All You Need Is a Little Love

By Ren

Published on Jun 7, 2007


This story is pure fiction of the kind of love I wish for myself and everyone else out there.

Y'all know the drill y'all must be 18 or over cough* and don't even think about stealing this or ima kick ure ass :D ima nice person really.

Comments send to : OR

Good or bad dis chick wants to hear it xxxx. (Old habits are hard to break)

By the way if this goes well, I dedicate it to my hommie Tanya cause she's cool and told me to write suttin so I did. :D

My name is Alex but everyone calls me Lex I'm what people would call mix race light caramel skin my mom being Latino and my father who by the way is dead being pure African American. So I have long wavy hair from my mother and hazel eyes. I'm very athletic and I guess that's all. Let's just say I have very low self esteem. It all started when I was a freshman in my first school (yeah I've been to many.) 7th grade was so different girls started talking about boy and were getting the eye here and there from boys but me never, I was just the quiet girl who no one ever noticed but that wasn't what broke my self esteem one year a boy finally noticed me and started talking to me his name was Craig Hill one of the cutest boys and he asked me out I said yes immediately but one day I entered school and saw him kissing Katie Drew (the hottest girl in school) I was so upset he looked at me and said "Did you really think I was interested you," I discovered soon after I was a bet that he could pull any girl he wanted. Now that's what broke my self esteem. So in all of my 17 years I've never had a boyfriend or anything.

Back to the matter at hand. My father died right before my eyes last year and it kind of fucked me up so we had to move here so here I am living in New York where I fit in a bit more if you get my drift.

Going to a new school is the most nerve racking thing ever, I've been to many but that doesn't make it any better you never know what to expect.

Chapter 1: One look is all it took.

Here I was sitting in history totally bored shit. I didn't get a word Miss Madison said and frankly I didn't give a shit. My name is Jay I'm full on African American with white parents. I know what your thinking how the hell that worked. Easy I'm adopted it didn't take me that long to figure it out. And it doesn't bother me at all cause I love them they love me so it's all good in the hood. Lol.

"Class we have a new student," Miss Madison announced. Normally I wouldn't have given a shit but something told me to pay attention so I did and thank God I did. I must've been in heaven because there before me was an angel, she had the most striking features and those lips oh God those lips beautiful pink and full. Sigh* I've only been in one relationship with a girl before but it ended in shambles. Her name was Monique and I really liked her but the problem was sex, I was so fucking nervous anytime we got close to doing it I'd freak out and tell her to stop because I was (and still am) a virgin. She got really inpatient and we had a massive argument and she broke up with me. I cried for days cause I've never been so heart broken my mom and dad were cool with the whole gay thing and proud of me for not doing anything I didn't want to this made me feel better and in the end all the pain was replaced with anger. I am over her now. Now I have my eyes on a new prize and lawd knows she is one fine sister.

"This is Alex Taylor and she is new to All Saints High school so make her feel welcome, there's a spare seat next to Jayana," she said pointing to the empty seat next to mine.

Damn this girl was fine she caught my eye from the moment I walked in. Her hair in a very stylish cornrow pattern and the ends touching her shoulders, her dark skin had this glow, and those brown eyes damn I felt like I could get lost in them. Hold up girl what wrong with me, you aint gay. Hell Nah I aint. The day went really fast probably because the only thing that was on my mind was Jayana. Shit I am really messed up. At lunch I know I should've gone to the cafeteria and socialized but I am one curious mother fucker, I heard that the gym was open to the girls basket ball squad at lunch so you know me had to go take a look because I love basket ball I've never been on a team but me and my dad on Saturday morning would go to the court and have one on ones all the time. I got really good at it. I got there and sat on the audience seat and watched. Then I saw her. She dribbled the ball and threw it into the hoop it was a nice clean shot. She collected the ball then ran dribbling the ball and slammed it down holding onto the rim then finally letting go. She looked around but nobody was there so she just let out a sigh. Why? I dunno. "Nice shot," I said making her jump. She turned around and stared at me for a while. I just smiled. When she didn't say anything back I got nervous cause I thought I'd done something wrong. Then she just grinned at me. And omg it was the sexiest thing I have ever seen. It sent electricity soaring through my body. "Thanks," she said finally speaking. "Here," she said passing the ball into my hands. I stared down at the ball and smiled. I looked at the net it was pretty far but I came out of my momma's womb throwing long shots. I calmly shot it at the net and it was nice and clean.

