Alleys & Alcoves

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Oct 19, 2001



Coming out of the gay bar, Jan and Noel headed for the car. Jan stopped at the corner of the building near the alley, while Noel held back to light a cigarette. Jan was tapped on the shoulder.

"Psst! Hey, any fudge for me, man? Oh, sorry, I thought you were alone." Noel had just come up next to him and heard what the leather punk had said.

"Who's that?" he asked.

"Hey, Spider, hungry tonight?" Jan lightly poked him in the ribs.

"Yeah, but...I see you're busy. Catch you some other time, okay?"

"What's he want?" Noel whispered.

"Listen, Spider, Noel's just a buddy not a trick. A long- time friend. You wanna do it?"

"Um, hey, I got some pride, you know." He looked down and shuffled his feet.

"Spider. You don't have any pride, man. Any guy does what you do lost it long ago. I ain't knockin' you, you know that. We discussed all that long ago. Come on, I think you'd dig an audience!"

"Well," he looked at Noel, appraising him, "he ain't gonna go all nuts and start screaming, is he? Kinda hard to explain it to the cops, you know? They all know me."

"They know you do this?"

"Naw, they're just always trying to bust me for hanging out."

"So they don't know you proposition guys for...fudge?"

"What is this, Jan? What the hell's fudge?" Noel nudged him.

"Follow us, you'll find out," he giggled. "Just stay cool."

Spider led the way down to the back of the alley, muttering about not being sure of this. Jan stopped him midway and reached around to feel his crotch.

"You're sure, man. Big fuckin' boner's got you all excited. I can even feel your wet pecker tracks. You want a third guy to watch you more than anything, doncha?"

"Maybe. Yeah, maybe I do. Long as you think he can handle it."

The guys followed him back behind a dumpster. A dim light from high up on the factory wall gave out just enough illumination.

"Jan, what the hell's going on?" Noel insisted.

"Dirty sex, Noel. You like to watch dirty sex?"

"Sure, you know me. He gonna blow ya, or you gonna blow him?"

"Neither. Spider's straight, aren't you Spider? He doesn't suck cock and he won't...well, maybe he'll let you suck him this time."

"No, man! None of that," Spider waved his hand. "I need...I need to be jerkin' off when I do it. It's okay if he jerks off, though...or blows you or whatever. Just leave me alone, okay?"

"Sure. I'll save mine for later. Noel, back up there and just watch. Pull your prick out if you want, but keep your voice down, okay?"

"S-sure, but...what's...?"

Spider was dropping his pants. On top of the tattoos he had all over his arms, he had very hairy legs. And a very stiff cock which he slapped a couple of times, making it even harder and bob around! Adjusting himself against the wall, he went into a crouch and grabbed his dick. He licked his lips, looking impatient.

Jan winked at Noel and dropped his pants. His familiar cock hung down semi-hard, and Noel took a turn at licking his lips. They'd gotten it on a few times before...just sex. But hot sex. Noel was more confused when Jan bent over and stuck his ass in the guy's face. He saw Spider lean forward and sniff his crack, working his hand faster on his stiff boner. He saw Spider licking his friend's asshole and it severly turned him on. He started to rub his crotch because his cock was getting very hard in his pants.

"Oh, a rimjob, hunh? But if he's straight...?"

"Hey, fella, I am." Spider looked at him calmly, hardly taking his mouth away from Jan's butt. "Chicks won't do this, and I'm too embarrassed to ask a straight guy, alright? But you fags don't get so upset about things like this. So...I lick queers' turds!"

"JEEZ!" Noel gasped.

"And your buddy's got real nice ones! Real tasty ones!" he hissed. "You're right, man, I dig him being here to watch me. What's your name? Noel? Pull your cock out, Noel. Come on down here. You wanna see a fudge-licker in action?"

