All the Ways I Love You

By Jason Calme

Published on Mar 28, 2003


All the Ways I Love You

This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behavior of the actual person.

Copyright 2003 Jason Calme. This story is the sole property of its author and may not be copied in whole or in part or posted on any website without the permission of the author.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "".

Chapter 26

I stood there in a daze. It probably took me something close to a millisecond to realize that I had to do something. I ran back in my room and grabbed the key card off the dresser, then ran out the door after Justin. Coming down the hall I didn't want to call his name and draw attention to us, but I was worried he'd get away too. Luckily, when I got to the elevator lobby, he was still standing there waiting for it to arrive.

As I came up to him he turned and stared at me. His eyes widened a bit when he realized I was just in my boxers and t-shirt.

"Justin, we need to talk!" I said.

"I don't think so," he said matter-of-factly.

"Look, this sounds ridiculous actually saying this, but it's not what you think," I began.

"It's not huh?" he hissed. "You don't have a guy in your room? In your bed? Is that what it's not?"

"Justin please! Just give me a chance okay? Can we please go back to the room and talk about this?"

"Forget it! Go back to your new boyfriend!" Justin spat at me.

The door to the elevator opened and he stepped inside. I stepped inside beside him.

"What are you doing?" he demanded.

"Coming with you," I said, holding the door open with my arm.

"You're in your underwear," he pointed out.

"Well come back to my room and I'll get changed."

"Just get out! Leave me alone, okay?" Justin whined. He seemed unsure of what to do. "I'll have the hotel security arrest you," he finally said.

"That'll look good in the papers. I can see it now; Timberlake has naked boyfriend arrested."

He fixed me with a stare. "Don't you ever think you can black mail me," he snapped.

I stepped back and gaped at him, "I was joking Justin. I'd never do know that...don't you?"

He just stared back at me coldly. The elevator door was beeping at us.

Finally I opened my mouth. "Maybe we were wrong about each other," I said sadly. I stepped out of the elevator and turned to watch as the door slid closed. He said nothing to me. No good bye, nothing.

Oh well, I thought.

I turned and went back to my room.

I checked on Jason and he was snoring. Shit! I thought. Now we were both on the rebound. We'd definitely have to have separate rooms tomorrow.

Shit! If Jason had arrived now I might have gone to bed with him. Then I realized that if Jason had arrived now, Justin and I would still be together.

Or not.

I'd been wrong about Justin. I could see that now.

I sat down, trying to get my head together, but tears were streaming down my face. How did this all get so fucked up? What had I done wrong? How could I have lost Justin?

There was a knock at the door.

I sat there thinking about it. Did I want to open the thing? I was pretty sure who it was...unless it was hotel management complaining about the fact I had been running around in my underwear.

I rubbed my arm over me face to mop up the worst of the tears and I went and opened the door. Justin was standing there. He stared at me. He looked as bad as I felt, which was pretty miserable.

It didn't seem like he knew what to say. Then he took a deep breath and quietly said, "Okay, you want to explain it to me?"

I looked at him, and for a moment I thought I'd just close the door in his face.

"I'm sorry I didn't give you a chance to," he added.

I nodded and stepped back, waving him in. He came in behind me and followed me into the room.

"That's Jason," I said.

Justin looked at him appraisingly. It wasn't a very pretty sight. Jason was passed out, his mouth open, snoring loudly. Justin looked him over and then back at me.

"He's drunk," I added. "Actually he came up here and threw up in the stinks in there if you want to check..."

Justin didn't move.

"I met him today, we had dinner together" I continued. "He's out from New York for auditions. He's gay, he just broke up with his boyfriend - this evening - and he made a pass at me when he came in here drunk."

I saw Justin's eyes widen just a little, but I pushed on.

"I told him I couldn't because I was in a relationship with someone," and I looked up at Justin nervously. He didn't react. "Absolutely nothing happened Justin, though he's cute and I have to admit I kind of left him after dinner because I was worried I was a little attracted to him."

Justin stared at me.

