Almost Brothers

By Vince

Published on Feb 8, 2004


This is a fictional story of male to male adult experiences. If you are under the age of 18 or do not like male/male stories of explicit sex, then do not read this.

As this is fiction, STD's do not exist so there is no need for the characters to practice safe sex. However, in the real world, there are diseases which can kill you so PLAY SAFE!

If you like this story, send an email and let me know!

Be sure to include the story title. Thanks and enjoy.

Author's notes:

Picture Rusty: Gay. 5' 11", medium build, toned, slightly hairy. Dark hair, handsome. roughly 33 years old.

Picture Scott: Straight. 6' 2", husky build, toned. slighty more hairy than Rusty. Brown hair, handsome. A few months older than Rusty.

Picture Cooper: Gay. 5' 8", stocky build, well muscled, well toned. some hair on chest, dark treasure trail. More handsome than Rusty and Scott, but not a "pretty boy". roughly 31 years old.

For more information on future charaters, Jake and Lee, Read "Senior Year" under the highschool category (for this story, they are roughly 36 years old now)

nifty/gay/highschool/senior-year-series/ (Senior Year: Copyright 2003)



Cooper drove to the auto repair shop where Scott worked. He parked his car and a handsome young man wearing mechanic overalls while wiping his greasy hands on a rag walked out to meet him.

"I'm looking for Scott Barber, is he around?" Cooper asked.

"Yeah, follow me," the mechanic said. While Cooper followed, he checked out the young man's ass. Once inside the garage, the young man led Cooper to a car where Scott stood underneath it. "Hey, Scott? Man to see ya!"

Scott looked over and saw Cooper standing a few feet from him. "Cooper!" Scott yelled and dropped the wrench from his hand. He produced a rag from his back pocket, wiped his hands and then held his right hand out to Coop.

"Hey man," Cooper said while theys shook hands, "Hope I'm not interrupting you."

"Fuck no, Coop. What's up? Having trouble with your 'stang?"

"Nope. Car's running fine. I just wanted to talk to ya about something."

Scott led Cooper outside to the back of the garage. "What's on your mind?"

Cooper began, "Rusty's birthday is in a couple of weeks."

"Yeah, that's right."

"I was thinking...maybe he'd like a surprise birthday party?"

"Fuck, he'd hate it. Which would be all the more reason to do it." Scott said, grinning. "When?"

"Two weeks from Saturday, the 15th, at 7pm.

"Sounds great!"

"Scott.....two things. One, I'm going to need some help inviting his friends." Scott nodded. "And two...I was thinking of hiring a stripper."

"No problemo."

"I'm going to cruise the gay bars tonight and ask around."

"Ok. Do you need some cash?"

"Naw, I got it. This is on me. And one more thing, I need for you to make sure Rusty is out of the house while everyone arrives. Have him there, oh, I guess around 8."

Again, Scott nodded his head, "I'll think of some excuse. You can count on me."

Cooper extended his right hand and Scoot shook it. "Cool. I'll be in touch, you know, with the details and shit. Thanks Scott."

"Coop, seriously, Rusty is going to love this."

"I hope so."

Two weeks from Saturday later, the phone rang and Rusty answered it. "Hello?"

"Rusty! Fuck, I'm glad you're home," Scott said to him.

"I'm waiting on Coop. He's taking me out to dinner."

"Rusty, I need your help."


"I'm at the shop. I have to deliver a part to a dealership but I lent my truck to one of the guys here. I need you to pick me up and take me there. I HAVE to deliver this part or my ass is grass."

"Fuck, Scott! I'm all dressed up!"


"Cooper's on his way."

"Call him and tell him to wait for you there. It'll only take an hour."

"Fuck Scott!"

"I'm sorry but I really need you right now."

Rusty sighed. "Ok. I'll be right there. You OWE me, big time."

"Yeah yeah, I'll let you suck my dick."

"In your dreams."

"Leave now, so I can get there before they close."

"Ok, fuck, hold your water. I have to call Coop. He's gonna be pissed."

"He can suck my dick, too."

Rusty hung up the phone. "Fuck!" He dialed Cooper's cell phone and explained the situation to Cooper who feigned exasperation but agreed to wait for him. "Goddamnit!" Rusty said as he dug his keys out of his pocket and headed for the door.

In the meantime, Scott called Coop. "He's fucking pissed!" Cooper said.

"I know!" Scott said to Cooper over the phone. "So you're in position?"

"Yes, I'm across the street in a friend's car Rusty doesn't know. As soon as he leaves, we're going in and get everything ready. And I got the stripper. He's gonna do his 'police' routine! I've seen his uniform, its dead on!"

"This is great! We're gonna get him good!" Scott sounded excited.

"In more ways than one!" Cooper said to Scott.

"You perv!" Scott said and hung up the phone.

A few minutes later, Rusty arrived at the shop. Scott tossed a box into the back of Rusty's truck and got in the cab. "Thanks, Bro! I really appreciate this!"

"You fucking had better appreciate it. Where are we going?" Scott told him where the dealership was. "Fuck! That's all the way across town! It'll take an hour to get there. Another hour to get back!"

"I know."


"The sooner we get going the sooner we'll get back." Scott suggested.

Rusty sighed. "Fuck!" He put the truck in gear and drove off as Scott looked out his window while suppressing a laugh.

As Rusty put it, THREE FUCKING HOURS! later, they arrived home. Cooper's truck, driven by a friend, was in the driveway. "He's gonna be so mad!" Rusty said to Scott.

"He's young, he'll have time to get over it." Scott replied. They walked into the house.

"Where the FUCK have you been?" Cooper exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, Coop. I'm so sorry to make you wait."

"I've been waiting for three fucking hours!"

"I said I'm sorry." Rusty told him. He approached Coop to embrace him who pretended not to care when Rusty kissed him.

"Well, fuck, can we go now?" Cooper opened the patio door and motioned for Rusty to go out first. Rusty walked ahead of Cooper who grinned behind Rusty's back to Scott. The two men followed closely behind Rusty as he walked out of the house.

All of a sudden, the outside lights went on and all the guests jumped from their hiding places, yelling, "SURPRISE!"

