Alleys & Alcoves

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Jun 17, 2001



I wuz jus' settlin' down fur da evenin'. Ya see I got me dis new box ta sleep in. It's a great a dem 'frigerator boxes, ya know, nice and roomy. I'd just drug it 'round da corner 'n pass da trash bins an wuz makin' myself to home. Got the flaps down and all. Then I hears this talking, ya see, and I thinks `shit' some pesky kids comin' round gonna give me some me 'dirty bum' and all that. Maybe even kick me around some. I real quick hid my bottle of Tokay so's at least they wouldn't bust my hootch. Damned if they wasn't just tykes. Youngsters maybe 13-14...ya know, horny little critters what got a bone-on and tryin' ta figure how ta unload their nuts. I kept real quiet and jus' peeked outta the flaps tryin' not to giggle much.

"C'mon, Russ, back here! Nobody'll see. Back behind the trash bins."

"Ya sure, Ned?"

"Yeah, all these places are closed by now. Nobody'll come back here. Behind the bins next to those boxes."

The little lads come up right next to me.

"Hurry, I wanna suck it! Pull your pants down!"

"Sure, okay. Golly, you're sure gettin' to like this, Ned."

"Yeah, it's fun! Don't you like it, Russ?"

"Yeah, sure I like it. It's just that...I dunno...don't it make us queers or somethin'?"

"Naw, my cousin and I do it all the time and he says ya can't be a real queer til you're 18. He says before that it's just foolin' around. He says every guy does it."

"How old's your cousin?"

"17. His birthday is in two months. He should be worried, cause I think he likes it so much that in two months he's gonna be official! He's always pullin' me away somewhere to suck me. And you know what, Russ?" The boy's voice lowered to a whisper. "He...he even licks my butthole!"

"No shit! He really does that?"

"All the time! Gross, hunh? I think he's a real queer, Russ, but I sure like what he does to me."

"That really feel good? You do it to him, too?"

"Naw...well, just once. He put his butt on my face and made me do it. Sat right on me and rubbed it around. Boy, was I mad!"

"Whew! That musta smelled awful! Here, suck me."

Hah! It was kinda lovely, ya know? Young sprouts talkin' 'bout sex things bein' nasty and all da time they be playin' at each other's peters, feelin' up whiles they talked. Then the tall boy who's been listening to all da nasty talk, he drops his drawers and tells his friend ta make hisself at home! An' does that boy jus' do so! He gets right on down and starts lickin' his friend's pecker like it's old home week! They was so sweet, goin' at it like that, got me a boner up!

"AH, NED! DO IT!" the tall boy looked down. "Mmmmm, you're so good. You like my dick, doncha?"

Little Ned licked and nodded at da same time. Then he puts his mouth over da other kid's knob and sucks like crazy. He's a bobbin' up 'n' down like some champeen cocksucker just a hunkerin' down for the milk.

"Oh, hold off! I don't wanna squirt yet!"

"Whatsa difference? You can do it 3 or 4 times."

"I...I know. But let me cool off. Pull 'em down, I wanna lick some."

That little guy, he stood right up and yanks his pants down 'round his ankles like lightnin'! His stiff pecker's jus' pokin' right out. Tall boy, he gets right on down on his haunches 'n starts fingerin' his buddy's stuff. He's nut- twiddlin' and bone-strokin'...jus' kneelin' there staring at his friend's randy prong. There's this little bit o' goop comin' outta the boy's peckerhead. He jus' sticks his ol' tongue right out 'n laps at it. Then he smiles and looks up.

"Guess we can do this for a few more years, then, hunh?"


That tall boy, he's a squattin' there, drawers draggin' at his feet, his cute little butt stickin' out close 'nuff I could almos' touch it. Then he starts a tonguing in on da other kid's balls...suckin' away on dem little nuts like a puppy dog! Then he kinda secretly slips a hand back and starts fingerin' his own bum. He sucks on the boy's knob, then pulls off.

"Ned? Didja like lickin' your cousin's butt?"

"Aw...I dunno. It wasn't my idea."

"I know, but didja like it?"

"Um...why do you wanna know?"

"I was just wonderin' how it'd feel. Would you do it to me?"


"Yeah! Come on, Ned, do it. I gotta see how it feels. I'll do it to you first, if you'll promise to do it to me."