"Gawd!" Noel cried. He stared unbelieving and glanced at Jan's face. His buddy gave him a big grin. Sensing there was no danger, he fairly ripped his pants apart and pulled his hard prick out. He leaned against the wall, masturbating, situated to get a good look. As long as he wasn't directly involved... hell, he'd watch! He'd only heard of stuff like this, and found it hard to imagine that his friend would carry on so agreeably in this perversion. His mouth hung open and he jacked.

Spider grinned, seeing the guy was curious. That fired him up even more than usual. When he licked turds, the guys doing it couldn't actually see him. This guy would see every detail, and that made him even hungrier than usual for this nasty activity that he found so exciting--beyond anything else he'd ever done.

"Hold your nose, buddy," Jan quipped. "Watch my big fudge bar slip out of there!" He bent over as far as possible.

Spider pulled Jan's butt apart, totally exposing his luscious asshole. Well, Noel thought it was luscious. Spider did too, he supposed, because the guy was sure licking it! Even after it started to open up and get wider. To make sure he was seeing what he thought he was seeing, Noel bent over closer... right over Spider's shoulder. That was it, alright. Jan's turd was coming out...and Spider was still licking!

A wildly sexual moan escaped Spider's lips as he ran his tongue furiously over the end of the protruding turd. His hand was working overtime on his prick, and he gave every impression of a guy born to lick shit! Hot swipes of his tongue covered every inch of the nubbin as he gasped in animalistic pleasure. Jan pushed more out, and Spider put his mouth over it. Several inches stuck out and the guy was sucking it!

A light breeze kept the smell from being too strong, but the sight was enough to get Noel off. His cock shot off all over the ground just as Jan bolted the thing out. The turd fell on the ground and Spider came thunderously while he sucked on the shitty asshole!

"Oh, man!" Spider cried, slapping the cum from his fingers. "I got these two other guys I do it to, but fuck! Yours is the best, man! Gawd, you got hot shit, candyboy!" He looked at Noel. "What'd you think, fella? Dirty, hunh? Sure got your rocks! Maybe you'll let me try yours some time? You got a pretty ass for a guy. I'd lick your shit!"

Noel gulped, trying to pull up his pants. "Uh, I don't think so. This is too much for me! You really like that?"

"Man, there ain't nuthin' I'd rather do than suck a hot turd! It's the dirtiest thing you can ever do...and fuckin' rocks my balls!"

"Got me all cleaned up back there, guy?" Jan chuckled.

"Spic 'n span, dude. But gimme one last lick!" He put his face down to Jan's crack and took a big lick on it. "Hot fudge, and it ain't even Sunday! Bring your buddy back some time, okay? You can watch."

Spider took off, leaving Jan to fix his pants. Noel stepped over it, but Jan looked down first. "Jeez, did I do all that? Guess you wouldn't be wrong if you said I was full of shit!"

"How the hell did you get into this?!" Noel asked, trying to get them away. It seemed so strange walking away from a human turd lying on the ground...his buddy's turd! He took one last look. Yeck!

"First, tell me honestly if you dug that."

"Weird. Definitely! What a perv!"

"Yeah. But like he said, sure got your nut!"

"Okay, so it was hot. I mean I couldn't exactly run away. You guys had me pinned in back there."

"Yeah, right. You already had a hard-on before you knew what was happening. And it just got harder after you did!" he laughed.

"You gonna tell me?" Noel insisted.

"Sure. Bar was closing one night, so I went back there to piss. Had my dick out and all, and the guy surprised me. Scared me. Until he told me what he wanted. I was so drunk I agreed. I didn't think he was serious until he started to sniff my ass. I had to take a shit real bad, and when he started to stick his tongue up my hole and beg me to shit...I just did it! I figured he'd move out of the way, but he didn't. He started to suck my turd, and I got a boner. Ended up standing back jackin' off while he held the smelly thing 'n licked it!"

"Right in his hand?!!" Noel gasped.

Jan laughed. "Yeah. What's the big deal? He'd already had it in his mouth! Anyway, I saw him hanging around a couple of times, and if I had to go...I went with him. It was only on the second time that I found out he was straight. Can you believe it?"