Rusty stopped suddenly. Everyone yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" and ran up to greet him. Rusty was caught completely off guard. His jaw dropped to his feet and an incredible look took over his face. He realized he had been duped. The guests broke out into a chorus, singing "Happy Birthday" to Rusty while Scott and Cooper joined him at his side, singing loudly. Rusty, totally embarrassed and surprised at the same time, grinned from ear to ear. He put his arm around Cooper and Scott who also put their arms around him. Rusty stood there, grinning profusely, as the song finished. "And many more!" A huge applause ended the song.

Rusty turned to Cooper. "You did this?"


"I love you!"

"Happy birthday, my love!" Cooper said and they kissed. A loud whoooooo from the crowd accompanied the kiss.

Then Rusty looked at Scott. "You fucking bastard!"

"Happy birthday, Bro." Scott said grinning and then he hugged Rusty. They clapped each other on their backs. "Where you surprised?" Scott asked while a slightly quiet crowd of friends watched.

"Fuck, yeah! I had no fucking idea!" Rusty said, laughing and then the rest of the guests took turns hugging Rusty and offering best wishes.

Cooper backed away from them and pulled out his cell phone. Scott moved next to him and listened. Cooper closed his phone and whispered to him, "The "policeman" is on his way. About thirty minutes from now."

Scott laughed. "This is gonna be good!"

Thirty-five minutes later, the side door to the backyard fence around the pool swung open and a tall, burly, uniformed officer appeared. Cooper made eye contact with the officer and secretly pointed to Rusty who was talking to a group of friends. Cooper motioned to Scott who saw what was happening. He watched with anticipation while slowly making his way towards Rusty.

The policeman walked up behind Rusty and tapped him on the shoulder. Rusty turned around and the smile ran away from his face. "Are you Russell Dale Jordan?" the officer asked in a loud voice.

"Yes?" Rusty said. Everyone grew quiet.

"I am Officer Harris. I have a warrant for your arrest."


Scott moved next to Rusty, watching intently.

"I have a warrant for your arrest. Will you please turn around?" The officer produced a pair of handcuffs.

"What?" Rusty asked again.

"I have a warrant for your arrest, Mr. Jordan."

"Rusty, what did you do?" Scott asked.

Now Cooper was there. "Rusty? What the fuck is going on?"

"I...I...don't know. Officer, what is going on?"

"Mr. Jordan, you have the right to remain silent," the officer said as he pulled Rusty's arms together behind his back.

"Wait! What's the charge?"

"Solicitation," the officer said as he clasped the handcuffs around Rusty's wrists.

"Solicitation for what?" Rusty asked. His face was ashen.

"Solicitation for sex, with a minor."

"WHAT?" Rusty asked incredibly. A few of the guests snickered behind thier hands.

"Yes, I have to take you in for questioning. want to offer me something to forget the charge." Then the officer began to unbutton his shirt.

Rusty watched as the "officer" unbuttoned his shirt to reveal a wide, muscular chest with huge nipples. The "officer" opened his shirt fully and then pulled the shirt tail out of his pants and let the shirt fall to the ground.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARDS!" Rusty exclaimed to everyone watching.

Everyone busted out laughing, whoooping and hollering.

"Let's just sit down, Mr. Jordan," the "officer" said.

"Wait, take these off!" Rusty tried to move his arms from behind him.

"No! Now sit down Mr. Jordan or I'm going to use my stick on you."

Someone from the crowd yelled, "Make him use his stick, Rusty!!!" making everyone laugh out loud.

Rusty sat in a chair and pre-arranged music was turned on and "officer" Harris began to dance in front of Rusty, gyrating his crotch in Rusty's face. Cooper and Scott laughed together, clapping each other on their backs.

"I'm gonna get you!" Rusty said to Cooper and then Harris pushed Rusty's face into his crotch.

Next Harris removed his wide belt and dropped it on the ground. He stood back from Rusty, still dancing and unzipped his pants. The women in the crowd and most of the men looked on excitedly. He turned around, faced the crowd around him and bent over, pulling his pants down to reveal a well rounded ass and huge thighs. He kicked off his shoes and pulled his pants off completely and stood up showing everyone the tight shorts he wore. Again, the women and most of the men looked to see the outline of a substantial bulge. The stripper reached into one pocket of his pants and produced a small key, holding it for someone to take.

Scott stepped forward and grabbed the key. He went to Rusty and dangled it over his head. "Should I?" he asked the crowd. He was answered with a loud "NO!" so Scott stepped away from Rusty, clutching the key in one hand.

"Scott!" Rusty pleaded however, all Scott did was motion to Rusty to look at Harris who had ended his trip throughout the crowd with one and five dollar bills stuffed into his shorts. Scott moved back into the crowd and Cooper walked to him

"Give me the key." Cooper said and Scott handed it to him before moving to stand with some of his and Rusty's straight teammates. Then Cooper went to Rusty as Harris bent over again in front of Rusty. Cooper pushed Rusty's face onto Harris's butt. Rusty was getting into the fun, now, and licked Harris's butt through the cloth. Harris turned around and motioned with his hand to Cooper who reached behind Rusty and removed the handcuffs.

"Fuck! Its about goddamned time!" Rusty said while rubbing his wrists.

Harris pulled the dollar bills from his shorts and handed the money to Cooper. He stepped up to Rusty and pulled the edges of his shorts away from his body at each side. Rusty put his hands where indicated and pulled the shorts down Harris's legs. Underneath, Harris wore a flimsy, golden g-string. Inside, his huge organ hung down, the large head was clearly evident. It swung from side to side as he danced. Next, Harris stepped out of the shorts and flipped them onto Rusty's head. The crowd cheered. Someone grabbed onto his lover and pretended to faint.

Keith, one of Rusty's teammates leaned to Scott. "I've never seen a male stripper before. Gay men sure enjoy this, don't they?"

"Of course, they do." Scott said to him. "Its not any different than a woman stripping at a bachelor party."

"I guess," Keith replied.