That little kid, he jus' gets a big grin on his puss 'n' turns right around, pushin' his pretty butt inta his friend's face. The tall kid, he starts ta sniffin' like he's checkin' it out. Then he touches his tongue on it and snips it up and down a bit. Guess the boy figured it weren't no smelly shithole, cause he really starts to lickin' then. And all the while he still gots his finger back there flippin round his own shitgate.

"Okay, now me!"

"Alright, stand up."

"Uh, kinda feels good like this, Ned. Couldja just get under me and do it?"

"I...I guess so."

Kid, he bangs against my box 'n scares the shit outta me. But he's jus' tryin' ta get his face down there...they's so close to me I thunk fur a moment I could almost smell the boy's uh a...anus. Yeah, that's what it's called...a anus. I could nearly smell it! If I could, the little one surely could. But he jus' pokes his little face in there and takes a good look. Then he pulls a bumcheek open ta sniff. Heh! Little squirrel seemed ta like it...bendin' down there smellin' up his friend like a puppy dog.

"Ya gonna do it, Ned? Come on. I don't stink too bad, do I?"

"Well," he hesitated, "no worse than Roger, I guess. Do ya, um, wipe good, Russ?"

"Uh, sure I do, Ned," he lied. "REAL GOOD! As good as you!" He couldn't help laughing. The smell of Ned's butthole still lingered on his upper lip. He wasn't aware of it while he was rimming his friend, but now his buddy's fragrance filled his nostrils. He knew Ned would do it, and he hoped, mischie- vously, that his butt was also just a little soiled. He'd done it. Now he wanted his buddy to get the same. Wanted his buddy to get his top lip all smelled up.

I'm lookin' out da flap, you see, jus' peekin'. Right there, man, I sees dis little boy smoochin' round his pal's rearend--then startin' to lick right on it! I'm hopin' they don' hear me jackin' it up, you know. Cause I got it out, and I'm jus' playin' away on my crank, rememberin' how I usta get down on a fella's swell-smellin' shithole myself. Course, I tended to get a bit carried away...much more'n these boys.

"Oh, Neddy! Aw,'re lickin' it! Mmm...

that's so neat. Ya like it? Ooooh, FUCK! Stick your tongue in, Ned, STICK YOUR TONGUE IN! I REALLY LIKE THAT! I liked doin' it to you, too!"

"Mmm...slurp slurp...Uh,uh,uh...I like it. I like it, Russ!"

That little guy was jus' a honkin' on dat pretty pink thing. He actually had a good mouthful goin' for him there, cause the tall kid, his ol' asshole was jus' a poochin' out, givin' the kid a nice little mound o' flesh fur suckin' on! Mebbe too much, cause the tall kid, he all of a sudden gets up.

"Wha!" The little kid he talks up, kinda surprised.

"I...I gotta get home, Ned."


"Well, cause I gotta go, real bad."

"Whadda you mean, you gotta go? Ain't even seven yet."

Dat little kid, he was really whinin' like. Ain't no way he liked that pretty bunghole pulled away from 'im!

"I...I gotta poop, Ned. Gotta get home!" he said, hiking up his pants and looking more disappointed than Ned.

"So? Poop right here."


"Do it right here. Who's gonna know? We'll push it under- neath. I'll find some paper outta the trash. I still wanna blow you, Russ."

"I wanna blow you too, Ned, but..."

That little one already had his trousers up, 'n was rummagin' round in the trash fur a 'propriate buttwipe. He comes back, holdin' some, an' the tall boy reaches out for it. But that presush child, he jus' keeps ahold of it.

"Gimme, Ned. Then go around and wait. I'll tell ya when I'm done."

"Fuck you and the dog you rode in on! I'm gonna watch!"

"Like holy hell you are! Go away."

"Please? Lemme watch."

"NED! I can't do it if you watch!"

"Why not?"

"I don't know...I just can't."

"I thought you had to go real bad."

"I do! Now will you go away?"


The tall boy was already squattin' down to do his duty, but the little one jus' wouldn't let him be. He gets down there and rubs his finger over his buddy's poophole...playin' around like. The tall boy starts in to laughin'.

"What're you doin'?"


"Yeah, well you keep playing like that 'n you're gonna get a hand full of shit! Now fuck off. I really gotta go."


"JEEZ....wanna hold my turd, Neddy?" Russ kidded his buddy.