Not only was she drop dead gorgeous she was talented. I was never a long distance person. But I decided to test her. "Mmm Lucky shot," I said putting on a sly grin.

"S'cuse me I don't think I heard you properly," she said she had a killer smile on.

"Sorry girl I must not have been clear, I said that was a nice lucky shot," I said widening my grin. She simply went picked up the ball and moved even further back and shot and once again it went straight in. She was standing in the centre of the court. "Now girl I don't think that was luck," she said laughing.

"Excuse me are you on the team?" Miss Manson the female basketball squad coach asked approaching Alex. She shook her head she seemed a bit nervous. And this my friends was my Que.

"No she is not, Alex here is new and I am taking care her so we were just you know hanging out but we will be leaving," I said dragging her off before Miss Manson could say anything. We ran out of the Gym in fits of laughter.

"Hey I'm Jay" I said offering her my hand. She looked at it then took it saying "Lex".

"Well Lex I hope you didn't mind me taking you away from the Gym but Miss Manson can be a bit pushy like she was with me when I first came and she practically forced me on the team. I wanted you to make up your own mind though the team could use your range," I said smiling.

Okay she was too much this was all too much. And thank Jesus I was saved by the bell. Before I she could say anything I ran off yelling that it was nice meeting her.

I've never really had a proper friend I've always been alone. People have pretended to be my friend before but all they did was use me and it always hurt when I found out. And it finally crossed my mind that Jay was soo beautiful why would she want to be my friend. I decided I had to avoid her.

School was over pretty quick and I left, I shared a few more classes with Jay but I avoided eye contact and everything else. Which was really hard because I could tell she was staring at me but why? I didn't know.

Chapter 2: Bittersweet Tears

I could tell Lex was avoiding me and normally I would say to hell with it but this one was not getting away Nah uh. I rushed out after school to my car and waited for her to come out and when she did she took my breath away again. She just stood there the sun radiating off her beautiful skin. I blew my horn and she turn to look at me. Her eyes widened and she looked like she was looking for an escape route I smiled at this. Finally she let out a sigh and walked over to my car.

"Hey" she said very nervously.

"Hey Lex, lemme give you a ride," I said smiling.

"Erm not thank you I'll walk," she said smiling.

"Now way girl, get in the car and stop fronting," Now this surprised her as much as it did me but at least she got in. She gave me the directions.

"So where did you move from?" I asked making conversation.

"San Francisco" she replied. I felt pain in her voice and this caused me pain.

"Why did you move? It seems like a nice place beautiful sites you know the bridge and all"

She's asking me questions and I wish she would stop. I remember the day I begged my father to take me to the bridge and he did it was a beautiful day the day just before he was shot by that mother fucker. I couldn't help it but the memories made me start to cry. Jay looked over at me and saw I was crying she looked sad. She pulled over and walked over to my side and pulled me out the car and gave me hug. "It's okay baby," she whispered in my ear. "I'm here now," she further said. This made cry harder. I know I probably looked stupid but I couldn't help it. She continued whisper in my ear. I knew then and there I was falling for her and it hurt so bad because I knew she would never love some one as ugly as me.

It was taking all my will power not to cry as this beautiful girl melted in my arms. After she calmed down we climbed back in my car and drove the rest of the way in silence only her giving me directions. When I got home I went straight to my room and cried. Why? I don't know I cried because I was falling in love and I knew she was in pain. And it hurt so bad to be away from her.

"Darling are you okay," my mom said coming into my room.

"No," I said. Not looking up from pillow cause I hated it when people see me crying.

