arms.

Damn, Jake! You're one lucky guy!" Rusty told him.

Jake grinned at Lee. "Lee loves to show off."

"Fuck, if I was like him, I'd be showing off, too!" Cooper said.

"Thanks, guys." Lee said. "I don't get a chance to do this very often. Jake, my man, loves my guns but its nice to know someone else appreciates them, too."

"Mmmmmmm," Rusty said as he ran his hands over Lee's pecs. "Damn fine!"

"Ummmm, Rusty.....," Cooper began, " do realize I'm still here."

"Did someone speak?" Rusty said, jokingly. Then he kissed Cooper.

Jake handed the beers to the men and then closed the door. He took his shirt off, also. "Do we have ground rules?" Jake asked as he approached the bed. "I mean, is there anything we should set as out of bounds, so to speak?" He sat on the bed and his hand joined Rusty's and Cooper's on Lee's body.

Rusty and Cooper shrugged. "Free for all?" Cooper suggested.

Rusty nodded approval. "Why not?"

Lee nodded to Jake, who then asked, "Ok, so everything goes? We're all cool with that?"

"I'm cool," Rusty said although he was a little nervous.

"Cool." Cooper agreed. He kissed Rusty. Then Jake put a hand on Cooper's shoulder. He turned him around.

"Rusty, I have to say," Jake began, "Coop's got one nice ASS! Look at this, Lee. Fuck, that's one nice bubble butt!" Coop was kneeling on the bed and Jake stood next to him, feeling his butt. Rusty grinned at Cooper who seemed to be blushing. "Damn, I want a piece of this!" Rusty lowered his hand to Cooper's pants. He unbuttoned them and unzipped them. Cooper pulled his pants down, not wearing underwear, his butt was exposed. Jake ran his hands over Coop's round butt. "Congrats, Rusty. Your man has a nice ass. You did good."

"Wait 'til you feel it from the inside," Rusty said.

"Can I, Lee?" Jake asked.

"Free for all, didn't we say?" Lee replied.

"Rusty?" Jake looked at him.

"Ask Coop, its his butt." Jake looked at Cooper. As a reply, Cooper slid his pants off and laid on his stomach on the bed. He raised his ass up in the air. Looking back at Jake, Coop cocked one eyebrow.

"I take that as a yes," Jake said excitedly. Cooper rolled over and showed them his cock. "Damn, that's a thick one, man!" Cooper stroked his cock and looked at Jake.

As Lee and Rusty looked on, Jake slowly unzipped his pants. He hauled out his seven inch dick. Long and lean, hard, throbbing slightly, he showed it to them. The blunt head tapered around the shaft which had thick dark pubic hair growing around the base.

"Nice!" Cooper exclaimed. Jake began to take off his pants. "You're turn Rusty! Show 'em what you got!"

Jake lay down next to Cooper and they started touching each other's cocks while Rusty stripped off his pants. "Wow, hot damn!" Jake said, as Rusty revealed his crotch.

"Thanks," Rusty said, slightly embarrassed. He, too, laid next to Cooper who used his other hand to stroke Rusty's cock.

"Ok, muscle man...." Cooper said to Lee.

Lee stood up on the bed, facing them.

"Ut oh," Jake said.

Lee flexed his biceps which made huge mountains on his arms. He flared his trapezoids and they looked like wings. Then he made his pecs dance. They bobbed up and down simultaneously.

"I fucking love that!" Rusty called out. Cooper and Rusty mmmmmm'ed in unison. Then Lee slowly reached into his pants. He grasped his cock and flexed his stomach.

"Mmmm," Cooper groaned again. Jake chuckled. He'd seen this act before.

Lee reached down and popped the button on his pants. Quickly he tore them apart, forcing the zipper down all the way. His eight inch, hard, spear-headed cock flopped out, bounced a few times and then held steady perpendicular to his massive stomach. It throbbed slowly and then began to rise until it was totally hard, standing proud from the neatly trimmed blond pubic hair.

"Oh my god," Rusty said not realizing he'd said it out loud. He looked at Cooper who was staring at Lee with his mouth open in a silent O. Rusty reached over to Coop's mouth and closed it for him Jake saw this and chuckled again.

"So, who's first?" Lee asked, still flexing his biceps.

Cooper slowly lifted his hand like a bashful kid in class who thinks he might have an answer to the teacher's question.

"Put your hand down!" Rusty chided him.