After dancing around the edge of the crowd and obtaining more tip money, Harris again removed the bills and handed them to Cooper. Then, while dancing sensually in from of Rusty, Harris slipped his g-string off and his 9 inch, but still semi-flaccid, thick cock flopped out at Rusty's face.

"DAMN!" Keith whispered to Scott. "He's hung like a fucking horse!"

Harris moved to Rusty and shoved his cock into Rusty's face. Rusty opened his mouth and licked the thick cock. "AHHHHHH!" the crowd yelled and then applauded.

"This is TOO MUCH!" Keith exclaimed.

"This is nothing," Scott said to him. "I've seen things happen at gay bars that you wouldn't fucking believe!" Keith looked incredibly at Scott. "What?" Scott asked sarcastically.

Rusty was holding Harris by his hips while the huge cock flopped up and down in front of his face. Rusty would catch it every so often and suck on the head. The crowd had closed on them and watched intently as Harris's cock began to grow. Soon, it stood out from his body at a 45 degree angle with two chunky balls hanging below it. Rusty was grinning profusely, clearly enjoying himself. Harris gyrated from side to side, slapping Rusty with his huge cock. Rusty reached up and grabbed Harris's nuts. He pulled the man to him and engulfed the cock, going down halfway on the large shaft. Harris started fucking Rusty's face, while the crowd cheered him to continue.

"Suck it! Suck it! Suck it! Suck it! Suck it!"

"Suck it, Rusty!" Scott yelled.

"Suck it, Rusty!" Keith yelled. Scott looked at him and Keith shrugged. "What the hell!" Keith said to him.

Rusty sucked Harris's cock for a few minutes. Then Harris pulled out of Rusty's mouth. He leaned to Rusty. "Happy Birthday from Coop and Scott," he said and kissed Rusty on the lips. Harris stood up and turned to the crowd. His big cock hung over his large balls. He bowed to the crowd and they chanted, "MORE! MORE! MORE! MORE!"

Rusty stood up and applauded. Harris turned around and Rusty hugged him. "Thank you," Rusty told him.

"Happy Birthday, Stud." Harris said as he hugged Rusty.

Cooper approached them both. He held Harris's clothes and money in one hand. Rusty hugged Cooper and then kissed him. Many of the guests came up and thanked Harris for the show, offering their hand to shake his. Scott had made his way to them and thanked Harris before hugging Rusty.

Cooper handed Harris his things and Harris handed the handcuffs back to Cooper. "Here, these are for you guys." The guests laughed and Harris began to dress.

"Want to hang around and party?" Scott asked Harris.

"Id like a drink but then I have to leave." He looked at his watch. "My boyfriend and I are going out."

"Can I be your boyfriend?" a man yelled from the crowd and they all laughed.

A few minutes later, Harris left and the party continued. After a while, Rusty was talking with Keith when he saw two men enter the yard. They were big guys, fucking handsome, too, he thought. One was dark haired, the other, blond. The blond was heavily muscled, his chest seemed three feet across. "Excuse me," Rusty said to Keith. He walked a few feet to Scott and nudged him. "Who are they?" Rusty said, nodding in the direction of the two men.

"I don't know. Probably someone Coop invited," Scott said. It was then they saw Cooper approach the two men. They shook hands and hugged. Rusty left Scott and walked to them. Cooper looked around and saw Rusty heading towards them.

"Rusty!" Cooper yelled above the crowd and music. He waved for Rusty to join them. "Rusty Jordan, this is Jake Chambers," Cooper said, introducing the dark haired man.

Rusty shook his hand. "Pleasure to meet you, Rusty and Happy Birthday," Jake said.

"Thanks, Jake." Rusty replied. He was taken aback by Jake's good looks and fine body.

"This is my partner, Lee Dearborn." Rusty shook Lee's hand and almost drooled. Goddamn, he's gorgeous! They both are! Rusty thought. "

"Happy Birthday, Rusty," Lee said.


And then to Cooper, Lee said, "Thanks for inviting us, Coop. Looks like a great party,"

"You should have been here earlier. I hired a stripper for Rusty."

"I'm still gonna get you for that!" Rusty interjected.

"Yeah, right! You loved it." Lee and Jake grinned and nodded. "You guys want a drink?" Cooper asked.

"Yeah, sure," Jake replied.

"Sure," Lee said. Cooper led them inside the house and fixed drinks. Afterwards, Cooper left them to get some more ice.

"So, what do you think?" Lee asked Jake.

"About Rusty?" Jake replied. Lee nodded and Jake continued. "Yes, definitely yes. You?"

"Oh hell, yeah," Lee said. "He's good looking. And Cooper is hot, too. I love his tight, compact body."

"Fuck, we haven't done something like this since senior year," Jake said.

Lee nodded his head. "Yes, I remember Joey, too." he said.

"He had the hots for you. I remember that." Jake said grabbing Lee's arm and squeezing his hard bicep.

Lee smiled. "True. But, if I remember right, it was you that hooked him."

Then Jake asked, "Are we going to do this?"

"Do you want to? If you don't, just say so," Lee told him.

Jake drank his drink. "Fuck it. Yeah. Let's have some fun." Then he put his arms around Lee.

Lee looked into Jake's eyes. "I want you to know, I've loved you for eighteen years and that's not going to stop no matter what happens tomorrow night."

"Lee, that's so sweet. I love you, too."

"However, I think we're going to have a blast!" Lee said and then kissed Jake.

After Jake kissed Lee, he grabbed Lee's crotch and whispered in his ear, "I want some of this when we get home."

"You can have it all, babe, from the root to the tip." He kissed Jake again.

"Woof!" Jake said. They kissed again and after, there was a big, tall, broad-shouldered man standing next to them. The three men made eye contact.

"Don't stop kissing because of me," Scott said jokingly. He smiled at them. "Hi," he said, holding out his right hand. "I'm Scott, Rusty's brother."

"Jake Chambers," Jake said, shaking Scott's hand.

"Lee Dearborn." Lee said. He shook hands with Scott after Jake.

"Goddamn, you're big!" Scott said to Lee. "Both of you look like something out of a gay muscle magazine." Lee and Jake grinned and drank their drinks, almost embarrassed. "Friends of Rusty?" Scott asked.