"Who is she?" my mom asked. Damn she knew almost better than me. I looked up and saw my moms beautiful green eyes staring at me they were filled with sympathy.

"Her name's Lex and she is new, she is so beautiful mom but she is in so much pain, and I don't know why but that is causing me pain," I said I knew I was babbling. My mom took me into her arms and hugged me tight. "It's okay darling, I'm sure she feels the same way," I wasn't sure though and wasn't that what mattered.

What the fuck is wrong with me? Why did I do that? I probably scared her off. My first real chance of a friend and I blew no I didn't just blow I destructed it. Talk about lame. My mind was racing as I threw myself on the bed she had hugged me and I could still smell her on me. She had the scent of coco butter. My mind raced with thoughts of her, her smile, her touch, her scent. Damn I feel like freakin Shakespeare in Love.

"Honey how was your first day at school," my mom asked. I loved my mom her voice, she had an American accent but you could still hear a little bit of the Latino in it.

"Bittersweet," I replied that was the only was to describe it. She smiled at this and gave me a hug. Then she left me. I looked around my room it felt so compact. I grabbed my side bag and decided to go for a walk. I never went any where, without my side bag it's a small pouch bag where I keep everything, my gum for emergencies, my pen and note book. I love to write songs about my feelings or just stuff that pops into my head. I walked across the road on the side walk thinking to myself, then I saw her she was in the park with her head on her knees. Should I or should I not I though. Oh what the hell might as well. I walked quietly up to the bench where she sat.

"You okay?" I asked.

"No, go away I don't talk to stranger," she replied. I smiled at this. Don't ask me why I don't know but she sounded cute when she was mad.

"I hardly thought I was a stranger," I said smiling. She looked up at me and in those brown eyes I saw surprise and a flash of..... pain. She was sad. But why?

"Lex I'm sorry I didn't know it was you" she said smiling.

"It's cool, now girl tell me what's wrong," I said looking very seriously at her.

"Nothing," she said. Or should I say lied.

Damn. Am I that readable? But I can't tell her not yet anyway.

"Nothing's wrong Lex," I said softly I hated lying to her. I don't know why because lie all the time.

"Last year my dad took me out to go for a walk, I felt like getting out the house and I forced him to come with me, as we were walking and talking a racist ran up to us and shot him right in front of me and right then my world was broken torn to pieces I felt like turning to the man and telling him to shoot me, after that my dad died almost instantly I was ma at him for leaving me, I tried to commit suicide but my mom caught me I took a lot of therapy, I must admit it did some good but in my heart there is a void that wants to be filled but cant. What I'm trying to say I kept things bottled up inside but it did me no good you get what I'm saying," I was taken back by what she had told me, this beauty had just sat there and poured out her heart to me all these painful memories of hers she had actually...

"I'm sorry," was all I could make out because if I said any more I would've started crying.

"He was my world, I know I have my mom but he got me, he..." she sobbed.

"Oh honey," I said I reached for her but she pushed me away. And this hurt, omg it hurt soo bad. She got up and began to walk away.

"Lex you wanna know what's wrong... well I...I'm in love," this made her stop in her tracks. She turned around and sat down.

"And it hurts so bad because I know they will never love me the way I love them," I sobbed.

Chapter 3: Opening doors

I couldn't believe my ears the girl who had almost driven me insane today was in love with someone. The lucky mother fucker. And now it was time for me to comfort the one I could never call my own. I pulled her towards me and out my arms around her as she cried into my shoulder. I couldn't help myself so I kissed her cheek. She didn't seem fazed by it her skin felt so soft and beautiful. Her scent filled my nostrils and I felt kind of intoxicated it was the most amazing feeling ever. I whispered sweet nothings in her ear until she finally calmed down and removed herself from my embrace, which kinda sucked.

"Do you wanna come round to my house for dinner lawd knows I need the company," I said in just the same way my father use to say to me.

"Erm okay then, I just u know gotta holla at my mom," she said laughing. She pulled out her self and had a very quick conversation with her mom. While she did that I called up mom.