I shrugged. "Thought I better tell you everything."

Justin just stood there, and I stared at him, waiting for some reaction, but it didn't come.

"Well don't just stand there," I finally snapped.

"Okay," he said, finally smiling a little. He looked down at the hand that was holding the flowers and held them up. "These were...are for you," he said, "I...I'm sorry about what happened yesterday. I know I handled it's just I...," he hesitated obviously torn, and now his eyes were watering. "She's my Mom Ethan...I just want the two most important people in my life to like each other and...and I..." and he was standing there and he was crying like a little kid.

How could I be mad at him now? I put my arms around him and he put his around me and he hugged my tightly.

"I'm sorry," he whispered into my ear.

"I'm sorry too."

"When I told my Mom what I'd done, she thought I was stupid too!" he half laughed, half sobbed.

"Hey," I said, "so your Mother and I have two things in common!" I joked.

"Two things?"

"Well we both love you," I said, kissing him on the cheek.

He laughed, and I squeezed him and rocked him from side to side.

"So my Mom said she'd stay at a hotel."

"I've already got a room," I said, "admittedly it's a little crowded at the moment."

Justin pulled back and looked into my eyes, smiling.

"I really fucked up this week," he said sadly.

"It's okay. We can still have a great time," I said, believing it.

"Mom's just staying for a couple of days, and I cancelled with Britney."

"You didn't have to do that," I protested. "You and your Mother could have had dinner with her."

Justin frowned. "I can't do that to you! Anyway, my Mom thought it was a bad idea, and even Britney thought it was dumb, so everything I've planned this week has been a complete fuck up. I ruined everything," and he looked down sadly.

"No baby," I said pulling him close to me. "Everything's going to be great. Tomorrow, after my meeting, I'll come over and meet your mother and we'll have dinner. Then we still have the weekend to spend together...and I want to finish that massage you started."

He looked into my eyes and smiled.

"Love you Turbo," I whispered and kissed him quickly on the nose. He grinned and leaned into me and kissed me. We pulled each other close together and started rubbing our hands up and down over each other, and I felt him starting to grind into me.

"Hey Turbo! There's someone else in here you know," I teased.

"Why don't you come back to the house?" he whispered.

"I can't. You know why. And besides, I can't leave Jason like this."

Justin rolled his eyes. "How about I get another room?" he said in a suggestive voice, his eyebrows wagging a little.

"Justin, I can't leave him."

"He's drunk...passed out."

"But what if he wakes up in the middle of the night and is upset?"

Justin looked a little angry and I wondered if he was thinking I was really up to something with Jason. I stared levelly back at him and his expression softened.

"Okay," he said finally, and he started pulling off his sweatshirt.

"What are you doing?" I asked hesitantly.

"Getting ready for bed," he said, as though it was perfectly obvious, sitting down to pull off his shoes.

"Getting ready for bed?" I repeated.

"Yeah...I'm staying here tonight."

"You are?" I said ruefully.

"You don't think I'm letting my boyfriend sleep in a room alone with that cute little piece of ass do you?" he said, gesturing towards Jason.

I sat down beside him. "I only want your cute little ass," I said, pushing my upturned hand under his butt and squeezing as he wiggled around.

"Yeah, yeah," he giggled, standing and undoing his pants.

"But Justin, what are you going to do...he's going to know who you are."

Justin shrugged. "You think he'll go blabbing?"

"Ah...I don't think so...but I don't know so...I mean I don't know him that well. We just had dinner you know."

"I'll risk it," he said. He was in his underwear now, and he pulled back the covers and looked as though he was going to hop in.

"You want to wash up?" I asked?

"Ah...yeah," he said thoughtfully.

"I have a toothbrush I haven't used," I offered.


He walked back to the bathroom, and I watched him as he went, watching the cheeks of his ass in the tight white boxer briefs. Okay, I thought, I had to get me a piece of that, and I got up and followed him into the bathroom, closing the door behind me as I went in.

Justin was standing looking at my toiletries on the counter. He looked up in the mirror as I closed the door and stared at me. He smiled.

