All the Ways I Love You

By Jason Calme

Published on Jan 12, 2003


All the Ways I Love You

This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behavior of the actual person.

Copyright 2003 Jason Calme. This story is the sole property of its author and may not be copied in whole or in part or posted on any website without the permission of the author.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "".

Chapter 7.

As soon as we got outside, Jeannie started in on Justin.

"So Justin," she said, "how do you know our loser friend here?"

"Ah...well he came out to LA to work on a script for me."

"He did?" she asked turning to me, "you didn't tell me about that."

"It was just recent, I was going to tell you today!" I laughed.

We found a small place where we got a table in the back and had a pleasant lunch. Justin's bodyguard took a table a little way away from us and we pretended he wasn't there.

I was still on a high. Jeannie, Paul and I chatted away and Justin joined the conversation now and again, though he acted a little distant. I thought at first it was just a defense against meeting new people. We were talking about things we might do after lunch, and I was thinking the four of us might go and explore the city. But when I looked over at Justin I could tell he was getting anxious. Maybe he was feeling exposed. I leaned over towards him and he leaned towards me.

"Everything okay?" I whispered in his ear.

"Yeah...," he whispered back, then after a pause, "I uh...I only have this afternoon...I have a flight out tonight."

"Oh...," I said.

"Sorry," he apologized.

"No need to apologize, I'm just glad you came!" I said and he gave me a small smile.

I pulled away from him and looked back at Jeannie and Paul. Paul was concentrating on finishing his French fries, but Jeannie had obviously been watching Justin and I talking to each other and she had this curious expression on her face. I felt myself blush a little.

"Hey guys," I said to Jeannie and Paul. Paul looked up. "I didn't know before, but Justin's just in town for another couple of hours and he has to go do some things," I lied a little. "So...ahh...would it be okay if we did this another day? He's not in town much so I was going to hang with him."

"You mean you'd rather hang with Justin Timberlake than with little old us?" Jeannie said in an exaggeratedly hurt voice.

I sat staring at her for a second.

"Yes!" I said.

"Well now we know how we rate," Jeannie laughed.

"It's not like that!" I said apologetically, though I knew she was just playing with me by the smile on her face, "But I can see you guys anytime..."

"Oh! Thanks!" said Paul.

I turned to Justin and saw he had a big grin on his face, obviously enjoying the show.

"Will you help me out here?" I asked.

"Don't drag me into it!" he said laughing. "They're your friends."

"Thanks for your support," I said bitterly, turning back to Jeannie and Paul.

"Oh go have fun!" said Jeannie finally letting me off the hook, "but you dump us again and it's the last reading I'm going to!"

"Thanks," I said.

The waitress came over with the bill and Justin insisted on paying for it before we got up to say good-bye. Justin shook Paul's hand and gave Jeannie a quick hug. She laughed with glee and I knew that I didn't have to worry about her being mad that I dropped them to run off and be with Justin.

We got out of the restaurant and I asked Justin what he wanted to do.

"How about we go back to your place?" he asked.

"Sure" I said, and then remembered that we had Justin's bodyguard with us. I didn't know what Justin was going to do about him, but Justin turned and went over to talk to the guy for a few minutes, then he came back to me smiling.

I gave him a quizzical expression that Justin took to mean 'what's happening,' and he told me he'd told the guy to take the afternoon off. We flagged down a cab and headed to my apartment.

We kept apart in the cab and going into the building, but once we got inside the apartment we hugged each other closely. It felt so good to have him in my arms again. He smelt so good, felt so warm. We kissed and then Justin started apologizing.

"Sorry I'm only here for the afternoon."

"Don't apologize," I said kissing him again.

"I want to," he said and I pulled away from him just a bit.


"I just...I've wanted to come out and see you so much..."

"I know...I've wanted to see you so much too...but you're here now."

"I know..." but clearly something else was upsetting him as his eyes were watering.

"Justin, what's the matter?"

"I...the...record company knows."

"Knows what?"

"About...about you and me, and they aren't happy."

"How'd they find out?" I asked curiously. Had they had him followed?