"Hey mom can my friend come over for dinner... yeah from school..... Okay mom no need to get too excited you make me sound like I'm on my J's all the time..... Yeah but they don't need to know that ... iyt bye," I said laughing and finally cutting the phone.

"On your J's well not anymore," se said laughing and jumping up from the bench. It is soo hard to believe this girl was actually crying a few minuets ago.

We laughed and talked on the walk back home or should I say run cause she kept challenging me to races which she won which kinda sucked. We stumbled in my house laughing, my mom rushed in because of the racket.

"I see your home," she said leaning in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Yes momma were home, this is Jay, from school," I said laughing at her little act.

I see where she got half her looks from. LOL. Not that I was checking her mom out cause that would be totally wrong. I had my eyes on the beauty ahead of me.

"Mom I'm just gonna show her my room, then when dinners ready you can you know holla," she said smiling. Dragging me up stairs.

"Yeah hi to you to," her mom yelled after us laughing. Her room was amazing, she had this really big poster of this really good looking man on her wall.

"Is he a rapper or something he is quite good looking," I said taking a closer look.

"That shorty is my dad, I got it done a while back," she said. I make such a fool of myself sometime, and guess what hommies? This was one of them. She looked at my expression and started to bust her teeth laughing. I stared at her a little bit.

"Come on girl you gotta admit that look was priceless," she said. When I didn't laugh she moved over to me and started to tickle me and dang am I ticklish. So here dis girl was laughing her ass of as I squirmed and laughed (involuntarily). We landed on the bed she was on top of me still laughing.

"Stop...(laugh*)... girl you..(laugh some more*) goin make me choke to death," I said. She finally got off me with this killer grin on her face.

"Don't you feel much better?" she asked. Smiling looking like the angel she was.

"Nah girl ima have to get you back, might not be today or tomorrow but ima get you back so best be watchin your back," I told her putting on my evil grin.

Damn. How man time have I said that. Well it was definitely called for. She had the sexiest grin on even the purest of peeps would get lusty feelings. Shit dis girl had seriously messed me up. Opening all these doors I never knew were there.

"I've decide to actually join your basketball team," I told. Where the fuck did that come from? Oh well its done.

"Really.... I mean that's great with you and me together we'd be unstoppable," she said looking up at the ceiling. I think she actually zoned out on me.

"Yo girl wake up," I said giggling snapping my fingers I front of her face we looked at each other then started laughing.

Mrs McIntosh took the plates out as she thought to herself. "I am soo happy she has a friend or maybe more than a friend, I saw the way that girl looked at her when Lexy wasn't looking. And the way Lexy looked at her when she wasn't looking. Who really is this girl opening extraordinary doors for my daughter, either way I still love my daughter, our daughter," she thought as she looked out the window at the sky.

"Girls come down dinners ready," she yelled up at them. Few minuets later they came rushing down.

You know we was actually getting somewhere I was moving closer to her I was dis close to you know getting into the girls zone but she backed up and den her momma called us down.

Jay was getting so close but I wasn't sure what she

was doing so I backed up you know. Then my mom saved me. She cooked my favourite, spaghetti bolognaise. While we ate my mom quizzed us and we made small talk then it went kind of silent then I could feel her eyes on me. Why the fuck was this girl doing this to me man? I knew for she couldn't be interested.

The food on our plate disappeared fast. We cleaned then went back up to my room to watch a video. I was searching for the right one.

"Erm Jay you seem awfully silent," I said trying to make conversation.

You think. "Sorry I was you know thinking" I replied. She picked out You Got Served and I love that movie. We sat and watched but I couldn't concentrate with this hot girl sitting on a bed right next to me. Shit I was definitely fucked up.

Chapter 4: Kiss and Run

The weeks went by and we got really close my friends, (who know I'm gay) started to notice as well.

"Shit girl you really sprung this time," Jackie my best friend said as we sat on the grass during our free period.

"Girl sprung aint the word to describe the way she makes me feel," I told her.