"What, no privacy?" he asked.

"I saw something I wanted," I said, and reached forward and placed my hands on his butt, rubbing up and down.

"Careful man, you'll get me excited."

"That's the idea," I said, and I slid my hands up to his lower back and then down under the waste band of his underwear, slipping my hands under and cupping the cheeks of his ass in my hands.

"Ah...Ethan, we can't..." and he paused as I slowly slid my hands around his hips so that they were in the front of him, and I pushed down and grasped his cock and felt it thickening in my hands. He shivered and it grew hard in about ten seconds.

I stepped up so that I was rubbing against his back.

"What can't we do?" I whispered into his ear.

"Oh man!" he groaned, pushing back into me and then rocking back and forth, getting into my masturbation of him. "Ok...ok..." he grunted, and I realized he was already close to cuming. Turbo went from 0 to 60 in about a minute flat. I slowed down my stroking, wanting to make it last, but Justin's hands came down and griped mine through the cloth of his underwear, urging me on to squeeze him a little harder and to speed up my stroking, while his hips continued to rock back and forth.

"Slow down baby," I urged.

"No...faster! Faster!" he panted. "I gotta...I gotta...ahh...ahh" and I guessed it was going to be a quick one after all.

With my left hand I shoved down the front of his underwear, while continuing to stroke him with my right. Justin straightened up against me, his body taught, and he groaned long and loud, "Ahhhh," and his back arched and he was on his toes. I ran my left hand quickly up his chest, pulling him towards me, my right hand continuing to stroke him.

"Faster...faster" he urged and I went a little faster, squeezing a little harder, and then I felt him jerk. A sudden quick spasm and he grunted, his hips moving back and forth in a broken rhythm and I felt him cumming. He grunted with each spurt and then he seemed to fall slightly forward and I was holding onto him with my left arm, worried he was going to fall.

He stopped himself and ended up leaning forward, his hands on the counter, and I felt him still thrusting a few times into my hand, grunting a few more times, and then he suddenly twisted away from me and gasped, "Stop! Stop!"

I reluctantly let go of his penis, and he turned and was sliding down towards the floor but I caught him under the arms and pulled him up to me and hugged him tight. He babbled something into my ear and then sighed and just snuggled against me and I kissed him on the hair, just behind his ear. He made a happy noise and I rubbed my hands up and down his back.

After a couple of minutes Justin started to straighten up and I pulled back from him. He looked at me with a slightly embarrassed expression, and I smiled at him.

"You're cute!" I said and kissed him quick.

He blushed, and I knew he was going to protest, "Okay, you're beautiful," I added. "I love you," I whispered to him and I hugged him again.

He moved aside and I looked down at the counter. Puddles of cum were on the counter edge and in the sink. He'd not done a bad job of hitting the target I thought. Justin looked down at what he'd done and blushed again.

"You better clean that up squirt," I said, tickling his ribs and he giggled. Then he reached out and squeezed me through my underwear.

"I think there's something else we have to do first," he said, squeezing firmly, and I groaned.

"You've already made a huge mess," I kidded.

He smirked. "Well we'll just have to be more careful this time," he said, slowly sliding down my chest until his face was level with my expanding boxer shorts. He opened his mouth and leaned forward, stopping once he was against me and then starting to chew me through my underwear.

I shivered and he chewed a little more, his hands coming up and slowly pulling down my underwear. As my dick sprung free he quickly took it into his mouth, the hot warmth of his tongue rubbing just under the edge of the tip of my dick and making my toes curl. I groaned and almost fell over, the sensations so great, but Justin put up his hands to steady me.

Justin began to bob slowly up and down, his right hand moving down to grab me at the base, while his tongue danced around the head of my dick. I realized I hadn't cum in a day or so, and beating Justin off had got me pretty worked up. I idly thought about trying to make it last, but then I thought Justin would feel better if I came quickly too, and I really didn't want to wait either.

