Alleys & Alcoves

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Aug 31, 2006


ALLEYS & ALCOVES Part 5 by bawdypen

It was 3 a.m.

That left me and the third guy. I didn't like his face, his body, his cock, or his age. Then he put one foot way up onto an iron ladder that led to the roof and reached back, opening his buttocks to show me his asshole. I dropped to my knees.

It was beautiful. It gaped open with no sign of closing. He hung onto the ladder and thrust his buttocks back at me.

"Wow, man, your asshole sure opens up!" I gasped.

"Heh! We know why, right?"


"Jeez, kid, don't you know where you are? You never heard of Poop Alley?"


"Poop Alley. Men come here to shit. Men lick turds while guys like me take a shit!"

"T-that's why your hole's....?!!"

"Yep. I shit here more often than at home. I'm no jewel, but there's always someone who'll lick my shit and clean my hole."

I heard what he said--I understood--it disgusted me. That was the rational part of my mind that said I was in the WRONG place! As usual, the emotional part had priority. I already had my tongue swirling around the inside of his sloppy rectum. It was the most exciting asshole I'd ever tongued out. Never mind that the smell was getting stronger and stronger. Never mind that the taste was getting awful raunchy. I loved assholes and a few times in the past I'd ignored the fact that the hole I was rimming was rather smelly and maybe wasn't particularly clean. But I'd never encountered one that smelled and tasted as bad as that man's bunghole. Still, I'd never encountered an asshole that was as spectacular as his, either. I was so deliriously happy that when something inside began to press on my tongue I kept circling around it. I knew what it the back of my mind. I just didn't care. I didn't want to take my tongue out for anything! So when his anus began to really expand and open up, I just made that thing FORCE my tongue out. Well, it did, of course. A big hot roll of shit came sliding out slowly. The smell got lots worse but the taste wasn't any different than I'd already experienced, so I just kept licking. Prepared to just lick around his stretched asshole, I soon found myself taking laps down to the rounded end and back.

That's when I knew I was lost. Actually, what I knew was... I'd found where I belonged--KNEELING IN POOP ALLEY! I was on my fucking knees licking the fat turd of some older man who was taking a shit--and I was loving it! That was my first clue.

My second clue was when I returned the next weekend. Not late, when the crowd had thinned out so I wouldn't feel so embarrassed sucking cock in some dark alley, but earlier when up to a dozen guys would be crowded into that alcove behind the closed businesses doing filthy things I'd never even imagined. Well, I had imagined it, of course...many times. That's why I took to it so easily. I'd just never acknowledged those thoughts to myself except in the throes of jerking off to some nasty scenario.And even then I just attributed it to momentary insanity.

It only took til my cock got hard before I jumped right in. That was, oh, about a minute and a half. I think it was seeing the guy crouched against the wall with two cocks pissing down his throat that got me pulling my pants down without any hesitation. But it would have happened within five minutes anyway, because when I crowded back in there and turned my head to peek behind a real nice, bent-over ass I saw the man crouched behind him eating the turd coming out!

I stood right next to them, wide-eyed, beating my meat, watching him capture every bit of the younger guy's smelly brown shit and swallowing it. Before the man could lick his shitty asshole clean, the guy spun around and yanked him to his feet. He grabbed his cock and stroked it, then yanked the guy's pants all the way down and turned him around.

"Bend over, turdbreath," he demanded. "I wanna suck your loaf. I don't usually, but tonight I feel like sucking on a big hot turd!"

"Oooh, yeah, baby!" the man moaned, bending way over, spreading his legs, and wiggling his skinny rump in the guy's face. "You'll dig it, baby. My shit tastes good!"

There was a snort from a few feet away, but nobody had to ask how the man knew it tasted good. The way he'd chowed down that turd, it was easy to picture him watching himself shit in a mirror then getting down and scarfing up his own.

The younger guy sucked his asshole and licked it out, and when that turd started coming out he backed away and watched it.

"Aww, that's pretty," he moaned when about three inches stuck out. He leaned forward and put his nose on it and started to stiff it. He groaned, then he started to lick it. He ran his tongue around and around, tonguing off the slime. "Mmm, fat and juicy! Just what I wanted. Easy, dude. I haven't licked a turd that smelled this nice since the last time my old man shit on me. Can't wait til the old fuck gets out of prison."