"No. We...that is..I know Coop," Jake said. "He invited us."

"Cool," Scott said. "Great party, huh?"

"Yes." Jake and Lee said simultaneously.

"Gay men as far as the eye can see," Scott said, surveying the crowd. "I almost feel like the last living heterosexual man." Scott drank heavily from his drink.

Lee and Jake chuckled. "I doubt that," Lee replied. "You know, Scott, you and Rusty don't look much alike for brothers. I hope you don't mind me saying that."

"Well, I'm sort of adopted, I'd guess you could say. Or maybe foster brother would be more correct." Jake and Lee nodded as they listened. "Rusty's parents took me in when he and were in high school. But, I count Rusty as a brother."

"Cool," Jake said.

Then Scott leaned to them and spoke only loud enough for them to hear. "Yes and I have the big dick to prove it." Jake and Lee grinned. "Rusty," Scott began. He held his hand up with his thumb and forefinger three inches apart, "three inches...that's it. The poor fucker." Lee and Jake roared with laughter as Scott grinned and nodded. "I fucking swear."

"That's not what Coop has told us!" Jake said.

"Coop? He's a fucking liar. Don't trust him." Scott said, grinning a drunken grin.

Lee grinned back at Scott. "And you?"

Scott set his drink down on the counter. He held his hands up, "Ten! Ten big, fat, fucking inches, man!"

"YEAH, RIGHT!" Jake said, then, "Prove it!"

Scott drank from his drink again and then looked around the room. No one was looking. He quickly unzipped his pants and hauled out his dick. It was soft, yet, five inches long.

"Whoa!" Jake said.

"See, I told ya!" Scott said. He stood facing them, with his dick hanging from the fly of his pants.

"SCOTT?!" Rusty shouted as he came to them. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?"

"Ut oh, I'm busted!" Scott said and shoved his dick back into his pants. Lee and Jake laughed as Rusty approached them.

"What the FUCK are you doing?" Rusty demanded.

Scott zipped his pants. "Nothing, Bro. Just showing my dick to these guys. They asked to see it. I swear!" He drank from his drink.

Rusty covered his face with his hands. "Oh my God, please give me strength." Then, Rusty sighed. "Scott," he began, "Go find Coop. Tell him I need him. NOW!" Again, Jake and Lee laughed. Rusty looked at them. "I'm so sorry, guys."

"Its ok, Rusty. He was just having fun with us. It's cool," Lee said.

"Check you guys later," Scott said and drunkenly left to find Cooper.

"Why the hell was he doing that? Did you really ask to see his dick?"

Lee answered, "Sort of. He said you had only three inches and he said he had ten. So we said, prove it. And he did."

"That motherfucker," Rusty said. "I don't..."

Jake cut him off, "We know he was only joking."


"Four, maybe." Lee said jokingly.

"Fuck you." Rusty replied and they laughed.

Then Cooper came up to them. "Scott said you needed me to defend your honor." he said to Rusty. "What the fuck was he talking about?"

Again, Rusty sighed. He leaned to Cooper and said, "Scott told them I had a three inch dick."

"And your point is?" Cooper said, sarcastically. Jake and Lee laughed.

"FUCK YOU, TOO! Fuck, its my goddamned birthday party. Why is everyone fucking with ME!" Rusty said, pretending to be angry.

Cooper put his arm around Rusty. "We're just fucking with you BECAUSE its your birthday party."

"Lucky me," Rusty said. He was not mad. He grinned at Coop.

"I love you, babe," Cooper said.

"I love you, too," Rusty replied. They kissed.

"Come on," Cooper said to Jake and Lee with his arm still around Rusty. "Lets go have some fun." Jake put his arm around Lee and the four of them went outside to mingle with the other guests.

The party continued and then people began to leave however, there were about twenty guys still there and most of them were swimming. Rusty and Cooper were hanging out along the poolside, talking with Scott and a couple of guys. Scott was shirtless, wearing only his baggy swimming trunks while Cooper showed off his muscular, stocky body in tight Speedos. Rusty wore only the white cotton briefs he had put on while getting ready for Cooper to take him out that night, yet they were still damp from an earlier swim and hugged his soft dick. Rusty had a good buzz from drinking, yet he was pacing himself. He was feeling good. Cooper had been drinking also but he was not a drunk as Rusty. Scott, on the other hand, was wasted. Rusty and Cooper made fun of his drunken speech.

Cooper walked away from them and met Jake and Lee as they came out of the house. Rusty saw them talking together before the three of them approached him. "It was nice to meet you, Rusty." Jake said to him.

Lee shook Rusty's hand. "Happy Birthday."

"Are you guys leaving?" Rusty asked.

"Yes, we have a long day tomorrow." Jake said.

"I see, well, thanks for the present." Rusty said to them.

"You're welcome," Jake and Lee said simultaneously.

"I'm glad you guys could be here. It was nice meeting you."

"Same here! Thanks to Coop for inviting us." They turned to leave and Cooper followed them to the door, talking in low voices. Hmmmm, he wondered. When Cooper returned, Rusty asked, "What were the three of you talking about?"

Before Cooper could reply, a young man neither Rusty or Scott knew dashed past them to the yard and began to vomit all over the place. Another young man Rusty and Scott did not know, ran up to the sick boy and tried to help him. The second guy escorted the first young man to some bushes where he emptied the rest of his stomach. Rusty and the gang around him, laughed and 'ewwwwed' as he retched again.

Then Coop went to the house and reached inside the door. He flipped a switch, turning the lights off around the pool and patio. "Let's have some fun!" he said. Cooper pulled his Speedo's down to his ankles and stepped out of them. He ran, naked, to the deep end of the pool, and along with whooping from the men in the pool, dived in the water. He surfaced and called to Rusty to join him.

Rusty peeled his briefs off and jumped in alongside Cooper. The rest of the swimmers also pulled their shorts or trunks off and tossed them at the poolside. Scott was the only one still not naked and the men in the pool began to taunt him.

"Take it off! Take it off! Take it off!"