I put my hands down and rubbed them through the hair of his head, squeezing it between my fingers and feeling it, and that was all it took. After just a few more seconds I was falling over the edge, grunting and gasping and squirting into his mouth, my hips rocking back and forth.

I came back slowly to earth and looked down to see Justin looking up and smiling at me as though he'd won a prize. He stood up smirking.

"You didn't last long," he said playfully.

"That's 'cause you get me so fucking hot," I said, hugging him to me, and we stood there holding each other for a few moments.

"Let's wash up, huh?" I said, turning towards the counter and seeing Justin's cum. Justin went over and grabbed some toilet paper which he brought back and started wiping. I went and got some more paper and came back to help him.

"Seems a shame to waste it," I kidded, and I took a finger and dipped it into some of the cum and held up my finger, looking at it thoughtfully. It had cooled now, and I was no longer sexually excited so it was no longer exciting to me.

More of a curiosity really.

Justin looked at me curiously too, wondering what I was going to do, and I turned and tried to wipe my finger on his nose. He stepped back quickly, squealing a little, and I missed him. He jumped back against the wall before I could try again, his hands out.

"No you don't!" he said in a loud voice.

"Shhh," I said to him, and rubbed my finger in the toilet paper to clean it, and then tossed it into the toilet and flushed.

I turned on the tap and started to wash my hands, and Justin came towards me, throwing the toilet paper in his hand into the flushing toilet bowl.

As he stepped closer, I took my wet finger and ran it over his nose and he shrieked a tiny little squeal and laughed, realizing that it was water - not some other liquid - that I had put on his nose.

We brushed our teeth standing at the counter, occasionally rubbing against each other, and feeling warm and happy. Justin turned to use the toilet and stopped, a little embarrassed.

"What?" I asked.

"I've got to go..." he said looking at me, and I stood there watching him expectantly.

He waited.

I waited.

"Are you going to stay?" he asked finally.

"You going number 1 or number 2?" I asked with a grin.

"Ah..." he thought for a moment. "Get out" he finally said.

"But I wanna watch," I whined.

Justin went bright red, and shook his head.

"Come on, I'll go too," I said, and I stepped up to the toilet, waving him to stand beside me. He reluctantly stood next to me and just stood there. I pulled out my dick, but he didn't move.

"Well?" I said.

He just stood there. Then I put myself away and said, "Okay, it was just for fun...I'm not into water sports or anything...I just thought it'd be finish up and then I'll go."

He grinned nervously, and I stepped out and closed the door. A few minutes later he came out, still looking embarrassed, and I smiled at him and slipped inside, closing the door as I went, and finished up.

Things were great I thought to myself as I washed my face. I hadn't lost Justin!

But when I opened the bathroom door Justin was still standing there, looking forlorn.

"Hey baby," I said, pulling him into a hug.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, breathing hard.

"Oh baby, that was the best head I've ever had. You don't have to apologize for that!"

" know..."

"Oh Justin, I'm sorry, I was just wasn't sexual or anything...I'm sorry it embarrassed you."

He breathed out. "Okay," he said, sounding a little lost.

I pulled him into the bathroom and closed the door and he stiffened a little. "I just want to talk..." I explained, "with Jason out there I don't want to talk about too much in case he wakes up."

He nodded.

"Listen Justin, we've talked about this before," I began. He looked at me nervously. "Whether it's sex or whatever, and that wasn't, but maybe you thought it was...if you're uncomfortable with something I want you to feel comfortable enough to say you don't want to do it, and I don't want you being sorry for not doing it, Okay?"

Justin stood staring, and nodded a little bit, but didn't say anything.

"Okay?" I repeated softly.

"I just..." he began tentatively and trailed off, and I pulled him into a hug.

"Tell me baby," I whispered.

"I'm just scared I'm gonna lose you because I won' things."

"Oh Justin," I kissed him softly. "I'm so happy with you, I love everything we do, and I'm really, really happy with the sex." I kissed him. "You turn me on so fucking much Justin, don't you see that? I just have to hug you to cum!"

I looked at him and he smiled coyly, and nodded.