"Well why don't you tell her that?" she said looking at me. Now I love Jackie really I do but hommie can be so dumb some times.

"Hold up, you really like this hot girl yeah, I know you not gay but just listen, you like this girl who you don't know if she is straight or gay and you just up and tell her," I said. Now she looked really confused.

"Oh shit I never told you, well erm.... I kinda realised a few weeks ago ... that I'm gay too, please don't hate me for not telling you but... I was confused," she said really fast. Girl was babbling girl always babbles when she's scared. And I know this is not a nice thing to do but I burst out laughing.

"Girl it's cool as long as I'm the first to know, I am the first to know right?" I said raising my eyebrow.

"Of course," she said hugging me.

"Hey," a voice I knew too well, said walking up to us. I turned around and saw Lex and damn was girl looking finer than ever, I swear this girl get more beautiful everyday, I don't know if that's possible but that's how I see it. I could see Jackie grinning out the corner of my eye which made me real nervous.

"See you later girl," she said jumping up and grabbing her bag before I could protest.

"Hey girl, take a seat," I told her patting the grass I tried to sound as cool as possible and believe it or not I managed to pull it off.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come round my house after school and stay for dinner." I asked her. She had an unsure look on her face.

"I cant because I need to tell my mom and well I have no way to contact her so maybe if I go home and tell her today I could come round tomorrow," she said smiling. No way was girl getting out of it that easy.

"Here," I said handing her my phone. "Just call her." She looked down at my hand I could tell she was ramming her brain for excuses. Why was girl trying to avoid me? She seemed to notice the determined look on my face. She let out a sigh and began dialling the number.

"Hey momma.... no nothing's wrong its just Jay asked me if I could come round after school and stay for dinner so I just wanted to ask you if that was cool..... You sure you don't need me..... Yeah okay, so what time you want me to be back.... No I won't be staying that long I'll be back by nine okay..... Yeah I will iyt love you bye." The she handed me the phone. I couldn't help smile because I had a feeling tonight would be very interesting.

Shit my life is over. Firstly because I'm gonna be spending the whole day with this irresistible chocolate honey who as in love with someone else and plus I'm gonna be meeting her parents shit I'm nervous.

School went really fast which for once was really disappointing she was waiting for me in her car, I got in and we drove in silence. She had this fixed smile on her. I wonder what was on girls mind. We stopped at her house which was really pretty.

"No cars no ones home I guess," she said to herself just loud enough so that I can hear. We got in and she led me straight to her room. We sat on her bed and talked.

"So what do you want to be when you're older," she asked.

"My dreams or what I know I'm gonna end up doing," I replied. I think she noticed the sadness in my voice. Whoops she probably thinks I'm a depressed mother fucker.

"Your dreams," she said softly. She was looking at me intently those gorgeous brown eyes staring at me.

"I want to sing, I love sing, singing is my passion," I told her. She smiled this.

"I guess we have some thing in common because I want to become a big female rap star like missy, or eve," I said smiling. "Why don't you sing for me," I said smiling. I could see her shift uncomfortablely. "Don't worry its just you and me here," I said smiling then she started and lemme tell y'all it took my breath away her voice was mesmerizing. Check it.

Why. Why can't I make this pain go away?

I love you but I just don't have it in me to say

How you make me feel,

When I look in your eyes,

How it makes me cry,

Knowing you don't love me, like I love you.

I just stared at her, because she had officially and literally taken my breath away.

"Jay now it's your turn," she said smiling.

"Iyt lemme make a sequel okay," I said smiling back.

One day you will,

But you don't know how you make me feel

When I look into ure eyes how make cry sometimes I feel like im gonna die

Cause I cant have you the way I want you, I know now I was born to,

Love you. and now this is my que.

Then I leaned forward and I kissed her. What was I doing? I don't know. Her lips felt so soft and I felt a jolt of electricity soar through my body. Then I was brought back down to earth. I pulled away and I kinda flipped.

