All You Need Is a Little Love

By Ren

Published on Jun 9, 2007


I just wanna say thank u to all y'all that sent me a comment so thank u. n I don't know how long you've been waiting for this to come but I hope y'all like it. Please dnt 4get 2 send comments.

You know the drill u gotz to be over 18* and if you get offended by female on female love...... why is u here? PRESS THE BACK BUTTON Y'ALL. Hehehe. I'm dedicating dis one 2 chris angel cause she showed me how to put on the first one so bless. Xxxx have fun reading it.

I played around with this one because when u is in love u is gonna come across hard times no doubt. Whether it works out is up to u.

Chapter 5: Trouble in paradise.

"Go on up lexy is in her room," her mom said letting me in. I didn't waste any time going up to see my girl and when I got to the door I heard music playing so I stopped. It was R. Kelly's happy people album. The song `If' and Lex was singing along.

If I was a painter baby, I'd paint a picture of us Some where along a private island making love If I was a pirate baby I'd discover, You for me cause girl you are a treasure If I was a dream baby, here's what I do, Allow every good dream you dream to come true If I was a promise baby, then you could bet That every promise made to you girl will be kept If I was a magician baby, you'd have no fear Cause I'd snap my fingers make your worries disappear If I was

The chorus started playing then she jumped off her bed and started waltzing across the room shaking her cute booty.

I walked in at this point and lay on her bed. She just stopped and stared at me. Damn for a mix race girl, girl could sure blush.

"Hey baby, don't stop on my accord," I said to her grinning.

"No sorry honey my performances don't come free," she said smiling back. And lord knows I aint lyin this girl was cute when she smiled, when she blushed, shit even when she's mad.

"We'll don't worry it aint free I," I said hopping up and dragging her down to the bed with me. She squealed in surprise this made me giggle; then I slowly bent down and kissed her very softly now I planned on teasing her but once I got a taste I couldn't control myself, I had to ask myself is this you the frigid bitch (as Monique had said) getting all hot and bothered by this girl. Yes it was. Our tongues were entwined dancing and fighting and I was loving it all the feel of her lips the taste, everything. I felt her moan in my mouth and the vibrations caused me to moan and it was all getting me wet and R. Kelly was singing creating a romantic mood.

"Lexy," her mom yelled up and immediately I broke the kiss and rolled of her. I heard her mutter something under her breath but I couldn't make out what she said.

"Yes," she yelled back sitting up adjusting her self.

"Will Jay be staying for dinner?" she asked. Then Lex looked at me I could tell she wanted me to say yes but I had things to do places to be.

"I cant baby I'm sorry but I got some things to do," I told her. I could tell she was sad but I couldn't keep blowing off Jackie so we were going to train today.

"Anyway tryouts tomorrow you should be saving your energy," I told getting up to leave. She walked me to the front door I could tell she was upset and it hurt but I guess it always would. I leaned to kiss her but she turned her cheek, fine be like that. I threw my hands up in defeat and left. I knew I was going to regret it and I did.

Iyt its cool girl didn't want to stay for dinner she is busy their aint no reason to get paranoid is there? Iyt that's it I need to go to the court and shoot some hoops you know to calm myself :D. I trust Jay she would never hurt me, she helped me get friends, Shanice, Jackie, Jaydene, Corrie, Damien they were all my friends and I met them all through her and those are the most true friend I've ever had so I know Jay wouldn't hurt me.

"Mom im going to the court, put my dinner in the microwave k," I yelled to her grabbing my pouch my ball and getting out the house. I walked down to the court I had seen a few weeks back then I was stopped in my track I mean totally stopped. Their Jay was having a one on one with Jackie I stood at the corner and watched. Jackie was with the ball, she jumped and shot, Jay blocked her shot sending her hurtling to the ground. They both laughed then Jay offered her hand. But Jackie pulled her down and she landed on her. Now I got a really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. And then Jackie kissed her and that was it, it was over but I decided to do my play it cool. I walked over.

"You guys having fun," I said coldly. Jay jumped of Jackie and stared at me.