"I don't know. That's too heavy. Sucks a guy's dirty ass clean and licks his turd? And he's straight?!"

"Kinky. Says he wouldn't lick a guy's ass if it didn't have shit on it, though. Says he's not into rimming, just licking fudge!"

"Jeez! Wonder who first shit in his mouth? Somebody had to start it off. Why'd you drag me back there?"

"Aw, I thought you'd dig the weirdness. You did."

"Yes, guess so..."

"Wanna do it next time?"


"Ah, come on. I never get to see it."

"You saw him licking it."

"Yeah, but not when it's sticking out a guy's ass. That'd be hot!"

"Excuse the expression, my friend, but is this shit starting to turn you on too much?"

"You got a pretty he said. Yeah. I'd like to see him do what I don't have the nerve to. I mean...I don't know what the hell I mean. I think it'd be a kick watching you shit in his mouth, that's all. See if my cock gets off as powerful as yours did!"

"Alright. Long as you don't get down there and start sniffin' along with him!"

"Hey, I've sniffed that funky hole of yours enough times already. Seeing your turd come out sure won't turn me off."

"Jan? Am I gonna be seein' you pulling guys behind a dumpster one of these days? Find you back there licking turds?"

"Fuck no, man! Jeez. Don't you have any sense of the absurd?"

Noel smiled. "Oh. I was just gonna say I'd be your first customer."


"That look in your eye, man. You know why I got off so good? It wasn't seeing your turd come out and him lickin' it so much as the turn on you were getting taking a shit like that."


"Yeah! I mean, out in the open like that, with somebody down there watching and wantin' it! Did it feel as good doin' it as it seemed?"

"It's fantastic! You shit in toilets all your life, and maybe once in a while you take a shit outdoors in the woods or something.! Doing it cause somebody else wants to see you do it...really wants to see you do it...that's something else! Having it licked is nice, but you can't really see, you know.'s fuckin' great!"

"Start the car. So, you really wouldn't mind watching me?"

"No. I'd like to see that. He's really..."

"What about without him?"

"Whadda you mean?"

"We might not see him for months. I got...well, I need to shit right now. You ready to watch me without him? Now's the time I'm turned on to doing this. After tonight I might not feel that way."

"Oh." Jan pulled into traffic, silently contemplating Noel's unfinished suggestion. Noel knew he was thinking and didn't press it. After about ten minutes, Jan turned to Noel with a big grin.

"Hey, what's the big deal? Sure. Jeez, it ain't like you're asking me to do what he did, right? So...what...we spread some papers and you do it in the living room? You wanna squat on my kitchen table? What?"

"Um, I dunno. You decide. You're the one that's gonna watch it."

"Hey, buddy. You're the one that's gonna take the shit. Whatever position and place you think will get you off. How 'bout the shower? I could get behind you and watch and not...I mean, the water might..."

"Lessen the stink?"

"No, not that. Hell, that don't matter. Everybody stinks. And besides, you got down there real close, didn't you?"

Noel gulped. "Y-yeah, guess I did. Right, it wasn't a big deal."

"Okay, so...something to drop it on...up close to see good and not worry about the smell...uh, where?"

"How about I get over your chest and your hands?" Noel gulped, worried about his reaction.

"Okay. Uh, that my hands?"

"Hey, shit washes off don't it?"

"Sure, but..."

"Oh, that would offend you."

"Well, you want the truth?"

"Of course, dummy!"

Jan lowered his voice. "It wouldn't bother me at all, Noel. I think I'd really get off on that. I'm just afraid that my doing it like that would offend you...afterward...maybe."

"Oh. I see. We can suck assholes til the lights come up, hunh?"


"Guys can play ring-around-the-rosie with their tongues unless it's obvious. We can be real horny and yank each other's pants down and shove tongues up each other's hot bungholes without even asking where it's last been, or what it last did, but if the lights come on and that 'ring''s 'oh my dear' time 'how awful!'?"

Jan laughed loudly. "Was I...was I ever like that?"

