Alleys & Alcoves

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Jun 20, 2001



I remember one time I had to wait a few hours downtown for a court appointment. Nothing earth-shaking, just some bureaucratic buttshit that was gonna take about 45 seconds but fucked up my whole day. Too far to go back home and too short a time to do anything else, so I walked to a liquor store and got a pint of vodka to soothe my anger.

Sitting on a stoop around the corner in an alley, I swigged it down faster than I should have. I didn't even mind when a grubby, bearded guy--eyeing my bottle-- sauntered up and planted his butt next to me. "How's it going?" he asked cheerfully.

"Well, right now it's going down too fast. Here, help me out with this stuff, willya."

"Sure, buddy. Be glad to!" He took the offered paper bag and guzzled down a healthy chug before wiping the top off on his filthy sleeve and handing it back to me with a grunt of thanks. That made me burst out laughing and brought a quizzical look to his face.

"S-sorry, that just hit me funny, man. You did it figuring I'd be offended drinking from it after you did, but wiping it on your dirty sleeve wasn't exactly an improvement."

"Yeah, guess that was kinda dumb. Sorry."

"No sweat, man. Considering some of the places I've put my lips, your spit won't offend me."

"Yeah? Uh, you just saying that as a kinda joke, or you talkin' dirty stuff for real?"

I didn't answer him. I turned my head and looked him over. Underneath his rags he might've been halfway decent. He was maybe 30, tall and skinny, and smelled very strong.

"Are you as homeless as you look?" I finally asked.

"Yep. Going on nearly two years, but I get by." He said this cheerfully, but with a tinge of resignation.

"Bad breaks, or are you just another loser who gave up?"

"Damn, you cut to the quick, doncha? Bad breaks, mostly, but it sure is tough not to give up when you can't get a job, can't dress decent to go looking for a job, and can't..."

"Shower?" I finished for him.

"Yeah. Guess you can tell, hunh?"

"You kidding? Your armpits alone are so ripe they'll give me wet dreams all month!"

"Hunh? What the hell ya...I know I stink, man, but what're you saying something weird like that for?"

I took a big swig of vodka. "Yeah, I'll bet if I opened your pants and stuffed my face down there I'd get the thrill of a lifetime."

"SAY! Oh, I'm getting the drift..."

"I'll bet your smelly balls would make my head spin. Does your cock reek? Bet you got a long snakey one, uncut, with lots of cheesy crud and stale piss under your fore- skin. And with no showers, you probably got a raunchy asshole that's all shit-encrusted, right? Gettin' real itchy by now? Layer upon layer of flaky dung collecting in the seat of your pants?"

When I reached over to stroke his dick, he didn't stop me. He reached for the bottle. He took a big gulp--his eyes never leaving mine--and glared suspiciously. His cock was getting hard.

"Probably all that and more. What're you leading up to? You some kind of sniff-and-blow, blow-and-sniff smell freak? Rub your nose up my crack and come in your pants? Is that it? Your balls erupt from gettin' a big whiff of some dude's shit?"

"I have some things in the car. I'm offering you fresh clothes and a bath."

"Uh. Wow. For a minute there you sounded like..."

"A tongue bath. Cock, balls, tits, toes. I'll whiff your greasy crack, alright, then chew the crust off your asshole and tongue the crap right out of your dirty shithole. Then I'll blow you!"

He stared at me, open-mouthed and disbelieving. His prick was hard as a board and snaked down his thigh a good ten or eleven inches. "You gonna do it right here?" he smirked. "I've been blown. Not in this condition...but whatever gets your rocks off, cocksucker. God knows I could sure use a cleanup--one way or another. Sure be a shame puttin' on fresh duds only to stink 'em all up, right?"

"Come on." I dragged him back down the alley, all the way to the end, trying to find a place.

"Over here." He pulled my arm and led me into a dark alcove. "This place is boarded up. Nobody comes back here." He backed his rangy body up against the wall and waited...breathing heavily...the bulge in his pants straining the material.

I dropped into a crouch and pressed my face to his crotch. His heady aroma came right through and nearly made me swoon. Frantically, I grabbled with his buckle and snaps in a rush to get that prick out. Then I yanked 'em down to his ankles...followed immediately by a pair of yellowish- gray jockey shorts. I could plainly see the many brown streaks in the seat of them--fully-exposed skid marks from scratching his asshole. I was tempted to go right down between his legs and lick the shit from his shorts, but the smell of his prick was too enticing as it banged me on the forehead.

Lifting my bead, I followed my nose until I was dragging it up and down his long, oily cockshaft from his balls to his moist, pungent knob. No, he wasn't uncut. But his incredibly long, slim cock smelled to high heaven... magnificent...nearly as good as one that just flopped out of some hot stud's humid rectum after a torrid, furious fuck so deep it reached every corner of his slimy bowels!

He kicked his shoes off and stepped out of his pants, spreading his legs even as he asked me if I was sure I wanted to go through with it.