"I'm soo sorry, please don't be mad, but from the day I saw I've wanted to do that, you are soo beautiful and I understand if you don't want to see me again," I said. Tears were streaming down my face as I turned away. (I hate people seeing me cry.) Then I felt her touch my shoulder, I turned and next thing I knew her lips were on mine, so tender and sweet. Forget heaven, this was heaven and she was an angel, my angel :D. I felt the tip of her tongue press against my lips and I opened my mouth inviting it in. Damn it felt so good as her tongue explored my mouth. Then she froze, she pulled away got her stuff and ran out soo fast it was almost like a dream. I was dazed. I just sat there tears streaming down my face. Where had I gone wrong?

I was running as fast as my legs could carry me. What had I done? I was so stupid. For what deed you ask? Running she must be soo pissed of at me. But I couldn't believe it was happening and I just ran so I could get away from her before I woke up so it wouldn't hurt so badly. But it still did. Wait hold up she's in love with some one so why the fuck did she kiss me? Is she trying to use me like every other friend I've made. I didn't notice I was home already I looked at the time and I saw it was five-thirty I ran upstairs and slumped on my bed breaking down in tear.

"Honey, are you okay?" my mom said knocking on the door.

"Go away you would never understand," I said raising my head from my pillow so she could hear me and go away. She opened the door and walked slowly in. Gosh woman what part of go away doesn't she get. Sigh*

"I know you love her, and I'm okay with it I just want to know what happened," my mom whispered. I looked at her and let out a sigh I should've known better than to keep it hidden from my mom.

"She told me a few weeks back she was deeply in love with someone and she knew they love her back then today, girl kissed me and messed me up real bad because I really love her but she loves someone else so why the fuck is she messing with my head," I said breaking down in tears. My mom gathered me into her arms.

"Have you thought that you were the one she was in love you," she whispered. I stared at my mom and I don't know why but I started to get mad. And I think she sensed it.

"Look mom I know you want me to feel better but don't start messing with my head, I'm tired of people telling me what they think I want to hear, where the fuck is my father when I need him," I said storming out not before grabbing my side bag. I went to the park were I poured my heart out to Jay the time I saw her.

Stop. Stop messing with my head yeah

If you don't love me like I love you

Stop messing with my head

I know the truth hurts but tell me the truth

And stop messing with my head.

I wrote on my note pad that's all I could get down before I burst out crying.

"Hey, we really need to stop meeting like this," a hoarse voice said behind me I knew who it was so I didn't turn around.

"Go away Jay. Shit. Why the fuck are you doing this to me? I was so stupid to actually think you wanted me, but why would you want someone as ugly and as boring as me, look just go tell the person in love with cause you're really beautiful and they probably love you too," I said sobbing. She touched my shoulder and I flinched and sharply stood up and started to run.

Shit. I couldn't believe my ears. I deal with that later because she aint getting away from me that easily. I ran after she was pretty hard to keep up with she looked back and I hid behind the tree. The she sat down on the grass and sobbed.

"Girl, please stop crying, it breaks my heart to see you cry," I said approaching her from behind. She jumped up and stared at me tears streaming down her face.

"Jay, why won't you leave me the fuck alone, and stop messing with my head. Shit. I don't need your sympathy friendship I've done fine on my own for the past 17 years okay. So fuck off," she yelled slumping down on the grass. I must say this girl was truly sexy when she was mad. I know what you're thinking that how the hell can I be thinking that in a situation like this, well hell I dunno.

"Why won't I leave you alone you ask? I'll tell you why, because girl you drive me crazy, when I'm with you it takes all my will power not to kiss you and it hurts and when I'm not you are on my mind 24/7 and I can't think of nothing else, you want me to tell who I love then fine, Lex I love you and now you know I'm not messing with your head you are actually playing with my heart," I told her letting out a sigh and slumping down next to her on the grass.

"Why? Why do you love me? How can you love someone as ug..."