He hungrily wrapped his lips over it and began to lewdly suck on the steaming thing. On impulse, I bent over and got my face just above the man's buttocks and took a big whiff. It stunk, but not as bad as the one I'd licked the week before. It sure looked good coming out of there. The turd-sucker glanced up and must have seen the gleam my eyes had in the moonlight because he reached up and pulled me down by the hair until my lips were pressed against the man's asshole and the shit that was sliding out. What the hell, that's what I was there for, wasn't it? I stared into his eyes and began running my tongue all around--around the asshole and along the oily turd. His eyes sparkled as he sucked away, impressed seeing me do that so close. Also, I was the youngest one there.

There was definitely something uniquely exciting about sharing that turd with him. It made the perverseness all the more thrilling and obscene. As it got longer and longer, I licked the full length...even licking around the other guy's lips. Two figures came up next to us, masturbating big cocks.

"Hey, check this out," one chuckled.

"Yeah, looks like the poop-sucker brought along his little brother. I think we oughta sit on their faces when they're done, don't you?"

"Yep, which one do you want. I'd kinda like to mash my shitty hole all over this pretty face." He stuck his finger between my cheeks and played with my asshole.

My partner glanced up, pulled his mouth off and secured the turd in place with his fingers.

"Fuck off. I don't suck nigger turds," he calmly said before taking the man's shit back into his mouth. I got appre- hensive and rather frightened. But the guy just chuckled.

"Well, I guess that's cool. I don't either."

"What do you say, buttercup," his friend hissed in my ear. "Ever sucked out a nigger's ass? I got a real greasy one. Haven't washed it in two weeks."

Looking up, I gulped. "Uh, I, um, never have. This is only my second one." I was intimidated...especially by his big black cock which was waving in my face. I wasn't sure whether I wanted to or not.

"Oughta give it a try, sweetie. Meanwhile, open that little pucker of yours so I can get my fingers in. I want a taste of your cute white bung. I won't hurt ya."

He wet a couple of his fingers and stuck 'em back there. I took him at his word and loosened up so he could penetrate me. I'd done it myself so many times it was pretty easy for me to relax. He slid them all the way in, carefully and slowly, and twisted them around. When he eased them out he took them to his mouth and smeared my gunk all over his lips--sniffing all the while then sticking out his tongue and licking them off.

"Mmmm. I like it. Come on, sugarbutt. Pull those pants all the way off and lay down. Forget about turds for now, let's just get down and suck butts!"

I don't know exactly why, but I glanced at my partner for some kind of advice. He caught my hesitation and looked the guy over.

"Go ahead, kid. Never know if you like the taste of 'em til you suck one. Personally, I didn't care for it much."

Well, that settled one thing. No, two. He obviously wasn't prejudiced or he wouldn't even have tried it, and saying 'nigger' wasn't taboo around shitlickers. The guy knelt down and I let him pull my pants off. I was tingling with surprising anticipation and found using that word highly sexual when I thought to myself, 'I'm gonna suck out a big nigger's dirty asshole!' It made my cock really hard and, after dragging over a long piece of dusty cardboard, I layed down.

"Atta boy," he grinned down at me. "I just loves ta sit down on a honky boy's pretty pink lips!"

He swung over me and began to squat. As those big black globes descended, I was hit with an overpowering stench...just like he'd promised. It was strong and wicked...a stink I'd never smelled before. He was ripe--there was no doubt about that. I knew I was in for something special.

He hiked my knees up, but before pulling them back he spent a while grinding his greasy asshole all over my face. Back and forth--all over my nose and mouth and even my forehead--he rubbed his big smelly asshole. It was dirty. It was real dirty. Hell, it seemed downright filthy! I could taste his shit immediately. There had to be a goodly amount along his unwashed wasn't all sweat and grime. Would you believe? I layed there, feeling him playing with my cock and balls, thinking I was truly in heaven! The moment he let up on the pressure I began to lap his crack. I wanted to lick it all off. I wanted to lick him out! I nibbled around his big black hole and tongued out the shitty wrinkles, then I jabbed up his loose hole and started licking out his musky rectum!

"Oooh, this boy likes my nigger ass! He's already licked the shit from my butthole and he's got his tongue up my ass for more!"

He dove down on my rock-hard cock and gave it a couple of deep-throating sucks. He was then smart enough to leave it alone. He yanked my legs back and buried his face in my rearend. Everything increased ten-fold because he liked my ass as much as I liked his. And when he started to eat me out I sucked his black shithole as if I'd never get enough of that bitter, nasty taste. I'd been rimmed lots of times, and by some pretty shameless bunglovers, but he had the longest tongue I'd ever felt up there. It was incredible. I could feel him probing me so deeply it almost felt like I was getting fucked by a little cock. It made me wish I had a ten-inch tongue myself. Yessir, if this big smelly black dude wanted to take a shit, I'd open my mouth! I wouldn't eat it--unless he made me--unless he forced that big juicy thing down my throat--but I'd sure as hell give his turd my best white boy's suck job!