Lee laughed heartily. Then they all laughed together.

Then Cooper said, "Fuck, I could have saved myself a hundred bucks and had you strip at Rusty's party."

"He probably would have done it, too," Jake interjected.

"Let the orgy begin!" Lee said and dived into the men, crashing his body on all three. The four men laughed and teased each other until mouths found mouths, hands found body parts to hold and the sound of pleasured moans filled the room.

The first thing that went through Rusty's mind as he felt Lee's body, was "hardness". Coop's body is hard but this guy...fuck, he's ALL muscle and every square inch of him is HARD, Rusty thought. He kissed Lee who kissed him back, their tongues touched. Rusty could not wait to suck Lee's big cock which was pressing into his stomach. He kissed Lee's chin, neck, ear lobe and then dropped his head to eat Lee's left nipple. He glanced up and Lee had his arms over his head. Rusty licked upwards until he could lick Lee's armpit and then kissed his bicep which was easily twice the size of Coop's. It bulged from his arm, softball sized. He worshipped the muscle with his lips and tongue. Lee looked at Rusty and grinned.

"Big enough for ya?" Lee asked.

"Fucking A." Rusty said to him. "Flex it." Lee accommodated Rusty, watching as Rusty's licked his hard muscles. As much as Rusty wanted to continue to worship Lee's biceps, he also wanted to lick his chest again. Rusty moved his face to Lee's chest. "Make them dance," Rusty asked.

Lee smiled. He flexed his pecs and made them bounce again.

Rusty chuckled. He looked at Cooper and Jake. "I love that!" he said to them. "Grrrrr!"

"Go for it, Rusty," Jake said.

"Yeah, go Rusty." Cooper agreed just before Jake laid on Coop's back and began to kiss him.

Rusty moved his face between Lee's bouncing pecs and kissed his chest. Then he licked Lee's right pec as the left bounced in his face. Quickly, he sucked on the left nipple, moaning with delight. He felt Lee's hands on the back of his head, pushing him downwards until Lee's cock was in his face.

Rusty teased the head with his tongue, tasting the precum oozing from Lee's cock. Then he opened his mouth and engulfed the head. "Oh fuck, yes, man!" Lee said. Rusty took almost five inches of Lee's hard eight inch dick into his mouth. He sucked for a few minutes and then, making a loud sucking sound, let it spring from his lips. It landed on Lee's stomach and then rebounded, hovering a good inch from his body. The head flared and another drop of precum appeared at the opening.

"Sorry, Lee," Rusty began, "Coop's the deep-throater in our relationship."

Lee rustled Rusty's hair. "I can see that." he said. He looked at Cooper. Rusty looked over to see Jake was now kneeling beside Cooper who was taking all of Jake's seven inch dick down his throat. His nose was buried in Jake's bush.

"He's good," Jake said to them while he held Cooper's head between his legs.

"Jake's a natural when it comes to deep-throating," Lee said.

"You and I are the lucky ones," Rusty said to Lee.

"No doubt." Lee replied.

They watched Cooper going down on Jake for a few minutes. Rusty began to suck Lee's cock. He sucked the head and licked up and down the hard shaft. Lee watched Rusty, guiding him around on his cock. "Suck it, Rusty. Oh man, that feels soooo good, man. You're doing great." Rusty pulled Lee's hard thighs up against his head and Lee clasped his legs around Rusty's head. Rusty loved the feeling of Lee's hard, muscled thighs holding his head. As he sucked Lee's cock, Rusty glanced over as Jake rolled out from under Cooper.

"Fuck me," Cooper said.

Rusty watched as Jake positioned himself behind Cooper. He motioned to Lee who grabbed a bottle of lube and tossed it. Jake caught the bottle and squirted a copious amount of the liquid on his long cock.

"I want a piece of his fine ASS!" Jake said. "Rusty, I know you enjoy fucking this ass! Damn!"

While holding Lee's cock against his face, Rusty said to Jake, "Fuck him Jake."

"Yes, fuck me, Jake!" Cooper said. He leaned his head and shoulder to the bed while holding his ass up to Jake. "Fuck me, man! Fuck me!"

Jake rubbed his hard cock in Cooper's ass crack. "Oh man, this gonna feel so GOOD!" He grabbed his cock and held the head at Cooper's opening. Rusty, with Lee's cock in his mouth, watched as Jake's cock head entered Cooper. Cooper groaned with ecstasy. Jake slipped three inches of his cock into Cooper. He withdrew and then slid five inches into the man. "Oh fuck, you're so fucking tight!" Jake pulled out and then, with one final jab, entered Coop completely.