"Security was upset I went missing last time I was here and they read me the riot act about going off alone without them knowing what I was doing. So when we were coming back to New York...well I had to tell them or I couldn't see you."

"Okay," I said. I hugged him and he hugged me back, and then I pulled away. "You want a drink or something?" I asked. He nodded and we stepped into the kitchen and I took out a couple of glasses and a bottle of Coke and filled up the glasses, adding ice and handing one to Justin.

"So how are things going?" I asked finally.

"Everything sucks!" he said rather loudly, not looking at me, his head nodding up and down to some beat.

"Everything?" I asked.

He looked up embarrassedly. "Well, not everything," he said, and grinned a little.

"I get it."

"My Mother's still at me, now the record companies sticking their noses in... 'don't do this', 'don't do that', 'don't get caught', 'you don't know what you're getting yourself into' it's all they think I had a choice and just went 'oh it's Tuesday today, I think I'll fall in love with a guy and see what that's like.'"

He spoke the last part in this overly exaggerated fashion that had me laughing at first. But it was the words 'fall in love with a guy' that caught my attention. Had he meant that, or was it just an expression? Was he just wrapped up in the little performance he was giving?

He looked up at me, blushing a little. "Sorry," he apologized.

"It's okay Justin, I understand."

Justin was almost boiling with rage. He took another drink, draining the glass, and then stood there rocking slightly from side to side, turning the glass in his hand. There was no sound but his lips moved a little and it looked like he was still talking, but to himself.

"I just get so angry sometimes, it's my's my fucking life," he said louder, but still to himself, and then he pulled back and threw the glass into the far corner of the kitchen. It hit the wall and exploded with a loud bang, shattering into thousands of tiny pieces. Watching it, I idly thought that whenever I'd dropped a glass it usually broke into a few large pieces and many small pieces, but this glass had just disintegrated.

I looked from the smashed glass to Justin. He was standing with a rather dazed look on his face, as though he couldn't believe he'd done that. It was uncomfortably quiet. I was wondering where this violent side of him had come from, and was it an indicator of things to come? He was probably wondering how he'd shown this side of himself.

"Ethan, I'm sorry," he apologized, "I don't know what happened...I just...I'll buy you another one."

"Yeah...," I said quietly, "you will. That make you feel any better?"

He looked up at me, a little embarrassed, but I could see him trying to pull himself together and he finally stared at me levelly.

"Not really," he said quietly.

"Kind of pointless then?" I said and saw him blush.

I went over to the cupboard and pulled out a pan and brush and walked over to Justin.

"You start brushing it up," I said, "I'll get something to put the glass in." He just nodded and I went out to the other room breathing hard and trying to keep myself together. Okay, this wasn't going well. Justin was upset. We needed to do something to change his mood. I thought for a moment and then it came to me.

I went and got a brown paper bag and took it in to Justin, telling him to put the glass in there and then wrap it in newspaper, and left again, ignoring his apologetic glances.

I went into the bedroom and made a phone call.

When I came back, Justin was crouched down finishing wrapping the glass, and looking very sorry about the whole thing. He stood up and walked towards me holding out a small carefully wrapped parcel of newspaper. He looked at me with huge eyes, tears starting to run down his cheeks.

"Ethan," he said almost sobbing, and I took the parcel and put it on the table. "I'm not like that..." he went on, "I would...I would never do anything to hurt you," he said speaking the things that I'd been thinking since it had happened.

I took him into my arms and hugged him tightly. "It's okay Justin...I need to find a more productive way of channeling your frustrations." I pulled back from him and smiled and he looked at me and he blushed.

"Uh...uh...what did you have in mind?" he asked a little flustered.

"Not that!" I said squeezing his shoulders. "Come on, grab your coat, we're going out."

"Where are we going?" he asked.

"It's a surprise," I said. "Trust me!"

"Okay," he said, sounding not so sure.

We went outside and started down the street. We'd only gone a little way when I noticed that Justin's minder was across the street, following us. Justin saw me glancing back at him, but didn't say anything.

We got to the end of the street and flagged down a cab. Justin opened the door for me to get in but I stood there staring at him.