"Shut up. Girl I never wanna here you say that again, and I love you because you are so beautiful in an innocent way and I love you because you make me feel (as corny as this sound its true) complete," I said looking deeply into her hazel eyes and I saw she was on the verge of tears. I kissed her tears away then finally I kissed her and it felt so right because she kissed me back this time I was first to get my tongue and I used it to explore her mouth and encircle her tongue as we kissed I felt myself getting wet and I pulled away for air. She giggled.

"We better stop, before we that old couple a heart attack," she said dragging me by hand pulling me up. I walked her home when we got to her front door she turned around to speak, but I cover her mouth with my lips. What can I say I've wanted to do it for ages. We engaged in a kiss that was getting more passionate by the second.

"Stop girl or you gonna make me have to take a seriously cold shower," I said pulling away and winking at her. She giggled and kissed me one more time before entering her door and smiling at me and closing it. I'm sprung I hummed to my self. LOL.

No way had that just happened to me. I leaned against the front door and smiled to myself.

"I see you two finally got your act together," she said smiling leaning in the kitchen door way. I saw her eyes were red and I felt so bad because she was right.

"Oh momma I'm soo sorry," I said rushing into her arms.

"Honey, I know you miss your daddy, I do too," she said hugging.

I ran to my room and... And cried. What? Why am I crying she loves me. Then I realised I missed her.

"Honey pick up the phone in your room someone's one the phone for you," my mom yelled up at me. I'd been so deep in thought I hadn't heard it ring.

"Hello," I said wondering who would be calling.

"Hey baby," Jay said on the other end. My heart felt like it had just leapt out of my chest from the sound of her voice on the other end it sounded very husky and sexy. I still couldn't believe she wanted me.

"How did you get my number?" I asked her smiling to myself that she had actually got it.

"Well you called your house on my phone so I just checked call register and saved it," she said laughing. I smiled to myself. "Girl, what you smiling about," asked me laughing some more.

"What can you see me or something?" I asked suddenly get self conscious.

"Sit your cute lil behind down I'm just imagining what you would be doing in my mind," she said giggling.

"Your laugh, its really beautiful," I said letting out a sigh.

"What?" she said sounding really confused. Talk about dumb. Lol.

"You asked why I was smiling and I said it's because your laugh is really beautiful," I told her softly.

"Thank you baby," she said. "You know I ended u taking a cold shower," she told me, laughing this really infectious talk about being sprung.

"Well next time don't get too into it," I said giggling.

"Hey baby please can you sing to me?" she asked really softly that I wasn't sure if I heard right.

"Okay," I whispered.

You know you are my star. Yes you are. Through darkness your light shines through I don't know what I'd do, without you, my boo. I don't want go another day without you by my side My rod and my staff girl you are my second half.

"That's all I can think of right now," I said to her. "Now rap for me baby," I said giggling.

"Iyt just for you but you know I don't give away free shows," she said sly. I knew what she was getting at.

"Oh don't worry baby, you aint giving it for free... I just sang to you," I laughed.

"Iyt," she said I could tell she was smiling.

When I close my eyes and go to bed at night, It seems, you keep infecting my dreams, Now I've never seen a beauty like you And I believe, its my duty to you, That you never have to wait on me, Cause any one should see You're the one for me, Now this aint no democracy or controversy, But it kinda bothers me When I cant hold you close, And when I kiss you, I always want another dose.

When I finished I felt like crying I wanted her lips I wanted her soo bad.

"I know I want to kiss you too," Lex's voice said on the other end of the phone. I need to change the subject before I end up crying again.

"So basket ball squad tryouts you ready?" I asked her. Smiling because I knew she was.

"Girl you know ima wipe the floor with there face," she said laughing which sounded like music to my ears.

"Anyway I gotta go baby, see ya tomorrow then the phone cut," Damn. That night I slept with thoughts of her, I hummed the song she first sang me. Bringing back the memories of her beautiful soulful voice.

Well that's all y'all don't forget to send comments. I'll reply.

I'll write part 2 as soon as I receive comments. :D devilish aint I.

Next: Chapter 2

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