"Hunh? Oooh, too late! It's comin' out! You wanna see me take a shit? GET A GOOD LOOK! UUNHHH!"

Little scout, he pulls his fingers away from dat hole in a flash, but he don' pull back on his face! I don't pull back none, either. We, both of us, gets full sights and every tang o' smell comin' from da big plop of shit outta da boy's asshole. He don' give no never mind now. He gots a buttful of shit what's gotta come out and he don' care no more who's gettin' a gander at it. He's a groanin' and gruntin', spreadin' his legs more apart, and perfectly squattin' to shit on the devil hisself! Now, to be truth-tellin', I been happy witness to lots o' shittin' from de-lek-tible, sweet-suckable boy anus holes. And even done things I shouldn't have. But dat tall boy, he jus' did wonders! Like I told was a PLOP O' SHIT! But there weren't no turd. Nossir. Not a turd among 'em. Dat boy's shit was so solid it jus' come outta there in pebbles! Broke right apart soon's it come outta that hole. He's a squattin' there...pumpin' out all these little turdlets, dozens of 'em, like rocks falling out. No sir, there was no turd from that boy. Jus' hunerds o' hard little round shitrocks fallin' outta his asshole like a hailstorm! And that little one was jus' as flabbergassed as I was.

"Holy mackerel!" Ned laughed. "I've never done that before ...I don't think. Golly, Russ, that was great! Here, look."

The little devil then held out his hand to his friend.

I din' see him do it...probly cause I was staring down those little shits while jackin' my gourd...but he musta slipped his hand under 'n caught some droppins, cause now he was holdin' 'em up to his friend's face 'n showin' him.

"Look at that, Russ! It's amazing! There's lots of 'em... all around. You shit like a bunny rabbit!" he laughed and shook so hard some of the pebbles fell from his hand.

"Golly, Ned! I feel a lot better, but you don't hafta show me my own shit! How can you touch that?"

That little geezer was so happy 'n amazed he jus' laughed harder at the boy and bounced those nuggets up and down in his hand, like he was holdin' some precious gems! It was a funny thing, you know. I kinda wished I was holdin' some of 'em myself. Then I looked down 'n saw that one of 'em had bounced inta my box. I...well, fuck it all, you don' give no shit 'bout me nohow, so I'll tell da truth. My pecker had got stiffer'n the boy's turds 'n there was no way I was gonna hold back. I layed back, picturin' the boy's dump, and stuck his nugget up my nose so's I could smell his shit while lettin' loose!

"I dunno, Russ, they're kinda fun! Don't even smell too bad." Ned bent over and sniffed at them. They both laughed.

The little guy, Ned, din' seem to find no need fur wipin', cause next thing I knows is he's down there lickin' his buddy's hole agin! Then I sees both boys sweeping them turds under the bin 'fore they get down ta lick each other up good 'n proper. Them childs got me hotter'n firecrackers all over agin', so's I...well, I plop that sweet little nugget in my mouth 'n suck on it til I shoots all over watchin' dem boys slurp up each other's honey juice!

Next night--not that night, but 'nother night--I'm jus' past gettin' ta sleep when these older fellas come by. Three of 'em. They been drinkin', I think, cause they all be laughin' and grabbin' at each other. The two guys onna outside playin' in the crotch and ass o' the guy in the middle, who's thrustin' away while he plays at da other guys' asses. Then he looks around, kinda, and speaks up.

"W-wha...where are we? I thought we were gonna go to yur place and all get it on together? What're we doin' back here?"

"You wanna suck us, doncha?" one of the guys giggles.

"Heh! Are you kiddin'?! Man, I wanna suck ya, lick your sweaty balls, and fuckin' EAT OUT YOUR ASSHOLES! An...and I want both you hot guys to really FUCK ME UP THE ASS! MAN, I'M REALLY HOT FOR SOME COCK TONIGHT, AREN'T YOU!"

"Sure, baby, sure we are. Let's go back here."

"Yeah, I bet you are," he slurred at the guy to his left, "I been lookin' at your big lips all night. Can't wait to feel those hot lips 'round my pecker! Bet you suck a mean cock, man! Ah, anything you want, guys, fuck me silly and suck me good, but...wha-what're we doin' here?"

"You're drunk, little buddy."

"Yeah, I know that. So what? Let's get to your place and suck some cock. Man, my tongue's got a boner!"