"What?" he asked.

I tilted my head towards the guy who was following us. "What about your shadow?"

Justin looked a little guilty. "He'll get another cab. I can call him when we get where we're going."

"Why don't we just have him ride with us?"


"I don't mind; it'll be fine." I was really okay with it. I figured the guy already knew something about us, and I thought that Justin would actually feel safer if the guy was with us.

"Okay," Justin finally said, and waved towards the guy, who was now only about twenty feet away.

The guy came over and Justin said, "You can ride with us."

The three of us ended up getting in the back. I had thought he might have been able to ride with the driver, but I didn't mind. Justin sat in the middle with me on the driver's side and the other guy on the passenger side.

I gave the driver an address and then I turned to Justin. "Are you going to introduce us?" I asked, indicating the guy sitting next to him.

"Oh sure, ahh Ethan this is Eric, Eric this is Ethan," and Justin smiled, though it was a little strained. I reached out my hand and Eric took it and we shook quickly.

We rode on in silence until we got to the address. As we hopped out Justin looked across the street and a huge smile came to his face. We were just across from the golf range.

"So what are we going to do?" he asked innocently.

"I had the urge for pizza," I said casually, indicating a restaurant down the street. Then I laughed. "Oh I just thought you needed to whack your balls for a bit," I whispered. I didn't want Eric to hear me, though he had already moved a short distance away from us and was scanning the area.

Before we went further I had to tell Justin something. "I hope you don't mind, but I had to use your name to get in. It's kind of difficult to just turn up and get a space." Justin looked at me, the smile still wide.

"That's okay."

"Good. I just felt a little uncomfortable waving your name about...though I figured it was for a good cause."

Justin nodded. He was itching to get into the place. I could have told him I was going to pour chocolate sauce all over him and lick it off right there and he would have agreed to it.

"Come on Turbo," I said and we crossed the street and went inside.

We only had one stall, but that was fine. Justin did most of the hitting. I got in quite a few shots and we were both surprised at how much I'd improved since the last time we did it. As long as Justin didn't try and give me tips I was pretty consistent too.

We'd been there a while when Justin looked at his watch and went "Oh oh."

"What?" I asked.

"I only have another want to wrap this up and do something else?"

I looked at him and shrugged. "This is fun, why don't we just stay here?"

Justin grinned and then laughed. "You don't have to do this for me. I want to do something you'll enjoy too."

I stepped up closely to him so I could talk without someone over hearing us.

"I like watching you when you're happy. I'm having a great time," I said.

Justin smiled at me nervously, looked around to make sure no one could see us, and quickly leaned in and kissed me. I so much wanted it to last, but we couldn't risk it and he pulled away. We stood there staring into each other's eyes, both smiling. Speaking nothing. Saying so much. I put my hand on the top of his head and gave it a quick rub, then punched his shoulder playfully and stepped back.

"Get swinging you, or I'm going to have to show you how it's done!"

"Yes sir!" he almost shouted, and started swinging again.

But it had to end eventually. And we found ourselves standing out on the street. Justin's minder was trying to flag down a cab for them, and Justin and I were standing together quietly. Unable to hug or kiss. Justin had his hood up and I could almost believe he was just some guy on the street.

"Sorry," he said quietly.


"Everything. I acted like a jerk...I don't know why you put up with me."

"'Cause I like you silly," I whispered. He grinned nervously.

"And now I'm running off again and I promised I was going to make it up to you last time..."

"I had a great time. I'm just so happy you came and that you came to the reading. That's okay. Okay?"


"So any idea when you'll be back?" I asked.

"No. Do you know when you're coming out to LA again?"

"No, postponed again," I said sadly.

Justin nodded and we just stood there staring into each other's eyes. I saw that the guy had a cab waiting, but he just stood beside the open door, not hurrying us.

Justin cleared his throat. "Are you doing anything the week after next?"

"Nope," I said, wondering what he had in mind.

Justin paused for a moment, obviously thinking. "A few of us...some friends...we've rented a house down on the's a big beach house. We're all going to go and hang out."

"Sounds like fun," I said.

"You could come if you wanted."