"This isn't what it looks like she," she blurted out.

"Jayana why do you feel like you have to explain yourself to me, your free to kiss whoever you want its not like were going out," I said turning my back on her. Taking an anger shot that hit the back bored and went in. Jackie had left the court so it was just her and me.

"Girl don't be like that," she groaned stepping forward. I put my hand up to stop her in her in her tracks.

"Firstly I aint your girl, your girl just left and I got try outs tomorrow so I'm trying to concentrate so shut the fuck up," I said raising my voice just a tiny bit so she would get the hint but I didn't look at her cause I knew if I did I would start crying and I couldn't get emotional not at a time like this. But guess what girl didn't get it.

"I love you. She kissed me! And you are my girl and always will be please," she began but I stopped her and couldn't stop myself from slapping her it was like a reflex action.

"Don't give me that bull shit cause there is so much more where that came from, I don't want you to start messing with my head so best just aim your love some where else cause I don't want it," I said to her, and with that I left. And you know what, I felt bad. One side of me wanted to hug her and say sorry and wipe the tears from her eyes. Don't ask me why? The other side of me wanted to walk away and I did. Because she cheated and got what she deserved. It hit home when I got home. And I cried myself to sleep.

No way, I refuse to believe it's over the love of my life, my first and my last had just left me there. I should've just stayed for dinner. I ran all the way home from the cursed, mother fucking court. I got home slammed the door ran past my mom and straight to my room and I cried like I've never cried before I was heart broken and what heart was that I couldn't even read the emotion in her face her eyes were so cold. My mom came up n talked to me n I told her what happened and she was truthful and said I did cheat on her and that it's gonna be hard to get her trust back. And that's why I love my mom no matter what she is truthful even if it hurts.

All I can say school was hell. At the tryouts she was amazing but very aggressive in a graceful way u feel me. And she proved her word she didn't miss a shot.

"Lex you're on and your training partner is Jay," Miss Manson said and lawd knows I was about to die.

"Fine wit me," she said calmly. Now this is weird. Little did I know that it was girls' time to fuck wit me. I went into the locker room. She was chillin' wit my girls, which was cool. She walked up to me. And I was thinking moment of truth.

"Look yeah, we can be friends okay you can date who u want but ima chill yeah," she said smiling.

"No, I don't wanna be just be friends I want you, and trust me girl I aint letting it go and I aint gonna date no one else unless its you and I aint gonna let you go so best just accept it, I lov..."

"For fuck sake girl just give it a rest, I shudda known u still aint had your fun and well guess what I aint getting back wit you," she growled at me. I was sensing anger but I could still feel the love and it gave me hope. Everyone in the locker was staring at us, but that just made it even better.

"You think this is fun well it aint it hurts, I know I did you wrong but I didn't even kiss her she kissed me and where is she now is she at my side do you see me chasing after her, No so don't gimme that emotional shit iyt cuz you know I want you and I know u still want me kk so I'll give ay time if you want but look at me n tell me what u see, determination that will never falter that what it is if u cant see it kk," I growled back at her before turning to leave.

Playin' games come on den let's play.

At lunch we sat with each other all my girls could feel the tension but didn't say nothing. Lex and I were quiet. Damn I wish I could tell what girl was thinking. After lunch we had a free period. I was in the library, then I spotted shawty come in and I knew dis was it. I went to her table were she was and sat down staring at her.

"You look cute, just sitting they're looking all intellectual," I whispered in her ear and it got the desired effect. She got up and I could tell she was getting up to leave and that's what I wanted. When she stood, pulled her against me holding her round her waist.

"where do you think you going," I said still whispering in her ear, brushing my lips lightly against her ear and I was in the zone. :D. I gently brushed my lips against hers before finally pressing my lips firmly against hers and she was kissing me back. I could tell girl was horny cause I definitely was. Then she pushed against my chest looked me up and down.

"I can't do this," she mumbled. She grabbed her books and left. I was just there standing and smiling to myself cause the games had begun.

"Girl I'm soo sorry," Jackie said walking up to the still dazed me in the library.