Noel gulped. "Yes. Double yes. Sometimes your hole was so dirty I only hoped you didn't know it!"

"And you still licked it?!"

"I was too hot not to. Hell, I dig the smell of an asshole, you know, but by the time I realized it was...shitty...I'd already licked it off! It would have been dumb to stop, so I just didn't mention it."

"So in retaliation you did the same to me, right?"

"What? No! You mean...?

"You didn't do it on purpose? Wow! I always thought you did. I thought...well, that maybe you knew my secret."

"What secret?"

"Ummm, n-never mind...guess I was w-wrong," Jan stammered.

"Come on..."

"I thought you always shit before we got together and... purposely didn't w-wipe real g-good..."

"Jeez, I'm sorry. I do it quick, but I didn't know I was that sloppy! Man, what can I say?" Noel was apologetic.

Jan laughed. "What are you apologizing for? You just admitted you'd licked my shitty asshole before, and here I am saying I've done the same thing...while I thought you'd done it on purpose cause you thought I liked it that way!"

"And...whew! did like it that way?!"

"HELL, YES! That's why I thought you knew my secret! That I don't mind a stinky asshole...a dirty asshole, even...well, your dirty asshole. I never did that to nobody else."

"Well, land-o-goshen, buckaroo! That means you wouldn't mind licking my ass clean after I shit!"

"I don't know. We're really talking about ring-around-the- rosie with the lights on!"

"So what? Now I know you like it. And we both know there will be a ring around my rosie! OOOH! Now I really wanna do it! Man, this is gonna be better than anything we could do in an alley, Jan!"

"Tit for tat?" Jan smiled.

"Uh, sure. Yeah! But you're all shitted out."

"Don't have to be the same night. I trust you. We've been too honest about this to back down, right? We're not that drunk!"

"I'm not drunk at all, Jan. I'll squat over your face...uh, your chest...and take a shit. You can do that to me, too. And ...anything else you do...I swear I'll do the same!"

"Okay. But, hey, there ain't too much else I'm gonna do. I mean, I might put my tongue on it. And if it ain't too messy, I might lick your asshole clean, but..."

"Whatever, guy. I don't know how I'll react, either. I'm just saying that I'll match whatever you do, okay?"

"Damn! You're really...what if I decide to...take a fuckin' bite out of it! You gonna match that?"

"Hmm. Guess that's a gamble, hunh? I don't think you'll go nutzoid on me. But I'll keep to my word, buddy. So don't let that stop you from anything you feel like doing. I'm really turned on. Maybe I won't like it, but I'll match it one time. After talking about this, it doesn't scare me anymore. After all, I sure can't feel ashamed if I don't do any more than you do. And since I'll match it, you won't have to feel ashamed either. See?"

"Heh! You're sure leaving your mouth open for all possibilities!"

Noel whispered, analyzing his hidden meaning. "You're gonna let me do it, aren't you? Oooh, man, we gotta get mirrors for this, Jan! Shit right in your mouth! Wow!"

"HEY! I didn't say that!"

"You didn't have to," he patted Jan on the knee. "Come on, park this sucker and let's get inside!"

Noel was out of the car before the ignition was off. Jan was off balance and amazed at Noel's excitement. But it felt nice. He knew that Noel wasn't off base. He never, ever would have suggested it. But now that it was out in the open...just maybe he'd get real nasty tonight!"

Inside, they both scampered around the apartment, trying to find the best vantage point.

"You're right, man. Shittin' in that guy's mouth is a blast! That's why I let him do it so many times...cause it's such a kick. Gawd, I don't remember being so excited!"

"Ah, that won't do. How about over there?"

"What a ninnie! My bedroom. I got long mirrors on my closet doors!"

"PERFECT!" Noel cried, hurrying them into the bedroom. Once there, he got behind Jan and yanked his pants down. "Bend over, man! Oh, I hope your ass smells! Oooh, it does! Spider came so fast after you shit he didn't lick it all off. Mmmm. No worse than ever. Well, maybe just a little bit. See? I'm lickin' your shitty ass!" Noel flapped his tongue up and down the crack wildly and dove in for a heady rimjob. After he'd clean it thoroughly, he got up and they continued to strip.