"Ahh...I don't know Justin." I thought about it. Spending time with Justin was appealing, but doing it with a bunch of his friends? That sounded like a recipe for disaster. I was pretty sure Justin wouldn't want them to know. I didn't think I could be around Justin and pretend to be 'just friends' for any sizeable period of time.

"Well think about it," he said, "and we'll talk about it. Okay?"

"Yeah...," I looked at him, "Justin, I'd love to spend time with you...I just think it might be really hard for me to hide the fact that I...that I like you so much."

Justin's eyes narrowed a little when I said 'like,' but then his grin got wider and he seemed almost relieved. "We'll talk about it, okay? Don't say 'no' just yet."

"Okay," I said.

He drew me into a quick hug and then he turned and went over to the cab.

The bodyguard climbed in first and then Justin turned and called out "I'll call you!" He smiled and waved, then climbed in and the cab drove off.

Justin called me late the following night. I was asleep when the phone rang.


"Ethan?" he said, "It's me. You awake?"

"Why do people always call me when I'm asleep and ask me that?"

"Well I'm conducting a survey," he laughed.

"You are?"

"Yes, I'm calling New Yorkers to see whether they're asleep. This is important research."

"Sure, asshole. What are you up to?"

"Just about to go to sleep," he said, sounding anything but sleepy.

"Yeah? So you called to wake me up first? What time is it?" I turned to look at my clock. "Shit! Justin! It's one o'clock."

"Sorry," he said, "but I missed you and wanted to talk to you."

"Well when you say nice things to me you're forgiven. So you had a hard day?"

"Yeah. I had a long day, just got home, took a shower and now I'm lying in bed and I thought I'd call my boyfriend and we could go to sleep together."

"So why you calling me? He not in?"

"You're funny!" he grumbled. "That could almost pass for humor in some places."

"I try. I know it doesn't take much to amuse you," I joked.

"Thanks!" he laughed. "So what have you been doing since yesterday?"

"Not much," I said.

"Tell me about it," he said.

"Well, just after you left I met this really cute blond..."

"You wish!"

"Okay, so I went home and couldn't think what to have for dinner so I..." and I proceeded to walk through the past 24 hours. At the end of it there was silence on the line.


"I'm here."

"You're kind of quiet," I said. "Did I bore you to sleep?"

"I was just lying here listening," he said, his voice thick.

"Just listening huh?"

There was an embarrassed laugh.

"What are you doing?" I said. "You haven't been entertaining yourself have you?"

Justin giggled, and then snickered "Maybe."

"Get your hands off Mr. Happy," I said. "You have to tell me about what you've been up to."

"I'd rather talk about what I'm 'up' for now," he said.

"Whatever," I answered.

We lay there in silence for a minute.

"Ethan," he began.

"Yeah Justin," I replied.

"You thought about next week?"

"Next week?" I hadn't given it another thought after he'd mentioned it.

"What do you think about it?" he asked. "It'd be fun. You going to come down?"

"Tell me about this again."

"Well it's...a bunch of us are renting a house know...going to hang out."

"Right...but don't you think it's going to be awkward?" I asked.


"You know," I said laughing a little.

"Well...we'd just have to be...careful."

"Justin, I told you'd I'd love to spend time with you, but I don't know how easy it's going to be being 'careful' around you for that long. It's one thing to spend an afternoon at a golf range, another thing to spend several days, you know?"

"Then just come for a couple of days," Justin countered.

"It'd be torture Justin."

"But we can go off and do things together," he persisted.

"I don't think..."

"Just come for a couple of days...three'll be great!"

" would I get there?" my resolve was weakening.

"Fly down, or rent a car. I'll pay for it."

"You don't have to do that," I protested, but as I thought about it I started to think that I could drive down and on the way back I could stop in and see my cousin who lives in Washington. If things were really bad I could skip out after a couple of days and spend them with my cousin. Washington's a fun place to explore and I hadn't seen my cousin in ages.

"I'll think about it Justin, I'm not promising anything."

"Okay...just think about it, and I'll call you back in a couple of hours."

"Don't you dare!" I said.