Scott set down his drink. He grinned and turned around then pulled his trunks down past his butt and mooned them. They whooped and hollered and applauded. Then Scott slipped his trunks down to his ankles and stepped out of them. Before the yelling audience, he turned around, revealing his semi-hard dick between two huge thighs. He ran his hands down his body and gyrated his hips seductively. Then he took a few steps to the pool, jumped up in the air and grabbed his legs. Landing in a huge cannonball, he splashed water all over the grinning men.

The few guests in the house filtered out, stripped naked and joined the rest in the pool. The men in the pool played grab ass with each other. Men dived under water and felt each other. Rusty and Coop were not left out, having men, old and young, feeling their butts and cocks. Soon, many had grown erections, showing off their dicks to everyone who wanted to look. Rock and roll music blared from the speakers.

It seemed everyone wanted to touch the only straight guy and Scott went along with the fun, letting guys touch him yet dunking them underwater if they got too friendly. Soon, he climbed out of the pool, grabbed his drink and then lowered himself back in, holding onto the side of the pool with his thick arms. He drank, watching the men having fun until Rusty and Coop joined him. After a while he pulled himself out of the pool and offered to get drinks. Many of the men stared as he walked to the house. He came back, soon, with refreshed drinks and beer. He handed the drinks to the guys, most of whom had gotten out of the pool and stood naked, talking amongst themselves.

Scott drank his strong drink and stood with them, drunkenly proud of his body in front of an all gay audience. He allowed them to touch his body, his chest, his legs and even his dick and balls. He was unashamed when he began to get hard while a young man stroked his dick. But, then, he pushed them all away, saying the groping was over. Several awwww's and damnits ended the show when Scott put on his swimming trunks.

Around midnight, Scott found himself outside, alone. He finished his drink and deciced to go to bed. Walking inside the house, he saw men in various stages of sucking, fucking and just plain jacking off to a DVD. He passed by them and headed for his room. When he opened the door, he saw two men on his bed, fucking like rabbits. "Shit." He looked at Rusty's closed bedroom door. "Fuck it." he whispered to himself and opened the door. Looking in, he found Rusty and Coop naked on the bed. There was a small light on Rusty's nightstand which illuminated the room, dimly. However, Scott could see Rusty was poised over Cooper's crotch, sucking his dick. Drunk and horny, Scott silently stepped into the room and quietly closed the door. He leaned against the wall and stroked his growing erection is his swimming trunks.

Rusty noticed him then. He sat up and Cooper followed Rusty's gaze at Scott. "Im sorry, Rusty. There are guys fucking on my bed," Scott said, continuing to rub his dick. "There's no place else, guys are fucking everywhere."

"Scott, you can't...." Rusty said.

There was a long pause.

Then Scott said, "I want to.....ummmmm....want to....that is...ummm if you guys....ummmmm... I'd like to....ummmmm..........join you." The last two words were almost a whisper.

Rusty looked at him with surprise. "You want to join us?"

"If its ok." Scott glanced down at his crotch. "I'm real horny."

"Rusty," Cooper began, "It could be fun?" He shrugged slightly. Rusty looked at Coop silently as he considered the situation. "Its your call, Rusty."

Rusty looked at the bulge in Scott's trunks. "Come here," Rusty said. Scott walked slowly to the bed. Rusty reached out and grabbed Scott's damp swimming trunks. He pulled them down and Scott's cock hung stood out from his body, semi-erect. It was already six inches long.

"Damn!" Cooper said as Scott stepped out of his trunks and let them look at him.

"Come on, Bro, lie down," Rusty said. Rusty and Cooper made room for him between them.

"I'm sorry, guys." Scott said again as he moved into the space they made for him."

"Its ok, Scott," Rusty said. Scott settled on the bed. It was quiet in the room for a few minutes.

Then Scott felt a hand on his naked chest. It was Rusty. Then he felt another hand on his chest. It was Cooper. They rubbed Scott's hairy, broad chest together.

"Are you sure, Rusty?" Scott asked.

"I guess so," Rusty said.

"And you Coop, are you sure?"

Cooper looked at Rusty who nodded. "Fine by me," Coop said.

Scott's dick was semi-hard and laid heavily on his stomach. Rusty and Cooper put their hands on Scott's chest. Their fingers played with his chest hair and teased his nipples. Scott moved his arms over his head. Together, Cooper and Rusty leaned over Scott and licked his chest while their hands roamed down his body. They mimicked each other's moves, running their hands over Scott's broad stomach and then down to his huge thighs. As they kissed his nipples, Scott moaned under them. Then, together, they caressed his hairy thighs, moving their hands up higher and higher until their hands reached his balls at the same time, fingering the hairy scrotum.

Cooper raised his head and Rusty lifted his. They kissed over Scott's chest as they grabbed each of Scott's nuts in one hand. Next, Rusty and Cooper broke their kiss and then, simultaneously nuzzled their lips into Scott's neck, licking and gently biting him there. Scott groaned under them.

"Fuck." Scott whispered.

They attacked his nipples from each side, licking and biting them. They kissed his chest and licked down Scott's broad, hairy stomach. Cooper and Rusty kissed over Scott's throbbing dick before lowering their mouths onto the huge, mushroomed head. Scott gasped out loud. "Ahhhh, Mmmmmm." Cooper grabbed the base of Scott's cock and held it up in front of them. They wrapped their lips around the massive head and tongued the slit. Scott dropped his hands to the bed and grabbed the mattress. "Fucking AWESOME!" he whispered to them. He looked down and watched Rusty and Cooper licking up and down his hard shaft.

Then Cooper went down to Scott's nuts and began licking them. "Look at these big ass balls, Rusty! Fuck!" Cooper cupped Scott's nuts in one hand and hefted them. "Jesus, their heavy! You must have a huge load stored in these fuckers, Scott."

"Fucking A!."

"Lucky, us!" Rusty said to Cooper. Rusty laid with his torso about a foot away from Scott's head as he watched Cooper sucking the meaty sac into his mouth, taking one then the other nut.

"Ahhh fuck yeah! Suck my big balls! Suck my nuts, man!"