I didn't have long to wait. It was fat, but it wasn't very long. It just kinda popped out of his ass. And popped into my mouth! Hard and sectioned, it was just right to suck and lick the juices off. I alternated taking sucks on it and poking my tongue up his ass, giving both a cursory cleanup. That probing tongue kept me licking away at it.

He also wanted mine. He wanted me to shit. He wanted to lick the juices off MY turd!

Some pantsless guy squats in the corner and beats off watching me, and all the time he's shitting one of his own. He has a messy one and walks over to a guy he'd seen licking some else's dirty ass. He bends over. He wants his hole tongued clean. The guy tells him to go fuck himself.

"I offered earlier, remember? You wouldn't even let me watch you," he said, honestly insulted. "I'm a turd-licker, man. I'll lick any man's warm, fresh turd while he takes a shit. But I'm not a wad of toilet paper you can just yank off the roll whenever you feel like it!"

The guy's taken aback, properly chastised, but not discouraged.

"Hey," he announces, "I just took a real messy crap. Who wants to suck my ass?"

Up and bent over now, shitting for my black buddy who's licking all over it, I watched the guy back there shitting. He didn't shit turds, just this sputtering brown mush that plopped from his ass into a soft pile of dung.

Two guys came forward. One started giving him a blowjob while the other got behind and started licking his ass. The one in back was eagerly lapping up the filth from his rearend.

"Oh, that's good, man!" he cried. "Hell, I'da let you shoot that creamy pulp right down my throat. I'd suck it out of your ass!"

"Wait a minute," the guy says breathlessly, pulling his prick from the other guy's mouth. He walks over and squats down on the pile of shit laying there and rubs his asscrack all over it. Then he gets back in position. "Here, do it again."

I got fucked and blown, had my turds licked, and ate out a couple more white, one Mexican, no turds. My black pal wanted to fuck me but it was just too damned big. So some other guy screwed me while he knelt by waiting to clean his cock. Then I sucked him off. Boy, what a load he shot in my mouth!

The place had thinned out by the time I left. There were turds and chunks laying around but one thing I noticed was the big pile of mush was gone. Some degenerate must have gotten down and sucked it up, right off the dirty cement! And it wasn't the guy who'd twice eaten the ass clean, cause I saw him leave right after. Somebody else ate that pile of crap! _________________

"Okay, boys, GO!"

"Last week I had sex with this guy in an alley. It was dangerous and wild. He blew me, fucked me, then blew me again."

"One time this older married man picked me up and took me to a hotel to suck his dick. I ended up sucking his ass for an hour and a half."

"Yeah? Did he have a real nice one?"

"No, not really. It was hairy and kinda stinky, but he'd never had it done to him before and he liked it a lot. I went down under his balls, like I always do, and sniffed around. It was pretty cruddy and sweaty. I took one quick lick and was gonna get back to his cock, but he yelped and held my head down there. I got into it cause he was enjoying it so much...and that made me start digging it. His butthole was sure clean by the time I got done!"

"Stinky with sweat or stinky with shit?"

"Both. I could really taste it when I shoved my tongue up his rump."

"I probably would have stopped. I did lick a guy's cock once after I'd pulled it out of another guy's ass. It was a wild three-way and the guys were hot. Also, I was drunk. I wanted to suck the cream off his knob so bad I didn't care about the shit on it. The guy went nuts seeing me doing it, and urged me to clean it thoroughly...licking the shaft from his ass, watching me tongue off the brown streaks. Yikes!"

"Now, see, that's gross to me. Yet I don't mind licking a guy's hot turd! Weird, hunh?"

"LICKING A TURD?!! Did...did he shit in your mouth?!"

"Not exactly. He kinda shit in my face while I was rimming him."

"That was rude!"

"No shit. I had my tongue up his ass, lapping and slurping away, and it took a while to realize he was taking a shit and I was licking on his smelly turd! His friend was fucking me real good, holding my head in place and urging me to keep licking it. He kept calling me a dirty cocksucker and stuff like that, and I guess I got off on the humiliation cause as soon as he said do it, it was like getting permission, you know? Anyway, suddenly that fat turd looked sorta hot. It didn't really taste too bad, either. Looked like a bunch of shiny rolled-up balls all glued together by the sticky stuff all over it. The sticky stuff is what I kept licking off."