"Oh fuck!" Cooper exclaimed.

"Wow!" Lee said as he watched.

Jake looked at Lee. "Man, look at this! Look at my cock in his tight butt! Fuck, Lee, this is good! Oh man! He's so TIGHT!" Then to Rusty, "You get this tight ass whenever you want it? Oh, man, you're one lucky guy, Rusty."

"Fuck him, Jake." Lee said.

"Yes! Fuck me, Jake!" Cooper said. He looked at Rusty and winked. Rusty grinned and at Cooper and then began to suck Lee's hard cock.

Lee relaxed on the bed and alternately watched Rusty sucking his cock and Jake fucking Cooper. He held Rusty's head to his crotch and flexed his muscled arms. Rusty roamed his hands over Lee's hard body, rubbing his chest, teasing his nipples and grabbing his hard, muscled legs and butt as he took Lee's cock into his mouth. Occasionally, he'd look over to watch Jake fucking Cooper, grinding his cock deep into him. Grunts and groans of pleasure and desire filled the room. Loud sucking sounds, too, intermixed with the squishing noise of Jake's lubricated cock sliding in and out of Cooper.

Then Lee pulled Rusty to his face and kissed him. Rusty moved up further until his cock was on Lee's chest. He maneuvered his cock, first, to one nipple and then to the other, leaving tiny drops of precum on each. Then he licked Lee's nipples, sucking and gently biting them. Next, Rusty eased his cock into Lee's mouth who sucked Rusty until he was completely hard. Rusty looked down and watched the muscle stud eating his cock. Soon, he glanced at Coop who was getting royally fucked by Jake and loving every inch.

"Fuck him, Jake! Go, man! Go!" Lee told Jake.

Soon, Rusty lifted himself up and grabbed Lee's massive body, marveling in the feeling of his hard muscles. Lee rolled to one side, nearer Jake and Cooper. He found the lubrication and hefted it to Rusty.

"Fuck him, Rusty." That was Jake. Rusty looked at Jake who was only a foot away, still fucking Coop. "Fuck him." Lee lifted his ass. Rusty grabbed Lee's muscled body and slid the head of his cock inside Lee. Another push now and he was in, almost to the hilt. A few strokes later, he was completely inside the man.

"Oh yeah, Rusty! Nice, hard cock!" Lee exclaimed. "Fuck me, man!"

Jake reached over and put his hand on Rusty's shoulder. Rusty returned the gesture, holding onto Jake as Jake held onto him as they fucked each other's partner. Grunts and groans increased with intensity. Rusty saw Cooper looking at him, smiling a wide grin as he was being fucked. Rusty winked and grinned back at him. He started fucking Lee hard and faster, if only for Coop's benefit.

Cooper enjoyed seeing Rusty fucking Lee. He also enjoyed being fucked by Jake, whom he had lusted over many times while masturbating in bed, alone. That was until he met Rusty. Cooper looked at Rusty again, watching his toned body tensing and relaxing as he pleasured Lee. Fuck, I love him so much!

His thoughts were interrupted by a hard thrust from Jake's body. He looked back and saw Jake had his head back and was bucking his hips faster and faster. Jake's cock head teased Cooper's prostrate gland and it drove Cooper wild.

"I'm going to come!" Jake announced between clinched teeth.

"Come in his ass, Jake!" Lee yelled.

"Yeah, Jake," Rusty said to Jake while he still held onto him. "Come in his butt! Fuck him!"

Cooper moved up onto his hands and knees. "Fuck me! Fuck me! Come in my ass, man! Do it!"

"Ahhh....FUCK!" Jake yelled. He started jack-hammering into Coop and then came. With loud grunts, he came in Coop's butt, shooting into him, over and over again until he was done.

Rusty watched as Jake finished coming and then pulled out of Coop. He could see cum dripping from Jake's cock head.

Suddenly, Lee pulled from Rusty. "Sorry, Rusty." Lee said then he quickly moved behind Cooper. "I want some of this!" Lee exclaimed as he lowered his face to Cooper's butt. He licked Jake's cum off of Cooper's ass. He cleaned all of Jakes cum from Cooper's well rounded butt and then proceeded to suck his hole. Then Lee sat up and Rusty could see his face was glistening with his lover's cum. Lee put his cock to Cooper's entrance and shoved inside him. "Mmmm, sloppy seconds!" Lee said, smiling at Jake.