"Oooh, yeah...all angles. This is great!" Noel fixed the doors. "Now lay down." Jan layed prone on the floor, a little nervous. Noel licked his lips and looked down at him. "You ready?"

"You're not gonna just do it, are you?" Jan gasped.

"Oh. No. Better we cocksuck, hunh? Lemme get the angle right first, okay. So we don't have to worry about it later." He squatted lewdly over Jan's face and checked the angles. He wanted to make sure he'd be able to see his turd and every- thing. He did a couple more adjustments, and the last time he settled down, he farted!

"Hey, that wasn't included!" Jan laughed, coughing for effect.

"Oh, sorry man," Noel said seriously.

"What for, if you're gonna take a shit on me?"

"Hah! Right!" he chuckled. "Your dick's hard, man. Wanna rim me a little? How's my ass smell?"

"Well," Jan stared up at the luscious asshole and joked, "now that the fumes have smells wonderful. I never told you this, Noel, but even with lovers and all, nobody's asshole ever turned me on as much as yours. It's just... suckable!"

"So suck it! Jeez, you don't need an invitation!"

"Ordinarily. But you're not gonna..."

"I'm gonna, baby. OH, I'M GONNA! But not yet...I got some control. Aw, you got a great cock. Sniff me while I suck it. Yeah, smell my hole, baby. If it's anything like that great taste I just licked off of yours, it must be nice! Oh, I'm gonna give you lots of shit to taste! Lots of hot shit!" He had hold of Jan's cock, but couldn't stop grinding his ass over Jan's mouth.

"Cool down, Noel. Let's work up to this."

Noel gave out a lewd grunt and swiped his ass over Jan's lips wildly and fell over as he lost his footing! They both laughed.

"Okay," Noel finally agreed with a friendly shrug. "I'm too crazy over this, alright. Seein' you shit like that still has me worked up. Turn on your side and let's blow each other a while. Then we can lift our legs and rim a while. You tell me when you want something out of my dirty, filthy asshole, okay?"

"Well, when you put it so sweetly..."

Jan turned and they went into a 69 to work over each other's raging pricks. Long, luscious slides of the tongue up and down the throbbing shafts. Tweaking, nibbling licks and sucks on their bloated knobs.

Precum was dribbling from their pissholes and the taste was incomparable. They were both in agreement that these sweet juices were better than cum. They carefully squeezed for more. Knowing each other so well at doing this, they quickly moved down to cool their pricks. Balls were good. Smelly balls were even better! A night of carousing had them steaming. And sweaty. They licked off the sweat, lapping up the heady taste of moist testicles. Bull balls! They both had large ones that were a ballsucker's dream. They washed them. Dirt, sweat, lint and all, then tickled down into each other's perineum. It was just a tease.

They both knew that squirming tongue would soon be digging into the wrinkles of their fluttering assholes. They weren't playing straight man's hesitation...they both lifted a leg and let the other guy dig in! One sucked because a turd had recently come from there...the other sucked in anticipation of what was soon to come. They reveled in this smutty activity, knowing each other was turned on by the smell and taste of their shit.

Fingers clawed at buttocks, opening up that area as much as possible to get their wet tongues inside. Noel tasted some sweet, moist crap that still resided there. He'd enjoyed it before, but this time was different. This time he readily wanted it and wallowed in the bittersweet taste of his buddy's excrement! The product of his bowels, his rectum, his fuckin' lunch!

Jan was just a tiny bit more hesitant. He cautiously shoved his tongue up his buddy's asshole and licked. He was ready to stop at the slightest touch on the guy's turd. Not because he didn't want to lick it, but because he knew Noel wanted to see himself shit. And Jan didn't want to take any chances. If this worked out alright, he'd get lots of chances to lick on his still-imbedded turd! But he felt the hole expanding and the taste got stronger from his buddy's surrounding turd gases.