"I guess."

"Shitjuice. You were licking off his shitjuice."

"Yeah. I thought at the time I wasn't really licking his shit, just that juice. But I guess I was, hunh?"

"Yep. That's what they mean by 'a juicy turd'!"

"Anyway, I never did it again, but I think I would."

"I shit for a guy once. He wanted to watch me do it. I couldn't, but I met him again two days later when I had a big one. Guess he liked it like you cause he ended up getting down and licking it. That surprised me and him...especially when I turned around and watched. He got real embarrassed and flustered afterward, but at the time he was pounding his meat and lapping it like a fuckin' dog! I got so turned on I jacked off over his face and my shit. Shoulda seen him lick it then! I could go for doing that again."

"Hey, I didn't mean...!"

"Oh, say, I didn't either. J-just being honest."

"Yeah, the situation would have to be..."

"Just right. Sure, I can understand that. Me, too."

"Besides, the two of us?! Could you imagine?"

"Heh! Silly. I mean, we might suck and fuck once in a while, like now, but..."

"...and I do like rimming you, but..."

"That's a whole different thing..."

"Besides, you probably don't even"

"Um, actually I think I do."

"Oh. Yeah, but it probably wouldn't be big enough and..."

"...stinky and sticky? Don't count on it. It's been three days."

They chuckled nervously, staring at each other a long time. Suddenly, one jumped up.

"Stick your butt up, I'll kneel behind you!"

"No, lay up here so I can watch in the mirror. Let's do it right. I wanna take a shit right in your mouth!!"

"Uh, okay. Yeah! Yeah, shit in my mouth! Gawd, I hope it's big and juicy. I've wanted to suck another turd ever since that happened!"

"Big and juicy, baby! You just wait til you see it. I shit really juicy turds! You'll like it. I licked one myself a while back."

"Man, I hope it really stinks...!!"

"The one I licked sure did.. I dug it!"

"...with lots of that sticky stuff!"

"Had lots of it! Fuck. I'll crap in your mouth then we can both lick the sonofabitch...I'LL HELP YOU!!"

"THEN WE'LL DO MINE! Squat, man. Hurry. I wanna suck your asshole!"

"Pull your legs back, baby. We'll suck holes til we can't stand it anymore. Suck holes til I wanna taste your turd so bad I can't wait for us to finish slurping on mine!"

The man on the couch clapped his hands. "Great! Good stories, boys. Hope that got you two worked up enough. Now get over here and kneel in front of the couch. My buddy and I have a couple of fat smelly turds ready. Put your lips over our assholes and open up. And you suck those turds til we say stop. You ready to shit in their cocksucking mouths, Frank?"

"Damned right. My hairy asshole's opening up already. I love to watch you get your turd sucked, Artie."

"I know, Frank. Same here. You like smelling it, too, doncha?"

"Almost as much as I like smelling my own. What do you say? If they do a real good job, how 'bout we go all out and suck their shit?"

"Hey, fine with me, buddy," he rustled the boy's head between his legs. "This little blond fag's so pretty I got an urge to eat his sweet turd already."

"Eat it? Alright, I'll give it try, too. This dark pricklicker's got a hairy asshole that's kinda spunky. I could handle sucking shit out of it. Yeah, open up, kid. I'm gonna take a shit! Then I'm gonna scarf the crap from your hot shithole!" _________________

It was unbelievable! Way back in a dark alley, the moonlight was just enough to make them out. An ugly, heavy-set leather biker straddling his motorcycle with his pants down and a young guy sitting behind him licking his hairy ass crack and tonguing out the guy's shithole. The younger guy was slobbering and slurping over that asshole as if it was the sweetest little butt in creation...even when the grungy biker dude began to grunt and hiss filthy things to him.

"Here comes brunch, faggot. Suck it up."

Then he started to take a shit right in the guy's face!

Instead of gagging and flying off the bike, the young guy soon had his mouth full of turd. So, maybe some guys enjoy taking a suck on another guy's turd, right? But he doesn't spit it out, he starts eating the damned thing! Gobbling was more like it. He's moaning and rubbing his crotch like mad. I think he's coming in his pants...maybe because I was coming in my pants! I couldn't believe it. Except for shooting his load, he was concerned with nothing but licking and eating the silky brown turd slowly oozing from the stud's gaping rectum!

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