Cooper grinned with ecstasy as Lee entered him. "Fuck me, Lee! Fuck me, muscle boy!" he said to Lee.

Jake watched for a short while then rolled between Rusty's legs. He started to suck his dick. Rusty looked down to watch Jake take all of his seven inches to the root. He held his face buried in Rusty's thick bush and then pulled back to the head. He licked Rusty and then deep-throated him again. Over and over, Jake sucked Rusty who had managed to get under Cooper to suck his cock as Lee fucked him. He lapped at Lee's cock as it pumped in and out of Cooper. Then he sucked on Cooper's fat head. It grew in his mouth as precum oozed out of the slit in great drops. Cooper grunted. His cock grew even harder until it felt like granite in Rusty's mouth. Cum shot out of Cooper's cock and flooded Rusty's mouth. Cooper pumped six, seven, eight and now nine huge spurts of his man juice down Rusty's throat. Finally, Coop was done and Rusty extracted himself from under Coop. He inched to Cooper's mouth and they kissed as Lee shouted.

"OHHH FUCK! HERE I COME! AHHHHH!" He crammed his cock deep into Cooper and let loose with a huge load of cum. Then, he too, pulled out and shot the last of his cum all over Cooper's butt. He rubbed his cock in the semen, spreading all over Cooper's fine ass.

Lee rolled to one side, bringing Cooper with him. They hugged and kissed while watching Jake bring Rusty to a climax. Rusty shot his load down Jake's well fucked mouth until his nuts where empty. Then Jake moved over Rusty and fed him his own cum as they kissed beside Lee and Cooper.

"In-fucking-credible!" Cooper exclaimed as Rusty swallowed.

"Indeed," Lee said. Then the two of them leaned over Jake and Rusty. The four men exchanged kisses and tender touches.

After a few minutes, Rusty found his beer and drank from it. The other men did the same, drinking and kissing each other, too. Soon, Lee got out of bed and fetched new beers. They popped the tops and relaxed with their lovers in the large bed.

Coop had his head on Rusty's chest. Rusty kissed him. "Thanks for the birthday party," Rusty said to him. Then to Lee and Jake, "You guys are great. This is the best birthday of my life!"

"Hey, we're enjoying it, too, Rusty." Lee said. Jake was lying in Lee's arms.

"Yes. Great party last night. Thanks for inviting us, Coop."

"I'm glad you guys had a good time. I know we did."

"Rusty?" Lee began, "tell us about Scott. I know he's straight but he sure was a sport about having all us gay men around him last night."

Rusty lay with Coop's arms around him. Their legs where intertwined and they had their hands in each other's crotches. Rusty drank from his beer. He looked up at the blond hunk. "Yeah, Scott's way fucking cool, for a straight guy," he replied to Lee.

"I was shocked when he pulled his dick out to us." Jake said.

"Scott's always doing crazy shit like that. He makes me laugh," Rusty told them.

"He's adopted, right?" Jake asked. Jake had his face nearly in Lee's crotch and he played absently with his pubic hair.

"More like a foster brother." Rusty said.

"That's right, he did say that," Jake corrected himself. Rusty gave the two men a quick version of the Rusty and Scott story.

"You guys should see the two of them," Cooper added. "They hang around naked all the time. Its really amazing to me sometimes."

"How did you meet Rusty?" Jake asked Coop.

Cooper replied, "He and Scott are on a baseball team and our team played theirs." He chuckled. "Rusty kept staring at me the whole time. I'm the catcher for my team. I don't think I've told you this, Rusty." Rusty looked up over Coop's large pecs to his man. "I know you were cruising me during the game."

"I didn't know you knew I was," Rusty said to Cooper. Then Rusty said to Lee and Jake, "You should see him in his catcher's gear...oh was lust at first sight."

"What happened when I took my catcher's mask off?" Cooper asked Rusty.

"I got used to it after a while," Rusty replied, making Lee and Jake laugh. Then he leaned to Cooper and kissed him. "How did you guys meet?" he asked Jake after the kiss.

"Sort of the same way," Jake began. He stole a quick look to Lee who nodded. "Senior year in high school, we were on the football team. Lee was lusting after me," he said, grinning to Lee, "and then one evening after a game, after we showered, he hit on me in the locker room."

Rusty raised one eyebrow, "Really? In the locker room? Cool."