"You're gonna shit, man!" he cried, turning them over.

"Unh, yeh! Yeh!" Noel gasped, trying to get into the position he'd checked out earlier. "Move over a little. Yeah, that's it! Jan?" he looked at his buddy's reflection in the mirror, "look in my eyes." Jan complied, staring directly at him and fondling his buttocks. Noel smiled, watching him play around. "Big fat turd! You ready? Don't jerk, now. If you can't do it, just close your eyes and mouth...and hold your nose. But don't move, oh please. If nothing else out of this, man, I wanna see myself shit! I never watched it before."

Jan stuck his tongue out in a big, vulgar movement. "You farted in my face...I smelled your ass and breathed in your crap gases. I'm still here, ain't I? Quit yappin' and shit, willya? And don't fall over this time, okay? I got a turd to lick, and I don't want it to mess up my carpet!"

"Oooh, you nasty boy!" Noel balanced himself in a comfortable, squatting position. He watched the various angles in the three mirrors and pushed. He had to really grunt and push at first, just to get the head of it to stick out. Maybe an inch. He gasped, seeing it in the reflections. "Holy shit! Look at that!"

"Aw, how can I help it, man. It's right in front of my nose! Big, brown turd comin' out! It smells good, Noel. Real good! It's kind of a luscious, dirty stink, you know? I never knew shit could smell so good up close. It's different."

"Ah, now you're yappin'! You'll get plenty to sniff, baby. Lick it for me. Let me see your tongue wash it! Wow, I got good control cause it's so thick. Here's a little more. Lick that bastard, Jan! LICK MY TURD! Damn, I'd fuckin' lick it myself if I was back there. That is so fuckin' hot!"

"!" Jan tongued around the steaming, pungent head of Noel's turd. It was dark and solid and made up of clumps of different little turdballs. He licked the coating of glistening assjuice off it and loved the filthy taste! He wanted to dig his tongue into it and get in between those beautiful turdballs, but he also wanted an intact, monstrous turd to suck on at the same time. Noel let out an involuntary groan of forbidden pleasure and two inches of turd suddenly bolted into Jan's mouth! They slid right between the guy's lips!


Jan was livid! He hadn't expected it to just bolt into his mouth. Well, he was livid for about 3 seconds. Then he realized that having his mouth stuffed with Noel's shit was just about the best thing that he'd ever experienced! And when he glanced his eyes over to see his own reflection in the mirror with his mouth stuffed with a hot, dark turd coming directly out of a guy's gaping asshole...well, he nearly shot his rocks right there! He looked sideways and saw Noel's face staring back. The guy was so wide-eyed and excited...he'd never seen anybody look that way before. He kept looking up and noticed the change of expression he caused by sucking and licking and showing how he moved his tongue out and around the smelly turd. That look in Noel's eyes alone was worth sucking the guy's shit! Damn, he could get addicted to being able to turn guys on like that. He could feel Noel's cock dripping juice onto his chest. Hell, if he could concentrate on a guy's expression, it wouldn't matter how the guy's turd smelled and tasted. Fanciful notions, maybe, but what mattered now was that Noel's delicious turd was now about 8 inches out of his asshole...four of them in his mouth!

"Oh, man, that is so good! You okay? Keep suckin' that hot shit of mine, man. If it gets to be too much, just push up my ass and I'll drop out the rest of my loaf. Otherwise," he grunted stupidly, "just keep sucking that...sucking that... sweet stuff! I don't care if I ever come. Seein' that is better than an orgasm!"

But suckin' it was causing an orgasm. Jan's cock, unnoticed by Noel, was spewing thunderous jets of cum brought on by the sight of himself sucking on that monstrous turd! He loved it! More than the smell. More than the taste. THE FUCKIN' SIGHT OF SEEING HIMSELF SUCKING A TURD! He thought his balls were simply exploding from the exquisite rapture! Blasted apart! He was coming so much, he thought he must be shooting gallons of blood from his now useless genitals...payment for having experienced such an intense, forbidden pleasure!