"Man, I smell so bad it even makes me wanna puke! You sure?"

I looked up at him with glazed eyes. "l'm gonna start by sucking your balls!"

First I thrust my tongue into the wet crevice where his sack met his thigh and lapped the sweat and filth out of there. After doing the same to the other side, I twisted until I was looking up with my palms down on the ground to get my face between his legs.

"Squat down a little and just drop 'em into my mouth, fella. I wanna be able to smell your asshole while I wash 'em."

"Don't strain, man. Just lay down. I'll being 'em to ya."

"No, not yet," I hissed. "This way for a while, okay? I don't want my hands free quite yet. It'll rush things, and I got a fuckin' lot of cleaning to do. This might take hours!" Fuck the judge. I'd made my own judgement. I was doing community service to the homeless!

I nestled in there for quite a while, slurping his gamey, hairy nuts as I sniffed the wealth of stink from his widened asscrack and stared at his puffy, crinkled pooch. A few times he poked his raging prick back and gave me a brief mouthfuck. Steadily, we got lower and lower until my head was on the concrete, he was balanced in an obscene squat over my mouth, and his hands began to fiddle in my crotch...opening my pants. I said something innane about it not being necessary and he shouldn't feel obligated or go against his own grain.

"It's no trouble...I feel like it. Aren't too many men can grow up where I did, Texas, do four years in the Marines, then live on the streets of L.A. and never sucked a prick or two. Even half a dozen or more if you're broke and get occasional urges for some hooch. Besides, it's been so long since anybody's touched my stinking body, I'm grateful. You just suck anything you want out of my hole. I'll take care of this little prick for you."

He could have simply been comparing it to his own...or purposely insulting me. Funny how some guys feel perfectly free to humiliate you just because you're tonguing shit out of their rectum.

"Say, do you think...uh..."

"Hmmm? What?"

"Well, I was just thinking. While I got you here, you think I oughta go ahead and take a shit? Sometimes I tend to hold it in too long. And, you know, so I don't get the..."

"Jeez, give 'em an inch...!" I muttered.

"S-sorry. I didn't mean to..."

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding! I'd love to watch your turds come out. After all this old slag I've been melting down, I'm in just the mood for something fresh and steamy. Yeah, do it. Shit a big juicy turd I can lick. Better yet, do it into my mouth. I'll suck the brown juice out of the muther- fucker! Oh yes. Then I'll get to suck your dirty ass clean again!"

I could almost hear the hinges creak as his rusty, curled asslips stretched and stretched...way past normal dilation. I was so elated this was taking place in sunlight. It was one of the most exciting of all the times I'd watched men defecate. It wasn't all that long, but the fucker was THICK! At its tautest, his anus could easily have taken a fist had it not been filled with shit. It was all I could do to get my lips over it. There was no way I wasn't going was dark, hard and slimy. For many delirious minutes I sucked and sucked...squeezing hard, draining hot brown juices from it that streamed down my throat.

He blubbed the tailend of it out, leaving his mushy lips fluttering and gaping, looking back between his legs at some idiot happily sucking away on his rectal filth. Finally, he reached back and gently pulled it from my mouth...tossing it into the corner.

"That's enough, man. You'll ruin your breath for a whole week. Just swab my hole out and we'll blow each other off together. I never wanted to suck down a man's balljuice as much as I do yours. Sure hope eating out crappers like that doesn't ruin the taste of your syrup. I could swallow a horse-load of it right now!"

I purposely ass-licked him in record time. It was quick because I knew we were both ready to unload, but I dredged and probed...rootering him out so it would last a couple of days...lapped and licked the rim and sucked the wrinkles. Then I quickly moved us onto our sides so we could 69. He already had my pants down to my knees, thank goodness, because no longer having that hot turd in my mouth, I realized just how close my throbbing cock was to unloading.

In that position, and as hot as I was, I was able to take even a couple extra inches of that plundering long spear right down into my throat. And probably thanks to the Marine Corps experience he was no slouch on the blowers himself. He'd expertly eased a finger completely up my rectum and was swirling it around madly. Thirty seconds of that and we both literally 'hosed' a flood of buttery cockjuice down each other's straining gullets!

I didn't give him the clothes from the car. I took him home, called Jason--a friend in his line that I knew--and arranged employment for him in Palo Alto. Remarkably refreshed and handsome, now that he was rested and scrubbed, he boarded the bus more hopeful and bright-eyed. But not before I'd spent a week sucking his ass and taking that stiff 11" in every hole I could fit it in!

Not only is he still there, but he and Jason occasion- ally pop in for a lovers! Knowing my friend was gay, he felt obliged to put out in gratitude. They quickly found that Jason's capacious rectal cavity was the perfect mate for that impatient, easily-excitable 11" of steely manmeat. With Jason, sometimes you don't even have to spit on it...just ram it up his ass and he'll ride you to town!

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Next: Chapter 3

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