"I was not hitting on you!" Lee said.

"Yes, you were. I swear he did. Anyway, we spent all of senior year together and then we split up to go to different colleges. Then he dumped me during freshmen year, at Christmas break."

"Wait one fucking minutes, my dear Jake!" Lee said. "I dumped you?!" Lee asked, sarcastically. "I dumped you?"

"Ok, shit....I dumped him." Jake confessed. "And he's never going to let me live it down."

"Nope," Lee said. "But then, several years later, this fucker shows up at my Little League football registration, with a SON, no less! We've been together ever since. That was five years ago."

"But I never stopped loving you." Jake said.

"I know, babe, I know. Same here," Lee said and they kissed again. "I love Jacob, too. He's the son I always wanted." Lee looked into Jake's eyes as he spoke.

"Yeah, Jacob is really cool. I think he enjoys having two Dads," Jake said.

Lee sat up and rubbed his stomach. "I'm hungry." he said.

"Oh crap," Jake said. "I forgot about the food!" He turned to Cooper and Rusty. "Are you guys hungry?"

"Now that you mention it, yeah, I am," Cooper said. "Rusty?"

Rusty grinned at them. "I'm not hungry. I just ate." They chuckled. "Hell, I even have someone's pubic hair in my teeth to floss with."

Cooper cackled as Jake and Lee laughed loudly.

"Come on, guys! Let's eat!" Jake announced.

The men sprang from the bed, naked, and went into the kitchen. Jake produced a meat, cheese and cracker tray he bought from the local Kroger grocery store. "I can't believe I forgot about this. Dig in guys!" Jake told them. They sat at the table, still naked, and ate. They had a good time.

After eating, they returned to the bedroom. Jake exchanged the DVD and started the new one. Lying on the bed, touching and fondling each other's naked bodies, they critiqued the video: talking back to the screen, dissing the acting abilities of the models and slagging the production values. Jake muted the sound so Lee and Cooper could make up dialogue. Rusty and Jake laughed until their sides hurt.

Then round two began. The bed was a mass of muscle and cock, sucking and fucking, moans and groans of pleasure. Kisses were exchanged and cum eaten. Relationships were shared and sealed before they fell asleep with a forgotten DVD casting weird shadows on the sleeping men.

Sometime during the night, Rusty was awakened by a mouth on his dick. He looked down to see Jake's dark haired head between his legs. He put his hand on Jake's head and then looked next to him. Cooper's mouth was stuffed with all of Lee's eight inches while Lee sucked Jake's prick.

Cooper noticed Rusty looking and repositioned his body. He opened his legs and so Rusty could get his head between them. Rusty pulled Cooper's semi-flaccid cock into his mouth. He felt Cooper becoming hard against his tongue and sucked him deeply, licking his cock from the hairy base to the flared tip. Sounds of licking, sucking and moaning filled the room.

"Ok guys. Switch!" Lee said. Arms and legs and bodies maneuvered themselves around until Lee was sucking Jake, Jake was sucking Cooper, Cooper was sucking Rusty who was sucking Lee. Rusty enjoyed having Lee's thick, muscled thighs around his head and he slowly sucked on his cock.

Too soon! he thought when he heard Cooper call out, "Switch!"

However, this time was different. Lee and Jake positioned Rusty and Cooper to lie shoulder to shoulder. They held their crotches over Rusty and Cooper's faces while they sucked the both of them, alternating between one and then the other. It took some creative body movements but, after a few minutes, they fell into a good rhythm.

Jake pulled off of Rusty's cock and then took Cooper into his mouth. He sucked on him for a few seconds. It felt like Cooper was going to come in his mouth. Then he had an idea. "Who ever comes first, gets a three-dick facial," he said.

"Good idea," Lee said, while his lips hovered over Rusty's cock.

"Oh please, let it be me," Rusty said making them laugh. "Besides, its my birthday!" Again, they laughed.

"Ok, change of plans," Jake said. "Birthday Boy wants a facial."

Lee sat back onto the bed with his hard cock standing a good eight inches from his well muscled body. Jake sat up with him, stroking his own seven inch dick. Cooper kissed Rusty. "Ready for your birthday facial?" Cooper asked.

"Fuck yeah!" Rusty replied.

Jake, Lee and Cooper positioned their dicks over Rusty's face. They took turns letting Rusty suck them while the other two stroked themselves and rubbed their dicks over Rusty's face.