Noel finally felt the wet globs hitting him, and knew it was time to call it off. He bent over to suck in Jan's dribbling knob, and that caused his turd to fall out. He didn't worry where it went. He knew that Jan didn't care either. Any guy that would suck his turd like that sure didn't care if the damned thing fell on him!

Jan didn't care. It stayed in once piece, though, and fell from his mouth. Just as well. He wanted to get his tongue into that shithole and lick it out! It hurt at the back of his mouth because he was trying to lick into Noel's belly! What the hell did he want? Tomorrow's turd? No, he wanted to lick off the walls of his rectum!

Noel finally lifted off, gasping, and bent down to his buddy's face.

"Oh, baby. Were you enjoying that as much as it seemed? As much as I was? Jeez, that was hot!"

Jan was just catching his breath, having come and all. "No...No..."


"Fu...fuck you...I'm trying to say NOEL, dammit! You saw it, but you're not gonna believe it. You gotta keep your promise!"

"Hey, I will. Don't worry!"

"No, I gotta do it! It's the most wonderful, horniest thing to see yourself doing that! Dirty, filthy, absolutely disgusting! Man, it's the most amazing sight to see yourself sucking a big turd!"

"No shit, baby. Wait'll you see it from this end! Taking a big shit right in a hot guy's mouth? WHEW! Especially when the guy works on it like you did! Aw, kiss me, man. You just gave me a thousand wet dreams all rolled into one!"

"But..." Jan hesitated.

"Fuck it! If it only tastes half as good as you made it look..."

They kissed passionately, slopping tongues and trading the last of Noel's turdjuices. Noel sucked it up even more avidly than Jan. But then, Jan had had plenty of it!

"I need to get up and eat something," Jan gushed.

"Now? But I haven't come yet!" Noel complained.

"Stick it in my mouth. We can add your cum to it. I wanna eat so I have a huge turd for you tomorrow!"

Noel grinned. He looked down at what he'd made. "Jan? Can a turd be beautiful?" He wiped his dripping cock over Jan's lips.

"Pretty, ain't it?" Jan agreed. "Why don't you get more nasty and put it behind my head? You can smell and lick it while I blow you!"

"Oooh, m-my own!" he gasped.

"Sure, why not? It's good. What's more perfect?"

Gingerly, Noel picked it up. The smell was stronger now.

"Put it down where you'll be able to get at it...and see in the mirror...then wipe your fingers over your cock. I came already, and I'm still ready to taste it. Lick the end that fell out'll have the best taste and more juice!"

Noel placed it, checked the angle, then lifted back up and smeared the shit from his fingers over his prick. He also put the fingers down to Jan's lips and had him lick them clean. Then, after getting sucked for a few moments, he let out a loud moan and went forward.

Gawd! If this was how it looked licking on his own a little bit, how sexy would it be coming out of Jan's asshole? The harder Jan sucked, the faster Noel licked his own turd. Jan was worn out but he knew Noel wouldn't be able to last long...not seeing that! He was right. Noel watched himself tongue around the end of that large, smelly pound of shit that came from his asshole, and his cock just flowed. One, long, steady stream of sperm poured into Jan's mouth and down his throat. His cock didn't jerk or throb...just poured! The orgasm wasn't all that intense...despite how much he was coming...but the mental excitement was beyond belief!

"Am I gonna think your turd's better or worse?" Noel asked seriously afterward. "What I mean is...could yours possibly be better?"

"Ha! I don't know, buddy. I've never licked my own. All I know is that your shit is...quite tasty!"

"Wow. Why do I have the feeling that we're gonna go back in that alley and make that guy shit for US?"

"Wanna lick Spider's turd, Noel?"

"I gotta try yours first, but if I like it...who knows?"

"You eat too. Maybe we can both shit tomorrow night, okay?"

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Next: Chapter 4

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