"Yeah, yeah," he laughed. "So what are you wearing?" he asked me, changing the subject.

"Ah...shorts and T-shirt. What are you wearing?"

"Me? Lil'le ol' me? I'm wearing nuthin'! I'm buuutt nakid!"

"Thousands of girls are wet right now dreaming about that," I teased.

"There's only one person I wanna get wet wid' tonight and that's you man."

"So how are you going to do that?"

"I'm going to tell you all about what I'm doing," he whispered.

"Oh you are?" I smiled.

"Yeah, I'm..." and he grunted, and the phone rumbled and then there was a long pause and he said, "Sorry."

"What'd you do?" I asked laughing.

"I dropped the phone. Hang on."

"Justin? Hello?" I lay there holding the phone, "What is that boy doing?" I asked no one in particular.

There was a click and then "Hey, I'm back."

"Great. What were you doing?"

"I was getting the headset for the phone. Now I can talk 'hands free,'" he said in a sexy voice, "so there's double the fun!"

"You little Casanova you!"

"You sayin' I'm little?" he said in a loud, exaggeratedly angry voice.

"No, I'm betting you're really big right now...for you."


"So tell me what you're doing right now."

"Uh, well I'" and he trailed off.

"Why don't I tell you what I'd be doing to you if I was there..." I suggested.

"Okay," he whispered, the shiver evident in his voice.

"I think first I'd take a finger and slowly run it down your chest...over your belly button...then down slowly...slowly between your legs, along your thighs...then I'd run that finger slowly up to your balls, and then finger you a bit...that feel good?"

"Yeah...that's good..." Justin whispered.

"Then I'd run that finger slowly...slowly up from the base of your balls...slowly...all the way up to the tip of your hard, hot, cock."


"Then I'd slowly run that finger around the ridge of the head, slipping up to the opening to wipe off some of the precum...are you dripping yet?"

"Yeah..." Justin breathed.

"and slide that slippery finger back to the ridge, slowly going round and round that base of the head."


"Then with my other hand I'd feel your balls...I'd take my fingers and gently hold your sack, squeezing so I can feel your nuts sliding about in it. So later I can feel them drawing up, as you going to shoot baby?"


"Oh baby, I just like to feel you squirming under my touch, your body tightening and slackening, you squeezing your eyes tight and your toes curling up..."


"Maybe I'd be stroking you now, wrapping my fingers around that beautiful dick of yours...that beautiful hot cock of yours...slowly moving my hand up and down. Up and down, up and down. Feeling how hot and hard and smooth you are..."

"Faster..." he whispered into the phone.

"Faster baby? You got to go faster?"


"You squeezing it harder? You stroking faster now? Up and down that hot shaft? You feeling your balls too? You going to cum? When are you going to cum? I want you to cum hard baby...come on baby you can do going to do it for me?"


"Soon? You must be really getting into it now baby. Stroke it faster...cum for me Justin...come on Turbo...cum for me..."

"I'm gonna..."

"Oh man, come on! Stroke it baby."


"Cum baby!"


"Oh cum man! Shoot it!"

"Shit! Ahhh! Uhhhh! Fuck!"

Justin yelped and groaned. God he was a screamer. I hoped no one was staying with him. Which only made me think about whether there were others in his life.

Justin's breathing, hard and heavy in the phone, started to slow as he returned to earth.

"Shit!" he groaned. "Shit! That was good."

I lay there listening to him. I was slowly stroking myself and I knew I wasn't too far from cuming myself.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah," he breathed. "That's...that was good."

"Glad you liked it. And I thought you didn't like masturbation," I teased.

"Oh God!' he whined. "You read that?"

"No, Tony called me up and told me about it."

"Some friend," Justin said. He was still breathing heavily. Almost gasping out the words.

"Don't worry about it," I said. "I'm not going to believe what I hear or read about you, okay?"


"I've been misquoted in newspapers myself. I don't believe what I read!"


"All right?"

"Yeah," he whispered sexily into the phone. "So now it's your turn."

"My turn huh?"

"Oh yeah!" he said, and he started to whisper sexily into my ear.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 8

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