Lee came first, shooting his thick, sweet cum into Rusty's opened mouth. Rusty sucked Lee dry and then continued to suck him until Lee was almost soft. He kissed the spear-shaped head and nuzzled his face into Lee's nuts until Lee pulled away and to watch.

Jake took position on Rusty's chest, stroking his cock furiously over his face. Cooper kneeled over Rusty's head so his balls rested on Rusty's mouth. Rusty licked them while watching Jake jack off in front of him. Jake and Cooper kissed as Rusty licked Cooper's nuts. Lee was kneeled next to them and massaged their bodies while alternately kissing them.

Cooper was sucking on one of Jake's nipples. He felt Lee's face join him on the other. Soon, Jake said, "Here it.comes!" He lowered his cock head to Rusty's upturned mouth. Rusty held out his tongue and Jake jacked his cock against it.

"Ah fuck! Ah Fuck! Ah Fuck!" Jake exclaimed. Then, a rope of cum shot out of his cock. It hit Coop's nuts and then dripped onto Rusty's face, almost in his eye. Another quick spurt riddled Rusty's face from forehead to nose. Then the rest landed on Rusty's tongue. Grunting hard and moaning loudly, Jake came into Rusty's mouth, coating him with cum. Rusty swallowed. He closed his lips around the cock head and sucked. He licked the head and swallowed again. He kissed the head and sucked it as Jake's cum flow diminished. Still Rusty sucked and swallowed, worshipping the cock in his mouth. He sucked the still hard cock for several minutes as Lee and Cooper's urged him.

Then Cooper leaned over Rusty from one side. He stroked his cock into Rusty's face as Rusty licked his nuts. Lee and Jake joined Rusty at Cooper's crotch, sucking the thick dick. Cooper came soon, shooting cum all over Rusty's face. Jake and Lee took turns licking the juice from Rusty's lips and kissing him. Then they alternately sucked Cooper until he was finished. Cooper leaned down and kissed Rusty and ate his own cum from Rusty's tongue. Then he kissed Jake and Lee, too.

"Wow, that was awesome!" Cooper said, leaning back. Rusty lay between them, licking his lips and chuckling.

"I know that's right!" Rusty said. "Damn, I barely swallowed one then here comes the other. Whhewwwww! I Love it!" Cooper kissed him again and the laid with his head on Rusty's chest. Jake and Lee joined them with Jake laying down with his crotch near Rusty who stole licks on Jake's soft cock, again. Lee found a place next to Jake and held him as Cooper suckled Lee's soft organ.

Morning, now, Rusty realized when his eyes opened. He felt the bed moving and looked over to see Cooper grinning at him. Lee was behind of Coop, fucking him hard and fast. "Just about done, Rusty. Then, he's all yours." Lee said, shoving himself into Cooper.

"Where is Jake?" Rusty asked.

"He's....," Lee grunted and plowed fully into Cooper, "in the....." another grunt...."shower."

"Don't tell me.......?" Rusty asked Cooper.

"Uh huh, you slept through it." Cooper replied and smiled. Then he said over his shoulder, "Ahhh yeah, Lee! That's good. Harder!"

Rusty shook his head. "I gotta pee," he said and got up off the bed. He paused to put a hand on Lee's hard, muscled back. To Lee, he said, "Don't ream him out with that big dick!"

"Too late!" Lee replied grinning at him. Then Lee jabbed Cooper again.

"Oh fuck!" Cooper cried out.

Jake was indeed in the shower. He heard Rusty pissing and looked out of the shower curtain.

"Morning," he said to Rusty.

"Hey." Rusty said.

"Want to take a shower?" Jake asked.

"In a few minutes." He nodded to the bedroom. "I'm getting thirds," Rusty said, grinning. Jake smiled back at him. Then Rusty leaned to Jake and they kissed. He left Jake and went back into the bedroom. Lee was in mid-climax. He shoved his cock into Cooper and grunted and then fell onto of him, panting loudly.

Rusty stood back and watched while feeling his growing erection. Lee pushed himself from Coop's ass and slapped him there. "Thanks, Coop! That's one tight hole you got, man!" He turned to see Rusty watching them. Cum dripped from his cock. "He's all yours, Rusty!" He slapped Rusty on the ass he passed by on the way to the bathroom.

Rusty walked to Cooper who was on his stomach. "Ok?" Rusty asked.

"Fuck yeah," Cooper said, still breathing hard.