"You're gonna suck cock, alright, cause you're a fuckin' queer cocksucker. Ain't that right?"

"Uh, sure. Uh, you are too, right?" he giggled, half- heartedly.

"Wrong, dickbreath!"

I figured these guys were trouble, cause they stopped playin' with the guy in the middle, and din' seem drunk no more. Nossir, they got these mean looks on 'em. Right away, I knows they'se comin' back here ta do trouble. Man, I knows that scene! They gots the butch looks 'n they hooks onta some queen what hasn't got laid in months, hornier'n shit, 'n lookin' for hot cock. Long comes these studs promisin' good licks 'n stuff, two studs fur servicin' to please yur mind, and then they does the ransackin'. That's what these boys had in mind. Beat the faggot silly after blowin' juice up his holes!



"Hey, okay. N-no problem. You know I wanna suck your dicks! You don't wanna do anything...that's alright. I'll do it all!"

"You got that damn straight, queero. You're gonna do it ALL! Now get out of them clothes...I like to see a faggot naked when he services me. I like to see his dick get hard just cause he's suckin' on my big prick. Now strip!"

Those mean boys made the fag get nekkid. He was tramblin' all over. Musta sobered up real quick. They din' get no shit. They just pulled down their drawers right there and pushed inta the kid's face.

"Suck it up, faggot! Two big boners for ya. Ya like big boners, doncha? Ain't ya been suckin' on boners every chance you get?! Now's your big chance--TWO -REALLY BIG ONES--and we got big sweaty balls underneath for you to lick on! That's it, get your face in there and be a good little pervert. Do some perversion on us!"

Those guys, they pushed inta his face like bulls. Smell their bullballs...lick their bull dicks.

"Lick 'em clean, you faggot! We both been fuckin' pussy today and we didn't clean up. We knew we were gonna meet up with a queer like you. So we saved up all the pussyjuice so you could lick it off. Ain't that tastin' good? Shit! Faggot like you...probably doesn't matter if we been fuckin' horses up the'd still lick it!"

Young man did his best, tryin' ta soothe the fellas' hot nuts. Wasn't gonna do him no good, though. Bad stuff like them, they don't care much. Plan on drainin' their way or 'nother...but they still gonna beat up on the punk--no gettin' past it.

"Hey, Zed! When's he gonna lick our butts?"

"Harold, Harold, Harold. You want your butt licked? STICK IT IN HIS FACE! What the fuck you think we got him here for? He's a faggot that likes studs like us. You got stuff between your toes? He'll lick it outta there! Got snot up your nose? Blow it into his mouth...he'll love it! He's just a faggot."

"Hell, Zed...I couldn't do nothin' like that, even to a fag! All I want is butt-licked. Ginger won't do it."

"Shit, Ginger won't do anything!"

"H-how do you know?"

"Cause I stuck my big dick up her twat a few times--you got a problem with that, dickbreath?"

"N-no, I guess not. You always get 'em first."


Mr Butch starts ta manhandle his buddy! He turns him around 'n takes hold of his ass--spreadin' it open. Then he grabs the fagboy round the neck and pulls on him, til his face is stuck up that butt!

"My bud wants a rim job, faggo. Now I know all you queers like to suck on a guy's shithole--you're always suckin' shitholes--so let's see you do a good job on Harold."

There was some truth there, I guess, cause the guy gave no fret at stickin' his tongue up there. He licked at that spread a-hole like a bee starvin' for honey. Dug right inside, too! That hard one, he jus stands there, playin' with hisself, watchin' the asshole eatin' goin on. Then he pushes his friend aside and bends over to get a good lickin' fur hisself.


Guy called Harold took hold o' the boy's head and packed it right up his stud-buddy's crack. He got real close, checkin' out the tongue action...makin' sure it was done good.

The fella squirmed, but it done him no good. All da powers in the universe made no diff at dat moment. The big guy hadda butt needin' a clean job...'n he was picked ta do it. Like some kinda supervisor, the Harold guy directed the fella's face inta and up and down the smelly asscrack. Hell, I knowed it was smelly. I was only a few inches away in my box. I could smell his crack--and it was a 'wild' smell! But the boy did it up proper. Even had a drip onna end o' his dick. Damn thing never went down no matter what they made him do. Except once! And jus' for a moment.

"Like my shitty hole? Now stick your tongue back up Harold's butt. DO IT! That's it out."