Cooper sucked the entire scrotum into his mouth and pulled on the hefty nuts. He licked the huge orbs, relishing the weight against his tongue.

Rusty continued to blow Scott's big dick. He suckled on the head and swallowed precum. He licked up and down the shaft, teasing the sensitive spot where the glans met in a V shaped cleft. Then Cooper dropped Scott's balls from his mouth and licked under them. Next, he moved up Scott's cock and traded places with Rusty, who nudged his nose into Scott's hairy balls. He, too, pulled the fleshy scrotum into his mouth and pulled on them. After a few minutes, he rejoined Cooper, licking Scott's huge erection. They licked and sucked the head and the shaft, tracing their tongues along the blood veins encircling the organ. They went up and down, up and down, taking turns sucking the head. Their lips met and they kissed with the swollen head between their mouths while their hands caressed his quivering stomach and hard pecs.

Scott was breathing heavily, his breath hissed between clenched teeth. "Fuck, this is the best head I've ever got! You guys are fucking HOT down there!" He tossed his head back and forth on the bed. Then he stopped. At his right was Rusty's slightly hairy stomach and muscled thighs. Between those, Rusty's seven inch cock stood out from his thick pubic hair. Two good sized nuts hung below it. Scott stared at Rusty's cock and balls. He inched his shoulders over to his right.

Rusty held Scott's cock at the base and pumped it as Cooper eased the huge head into his mouth. He inched his mouth down the organ and met Rusty's hand. Rusty moved his hand away and watched as Scott's cock disappeared fully into Cooper's mouth. He watched as Cooper pulled back up and saliva coated Scott's cock. Rusty dove down, not being able to deep throat a dick like Coop, however, he took more than half of the eight inch stalk into his mouth. Scott groaned again, and inched his shoulders to the right.

Cooper and Rusty continued to trade Scott's cock between their mouths. They sucked his dick and massaged his huge nuts. They played with his thick pubic hair and kissed his lower belly. Scott's precum was flowing now, coating the head and mixing with their saliva to form a natural lubricant. Scott's cock slid easily into their mouths and they watched each other pleasuring Rusty's foster brother.

Then Rusty felt warmness on his cock. He looked down and saw Scott had his hand around Rusty's cock and was pulling it to his lips. He saw Scott purse his lips in not quite a kiss and not quite a sucking motion. It was more of just pressing his opened mouth against the head of Rusty's cock. Rusty was amazed. He intentionally butted his head against Cooper's and with a short nod, a quick movement of his eyes; he motioned for Coop to look at Scott. Cooper looked at Scott just in time to see Scott flick his tongue across the piss slit of Rusty's cock. His eyes grew large at what he saw. Rusty pressed one finger to his own lips making a "be quiet" motion. Cooper grinned at Rusty and they resumed sucking Scott's cock.

After a few minutes, Rusty released Scott's cock and let Cooper deep throat him. He rolled onto his back and looked down to see Scott taking the head of his dick into his mouth. He took a chance and put his hand on the back of Scott's head. He gently pushed Scott into his crotch. Rusty lay on the bed and gasped audibly.

"Suck it, Scott," Cooper whispered, "Suck his dick." Scott took another inch of Rusty's cock into his mouth. Rusty could feel Scott's tongue licking the head of his prick. Scott leaned over Rusty and began to suck his cock faster and faster. With one hand, he grasped Rusty's cock around the base and pumped him as he sucked. Scott gagged. He pulled back and suppressed a gag reflex.

"Fuck, this is more difficult than it looks." Scott said looking up at Rusty. "Not gagging, I mean."

Cooper pulled off of Scott's cock and chuckled. Rusty chuckled, too. "Don't try and take it all, Scott," Cooper offered. "Just take whatever feels comfortable."

"Yes, that's right, Scott. I still can't deep throat like Cooper can," Rusty said.

Scott stroked Rusty's erection. "Really? I thought all gay men can deep throat."

"Nope." Rusty said.

"Fuck, Cooper, you're good though," Scott said still pumping Rusty's cock. "Hardly any woman can take me like you can."

"All you have to do is drop your jaw, keep your lips over your teeth so you don't scratch and relax your throat. It takes practice."

"I guess I need more practice then," Scott said and returned his face to Rusty's crotch.

Rusty let Scott get into a nice rhythm before moving over Scott and took his cock Cooper offered. They sucked Scott for several more minutes while Scott pumped Rusty's cock into his mouth.

Then Scott moved under them. He rolled over to his left side and pulled Cooper's dick to his face. He stared at Cooper's uncircumcised cock and rolled the foreskin back and forth over the head. Rusty kept Scott's cock against his face and watched.

Scott chuckled. "This is interesting," Scott said watching Cooper's foreskin wrapping and unwrapping the head. Scott chuckled again. "Its like a turtle!" Rusty laughed loudly.

"Watch this!" Cooper announced. He sat up and placed his cock head directly against Scott's. Rusty held Scott's cock up to Cooper's cock. He watched Scott's expression as Cooper moved his foreskin over Scott's cock, engulfing the head.

"Fucking Awesome!" Scott exclaimed. "Fuck that feels good!"

"This is called 'docking'," Cooper said.


"Yep," Rusty answered.

"Docking. How funny! But I can see why its called that. Fucking incredible. You guys are hilarious." Scott said

"I was with this guy once," Rusty began, "he was uncut, too. I wanted to try docking with him, right? But when I put my cock next to his, I knew it was not going to work. He was uncut but had a small dick. I knew there was no way I was going to get his foreskin over my dick. He was too fucking small."

"You fucking stud!" Scott said.

"Really," Cooper began, "You have a nice, dick Rusty. Hell, its over average and I'm below that."

"Fuck Coop, I love your cock. Its a bit shorter than I am but you got me beat in girth. Seriously. I'll take girth over length any day."

Scott said, "Women have told me the same thing, Rusty. I've had women who I couldn't fuck because I'm too long. Vaginas are like dicks, some are long and some are short."

"Ok you guys, mentioning vaginas has made me go completely soft," Cooper said.