"You're so great in bed," I said hugging him and he smiled some more. "You're the best I've ever had."

He grinned. "You're just saying that," he laughed.

"Yeah, I am, but it happens to be true."

He nodded, but looked down. I keep forgetting that as confident as he is, he still needs reassurance sometimes.

"Okay?" I repeated.

"'s just...I know how difficult this all is for you," he began. "We aren't together much, and then I can be a real jerk sometimes, and I won't let you..." and he trailed off.

I wondered what to say. Better to be frank about it I thought.

"I don't care if I ever get to fuck your ass, Justin," I whispered into his ear. "And if you can't get that into your thick head then I'm going to have to put some serious hurt on," and I grabbed him through his shorts and squeezed.

"Okay," he grimaced a little, and I squeezed a little harder, though I knew I wasn't hurting him.

"We clear soldier?" I said in my best impression of Jack Nicholson.

"Crystal!" he half laughed, and I let go of his dick and hugged him.

"I love you Justin. There's so much of you I get to play with, that I like so much. And I just feel in tune with you. It's not just your body, it's you that gets me so hot."

He grinned.

"I mean I've dated guys who let me fuck their ass, and quite frankly, it wasn't that great. I mean, jerking off with you is ten times more erotic than that ever was!"

Justin laughed again, and I tickled him

"Hey!" he squealed.

I stopped and he straightened up and looked at me, a huge smile on his face, but love in his eyes.

"I love you Justin," I whispered.

"I love you too, Ethan," he whispered back.

We went back into the bedroom. Jason was now on his side and thankfully not snoring. Justin climbed into bed and I turned off the overhead light and climbed in beside him, turning off the bed light and snuggling close to him.

"Okay sweetheart?" I whispered.

"I love you," he said softly.

"I love me too," I said giggling, and kissing him again and again.

It was early in the morning and I heard someone moving around. I peeked out from under the covers and saw Jason stumbling towards the bathroom. I looked over at Justin and saw he'd woken up and was staring at me, the covers pulled up around his ears. I smiled at him. We could hear Jason pissing in the toilet. It went on and on and on, like the scene in the Austin Powers movie. Justin and I looked at each other and started to giggle. Finally it ended and there was a flush and I heard Jason coming back into the room.

I sat up a little to better see him. He looked at me and grinned nervously.

"Are you okay?" I asked, and he nodded. Then he looked at the lump that was beside me and glanced back at me with a questioning look.

"Boyfriend," I said softly, and Jason nodded and staggered to the bed and lay down. I looked over at Justin, who looked a little nervous, and I slid over to him.

"You want to go?" I whispered, but he shook his head and snuggled up to me and closed his eyes.

It was a little after 9 when we woke up again. I rolled over and stretched, and Justin opened his eyes. He really is a light sleeper.

He slid over to me and we kissed.

"Shall I order breakfast," I asked.

"Yeah," he nodded eagerly.

"You stay here," I smiled and rolled over and grabbed the phone off the nightstand. I looked over and saw Jason was awake, rubbing his eyes.

"Hey," I called to him. "You want something for breakfast?"

"Uhhh..." he groaned.

I took that as a maybe, and I called down and ordered coffee, juice, cereal and toast for us all.

Jason sat up on the edge of the bed, groaning and looked at me.

"You okay?" I asked.

"I feel like shit," he said.

"You look like shit," I laughed. "Why don't you go back to sleep?"

"Can't," he said. "Got an audition at 11."

"Oh," I said, feeling Justin tensing behind me.

"Hey Jason," I said. "I have to ask you to promise me something."

He looked back at me, a little dazed. "What?"

"It's about the lump beside me," I said, reaching back and poking Justin playfully. He yelped and I heard him burrow further under the covers.

"Wha...what?" he asked nervously, and I wondered for a moment what he must be thinking.

"It's nothing bad," I said hastily. "It's just you have to promise not to tell anyone about him, or us."

"Oh," he said, starting to understand.

"Is that okay?"