"Girl fuck off you ruined the best thing I have n u is lucky we is in the library cuz I wudda beat the shit out yo ass," I growled at her not wanting to raise my voice.

"Why do you want that mix ting anyway? You need yourself a nice black girl," she said to me. Now girlfriend had just stepped a mile over the line.

I grabbed her and slamming her against the wall.

"Don't you ever tell me what I need or I will seriously fuck you up, and why do I want Lex, because I love her and will never stop loving her so you can just go fuck yourself," I said throwing her to the ground.

"You just lost yourself a best friend," I said to her stepping over her groaning body.

So girl is turning this into a game. Shit she really messed me up today. Her whispering in my ear has got me all hot and bothered and my peeps noticed it. But I saw Jackie talking to her then I saw Jay get all aggressive so I left before it got too messy. I met up with a few of them in the hallway.

"Mmm girl you gotta a glow," Shanice said laughing.

"Look we know dere is something going on between you and Jay and we is cool with it," Jaydene said hugging me.

"Was," I corrected her. I could feel my eyes watering.

"What did girl do now," Corrie said sighing. I looked at them and they were all staring at me waiting for me to say suttin'.

"Iyt since y'all all wanna know she cheated on me with that slut Jackie," I said finally crying.

"Oh girl," Corrie said coming up to hug me.

"Are you sure because it doesn't sound like our girl Jay, it sounds like Jackie doh," Shanice growled I could tell she was mad.

"It was mostly Jackie but Jay didn't even push her away," I sobbed.

"Typical, I never liked that girl, ima beat her ass down," Jaydene said.

"I can only imagine what Jay is going through," Corrie said sighing.

"Hey girls,"

"Speak of the devil," Shanice muttered. Jay walked up to us and then saw my red eyes then her expression changed completely to something I've never seen before.

"What happened," she yelled. "I swear if that bitch touched her ima hunt her ass down...."

"No it's not Jackie, well it kinda is but she didn't hurt her physically," Shanice said and with that they all left and it was only Jay and me.

Chapter 6: Not letting go.

Here my baby was all read eyed and all I anted to do was do some serious damage to whoever hurt her, and that was me. And I aint one for self harming. Then all of a sudden she was in my arms crying on my shoulder. Okay.

"I'm sorry I've missed you," she sobbed. Now with those words my hurt felt like it was gonna burst.

"Baby don't say you're sorry, you aint got nothing to be sorry about. I hurt you and I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you," I cried.

"I know," she mumbled on my shoulder and with that I knew everything was okay. That day everything was good. After school I took her to mine where we got changed to go to the court and practice.

"Hey I didn't know you supported Miami heats that's strange," I said to her.

"For shizzle dey rock," she said holding up her shirt.

We got to the court and had one on ones. Now I've had plenty in my life and I've got to say this is the hardest. The score was 19-19 we both needed 2 to get it in, and y'all know I was screwed cause she was the range master. Y'all don't need to ask you know I lost. We sat down and talked and laughed and it felt good.

"Hey baby I've missed you," a voice I knew only too well. I gotta ask. WHY ME!!!! It was Monique my ex-girlfriend but the good thing was Lex didn't over react she just looked her up and down.

"Monique I'm not you're baby, you broke up with me months ago so fuck off and don't get me mad," I said to her.

"Yeah, she's my girl now," Lex said standing up looking like she was ready for a fight nut I knew she couldn't take Monique.

"Who is this mix bitch," Monique growled get into a fighting stance.

"IYT ENOUGH!!" I yelled. I was seriously mad now because, Monique was ruining my life again.

"You do NOT speak to my girl like that Monique I love you know why cause I would give her my all, she gets me all hot and bothered just when she smiles, THAT is something you couldn't do," I yelled at her. I could tell Lex was scared cause she backed up behind me.

"Whatever, you are my bitch and I aint letting go," Monique said walking away. Now this was too much drama. Way too much.

Thank you for reading my story I love leaving it on cliff hanger just like they do in all my favourite shows and it drives me mad you know.

Hehehe. Don't forget to send me your comments.

Next: Chapter 3

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