"Sorry Coop," Scott said, grinning. He laid back on the bed and spread his legs. "Someone please get me off. My balls are turning blue." Scott relaxed on the bed and Rusty and Cooper resumed their play.

Rusty licked down Scott's chest. He tongued Scott's nipple as Scott heaved his chest up to meet Rusty's mouth. Rusty's hand squeezed Scott's hard cock. Scott gasped.

Cooper pushed Scott's arm back over his head and dived into Scott's armpit. He licked and sucked the thick hair there, relishing Scott's man scent.

Rusty licked and kissed Scott as he moved his mouth down, down and down, to Scott's quivering stomach. He tongued Scott's hairy navel, licking and kissing him as Scott's hard cock head nudged against his cheek. Scott placed a hand on the back of Rusty's head. Rusty pulled Scott's dick aside and shoved his face into the thick tangle of brown hair surrounding Scott's dick. His hand massaged Scott's balls.

Then Rusty sat up and leaned to Scott. Cooper looked up from Scott's armpit and watched as Rusty kissed Scott. Just their lips met. They kissed, gently, making small a small, succulent noise. Cooper moved up so he could kiss Rusty. They kissed, hard and passionate as Scott watched them. Then Cooper lowered his lips to Scott and they kissed, just their lips, same as Rusty.

Scott kissed each of them again before putting his hands on the back of their heads. "Do it," Scott said softly as he urged them down to his crotch. They moved down as Scott gently ran his fingers through their hair. He looked down and watched them lick his cock from each side. They licked up and down and then shared the massive cock head. Scott began to thrust his cock between their lips. Rusty sucked the head and Cooper leaned his face to Scott nuts, licking and sucking them. They traded places again and Scott's breath began to hiss between his teeth. His stomach tensed and relaxed, his chest heaved. Scott threw his head back and forth on the bed, grasping their hair in each hand. His cock grew rock hard. Rusty was tonguing Scott's nuts when he felt them contract against the root of his cock.

"Oh fuck! Oh Fuck! Ahhhhhhhhh FUCK!"

Rusty quickly joined Cooper at Scott's cock. They held it firmly against their lips and felt the head grow fatter. Then, with a huge grunt from Scott, his cock lurched against their mouths. A small drop of semen shot out of the head. It arched over their heads and landed on Scott's stomach. Quickly another shot of semen, this one was huge, spurt out and landed on Cooper's forehead.

"Ahh yeah!" Cooper whispered.

Rusty pushed his lips over the head and caught the next two. They shot into his mouth and coated his tongue. He slurped around the head and offered Cooper the next two volleys of thick cum directly into Cooper's lips. They landed there and quickly dripped onto his chin. Scott's cock was coated with cum and he continued to give them more. It ran out of the huge slit and rolled down the massive stalk, dripping into his pubic hair. Rusty and Coop continued to suck and lick Scott's throbbing cock while he writhed under them, bucking and cursing, "OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK!"

Cooper, his face coated with delicious straight man cum, dived onto Scott's cock and wedged the head into his throat. More come slithered out of the slit and flowed directly down his throat. Rusty licked cum off of Cooper's face. Then Cooper pulled up and offered the still hard cock to Rusty. Rusty went down on Scott, taking more the the hard shaft than he had been able to. He sucked on Scott's still throbbing organ as he felt Scott fall back onto the bed. Rusty laid his face on Scott's hot, hairy stomach and nursed his cock, sucking the last of the juice from his big, beefy balls. Coop licked Rusty's face now, sucking cum from his cheek and chin. He licked the area of the shaft not in Rusty's mouth, wrapping his tongue into the thick hair around the base. Scott's cock remained hard and continued to eject more cum into Rusty's sucking mouth. It must have been five full minutes Rusty lay that way, with Scott's cock softening slowly. Gasping for air, Rusty let Scott's cock fall from his lips only to be taken into Cooper's mouth, sucking him dry for another few minutes.

Rusty sat up and wiped his mouth and face with the back of his hand. Scott lay before him, still breathing hard and whispering, "That was the best, the best ever. Oh man that was awesome." Rusty laid his head on Scott's chest and Scott rubbed his head.

Then Cooper climbed over Scott. He pushed Rusty off of Scott and dove between Rusty's legs. He positioned his crotch over Rusty's face. Rusty reached up and guided Cooper's cock to his lips. They began to suck each other.

Scott sat up on one elbow and watched. As Rusty and Cooper sixty-nined, Scott ran his hands over their bodies. "Suck his cock, Coop. Yeah, suck that big dick. Rusty, that cock stretching your lips? Suck your man's cock. Eat his load. Man, you guys are hot! That's it Coop, suck on Rusty's nuts. Yeah man, eat those big balls, lick em, lick em. Fucking hot." Scott shoved his head in between their bodies and kissed Rusty's nipples. He did the same to Cooper nickle-sized nips, sucking them into his mouth. He watched as Cooper's nuts banged against Rusty's chin as Rusty sucked Coop's fat cock. He reached over and felt Coop's balls. He massaged them like he would his own. Then he did the same to Rusty's, touching his adopted brother's nuts for the first time in many years. They were bigger and hairy than he remembered. Scott moved out from between them and sat back watching. This was interesting, he thought.

Then what happened next, blew Scott's mind.

Rusty pushed Cooper off of him. Cooper fell between Rusty and Scott, who moved over to make room. Cooper lifted his legs and Rusty positioned himself between them. "Oh HELL, someone's about to get a hot beef injection!" Scott exclaimed.

Rusty pointed to the nightstand, " drawer.....small bottle of lube. I need it."

"I bet you fucking DO!" Scott replied.

"Just shut up and get it," Rusty said. Scott found the bottle. He flipped the lid open and then went to hand it to Rusty. "Squirt some on my dick."

Scott hesitated. "Ok, guys we're going BEYOND friends here. WAY beyond friends. You ok with this Coop? I can leave if you want me to."

"Hell, Scott you might as well stay around. Like you said, we're way beyond friends now."

"Suit yourself," Scott said and squirted a generous amount of lube on Rusty's dick. Rusty cringed.


"Yeah. Stroke it for me?"

"Me? Why me?"