"Yeah...don't worry...I'd never out someone...and I wouldn't go to the Enquirer or something."

I guessed he was assuming it was someone famous.

"Okay," I nodded at him, and I turned to the lump lying beside me and pulled up the cover a bit. "So Mystery Guest, are you going to come out?" I said, and I saw Justin smiling up at me, though he still looked a little uneasy.

I turned back to Jason. "So Jason, this is Justin," I said before Justin had come up, and I saw Jason visibly trying to think who it might be. His eyes widened when Justin appeared.

"Uh Justin, this is Jason, the guy I didn't sleep with," I said.

Jason blushed a little when I said that.

Justin said "Hi," and reached out his hand and they shook hands.

"Uh...uh..." Jason almost choked, and he looked at Justin and then at me, and then stuttered out, "We...ah...we didn't do anything." He looked a little panicked.

"Yeah, I know," said Justin in a friendly tone, and Jason smiled. "Just as well though," Justin added, and Jason's smile froze.

"Well you better shower," I said to Jason. "If you look in the toiletry bag you'll find some aspirin too, which might help the headache."

Jason nodded at me, and then to Justin, and disappeared into the bathroom.

I looked at Justin and he had a huge smile on his face.

"Well I guess he wasn't expecting that," Justin laughed.

Breakfast arrived and we all ate in the bedroom, Jason rather quiet, but answering the few questions Justin and I threw at him. Jason couldn't seem to bring himself to ask Justin anything, and just sat there quietly. I wanted so much to kiss and cuddle with Justin, but felt it was probably best not to do so in front of Jason. I figured that if Justin didn't flip out, Jason might.

I tried to talk to Jason about his boyfriend, but he seemed inclined to forget about it. I knew that they'd had difficulties...maybe he had just been shocked about how it happened, rather than upset about the final outcome? Hopefully he'd be okay.

When we were finished, and Justin had slipped into the bathroom to take a shower, Jason said good-bye to me, apologizing again for making a pass at me. I dismissed his apology and insisted that he call me when he got back to New York and we would get together. I told him he could tell me about the rest of the trip. He agreed and then left after giving me a quick hug. He had to go get changed, and gather his stuff together as he was checking out and moving to another hotel after the audition.

Once Jason had gone, I turned my attention to the man in the bathroom. I slipped inside and undressed. Justin was washing his hair and didn't notice I was there until I slid the shower door open.

"That better be Ethan," he said in a joking tone.

"Oh, you're no fun," I said in my Jack Nicholson voice, and he laughed.

"Man, that so does not turn me on!" he said, and he turned and we hugged closely.

It was the best shower I've ever taken. We took turns to wash each other's bodies all over, giving special care and attention to all the special places.

We were getting pretty horny by the end, and it might have ended up in some really hot sex if Justin hadn't suddenly turned the water to cold.

"Hey!" I yelped.

"No sex for you," he laughed. "You've got to save it for the interview."

"Spoil sport," I retorted.

"Well if you do well, you get to play some more tonight."

"And if I don't do well?" I asked.

"You get spanked...and then you get to play some more tonight."

"Hmm..." I said, "that's a hard choice. Are you sure the spanking comes with the 'not doing well' choice?" and I wagged my eyebrows at him.

"Pervert!" he said good-naturedly, and hopped out. I followed him, each of us grabbing a towel and using it to dry the other. When I started to rub him just a little too much he pushed me away, though I noticed his dick jump just a little, and I wondered if I couldn't get a little something this morning.

All that was ruined by the sound of knocking on the door.

"I think that's our door," he said.

"Must be room service looking for the cart?" I suggested, and I pulled on a robe and went out to the room, pulling the bathroom door closed behind me. I went to the door and looked through the peep hole.

Jason was standing on the other side, looking nervous. I opened the door.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Problem," he replied, stepping inside.


"There are reporters down stairs. They know Justin came here and they have his car staked out too."

------------------------------- To be continued...

My other stories:

High School: Do What You Can

Celebrity: Boy Bands: Birthday Blues

Next: Chapter 27

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