Punk never can be trusted. Got this queerboy on his knees, suckin' at his buddy's ass, then he hasta go 'n do a dirty. Boy's still tryin' ta do his best...he's got Harold's hole sucked open. He's lickin' on his lips, feelin' so far bein' forced ain't so bad. Then the stud decides to do evil like they always do. A sweet caress of his hand to Harold's butt, while he sticks his prick inta the boy's mouth fur a wet suck-up. Then he twists Harold's bottom 'round and jams his prick up the wet hole!

"OWWW! HEY! What...what the fuck ya doin' Zed?!"

"SCREWING YOU UP THE ASSHOLE! Now hold still. This is something I always wanted to do. It's like a special favor for a faggot."

Drunk boy rested back, lookin' wide-eyed, not knowing jus' what the fuck was goin' on. Ol' dick 'tween his legs sprung up even more at the sight. But it went down right fast.

"Mmm...kinda hot up the tookis, Hal. Gonna hafta fuck ya more often." He yanked his long, greasy prick from his friend's ass. "HERE, SUCK IT, FAG. IT'S GOT A LOTTA SWEET HETERO ASSJUICE ALL OVER IT FOR YOU TO LICK OFF. VIRGIN ASSJUICE, FELLA! NEVER HAD A COCK UP HIS HOLE AND YOU GET TO LICK UP HIS BUTT SLIME. SUCK IT UP!"

Poor fella squirmed around, but it did him no good. One raunchy prick went down his throat 'n the guy hadda lick off every speck o' grime or choke. He din' wanna he licked! Fucker's dick shot up stiff again and never went down! Big tears were formin' up, 'n runnin' down his face...but his dick never went down. I knew it. I knew it. Boy woulda slurped up that butt juice widout bein' pushed. Dumb studs didn' know they had a firecracker on their hands. He din' need no pushin. Boy woulda bent over with a grin!


Boy din' fight. He bent over and sucked. Sucked fucked asshole 'n got his own fucked. Then they traded. Harold did the fuckin' while the stud goes in front and gets a lick-up. They pump two loads each up his bum, til he's dead on his feet...his ol' hole dripping cum! Then the bastard bums take turns at holdin' his jaw open while they piss in his mouth! I drunk piss, dammit--I know it ain't so good. Fuckin' punks got me down...holdin' me open...make me drink up pints o' the stuff. Little horny shitlicks! And that boy din' hold it no better'n me. Drank most of it, though. Lucky boy! Din' hit 'im none. Went away. Not without some lousy words, though.


Punks did a walk-away, limp-dicked, feelin' just FINE! Don' think they even realized they never hurt the boy. Worn him out, thas for sure. Probly think they knocked him 'round, 'n they never did! Worn him out, though. Young man, he jus' lay there on hands 'n knees his head hangin' down, cryin', butt spread all apart.

I'm feelin' great sym'thy for him, so's I sneak outta my box and crawl right up to him. I ain't no samaritan. I'm an asshole like the rest. I don' go fur lickin' the tears offa his cheeks. I go fur lickin' the cum what's drippin' outta his bung! He don' care. He don' even know they left. But he do know a feelin' he wasn't gettin' before! Gave that boy a good bum- lick, I did! Creamy, it was. After a spell, he raises up and pushes back at me. I grabs da hot pecker t'ween his legs and blow!

Sucked the jizz right outta him! Already had muh pants off, so I jiggered my bone while I swallowed it. He straightens up and turns around to look at me. Gives me a disgusted look seein' my jizz squirtin' all over.

" been there all the time! Why didn't you help me?"

"Know better. Been kicked 'round too much...'n pissed on, too! Sides, seen yore pecker never went down da whole time. Weren't yore choice, but I thinks you liked what they did. Hurtchur pride more'n anything, right? Gotchur purty butthole fulla jizz...I just hadda get me a taste. You knowed it wasn't them anymore when ya give me that nice hot load down my craw, dincha?"

"Guess so..." he starts ta dressin' hisself back up, stumblin' and havin' to hold onta the trash bin so's he could get his pants pulled up. "Kinda knew they were bad stuff, but I just couldn't think straight enough. Still, you didn't have the, fuck it. Better than jacking off, I guess. Thanks for the blowjob you old fart!"

Now that's what I like. A polite young man that sez thank you!

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Next: Chapter 2

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