"Just shut up and DO IT!" Rusty demanded. Scott grabbed Rusty's cock and spread the lube around it, getting it warm. "Fuck, your hard as rock." Rusty moved to Coop who still had his legs up in the air. Scott guided Rusty's cock to Cooper's hole and then let go.

"You take it from here, Rusty." Scott said. However, he remained where he was and watched as Rusty swiped his cock up and down Cooper's hard muscled ass and then stopped at his opening. Rusty eased himself inside, the head of his cock disappearing into Cooper. "Out-fucking-rageous!" Scott exclaimed. "Doesn't that hurt?!"

"Shut up!" Cooper shouted. "You're ruining the mood!"

"Sorry." Scott said and fell back on the bed. He tossed the lube onto the nightstand and wiped his hands on his chest. Then he watched as Rusty began to fuck Cooper. Rusty began thrusting inside Cooper who appeared to Scott to really enjoy Rusty's seven inch, hard cock driving into his ass. After a few minutes, Scott moved around to watch Rusty's cock sliding in and out of Cooper's hairy ass.

At first, Rusty fucked Cooper fast and hard. Then, he slowed down, making deliberate jabs into his lover. Scott moved closer as Rusty slowly fucked Cooper. He watched Rusty's cock enter the man, his ass stretching wide to accommodate the long shaft. He noticed Rusty would pull out so just the head remained inside Coop and then would shove back in until his balls slapped against coopers ass.

"Harder Rusty! Harder, faster! Come on fucker! Give me all of that big cock!"

Scott grinned as Cooper talked dirty. Rusty started fucking Cooper faster and harder. "That's it Rusty! Fuck his ass! Give him that big fucking cock! He likes your cock man! Fuck him!" Scott put his hands on Rusty's ass and pushed Rusty into Cooper. "Fuck him! Fuck that ass! Fuck him hard! He wants it! Come in his ass!"

Scott ran his hands over Rusty's body, feeling Rusty's muscles contracting and relaxing as he fucked Cooper. "Grab his cock, Scott!" Rusty hissed. "Jack him off while I fuck him hard!"

Scott reached under them and grabbed Coop's cock. He masturbated Cooper as Rusty started thrusting harder and faster. Scott leaned against Rusty's sweating body. He whispered in his ear. "Fuck him, Rusty! Fuck his ass! Fuck him, my Brother!" Scott jacked Cooper's cock faster.

Cooper began to squirm on the bed. He began to breathe faster and pushed his body to meet Rusty's thrusts. "I'm gonna cum!" Cooper announced.

"Me too! I'm gonna come!" Rusty echoed.

"Fuck him, Buddy! Fuck your man! He loves your cock in his ass! Come in his ass! Give him your man juice!" Scott was holding onto Rusty tightly. He had Cooper's cock in his other hand. It was stone hard.


Scott felt Cooper's cock beginning to throb in his hand. He felt warm liquid on is fingers and knew it was Cooper's cum. He stroked Cooper's cock faster and faster until he was spent. Scott glanced down and saw Cooper's belly was covered with cum. "Fucking awesome!" Scott said.

Then Rusty tensed. "Ohhh FUCK HERE IT COMES! HERE.......IT....COMES! AHHHHH YEAH!" Scott had his hand on Rusty's butt. He felt Rusty's body seize up and pushed Rusty into Cooper. He held his bucking brother against Cooper's upturned ass and said, "That's it man, come in your lover. Give him your juice! Fuck his ass! Ohhh yeah, Rusty. You da MAN! You da MAN! Shoot that hot load deep in him! You da man!" Rusty fell over Cooper and they kissed. He thrusted into Cooper, over and over as they kissed. Then he relaxed fully onto Cooper, kissing him as Cooper ran his hands over Rusty's sweaty body.

Scott moved away from them and sat back on the bed. He watched as they kissed. "In-fucking-credible." Scott said after a minute. Then Rusty rolled over and fell off of Cooper who moved to lay his head on Rusty's chest. "You guys," Scott began, "are the best. That was wild! I had no idea man to man sex could be like that. I had no idea."

Rusty looked at Scott and grinned. "Want to play on OUR team now?"

Scott chuckled. "Guys, this has been fun and its been an eye opener for me. I thank you for sharing this with me. I'll never forget it. But, I think I'm going to stay on my original team." Scott laid down next to them for a few minutes. Then, "I gotta piss," Scott said. He got out of bed and went to Rusty's bathroom.

Rusty moved to the middle of the bed next to Coop and snuggled up to his back, thier legs wrapped around each others. Soon, Scott returned and got into bed with them. Rusty motioned for Scott to lay next to him in the way he was laying next to Coop. "A Rusty sandwich," Rusty said, making them chuckle.

"Is that like a Manwich?" Scott asked jokingly.

"Its more than a meal," Cooper added.

Rusty sighed and they grew quiet. "This is nice. I have the two men I love most in the world right here next to me." He kissed Coop's cheek. "Good night, Coop. Thanks for the awesome birthday."

"Good night, Rusty. I love you." Coop replied.

"Good night, John-Boy," Scott said making them laugh again.

They grew silent again. Then Cooper asked, "Can you guys give me some more room, I'm about to fall off the fucking bed." Scott hitched himself over a couple of inches. Rusty moved over and pulled Coop with him.

"Better?" he asked.

"Uh huh."

"Sorry, the bed isn't made for three men," Rusty said.

"Its too small for three men and Scott's big ass balls," Coop said making Rusty laugh.

"Not too big you couldn't get them into your fucking mouth." Scott replied.

"Ooooo, good one, Scott." Rusty said. "By the way, I can feel those big ass balls against my ass."

"Sorry," Scott said and inched his crotch from Rusty's butt.

"Why did you move? It felt good and was making me hard again."

"OH HELL NO!" Scott exclaimed. "If you guys want to do anything more, just help yourselves to the floor. Leave me out of this one."

Cooper snickered along with Rusty. "No way, I'm too tired to do anything about it," Rusty added.

Five minutes later, they were all asleep.

Copyright 2004

I hope ya'll enjoyed this one.

Chapter Four will be posted in a few days.

Next: Chapter 4

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