Rusty pulled Coop's hips up and spread is hairy ass. Cum dripped from his hole. More cum ran down his thighs. Rusty leaned down and licked Cooper's asshole.

"Ah yeah, Rusty, man! Finish me off, Rusty!" Rusty dove between Coop's tight hairy ass cheeks. He licked and sucked the cum there. Quickly, his face was covered with Jake's and Lee's sperm. "Oh fuck, Rusty! Yeah, oh man, that feels so good! Lick their cum from my ass, man! I love it."

Rusty ate Cooper's ass for several minutes. Then he was hard. He stood up and slid easily into Cooper's well fucked ass. Rusty fucked him hard and fast. Sweat broke out all over his body. He fucked Cooper completely, until Rusty came deep in his boyfriend's ass to mix his own with Jake and Lee's. Then Rusty turned Cooper over and sucked Coop's cock until he was rewarded with a nice, fresh, hot load. He kissed Cooper, feeding him the mix of cum in his mouth.

Soon, they heard the shower quit. Rusty sighed. "Let's get a shower," He said to Coop.

Coop held Rusty once more. "I love you, Rusty."

"I love you too, Coop." They kissed, deeply and then went into the bathroom. They found Jake and Lee, still naked but freshly showered, standing together at the vanity. They had their faces lathered with shaving cream. Rusty and Cooper got into the shower together and turned on the water.

When they finished, Jake and Lee where gone. They, too, shaved and then headed for the kitchen where a breakfast to feed eight men was being prepared.

Sunday evening, Cooper drove to Rusty's house and let him off there. They kissed in Cooper's Mustang and then Rusty said good-bye. He walked into the house and then Cooper drove away not noticing the beat up, rusted car parked across the street.

However, Rusty noticed. He stopped and looked at the car. Wasn't that car parked there the other day? he asked himself. Then he heard the car start and watched suspiciously as it drove away. Rusty tried to see who in the car but it was too dark.

Rusty entered his house to find Scott watching baseball on the television.

"Have a good time?" Scott asked as Rusty walked into the living room.

"My nuts feel like their dragging six feet behind me," Rusty replied.

"I'll take that as a yes," Scott said. "What did you guys do?"

"That's something I'm going to keep for myself. But, I'll say this, it was fucking awesome."

"You guys are pervs." Scott said before looking back to the television.

"I'm tired as fuck. I'm going to bed." He started for his room and then stopped. "Scott?"


"Have you noticed a strange car parked across the street?

"Huh? Strange car? What do you mean?"

"The other day, there was this strange car, like old, beat up piece of shit kinda car. I thought I saw it there the other day when I went to work and I just saw it again, a few minutes ago when Coop let me off. You haven't seen it?"

Scott looked at Rusty, "No, Rusty, I haven't seen it."

"Scott? You don't suppose....."

Scott's eyes grew large. "Oh fuck! Rusty!"

Scott jumped from the couch and ran to the door. He went outside and Rusty followed him. Scott looked up and down the street. There was no strange car anywhere he could see. Scott's hand went to his forehead. He slowly ran his hand down his face. He looked incredibly at Rusty. "Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!" Rusty echoed.

"What did the car look like? What color was it?" Scott asked.

"Blue? I think. I don't remember. It was old, rusted, maybe a Chevrolet?"


Rusty went to Scott. He put an arm around him. "Look, let's not jump to conclusions. Maybe, just some new people in the neighborhood. We don't know."

"Its him, Rusty. Its him. Oh fuck, its him." Scott looked at Rusty with genuine concern. "FUCK! I don't need this SHIT!"

"Come on. Come on, Scott." Rusty held him as they went back into the house. Rusty bolted the door and Scott sat on the sofa.

"Fuck." Scott said, again and sighed.

"You ok?"

Scott looked up at Rusty. Finally, he said, "Yeah. I'm ok." Scott managed a weak smile.

"I gotta get some sleep. Didn't get much last night." Rusty said, almost grinning.

"Yeah, sure. See ya in the morning," Scott said. He looked at the TV but could not concentrate.

Rusty sighed. He looked at the door and made sure, one last time, it was bolted and then went to his bedroom. He undressed and crawled into bed, looking up at the ceiling. He didn't think he would get to sleep soon, but he did.

Copyright 2004

I hope you guys enjoyed this one. It was tough to write and I hope I did them justice. Chapter Five coming soon! Vince

Next: Chapter 5

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